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CEO $tatement of Support and Form for $igning HBfr We, business leaders fom across the globe, eryress support fur adrrancing equalig betlveen women and men to: EQI'TUIY IIEAIIS BI'SI}IESS r o r r o ltrmHEn Bring the broadest pool of talent to our endeavours: UilIIED f,ATIffiS GLOML COMPACT Furtherour@mpanies' competitiveness; Meet our corporate responsibility and sustainability commitments; Model behaviour witrin our cornpanies trat reflects trre society uae woutd tike for our employees, ftllow citizens and families; Encounage economic and social mnditions that provide opportunities for women and men, girls and boys; and Foster sustainable denelopment in the counties in wtrich we operate Therefore, we welcome the provisions of the Women's Empourerment Principles Equal6y Means Business, produced and disseminated by the United Nations Entity for Gerder Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the United Nations Global Compacl The principles present seven steps that business and otrer sectorc can take to advance and empower women Equal treatment of women and men is not just the right thing to it is also good for business- The full participation of women in our enterprises and in the larger community makes sound business sense now and in the future A broad concept of sustainability and coryorate responsibility that embraces women's empowerment as a key goal will benefit us all The seven steps of the Women,s Empowerment Principles wifl help us realize these opportunities We encourage business leaders to join us and use the Principles as guidance for actions that we can all take in the workplace, markeplace and community to empourer women and benefit our companies and societies We will strive to use sex-disaggregated data in our sustainabilig reporting to communicatie our progress to our own stakeholders" Please join us CEO Name; -\o QuFus [ '"rro' CEO (ffywwidrto www.weprinciples slaL as Ioc plea* fill out tle online {orm: (]ors ,qEUN ei U} qp united Nations Gtobat compact IE WOMENE T F.t.ty ior Cender Fou aild *he Empos?e[meEt Gf ialo ;:JI l.Jnited Ni1;o4s Signing the GEO Statement of Support for ttre Ylfomen's Empowerment Principles - Equality ifreelns B.rsiress wo me n s-e m powe rme nt- p ri n ei pl $€F EorrruJrY Please complete ttis form and refurn itto: ilEAlsBrrsl[Ess lffimmEH es @ u n g I o ba I co m p a ct o rg ir] m UITTEO f,AtrIOilS GLOSAL COMPACT lf you wish to submit this furm electronically, please omplete online at: http :l/we p ri nci p es o rg/S itelH owToS g nl i I Please note: the CEO Statement of Supprt k stictly far signature by the CEO (or equivalent) of a c.orporate enw with a minimum of 10 futl-time employees Leam how n*n*usiness arganr2afibns can engage wih the WEPs at www.weprinciples.arglSite/*lon8usiness Com pany lnformatio n {Req u i red} Hame lndustry/ Sector (piease c*de only one su0 categary) Oil& Gas lndustrialGoods & Services Retail Aerospace & Defense General Retailers Electronic & Eleckical Equipment lndustrial Engineering lndustrial Transportation Support Services Automobiles& Parts Automobiles & Parts Country Humber of Utilities Food & Beverage Oil& Gas Producers Beverages Food Producers Oil Equipment, Services & Personal & Household Goods Distribution Alternative Energy Household Goods & Home Chemicals Construction Chemicals t-eisure Goods Personal Goods Basic Resources Forestry & Paper Health Care lndustrial Metals & Mining Health Care Equipment & Mining Services Construction & Materials Pharmaceuticals & Construction & Materials Biotechnology 1a r Employee Rt Media Media Travel & Leisure Travel& Leisure Signature Date Fixed Line Telecomrnunications Mobile Telecommunications raR, fl -'P ilS Ce o A+r2- KiRiox1tr:EiJ€, + bgU Lto.lL{ Ti ii-\ t4 (g }-^-l\.rrjr^n \, Additional Contact Person (Optiona[ Additional Gontacb (Name &E-mail) T ing'with the lfilEPs GEO QUOTE (optianal) Please provide a quote from your CEO about the reasons shelhe signed the CEO Statement of Support and why wornen's empowerment is a company prionty The guote vrill be included with WEPs materials, both wetrbased and hard copy, to highlight the company's commitment EXAMPLE OF POLICY, PRACTICE OR INITIATIYE (opfional) Please provide an example of, or link to, one or more of your policies, practices or initiatives relevant to gender equality and women's empowerment The examples will be included in our publication Companies Leading the Way included with WEPs materials, both web-hased and hard copy, to highlight the company's commitment -s AREAS OF lltTERESit (optionat) of particular inter$ to help us to anange events and other activities to msist I PFf indicate any ar-eas oflhe \AIEPs (e.s guirlance wr rbportins, pru;;; equalrlrlork, vatue chain, II :jtlgfi:T:lglon community initiatives eilc): "q,[l I I I I I I I I I VOLUNTARY CONTRTBUTTON I It I I I [I Tfre wEPs are a tml alrailabb to all mmpanbs fre of cfrarge Global compact participants that s(1n the Statement of suppott automaticals contribute to the growth and sustainability of the wEps initiatiye 9=O their annual ontributbn to the Global Gornpct, vyhhh pronides the Secretariat for the Women's }to,gh Empov'/e*:.nt Principles Companies that are not currenfiy participants in the Glohl Gompact are to-onsiderioining in an effort to broaden their understanding and approach to corporate "nTYtTed For information on how to participate sustainabilityin the Global Compact, please see here or entact Lauren Gula (g ulal@ung tobatcompact.org)" ' Altematively, companies that are not partlcipants in the Glrbal compact, but are interested in signing the GEO Sffiement of Support for the Women's Emponerment Principle, are encouraged to make an annual mntribution to help support the ac*ivities and efus of the Wonen's Emporcrment principles initiative at the global level Suggested annual contributions are UsD 5,000 for large mmpanies*, USD 2,500 for medium sized companie6*" and USD 500 forsmall companbs Annual conbibntionsare payableto the Foundatinn for the Global Compac't Please indicate if the Foundatkrn may send the indicated contact person an invoice and, if so, forwhat arnourt tf your company would like to make an in-kind contribution, please contact Lauren Gula (g u lal@ u n g loba lco mpact org) " A large co,mpany has > USD 250 million in annual sales/revenue *" A medium sized mmpany has between usD 50 millbn ard t sD 250 miflion in annual sa@?evenue YEsO Amount QUESTIONS OR COIIilENTS ,w@' ... itelH owToS g nl i I Please note: the CEO Statement of Supprt k stictly far signature by the CEO (or equivalent) of a c.orporate enw with a minimum of 10 futl-time employees Leam how n*n*usiness arganr2afibns... company's commitment -s AREAS OF lltTERESit (optionat) of particular inter$ to help us to anange events and other activities to msist I PFf indicate any ar-eas oflhe AIEPs (e.s guirlance wr... alrailabb to all mmpanbs fre of cfrarge Global compact participants that s(1n the Statement of suppott automaticals contribute to the growth and sustainability of the wEps initiatiye 9=O their

Ngày đăng: 03/12/2017, 18:22


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