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Nguyen Tri Phuong school  Giáo án Anh 8 Preparing date:.02 / 03 / 09 Teaching date :03 /03 / 09. Period 73 UNIT 12: A vacation abroad Lesson 1 : Getting started- Listen and read A. Objectives: I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make ,accept and decline invitations. II. Skills: - speaking ,reading and writing. B. Procedure: I. Settlement: -Greeting, checking attendance, and disposing for pair/ group work. II .Checking: -Checking Ss’ preparations for the new lesson. III. New lesson: Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities 10ms 20ms * Pre- teach vocabulary : - T elicits vocabulary from Ss. - ( to) include: + translation - ( to) come over: + explanation - abroad ( adv) :+ explanation - ( to) be go abroad travel live - T models, Ss repeat. - T checks meaning, stress, pronunciation. * Checking vocabulary: R.O.R. - T sets the scene. - T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue. - T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue and repeat. - T asks Ss to practice reading the dialogue in pairs. - T calls on some pairs to read . - T asks Ss to complete Mrs. Quyen's schedule. - T gives feedback. - Then T asks Ss to answer the questions (p.113) - 1.Presentation : * Vocabulary: - ( to) include: bao gåm - ( to) come over: ghÐ qua - abroad ( adv) :ë níc ngoµi - ( to) be go abroad travel live 2. Practice: * Complete Mrs.Quyen's schedule: - Tuesday 26 : going out - Wednesday 27: having dinner with Mrs.Smith. - Thursday 28 : leaving San Francisco. + Ss work individually, then share their idea with their partners - Ss write their answers on the board. - • Questions and answers + Ss work individually. +Ss practice asking and answering. a. No, they won't.Because their accommodation is included in the ticket price. Vo Minh - 1 - Nguyen Tri Phuong school  Giáo án Anh 8 10ms - T models the target sentences and elicits the structures by asking some questions. - T does concept check : form, use, - T elicits the dialogue from Ss. - T - class - Group - group - Open- pairs - Closed pairs. b. No,he won't.Because he has a business meeting in the evening. c. Mrs.Smith will pick her up. * Model sentences : -Would you like to come and stay with us ? - Yes,I'd love to. - that's very kind of you,but . - Form: Would you like + to-inf. ? Accepting: yes,I'd love to. Declining: yes,I'd love to,but . - Use : express an invitation. • Mapped dialogue : Lan Mary Hello/Mary . Hello/nice/meet you I/stay here/Monday/Friday. Would/come/stay/us? kind/you/but/ accommodation/ included/ticket/price. Then/you/come/ dinner/tonight? yes/love. IV .Consolidation : . V. Homework. - Learn by heart vocabulary and the dialogue. - Do the exercise 1,2 in the workbook. - Prepare Speak. Vo Minh - 2 -

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2013, 01:27

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