DSpace at VNU: Vietnam-asean integration: process and present situation (1967-2002)

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DSpace at VNU: Vietnam-asean integration: process and present situation (1967-2002)

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V N U JO U R N A L O F S C IE N C E , soc S C I., H U M A N , N U1E, 02 V I E T N A M -A S E A N IN T K G R A T IO N : P R O C E S S A N D P R E S E N T S I T U A T I O N (1 -2 0 ) Vu D u o n g N i n l This article is the s u m m a ry o f one chapter W ar, which had no sign o f end in g , and a> a in a research project w hich is entitled Yicỉììíiiìì- need ASEAN integration: Process, Present Situation, Southeast A sia to face with the possibility tlit and Problem s (C ode Q G T Đ 0 02) and which A m erica would w ith d w its troops from tie was evaluated and approved in June, 2002 region This chapter analyzes the V ietnam -A SE A N relationship in tw o stages: from the birth of A S E A N up to the time w hen Vietnam joined the association (1 -1 9 ) and from the time V ietnam officially b ecam e a m em b e r o f the A ssociation (1995) up to now Based on the analysis, som e proposals and solutions will be raised for the non -co m m u n ist countries n So it c a n be said that in effect A S E A N w s a product m a d e by so m e N o rtheast ASE/W countries at a heating tim e in the region in tie time o f the Cold W a r in the world Vietnan was an objective factor affecting the formatim o f A S E A N and was also the m ajo r object to »e considered in A S E A N ’s beh a v io u r for a loig period o f time T h ro u g h 28 years o f V ie tn a n ASBAN relationship (1967-1995), the followiig The first stage: 1967 -1 9 co m m e n ts c a n be m ade: W hen A S E A N first c a m e into being, it included M alaysia, the Thailand In countries, nam ely Philippines, reality, the Indonesia, Singapore, N ortheast and Asian countries joining ASKA N encountered difficult and com plicated situations brought about by the V ietnam War J u s u f YVanandi, a scholar at the Research First, the o c c u rre n ce o f A S E A N was a product o f the Cold W a r in the Southeast Asit It reflected the conflict be tw e en the nalionil liberation c a m p a ig n and im perialism ; it ills) reflected the conflict betw een the c a m p

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2017, 20:26

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