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Trang 2Pupil’s Book } 4> a =! Contents Scope and sequence 2-3 Unit 1 Hello! a Unit 2 My school 10 Unit 3 My toys 16 Unit 4 On the farm 22 Unit 5 My body 28 Unit 6 My clothes 34 Unit 7 I like picnics! 40
Unit 8 Run and jump! 46
Unit 9 In the kitchen 52 Unit 10 Let’s have a party! 58
Trang 3rg Topic Phonics and handwriting A B ~ ant, apple, alligator, arrow, VOGEL Eley KEY VOCABULARY L1 ~ Horsey, Language / Grammar This is my (mum), Development ots] iter hg Es Family, friends s4 Ld at Hospitality
bird, bag, bee, book Bella, What's your name? I'm Greetings and
Tracing Aa, Bb Lily, Jack, Mum, Dad, How are you? I'm fine, thank you, welcoming Hello! Grandma, Grandpa ‘Yes, please Thank you visitors
ADDITIONAL VOC - Hello, goodbye, | HFW:is, for, a, on, his, and, in,
friend, family, are, says, go, look
sister, brother
CD ~ cat, camel, car, cake, KEY VOCABULARY LI - pencil, What's this? Discrimination Being tidy!
2 caterpillar, cow, dog, duck, dad, crayon, book, bag, rubber, teacher It's a (pen), helpful
doll, dinosaur, dance, dish ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY- school, | New HFW: can, you, see, an, it
My school | Tracing cc, od good morning, classroom, rain, sun,
fainbow, red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, pink, purple
EF G—elephant, egg, empty, KEY VOCABULARY LI - car, ball, Have you gota .? Big and Small Sharing
3 exercise, frog, flac 1 family, teddy, doll, scooter, robot I've got a mylyour
foot, five, gorilla, girl, goat, ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY - big,
My toys | gerden, game small
Tracing Ee, Ff, Gq
Revise formation Aa — Cc
H1J—hippo, hen, horse, hop, KEY VOCABULARY Lt - cow, hen, What are they? Matching Playing
4 hut, hug, head, insect, cat, horse, duck, goat, donkey, They're + plurals nicely in, ill, igloo, ink, jellyfish, jelly, brown, grey HFW revise: see, on, says, of, has,
On the juice, lam, met jug ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY - baby | a, our
‘Tracing i, Jj
farm Match capital and lower case
KLM = kangaroo, king, kite, kiss, | KEY VOCABULARY LI — eye, ear, He/She's got ‘Awareness of left Awareness
5 kitten, lion, leg, lolly, log, lick, nose, mouth, finger, toe, tail He/She hasn't got and right of difference
lemon, lizard, monkey, mug, milk, | ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ~ haven't got
My body | mum, mud, man wiggle, You've got
Tracing Kk, Ll, Mm left, right, march, foot
NOP-newt, nut, nurse, net, KEY VOCABULARY L1 ~ coat, skirt, Do you want? Getting ready Politeness
6 numbers, nose, octopus, on, ‘trousers, shorts, T-shirt, shoes, socks, | | want/l don’t want independently
orange, ostrich, parrot, panda, black, white New HFW: then? Up, likes My pink, purple, party, pot ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ~ hot,
Tracing Nn, Oo, Pp cold clothes | revise formation Dd- Mm
QRS~queen bee, quilt, quiet, | KEY VOCABULARY L1 - carrot, Do you like ? ‘Making sensible choices | Awareness
7 quack, queen, quick, rabbit, run, | cheese, bread, apples, orange juice, | Yes, | like of healthy
7 rain, red, robot, snake, sweet, six, | tomatoes No, | don't like eating,
I like sock, sun, sand, scooter ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY — New HFW: come? Into, fun where our
as Tracing Qa, Rr, 5s supermarket, trolley, lunchbox, food comes
picnics! water, honey, banana, egg, lolly, from
TUV-tiger, ten, tub, teddy, KEY VOCABULARY L1—run, jump, | Ian Physical coordination —_| Appreciating
8 two, teeth, toothbrush, trousers, | throw, catch, hop, roll Can you ,.? (forward rolls, catching, diferent
umbrella bird, umbrella, up, ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ~ Yes, | can, hopping, ete.) talents
Runand | witure, vet, van, vase butterfly, bee, bird, caterpillar, fly | No, can't
Tracing Tt, Uu, Ww
jump! Revise formation Aa— Cc
WXYZ-worm, window, wind, | KEY VOCABULARY L1 - bowl, spoon, | Where's thelmy .? Learning routines Helping at
9 wings, water, wall, ox, fox, box, | cup, knife, fork, table, chair It’s infon/under the (eg laying the table) | home
yak, yoghurt, yacht, yo-yo, yellow, | ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY- lovely,
In the ‘yes, zebra, zigzag, 200 sandwich, tree Tracing Ww, Xx, Yy, 22
kitchen | Revise formation Nn- Ww
Revision and consolidation of the | KEY VOCABULARY LI — balloon, Revision Following instructions | Taking turns
10 whole alphabet and upper and present, kite, skateboard, jelly, (stand up, turn around,
lower case letters ike cream: etc.)
