Working with SystemFile Info A Deep Dive into Mobile Forensics Extracting Embedded Metadata Exploring Networking and Indicators of Compromise Reading Emails and Taking Names Forensic Evidence Log Based Artifacts Exploring Windows Forensic Artifact Exploring Windows Forensic Artifact. Creating Artifact Report
Python Digital Forensics Cookbook Effective Python recipes for digital investigations Preston Miller Chapin Bryce BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI Python Digital Forensics Cookbook Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied Neither the authors, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information First published: September 2017 Production reference: 1220917 Published by Packt Publishing Ltd Livery Place 35 Livery Street Birmingham B3 2PB, UK ISBN 978-1-78398-746-7 Credits Authors Copy Editor Preston Miller Stuti Srivastava Chapin Bryce Reviewer Project Coordinator Dr Michael Spreitzenbarth Virginia Dias Commissioning Editor Proofreader Kartikey Pandey Safis Editing Acquisition Editor Indexer Rahul Nair Aishwarya Gangawane Content Development Editor Graphics Sharon Raj Kirk D'Penha Technical Editor Production Coordinator Prashant Chaudhari Aparna Bhagat About the Authors Preston Miller is a consultant at an internationally recognized risk management firm He holds an undergraduate degree from Vassar College and a master’s degree in Digital Forensics from Marshall University While at Marshall, Preston unanimously received the prestigious J Edgar Hoover Foundation’s Scientific Scholarship He is a published author, recently of Learning Python for Forensics, an introductory Python Forensics textbook Preston is also a member of the GIAC advisory board and holds multiple industry-recognized certifications in his field Chapin Bryce works as a consultant in digital forensics, focusing on litigation support, incident response, and intellectual property investigations After studying computer and digital forensics at Champlain College, he joined a firm leading the field of digital forensics and investigations In his downtime, Chapin enjoys working on side projects, hiking, and skiing (if the weather permits) As a member of multiple ongoing research and development projects, he has authored several articles in professional and academic publications About the Reviewer Dr Michael Spreitzenbarth, after finishing his diploma thesis with the major topic of mobile phone forensics, worked as a freelancer in the IT security sector for several years In 2013, he finished his PhD at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in the field of Android forensics and mobile malware analysis Since then, he has been working as a team lead in an internationally operating CERT Dr Michael Spreitzenbarth's daily work deals with the security of mobile systems, forensic analysis of smartphones and suspicious mobile applications, as well as the investigation of security-related incidents within ICS environments At the same time he is working on the improvement of mobile malware analysis techniques and research in the field of Android and iOS forensics as well as mobile application testing For support files and downloads related to your book, please visit Did you know that Packt offers eBook versions of every book published, with PDF and ePub files available? You can upgrade to the eBook version at and as a print book customer, you are entitled to a discount on the eBook copy Get in touch with us at for more details At, you can also read a collection of free technical articles, sign up for a range of free newsletters and receive exclusive discounts and offers on Packt books and eBooks Get the most in-demand software skills with Mapt Mapt gives you full access to all Packt books and video courses, as well as industry-leading tools to help you plan your personal development and advance your career copy and learn about the metadata of each item: There's more This script can be further improved We have provided one or more recommendations here: Add support for logical acquisitions and additional forensic acquisition types Add support to process artifacts found within snapshots using previously written recipes Dissecting the SRUM database Recipe Difficulty: Hard Python Version: 2.7 Operating System: Linux With the major release of popular operating systems, everyone in the cyber community gets excited (or worried) about the potential new artifacts and changes to existing artifacts With the advent of Windows 10, we saw a few changes (such as the MAM compression of prefetch files) and new artifacts as well One of these artifacts is the System Resource Usage Monitor (SRUM), which can retain execution and network activity for applications This includes information such as when a connection was established by a given application and how many bytes were sent and received by this application Obviously, this can be very useful in a number of different scenarios Imagine having this information on hand with a disgruntled employee who uploads many gigabytes of data on their last day using the Dropbox desktop application In this recipe, we leverage the pyesedb library to extract data