Appl Intell DOI 10.1007/s10489-016-0763-5 A novel semi-supervised fuzzy clustering method based on interactive fuzzy satisficing for dental x-ray image segmentation Tran Manh Tuan1 · Tran Thi Ngan1 · Le Hoang Son2 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 Abstract Dental X-ray image segmentation has an important role in practical dentistry and is widely used in the discovery of odontological diseases, tooth archeology and in automated dental identification systems Enhancing the accuracy of dental segmentation is the main focus of researchers, involving various machine learning methods to be applied in order to gain the best performance However, most of the currently used methods are facing problems of threshold, curve functions, choosing suitable parameters and detecting common boundaries among clusters In this paper, we will present a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm named as SSFC-FS based on Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing for the dental X-ray image segmentation problem Firstly, features of a dental X-Ray image are modeled into a spatial objective function, which are then to be integrated into a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model Secondly, the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method, which is considered as a useful tool to solve linear and nonlinear multi-objective problems in mixed fuzzystochastic environment, is applied to get the cluster centers and the membership matrix of the model Thirdly, theoretically validation of the solutions including the convergence rate, bounds of parameters, and the comparison with solutions of other relevant methods is performed Lastly, a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm that uses an iterative strategy from the formulae of solutions is designed This new algorithm was experimentally validated and compared with the relevant ones in terms of clustering quality on a real dataset including 56 dental X-ray images in the period 2014–2015 of Hanoi Medial University, Vietnam The results revealed that the new algorithm has better clustering quality than other methods such as Fuzzy C-Means, Otsu, eSFCM, SSCMOO, FMMBIS and another version of SSFC-FS with the local Lagrange method named SSFC-SC We also suggest the most appropriate values of parameters for the new algorithm Keywords Clustering quality · Dental X-Ray image segmentation · Fuzzy stochastic programming · Interactive fuzzy satisficing · Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering Abbreviation Le Hoang Son Spatial constraints Tran Manh Tuan Tran Thi Ngan University of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen University, Quyet Thang, Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam FCM SSFC-SC FS LA Refer to the conditions regarding dental structure of a dental X-ray image Some similar terms are: “spatial features”, “dental feature” Fuzzy C-Means Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering algorithm with Spatial Constraints Fuzzy Satisficing method Lagrange method T M Tuan et al SSFC-FS Membership matrix/degrees eSFCM LBP RGB DB SSWC PBM IFV BH VCR BR TRA SSCMOO FMMBIS Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering algorithm with Spatial Constraints using Fuzzy Satisficing method Refer to the level that a data point belongs to a given cluster Semi-supervised Entropy regularized Fuzzy Clustering Local Binary Patterns Red-Green-Blue Davies-Bouldin validity index Simplified Silhouete Width Criterion validity index A validity index A spatial validity index Ball and Hall index Calinski - Harabasz index The Banfeld - Raftery index Difference-like index Semi-Supervised Clustering technique using MultiObjective Optimization Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology for Biological Image Segmentation Introduction One of the most interesting topics in medical science, especially practical dentistry, is the segmentation problem from a dental X-Ray image This kind of segmentation was used to assist the discovery of odontological diseases such as dental caries, diseases of pulp and periapical tissues, gingivitis and periodontal diseases, dentofacial anomalies, and dental age prediction It was also applied to tooth archeology and automated dental identification systems [31] for examining surgery corpses from complicated criminal cases Because of the special structure and composition, tooth cannot be easily destroyed even in severe conditions such as bombing, blasts, water falling, etc Thus, it brings valuable information to those analyses, and is of great interests to researchers and practicians of how such the information can be discovered from an image without much experience of experts [27] This demand relates to the so-called accuracy of dental segmentation, which requires various machine learning methods to be applied in order to gain the best performance [8–13, 15] Figure shows the result of dental segmentation where the blue cluster in the segmented image may correspond to a dental disease that needs special treatments from clinicians The more accurate the segmentation the more efficiently patients could receive medical treatment There are many different techniques used in dental Xray image segmentation, which can be divided into some strategies [5, 20, 30]: i) applying image processing techniques such as thresholding methods, the boundary-based and the region-based methods; ii) applying clustering methods such as Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) The first strategy either transforms a dental image to the binary representation through a threshold or uses a pre-defined complex curve to approximate regions A typical algorithm belonging to this strategy is Otsu [26] However, a drawback of this group is how to define the threshold and the curve, which are quite important to determine main part pixels especially in noise images [38] On the other hand, the second strategy utilizes clustering, e.g Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) [3] to specify clusters without prior information of the threshold and the curve But again, it meets challenges in choosing parameters and detecting common boundaries among clusters [4, 21, 22, 33] This raises the motivation of improving these methods, especially the clustering approach, in order to achieve better performance of segmentation An observation in [2, 39] revealed that if additional information is attached to clustering process then the clustering quality is enhanced This is called the semi-supervised fuzzy clustering where additional information represented in one of the three types: must-link and cannot link constraints, class labels, and pre-defined membership matrix is used to orient the clustering For example, if we know that a region represented by several pixels definitely corresponds to gingivitis then those pixels are marked by the class label Other pixels in the dental image are classified with the support of known pixels; thus making the segmentation more accurate In fuzzy clustering, the pre-defined membership matrix is often opted to be the additional information For this kind of information, the most efficient semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm is Semi-supervised Entropy regularized Fuzzy Clustering algorithm (eSFCM) [40], which integrates prior membership matrix ukj into objective function of the semi-supervised clustering algorithm Our idea in this research is to design a new semisupervised fuzzy clustering model for the dental X-ray image segmentation problem This model takes into account the prior membership matrix of eSFCM and provides a new part regarding dental structures in the objective function The new objective function consists of three parts: the standard part of FCM, the spatial information part, and the additional information represented by the prior membership matrix It, equipped with constraints, forms a multi-objective optimization problem In order to solve the problem, we will utilized the ideas of Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method [19, 23, 32] which is considered a Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Fig a A dental image; b The segmented image useful tool to solve linear and nonlinear multi-objective problems in mixed fuzzy-stochastic environment wherein various kinds of uncertainties related to fuzziness and/or randomness are presented [6] The outputs of this process are cluster centers and a membership matrix A novel semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm, which is in essence an iterative method to optimize the cluster centers and the membership matrix, is presented and evaluated on the real dental X-ray image set with respect to the clustering quality The new clustering algorithm can be regarded as a new and efficient tool for dental X-Ray image segmentation From this perspective, our contributions in this paper are summarized as follows a) Modeling dental structures or features of a dental XRay image into a spatial objective function; b) Design a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model including the objective function and constraints for the dental X-ray image segmentation; c) Solve the model by Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method to get the cluster centers and the membership matrix; d) Theoretically examine the convergence rate, bounds of parameters, and the comparison with solutions of other relevant methods; e) Propose a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm that segments a dental X-Ray image by the formulae of cluster centers and membership matrix above; f) Evaluate and compare the new algorithm with the relevant ones in terms of clustering quality on a real dataset including 56 dental X-ray images in the period 2014– 2015 of Hanoi Medial University, Vietnam Suggest the most appropriate values of parameters for the new algorithm The rests of this paper are organized as follow: Section gives the background knowledge regarding literature review and the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method Section presents the main contributions of the paper Section shows the validation of the new algorithm by experimental simulation Finally, Section gives conclusions and highlight further works Preliminary In this section, we firstly present details of two typical relevant methods namely Otsu and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) as well as the most efficient semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm – eSFCM in Section 2.1 A summary of the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method is given in Section 2.2 2.1 Literature review In the previous section, we have mentioned two approaches for the dental X-Ray image segmentation Regarding the first one, the most typical method namely Otsu [26] recursively divides an image into two separate regions according to a threshold value Descriptions of Otsu are shown in Table Similarly, Table shows the descriptions of FCM Table The Otsu method Input Output Otsu: A dental X-ray image and MaxStep A binary image Choose an estimation for the threshold initialization T (0) , t = Repeat t=t+1 A partition image into groups for R1 , R2 (On the threshold T (0) ) (t) (t) Calculate the average gray scale value μ1 , μ2 of groups R1 , R2 (t) (t) Select the new threshold formula T (t) = 12 (μ1 + μ2 ) (t) (t−1) (t) (t−1) Until μ1 = μ1 , μ2 = μ2 or t = MaxStep T M Tuan et al Table Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) Dataset X includes N elements in r-dimension space; Number of clusters C; fuzzier m; threshold; the largest number of iterations MaxStep Output Membership matrix U and centers of clusters V FCM: t=0 (t) ukj ← random; k = 1, N ; j = 1, C satisfy the conditions: Table Semi-supervised entropy regularized fuzzy clustering algorithm Input C ukj ∈ [0, 1]; Vj = k=1 C um kj Xk k=1 um kj Datasets X includes N elements; the number of clusters C; C additional membership matrix U satisfying: j =1 C Xk −Vj Xk −Vi OP = N j =1 k=1 u2kj xk − v¯ j xk − v¯ j T e −λ Xk −Vj C A e−λ Xk −Vi A 1− C uki i=1 i=1 Compute Vj(t+1) 6: N k=1 ukj Xk N k=1 ukj Vj = 7: The Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method was applied to many programming problems such as: linear programming [19], stochastic linear programming [28] and mixed fuzzystochastic programming [19] In those problems, multiobjective objective functions are considered The basic idea of Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method is: Firstly, separate each part of the multi-objective function and solve these isolated prolems via a suitable method After that, based on the solutions of the subproblems, build fuzzy satisficing functions for each subproblem Lastly, fomulate these isolated functions into a combination fuzzy satisficing function and solve the original problem by using an iterative scheme C ukj = ukj + Until U (t) − U (t−1) ≤ ε or t > MaxStep 2.2 The interactive fuzzy satisficing method N t=1 Repeat t=t+1 Compute ukj (k = 1, N ;j = 1, C) 2: 3: 4: 5: m−1 [3] which in essence is an iterative algorithm to calculate cluster centers and a membership matrix until stopping conditions are met However, those algorithms have drawbacks regarding the selection of the threshold value, choosing parameters and detecting common boundaries among clusters [12, 13, 15–17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 29, 34–36, 38, 41, 42] Thus, semisupervised fuzzy clustering especially the eSFCM algorithm [40] can be regarded as an alternative method to handle these limitations Table shows the steps of this algorithm However, this algorithm does not contain any information about spatial structures of an X-ray image and thus must be improved if applying to the dental X-Ray image segmentation problem u¯ kj ≤ 1; Thresholdε; the maximum number of iterations maxStep > Output Matrix U and cluster centers V eSFCM: 1: Calculate matrix P by given matrix U and the initial cluster centers v¯j Compute ukj (k = 1, N ; j = 1, C): ukj = i=1 ukj = Repeat t=t+1 Compute Vj(t) ; j = 1, C : C j =1 Input Until U (t) ; j = 1, C − U (t−1) ≤ ε or t > maxStep In the case of linear programming problems, consider a multi-objective function formed as follows p zi (x), (1) i=1 With x ∈ R n satisfying Ax ≤ b, A ∈ R m×n , b ∈ R m (2) To understand the interactive fuzzy satisficing schema, we have some definitions Definition ([19]: (Fuzzy satisficing function)) In a feasible region X, for each objective function zi , i = 1, p, the fuzzy satisficing function is defined as: zi − z i μi (zi ) = , i = 1, , p, (3) z¯ i − zi Where zi , z¯ i , i = 1, p are maximum and minimum values of zi in X Definition ([19]: (Pareto optimal solution)) In a feasible region X, a point x*∈X is said to be a MPareto optimal solution if and only if there does not exist another solution x ∈X such that μi (x) ≤ μi (x∗) for all i = 1, , p and μj (x) = μj (x∗) for at least one j ∈ {1, , p} The interactive fuzzy satisficing method consists of two parts: initialization and iteration as below: Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Initialization – The proposed method Solve subproblems below: zi (x), i = 1, , p, (4) satisfying constraints in (2) Suppose that we get optimal solutions x , , x p corresponding Compute values of objective functions zi , i = 1, p at p solutions and create a pay-off table After that, determine lower and upper bounds of zi Denote that: – z¯ i = max zi x j , j = 1, , p ; zi = zi x j , j = 1, , p , i = 1, , p (5) – Define fuzzy satisficing functions for each objective zi , i = 1, p by fomula: zi − z i μi (zi ) = , i = 1, , p z¯ i − zi (6) (r) Set Sp = x , , x p , r = 1, – = zi Iteration: Step 1: – Build a combination fuzzy satisficing function: Randomly selected b1 , , bp satisfying: a) Entropy: is used to measure the randomness level of achieved information within a certain extent and can be calculated by the formula below [14] (8) Solve the problem (7)–(8) with m constraints in (2) and p constraints in (9), we get optimal solutions x (r) (9) Step : – – Dental images are valuable for the analysis of broken lines and tumors There are four main regions in a panoramic image such as teeth and alveolar blood area, upper jaw, lower jaw and Temporomandibular Joint syndrome (TMJ) that should be detected for further diagnoses In what follows, we present existing image features and equivalent extraction functions that are applied to dental X-Ray images Lastly, the formulation of a spatial objective function for these features is given 3.1.1 Entropy, edge-value and intensity feature zi (x) ≥ zi , i = 1, , p – 3.1 Modeling dental structures u = b1 μ1 (z1 ) + b2 μ2 (z2 ) + + bp μp (zp ) (7) b1 + b2 + b3 = 1, ≤ b1 , b2 , b3 ≤ – In this section, we present the main contributions of this paper including: i) Modeling dental structures of a dental XRay image into a spatial objective function; ii) Designing a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model for the dental X-ray image segmentation; iii) Proposing a semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm based on the interactive fuzzy satisficing method; iv) Examining the convergence rate, bounds of parameters, and the comparison with solutions of other relevant methods; v) Elaborating advantages of the new method Those parts are presented in sub-sections accordingly If μmin = {μi (zi ), i = 1, , p} > θ, with θ as a threshold then x (r) is not acceptable Otherwise, if x (r) ∈ / Sp then put x (r) on Sp In the case of needing to expand Sp then set r = r + and check these conditions: If r > L1 or after L2 consecutive iterations that Sp is not expanded (L1 , L2 has optional values) (r) then set = zi , i = 1, , p and get a random (r) index h in {1, 2, , p} to put ah ∈ zh , z¯ h Then return to Step In the case of not needing to expand Sp then go to Step Step 3: End of process L r (x, y) = − p (zi ) log2 p (zi ), (10) i=1 In which we have a random variable z, probability of ith pixel p(zi ), for all i = 1,2, , L and the number of pixels L) R (x, y) = r (x, y) max {r (x, y)} (11) b) Edge-value and intensity: these features measure the numbers of changes of pixel values in a region [14] w/2 w/2 e (x, y) = (12) b (x, y), p=− w/2 q=− w/2 b (x, y) = ∇f (x, y) = 1, 0, ∇f (x, y) ≥ T1 , ∇f (x, y) < T1 ∂g (x, y) ∂x + ∂g (x, y) ∂y (13) , (14) T M Tuan et al Where ∇f (x, y) is the length of gradient vector f (x, y), b (x, y) is a binary image and e (x, y) is intensity of the X-ray image respectively T1 is a threshold These features are normalized as: e (x, y) , (15) E (x, y) = max {e (x, y)} g (x, y) G (x, y) = (16) max {g (x, y)} 3.1.3 Red-green-blue - RGB This characterize for the color of an X-ray image according to Red-Green-Blue values For a 24 bit image, the RGB feature [43] is computed as follows (N is the number of pixels) hR,G,B [r, g, b] = N ∗ Pr ob {R = r, G = g, B = b} , (19) 3.1.2 Local binary patterns - LBP There is another way to calculate the RGB feature that is isolating three matrices hR [], hG [] and hB [] with values being specified from the equivalent color band in the image This feature is invariant to any light intensity transformation and ensures the order of pixel density in a given area LBP [1] is determined under following steps: 3.1.4 Gradient feature Select a × window template from a given central pixel Compare its value with those of pixels in the window If greater then mark as 1; otherwise mark as Put all binary values from the top-left pixel to the end pixel by clock-wise direction into a 8-bit string Convert it to decimal system LBP (xc , yc ) = s (gn − gc ) 2n , (17) This feature is used to differentiate various teeth’s parts such as enamel, cementum, gum, root canal, etc [7] The following steps calculate the Gradient value: Firstly, apply Gaussian filter to the X-ray image to reduce the background noises Secondly, Difference of Gaussian (DoG) filter is applied to calculate gradient of the image according to x and y axes Each pixel is characterized by a gradient vector Lastly, get the normalization form of the gradient vector and receive a 2D vector for each pixel as follows n=0 x≥0 (18) otherwise Where gc is value of the central pixel (xc , yc ) and gn is value of nth pixel in the window s(x) = m (x, y) = θ (z) = [sin α, cos α] , (20) where α is direction of the gradient vector For instance, length and direction of a pixel are calculated as follows (L (x + 1, y) − L (x − 1, y))2 + (L (x, y + 1) − L (x, y − 1))2 θ (x, y) = tan −1 (21) (L (x + 1, y + 1) − L (x − 1, y − 1)) (L (x + 1, y) − L (x − 1, y)) L (x, y, kσ ) = G (x, y, kσ ) ∗ I (x, y) 2 G (x, y, kσ ) = √ e− x +y / 2σ 2π σ (22) (23) (24) Where I(x,y) is a pixel vector, G(x,y,k) is a Gaussian function of the pixel vector, * is the convolution operation between x and y, θ1 is a threshold Where N C J2a = um j k Rj k , (26) k=1 j =1 3.1.5 Formulation of dental structure The spatial objective function is formulated as in equations below N J2 = J2a + J2b C J2b = (25) um jk k=1 j =1 l l wik i=1 (27) Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation The aim of J2a is to minimize the fuzzy distances of pixels in a cluster so that those pixels will have high similarity Fuzzy distance Rik is defined as, Rik = xk − vi − αe ˜ −SIik (28) , Where α˜ ∈ [0, 1] is the controlling parameter When α˜ = 0, the function (28) returns to the traditional Euclidean distance xk is kth pixel, and vi is ith cluster center The spatial information function SI ik is shown in (29) N1 SIki = j =1 uj k = 1; ∀k = 1, N Where uj i is the membership degree of data point Xi to cluster jth The distance dj k is the square Euclidean function between (xk , yk ) and (xj , yj ) The meaning of this function is to specify spatial information relationship of k th pixel to i th cluster since this value will be high if its color is similar to those of neighborhood and vice versa The inverse function dj−1 k is used to measure the similarity between two data points The aim of J2b is to minimize the features stated in Sections 3.1.1– 3.1.4 for better separation of spatial clusters l is the number of features and belongs to [1, 4] In the case that we use all features, l = wi is the normalized value of features, pwi , (30) wi = max {pwi } Where pwi (i = 1, , 4) is the value of dental features stated in Sections 3.1.1 – 3.1.4 It is obvious that the new spatial objective function in (25) combines the dental features and neighborhood information of a pixel 3.2 A new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model In this section, we present a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model for dental X-Ray image segmentation problem The model is given in equations below uj k ∈ [0, 1] ; (32) ∀k = 1, N, ∀j = 1, C It is obvious that in (31), the first part is the objective function of FCM [3] It contains standard information of object function in fuzzy clustering C u2j k Xk − Vj (33) k=1 j =1 (29) dj−1 k with j =1 J1 = , j =1 C N dj−1 k uj i N1 With the constraint: The second and third parts are contained in the spatial objective function in (25) The last part relates to the semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model wherein additional information represented in prior membership matrix uj k is taken into the objective function N C J3 = uj k − uj k m Xk − Vj (34) k=1 j =1 According to [40], uj k satisfies the following constraint: C uj k ≤ 1; ∀k = 1, N with uj k ∈ [0, 1] ; j =1 ∀k = 1, N, ∀j = 1, C (35) In the paper [40], the authors did not show any method to determine this kind of additional information Thus, in order for better implementation, we propose a method to specify the prior membership matrix for dental X-Ray image segmentation as follows uj k = when when αu1 , αu2 , u1 ≥ u2 , u1 < u2 (36) Where α ∈ [0, 1] is the expert’s knowledge with α = implying that the additional value ukj is not necessary for the entire clustering process u1 is the final membership matrix taken from FCM on the same image u2 is calculated as follows l N wi C J = um jk Xk − Vj u2 = + k=1 j =1 N C um j k Rj k + k=1 j =1 N um jk k=1 j =1 l uj k − uj k k=1 j =1 m Xk − Vj (37) wi i=1 l wik + i=1 C + l max N C + i=1 → (31) wi is the normalized value of features given in (30) It is clear that the problem in (31)–(32) is a multiobjective optimization problem Therefore, it is better if we apply the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method for this problem T M Tuan et al and membership degree: 3.3 The SSFC-FS algorithm In this section, we propose a novel clustering algorithm namely Semi-Supervised Fuzzy Clustering algorithm with Spatial Constraints using Fuzzy Satisficing (SSFC-FS) to find optimal solutions including cluster centers and the membership matrix for the problem stated in (31)–(32) The new algorithm which is based on the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method is presented as follows Analysis the problem In the previous section, we have defined the multi-objective function below J = J1 + J2 + J3 → Vj = um j k Xk − Vj u1j k N um j k Rj k N Rj2k + k=1 i=1 N λk = C j =1 m−1 m−1 m∗dj k (43) , 2 N (39) , C um jk k=1 i=1 C C J1 = l l um j k dj k (44) Min {J2 (u)}, u ∈ R C×N satisfies (32)} - Problem 2: l wik Let αj k = Rj2k + 1l i=1 l wki , k = 1, , N; j = 1, , C, we i=1 have: l wki um jk, (40) i=1 N C J2 = um j k αj k (45) k=1 j =1 C J3 = , Where dkj = Xk − Vj , k = 1, , N; j = 1, , C Rewrite objective function J1 as: + k=1 j =1 = m−1 k=1 j =1 C J2 = (42) , um jk −λk m ∗ dj k = k=1 j =1 N um j k Xk k=1 C J1 = k=1 N (38) Three single objectives