CONG TY CO PHAN BAO BI NHVA TAN TIEN CQNG HOA XA HOI CHiJ NGHIA VIET NAM TAN TIEN PLASTIC PACKAGING JOINT floc lap - Tyr - Hanh phiic SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM STOCK COMPANY Independence - Freedom — Happiness -000 - -oOo - Sij/No.: CP1 /204 Tp.Hd Chi Minh, 06 thong 06 nom 2017 V/v: Ngdyclangkycudiclingd lciy kiln flai hOi clang c6 cling bang van bcin HCMC, 66 June 2017 Regarding the final day of registration for obtaining written opinions from the GMS THONG BAO/NOTIFICATION (We clang 10 cuai cling delay y kiln flgi hOi ding Co (long bing van ban) Regarding the final date of registration for obtaining written opinions from the GMS) Kinhgeri(To): Trung tam Luu ky Chirng khoan Vi0 Nam Vietnam Securities Depository Ten to chic phat hanh CONG TY CO PHAN BAO Bi NHVA TAN TIEN The issuer TAN TIEN PLASTIC PACKAGING JOINT STOCK COMPANY Ten giao dich : TAPACK Transaction name Dia chi try sar chinh : L6 114-115-1110-1111, cum 4, Nh6m CN II, Khu cong nghiep Tan Binh, Du mg s6 13, Plarang Tay Thanh, Quan Tan Phu, TP.HCM Head office Lot 114-115-1110-1111, Group 4, Industrial group 11, Tan Binh Industrial Zone, Road no.13, Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, HCMC Dien thoai : 08.3 8160 777 Telephone Fax : 08.3 8160 888 Chting till thong bat) den Trung tam Ltru ky Chting khoan Vi0 Nam (VSD) Ong 14 A cum cung deX 14p danh sach ngutri so? hum cho chtrng khoan sau: We would like to inform Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) the final date of registration to order to make a list of owner for the below securities: Ten chang khoan Securities name Ma cht'mg khoan : Co phieu C6ng ty Co phan Bao bi Nhi,ra Tan Tien Share of Tan Tien Plastic Packaging Joint Stock Company : TTP Securities code Loai ch&ng khoan : Co phieu phi th6ng Common Stock Securities code Menh giagiao dich Par value : 10.000 d6ng 10,000 VND San giao dich : D4i chung chtra niem yet Stock exchange Unlisted public company Ngay dang ky cuoi ding : Ngay 20 thdng 06 nam 2017 Final date of registration 20th June 2017 14 va myc dich(Reason and purpose): ■ Thvc hien Fay y kien c6 (long bang van ban; To obtain the written opinions of the shareholders; Ni dung cu the(Specific content): ■ Ty le thkrc hien: 1:1 (01 c6 phieu - 01 quyen bieu quyet) Rate of execution: 1:1 (01 securities - 01 voting right) ■ Th6i gian dkr kien thirc hien: 07 thang 07 nam 2017 Estimated time for execution: th July 2017 ■ Dia diem thkrc hien:Lo 114-115-1110-1111, cum 4, Nhom CN II, Khu ding nghiep Tan Binh, Dtr6ng s6 13, Phtrang Tay Th4nh, Qulan Tan Phu, TP.HCM Location of execution: Lot 114-115-1110-1111, Group 4, Industrial group II, Tan Binh Industrial Zone, Road no 13, Tan Thanh Ward Tan Phu District, HCMC • NOi dung* y kien(Content of opinions to be obtained): - Dieu chinh nganh, nghe kinh doanh cua C6ng ty Supplementing the Company's business lines; - Sfra d6i, b6 sung Dieu le Ong ty ye Arc tieu hot dung cita Cong ty; Amending the Company's Charter in relation to the Operation Objectives the Company; De nghj VSD lap va giri cho Cong ty cluing toi danh sach ngutei hem cht"rng khofin tai dAng ky cuiii ding neu tren N/A° dia chi sau: We require VSD to draft and send us the list of the owner of the securities on the final date of registration as above to the following address: • Dia chi nh4n Danh sach (ban cirrig):Lo 114-115-1110-H11, cum 4, NhOm CN II, Khu cong nghiep Tan Binh, Dtrang so 13, Phtr6ng Tay Thph, Qu4n Tan Phti, TP.HCM Address of receiving the List (hard copy): Lot 114-115-1110-1111, Group 4, Industrial group II, Tan Binh Industrial Zone, Road no 13, Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, HCMC • Dia chi email nh4rt file der lieu: Email for receiving the soft file: vmtran a, Chung toi cam ket nhilng thong tin ve nguiri st? Fru danh sach se dtrqc sir dung dung myc dich va titan thu cac quy dlnh ciia VSD Cong ty chung OA se hoan town chiu trach nhiem trithc phi]) luAt neu co vi phym We undertake that the information of the owner in the list shall be used in the accurate purpose and comply with the regulations of VSD Our company shall take fully responsibility before laws for any fault (MIN PHAP LUAT (MI 14E 4E'NTATIVE CO V!'j's nhn (Recipient): - Nhu tren/ Above 4c1 •.' • V'.QI:.'"\k.0.1 - Ltru./Saved pH 1, no KOOK Tai lieu dInh kem/ Attached document - Cac tai lieu lien quan den nei dung lay S, kien c6 Clang bang van ban The documents in relation to the content the opinions to be obtained ... relation to the Operation Objectives the Company; De nghj VSD lap va giri cho Cong ty cluing toi danh sach ngutei hem cht"rng khofin tai dAng ky cuiii ding neu tren N/A° dia chi sau: We require VSD to. .. a, Chung toi cam ket nhilng thong tin ve nguiri st? Fru danh sach se dtrqc sir dung dung myc dich va titan thu cac quy dlnh ciia VSD Cong ty chung OA se hoan town chiu trach nhiem...Common Stock Securities code Menh giagiao dich Par value : 10.000 d6ng 10,000 VND San giao dich : D4i chung chtra niem yet Stock exchange Unlisted public company