from the database We will also implement logic to interpret this data as the appropriate type With this accomplished, we will be able to view historical application information stored within the SRUM.dat file found on Windows 10 machines To learn more about the SRUM database, visit t-archives/file/summit-archive-1492184583.pdf Getting started This recipe requires the installation of four third-party modules to function: pytsk3, pyewf, pyesedb, and unicodecsv Refer to Chapter 8, Working with Forensic Evidence Container Recipes, for a detailed explanation on installing the pytsk3 and pyewf modules Likewise, refer to the Getting started section in the Parsing prefetch files recipe for details on installing unicodecsv All other libraries used in this script are present in Python's standard library Navigate to the GitHub repository and download the desired release for each library This recipe was developed using the libesedb-experimental-20170121 release Once the contents of the release are extracted, open a terminal, navigate to the extracted directory, and execute the following commands: / / sudo python install To learn more about the pyesedb library, visit edb Lastly, we can check our library's installation by opening a Python interpreter, importing pyesedb, and running the gpyesedb.get_version() method to ensure we have the correct release version How to it We use the following methodology to accomplish our objective: Determine if the SRUDB.dat file exists and perform a file signature verification Extract tables and table data using pyesedb Interpret extracted table data as appropriate data types Create multiple spreadsheets for each table present within the database How it works We import a number of libraries to assist with argument parsing, date parsing, writing CSVs, processing the ESE database, and the custom pytskutil module: from future import print_function import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os import pytsk3 import pyewf import pyesedb import struct import sys import unicodecsv as csv from utility.pytskutil import TSKUtil This script uses two global variables during its execution The TABLE_LOOKUP variable is a lookup table matching various SRUM table names to a more human-friendly description These descriptions were pulled from Yogesh Khatri's presentation, referenced at the beginning of the recipe The APP_ID_LOOKUP dictionary will store data from the SRUM SruDbIdMapTable table, which assigns applications to an integer value referenced in other tables TABLE_LOOKUP = { "{973F5D5C-1D90-4944-BE8E-24B94231A174}": "{D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA86}": "{D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA89}": "{DD6636C4-8929-4683-974E-22C046A43763}": "{FEE4E14F-02A9-4550-B5CE-5FA2DA202E37}": "Network Data Usage", "Push Notifications", "Application Resource Usage", "Network Connectivity Usage", "Energy Usage"} APP_ID_LOOKUP = {} This recipe's command-line handler takes two positional arguments, EVIDENCE_FILE and TYPE, which represent the evidence file and the type of evidence file, respectively After validating the provided arguments, we pass these two inputs to the main() method, where the action kicks off if name == " main ": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= description , epilog="Developed by {} on {}".format( ", ".join( authors ), date ) ) parser.add_argument("EVIDENCE_FILE", help="Evidence file path") parser.add_argument("TYPE", help="Type of Evidence", choices=("raw", "ewf")) args = parser.parse_args() if os.path.exists(args.EVIDENCE_FILE) and os.path.isfile( args.EVIDENCE_FILE): main(args.EVIDENCE_FILE, args.TYPE) else: print("[-] Supplied input file {} does not exist or is not a " "file".format(args.EVIDENCE_FILE)) sys.exit(1) The main() method starts by creating a TSKUtil object and creating a variable to reference the folder which contains the SRUM database on Windows 10 systems Then, we use the query_directory() method to determine if the directory exist If it does, we use the recurse_files() method to return the SRUM database from the evidence (if present): def main(evidence, image_type): # Create TSK object and query for Internet Explorer index.dat files tsk_util = TSKUtil(evidence, image_type) path = "/Windows/System32/sru" srum_dir = tsk_util.query_directory(path) if srum_dir is not None: srum_files = tsk_util.recurse_files("SRUDB.dat", path=path, logic="equal") If we find the SRUM database, we print a status message to the console and iterate through each hit For each hit, we extract the file object stored in the second index of the tuple returned by the recurse_files() method and use the write_file() method to cache the file to the host filesystem for further processing: if srum_files is not None: print("[+] Identified {} potential SRUDB.dat file(s)".format( len(srum_files))) for hit in srum_files: srum_file = hit[2] srum_tables = {} temp_srum = write_file(srum_file) The write_file() method, as seen before, simply creates a file of the same name on the host filesystem This method reads the entire contents of the file in the evidence container and writes it to the temporary file After this has