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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí SỞ GD&ĐT HẢI DƯƠNG ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN TRƯỜNG THPT ĐOÀN THƯỢNG NĂM HỌC 2013-2014 Môn: TIẾNG ANH (KHỐI D, A1) Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút; (80 câu trắc nghiệm) Họ, tên thí sinh: Mã đề thi SBD: ……………………………………………………… 208 Read the passage and choose the option that best answers the question or completes the sentence: Every drop of water in the ocean, even in the deepest parts, responds to the forces that create the tides No other force that affects the sea is so strong Compared with the tides, the waves created by the wind are surface movements felt no more than a hundred fathoms below the surface The currents also seldom involve more than the upper several hundred fathoms despite their impressive sweep The tides are a response of the waters of the ocean to the pull of the Moon and the more distant Sun In theory, there is a gravitational attraction between the water and even the outermost star of the universe In reality, however, the pull of remote stars is so slight as to be obliterated by the control of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, the Sun Just as the Moon rises later each day by fifty minutes, on the average, so, in most places, the time of high tide is correspondingly later each day And as the Moon waxes and wanes in its monthly cycle, so the height of the tide varies The tidal movements are strongest when the Moon is a sliver in the sky, and when it is full These are the highest flood tides and the lowest ebb tides of the lunar month and are called the spring tides At these times, the Sun, Moon, and Earth are nearly in line and the pull of the two heavenly bodies is added together to bring the water high on the beaches, to send its surf upward against the sea cliffs, and to draw a high tide into the harbors Twice each month, at the quarters of the Moon, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth lie at the apexes of a triangular configuration and the pull of the Sun and Moon are opposed, the moderate tidal movements called neap tides occur Then the difference between high and low water is less than at any other time during the month Câu 1: Neap tides occur when A waves created by the wind combine with the Moon’s gravitational attraction B the Moon is full C the Sun counteracts the Moon’s gravitational attraction D the Moon is farthest from the Sun Câu 2: The word felt is closest in meaning to A dropped B based C detected D explored VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Câu 3: It can be inferred from the passage that the most important factor in determining how much gravitational effect one object in space has on the tides is _ A density B size C distance D temperature Câu 4: What is the cause of the spring tides? A The triangular arrangement of the Earth, Sun, and Moon B The Earth’s movement around the Sun C Seasonal changes in the weather D The gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon when nearly in line with the Earth Câu 5: The word correspondingly is closest in meaning to A similarly B unpredictably C interestingly D unusually Câu 6: What is the main point of the first paragraph? A Deep ocean water is seldom affected by forces that move water B Despite the strength of the wind, it only moves surface water C The waves created by ocean currents are very large D The tides are the most powerful force to affect the movement of ocean water Câu 7: The words In reality are closest in meaning to A actually B surprisingly C similarly D characteristically Câu 8: Where in the passage does the author mention movements of ocean water other than those caused by tides? A Lines – 11 B Lines 11 - 14 C Lines - D Lines – Câu 9: The word configuration is closest in meaning to A center Câu 10: B unit C arrangement D surface According to the passage, all of the following statements about tides are true EXCEPT A The strongest tides occur at the quarters of the Moon B The time of high tide is later each day C Neap tides are more moderate than spring tides D Tides have a greater effect on the sea than waves Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others: Câu 11: A solitary B security C capacity D employer Câu 12: A edition B influence C desperate D definite Câu 13: A diploma B educate C vacation D detective Câu 14: A practical B chemistry C element D discover Câu 15: A accept B extreme D enough C precious VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Choose the sentence that best rewrites the one given: Câu 16: You should have persuaded him to change his mind A You should persuade him to change his mind B You didn’t persuade him to change because of his mind C It was essential to persuade him to change his mind but you didn’t D You persuaded him to change his mind but he didn’t listen Câu 17: We planned to walk round the lake but the heavy rain made this impossible A The heavy rain nearly prevented us from walking right round the lake B In spite of the heavy rain we managed to walk half way round the lake as planned C If it hadn’t rained so heavily, we would have walked right round the lake D We would have walked round the lake even if it had rained heavily Câu 18: I can’t remember when I last saw him, but it’s certainly a long time ago A I’d like to forget how many years have passed since I last saw him B