Stanton Procter s Melanie Graham
Trang 3Published by Pearson Longman Asa ELT 20/8 Corowall House “Talkoo Pace £79 Kings Road Quarry Bay Hong Kong fax: +852 2856 9578 ‘mall: ‘eww
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‘The character of Gogo was originally erated by Ken ‘Methold and Paul FitaGerald and isa trademark of Pearson Education First edition 1996
‘This edition 2001
Reprinted by Pearson Education Asia Limited 2012 (three times) Produced by Pearson Education Asia Limited, Hong Kong 'GCG/38
ISBN-1ã:978-962-00:8098-5 ISBN-]0:982-00-.5038.3
Publishing Manager: Grogg Schroeder Faitor: Chrstienne Blodget Designer: lanko Funaki
IMlustators: Chan Tak Hung, Teddy Wong, B Lal Stu Kuen, Furiko ide, Maxim Tang, KY Chan,
We are grateful to Tony Hert fr the photos on p 63 and at Brand forthe photo ofthe git hiking on p 64 Wed also like to thank our colleagues in Brazil, China, Spain and Malaysta fr the photos on p 64 nd p 66 We would cantribution (othe development ofthe course als lke 1 thank Masako Hiraki for her
‘Series Consultant Julie Gienger ‘Reviewers
Keiko Abe-Ford CALA: Communication and Language As sociates Tokyo, Japan
“Annie Ya-Hui Chuang ‘Ming, Hu Elementary School “Talpel, Taiwan Casey Kim Future / David English House Seoul, Kores Dr Wonkey Lee Seoul National University of Education, Seoul, Korea Reiko Tada GET: Group of English Teachers Nishinomiya-shi, Japan Met Tal Professional EL Education ‘Tainan, Taiwan ‘Tu, Chao-Lee ‘Tien Mu Elementary School ‘alipel, Talwan
We would also ike to thank the many teachers who have offered their feedback on
the series n particular:
Stuart Bowie Jennifer Leska Catherine Bryden Tammy Lit Frances Burgess Bur Eriko Momdsaki Tkuko Nakama Jina Chatorgkaow — Fumiko Oishi Fosa Chae Pauline Gyamnf Yoko Sekigawa Kurmiko Shimaroura
Trang 4Contents Deseo ee |! pe ag a 1 Tol Jeep | tinea ohio Boater — mm fa eee dg eying yd
2 Are you dancing? Are you sleeping? No, 'm not I'm thinking, K —Á rating Asking about and describing, *
TT ica | hmnsanannaammase|xasmssssnmg | cots sat popeean hee cog item men an a ‘Where are you going? | Where are you going? I'm going to the airport | Asking about and deseribing, TT TT c a AE ghgneeboarke se oma -ewestifiaznnueeugseees | Aansemmungtrim | ashram men a ee immed er 7 Tike eng CC TC YnstosoBcosnehowmgy=me: | Mags otamng | 1 NNE =7 se: er fae = 9 ether Bhool | saison ser tees ent ae AuimumiimwBmg Í9 =— THẾ TY HP TEE | NHorenroeninnnnnen [nmgmnmima [m o To He th TS — Tớ Tea doa, TA ty tiaiaineene | ạ anszeies ata clan ANH Serene 1 et = Chee Heber | Wwasdoyesticdaingweos icing | igs eiine |m pastel Seater n c5 Km
Gare Eas |mmammmiamamsnm | Asammasmsem wee coe aie |m \itdoyetntytavforkrett omy | Slit eninge
Pee aint Sc
co et =
Trang 8Vocabulary listen and say ES) ) ộ bề?- cửa shoulders teeth listen and say 3) >)
——Fi| What are you
re! | doing, Jenny?
Tm moving my desk 4
Trang 9Practice 1 listen, read and match 3) BRI <i [A | | bị là mo -]
@ She's touching her toes 2 | They/re moving the sofa
Trang 10Song activity @ Listen and sing aP
Head, shoulders, knees and toes!
Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toes
Oh, eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
Knees and toes!
Trang 12
Sounds and words
@ Listen, point and sy E8) @
orange giraffe
ginger jump Jeans
@ Read, say and match, RE) c8
‘A The giraffe is eating ginger and oranges
B) The tiger is jumping in the cage
© Jenny has jeans and a jacket
'D) Gogo is playing dodge ball with jellyfish
Trang 132 Are you dancing?