are: N N uj k − uj k m Xk − Vj (41) k=1 j =1 Applying the Weierstrass theorem for this problem, the existence of optimal solutions is described as in Lemma Lemma The multi-objective optimization problem in (39)–(41) with the constraint in (32) has objective functions being continuous on a compact and not empty domain Thus this problem has global optimal solutions that are continuous and bounded Based on Lemma and the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method, we build a schema to find out the optimal solution of this problem as follow The optimal solutions are shown as follows u2j k = −βk m ∗ αj k m−1 βk = , C j =1 m∗αj k m−1 m−1 (46) - Problem 3: Min {J (u)}, u ∈ R C×N satisfies (32)} It is easy to find out cluster centers N Vj = uj k − u¯ j k k=1 N m Xk uj k − u¯ j k Finding optimal solutions: (47) m k=1 Initialization: Solve Lagrange method: the following subproblems by Objective function J3 can be rewritten as, N - Problem 1: Min{J1 (u)}, u ∈ R C×N satisfies (32)} From this problem, we get the formulas of cluster centers C J3 = uj k − uj k k=1 j =1 m dj k (48) Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation The optimal solution of this problem is u3j k which is computed by: ⎞m−1 ⎛ u3j k = −γk m ∗ dj k m−1 ⎜ ⎜ + u¯ j k , γk = ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ − u¯ j k C 1 ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ The objective function of this problem can be clearly written as, Y = j =1 (m∗dj k ) m−1 (49) From obtained optimal solutions of isolated problems, values of objective functions at these solutions are given in pay-off table (Table 4) b1 b2 b3 J1 + J2 + J3 z1 − z1 z2 − z2 z3 − z3 b3 z b1 z b2 z − + + z1 − z1 z2 − z2 z3 − z3 (58) Taking the derivative of (58), we obtain Denote that: z1 = {zt1 , t = 1, 2, 3} , z1 = max {zt1 , t = 1, 2, 3} , (50) z2 = {zt2 , t = 1, 2, 3} , z2 = max {zt2 , t = 1, 2, 3} , (51) z3 = {zt3 , t = 1, 2, 3} , z3 = max {zt3 , t = 1, 2, 3} , (52) (r) Sp = u1 , u2 , u3 , r = 1, = zi b1 b2 b3 ∂J1 ∂J2 ∂J3 ∂Y = + + ∂uj k z1 − z1 ∂uj k z2 − z2 ∂uj k z3 − z3 ∂uj k +ηk , j = 1, C, k = 1, N (53) (59) Iterative steps: Step 1: Fuzzy satisficing functions for each of subproblems are defined by, J3 − z J1 − z J2 − z ; μ2 (J2 ) = ; μ3 (J3 ) = μ1 (J1 ) = z1 − z1 z2 − z2 z3 − z3 (54) Based on these functions, we have the combination satisficing function: Y = b1 μ1 (J1 ) + b2 μ2 (J2 ) + b3 μ3 (J3 ) → min, For each of sets (b1 , b2 , b3 ) satisfying (56), we have an (r) optimal solution u(r) = uj k of this problem Step 2: – – (55) Where, b1 + b2 + b3 = and ≤ b1 , b2 , b3 ≤ (56) Then we solve the optimal problem with the objective function as in (55) and the constraints including original constraints (32) and additional constraints below (r) Ji (x) ≥ , i = 1, 2, (57) If μmin = {μi (Ji ), i = 1, , 3} > θ , with θ is an optional threshold then u(r) is not acceptable Otherwise, if u(r) ∈ / Sp then u(r) is put on Sp In the case of needing to expand Sp , set r = r + and check the conditions: If r >L1 or after L2 consecutive iterations that Sp is not expanded (L1 , L2 has optional values) then set (r) = zi , i = 1, 2, and get a random index h in {1, (r) 2, 3} to put ah ∈ zh , z¯ h Then return to step In the case of not needing to expand Sp then go to step Step 3: – – Table Pay-off table of interative fuzzy satisficing Objective – C×N Rejecting dominant solutions from Sp End of process J1 J2 J6 Lemma With the given parameter set (b1 , b2 , b3 ), the solution u(r) to minimize objective function Y in (58) are: uj k (1) z11 z12 z13 u(2) jk z21 z22 z23 (3) ∂Y b1 b2 b3 ∂J1 ∂J2 ∂J3 = + + ∂uj k z1 − z1 ∂uj k z2 − z2 ∂uj k z3 − z3 ∂uj k z31 z32 z33 functions Solutions uj k +ηk = 0, j = 1, C, k = 1, N, (60) T M Tuan et al (r) ⇔ (r) uj k = b3 z¯ −z3 (r) b1 z¯ −z1 × dj k × u¯ j k − (r) b3 z¯ −z3 + dj k + Proof This characteristic can easily be achieved based on constraints of uj k : (r) ηk (r) b2 z¯ −z2 , × αj k ≤ uj k ≤ 1, j = 1, C, k = 1, N j = 1, C, k = 1, N (r) b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 ×dj k ×u (r) (r) (r) b3 b1 b2 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 dj k + z¯ −z2 ×αj k C j =1 (r) ηk = 2× Secondly, we compare the solutions with those achieved by local Lagrange method Consider the optimization problem in (31)–(32), one can regard the function as a single objective and uses the Lagrange method to get the optimal solutions To differentiate with our approach in this paper, we name this method the local Lagrange It is easy to derive the following proposition −1 , C j =1 (r) (r) b3 b1 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 dj k + z¯ (r) b2 ×αj k −z2 k = 1, N , (61) Proposition The optimal solutions of the problem (31)– (32) are, N Vj = N (r) Vj = k=1 N k=1 (r) b1 z¯ −z1 × (r) b3 (r) uj k + z¯ −z (r) b1 z¯ −z1 × (r) uj k −uj k (r) b3 (r) uj k + z¯ −z Xk (r) uj k −uj k Property When b2 = 1, b1 = b3 = 0, the cluster centers are not defined Property Solution u(r) is continuous and bounded by (b1 , b2 , b3 ) Proposition For all values of (b1 , b2 , b3 ), from formulas of u(r) in (61) we have: + (r) b2 z¯ − z2 × αj k ≤ j = 1, C, k = 1, N (r) ηk ≤ (r) b3 z¯ − z3 2 ∗ Xk − Vj + Rj2k + l , l ⎜ ⎜ λK = ⎜ ⎝ (65) wik i=1 ⎞ C j =1 2 Xk − Vj + Rj2k + ⎛ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ C ⎟ ⎟ − 1⎟ ⎠ uj k Xk − Vj l l wik i=1 ⎞ j =1 2 Xk − Vj + Rj2k + l l wik ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ (66) i=1 Now, we measure the quanlities of optimal solutions using the local Lagrange and Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing methods in terms of clustering quality represented by the IFV criterion The maximal value of IFV indicates the better quality IFV = C × (r) (r) + uj k − uj k ⎛ In Section 3.3, we used the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method to get the optimal solutions u(r) This section provides the theoretical analyses of the solutions including the convergence rate, bounds of parameters, and the comparison with solutions of other relevant methods (r) Firstly, from the formula of cluster centers Vj in (62), it is obvious that the following properties and propositions hold b3 b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 (64) −λk + 2uj k Xk − Vj uj k = 3.4 Theoretical analyses of the SSFC-FS algorithm (r) xk , um jk k=1 (62) b3 × dj k × u¯ j k − z¯ − z3 um j k + uj k − uj k k=1 N ⎧ ⎨1 C j =1 N ⎩N uj k log2 C − k=1 SDmax , σD N ⎫ ⎬ N log2 uj k k=1 ⎭ (67) dj k SDmax = max Vk − Vj k=j × dj k × u¯ j k , σD = (63) C C j =1 N , (68) dj k (69) N k=1 Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation From that, we get: (FS) IFV Using the inequality in Lemma 3, this is equivalent to: 1 SDmax ≥ × × × log2 C C σD N SDmax × × log2 C σD C2 ≥ N C × k=1 1 SDmax × × C σD N ⎛ IFV(FS) ≥ C × L = lim uj k →0 ⎩ b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u N log2 k=1 b1 z¯ −z1 + b3 z¯ −z3 dj k + b2 ⎭ z¯ −z2 αj k N log2 k=1 b1 z¯ −z1 ⎧ ⎨ + log2 k=1 ηk dj k + b2 z¯ −z2 αj k b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u N lim uj k →0 ⎩ b3 z¯ −z3 − b1 z¯ −z1 + b3 z¯ −z3 − b2 ⎭ z¯ −z2 αj k I F V (F S) ≥ Theorem The upper bound of IFV index of the optimal solution obtained by the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing is evaluated by: × ⎣log2 C − N log2 k=1 b1 z¯ −z1 + j =1 dj k + ⎞2 ηk b2 z¯ −z2 αj k ⎠ b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u b1 z¯ −z1 + b3 z¯ −z3 − dj k + ⎞ ηk b2 z¯ −z2 αj k ⎠ 1 SDmax × × × C σD N N k=1 L × log2 C − C N SDmax = × σD C b3 η ¯ j k − 2k z¯ −z3 dj k u b3 b1 b2 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 dj k + z¯ −z2 αj k b3 z¯ −z3 L N b3 z¯ −z3 − Consequence From the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, used in above transformation, the equality happens when: b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u N ⎠ (78) 1 SDmax = × × C σD N ⎧ ⎛ ⎞2 b3 C ⎪ ⎨N ¯ j k − η2k z¯ −z3 dj k u ⎝ ⎠ × b3 b1 ⎪ dj k + z¯ 2b−z αj k j =1 ⎩ k=1 z¯ −z + z¯ −z ⎡ b2 z¯ −z2 αj k SDmax L × × log2 C − C σD N Proof Again, from formula of IFV, we have: IFV(FS) log2 C − L N ⎞2 ηk It follows that, It is easy to get this from property of logarithm IFV(FS) ≥ + × log2 C − ≥L (77) b1 z¯ −z1 j =1 dj k + b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u C k=1 ηk dj k + C b3 z¯ −z3 − 1 SDmax ≥ × × C σD N ⎧ ⎛ N C ⎨ ⎝ × C⎩ ≥ ⎫ ⎬ ⎝ k=1 j =1 × b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u C × (76) N L N + 1 SDmax × × C σD N ⎛ ≥ Lemma For every set of (b1 , b2 , b3 ), we always have: b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u