We’ve only met once and that was too long ago for me to remember him C I shall never forget meeting him even though it’s a long time ago D I only know it is ages since I saw him and I can’t remember when it was Câu 19: They said that Paula had quit five jobs before working for us A They said that five jobs had been quit by Paula before working for us B Paula worked for us then she quit five other jobs C It was said that Paula had quit five jobs before working for us D Paula said that she had quit five jobs before working for us Câu 20: "You’re always making terrible mistakes", said the teacher A The teacher complained about his student making terrible mistakes B The teacher made his students not always make terrible mistakes C The teacher asked his students why they always made terrible mistakes D The teacher realized that his students always made terrible mistakes Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the underlined word: Câu 21: He was not afraid to pet the gentle dog, even though it was very large A dirty B cold C calm D fierce Câu 22: Charles W Eliot, the president of Harvard in 1869, initiated a system under which most required courses were dropped in favor of elective courses A initiated B compulsory C optional D necessary Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences Câu 23: Young he was, he was equal to the task A unless B because C as D if VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Câu 24: “Didn’t you go to the party?” - “ _” A No, I went there with my friends B I did, but I didn’t stay long C That sounds nice, but I can’t D Don’t worry I’ll go there Câu 25: Mary’s father approved of in the US for another year in order to work toward her M.A A she to stay B her to stay C her staying D her to stay Câu 26: To generate income, magazine publishers must decide whether to increase the subscription price or A sold advertising B to sell advertising C if they should sell advertising D selling advertising Câu 27: Rarely _remove the entire root of a dandelion because of its length and sturdiness A can the casual gardener B the casual gardener C the casual gardener will D does the casual gardener’s Câu 28: Her room is very large She is dreaming of a _ A round big wooden table B wooden big round table C big round wooden table D table big wooden round Câu 29: Nothing is spoiled, ? A is it B aren’t they C isn’t it D are they Câu 30: Trees won’t grow _ there is enough water A when B as C if D unless Câu 31: Kelly wanted to have a live band _ at her wedding A to be played B play C played D been playing Câu 32: It is better to try to work rather than against Nature A along B with C by D for Câu 33: The doctors know that it is very difficult to save the patient's life, _they will try their best A but B although C despite D however Câu 34: If my candidate had won the election, I very happy now A was B can be C would have been D would be Câu 35: We had a long way to go so we off very early A had B put Câu 36: “Can you come over after the show?” C set D made - “ ” A That would be nice B Why don’t we go to the show? C No, I didn’t D Please, go ahead Câu 37: Jack is _ about football and never misses a match, VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A interested B keen C fond D crazy Câu 38: “Here, I brought you some flowers from my garden.” – “Thank you They’re beautiful flowers.” A to B so C such D as Câu 39: The only people she looks to are her parents A up B for C at D after Câu 40: Hurry up, or they serving meals by the time we get to the restaurant A would stop B are stopping Câu 41: - “Thanks a lot” C stopped D will have stopped - “ ” A Oh, that’s too bad B Oh, I’m sorry to hear that C Don’t mention it D Of course Câu 42: I promise I will never tell him the truth about you my heart! A Take B Cross C Beat Câu 43: “How can this dress be so expensive?” D Hold - “ _” A What an expensive dress! B You are paying for the brand C Yes, it’s the most expensive D That’s a good idea Câu 44: “ _” -“Yes, it’s a good idea.” A Why don’t we have a picnic? B We want to have a picnic, don’t we? C Do we have a picnic? D We haven’t had a picnic for a long time Câu 45: Her parents gave her everything she asked for She’s a completely child A destroyed B damaged C wounded D spoilt Câu 46: I’d _ you didn’t practice playing the trumpet while I’m trying to study A rather B prefer C like D better Câu 47: you to be offered that job, would you have to move to another city? A Should B Were C Had D Provided that Choose the word that can best replace the underlined word Câu 48: Hypertension is one of the most widespread and potential dangerous diseases A scattered B common C colossal D popular Câu 49: American children customarily go trick-or-treating on Halloween A inevitably B readily C gaily D traditionally Câu 50: After her mother died, she was raised by her grandparents A come into B put up C brought up D grown up Read the passage and choose the best option to answer the question or complete the sentence below: VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Over a period of time, many habitats change with respect to the types of plants and animals that live there This change is known as succession Succession occurs because plants and animals cause a change in the environment in which they live The first weeds and grasses that appear on a bare field, for example, change the environment by shielding the soil from the direct