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Studies on plant characteristic diversity, flowering, pollination and fruit bagging in pitaya (hylocereus spp )

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國立屏東科技大學農園生產系 博士學位論文 紅龍果性狀多樣性、開花、授粉與果實套袋之研究 Studies on plant characteristic diversity, flowering, pollination and fruit bagging in pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) 指導教授:顏昌瑞博士 (Chung-Ruey Yen, Ph D.) 陳幼光博士 (Yu-Kuang Chen, Ph D.) 研究生: 陳丁河 (Tran Dinh Ha) 中華民國 104 年 月 日 摘要 學號: P10111005 論文題目: 紅龍果性狀多樣性、開花、授粉與果實套袋之研究 總頁數:145 頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:農園生產系 畢業時間及摘要別:103 學年度第 學期博士學位論文摘要 研究生:陳丁河 指導教授:顏昌瑞博士、陳幼光博士 論文摘要內容: 本研究之目的在調查火龍果之:(1)形態變異及果實品質、(2) 30 種 基因型之開花物候性及其開花對夜間光照處理之反應、(3)授粉需求、以 及(4)常見品種及優良選系之適合套袋材質等。本研究自 2013 年 月至 2015 年 月連續在國立屏東科技大學進行 年。依 IUPOV 標準檢定標準, 總計調查了 35 種火龍果植株之莖、花及果實等形態性狀。結果顯示供試 之 30 種不同基因型之火龍果植株,其莖及果實性狀可歸類於 種不同之 群別。第一群為具有白或淡粉紅色果肉,莖直線狀且具有波浪狀突起的 莖脊(如 H undatus 或其相關種)。第二群為紅色果肉,莖直線狀,且莖脊 平滑(如 H polyrhizus 或其相關種)。第三群為深紅色果肉,莖彎曲且莖脊 凹陷(如 Hylocereus sp.)。第四種為深紅色肉,莖直線狀且莖脊有波浪狀 突起(如 Hylocereus sp.)。此外,研究發現有 種基因型在一些重要的果 實特性,如果實大小、果重、果皮厚度、果肉率、與糖度等育種目標上 具有市場發展的潛力。 在屏東正常火龍果約自 5-6 月至 10 月間開花,在高溫下開花期則 會早些。不同基因型之植株開花波數及每株每季之開花數也不同,分別 約在 3-6 波及 9-40 朵花之間。在供試的 30 種不同基因型植株中,有 種 白色及 種深紅色果肉之基因型具有完全自交親和性 (F-SC),有 種深 I 紅色果肉基因型為部分自交親和性(P-SC),其餘 22 種紅肉或深紅色果肉 則為完全自交不親和性。在冬季利用 100 瓦白熾燈於晚間 10 時至翌日上 午 時連續照光 小時之人工夜間光照處理來測定植株之開花敏感度。 相較於白肉種,紅及深色紅果肉種需要較低溫度進行花芽誘導。越早進 行暗期中斷(10 月 10 日開始) 成功率越高。所有的基因型或品種,與夏天 光照處理者比較,冬季處理之植株其開花波數及開花數較少,但冬果甜 度較高,且部分基因型還有果實較大的現象。 研究授粉方法、花粉源對 種的火龍果(越南白、潮洲 號、 Orejona 及‘F11’)著果及果實特性之研究。結果顯示不同之授粉方法對 種 不同之營養系植株之著果率 (FSPs) 及果實鮮重 (FFWs) 有不同之影響。’ 越南白’在人工或天然授粉下皆有較高之著果率及鮮重。以蜜蜂到訪情形 言在無天然授粉源的情況下,P-SC 型之’潮洲 號’或 C-SI 型之‘Orejona’ 及‘F11’僅在人工授粉下有較高之著果率及鮮果重。著果率及鮮果重也受 花粉來源之影響。‘潮洲 號’、 ‘Orejona’及 ‘F11’需要用與其親和之花粉 來授粉始能有適當之著果率及鮮果重,而’越南白’則在自花授粉有最佳 效果。不論是否有天然授粉昆蟲的存在,在花中之花藥與柱頭的相對位 置可作為是否需要人工授粉的指標。 套袋對 種火龍果營養系 (‘越南白’, ‘竹崎劉’及潮州 號)果實特性 及保護之影響的研究。花後 天即進行白紙袋 (P-WB)、黑網袋(NS-BB)、 黑塑膠袋(PP-BB)、白塑膠袋(PP-WB)套袋及無套袋等 種處理,直到果 實採收為止。結果顯示套袋會影響果實外觀、果皮厚度、果實硬度及果 實受傷害程度。其中白紙袋、黑塑膠袋為最佳的處理,它能改善果實顏 色及有效降低裂果等生理損傷、鳥害及污斑等。本研究之結果可應用於 各品種及改進的栽培方法上,以提高火龍果之產量及品質。 關鍵詞:火龍果、植株形態、開花物候性、光照催花、自交親和性、授 粉、果實套袋 II ABSTRACT Student ID: P10111005 Title of dissertation: Studies on plant characteristic diversity, flowering, pollination and fruit bagging in pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) Total page: 145 pages Name of Institute: Department of Plant Industry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate date: May 5th, 2015 Degree Conferred: Doctor of Philosophy Name of student: Tran Dinh Ha Advisor: Chung-Ruey Yen, Ph D Yu-Kuang Chen, Ph D The content of abstract in this dissertation: The aims of these studies are to investigate (1) morphological diversity and fruit quality; (2) flowering phenology, flowering response to nightbreaking treatment and breeding system of a collection of 30 pitaya genotypes; (3) pollination requirements; and (4) fruit bagging materials suitable for some typical and promising pitaya genotypes The experiments were conducted in two consecutive years (April, 2013 – April, 2015) at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) In total, 35 morphological traits of stem, flower, and fruit of pitaya materials were examinedbased on the Standard Test Guidelines of IUPOV (TG/271/1, 2011) Results showed a wide morphological trait variation among 30 different genotypes Based on the stem and fruit characteristics, the pitaya germplasmscould be grouped into groups: Group that has white or light pink flesh, and straight rid-segment with convex rid-margin (such as the H undatus or its relatives); Group that has red flesh and straight rid-segment with flat rid-margin (such as the H polyrhizus or its relatives); Group that has magenta flesh, sinuous ridIII segment and concave rid-margin (such as Hylocereussp.); and Group that has magenta flesh, straight rid-segment with convex rid-margin (such as the Hylocereus sp.) Furthermore, some important fruit traits such as fruit size/weight, peel thickness, proportion of fruit flesh, and sweetness in breeding targets were found in genotypes that may become the most promising materials of desirable fruits for markets The natural flowering season of pitaya in Pingtung, Taiwan usually started from May-June to October