Serbian Self Assesment Tool for Companies UPITNIK tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn v...
RODNA RAVNOPRAVNOST U POSLOVANJU GENDER EQUALITY IN BUSINESS Ova publikacija je nastala u okviru projekta „Unapređenje ekonomskih i socijalnih prava žena u Srbiji i u Crnoj Gori”, koji sprovodi UN Women, Agencija Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena, uz finansijsku podršku Vlade Kraljevine Norveške Stavovi i podaci izraženi u publikaciji pripadaju isključivo autorki, i ne predstavljaju stavove UN Women, Ujedinjenih nacija, ili bilo koje druge organizacije pod okriljem UN The publication is developed within the scope of a project entitled Advancing Women’s Social and Economic Rights in Serbia and Montenegro implemented by UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, with funding from the Government of the Kingdom of Norway The views and data contained in the publication are those of the authors and not necessarily represent the views of UN Women, the United Nations or any of its affiliated organizations Uvodne reci Agencija Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena (UN Women) je u svetu i Srbiji usredsređena na unapređenje ekonomske sigurnosti i prava žena Značaj ekonomskog osnaživanja žena i koristi koje iz toga proizlaze su neosporni, kako iz ugla ženskih prava, tako i sa stanovišta ekonomskog rasta i produktivnosti Međutim, kada je reč o učešću u formalnom zapošljavanju i uživanju u plodovima tog rada, u realnosti još uvek nije ostvarena jednakost između žena i muškaraca U Srbiji oko 50 odsto žena u radnom dobu nisu ekonomski aktivne naspram oko 30 odsto muškaraca u tom položaju Kada je reč o radno aktivnim ženama i muškarcima, za žene postoji veća verovatnoća da će raditi u neformalnoj ekonomiji i da će biti na nižim hijerarhijskim pozicijama, a manja je verovatnoća da će biti samozaposlene UN Women u Srbiji, u okviru projekta Unapređenje ekonomskih i socijalnih prava žena u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori (20102013), koji finansira Vlada Kraljevine Norveške, podržava nacionalne partnere u unapređivanju položaja žena na tržištu rada, kao i u ispunjavanju zakonskih obaveza i sprovođenju politika u vezi sa rodnom ravnopravnošću Poslovna zajednica može da odigra značajnu ulogu u osnaživanju žena, kako interno, u odnosima prema svojim zaposlenima, tako i eksterno, u odnosima sa poslovnim partnerima i širom zajednicom Principi osnaživanja žena: Ravnopravnost znači uspešno poslovanje, globalna partnerska inicijativa UN Women i Globalnog dogovora UN pokrenuta 2010, pružaju preduzećima okvir za osnaživanje žena na radnom mestu, na tržištu i u zajednici Preduzeća širom sveta potpisnici su Prinicipa, čime su se obavezala da će sprovesti konkretne korake za njihovo implementiranje U Srbiji, UN Women je podržao razvoj sveobuhvatnog instrumenta za samoprocenu koji omogućava preduzećima da ocene svoje politike i prakse sa stanovišta jednakih šansi i nediskriminacije U saradnji sa lokalnom kancelarijom Globalnog dogovora UN, organizovana je konferencija na visokom nivou Principi osnaživanja žena: Ravnopravnost znači uspešno poslovanje — srpske kompanije kao lideri na kojoj je učestvovalo više od 180 preduzeća Primeri dobrih praksi prepoznati su u dvanaest preduzeća u Srbiji koja su postala potpisnici Principa i tako se pridružila grupi od gotovo 400 potpisnika širom sveta I pored postojećih zakonskih obaveza i dobrih praksi preduzeća, potrebno je da se korporativna znanja i prakse u Srbiji dodatno unaprede u oblasti ženskih prava i rodne ravnopravnosti, kao i da se izgradi snažna koalicija aktera iz različitih sektora, uključujući državni sektor i civilno društvo, koja će konzistentno promovisati rodnu ravnopravnost u svojim odnosima sa poslovnom zajednicom Principi osnaživanja žena predstavljaju mapu puta u ovim naporima Nadamo se da će ovaj informacioni paket o Principima biti koristan za sve one koji traže informacije i praktična uputstva o tome kako da u svoju korporativnu viziju i praksu ugrade prava žena i rodnu ravnopravnost Asja Varbanova Menadžerka projekta UN Women Srbija Introduction Throughout the world and in Serbia, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) is focusing on advancing women’s economic security and rights The benefits and importance of women’s economic empowerment are undisputable, through the prisms of both women’s rights as well as economic growth and productivity However, equality among women and men in participating and benefiting from formal employment is still not a reality In Serbia, around half of working age women are not economically active, compared to one third of men When women work, they are more likely than men to be employed in the informal economy, more often positioned at lower ladders of the hierarchy, and they are less likely to be self-employed UN Women in Serbia, under the framework of the project Advancing Women’s Economic and Social