sunlight As these plants spread, the ground surface becomes cooler and moisture, than it was originally Thus, the environment at the ground surface has been changed The new surface conditions favor the sprouting of shrubs As shrubs grow, they kill the grasses by preventing light from reaching them and also build up the soil in the area; in addition, they attract animals that also enhance the shrubs They are not able to shade out oak and hickory seedlings; however, they have found the forest floor suitable These seedlings grow into large trees that eventually shade out the pines Câu 51: What is the best title of this passage? A The importance of weeds and grasses B How environmental habitats change C The success of oak and hickory D Animal and plant habitat Câu 52: Which is the correct order of plant succession in the example in the passage? A Weeds, shrubs, pines, oaks B Weeds, pine, shrubs, oaks C Oak, pines, shrubs, weeds D Shrubs, weeds, pines, oaks Câu 53: According to the passage, how weeds and grasses affect the soil? A They add nutrients to it B They speed seeds on it C They attract animal to it D They make it cooler and wetter Câu 54: It can be inferred from the passage that A pines and grasses can exist together B birds discourage the growth of shrubs C oak and hickory trees grow taller than pines D weeds and grasses prefer cold climate Câu 55: Which of the following is a stage of succession as described in the passage? A Animals being tamed by children B A flood washing away a crop of wheat C A forest cut down to build an airport D Wildflowers growing in an unused parking lot Câu 56: Which of the following encourages the life of animals? A pine seedlings B shrubs C grasses D large trees Câu 57: The word originally is closest in meaning to A in the first place B specially C at the first source D for a short time Câu 58: The word sprouting is closest in meaning to A blossoming B starting to grow C flourishing Câu 59: The word shielding can be replaced by D nourishing VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A protecting B exploring C hiding D changing Câu 60: Compared to pines, hickories are A shorter C as high B higher D more suitable for forest floor Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences below Câu 61: _, Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child A No matter how seems it remarkable B No matter how it seems remarkable C Whatever it seems remarkable how D No matter how remarkable it seems Câu 62: It is important that _ A an exact record to be kept B an exact record should be kept C keeping an exact record D to keep an exact record Câu 63: In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know A that the requirements for each vegetable B what the requirements for each vegetable are C that is required by each vegetable D what are each vegetable’s requirements Câu 64: _the book, please return it to me A Should you find B Will you find C Will you have found D Will you be finding Câu 65: is that a chicken stands up to lay its eggs A Because many people don’ realize B Many people don’t realize C It is that many people don’t realize D What many people don’t realize Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below Câu 66: The type of jazz known as “swing” was introduced by Duke Ellington when he wrote A B C and records “It Don’t Mean a Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing.” D Câu 67: I would have to walk for miles to take that package were you not to bring them here now A B C Câu 68: Since ancient times, some people wore amulets, objects that are supposed to give A B C the wearer magical powers D Câu 69: She is too beautiful that I cannot stop looking at her A B C D Câu 70: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher A B C D D VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Read the passage and choose the best answer to fill in each of the gaps ACTION SCENE IN FILMS Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes action films These scenes, which are (71) as stunts , are usually(72) by stuntmen who are specially trained to dangerous thing safely Anyone can crash a car, but if you're shooting a film, you have to be extremely precise, sometimes stopping (73) in front of the camera and film crew At an early stage in the production, an expert stuntman is called in to work out the action scenes and form team He is the only person who can go (74) _ the wishes of the director, (75) he will usually only this in the interests of safety Many famous actors like to the dangerous part themselves, which produces better shots, since stuntmen don't have to (76) in for the actors Actors like to become (77) in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never (78) them take the risk To their own stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their (79) If they were to be hurt, the film would (80) _ to be sudden halt Câu 71: A referred B remarked C known D named Câu 72: A fulfilled B performed C given D displayed Câu 73: A direct B right C strict D exact Câu 74: A across B through C against D over Câu 75: A although B otherwise C despite D so Câu 76: A put B stand C get D work Câu 77: A involved B arranged C connected D affected Câu 78: A admit B permit C allow D let Câu 79: A frontier B limits C ends D borders Câu 80: A fall B go C pull D come - HẾT VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ANSWER KEYS C 41 C 21 D 61 D C 42 B 22 C 