and earlier flowering may occur under higher temperature conditions.The number of flowering flushes and total flowers/season/plant highly varied among genotypes with to waves and to 40 flowers, respectively Among 30 genotypes tested, white and magenta flesh genotypes showed full self-compatibility (F-SC) and two magenta flesh genotypes exhibited partial self-compatibility (P-SC) whereas 22 genotypes with red or magenta flesh were completely self-incompatible (C-SI) The artificial night lighting treatment using 100 watt incandescent light bulbs to light the plants for fourcontinuous hours from 10.00 pm to 2.00 am the next day was used to test flowering sensitivity in the winter season Red or magenta flesh pitaya species required lower temperatures for flowering initiation than white flesh types Earlier night-breaking application (starting from October 10) was more successful than one month later In comparison with the summer crop season, numbers of flowering flushes and flowers induced by lighting treatment were fewer, but winter fruits were sweeter in all fruiting genotypes and bigger in several genotypes Effects of pollination method and pollen source on fruit set/fruit characteristics and some flowering characteristics among typical pitaya genotypes including ‘Vietnam White’ (‘VN-White’), ‘Chaozhou 5’, ‘Orejona’, and ‘F11’were elucidated The pollination methods differently affected fruit set percentages (FSPs) and fruit fresh weights (FFWs) among four genotypes FSC genotype, ‘VN-White’ obtained high FSP and FFW after hand self-, or open-pollination Due to lack of a natural pollination efficiency as honey bee IV visitations, P-SC type, ‘Chaozhou 5’ or C-SI type, ‘Orejona’ and ‘F11’ had high FSPs and FFWs by only hand-cross pollination Pollen sources also affected FSPs and FFWs ‘Chaozhou 5’, ‘Orejona’, and ‘F11’ required crossing with their compatible pollen source to ensure optimal FSPs and FFWs, while ‘VNWhite’ obtained the best results by selfing (its own pollen) The relative location between the anthers and the stigma in the flower may be used as an indicator of whether hand pollination is required for a pitaya cultivar grown under the conditions with or without an availability of naturally correlative pollinator(s) The effect of bagging on fruit characteristics and physical fruit protection in three pitaya genotypes (‘VN-White’, ‘Chuchi Liu’ and ‘Chaozhou 5’) was also studied in the summer season of 2013 Four types of bags, including paper-white bag (P-WB), net screen-black bag (NS-BB), polyethylene plasticblack bag (PP-BB), polyethylene plastic-white bag (PP-WB) bag and nonbagged (control) were applied to fruits at days after anthesis and continued until harvest Fruit bagging can affect fruit appearance, peel thickness, fruit firmness and physiological fruit damage Bagging fruits with P-WB or PP-WB, as the best treatments, could improve the fruit color and effectively reduce the loss of damaged fruits caused by physiological factors such as cracking, birds, and blemishes in the three genotypes The results obtained from this research can be applied for the improvement of varietal and cultural practices to increase the yield and quality of pitaya Keywords: Pitaya, plant morphology, flowering phonology, lighting-flowering induction, self-compatible, pollination, fruit bagging V ACKNOWEDGEMENTS Firstly, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), Department of Plant Industry and Fruit crop Lab for providing me scholarship and the best conditions to study in here Especially, I would like to give my heartfelt and profound gratitude to my advisors, Prof Chung-Ruey Yen and Prof Yu-Kuang Chen for their devoted guidance, valuable knowledge, and providing me facilities to my Ph.D research program I also keep in my mind of sincere thankfulness to my advisors, who always encouraged and kindly supported me during studying and living in Taiwan I am grateful to respectable and intellectual professors of my first, qualified and defended Ph.D evaluation committees: Dr Tzu-Bin Huang, Department of Horticulture and Biotechnology, Chinese Culture University; Dr Jau-Chang Shih, Agricultural Research Institute; Dr ChihPing Chao, Taiwan Banana Research Institute; Dr Chu-Ying Chiou, Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Stationfor