b1 z¯ −z1 × log2 C − ⎫ ⎬ ηk − ⎝ j =1 k=1 In Theorem 2, we consider the lower bound of IFV index, the upper bound of this index will be evaluated in Theorem below For this purpose, limitation L is defined ⎧ ⎨ N − dj k + ηk b2 z¯ −z2 log2 C − L N = constant With the constraint (32), it can be deduced as follow ⎤2 ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ⎦ ⎭ αj k ⎪ b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u b1 z¯ −z1 + b3 z¯ −z3 − dj k + ηk b2 z¯ −z2 αj k = log2 C − L N (79) T M Tuan et al The result in Consequence has revealed some typically cases: - Suppose that b2 is a constant that differs from 1, we can represent b1 and b3 by this expression: Where Hj k = L N u¯ j k z¯ − z3 1 + dj k , z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 dj k αj k L , P = log2 C − − z¯ − z1 z¯ − z2 N − b1 = 1−b2 −b3 , ≤ b1 , b2 , b3 ≤ 1, b2 = 1, b2 = constant (80) log2 C − Gj k = In this case, according to (79), we can express parameter b3 by b2 as below: In which: b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u b1 z¯ −z1 + b3 z¯ −z3 dj k + b2 z¯ −z2 αj k b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u ⇔ 1−b2 −b3 z¯ −z1 + b3 z¯ −z3 − = log2 C − ηk dj k + b3 ηk dj k u¯ j k − z¯ − z3 ⇔ b2 z¯ −z2 αj k log2 C − − b2 b3 b3 − + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 = ⇔ log2 C − L N dj k u¯ j k ηk b3 − z¯ − z3 1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 = + ⇔ − ηk ηk = log2 C − L N j =1 C = log2 C − j =1 C dj k b3 −1 dj k + z¯ b2 αj k −z2 dj k u¯ j k z¯ −z3 b3 dj k αj k 1 z¯ −z3 − z¯ −z1 dj k b3 + z¯ −z1 − z¯ −z2 C = b2 αj k −z2 1−b2 −b3 b3 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 j =1 L N dj k + z¯ b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u 1−b2 −b3 b3 b2 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 dj k + z¯ −z2 αj k C b2 + αj k z¯ − z2 −1 b3 b1 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 j =1 L N dj k b3 ¯jk z¯ −z3 dj k u b3 b1 b2 z¯ −z1 + z¯ −z3 dj k + z¯ −z2 αj k C j =1 C b2 − z¯ dj k −z1 −1 1 z¯ −z3 − z¯ −z1 j =1 dj k b3 + dj k αj k z¯ −z1 − z¯ −z2 b2 − z¯ dj k −z1 αj k − b2 b2 + dj k z¯ − z2 z¯ − z1 log2 C − L N u¯ j k z¯ − z3 1 − + dj k b3 z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 dj k αj k ηk b2 − + − z¯ − z1 z¯ − z2 − = L N C ηk ⇔ = j =1 Aj k b3 Bj k b3 +Gj k b2 +Fj k C j =1 log2 C − L N −1 (82) , Bj k b3 +Gj k b2 +Fj k Where dj k =0 z¯ − z1 dj k u¯ j k , Bj k = z¯ − z3 dj k =− z¯ − z1 Aj k = ⇔ Hj k b3 + Gj k b2 − dj k ηk P− = 0, z¯ − z1 (81) Fj k 1 − z¯ − z3 z¯ − z1 dj k , (83) Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Replacing η2k in (81) by formula (82) and denotations in (83), we have: C Hj k b3 + Gj k b2 − j =1 Aj k b3 Bj k b3 +Gj k b2 +Fj k C j =1 C ⇔ j =1 C + j =1 ⎛ j =1 C − j =1 Hj k b3 Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k C j =1 C −P j =1 j =1 C − j =1 j =1 C ⇔ j =1 , ε2 (r) (r+1) − b2 b3 (r) (r+1) , ε3 (85) (r) (r+1) η k ηk The following theorem helps us answer this question Theorem When the (r) (r) (r) ation b1 , b2 , b3 (r+1) (r+1) r th iteriteration parameters of and (r+1)th (r+1) , b2 , b3 are determined as in Lemma 4, the b1 difference between solutions of two consecutive iterations can be evaluated by Hj k Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k ⎤ Aj k ⎦ b3 Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k (r+1) uj k + dj k (r) − uj k ≤ z¯ − z1 dj k u¯ j k αj k ε2 z¯ − z2 z¯ − z3 u¯ j k ε1 z¯ − z3 × ε3 (86) Proof Based on the (61), we have Hj k − P Aj k b3 + Gj k b2 − Fj k −P = Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k (r+1) (r+1) uj k (r) − uj k b3 z¯ −z3 |= (r+1) b1 z¯ −z1 Mj k b3 + Gj k b2 − Fj k − P = 0, Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k Mj k = Hj k − P Aj k , (r) (r+1) = Fj k = Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k ⇔ − b1 b3 = b3 b2 Gj k b2 − P Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k C (r) (r+1) ε1 = b3 b1 dj k =0 Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k z¯ − z1 ⇔⎣ + Bj k b3 +Gj k b2 +Fj k dj k =0 z¯ − z1 ⎞ Aj k b3 − 1⎠ P Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k ⎡ C P− Gj k b2 Bj k b3 + Gj k b2 + Fj k C −⎝ −1 [0.1, 0.4] and b2 belonging to [0.3, 0.7] These remarks help us choosing appropriate values for the parameters of the algorithm Fourthly, we would like to investigate the difference between two consecutive iterations of the algorithm using Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing, let us denote: + × dj k × u¯ j k − (r+1) b3 z¯ −z3 (r) (84) Gj k − P Gj k b2 + Fj k − Fj k P b3 = P Gj k b2 − Mj k + Fj k P Together with assumptions in (83), we get the value of b3 belonging to [0,0.2] Again with the changing role of b2 , b3 as constants, we also get values of b1 belonging to − b3 z¯ −z3 (r) b1 z¯ −z1 + (r+1) b2 z¯ −z2 × dj k × u¯ j k − (r) b3 z¯ −z3 A×D−E×B B ×D |A × D − E × B| = |B × D| = dj k + (r+1) ηk dj k + × αj k (r) ηk (r) b2 z¯ −z2 × αj k T M Tuan et al where (r+1) |A × D − E × B| = (r+1) b3 η × dj k × u¯ j k − k z¯ − z3 × (r) (r) b3 η × dj k × u¯ j k − k z¯ − z3 − = dj k z¯ − z1 (r+1) (r) b1 (r+1) (r) b3 + (r+1) dj k + dj k × u¯ j k × αj k z¯ − z2 z¯ − z3 (r+1) ηk (r) (r) ηk − b1 + b3 2 (r+1) + b3 b2 × αj k z¯ − z2 (r+1) (r) (r+1) b1 (r) dj k + (r+1) b b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 × − b1 b3 z¯ − z3 dj k z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 + × u¯ j k (r) (r) b3 b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 b2 × αj k z¯ − z2 (r+1) (r) b3 b2 (r) + (r+1) (r) b2 − b3 (r+1) αj k (r+1) ηk (r) η b − b2 k z¯ − z2 2 Apply the inequality in Proposition 1: (r) ηk (r) ≤ b3 × dj k × u¯ j k , j = 1, C, k = 1, N, z¯ − z3 and denotations in (85), we have: dj k |A × D − E × B| ≤ × z¯ − z1 u¯ j k ε1 z¯ − z3 (r+1) (r+1) b b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 |B × D| = + dj k u¯ j k αj k ε2 z¯ − z2 z¯ − z3 (r+1) dj k + (87) (r) (r) b3 b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 b2 × αj k × z¯ − z2 (r) dj k + b2 × αj k z¯ − z2 (88) Again, apply the inequality in Proposition 1: (r) (r) (r) dj k + dj k + (r+1) = (r) (r) dj k + b2 × αj k z¯ − z2 ≥− ηk Consequence The termination of the method using Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing is: Use denotation ε3 in (85), we get: (r) (r) (r) b3 η b2 × αj k ≥ × dj k × u¯ j k − k ≥ z¯ − z2 z¯ − z3 (r) b3 b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 η η |B × D| ≥ k × k 2 b2 × αj k , j = 1, C, k = 1, N z¯ − z2 (r) b3 b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 (r) ⇔ b3 b1 + z¯ − z1 z¯ − z3 (r) (r) ⇔ (r) (r) b3 ηk ≥ × dj k × u¯ j k − z¯ − z3 (r+1) (r) ηk ηk = ε2 (89) (r+1) Combine (87) and (89), we obtain the result in (86) uj k (r) − uj k < ε (90) Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Fig Some images in the dataset In this situation, the relation between the number of iterations and the stopping condition is presented by following formula: P (r+1) uj k (r) − uj k < ε ≥ − (1 − ε)r (91) 3.5 Theoretical analyses of the new method From the above presentation, we reach the advantages and differences of the new algorithm in comparison with the relevant methods a) This research presents the first attempt to model the dental X-Ray image segmentation in the form of semisupervised fuzzy clustering By the introduction of a new spatial objective function in (25) of Section 3.1.5 that combines the dental features and neighborhood information of a pixel, results of the semi-supervised fuzzy clustering model including cluster centers and the membership matrix are oriented by dental structures of a dental X-ray image This brings much meaning to practical dentistry for getting segmented images that are close to accurate results b) Additional information, represented in a prior membership matrix in (36) of Section 3.2, that combines expert’s knowledge, spatial information of a dental XRay image, and the optimal results of FCM is proposed Comparing with the semi-supervised fuzzy clustering – eSFCM in [40], the new algorithm provides deterministic ways to specify the additional information as well as integrate the spatial objective function into the model The new components are significant to the dental XRay image segmentation, and promise to enhance the accuracy of results c) This research firstly considers the solutions of the optimization problem under the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing view Unlike traditional methods using local Lagrange, the proposed algorithm differentiates isolated problems and solves them