62 B C 43 B 23 C 63 B D 44 A 24 B 64 A A 45 D 25 C 65 D D 46 A 26 B 66 D A 47 B 27 A 67 C D 48 B 28 C 68 B C 49 D 29 A 69 A 10 A 50 C 30 D 70 D 11 A 51 B 31 B 71 C 12 A 52 A 32 B 72 B 13 B 53 D 33 A 73 B 14 D 54 C 34 D 74 C 15 C 55 D 35 C 75 A 16 C 56 B 36 A 76 B 17 C 57 A 37 D 77 A 18 D 58 B 38 C 78 D 19 C 59 A 39 A 79 B 20 A 60 B 40 D 80 D VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí SỞ GIÁO DỤC & ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ THI THỬ THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2014 – 2015 TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM GIÀNG II Môn: TIẾNG ANH (Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề) Mã đề: 102 Họ, tên thí sinh:…………………………………………… Số báo danh: ĐỀ THI GỒM 80 CÂU (TỪ QUESTION ĐẾN QUESTION 80) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Question 1: There has been a great increase in retail sales, ? A hasn't there B isn't there C isn't it D doesn’t it Question 2: She asked me I was looking at A when B if Question 3: Tom: “ ” C what D why Mike: “I won’t say no!” A How are things with you, Mike? C Mike, you know where the scissors are? B What about playing badminton this afternoon D What’s your favourite, tea or coffee? Question 4: Education in many countries is compulsory the age of 16 A for B when C until D forwards Question 5: We must push the piano to the corner of the hall to our party tonight A make place for B take up room to C make room for D give place to Question 6: his brother, Mike is active and friendly A Alike B Unlike C Dislike D Liking Question 7: The boat was sailing north when a terrible storm A had broken B broke C would break D was breaking Question 8: Stephanie: “Oh, no! I left my book at home Can I share yours?” Scott: “ ” A No, thanks B No, not at all! C Yes, I too D Yes, sure! Question 9: The Lake District, was made a national park in 1951, attracts a large number of tourists every year A that B where C what D which Question 10: I'll give this dictionary to wants to have it A anyone B whatever C everyone D whoever VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí If a high salary is important to you, not judge a career by its starting wages Many jobs, such as insurance sales, offers relatively low starting salaries; however, pay substantially increases alongwith your experience, additional training, promotions and commission Don’t rule out any occupation without learning more about it Some industries evoke positive or negative associations The traveling life of a flight attendant appears glamorous, while that of a plumber does not Remember that many jobs are not what they appear to be at first, and may have merits or demerits that are less obvious Flight attendants must work long, grueling hours without sleeps, whereas plumbers can be as highly paid assome doctors Another point to consider is that as you mature, you will likely develop new interests and skills that may point the way to new opportunities The choice you make today need not be your final one 71 The word “them” in paragraph refers to A jobs B answers C features D questions 72 Why does the author mention “long, grueling hours without sleeps” in paragraph 5? A To show that people must work hard for the career they have chosen B To discourage readers from choosing a career as a flight attendant C To contrast the reality of a flight attendant’s job with most people’s perception D To emphasize the difficulty of working as a plumber 73 The author states that “There are no right or wrong answers” in order to A emphasize that each person’s answers will be different B show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process C indicate that the answers are not really important D indicate that each person’s answers may change over time 74 The word “evoke” in paragraph 5is closest in meaning to A be related to B agree on C differ from D bring to mind 75 It can be inferred from paragraph4that A people should constantly work toward the next promotion B insurance sales people can earn high salary later in their career C jobs in insurance sales are generally not well-paid D a starting salary should be an important consideration in choosing a career 76 The word “that” in paragraph 5refers to A commission B a flight attendant C the traveling life 77 The word “assessing” in paragraph could best be replaced by D occupation VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A disposing B considering C discovering D measuring 78 The word “take into account” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A come into force B get into trouble C springinto action D take into nsideration 79 In paragraph 5, the author suggests that A you may want to change careers at some time in the future B you will be at your job for a lifetime, so choose carefully C as you get older, your career will probably less fulfilling D you will probably be jobless at some time in the future 80 According to the passage, which of the following is true? A To make a lot of money, you should not take a job with a low starting salary B Your initial view of certain careers may not be accurate C To make lots of money, you should rule out all factory jobs D If you want an easy and glamorous lifestyle, you should consider becoming flight attendant _The end _ VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ANSWER KEYS 1C 2A 3B 4B 5C 6D 7C 8D 9C 10 C 11 A 12 A 13 C 14 A 15 A 16 D 17 A 18 C 19 A 20 D 21 