their best valuable comments and suggestions I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr Charles M Papa for revision of my paper manuscripts, the instructors and the personnel of Department of Plant Industry, Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation, Office of International Affair for their academic lessons and administration, my colleagues in Fruit Crops Lab, Plant genetics Lab, Postharvest Lab and Plant Breeding Lab for technical assistances Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my wife and daughters, who brought to me a positive confidence, promotion, spirit and inspiration when I was studying and living far from my family Taiwan, May 5, 2015 Tran Dinh Ha VI TABLE OF CONTENTS 摘要………………………………………………………………………… I ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………… III ACKNOWEDGEMENTS………………………………………………… VI TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………… VII LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………….XII LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………… XIV INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………….1 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………… Taxonomy, diversity and breeding in climbing cacti…………………… 1.1 Taxonomy and diversity in vine cacti………………………………….5 1.2 Pitaya cultivar and breeding………………………………………… Flowering biology and techniques of flowering induction……………….14 2.1 Flowering biology of pitaya………………………………………….14 2.2 Techniques of flowering induction in pitaya…………………………17 Pollination requirement for pitaya……………………………………… 20 Effects of fruit bagging……………………………………………………23 4.1 Physiological factors influenced by fruit bagging………………… 23 4.1.1 Fruit size and weight………………………………………… 23 4.1.2 Fruit colour development………………………………………25 4.1.3 Fruit maturity………………………………………………… 27 VII 4.1.4 Fruit appearance and disorders …………………………………27 4.2 Biotic factors influenced by fruit bagging……………………………28 4.2.1 Pest control…………………………………………………….28 4.2.2 Disease control……………………………………………… 29 4.2.3 Bird damage…………………… …………………………….29 4.3 Fruit internal quality influenced by bagging……………………… 30 4.3.1 Fruit firmness………………………………………………… 30 4.3.2 Eating quality of fruit……………………………………………31 4.4 Effect of bagging material on fruit………………………………… 31 Chapter MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY AND FRUIT QUALITY IN A PITAYA GERMPLASM COLLECTION… ………………………………33 Abstract…………………………………………………………………… 33 1.1 Introduction………………………………………………………… 34 1.2 Materials and methods……………………………………………… 35 1.2.1 Plant materials……………………………………………… 35 1.2.2 Parameters and methods………………………………………37 Stem morphology characteristics………………………37 Flower morphology characteristics……………………38 Fruit morphology characteristics………………………40 Fruit quality characteristics……………………………42 1.2.3 Statistical analysis…………………………………………… 42 VIII 1.3 Results and discussion……………………………………………… 42 1.3.1 Morphological characteristics of the stem…………………… 42 1.3.2 Morphological characteristics of the flower………………… 47 1.3.3 Morphological characteristics of the fruit…………………… 51 1.3.4 Fruit quality characteristics……………………………………56 Chapter FLOWERING PHENOLOGY, MATING SYSTEMS AND FLOWERING RESPONSE TO THE LIGHTING ADDITION OF A PITAYA GERMPLASM COLLECTION.………………………………….60 Abstract…………………………………………………………………… 60 2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………… 61 2.2 Materials and methods……………………………………………… 63 1.2.1 Plant materials and study site……………… ……………… 63 2.2.2 Parameters and methods……………………………………….65 Flowering phenology………………………………… 65 Mating systems………………………………………….65 Flowering response to lighting treatment…………… 66 2.2.3 Statistical analysis…………………………………………… 68 2.3 Results and discussion……………………………………………… 68 2.3.1 Flowering phenology of the pitaya genotypes…………………68 2.3.2 Mating systems of the pitaya genotypes……………………… 70 2.3.3 Flowering and fruit induction by lighting treatment………… 72 IX Nerd, A., and Y Mizrahi 1998 Fruit development and ripening in yellow pitaya Journal of the American Scociety for Horticultural Science 123: 560-562 Nerd, A., F Gutman, and Y Mizrahi 1999 Ripening and postharvest behaviour of fruits of two Hylocereus species (Cactaceae) Postharvest Biology and Technology 17: 39-45 Nerd, A., N Tel-Zur, and Y Mizrahi 2002a Fruits of vine and columnar cacti In: Cacti biology and uses, P S Nobel (eds.) 