Uisten and look [#8] LD
Trang 14Vocabulary Listen and say ES) G=) q x & exercising working practicing talking cutting gluing coloring Target
listen and say, [#8] &)
Trang 16
Chant activity =
@ listen and chant, EB)
What's everyone doing now?
What's everyone doing now?
Trang 17Look, write and play A A
Trang 18
Sounds and words
Trang 193 I’m washing the car
Listen and look, ES)
I's Saturday! Jenny! Let's play! ca _ Tm sorry, Gogo | tm busy I cant play today ] [] tm sorry, Gogo { What are you doing? Tony can't play today | | He's busy lạ VÀ +* <2 4/4 / Vin ] | What are you doing, Gogo? | | = LH vá ay
s\ No, heS not Hes |/
Trang 20Vocabulary listen and sy, ES) G>
sweeping leaning the vacuuming
the floor windows ‘the carpet doing the dishes making the bed
x =
= &
Se S te
" Z
foking victerng | _ dusting
the clothes the plants the furniture cooking breakfast doing the laundry
listen and soy EZ) &>
Trang 21Practice 1 listen, read and match 3) i <a
No, he's not 5 No, I'm not,
Trang 22Chant activity
@ Listen and chant EB) XR
She's folding the clothes
Washing, drying, folding the clothes Washing, drying, folding the clothes Is she washing? Is she drying?
No! She's folding the clothes Hey!
Cleaning, dusting, sweeping the floor Cleaning, dusting, sweeping the floor Ishe cleaning? Is he dusting?
Trang 23
Look, askand answer, AD )
Is Tony making | = J No, he's not Hes
the bed? = S folding the clothes |
Trang 24Sounds and words
© Listen, point and sy, E5) @ 2 clock @ listen ond chant, EB) SX Check it out! Check it out! Check it out! fs d lgke
fs œblack, block loke Ooh Check it out! Check it out! Is a cake
I's a black, black cake Yuck! Check it out! Check it out! Is a snake
Is a black, black snake Aah!
Trang 25
— 4 Reviewt = - © Listen, read and circle, E) ; : OF 2 | 8) la
Yes, they are Yes, heis Yes, she is
No, they're not No, he's not He's No, she’s not, She's Theyre cutting paper, touching his toes, pointing 3 4 | hh)
Yes, they are Yes, she is Yes, he is
No, theyre not They're No, she's not She's No, he not Hes
watering the plants doing the laundry vacuuming the carpet
@ read and match, [Cea
vacuuming doing folding watering
touch leaning cooking wave
5 : the plants breakfast your hand your toes
the windows the laundry the clothes the corpet
Trang 26© 100k, read and wie, D Hi CƠ
‘® What's Jenny doing? ‘B) What's Bonnie doing?
“She's cleaning the windows
© What are Ben and Lisa doing? D) What's Gogo doing?
E) Is Tony waving? F) Is Ms Black moving a chair? © Read and match, ee
A giraffe duck ginger dog jump B dig jet lake sock mug
@ clock big bug Jacket neck
Trang 275 Where are you going?
listen and look 3)
Trang 28Vocabulary Listen and say 3) >) grocery store moiielheoler bank shopping mall restaurant pork beach Target listen ond soy [#8] 2) \ @ (: ?
Where are | tm going to |, 8 she going to the bank? )| Are they going tothe beach
Trang 29Practice 1 listen, read and match, 3) ( Eh Im hungry tm going to the ® restaurant ® L Tesla
He's going to the No, they're not Theyre going ® shopping mall ® to the swimming pool
Practice 2
Ask and answer, 2) LD)
‘B) Are they going to the hospital? (© she going to the airport? ‘D) Where are you going today?
Trang 30
Song activity
O iisien ond sing EF
Where are you going?
Going, going, where are you going now? Going, going where are you going 1 ow?
Tm going to the swimming pool SES Swimming pool!
Going, going, where are you going now? Going, going, where are you going now?
Tm going to the grocery store Grocery store!
© 100k, write and sing, DPOB”
Going, going, where is she going now?