in a same context The efficiency of the new method has been theoretically validated on Section 3.4 where the clustering quality of the algorithm using Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing is better than that using local Lagrange (See Theorem and Property 3) Thus, this proves reasons of developing the algorithm based on Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing but not by other approaches d) The new algorithm has been equipped with theoretical analyses Many theorems and propositions have been presented, but some main paints can be demonstrated as below These remarks help us better understanding of the new algorithm and are significant to implementation • The clustering quality of the new method SSFC-FS is better than the algorithm using local Lagrange T M Tuan et al Table The accuracies of methods Method FCM OTSU eSFCM SSFC-SC SSFC-FS SSCMOO FMMBIS Data PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 35392.31 0.672 19.99 0.573 5612596 1562.7 −25903698 6694858357 49481.95 0.641 Inf 0.531 4560556 992.97 −7902369 3942808802 31968.31 0.716 254.27 0.565 7515346 1593.96 −17025698 6348058034 53890.83 0.763 47.91 0.672 9561056 1792.98 −27902536 7394808580 52760.86 0.873 52.87 0.763 9863236 2092.63 −26763253 9827367263 23743.48 0.874 102.39 0.643 3457443 738.39 −27323634 5634376734 47933.84 0.763 198.39 0.654 5676343 1120.49 −19827832 6532633374 Data PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 30446.06 0.685 19.77 0.637 8743783 1457.76 −22763522 6726772872 43436.17 0.677 Inf 0.613 6473732 898.76 −9817261 983272384 27974.27 0.730 302.12 0.627 7832723 1342.76 −29883723 6323837283 52836.96 0.827 47.44 0.788 9142301 1663.43 −37109750 7060336779 47165.56 0.932 51.67 0.963 9873233 2102.76 −19823886 9392863327 21736.49 0.847 68.38 0.764 4577433 798.49 −32783864 6743764344 32434.38 0.784 113.98 0.783 7643732 1238.49 −23463465 8743476344 Data 11 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 24644.46 0.677 18.28 0.562 5032562 2174.65 −2887198 1057048405 45375.36 0.689 Inf 0.549 3990227 839.95 −2707995 454140396 18817.62 0.792 126.473 0.556 6728338 2345.65 −2937823 1076332327 50335.46 1.053 37.38 0.604 7316438 2569.27 −3226926 1317999052 46868,76 0.986 43.64 0.726 10107326 4576.75 −2876363 1523356237 14873.47 0.893 41.49 0.645 9834783 849.49 −2718244 984734734 24433.98 0.874 98.39 0.764 9843653 1873.49 −1973634 893467343 Data 12 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 39878.59 0.651 20.43 0.614 9983628 1626.33 −29873342 6092883998 52729.14 0.667 Inf 0.612 2437832 1112.62 −12736722 4536892823 36423.76 0.689 269.35 0.637 9283567 1676.67 −23862735 7075233323 57903.41 0.864 48.84 0.782 10032631 1789.64 −30452677 7665931742 51723.73 0.983 52.37 0.893 11087463 2013.32 −2078876 9837623677 28433.39 0.784 53.29 0.743 8943485 847.93 −1983343 5637484344 34352.93 0.873 182.39 0.732 9873447 1273.49 −1462533 6782686434 Data 24 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 66353.80 0.687 26.96 0.664 2214186 1295.93 −3493752 851979150 87072.03 0.694 Inf 0.647 701570 601.65 −2839612 326906239 58902.38 0.746 426.53 0.666 219097 1382.29 −3868308 868430556 85614.38 0.725 65.50 0.788 402216 1393.09 −4021788 876629350 85345.53 0.745 68.12 0.986 602763 2039.87 −3267632 1023287863 74734.59 0.702 78.94 0.849 323754 784.94 −3327834 899364343 98347.49 0.698 234.92 0.864 383474 1782.36 −2346334 992836343 Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Table (continued) Method FCM OTSU eSFCM SSFC-SC SSFC-FS SSCMOO FMMBIS Data 25 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 34160.40 0.676 19.93 0.613 8923836 1652.68 −35889874 6728978833 87072.78 0.698 Inf 0.572 3452523 1122.99 −12753232 5625732273 58902.47 0.767 215.55 0.627 9032732 1672.67 −33688622 6928732872 95843.57 0.804 48.92 0.674 9590540 1746.19 −36706866 7404344603 89377.28 0.753 59.87 0.765 10467523 2123.87 −28747634 9437263623 43748.34 0.784 67.98 0.677 8987435 874.38 −19763434 8343674533 56347.98 0.764 189.29 0.721 8733743 1983.48 −18736633 8923667433 Data 34 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 39713.89 0.660 20.74 0.597 6509202 1627.63 −31675122 6726676732 50655.23 0.653 Inf 0.568 1137633 982.27 −12643232 998372675 36488.91 0.692 259.63 0.583 5672323 1567.64 −32563572 6342451522 50983.62 0.984 30.67 0.615 6525342 1782.67 −34546532 7812757635 49672.76 0.787 32.84 0.725 9373434 2349.98 −23763433 9825656322 32744.49 0.723 34.39 0.674 7834634 946.94 −18474334 6743743444 49373.39 0.712 189.39 0.709 8646364 2012.93 −27637432 7636255233 Data 35 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 45713.65 0.678 28.78 0.598 5502202 1427.27 −31984122 6732768232 67630.24 0.646 Inf 0.767 998263 1122.26 −19633642 5623656273 4788.92 0.762 899.34 0.618 5727323 1627.36 −32572983 5287829333 72735.67 0.987 35.53 0.827 5825742 1982.62 −34653332 7027763985 70375.78 0.893 39.87 0.857 7275425 2876.89 −29887363 10153253442 52783.59 0.856 43.94 0.684 6674834 756.98 −21743434 8753364434 65345.74 0.784 432.93 0.745 6874754 1983.49 −19347454 9843676453 Data 55 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 35393.31 0.672 19.998 0.583 10008732 1562.56 −27315336 6644192705 49481.96 0.641 Inf 0.618 9832872 893.37 −18376313 5634768373 31810.87 0.718 237.19 0.604 11012239 1638.20 −28315913 6844192705 35437.44 0.687 53.68 0.782 11050436 1644.56 −28576399 6884326070 32643.63 0.721 67.78 0.893 12768433 2012.83 −21638234 8378927344 27334.48 0.720 70.94 0.743 9843475 748.94 −22486433 7843864364 29834.98 0.712 178.38 0.698 10247843 1938.98 −19838264 8298374454 Data 56 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 105923.25 0.634 26.43 0.636 3129468 1381.91 −3698685 852833978 96292.40 0.605 Inf 0.766 11051793 836.42 −2214459 332193679 97066.77 0.681 859.763 0.633 32011478 1364.29 −4494308 853175839 98112.67 0.631 69.736 0.867 3207013 1369.07 −4804435 856453152 93256.74 0.712 71.893 0.985 3427647 2037.67 −3862542 11226457427 87434.89 0.689 78.985 0.823 1873464 783.93 −2774663 9843643764 98437.48 0.701 543.29 0.873 2676434 1239.49 −2364634 10274874483 (Bold values indicate the better in a row) T M Tuan et al Table Means and variances of the criteria for all algorithms on the real dataset Method FCM OTSU eSFCM SSFC-SC SSFC-FS SSCMOO FMMBIS PBM 34590.6 ± 5.54E+08 0.658 ± 0.006 30.344 ± 245.41 0.629 ± 0.008 8773901 ± 1.67E+14 1466.96 ± 40315.4 −1.9E+07 ± 1.64E+14 5.09E+09 ± 8.51E+18 39438.83 857679906 0.846 ± 1.034 30357.89 ± 5.69E+08 0.708 ± 0.01 499.25 ± 77655.09 0.646 ± 0.01 8657364 ± 1.69E+14 1520.20 ± 50465.31 −1.9E+07 ± 1.51E+14 5.34E+09 ± 7.66E+18 51209.25 ± 1.43E+09 0.795 ± 0.037 47.05 ± 430.12 1.067 ± 5.43 10649217 ± 1.98E+14 1673.08 ± 107667.7 −2.5E + 07 ± 1.24E+14 5.89E+09 ± 8.08E+18 49523.87 ± 2.34E+09 0.832 ± 0.045 50.87 ± 562.73 1.263 ± 4.36 11535244 ± 0.83E+14 2109.98 ± 178232.9 −2.3E+07 ± 0.98E+14 6.78E + 09 ± 6.08E+18 34423.77 ± 3.28E+08 0.673 ± 0.034 53.64 ± 231.38 0.983 ± 0.943 8743643 ± 0.73E+13 832.73 ± 98433.9 −2.1E+07 ± 0.78E+14 5.99E+09 ± 5.49E+18 45376.48 ± 1.09E+09 0.703 ± 0.056 234.98 ± 1983.98 1.098 ± 0.939 8936473 ± 0.98E+13 1983.98 ± 78374.9 −2.2E+07 ± 0.81E+14 6.04E+09 ± 4.58E+18 DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA Inf 0.656 ± 0.01 6422160 ± 1.68E+14 838.30 ± 90125.07 −1.5E+07 ± 6.85E+14 2.43E+09 ± 4.18E+18 (Bold values indicate the better in a row) • • • denoted as SSFC-SC as proven in Theorem and Property The upper and lower bounds of IFV index of the optimal solution at an iteration step obtained by the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing are shown in (75), (78) of Theorem & This shows us the interval that the quality value of the new algorithm can fall into Consequence suggests appropriate values for the parameters of the algorithm, namely b3 belonging to [0,0.2], b1 belonging to [0.1, 0.4] and b2 belonging to [0.3, 0.7] The difference between two consecutive iterations of the SSFC-FS algorithm is expressed • in (86) of Theorem This helps us control the variation of results between iterations, which is a basis to predict the termination point A generalized termination of the SSFC-FS method is given in (91) of Consequence 2, which is likely to avoid redundant iterations and reduce the processing time of the algorithm Experimental Evaluation The proposed algorithm called SSFC–FS has been implemented in addition to the relevant methods - FCM [3], Table Performance comparison of all algorithms on the real dataset Hits more FCM OTSU eSFCM SSFC-SC SSFC-FS SSCMOO FMMBIS PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 