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31.8 32.2 30.5 26.0 24.1 temperature 2014 24.9 25.1 30.4 29.9 31.7 32.9 34.0 32.8 33.1 31.6 29.2 23.9 (oC) 2015 24.5 26.5 - - - - - - - - - - Monthly 2012 - - - - - - - - - 21.3 20.4 16.6 mean 2013 13.8 16.9 18.2 20.3 23.1 24.0 23.6 23.7 22.8 21.0 17.0 14.3 temperature 2014 12.2 14.4 19.8 21.2 23.0 24.6 25.1 24.0 24.1 21.2 19.5 15.2 (oC) 2015 14.1 15.1 - - - - - - - - - - 140 Appendix Table Publication credits of Ph.D program in Plant Industry Department Type of journals Papers published on the subject of the Ph.D dissertation Credits Effect of pollination method and pollen source on fruit set and SCI growth of red-peel pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) in Taiwan Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 90 (3): 254-258 ISSN: 1462-0316 Published in May, 2015 Effects of bagging on fruit characteristics and physical fruit SCI protection in red pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, 1-9 ISSN: 0144-8765 DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2014.991939 Published in Jan., 2015 Flowering response to lighting addition of a red pitaya germplasm collection World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 13: 690-695, 2015 ISSN: 2010EI 376X, eISSN: 1307-6892 Published in Feb., 2015 International Journal of Biological, Food, Veterinary and Agricultural Engineering, Vol: (2): 126-130 Morphological characteristics and pollination requirement in red pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 87: 199-203, 2014, ISSN: 2010EI 376X Published in Mar., 2014 International Journal of Agricultural, Biosystems Science and Engineering, Vol: 8(3):6-10 Confer full paper Confer full paper Flowering biology and pollination pequirement in red pitaya Proceedings of symposium on dragon fruit production in 0.5 Taiwan Held in April 16, 2014 NPUST, Taiwan Dragon fruit production and consumption in Vietnam Proceedings of symposium on dragon fruit production in 0.5 Taiwan Held in April 16, 2014 NPUST, Taiwan Total 141 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF AUTHOUR Personal information Full name: Tran Dinh Ha Gender: Male Date of Birth: October 10, 1977 Nationality: Vietnamese Marital status: Married Present profession: Lecturer cum researcher Institution: Faculty of Agronomy, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (TUAF), Vietnam Contact information: E-mail: tdha.tuaf@gmail.com Education background Period of study Sept.2012 May2015 Sept.2004 Sept.2007 Sept.1995 Sept.1999 May 17 May 26, 2006 Jun 19 – Jul 8, 2011 Oct 26, Oct 28, 2011 Major field Institute National Pingtung Horticulture University of Science and Technology,Taiwan Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry , Crop science Vietnam Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, Crop science Vietnam Genetic Thai Nguyen University of transformation Agriculture and Forestry, and molecular Vietnam markers Hybrid corn Yuannan Agricultural breeding and cultivation University, China techniques Application of Thai Nguyen University of biotechnology Agriculture and Forestry, in plant Vietnam breeding Degree GPA Ph D 90.9 M.Sc 8.06 B.Sc 8.32 Training course Certifcate International training workshop Certifcate Training course Certifcate Remark: GPA = Graduate point average, applied for grade scale of 10 or 100 142 Ph D dissertation subject: Studies on plant characteristic diversity, flowering pollination and fruit bagging in pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) in Pingtung, Taiwan M.Sc thesis subject: Evaluation on the growth-development, yield and quality of some new promising hybrid rice combinations in 2006 in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam B.Sc thesis subject: Study on reproductive biology and IPM method controlling mealybugs (Pseudococcus sp) in coffea plant in Daklak, Vietnam Publications Tran, H D., C R Yen and Y K H Chen 2015 Effect of pollination method and pollen source on fruit set and growth of red-peel pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) in Taiwan Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 90 (3): 254-258.Published online in May, 