C 22 A 23 D 24 A 25 A 26 B 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 A 31 A 32 C 33 D 34 D 35 A 36 A 37 D 38 C 39 C 40 B 41 B 42 A 43 D 44 D 45 B 46 D 47 A 48 B 49 C 50 C 51 B 52 C 53 A 54 A 55 C 56 D 57 D 58 C 59 A 60 C 61 C 62 D 63 B 64 A 65 A 66 A 67 D 68 C 69 A 70 B 71 C 72 C 73 A 74 D 75 B 76 C 77 B 78 D 79 A 80 B VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí SỞ GD VÀ ĐT HẢI DƯƠNG ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC LẦN NĂM HỌC 2013 -2014 TRƯỜNG THPT GIA LỘC Môn: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (khơng tính thời gian giao đề) MÃ ĐỀ THI 313 Đề gồm có 06 trang-Số câu trắc nghiệm: 80 I Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each blank : For thousands of years, smallpox was a (1) disease which threatened people in every continent, and every few years there were epidemics which kill millions of people It is believed that the disease began in China and then (2) slowly to the other continents The first known victim was Rameses V, the pharaoh of Egypt, who showed all the main symptomsof the disease, including the terrible rash, and who died (3) it in 1157 BC Over the centuries, many doctors tried to find a cure for the disease but (4) succeeded However, in 1774, a doctor called Edward Jenner decided to investigate the (5) that people who had had cowpox could not be infected with smallpox Cowpox was a much less serious disease, and hardly ever caused any lasting problems Jenner discovered that it was possible to protect people from smallpox by giving them cowpox first, and he began to vaccinate large numbers of people (6) the disease It was soon clear that anyone who had had a vaccination was immune to smallpox This was because humans, when they are infected with cowpox, (7) antibodies.These protect people by attacking and killing the smallpox virus if it entersthe body Vaccination has become the standard treatment for the disease, (8) no cure has ever been found In 1958, the World Health Organization decided to try and vaccinate everyone in the world, and after a massive international campaign, smallpox was (9) The last man in the world to catch it was Ali Maow Maalin from Merka in Somalia -and fortunately he (10) from the disease A terrified B terrifying C terrible D terrorized A extended B expanded C spread D transmitted A of B by C for D with A not B none C neither D few A confidence B faith C belief D concept A from B against C off D away from A create B issue C produce D generate A if B so that C unless D although VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A eradicated B abolished C destroyed D erased 10 A suffered B got over C restored D Recovered II Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions: 11 In response to the pay offer, there is a walk-out at the factory No worker is going to work today A meeting B conference C party D strike 12 Jack was very lazy He did no work and spent most of the time playing video games As a result, he failed the exam A Finally B However C Consequently D Although 13 We need a proper investigation to get to the bottom of things A read bottom-up B climb from the bottom to the top C drive up the street D find the true explanation or the state of affairs III Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions: 14 There's a world of difference between being a teacher and a student A a great similarity B a yawning gap C on the contrary D a great divide 15 Every one loves him and wants to make friends with him as he is even-tempered A sociable B quarrelsome C easy -going D ambitious IV Choose one word whose stress patternis different from that of the others (5p) 16 A periodic B suspicious C description D electric 17 A advantage B adverbial C adventure D advertise 18 A organism B intimate C fortunate D substantial 19 A.gratitude B punishment C.together D vandalism 20 A orchestra B distinguish C sensitive D syllable V Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions: 21 Alice registered for the business administration course Soon after that she got the scholarship A No sooner had Alice registered for the business administration course than she got the scholarship B Hardly had Alice registered for the business administration course than she got the scholarship C As soon as Alice registered for thebusiness administration course whenshe got the scholarship D A and C are correct 22 They are very pessimistic about their chances of success As a result, they are afraid to anything A They are too pessimistic about their chances of success that they are afraid to anything VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí B They are so pessimistic about their chances of success that they are ready to anything C They are such pessimistic people about their chances of success that they are afraid to anythi ng D They are too pessimistic about their chances of success that they aren't afraid to anything 23 She was wearing a helmet when the accident happened Therefore, she wasn't injured A If she hadn't worn a helmet when the accident happened, she wouldn't have been injured B If she hadn't been wearing a helmet when the accident happened, she would have been injured C If she had worn a helmet when the accident happened, she would have been injured D If she hadn't been wearing a helmet when the accident happened, she wouldn't have injured 24 The fate of the flight M 370 is still a mystery Possibly, it was attacked by