Trang 4
Songs, chants, Maths skills (SG Story and | Review
routine jingles Ce att |g drama
New vocabulary chant ‘Number 1; Counting; Matching; | PHSE: People we | Horsey and Bella
Phonics chant: Fine motor skills; Visual live with meet Lily and
Animal Friends jazz chant discrimination; 2D shape: circle; Jack's family
This is my mum song find the next one in a sequence; This is my Hello, hello! How are you? song reflection friend
Look at me! Song Maths vocab: Circle
The Alphabet song
An apple, an apple song
AB jazz chant
New vocabulary chant ‘Number 2; Counting; Matching Science: Howe | Horsey’smum | You can read chant! (a, b, ¢, and animal words)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual fainbow is made | comes toschool | Revise Animal Friends story (AB) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; 2 shape: square; blend and segment Welcome to our school song find the next one in a sequence; CVC words
Animal Friends jazz chant Maths vocab: Square You can write! Revise formation Aa, Bb
Tidy up chant HFW revision: Ìs, for, and, in, says, a
Good morning song
Look at the rain! song
AB jazz chant
‘New vocabulary chant Number 3; Counting; Matching; ‘Maths: Size - big, | He lays You can read chant! (a-g)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual small a with oes car Revise Animal Friends story (A-G) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; odd one out; blend and segment
AD jazz chant 2D shape: rectangle; big, small; CVC words =
Have you got a car? song next one in a sequence; You can write! Revise formation Aa - Gg I'ma big teddy song Maths vocab: Rectangle HFW revision: is, for, and, says, are, you, and,
me, on, plays, in, a, an, with New vocabulary chant Number 4; Counting; Matching; | Science: Baby Lily, Jack and You can read chant! (2-))
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual animals Horsey meet Revise Animal Friends story (A-)) and orally Alphabet song discrimination; Number line; the farm blend and segment
AG jazz chant 2D shapes: triangle; add one on animals CVC words
Look at all the animals song a number line; Tracing Kk, LI, Mm, No Ooh, ooh! What are they? song Maths vocab: Triangle Revise formation Aa ~ Jj
Animal Friends jazz chant New: HFW: |, have, my
New vocabulary chant Number 5; Counting; Matching; Physical Horsey painting | You.can read chant (a-m)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual education: Donkey Revise Animal Friend story (A-M) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; 20 shape: star; Coordinated blend and segment
Aj jazz chant left, right; odd one out; movement CVC words
The Left, Right song adding two on a number line; Revise formation Aa- Mm
Look at me sont Maths vocab: Puzzle HEW revision: is, for, has, an, on, me, from, This is my friend song says, you, a, of, to, in, and
Animal Friends jazz chant
New vocabulary chant Number 6; Counting: Matching; | PHSE: Choosing | Going to the ‘You can tead chant (2-p)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual appropriate shops to buy Revise Animal Friends story (A-P) and orally Alphabet song discrimination; odd one out; clothes for the new clothes! blend and segment
AM jazz chant find the biggest group; find the weather Life Skills CVC words
Do yu want blue shoes? song next one in a sequence Revision formation Aa - Pp
t'm hot song HFW revision: is, for, a, and, on, in, the, he, has,
Animal Friends jazz chant her, to, play, says
New vocabulary chant Number 7; Counting; Matching; | Science: Healthy | Shopping fora | You can read chant (a-s)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual food and making | picnic Revise Animal Friends story (A-S) and orally
Alphabet song discrimination; concept of zero; sensible choices blend and segment
AP jazz chant draw next two in a sequence; CVC words
Round the supermarket song 2D shape review; Addition; Revision formation Aa - WW
Do you like tomatoes? song Maths vocab: Empty HFW revision: is, for, bi it, and, |, to, on, ä,
‘Animal Friends jazz chant says, you, are, the, can, look, this? yes please song
‘New vocabulary chant ‘Number 8; Counting; Matching, | Maths: Matching | Horsey can’tdo | You can read chant (-+v)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual and visual lots of things Revise Animal Friends story (A-V) and orally Alphabet song discrimination; bigger group discrimination, but he's really blend and segment
AS jazz chant words for numbers; sequencing good at jumping | CVC words
Gan you run? song numbers; shapes; odd one out; Revision formation Aa - Ww
'm a caterpillar song next two in a sequence; adding 1 HFW revision: is, for, says, it, and, |, to, on, a,
Animal Friends jazz chant says, you, are, the, can, look, this?