Rights in Serbia and Montenegro (2010—2013), financed by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway, is supporting national partners to advance women’s position on the labour market and fulfill legal and policy commitments related to gender equality The business sector can play an important role in women’s empowerment, both internally towards women as employees and externally, in dealings with business partners and the community at large The Women’s Empowerment Principles—Equality Means Business - a global partnership initiative of UN Women and the UN Global Compact launched in 2010 - provide a framework of action for business on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community Companies throughout the world have signed up to the WEPs and in this way committed themselves to specific actions for their implementation In Serbia, UN Women supported development of a comprehensive self-assessment tool that allows companies to critically assess their policies and practices from the perspective of equal opportunities and non-discrimination In cooperation with the UN Global Compact local chapter, a high-level conference "Women's Empowerment Principles: Equality Means Business - Serbian Companies Leading the Way" was organized and was attended by more than 180 businesses 12 companies based in Serbia were identified as good practices and signed the WEPs, in this way joining the ranks of nearly 400 signatory companies worldwide Despite existing legal obligations and good practices among companies, there is a need for further strengthen corporate knowledge and practice in Serbia on women’s rights and gender equality, as well as to build a strong multi-stakeholder coalition, including governments and civil society, which consistently bring forward the gender equality agenda in their engagement with business The Women’s Empowerment Principles provide a roadmap for this purpose We hope that the present information package on the Principles will be useful to all those seeking information and practical guidance on how to integrate women’s rights and gender equality in the corporate vision and practice Asya Varbanova Project Manager/Officer in Charge UN Women Serbia Principi osnaživanja žena u praksi I UPITNIK ZA SAMOPROCENU KOMPANIJE WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES in practiCE and SELF ASSESMENT TOOL FOR COMPANIES Upitnik za samoprocenu kompanija, kao i uputstva i sugestije za primenu Principa, sačinila je dr Suzan Harvud, stručnjakinja za rodnu ravnopravnost i konsultantkinja UN Women, na osnovu istraživanja i prikupljenih relevantnih primera dobrih praksi Rad je zasnovan na brošuri Principi osnaživanja žena, ravnopravnost znači uspešno poslovanje, 2011 Susan Harwood, PhD, Gender Equity Strategist and UN Consultant produced the Self-Assessment tool for companies; in so doing she developed the Guiding Notes, suggestions about how to implement the Principles and researched and collated the relevant best practice examples Her work is based on the brochure of the Women's Empowerment Principles, Equality Means Business, 2011 Sadržaj/Contents ■ PRINCIPI OSNAŽIVANJA ŽENA U PRAKSI 5 ■ REZIME KLJUČNIH CILJEVA PRINCIP 1: Na visoke upravljačke pozicije postavljati rukovodioce i rukovoditeljke posvećene rodnoj ravnopravnosti ■ PRINCIP 2: Prema svim ženama i muškarcima na poslu pravedno postupati — poštovati i podržavati ljudska prava i nediskriminaciju 10 ■ ■ PRINCIP 3: Obezbediti zdravlje, bezbednost i blagostanje svih radnica i radnika 12 ■ PRINCIP 4: Promovisati obrazovanje, obuku i stručno usavršavanje žena 14 ■ PRINCIP 5: Razvijati kompaniju, lanac snabdevanja i marketing na način koji osnažuje žene 16 ■ PRINCIP 6: Promovisati ravnopravnost kroz inicijative u društvu i zagovaranje 18 ■ PRINCIP 7: Meriti napredak rodne ravnopravnosti i javno izveštavati o njemu 20 ■ UPITNIK ZA SAMOPROCENU KOMPANIJA 23 ■ WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 37 ■ Summary of Key Objectives 39 ■ PRINCIPLE 1: Establish High-level Corporate Leadership for Gender equality 40 PRINCIPLE 2: Treat All Women and Men Fairly at Work, Respect and Support Human Rights and Non-discrimination 42 ■ ■ PRINCIPLE 3: Ensure the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of All Women and Men Workers 44 ■ PRINCIPLE 4: Promote Education, Training and Professional Development for Women 46 ■ PRINCIPLE 5: Implement Enterprise Development, Supply Chain and Marketing Practices that Empower Women 48 ■ PRINCIPLE 6: Promote Equality Through Community Initiatives and Advocacy 50 ■ PRINCIPLE 7: Measure and Publicly Report on Progress to Achieve Gender Equality 52 ■ SELF ASSESMENT TOOL FOR COMPANIES 55 Principi osnaživanja žena u praksi Ovaj dokument je zamišljen kao vodič pri sastavljanju odgovora za Upitnik Prilikom razmatranja odgovora na pitanja možda ćete želeti i da se informišete o predlozima i primerima dobre prakse; oni bi mogli da podstaknu dalje diskusije