terrorists A The flight MH370 must have been attacked by terrorists B The flight MH370 should have been attacked by terrorists C The flight MH370 can't have been attacked by terrorists D The flight MH370 might have been attacked by terrorists 25 The man is very strong He can't lift the box though A He's very strong but he can't still lift the box B He still can't lift the box because he's not as strong C However strong he is, he can still lift the box D Strong as he is, he still can't lift the box VI Choose the most appropriate answer to complete the sentences: 26 "I'd like to place an order for delivery, please?" -" _ " A Sure, what time is it? B Sure, how much is it? C We actually take orders at five D Sure, what would you like? 27 "We'd appreciate your help." - " _ " A You're kidding B Don't say it C Nobody likes it D You are welcome 28 "My daughter, Mary, tries to _to see me at least once a week.", Mrs Jones told the social worker A call up B go up C come on D drop in 29 Yesterday the naval authorities _ the reports in Friday's newspapers that they had exploded three bombs near an unknown submarine A published B confirmed C affirmed D re-stated 30 I had a strong _ that something bad would happen, and it did A anticipation B forethought C premonition D prediction VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 31 The quality papers are different _ of fish from the gutter press A basket B kettle C box D bag 32 _ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willinglyhave helped with the project A If it had been B If it hadn't been C Hadn't it been D Had it been 33 "Do you think Harry will want something to eat after he gets here?"- "I hope not It 'll probably be after midnight, and we _." A are sleeping B have beensleeping C will besleeping D be sleeping 34 Peter was out of town that Sunday Therefore, he _ the crime A couldn't have committed B needn't have committed C must have committed D might have not committed 35 "Could you lend me your pencil?" -" _ " A Yes, I have just got one B Sorry, I haven't got one C No, I couldn't.Excuse me D And could you take care of it ? 36 Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmaster finally had no alternative but to _ _ her A dismiss B accept C export D deport 37 In _ , I must acknowledge that we were guilty of errors of judgement A response B review C experience D retrospect 38 I c ould't help _ what you said.You were saying so loudly A overhear B to overhear C overhearing D overheard 39 "Do you want me to help you with those suitcases?" -" _ " A Of course, not for me B No, I can't help you now C You are welcome D No, thanks I'm perfectly capable of carrying them 40 The cats, four _ were removed from the animal shelter, received tetanus shots A of whom B of them C of which D among them 41 I rarely see the girl next door _ in the evening A goout B to goout C gone D be going 42 Her hair was wet from the _ tossed up by the huge waves A foam B lather C surf D spray 43 William Toney Harris was one of the first educators interested _ a logical profession of topics in the school curriculum A for establishing B in establishing C to establish D of establishing VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 44 Giving up smoking is just one of the ways to _ heart disease A turn off B put off C ward off D switch off 45 "Maybe you can take a vacation next month." -" _" A Nothing special B Not at all C It's very expensive in summer D I don't think so I'm working all 46 All the applicants for the post are thoroughly _ for their suitability A searched B investigated C examined D looked 47 Your decision will _ a great strain on our friendship A impose B suggest C suppose D propose 48 There will be _ interesting film on at _ cinema nextweek A a/the/the B an/the/the C an/the/ ∞ D the/the/∞ 49 It was _ 1998 that France became the champion of the World Cup A not until B not when C after year D until when 50 Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them from oneplace to A other B others C the other D Another VII Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer A, B, C, or D that you think fits best In 1900 the United States had only three cities with more than a million residents-New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia By 1930, it had ten giant metropolises The newer ones experienced remarkable growth, which reflected basic changes in the economy The population of Los Angeles (114,000 in 1900) rose spectacularly in the early decades of the twentieth century, increasing a dramatic 1,400 percent from 1900 to1930 A number of circumstances contributed to the meteoric rise of Los Angeles The agricultural potential of the area was enormous if water forirrigation could be found, and the city founders had the vision and dating to obtain it by constructing a 225-mile aqueduct, completed in 1913, to tap the water of the Owens River The city had a superb natural harbor, as well as excellent rail connections The climate made it possible to shoot motion pictures year-round; hence Hollywood Hollywood not only supplied jobs; it disseminated an image of the good life in Southern California on screens all across thenation The most important single industry powering the growth of Los Angeles, however, was directly linked to the automobile The demand for petroleum to fuel gasoline engines led to the opening of the Southern California oil fields, and made Los Angeles North