completed, it returns the name of the file to the parent function def write_file(srum_file): with open(, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(srum_file.read_random(0, return Back in the main() method, we use the pyesedb.check_file_signature() method to validate the file hit before proceeding with any further processing After the file is validated, we use the method to create the pyesedb object and print a status message to the console with the number of tables contained within the file Next, we create a for loop to iterate through all of the tables within the database Specifically, we look for the SruDbIdMapTable as we first need to populate the APP_ID_LOOKUP dictionary with the integer-to-application name pairings before processing any other table Once that table is found, we read each record within the table The integer value of interest is stored in the first index while the application name is stored in the second index We use the get_value_data_as_integer() method to extract and interpret the integer appropriately Using the get_value_data() method instead, we can extract the application name from the record and attempt to replace any padding bytes from the string Finally, we store both of these values in the global APP_ID_LOOKUP dictionary, using the integer as a key and the application name as the value if pyesedb.check_file_signature(temp_srum): srum_dat = print("[+] Process {} tables within database".format( srum_dat.number_of_tables)) for table in srum_dat.tables: if != "SruDbIdMapTable": continue global APP_ID_LOOKUP for entry in table.records: app_id = entry.get_value_data_as_integer(1) try: app = entry.get_value_data(2).replace( "\x00", "") except AttributeError: app = "" APP_ID_LOOKUP[app_id] = app After creating the app lookup dictionary, we are ready to iterate over each table (again) and this time actually extract the data For each table, we assign its name to a local variable and print a status message to the console regarding execution progress Then, within the dictionary that will hold our processed data, we create a key using the table's name and a dictionary containing column and data lists The column list represents the actual column names from the table itself These are extracted using list comprehension and then assigned to the column's key within our dictionary structure for table in srum_dat.tables: t_name = print("[+] Processing {} table with {} records" format(t_name, table.number_of_records)) srum_tables[t_name] = {"columns": [], "data": []} columns = [ for x in table.columns] srum_tables[t_name]["columns"] = columns With the columns handle, we turn our attention to the data itself As we iterate through each row in the table, we use the number_of_values() method to create a loop to iterate through each value in the row As we this, we append the interpreted value to a list, which itself is later assigned to the data key within the dictionary The SRUM database stores a number of different types of data (32-bit integers, 64-bit integers, strings, and so on) The pyesedb library does not necessarily support each data type present using the various get_value_as methods We must interpret the data for ourselves and have created a new function, convert_data(), to just that This function needs the value's raw data, the column name, and the column's type (which correlates to the type of data present) Let's focus on this method now If the search hit fails the file signature verification, we print a status message to the console, delete the temporary file, and continue onto the next hit The remaining else statements handle scenarios where there are no SRUM databases found and where the SRUM database directory does not exist, respectively for entry in table.records: data = [] for x in range(entry.number_of_values): data.append(convert_data( entry.get_value_data(x), columns[x], entry.get_column_type(x)) ) srum_tables[t_name]["data"].append(data) write_output(t_name, srum_tables) else: print("[-] {} not a valid SRUDB.dat file Removing " "temp file ".format(temp_srum)) os.remove(temp_srum) continue else: print("[-] SRUDB.dat files not found in {} " "directory".format(path)) sys.exit(3) else: print("[-] Directory {} not found".format(path)) sys.exit(2) The convert_data() method relies on the column type to dictate how the data should be interpreted For the most part, we use struct to unpack the data as the appropriate data types This function is one large if-elif-else statement In the first scenario, we check if the data is None, and if it is, return an empty string In the first elif statement, we check if the column name is "AppId"; if it is, we unpack the 32-bit integer representing the value from the SruDbIdMapTable, which correlates to an application name We return the proper application name using the global APP_ID_LOOKUP dictionary created previously Next, we create cases for various column values to return the appropriate data types, such as 8-bit unsigned integers, 16- and 32-bit signed integers, 32-bit floats, and 64-bit doubles def convert_data(data, column, col_type): if data is None: return "" elif column == "AppId": return APP_ID_LOOKUP[struct.unpack("