u okviru vaše kompanije o tome šta još možete da uradite za postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti Principi osnaživanja žena predstavljaju zajedničku inicijativu UN Women, agencije Ujedinjenih nacija za rodnu ravnopravnost i osnaživanje žena i Globalnog dogovora Ujedinjenih nacija Rad na stvaranju ovih principa uključivao je i međunarodni proces konsultacija sa više činilaca Prinicipi osnaživanja žena agencije UN Women predstavljaju set jednostavnih pravila i preporuka za kompanije Oni nude uputstva o tome kako osnažiti žene na radnom mestu, na tržištu i u zajednici, kroz društveno odgovornu poslovnu praksu koja je proženski orijentisana Kompanije širom sveta, među njima i neke iz Srbije, potpisale su ove Principe, pokazavši tako svoje opredeljenje za unapređenje rodne ravnopravnosti, kako interno, prema svojim zaposlenima, tako i eksterno — u poslovima sa partnerima/partnerkama, dobavljačima/dobavljačicima, klijentima/klijentkinjama i zajednicom Ovaj Upitnik za procenu pripremljen je kako bi pomogao kompanijama u Srbiji da prepoznaju svoju postojeću proženski orijentisanu praksu i kako bi im dao neke korisne primere „dobre prakse“ iz vodećih kompanija koje već imaju koristi od usvajanja Principa osnaživanja žena Upitnik za procenu zasnovan je na brošuri Principi osnaživanja žena Rezime kljucnih ciljeva Kroz učešće u ovom procesu vaša kompanija moći će da prepozna: (a) kako već doprinosite rodnoj ravnopravnosti; (b) šta biste još mogli/e da uradite; (c) neke primere dobre prakse iz drugih kompanija koje biste mogli razmotriti kao uzor za svoju organizaciju; (d) kako da vam pomogne da poslujete u skladu sa Zakonom o ravnopravnosti polova Republike Srbije (pomoć u pripremi rodnog plana, onako kako to propisuje Zakon o ravnopravnosti polova) Odgovarajući na taj set jednostavnih izjava u okviru Upitnika za procenu, sve kompanije naučiće više o svojoj trenutnoj praksi i o tome šta bi se moglo uvesti, promeniti ili modifikovati kako bi se unapredila rodna ravnopravnost Upitnik za procenu osmišljen je da bude edukativan i inspirativan: primeri dobre prakse koje su dostavile vodeće kompanije pokazuju kako one ubiru plodove svojih inicijativa na planu rodne ravnopravnosti zahvaljujući povećanoj delotvornosti zaposlenih, kako privlače i zadržavaju najtalentovanije, unapređuju moral i podstiču reakcije klijenata i klijentkinja i tržišta Ukratko, predlažemo vam da ovaj dokument koristite na sledeći način: (A) OPŠTE NAPOMENE za svaki od sedam principa: posvetite im pažnju dok budete prolazili kroz svaki set pitanja u Upitniku za procenu Opšte napomene pomoći će vam da jasno razumete nameru svakog Principa osnaživanja pre nego što odgovorite na pitanja (B) ŠTA JOŠ MOŽETE DA URADITE: upoznajte se s ovim predlozima ako želite da razmotrite neke ideje o tome šta bi vaša kompanija još mogla da uradi kako bi zadovoljila zahteve svakog Principa (C) PRIMERI „DOBRE PRAKSE“: svaki od ovih primera odabran je zato što je relevantan za konkretne Principe Primeri su prikupljeni od vodećih kompanija širom sveta kako bi inspirisali nove ideje o tome kako da se postigne rodna ravnopravnost Kompanije koje primenjuju dobru praksu su razmatrale šta rade i šta su sada postigle kako bi rodnu ravnopravnost suštinski ugradile u svoju poslovnu strategiju Razmotrite „Dobre prakse“ u kontekstu svakog pojedinačnog Principa kako biste utvrdili da li su „pogodne za primenu“ — sada ili u budućnosti — u vašoj organizaciji Gde god je to bilo moguće, date su internet adrese tako da možete da stupite u kontakt s kompanijama ako su vam potrebne dodatne informacije; otkrićete da je većina veoma raspoložena za razmenu informacija Kada završite ovaj Upitnik za procenu, vaša Kompanija će imati veoma vidljiv i konkretan „snimak“ trenutnog nivoa vašeg uklapanja u svaki od Principa; odnosno, procenu onoga što već dobro radite i onoga što možda još treba da uradite kako biste postigli/e bolje rezultate na planu rodne ravnopravnosti Vaše učešće u ovoj važnoj inicijativi obezbediće da i vi i mi dođemo obuhvatnijeg, integrisanog i zajedničkog razumevanja načina na koji bismo mogli da ostvarimo rodnu ravnopravnost za sve kompanije Kako pristupiti ovom upitniku za procenu Iako možda nećete odmah znati odgovore na sva pitanja koja slede, podstičemo vas da budete otvoreni i iskreni u svojim odgovorima i da koristite Upitnik za procenu kao fokus za dalju diskusiju Preporučujemo da se konsultujete s kolegama i koleginicama na vašem radnom mestu kako bi Upitnik za procenu postao sredstvo za postizanje zajedničkog razumevanja u okviru vaše kompanije o tome šta se već radi i šta još treba uraditi da bi se postigla rodna ravnopravnost Smatramo da će vam ovakav konsultativni proces omogućiti da tačnije merite ono što ste uradili na zadovoljavanju zahteva svakog Principa i zahteva Zakona o ravnopravnosti polova Veoma je važno angažovati žene prilikom formulisanja odgovora; konsultujući se sa ženama, naučićete