STATE OF CALIFORN IA-OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW For use by Secretary of State only I NOTICE PUBLICATION/REGU ENDORSED • FILED STD 400 (REV 01 ·2013) OAL FILE NUMBERS in theofflco of the S•ero\ery of Sit\~ of tt,e State ol Call!omla EMERGENCY NUMBER N OTICF FIi F '"UMBER z _,Z O(C!?·Oto/,3-07 For use by Office of Administrative Law (OAL) only OCT.31 20171 ~ ll?i f~ ZOil SEP I P 12: 51 OFFICE OF I\ QM! ~~ISTR AT:YE LA'\ REGULATIONS NOTICE AGENCY FILE NUMBER (If any) AGENCY WITH RULEMAKING AUTHORITY Board of Barbering and Cosmetology A PUBLICATION OF NOTICE (Complete for publication in Notice Register) I SUBJECT OF NOTICE D NOTICE TYPE Notice re Proposed Reoulatory Action · OAL USE ONLY Other ACTION ON PROPOSED NOTICE D FAX NUMBER (Optional) TELEPHONE NUMBER , AGENCY CONTACT PERSON D REQUESTED PUBLICATION DATE FIRST SECTION AFFECTED TITLE(S) D Approved as Submitted NOTICE REG ISTER NUMBER D Approved as Modified Disapp,oved/ Withdrawn PUBLICA& / / r £,o/lt:,1 2tn Z - / ~o I, if SUBMISSION OF REGULATIONS (Complete when submitting regulations) 1b ALL PREVIOUS RELATED OAL REGULATORY ACTION NUMBER(S) 1a SUBJECT OF REGULAT ION(S) Health and Safety Poster SPECIFY CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE(S) AND SECTION(S) (Including title 26, if toxics related) ADOPT SECTION(S) AFFECTED (List all section number(s) individually Attach additional sheet if needed.) AMEND 904,905 REPEAL TITLE($) 16 TYPE OF FILING [8j D Regular Rulemaking (Gov Code §11346) Resubmittal of disapproved or withdrawn nonemergency filing (Gov Code §§11349.3, 11349.4) Emergency (Gov Code, §11346.l(b}) Certificate of Compliance: The agency officer named below certifies that this agency complied with the provisions of Gov Code§§ 11346.2·11347.3 either before the emergency regulation was adopted or within the time period required by statute O Resubmittal of disapproved or withdrawn Emergency Readopt (Gov D Code, §11346 l(h}} 0 0 File & Print Changes Without Regulatory Effect (Cal Code Regs., title 1,§100) PrintOnly Other (Specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ emergency filing (Gov Code, §11346.1) ALL BEGINNING ANO ENDING DATES OF AVAILABILITY OF MODIFIED REGULATIONS AND/OR MATERIAL ADDEO TO THE RULEMAKING FILE (Cal Code Regs title 1, §44 and Gav Code §11347.1) 11 /16/ 2016-12/ 15/ 2016; 5/ 18/2017-6/ 2/ 2017 o EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHANGES (Gav Cade,§§ 11343.4, 11346.l(d); Cal Cade Regs., title 1, § 100) lv7 Effective Janua ry 1, April 1, July 1, or ~ October (Gov Code §11343.4(a)) D Effective on filing with Secret ary of State § t OOChanges Without Regulatory Effect D Effective other (Specify) CHECK IF THESE REGULATIONS REQUIRE NOTICE TO, OR REVIEW, CONSULTATION, APPROVAL OR CONCURRENCE BY, ANOTHER AGE NCY OR ENTITY ~ ~ other (Specify) Dean I D Fair Political Practices Commissio R Grafilo, Director, Department of Con sumer Affairs CONTACT PERSON 11 TELEPHONE NUMBER Kevin Flanagan Oepartment of Finance (Form STD 399) (SAM §6660) (916) 575-7104 I certify that the attached copy of the regulation(s) is a true and correct copy -~-=~, r State Fire Ma rshal 'J) ( E·MAIL ADDRESS (Optional) ov For use by Office of Administrative Law (OAL) only of the regulation(s) identified on this form, that the information specified on this form is true and correct, and that I am the head of the agency taking this action, or a des_ignee oft e head of the agency, and am authorized to make this certification I OCT 31 20 rt TYPED NAME AN9'TITL OF' SIGNATORY Kris ty Underwood, Ex ecutive Officer, Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Office of Administrative Law BOARD OF BARBERING AND COSMETOLOGY Division 9, Title 16, of the California Code of Regulations ORDER OF ADOPTION 904 Enforcement (a) /\ oopy of tho board's Health and Safety Rules, as spooified in Artiole 12 of tho Rules and RoĐtflatloos,-shaU-bo-oonepiouOH6ly-posted-tFƠ {1}-Reooption-areas-of-both sohoels-and-establiehmoot-s,a-nd (2) Theory rooms of sohools (a) Article 12 of the board's regulations, within Title 16, Division of the California Code of Regulations contains the board's "Health and Safety Rules" (b} The holder or holders of an establishment license or a mobile unit license, and tho person in charge of any such establishment or mobile unit, shall be responsible for implementinft and maintaininft the Health and Safety Rules in such establishment or mobile unit individually and jointly with all persons in or employed by or working in or on the premises of such establishment or mobile unit (c) All licensed barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists, electrologists, instructors, or apprentices shall bo held individually res13onsible for im13lomentation and maintenanoe of implement and maintain.the Health and Safety Rules (d) All persons performing acts of a barber, cosmetologist, esthetician, manicurist or electrologist, except students in schools, shall, upon request of an authorized representative of the board, present satisfactory proof of identification Satisfactory proof shall be in the form of a photographic driver's license or photographic identification card issued by any state, federal, or other recognized government entity (e) Failure to present valid proof of identification shall be grounds for disciplinary action NOTE: Authority cited: Section 7312, Business and Professions Code Reference: Sections 7312~"7 and 7404, Business and Professions Code 905 Posting of Consumer Information Message Approved-school owners and licensed-establishment owners both shall post a copy of the board's "Message to the Consumer" (BBC-CP01 (2/2017}), which is hereby incorporated by reference, conspicuously in the reception areas of their schools and establishments (a) The follo·.vin§ eonsumer information message shall be ineluded at the bottom of the front page of the eopy of the Health and Safety Rules, whioh must be oonspiouously posted in I reoeption areas of both sehools and establishments: aooordanoe with Section 904, in all establishments: MESSAGE TO Tl-IE CONSUMER This establishment is lieensed by the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology The board ean address the following problems: • • • • 1-iealth and Safety (ineluding unsanitary eonditions and failure to disinfoot instruments after eaoh use) lnoompetenee and Nogligenoe Misrewesentation or False Advertising of Sorvioes Unlicensed Prao!ioo of Barbering, Cosmetology or Eloetrology If you would lil~e to receive a Consumer Complaint Guide or if you have any unrosolvod questions regarding sorvioes provided in this establishment, please oall or wFite -the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology at (800) 952 5210; P.O Bm< 944226, Saeramento, California 94244 2260 (b) Tho heading of the eonsumer information massage, "Message to tho Consumer," shall bo printed in at least 36 point boldfaeo typo The body of the oonsumor information massage must bo printed in at least 14 point boldfaoo type NOTE: Authority cited: Section 7312, Business and Professions Code Reference: Sections 129(e), and 7404fef, Business and Professions Code (fr- Sample of Proposed "Message to the Consumer" (2nd Revision) BarberCosmo Boafd of Barteffnq &-Cosmt