New vocabulary chant ‘Number 9; Counting; Matching; Food technology! | Jack & Lily lay You can read chant (a-2)
Phonic chant Fine motor skills; Visual Life Skills: the table; Horsey | Revise Animal Friends story (A-Z) and orally Alphabet song discrimination; next ina sequence; | Making a messes it up blend and segment
AV jazz chant find the differences; shapes; sandwich Getting ready Revision formation Aa -Zz - ‘My book is in my bag song, on, in, under; draw next two in a, fora picnic Revision of story, story songs, HFW in story Animal Friends jazz chant sequence; addition Reading VC, CVC words, Known HFW
Revision of alphabet, Reading and writing
Revision of capital letters New vocabulary chant Number 10; Review; 1 more; Social studies/ Everyone gets Revision of story, story songs
Alphabet song 2 more; Colours; Adding; Life Skills: together for HFW in story
AZ jazz chant Jumping on †-4 on a number line; | Learning to play | a party Reading VC, CVC words and HFW Revision of
Red, red, red song sequencing numbers; number new games! alphabet
Let's have a party song words memory! Reading and writing
co-operation Revision of capital letters and lower case
Writing VC and CVC words
Trang 6Listen Point and
Sing say ssn
Trang 7P | Chant and do actions " Listen and repeat Airwrite
Sing: The alphabet song
Trang 8Ant has apples, 1, 2,3:
‘Look,’ says alligator ‘A party!’
‘Follow the arrow Yippee!’
Bird and bee have a bag Look! Look! Look!
In the bag is a bun and a book
Play: ! can see
\23) 8 tà Q Listen and point Say
Chant Say the next word
Trang 9[1s Sing
Trang 13Lesson 3 | wd caterpillar * @°® > duck dish dinosaur a dad doll Q
°%@; “@x, = & i © Chant and do actions i‘
B Listen and repeat Airwrite
Sing: The alphabet song
Trang 14Listen and point Say
Trang 16L's bhiS?
Trang 17Listen and repeat
Trang 18Listen ‘ Point and say together
3 Play and say t Have you got a ? I've gota
Trang 19elephant egg empty exercise
gorilla girl goat
f yi Á
gar Cm game
(S) S oH) wy, \ Chant and do actions
Listen and repeat Airwrite
Sing: The alphabet song
Y ww /
" Noe / Play: Horsey’s sound game
Trang 20, a nopqrstuvwxy, oo _ Km
Elephant has an egg, egg, egg ị s
‘Look!’ says elephant ‘It's on my acl
Frog is Sateen Can you see?
Five funny frogs in the frog family!
Gorilla, girl and goat get in the boat
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, gorilla, girl and huấn
Play: / can see
©) X / 7 )) fF a Listen and point Say
= Chant Say the next word
Trang 25jellyfish jam ahs jell juice rT jumper jug a Sep ui l
Sing: The alphabet song
Trang 26Ill, ill insect, with a sore head Insect in the igloo Insect in bed
Jellyfish, jellyfish! t
What's on your head? © It’s a jelly! Look — it’s red!
Listen and point Say
Chant Say the next word Sing and do actions
Play: / can see
Trang 27te; R Listen and match 2222 Tracea line from the baby cat
Trang 28Listen to the story
Trang 29I think Listen and repe: Listen : pert
# about others
Trang 30
Point and say together He’s / She’s got
Trang 31+ v* &
kangaroo kite
@) S : > Chant and do actions
Listen and repeat Airwrite Sing: The alphabet song
Trang 32` kangaroo, here’s a kiss and a kite for you | eee: a kiss _ gi too
LI +e$ he
Lion licks a lemon lolly Yum, yum, yum! ig fi Lemon lolly, lemon lolly in my tum
63) )) fa eo Listen and point Say Chant Say the next word
SG; Sing and do actions
Trang 37Lesson 3 ostrich parrot panda +% wy purple party
Chant and do actions
mr Listen and repeat Airwrite Sing: The alphabet song
Trang 38Listen and point Say Chant Say the next word Sing and do actions
Trang 42ni Point and say together -
pet Do you like .? TN
Trang 43Lesson 3 Ẵ rabbit run tì red robot snake sweet six 4*oa
sock sun sand scooter
Chant and do actions
Trang 44
Qq +
Queen bee is quiet Queen bee is quick
Queen bee has honey and her quilt
Rabbit, rabbit, run inthe rain! = Run, run, run with a round red bun!
Play: / can see
f a
(* 5 9))) ees 4] r e Listen and point Say
— Chant Say the next word
Trang 45A # | €) Cy
- Listen and circle
Trang 47ch
Trang 48Listen Sing and play » * ({í
Point and say together lean Can you .?
Yes, | can No, | can’t
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