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  • I. Introduction:

    • I.1 Purpose:

    • The purpose of the document is to describe the details of the software "library management". This is a software used to help managers manage their borrowing easily

    • I.2 Document Conventions

    • I.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

    • I.4 Product Scope

    • I.5 Reference

  • II. Overall Desccription:

    • II.1 Product Perspective

    • II.2 Product Function

    • II.3 User Classes and Characteristics

    • II.4 Operating Environment

    • II.5 Desing and Implemmentation Constraints

    • II.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

  • III. External Interface Requirements:

    • III.1 User Interfaces

    • III.2 Hardware Interface

    • III.3 Software Interfaces

    • III.4 Communication Interfaces

  • IV. System Features:

  • V. NonFunction Requirement:

    • V.1 Performance

    • V.2 Safety

    • V.3 Security

    • V.4 Software Quality Attributers

    • V.5 Business Rule:

    • V.6 Use Documer

  • VI. Other Requirement:

Nội dung

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION For LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Version 1.0 approved Prepared by Group 1 1/12/2012 CONTENTS I.Introduction:2 1.1Purpose:2 1.2Document Conventions2 1.3Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions2 1.4Product Scope2 1.5Reference2 II.Overall Desccription:2 2.1Product Perspective2 2.2Product Function2 2.3User Classes and Characteristics2 2.4Operating Environment3 2.5Desing and Implemmentation Constraints3 2.6Assumptions and Dependencies3 III.External Interface Requirements:3 3.1User Interfaces3 3.2Hardware Interface3 3.3Software Interfaces3 3.4Communication Interfaces3 IV.System Features:4 V.NonFunction Requirement:10 5.1Performance10 5.2Safety10 5.3Security10 5.4Software Quality Attributers11 5.5Business Rule:11 5.6Use Documer11 VI.Other Requirement:11 I.Introduction: 1.1Purpose: -The purpose of the document is to describe the details of the software "library management". This is a software used to help managers manage their borrowing easily 1.2Document Conventions 1.3Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions - This document will be read by user at part 1 and 2. The order will be read by developers. 1.4Product Scope -The software allows users to add or modify book databases and book providers. Users can also search for titles, author names or book types. At the same time, it also provides statistical reports on borrowing of books and the number of books in stock each month 1.5Reference II.Overall Desccription: 2.1Product Perspective 2.2Product Function 2.3User Classes and Characteristics IDVersionFeatureRequirementSourceRationaleTraces to use cases 1Version 1LoginChange the password Information Update Forgot password User AdminLogin 2Version 1Search Search by title Search by post User AdminSearch 3Version 1 Register Update your account informationUser AdminRegister 4Version 1 Brown booksSearch User AdminBrown books 2.4Operating Environment OE1- Library management software system can operate on a laptop,smartphone or pc OE2- Library management softwaresystem system can operate on operating versions as: win 7 or more, ios, android. 2.5Desing and Implemmentation Constraints OC1- The system design code and maintenence documentation shall conform to the OC2- Process Impact intranet development standard version 1.3 OC3- the system shall use the current corporate standard SQL database engine OC4- all HTML code shall conform to the HTML 4.0 standard OC5- all scripts shall be written in perl 2.6Assumptions and Dependencies III.External Interface Requirements: 3.1User Interfaces 3.2Hardware Interface Server side: Operating System: Windows Xp. Processor: Pentium 3.0 Ghz or higher. RAM: 1GB or higher. Hard drive: 20GB or above. Client side: Operating System: Win 9X or higher, UNIX, MAX. Processor: Pentium 1.0 Ghz or higher. RAM: 256 MB or higher. 