STATEOFCALIFORNIA-OFFICEOFADMINISTRATI V E l A W B f G U LA I STD 400 (REV od'o13) OAL FILE • t ee ms n For use by Secretary of State only - rever~ ~! 'ls on '~MERGENCY NUMBER REGULATORY ACTION NUMBER 12-.DI f; ()/.1()/-0ib z_2o15-o4 15-o2 1' (S ~ I NOTICE FILE NUMBER NUMBERs R ~ NOTICE PUBLICATION/REG L ENDORSED • F\LED For use by Office of Administrative Law (OAL) only in the office of t-he Secr~tary_ of Stale of theStale ofCahforma MAY.13 2016 ZU/b APR- r p 2: 21 I\ ;l : :J r l/71 OFFICE OF 0,'-WJ.J P -~-,- i1 \f· i r: L.·~ ",! ,• ·• ST _ : I\/-\ NOTICE REGULATIONS AGENCY FILE NUMBER(If any) AGENCY WITH RULEMAKING AUTHO RITY Board of Barbering and Cosmetology A PUBLICATION OF NOTICE (Complete for publication in Notice Register) I SUBJECT OF NOT ICE NOTICE TYPE D Notice re Proposed Regulatory Action OAL USE ONLY I I TITLE(S) D J AGENCY CONTACT PERSON Other D AC TION ON PROPOSED NOTIC E Approved as Approved as Submitted Modified D D Disapproved/ Withdrawn FIRST SECTION AFFECTED REQUESTED PUBLICATION DATE I TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (Optional) I NJOTICOE R/ESGISTER/ N&> UMB·EPECIFY CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULAnONS TITLE(S) AND SECTION($) (Including title 26, if toxics related) :CTION(S) AFFECTED (list all section number(s) individually Attach additional sheet if needed.) ADOPT per agency \;t/1 reques\'5\1 \II AMEND Section 910 TITLE(S) 16 TYPE OF FILING [RJ Regular Rulemaking (Gov Code § 11346) D Resub mittal of d isapproved or withdrawn nonemergency fi ling (Gov Code §§ 11 349.3, 11349.4) Emergency (Gov Code, §11346.1(b)) D Certificate ofCompliance: Th e agency officer named below certifies that this agency compli ed with the provisions of Gov Code§§ 11346.2- 11347.3 either before the emergency regulation was adopted or within the time period required by statute Resubmittal of disapproved or withdrawn emergency filing (Gov Code, § 11346.1) Emergency Readopt (Gov Code, § 11346.1 (h)) D Changes W ithout Regulatory Effect (Cal Code Reg s., title 1, §100) D Fil e & Print D Print Only D Other (Specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL BEGINNING AND EN DING DATESOF AVAILABILITY OF MODIFIED REGULATIONS AND/OR MATERI AL ADDED TO THERULEMAKif'IG FILE (Cal Code Regs t itle 1, §44 and Gov Code § 11347.1) 11 /2/2015-11 / 18/ 2015 S EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHANGES (G ov Code,§§ 11343.4, 11346 (d): Cal Code Reg s title 1, § 100 ) Q Effective Janu ary 1, Apri l 1, July 1, or Effective on filing with ~ October (Gov Code §11343.4(a)) Se cretary of Stale D D D § 100 Chan ges Wit hout Regulatory Effe ct Effective other (Specify) CHECK IF THESE REGULATIONS REQU IRE NOTICE TO, OR REVIEW CONSULTATION, APPROVAL OR CONCURRENCE BY, ANOTHER AGENCY OR ENTITY ,- - Depart m e nt of Fi nance (Form STD 399) (SAM §6660) D D Fai r Political Practices Commi ssion State Fire Marshal per agency Awet Kidane, Director, Californ ia Depa rtment o f Consumer Affairs ,"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~z=~==~~~~qu re~ We~ st\II I J:.X -I' Other (Specify) CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER (Optional) Kevi n Flanagan (916) 575-7104 (9 16) 928-6810 Icertify that the attached copy of the regulation(s) is a true and correct copy of the regulation(s) identified on this form, that the information specified on this form is true and correct, and that I am the head of the agency taking this action, or a designee of the head oft e agency, and am authorized to make this cert ification DATE • ==-=-"~~~=: ' -3./3o /I ( E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional ) For use by Office of Administrative Law (OAL) only ENDORSED APPROVED MAY 13 ZD16 BOr-