1.48 14.81 2.01 1.31 1.44 1.32 1.33 1.30 1.29 inf 1.93 1.80 2.52 1.67 2.79 1.69 1.08 1.96 1.33 1.39 1.32 1.27 1.21 9.55 1.18 1.08 1.26 1.15 1.03 1.26 8.83 1 1.09 1.49 1.02 8.38 1.28 1.32 2.53 1.19 1.13 1.13 1.07 1.91 1.15 1.29 1.06 1.14 1.12 (Bold values indicate the better in a row) Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Fig (a) Original image; (b) Results of Otsu; (c) Results of FCM; (d) Clustering by eSFCM; (e) Clustering by SSFC-SC; (f) Clustering by SSFC-FS; (g) SSCMOO; (h) FMMBIS Otsu [26], SSCMOO [2] and FMMBIS [5] as well as a semi-supervised fuzzy clustering - eSFCM [40] and a variant of the proposed method using local Lagrange – SSFC-SC in Matlab 2014 and executed on a PC VAIO laptop with Core i5 processor The experimental results are taken as the average values after 20 runs Experimental datasets are taken from Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam including 56 dental images in the period 2014 – 2015 (Fig 2) The datasets were uploaded to Matlab Central for sharing [18] The aims of the experimental validation are: i) Evaluating accuracy of segmentation of the algorithms through validity functions [37] whose descriptions are shown below; ii) Investigating the most appropriate values of parameters of the SSFC-FS algorithm; iii) Verifying the theoretical analyses summed up in Section 3.5 on real datasets T M Tuan et al Table Results of SSFC-FS algorithm by the number of clusters Case Case Case Case Case Case C=3 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 110873.56 2.372 88.78 0.778 3972352 3002.83 −3438321 1027532367 98323.63 2.253 96.65 0.752 3839150 3127.52 −3326862 1132766323 115721.36 1.276 127.64 0.872 4178632 5572.63 −2835723 1928236868 112632.63 2.352 102.63 0.877 4275322 5472.63 −2973223 1865323323 124733.36 0.983 123.53 0.798 4472652 3527.56 −2532356 1527352332 126733.87 0.772 134.76 0.782 4328662 3722.56 −2472573 1432633265 C=5 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 108362.37 0.983 89.73 0.783 3876232 4128.67 −4027632 1027437643 132562.32 1.672 99.38 0.812 3237663 4087.39 −4026372 1026327327 176232.63 2.732 123.63 0.871 4373862 5598.63 −3252342 1887532323 142736.43 0.0927 103.76 0.887 4257321 5387.72 −3574253 1777352474 78232.67 0.837 113.78 0.825 4242627 4323.22 −2982342 1626527427 198347.74 0.891 120.83 0.722 4226262 3273.67 −2827636 1232674433 C=7 PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA 76364.78 2.354 56.67 0.678 3086463 2098.72 −4578322 987237874 67343.28 2.451 59.89 0.715 2986264 2283.27 −3948886 936744424 96237.37 0.989 89.76 0.824 4376223 4723.84 −3327427 1029326443 34625.73 2.870 78.32 0.917 4176232 4709.89 −3293834 1008722333 93546.22 1.092 67.89 0.732 4565235 3982.74 −2982323 982364224 87232.63 0.862 84.78 0.776 3987437 3872.83 −2883275 956726323 (Bold values indicate the better in a row) The following shows the validity functions and their criteria: • Davies-Bouldin (DB): relates to the variance ratio criterion, which is based on the ratio between the distance inner group and outer group Especially, quality of partition is determined by the following formula: DB = k Where d¯l , d¯m are the average distances of clusters l and m, respectively dl,m is the distance between these clusters d¯l = Nl xi −x¯l ; dl,m = x¯l − x¯m (95) xi ∈Cl The lower value of DB criterion is better k Dl , (92) • Simplified Silhouete Width Criterion (SSWC): l=1 Dl = maxO{Dl,m U }, l=m Dl,m = d¯l + d¯m /dm,l , (93) SSW C = (94) N N sxj , j =1 (96) Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation Table Means of the criteria for SSFC-FS on six cases in a real dataset PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA Case Case Case Case Case Case 98533.57 1.903 78.39 0.746 3645016 3076.74 −4014758 1014069295 99409.74 2.125 85.31 0.760 3354359 3166.06 −3767373 1031946025 129397.12 1.666 113.68 0.856 4309572 5298.37 −3138497 1615031878 96664.93 1.772 94.90 0.894 4236292 5190.08 −3280437 1550466043 98837.42 0.971 101.73 0.785 4426838 3944.51 −2832340 1378747994 137438.08 0.842 113.46 0.760 4180787 3623.02 −2727828 1207344674 (Bold values indicate the better in a row) sxj = bp,j − ap,j max ap,j , bp,j (97) Where ap,j is defined as the difference of object j to its cluster p Similarly, dq,j is the difference of objects to cluster j to q, q = p and bp,j The minimum value of dq,j , j =1, 2, k and q = p becomes different levels of objects to cluster j nearest neighbor The idea is to replace the average distance by the distance to the expected point Using SSWC, the greater value shows more efficient algorithm • PBM: based on the distance of the clusters and the distance between the clusters and is calculated by the formula: (100) DK = maxl,m=1, ,k x¯l − x¯m It is clear that in PBM criteria, higher value means higher algorithm performance Hence the best partition indicates when PBM get the highest value, DK maximizes and EK reaches minimization • IFV: IFV = C × C j =1 ⎧ ⎨1 ⎩N N u2kj k=1 E1 DK k EK N E1 = (98) , k xi − x¯ , Ek = xi − x¯l , (99) σD = C log2 ukj k=1 C j =1 N ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ (101) SDmax = max Vk − Vj 2 N SDmax , σD k=j P BM = log2 C − N (102) , N Xk − Vj (103) k=1 The maximal value of IFV indicates the better performance l=1 xi ∈Cl i=1 Table 10 Performance comparison of the criteria for SSFC-FS on six cases PBM DB IFV SSWC VRC BH BR TRA Case Case Case Case Case Case 1.395 2.261 1.450 1.197 1.214 1.722 1.593 1.383 2.525 1.333 1.176 1.320 1.673 1.066 1.565 1.062 1.979 1.044 1.027 1.279 1.422 2.105 1.198 1.045 1.021 1.224 1.042 1.391 1.153 1.117 1.138 1.343 1.417 1.171 1 1.002 1.176 1.059 1.462 1.472 1.338 (Bold values indicate the better in a row) T M Tuan et al Table 11 Average values of IFV index in theory (IFV(LT)) and experiment (IFV(TN)) on six cases Case Case Case Case Case Case C=3 IFV(LT) IFV(TN) 87.89 88.78 96.72 96.65 109.71 110.62 103.69 102.63 123.04 123.53 133.83 134.76 C=5 IFV(LT) IFV(TN) 88.60 89.73 98.35 99.38 123.02 123.63 102.89 103.76 111.92 113.78 119.89 120.83 C=7 IFV(LT) IFV(TN) 55.36 56.67 58.82 59.89 89.02 89.76 76.78 78.32 66.67 67.89 84.03 84.78 • Ball and Hall index (BH): to measure the sum of withingroup distances The larger value of BH criterion is better BH = • N • Banfeld-Raftery index (BR): is an index using variancecovariance matrix of each cluster This index is calculated as below k xi − x¯l (104) l=1 xi ∈Cl Calinski-Harabasz index (VCR): is used to evaluate the quality of a data partition by variance ratio of between and within group matrices The larger value of VCR is better N −k trace(B) × , V CR = trace(W ) k−1 Ul , U W l = ni log i=1 W G{k} = (110) , r xip − x¯l xip − x¯l , p=1 xi ∈Cl T r W G{k} = xi − x¯l (111) xi ∈Ck Where nk is number of data points in k th cluster We note that if nk = 1, this trace is equal to and then the logarithm is undefined (xi − x¯l ) (xi − x¯l )T , • xi ∈Cl l=1 BR = (105) k UW = T r W G{k} nk k (106) Difference-like index (TRA): is shown below where trace(W) is calculated in (51) The larger value of TRA is better k trace(W ) = trace(Wl ); l=1 r trace(Wl ) = xip − x¯lp , (107) p=1 xi ∈Cl k Nl (x¯l − x) ¯ (x¯l − x) ¯ T, B= (108) l=1 trace(B) = trace(T ) − trace(W ), r N xip − x¯p trace(T ) = p=1 i=1 (109) T RA = trace(W ) (112) Firstly, in the following Table 5, the experimental results of the algorithms on 56 dental images with parameters C=3, m=2, weights b1 =0.3, b2 =0.6, b3 =0.1 are given According to the results in Table 5, SSFC-FS obtains the best values in most of criteria (4 per criteria) and in all datasets Among worse criteria to SSFC-FS, the IFV values of SSFC-FS are always higher than those of SSFC-SC This clearly affirms that the clustering quality of SSFC-FS is better than that of SSFC-SC as proven in Theorem and Property Furthermore, it is clear that SSFC-FS is also better than SSCMOO and FMMBIS in most of criteria In order to understand the values of criteria by all datasets, we have synthesized mean and variance of each Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation criterion from Table and presented them in Table From this table, we record the best result in a row as and calculate the number of times that the best algorithm is better than another in the same row The statistics are given in Table Now, we illustrate the segmentation results on a dataset in Fig Secondly, we verify the values of parameters calculated in Consequence by evaluating SSFC-FS in six different cases of parameter set (b1 , b2 , b3 ) as follows Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 