3.3Software Interfaces Database: SQL Server. Application: ASP. Web server: IIS (Internet Information Services) is a powerful web server system that provides reliable, easy-to-manage, fast-converting network infrastructure. Java Development Kit 1.2 and higher 3.4Communication Interfaces IV.System Features: USE case IDUC1 Name Add books DescriptionAdd books to the library system ActorsAdmin Pre-Conditon Requires copyright of the book Bsic Flow of Events ActorSystem 1. Access the application 3.Select "Add book" and enter information for the book. 2. show menu 4. Check if the book is available in the system. If yes, fill in the information for the book to be imported into the system. 5. finish USE case IDUC2 NameDelete book Description Remove book from library system ActorsAdmin Pre-ConditonBooks must be in the library system Bsic Flow of Events ActorSystem 1. Access the application 3. Select "Delete book" and enter information for the book2. show menu 4. Check if the book is available in the system. If so, delete, save to the system, if not then remove the "Delete book" 5. finish USE case IDUC3 Name Edit book information DescriptionMainly correct the information related to the book ActorsAdmin Pre-ConditonBooks must be in the library system Bsic Flow of Events ActorSystem 1. Access the application 3Select "Edit" and enter information for the book 5. Repair2. show menu 4. Check if the book is available in the system. 6. Edit information to edit, save to the system 7.Finish USE case IDUC4 NamePrint list DescriptionPrint out the list of book information in the system ActorsAdmin,User Pre-Conditon Access to the system Bsic Flow of Events ActorSystem 1. Access the application 3. Select "Print List" 2. show menu 4. Processing and printing system USE case IDUC5 Name Search by title DescriptionDisplay information of the book to find ActorsAmin,user Pre-Conditon Access to the system Bsic Flow of Events ActorSystem 1. Access the application 3. Click on "Look up by name" and enter information for the book2.show menu 4. Check if the book is available in the system. If available, display the book''''s information. 5. Exit USE case IDUC6 NameExit application DescriptionExit the app ActorsAdmin,user Pre-ConditonAccess to the system Bsic Flow of Events ActorSystem 1. Access the application 3. Select "exit" 2. show menu 4. Confirm and select "yes" to exit or "no" to stay in the app V.NonFunction Requirement: 5.1Performance -Web access to complete within 2s and 3s on one PC on one smartphone. -When implementing interface operations to complete the operation within 2-3 seconds 5.2Safety -You must register your account to your account can use a variety of website functionality -The system error message when you enter the wrong password is entered incorrectly, and if more than 5 times the account will be locked 24 hours 5.3Security -When users want to livestream, share, upload content or comment, they must log in with your account otherwise unable to perform the operation. - If logged more than 5 times that your account information is not correct, the system will send a message on the phone account holder authentication code request 5.4Software Quality Attributers -Flexible system runs on all environment settings 5.5Business Rule: -Systems need to store all conversations and user live stream 5.6Use Documer -Diagram, label VI.Other Requirement:

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION For LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Version 1.0 approved Prepared by Group 1/12/2012 CONTENTS I Introduction: 1.1 Purpose: 1.2 Document Conventions 1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .2 1.4 Product Scope 1.5 Reference II Overall Desccription: .2 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Function 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 2.4 Operating Environment 2.5 Desing and Implemmentation Constraints 2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies III External Interface Requirements: 3.1 User Interfaces 3.2 Hardware Interface 3.3 Software Interfaces 3.4 Communication Interfaces .3 IV V System Features: NonFunction Requirement: 10 5.1 Performance 10 5.2 Safety 10 5.3 Security 10 5.4 Software Quality Attributers 11 5.5 Business Rule: 11 5.6 Use Documer 11 VI Other Requirement: .11 I Introduction: I.1 Purpose: - The purpose of the document is to describe the details of the software "library management" This is a software used to help managers manage their borrowing easily I.2 Document Conventions I.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions - This document will be read by user at part and The order will be read by developers I.4 Product Scope - The software allows users to add or modify book databases and book providers Users can also search for titles, author names or book types At the same time, it also provides statistical reports on borrowing of books and the number of books in stock each month I.5 Reference II Overall Desccription: II.1Product Perspective II.2Product Function II.3User Classes and Characteristics I D Version Feature Requirement Source Rationale Traces to use cases Change the password Version Version Version Version Login Information Update Forgot password Search Search by title Search by post User Admin User Admin Register Brown books Update your account information User Search User Admin Admin Login Search Register Brown books II.4Operating Environment OE1- Library management software system can operate on a laptop,smartphone or pc OE2- Library management softwaresystem system can operate on operating versions as: win or more, ios, android II.5Desing and Implemmentation Constraints OC1- The system design code and maintenence documentation shall conform to the OC2- Process Impact intranet development standard version 1.3 OC3- the system shall use the current corporate standard SQL database engine OC4- all HTML code shall conform to the HTML 4.0 standard OC5- all scripts shall be written in perl II.6Assumptions and Dependencies III External Interface Requirements: III.1 User Interfaces III.2 Hardware Interface Server side: Operating System: Windows Xp Processor: Pentium 3.0 Ghz or higher RAM: 1GB or higher Hard drive: 20GB or above Client side: Operating System: Win 9X or higher, UNIX, MAX Processor: Pentium 1.0 Ghz or higher RAM: 256 MB or higher III.3 Software Interfaces Database: SQL Server Application: ASP Web server: IIS (Internet Information Services) is a powerful web server system that provides reliable, easy-to-manage, fast-converting network infrastructure Java Development Kit 1.2 and higher III.4 Communication Interfaces IV System Features: USE case ID Name Description UC1 Add books Add books to the library system Actors Pre-Conditon Admin Requires copyright of the book Bsic Flow of Events Actor Access the application 3.Select "Add book" and enter information for the book USE case ID Name Description Actors Pre-Conditon Bsic Flow of Events Actor Access the application Select "Delete book" and enter information for the book System show menu Check if the book is available in the system If yes, fill in the information for the book to be imported into the system finish UC2 Delete book Remove book from library system Admin Books must be in the library system System show menu Check if the book is available in the system If so, delete, save to the system, if not then remove the "Delete book" finish USE case ID Name Description Actors Pre-Conditon Bsic Flow of Events Actor Access the application 3Select "Edit" and enter information for the book Repair USE case ID Name Description Actors Pre-Conditon UC3 Edit book information Mainly correct the information related to the book Admin Books must be in the library system System show menu Check if the book is available in the system Edit information to edit, save to the system 7.Finish UC4 Print list Print out the list of book information in the system Admin,User Access to the system Bsic Flow of Events Actor Access the application Select "Print List" USE case ID Name Description Actors Pre-Conditon System show menu Processing and printing system UC5 Search by title Display information of the book to find Amin,user Access to the system Bsic Flow of Events Actor Access the application Click on "Look up by name" and enter System 2.show menu Check if the book is available in the information for the book system If available, display the book's information Exit USE case ID Name UC6 Exit application Description Exit the app Actors Pre-Conditon Admin,user Access to the system Bsic Flow of Events Actor Access the application Select "exit" System show menu Confirm and select "yes" to exit or "no" to stay in the app V NonFunction Requirement: V.1 Performance - Web access to complete within 2s and 3s on one PC on one smartphone - When implementing interface operations to complete the operation within 2-3 seconds V.2 Safety - You must register your account to your account can use a variety of website functionality - The system error message when you enter the wrong password is entered incorrectly, and if more than times the account will be locked 24 hours V.3 Security - When users want to livestream, share, upload content or comment, they must log in with your account otherwise unable to perform the operation - If logged more than times that your account information is not correct, the system will send a message on the phone account holder authentication code request V.4 Software Quality Attributers - Flexible system runs on all environment settings V.5 Business Rule: - Systems need to store all conversations and user live stream V.6 Use Documer - Diagram, label VI Other Requirement:

Ngày đăng: 08/12/2017, 21:00


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