2015 Dinh-Ha Tran, Chung-Ruey Yen and Yu-Kuang H Chen 2015 Effects of bagging on fruit characteristics and physical fruit protection in red pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 31(1): 1-9.DOI:10.1080/01448765.2014.991939 Published online on Taylor & Francis in Jan., 2015 Dinh-Ha Tran, Chung-Ruey Yen and Yu-Kuang H Chen 2015 Flowering response to lighting addition of a red pitaya germplasm collection World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 13: 690-695, ISSN: 2010-376X, eISSN: 1307-6892 International Journal of Biological, Food, Veterinary and Agricultural Engineering (2): 126130 Published online on WASET Dinh-Ha Tran, Chung-Ruey Yen and Yu-Kuang H Chen 2015 Flowering biology and pollination pequirement in red pitaya Proceedings of 143 Symposium on Dragon Fruit Production in Taiwan April 16, 2014 NPUST, Taiwan Dinh-Ha Tran, Chung-Ruey Yen, Yu-Kuang H Chen and T.Kieu-Oanh Le 2015 Dragon fruit production and consumption in Vietnam Proceedings of Symposium on Dragon Fruit Production in Taiwan April 16, 2014 NPUST, Taiwan Tran, Dinh Ha and Chung-Ruey Yen 2014 Morphological characteristics and pollination requirement in red pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 87: 199-203 ISSN: 2010-376X International Journal of Agricultural, Biosystems Science and Engineering 8(3): 6-10 Published online on WASET Le Thi Kieu Oanh, Nguyen Thi Mao, Tran Dinh Ha, Tran Trung Kien 2014 Effects of cultivating techniques on pests, diseases and yields of the promising tomato variety ‘TN386’ grown in Spring-summer season 2013 in Thai Nguyen, Vietnam Journal of Thai Nguyen University of Science and Technology 119 (5): 42-47 Luan Thi Dep, Tran Van Dien, Tran Dinh Ha, Luu Thi Xuyen, Ha Huy Hoang 2011 Plant genetics Textbook Vietnamese Educational Publisher Hanoi, Vietnam Tran Dinh Ha, Nguyen Tri Hoan, Dang Van Minh 2007 Testing Vietnamese prospective rice hybrids in Autumn-Summer season 2006 in Thainguyen Province Journal of Thai Nguyen University of Science and Technology 44 (4): 109-113 Majorfields in teaching and research Plant genetics and breeding Rice, maize and soybean crops Collection and breeding of some fruit crops 144 Scientific studies and projects Testing field trials for some new soya bean varieties at Thainguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry in Spring season 2011 TUAF’s scientific research project 2011 Study on agro-biological characteristics of some triploidy pomelo genotypes in Thai Nguyen TUAF’s scientific research project 2010 Testing field trials for some new two-line hybrid rice combinations bred at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry in Spring season 2009 TUAF’s scientific research project 2009 Evaluation of the growth and yield of some new Chinese super hybrid rice combinations in Summer-Autumn season 2008 in Thai Nguyen province TUAF’s scientific research project 2008 Study on agro-biological characteristicsof some Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) lines for breeding three-linerice hybrids TUAF’s scientific research project 2007 Work experiences Period of work Position Institution Oct , 1999 – Technical and Viet Thang Coffee Enterprise, Jun., 2000 extension staff Daklak Province,Vietnam Jul., 2000 - Secretorial Dec., 2001 administrator Jan., 2002 – Directorial Bac Kan Forestry Company, Bac Mar., 2004 assistant Kan province, Vietnam Apr., 2004 – Lecturer cum Thai Present Researcher Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam The office of people’s committee of Cho Moi district, Bac Kan province, Vietnam 145 Nguyen University of ... dissertation: Studies on plant characteristic diversity, flowering, pollination and fruit bagging in pitaya (Hylocereus spp.) Total page: 145 pages Name of Institute: Department of Plant Industry,... genotypes and bigger in several genotypes Effects of pollination method and pollen source on fruit set /fruit characteristics and some flowering characteristics among typical pitaya genotypes including... setting fruit with cross -pollination Both self-fruitful and self-unfruitful (Hylocereus) species produce the highest fruit set and largest fruit obtained by interclonal or interspecific crossing

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2017, 09:52