America's greatest refining center VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Los Angeles was a product of the auto age in another sense as well: its distinctive spatialorganization depended on widespread private ownership of automobiles Los Angeles was a decentralized metropolis, sprawling across the desert landscape over an area of 400 square miles It was a city without a real center The downtown business district did not grow apace with the city as a whole, and the rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas withered away from disuse Approximately 800,000 cars were registered in Los Angeles County in 1930, one per 2.7 residents Some visitors from the east coast were dismayed at the endless urban sprawl and dismissed Los Angeles as a mere collection of suburbs in search of a city But the freedomand mobility of a city built on wheels attracted floods of migrants to the city 52 What is the passage mainly about? A The growth of cities in the United States in the early 1900's B The development of the Southern California oil fields C Factors contributing to the growth of Los Angeles D Industry and city planning in Los Angeles 52 The author characterizes the growth of new large cities in the United States after 1900 as resulting primarily from A new economic conditions B images of cities shown in movies C new agricultural techniques D a large migrant population 53 The word "meteoric" in line is closest in meaning to A rapid B famous C controversial D methodical 54 According to the passage, the most important factor in the development of agriculture around Los Angeles was the A influx of "new residents to agricultural areas near the city B construction of an aqueduct C expansion of transportation facilities D development of new connections to the city's natural harbor 55 According to the passage, the initial success of Hollywood' s motion picture industry was due largely to the A availability of many skilled workers B beauty of the countryside C region's reputation for luxurious lifestyles D region's climate and good weather 56.I t can be inferred from the passage that in 1930 the greatest number of people in the Los Angeles area were employed in VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A farming B oil refining C automobile manufacturing D the motion picture industry 57 According to the passage, theSouthern California oil fields were initially exploited due to A the fuel requirements of Los Angeles' rail system B an increase in the use of gasoline engines in North America C a desire to put unproductive desert land to good use D innovative planning on the part of the city founders 58 The phrase "apace with" in line 19is closest in meaning to A anew with B apart from C asfast as D at the middle of 59 It can be inferred from the passage that the spatial organization of Los Angeles co ntributed to the relative decline there of A public transportation B industrial areas C suburban neighborhoods D oil fields 60 The visitors from the east coast mentioned in the passage thought that Los Angeles A was not accurately portrayed by Hollywood images B lacked good suburban areas in which to live C had an excessively large population D was not really a single city VIII Each of the following sentences has one mistake Identify the mistake by choosing A, B, C or D: 61 Exploration of the Solar System is continuing, and at the present rate of progress all the planets A B will have been contacted within the near 50 years C D 62 The children's television program which called Seasame Street was seen in 84 countries in 1989 A B C D 63 In order for a doctor to practice medicine in any hospital, it must be proved that the doctor has the A B C qualifiers to so D 64 Antique collecting became a significant pastime in the 1800's when old things began to VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A B get appreciated for their beauty as well as for their historic importance C D 65 Today, modern textile mills can manufature as much fabric in a few seconds as it once took A B C workers weeks to be produced by hand D IX Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one: 66 The singer has given up performing live A The singer is accustomed to performing live B The singer used to perform live C The singer's live performance has been cancelled D The singers got used to performing live 67 My father likes nothing better than playing chess in his free time A My father doesn't like playing chess in his free time B My father would prefer playing chess rather than doing nothing in his free time C Playing chess is my father's favourite enjoyment in his free time D My father prefers doing nothing to playing chess in his free time 68 Had the advertisement for our product been better, more people would have bought it A Not many people bought our product because it was so bad B Our product was of better quality so that more people would buy it C Fewer people bought our product due to its bad quality D Since our advertisement for our product was so bad, fewer people bought it 69 He is such a slow speaker thathis students get bored A He speaks so slowly that his students get bored B His students got bored because he spoke so slowly C If he hadn't spoken so slowly, his students wouldn't got bored D When the speaker is slow, his students get bored 70 You didn't listen to my advice in the first place, so you are in the mess now A You wouldn’t be in the