više o njihovim iskustvima o tome šta se radi i šta smatraju da još treba uraditi kako bi se postigli merljivi rezultati za svaki od Principa Zato vam predlažemo da planirate unapred, da odvojite dovoljno vremena i da se obratite raznim zainteresovanim stranama u svojoj kompaniji pre nego što odgovorite na pitanja Kuda dalje? U zaključku Opštih napomena nalaze se dodatne informacije o tome Princip 1: Na visoke upravljacke pozicije postavljati rukovodioce i rukovoditeljke posvecene rodnoj ravnopravnosti (A) Opšte napomene Prvi Princip podržava uspešno sprovođenje svih sedam Principa jer ukazuje na značaj liderstva za postizanje rodne ravnopravnosti Treba da postoji dosledno i snažno vođstvo od samog vrha kompanije i da pritom svi članovi/članice rukovodećeg tima postignu zajednički sporazum o značaju rodne ravnopravnosti za celu organizaciju Kada se takav sporazum uspostavi, rukovodeći tim treba da sastavi zajednički plan koji opisuje ono što se predlaže, uključujući i pregled načina na koje će se rodna ravnopravnost sprovoditi, nadgledati i meriti Ovaj plan treba da sadrži nekoliko ključnih postupaka koji svima zaposlenima u toj kompaniji ukazuju na sledeće: (I) da postoji dogovor o korporativnom pristupu razvoju inicijativa vezanih za rodnu ravnopravnost; (Ii) da članovi i članice rukovodeće grupe u kompaniji čine proaktivan i ciljani napor da sprovode taj pristup; i (Iii) da je uspostavljanje rodne ravnopravnosti podržano uspostavljanjem ključnih indikatora učinka za sve oblasti poslovanja kompanije (B) Šta još možete da uradite kako biste uspešno sproveli/e Princip ■ Angažujte stručnjaka ili stručnjakinju za rodnu ravnopravnost koji/a će se obratiti rukovodećem timu vaše kompanije i tako doprineti boljem razumevanju inicijativa vezanih za rodnu ravnopravnost ■ Razvijte plan sprovođenja Principa koji obuhvata ključne merljive aktivnosti u narednih 12 meseci (npr stručni saveti, podizanje svesti člana/članice vašeg izvršnog rukovodsta, obuka osoblja i unapređivanje komunikacije) ■ Odredite ljude i finansijska sredstva koje ste spremni/e da angažujete u sprovođenju plana unapređenje rodne ravnopravnosti vaše kompanije ■ Obezbedite da svi članovi/članice rukovodećeg tima kompanije imaju primerak Zakona o ravnopravnosti polova [Srbija] i da su upoznati sa njim ■ Objavite u svim dokumentima i publikacijama vaše kompanije da je vaša kompanija posvećena unapređenju rodne ravnopravnosti; uključite ovu izjavu u sve oglase za zapošljavanje novog osoblja ■ Pružite mogućnost da žene koje napreduju ka rukovodećim funkcijama mogu da koriste obuke i usluge mentorstva od strane članova/članica visokog rukovodstva ■ Uvedite kvote ili druge afirmativne mere za žene na rukovodećim pozicijama ■ Sprovedite procenu postojećih politika, programa i usluga kako bi se utvrdilo gde i na koji način bi one mogle da doprinesu neravnopravnosti u vašoj kompaniji ■ Planirajte i uvedite mere koje su usaglašene sa potrebama žena i porodice ■ Obezbedite da vrednosti i kultura kompanije odražavaju principe rodne ravnopravnosti i jednakih mogućnosti ■ Prikupite povratne informacije od žena i muškaraca na različitim nivoima i radnim mestima u vašoj kompaniji kako biste utvrdili da li je opredeljenje za rodnu ravnopravnost vidljivo i da li ga razumeju zaposleni/e The Women's Empowerment Principles are a joint initiative of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Global Compact that include an international multi-stakeholder consultation process Through participation in this process your Corporation will be able to identify (a) What you are already doing well for gender equality; (b) What more you could be doing; (c) Some best practices examples from other corporations that could be considered for your organization; (d) Help in ensuring your operations are in compliance with Serbia’s Gender Equality Law (help in preparation of the Gender Plan, as required by GEL) The UN’s Women’s Empowerment Principles are a set of simple rules and recommendations for corporations offering guidance on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community, through pro-women socially responsible business practices Companies around the world, including some in Serbia, have signed these Principles, demonstrating their commitment to the advancement of gender equality The assessment questionnaire is based on the Women’s Empowerment Principles booklet WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality Treat all women and men fairly at work — respect and support human rights and non-discrimination Ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all women and men workers Promote education, training and professional development among women Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy Measure and publicly report on progress towards achieving gender equality PRINCIPLE: Establish High-Level Corporate Leadership for Gender Equality 1.1 The members of your leadership team are in agreement (an agreement does not have to be formal) that there is a need to work towards the achievement of gender equality in our corporation Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, what steps have you taken so far to act on this agreement For example, have you developed some policies or undertook certain activities to address gender equality issues? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to come to such an agreement within your leadership team? If so, what first steps would need to be taken? 1.2 Your strategic plan (and/or business plan; CSR plan; vision or mission statements; company profile) includes some specific gender equality goals and objectives Yes No ■ If ‘yes’, what are some of those goals and objectives and where are they stated? Don’t know ■ If ‘no’, why not? Is it because it is not seen as a priority by management? What can you if you want to change this view? 1.3 You have data that shows your ‘gender profile’, i.e how many men and how many women are working for your organization and the ratio of women to men at each level of management Yes No ■ If ‘yes’, indicate what you have learned from your latest review of this (‘gender profile’) data: ■ If ‘no’, ask would it be useful for your corporation to have such data and, if so, why? Don’t know 1.4 How to attract, retain and promote more women is a regular topic of discussion in your organization? Yes ■ If ‘yes’, who is engaged in these discussions? No Don’t know ■ If ‘no’, would such discussions be useful in your corporation and, if so, would there be any obstacles to placing gender on the agenda of regular meetings? 1.5 Do you think that the corporate culture of your organization advances equality and inclusion? Yes ■ If ‘yes’, how and which elements? ■ If ‘no’, why not and how can we improve this? No Don’t know 1.6 Is gender equality a factor in managers’ performance reviews? Yes ■ If ‘yes’, how and which elements? ■ If ‘no’, why not and how can we improve this? No Don’t know Rodna ravnopravnost u poslovanju/Gender Equality in Business ■ 59 PRINCIPLE 2: Treat all Women and Men Fairly at Work - Respect and Support Human Rights and Non-Discrimination 2.1 Do you have an equal opportunities policy in your corporation? Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, you think this policy has been successfully implemented throughout the organization? Does the policy refer separately to women and men and include a statement about your commitment to human rights and to providing a workplace free from gender-based discrimination, harassment and bullying? ■ If ‘no’, does your organization nonetheless achieve high standards of gender equality? If you are not achieving high standards of gender equality, what might be some of the causes? 2.2 You regularly collect feedback from your employees about what it is like for them to work in the organization Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, how you this? What you learn from this feedback about the experiences of men and women working in this corporation? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful to collect this feedback? What kind of mechanism could your organization use if you wanted to gather such feedback? 2.3 Is there some evidence to indicate that women experience your workplace differently from men? Yes ■ If ‘yes’, what is the evidence and what does it say about these different experiences? ■ No Don’t know If ‘no’, would it be useful to collect some data from men and women to explore if there are any differences and, if so, what kind of questions could you ask? 2.4 You have a clear, non-discriminatory policy about how pay levels are decided in your organization and have a demonstrated commitment to pay women and men equally when they are performing the same job Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, what data you collect to assess whether this policy is working and you think this policy is working? ■ If ‘no’, would such a policy be useful in your corporation and, if so, what would you need to to develop such a policy? 2.5 You include an Equal Opportunities/Gender Equality statement in your recruitment advertising Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, what you hope to achieve by doing this? What are some of the key points you make on gender equality/equal opportunities in your recruitment advertising? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your corporation to include such a statement? Why? 2.6 Sometimes you specifically target women and sometimes specifically target men in your recruitment advertising Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, please explain why and in which cases? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your corporation to start targeting women in your advertising? Why? 2.7 You have a fair, clear and planned process to ensure that women and men have equal opportunities for advancement Yes No Don’t know ■ If yes, does this process make a difference to the number of women and men being promoted in your organization? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful to have a planned process and how would you it? Rodna ravnopravnost u poslovanju/Gender Equality in Business ■ 61 2.8 You have policies that outline flexible work options for employees in your corporation These options include flexible start/finish times, good availability of part-time work, the possibility of working compressed hours (such as a 4-day week) and a “transition to retirement” policy (enabling workers to work fewer hours as they move towards retirement) Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, list the flexible work options currently in place What feedback has been gathered on how well these policies are working? ■ If ‘no’, would your organization consider introducing any of these (or other) options and why? If so, name some of the obstacles that would have to be overcome in order to institute some (or all) of these flexible practices in your corporation PRINCIPLE 3: Ensure the Health, Safety and Wellbeing of all Women and Men Workers 3.1 You have safety and wellbeing policies in place to safeguard the working environment for all employees (these policies can include “Zero Tolerance” of Sexual Harassment; Grievance Procedures for people experiencing mobbing, a policy on the safety of work equipment etc.) Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’ which of these (or other safety and wellbeing) policies you have in place? Is there any way of knowing whether any or all of these policies are considered as effective by your employees, particularly women? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to introduce such policies and, if so, how would these policies be developed? 3.2 If safety and wellbeing policies are in place, you use specific indicators to measure their impact on men and women in your organization (for example, you are able to separately measure the amount of sick leave taken by men and women in the organization and can see whether the amount of leave taken for these purposes is linked to specific areas within the workplace and whether there have been any complaints of mobbing, harassment from the same area/s)? Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, are these indicators available for all existing safety and wellbeing policies, or just for some; and, if so, which? What you know about the way these policies are perceived by men and women in your workplace and about such practices in terms of their costs, benefits, acceptability and practicality? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to introduce specific indicators to measure the impact of your safety and wellbeing policies on men and women? Why? Rodna ravnopravnost u poslovanju/Gender Equality in Business ■ 63 3.3 You have a zero tolerance policy against all forms of violence at work and ensure all employees are aware of this policy Yes No ■ If ‘yes’, what feedback you gather on the effectiveness of this policy? Don’t know ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to implement a “zero tolerance” policy? How would your organization monitor the effectiveness of such a policy? 3.4 You consult with employees regarding their safety at work needs and ensure their security whenever they are conducting business off-site on behalf of the organization Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, how you this in your organization? What data is gathered about your employees’ sense of safety and protection at work? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to consult women and men about what they consider to be appropriate protection? If so, what would you ask them? PRINCIPLE 4: Promote Education, Training and Professional Development for Women 4.1 You are building the leadership capacities of all of your people and have strategies in place that specifically target women Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, list some of those strategies Do you know whether your targeting of women is having an impact on developing the leadership capacities of women in your corporation? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful to target women employees in this way and, if so, how would it be useful? 4.2 You collect and analyze data about how many women and men in your corporation access education and training initiatives Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, what you learn from this data? For example, are there any gender differences in the amount of access your employees have to these opportunities? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to start collecting and collating separate [gender disaggregated] data and, if so, why? 4.3 You collect and analyze data that indicates your organization is creating a measurable link between professional development of women and men and their achievement of promotion For example, you know how many women and men who accessed training and education were promoted within a certain period Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, provide some examples of how this data is used to plan future professional opportunities for women who have not yet achieved their full potential ■ If ‘no’, would this data be useful to your organization and, if so, why? Rodna ravnopravnost u poslovanju/Gender Equality in Business ■ 65 PRINCIPLE 5: Implement Enterprise Development, Supply Chain and Marketing Practices that Empower Women 5.1 When you make decisions about how to market products and services you discuss the positive and negative effects this can have on men and women Yes ■ If ‘yes’, list some examples: No Don’t know ■ If ‘no’, would there be any benefit to your corporation of considering the negative effects marketing practices can have on men and women and, if so, why? 5.2 When decisions are made about developing your enterprise you are aware of the need to consider the differing impact of our decisions on women and men in our supply chain Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, include some of the examples of what has been learned about your supply chain: ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to consider your supply chain in this way and, if so, why? 5.3 You ensure that business partners and peers respect your commitment to advancing gender equality, for example by engaging them in discussion about what you are doing to promote gender equality in the broader community Yes No ■ If ‘yes’, provide some examples of how and when you this Don’t know ■ If “no”, would there be any benefit to your organisation if it decided to encourage business partners and peers to embrace your commitment to advancing gender equality? If so, why? PRINCIPLE 6: Promote Equality through Community Initiatives and Advocacy 6.1 You engage in community initiatives that demonstrate your commitment to, and advocacy of, gender equality and the rights of women Yes ■ If ‘yes’, please list some of these initiatives:- No Don’t know ■ If ‘no’, would there be any benefit in your organization adopting some gender equality community engagement initiatives? If so, why? 6.2 You encourage gender equality in all interactions with the community Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, please provide some examples of how you are doing this:- ■ If ‘no’, are there any reasons why your organization should consider doing this? 6.3 Your organization respects and advocates for human rights For example, you work with community stakeholders, officials and others to eliminate discrimination and exploitation and open opportunities for women and girls, or you promote and recognize women’s leadership Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, please list some examples of how you demonstrate this advocacy:- ■ If ‘no’, would your organization consider doing this? If so, why and what would need to be done to show that your organization is an advocate of human rights? Rodna ravnopravnost u poslovanju/Gender Equality in Business ■ 67 PRINCIPLE 7: Measure and Publicly Report on Progress to Achieve Gender Equality 7.1 You collect data that indicates you are making some progress on gender equality initiatives in your corporation Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, please list what this historical data indicates to you about your current progress on gender equality:- ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful to your organization to collect such data and, if so, why? 7.2 You have regular discussions with women on how to advance their careers and professional opportunities Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, how regular are these discussions and what does your organization know about the usefulness (or otherwise) of these discussions to the women involved? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to begin engaging in such discussions and, if so, why? 7.3 You report publicly on your gender equality initiatives Yes No Don’t know ■ If ‘yes’, list any of the benefits you consider may flow from engaging in this public reporting: What kind of information you include in this reporting? ■ If ‘no’, would it be useful for your organization to consider engaging in public reporting and, if so, why? ... Serbia Principi osnaživanja žena u praksi I UPITNIK ZA SAMOPROCENU KOMPANIJE WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES in practiCE and SELF ASSESMENT TOOL FOR COMPANIES Upitnik za samoprocenu kompanija, kao i... Gender Equality 52 ■ SELF ASSESMENT TOOL FOR COMPANIES 55 Principi osnaživanja žena u praksi Ovaj dokument je zamišljen kao vodič pri sastavljanju odgovora za Upitnik Prilikom razmatranja... poslovanje, 2011 Susan Harwood, PhD, Gender Equity Strategist and UN Consultant produced the Self- Assessment tool for companies; in so doing she developed the Guiding Notes, suggestions about how to implement