4: Case 5: Case 6: (b1 >b2 >b3 ): (b1 (b1 >b3 >b2 ): (b1 (b2 >b1 >b3 ): (b1 (b2 >b3 >b1 ): (b1 (b3 >b1 >b2 ): (b1 (b3 >b2 >b1 ): (b1 =0.6, b2 =0.6, b2 =0.3, b2 =0.1, b2 =0.3, b2 =0.1, b2 =0.3, b3 =0.1, b3 =0.6, b3 =0.6, b3 =0.1, b3 =0.3, b3 =0.1) =0.3) =0.1) =0.3) =0.6) =0.6) In Table 8, we measure the results of SSFC-FS on cases by the number of clusters It is clear that except C=3, other results showed that Case obtains more number of best results in term of validity indices Again, similar to Table & 7, we also calculate means of the criteria for SSFC-FS on six cases in a real dataset (Table 9) and the performance comparison (Table 10) The results pointed out the most appropriate values of parameters namely Case (b1 =0.3, b2 =0.6, b3 =0.1) Those values are identical with the observation in Consequence Thirdly, we validate the lower bounds of IFV index of the optimal solution stated in (75) of Theorem on six cases in Tables 8-10 The results are shown below SDmax σD × SDmax IFV = 96.65> C × σD × IFV = 110.62 > C12 × SDσDmax × IFV = 102.63 > C12 × SDσDmax × IFV = 123.53 > C12 × SDσDmax × IFV = 134.76> C12 × SDσDmax × Case 1: IFV= 88.78 > C12 × log2 C Case 2: log2 C Case 3: Case 4: Case 5: Case 6: log2 C log2 C log2 C log2 C = 4.89 = 5.43 = 6.15 = 5.72 = 6.88 = 7.56 It is obvious that the experimental results satisfy Theorem The upper bound validation in Theorem is checked analogously Lastly, we check the difference between two consecutive iterations of the SSFC-FS algorithm expressed in (86) of Theorem The validation is made on six cases above and expressed in Table 11 We can clearly recognize that the theoretical values are nearly approximate to the experimental ones Conclusions In this paper, we concentrated on the dental X-ray image segmentation problem and proposed a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm based on Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing named as SSFC-FS The new contributions include: i) Modeling dental structures of a dental X-Ray image into a spatial objective function; ii) Designing a new semisupervised fuzzy clustering model for the dental X-ray image segmentation; iii) Proposing a semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm – SSFC-FS based on the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing method; iv) Examining theoretical aspects of SSFC-FS comprising of the convergence rate, bounds of parameters, and the comparison with solutions of other relevant methods SSFC-FS has been experimentally validated and compared with the relevant ones in terms of clustering quality on a real dataset including 56 dental X-ray images in the period 2014-2015 of Hanoi Medial University, Vietnam As discussed in Section 3.5 and later verified in the experiments, we summarize the main findings of this research as follows Firstly, SSFC-FS has better clustering quality than the relevant methods – FCM, Otsu, SSCMOO [2] and FMMBIS [5] as well as the well-known semi-supervised fuzzy clustering - eSFCM and a variant of the proposed method using local Lagrange – SSFC-SC Besides, the clustering quality of SSFC-FS is better than SSFC-SC theoretically proven in Theorem and Property Secondly, the most appropriate values for the parameters of the algorithm are: b3 belongs to [0, 0.2], b1 belongs to [0.1, 0.4] and b2 belongs to [0.3, 0.7] (Consequence 1) Thirdly, the upper and lower bounds of IFV index of the optimal solution at an iteration step obtained by the Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing, which shows us the interval that the quality value of the new algorithm can fall into, were shown in equations (75, 78) of Theorem & Fourthly, the difference between two consecutive iterations of the SSFC-FS algorithm, which helps us control the variation of results between iterations, was expressed in equation (86) of Theorem Lastly, a generalized termination of the SSFC-FS method, which is used to avoid redundant iterations and reduce the processing time of the algorithm, was given in (91) of Consequence Those findings are significant to both theoretical and practical implication, especially to the dental X-ray image segmentation problem and semi-supervised fuzzy clustering approaches Further works of this research can be done in the following ways: (1) Speeding up the algorithm by approximation methods; (2) Finding the most appropriate additional values for semi-supervised fuzzy clustering; and (3) Investigating fast matching strategy in the medical diagnosis context Acknowledgments The authors are greatly indebted to the editor-inchief, Prof Moonis Ali and anonymous reviewers for their comments and their valuable suggestions that improved the quality and clarity of paper This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 102.05-2014.01 T M Tuan et al Appendix Matlab source codes of all algorithms and experimental data can be found at the URL: 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University in 2007 Now, he is a researcher at Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology He worked as a lecturer at Faculty of Information Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen University from 2003 His major interests are soft computing and medical informatics Tran Thi Ngan obtained the Bachelor degrees on Mathematics – Informatics at VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University (VNU) She got Master degree on Computer Science at Thai Nguyen University She received PhD degree on applied Mathematics – Informatics at Hanoi University of Science and Technology From 2003, she worked as a lecture in Faculty of Information Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen University Her major interests are discrete mathematic, Monte Carlo method, optimization, probability theory and statistics, machine learning Le Hoang Son obtained the Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees on Mathematics – Informatics at VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University (VNU) He has been working as a researcher and now Vice Director of the Center for High Performance Computing, VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University since 2007 His major field includes Soft Computing, Fuzzy Clustering, Recommender Systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Particle Swarm Optimization He is a member of IACSIT, a member of Center for Applied Research in e-Health (eCARE), and also an associate editor of the International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Dr Son served as a reviewer for various international journals and conferences such as PACIS 2010, ICMET 2011, ICCTD 2011, KSE 2013, BAFI 2014, NICS 2014 & 2015, ACIIDS 2015 & 2016, ICNSC15, GIS-2015, FAIR 2015, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Imaging Science Journal, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Neural Computing and Applications, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications, Intelligent Data Analysis, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, World Journal of Modeling and Simulation, KnowledgeBased Systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence He gave a number of invited talks at many conferences such as 2015 National Fundamental and Applied IT Research (FAIR 15), 2015 National conference of Vietnam Society for Applications of Mathematics (VietSam15), 2015 Conference on Developing Applications in Virtual Reality, GIS and Mobile technologies, and International Conference on Mathematical Education Vietnam 2015 (ICME Vietnam 2015) Dr Son has got 51 publications in prestigious journals and conferences including 18 SCI/SCIE papers and undertaken more than 20 major joint international and national research projects He has published books on mobile and GIS applications So far, he has awarded “2014 VNU Research Award for Young Scientists” and “2015 VNU Annual Research Award” ... in Application of Dental Image Segmentation 30 Rad AE, Mohd Rahim MS, Rehman A, Altameem A, Saba T (2013) Evaluation of current dental radiographs segmentation approaches in computer-aided applications... least one j ∈ {1, , p} The interactive fuzzy satisficing method consists of two parts: initialization and iteration as below: Semi-supervised fuzzy clustering for dental x-ray image segmentation. .. we concentrated on the dental X-ray image segmentation problem and proposed a new semi-supervised fuzzy clustering algorithm based on Interactive Fuzzy Satisficing named as SSFC-FS The new contributions