mess now if you listened to my advice in the first place B If you could listen to my advice in the first place, you aren't in the mess now C Unless you listened to my advice in the first place, you weren't in the mess now VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí D If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in the mess now X Read the passage and the quetions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer A, B, C, or D that you think fits best: A useful definition of an air pollutant is a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals vegetations, or materials adversely Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled-a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today As technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects of various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions Many of the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found in nature As the Earth developed, the concentrations of these pollutants were alteredby various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycle These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil on a global basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting form human activities However, human productionusually occurs in a localized area, such as a city In this localized regions, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycle The result is an increased concentration of noxious chemicals in the air The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities The actual concentration need not be large fora substance to be a pollutant; in fact the numerical value tells us little until we know how much of an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area For example, sulfur dioxide has detectablehealth effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400times its natural level Carbon monoxide, however, ahs a natural level of 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm 71 What does the passage mainly discuss? A The economic impact of air pollution B.What constitutes an air pollutant C How much harm air pollutants can cause D The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere 72 The word "adversely" in line is closest in meaning to VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A negatively B quickly C admittedly D considerably 73 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that A water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas B most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled C the definition of air pollution will continue to change D a substancebecomes an air pollutant only in cities 74 The word "altered" in line 11is closest in meaning to A eliminated B caused C slowed D changed 75 Natural pollutants can play an important role in controlling air pollution for which of the following reasons? A.They function as part of a purification process B They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants C They are less harmful to living beings than are other pollutants D They have existed since the Earth developed 76 According to the passage, which of the following is true about human-generated air pollution in localized regions? A It can be dwarfed by nature's output of pollutants in the localized region B It can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants C It willdamage areas outside of the localized regions D It will react harmfully with naturally occurring pollutants 77 The word "noxious' in line 16is closest in meaning to A harmful B noticeable C extensive D weak 78 According to the passage, the numerical valued of the concentration level of a substance is only useful if A the other substances in the area are known B it is in a localized area C the naturally occurring level is also known D it can be calculated quickly 79 The word "detectable"in line 21is closest in meaning to A beneficial B special C measurable D separable 80 Which of the following is best supported by the passage? A To effectively control pollution local government should regularly review their air pollution laws B One of the most important stepsin preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws C Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí D Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants _ The end _ VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ANSWER KEYS B 41 A 11 D 51 C 21 A 61 D 31 B 71 B C 42 D 12 C 52 A 22 C 62 B 32 B 72 A A 43 B 13 D 53 A 23 B 63 D 33 C 73 C B 44 C 14 A 54 B 24 D 64 D 34 A 74 D C 45 D 15 B 55 D 25 D 65 D 35 B 75 A B 46 C 16 A 56 B 26 A 66 B 36 A 76 B C 47 A 17 D 57 B 27 D 67 C 37 D 77 A D 48 C 18 D 58 C 28 D 68 D 38 C 78 C A 49 A 19 C 59 A 29 B 69 A 39 D 79 C 10 D 50 D 20 B 60 D 30 C 70 D 40 C 80 C ... 50 C 30 D 70 D 11 A 51 B 31 B 71 C 12 A 52 A 32 B 72 B 13 B 53 D 33 A 73 B 14 D 54 C 34 D 74 C 15 C 55 D 35 C 75 A 16 C 56 B 36 A 76 B 17 C 57 A 37 D 77 A 18 D 58 B 38 C 78 D 19 C 59 A 39 A 79... 21 C 31 A 41 A 51 C 61 B 71 B C 12 C 22 B 32 B 42 B 52 C 62 C 72 D B 13 B 23 B 33 C 43 C 53 C 63 B 73. D C 14 C 24 A 34 D 44 D 54 C 64 A 74 C C 15 A 25 B 35 C 45 C 55 D 65 C 75 B B 16 D 26 B 36 ... D 17 A 33 A 49 B B 18 D 34 A 50 C A 19 C 35 D 51 A C 20 B 36 D 52 B B 21 D 37 C 53 D A 22 C 38 C 54 B B 23 C 39 D 55 B A 24 D 40 B 56 D B 25 D 41 A 57 C 10 D 26 B 42 C 58 A 11 B 27 A 43 C 59

Ngày đăng: 27/11/2017, 05:00

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