Trang 32Sounds and words
© Listen, point and say ES) AP >)
farm toy car party
@ Read, say and match BB >) <a
“A He plays guitar in the backyard
‘B There's a star above the apartment building,
‘C The market is next to the farm ‘D) There are sharks in the sea,
Trang 336 ts 3:15!
listen and look ES)
We're going to the || lake tomorrow Wake up, Tony! I's time | 5 10 90 10 the lake 3:15! Go to sleep, Gogo! 4:30! Go tosleep, Gogo! Jf Wake up, Tony! |] ts 5:45 SS
Wake up, Gogo! I's 6:30! |
Trang 34Vocabulary listen and soy 3) <>) getup ldkeoshower getdressed brushmyleeh goloschool gethome domyhomewoik wøshmyhonds eotdinner goto bed 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Target { More numbers! LL )
listen and soy, [#8] <3)
Trang 36Chant activity
@ sten and chant EB) XR
Its time to get up!
Time, time, time, time, time Its time to get up
Get up!
Time, time, time, time, time Irs time to get up
Irs time to get up
Trang 38Sounds and words
@© Listen, point and soy ES) AW &)
tea meet key
peas three sea @ Read, say andeircle Ml oF my dress three
desk meet coffee sea
eed) please eat ted
D ic) Jt
kite cheese key yes
knee peas yellow feet
peach i tennis là green * InS
Trang 39
- Like eoting Conversation Usten andlook ES) | tm painting — 5
What are you doing? } Like painting, ff \ { What do you
My hobby is {like doing? JÍ I don't know
painting, ae
Tt Í Doyou like swimming | JIke eating! Hmm Eating! = E — “==
dancing or reading? | \ = ( ^ ^ Eating isn't a hobby J —=.= > { Tknow! My hobby is | | ice skating! os Oe
Ice skating! You can't ice skate at the beach!
Trang 40
—————t Vocabulary
Usten and say 3) G=>)
Trang 41Practice 1 Listen, read and match, 3) BR <a | like reading comic books 2) They like playing cards, 4
like boking cookies
Trang 42‘Song activity
© istenond sng EF
like making models
like making models like watching TV
like baking cookies Come and play with me
Llike riding my scooter
ike playing cards
like walking my dog, Come and play with me
Trang 43Do you like Activity baking cookies? | { Yes, Ido © Askand mark D KS V - Name Me
© askandwite PF What do you Ilike listening
— Name like CHỢ oon music — Me Tlike
playing video games s visiting my friend * listening to music
watching TV * riding my scooter * playing cards * baking cookies making models * reading comic books * walking my dog
Trang 44Sounds and words
@ Usten, point and soy ES) AY =) ice skating smiling snoring en = v ¥ sẽ
stopping spilling ‘swinging
Trang 45_8 Review 2 © sen cóocna cóc ESINNC
'Yes, she does Yes, he is Yes, they are
No, she doesn't No, he isn't No, they're not
1's 8:50 Yes, they are Yes, she is
Ws 8:15, No, they're not No, she's not
@ Look and write LD AP se
Trang 46© 100k, read and write AMS ‘B) What does she like doing? & 'B) Do they lke reading comic “89 ‘© Where is he going? 8 'D Ishe going to the airport? &
“E Are they watching TV?
© Read and match HE xâm
Trang 48_# Vocabulary Listen and say, 3) ==) fleag
pajamas nightgown slippers underwear towel
keys money handkerchief bathrobe swimsuit
listen and say 3) <>)
[ isthis money yours? Ì Are these Mom’s keys? |
Trang 49Practice 1
Listen, read ond match, 3) OR <i
1 No, theyre not Theyre Tonys (2) | | No, its not Is his
Trang 50Song activity
© sen nd sing EF
Is this his bathrobe?
Is this his bathrobe? Is this his bathrobe? Yes, it is Yes, itis Itis Dad's bathrobe, Yes, itis, Yes, itis ltis Dad's bathrobe
Are these her slippers? Are these her slippers?
Yes, they are Yes, they are, They are Mom's slippers Yes, they are Yes, they are They are Mom's slippers
J |
A isinistonysswimsure QB) sre these Tony's slippers? GOP
Yes, it is It's Tony's swimsuit
© Isthis Jenny's towel? c2 Õ EthisTonys bathrobe? ®
Trang 52
Sounds and words
@ sien, point and say ES) BL) corn floor blackboard pour @ Read and say Hi <> im ‹š mg
‘A There's ahorsenear B) Pour your orange ‘© Write the number fourteen
the door juice on the blackboard
Trang 53
10 What do you want to do?
listen and look ZS)
Iwant to make his body Do you want
|_/ Lwant to make his arms 2 7 No, [dont lwant io === 22 You want fo make his ears
Trang 54Vocabulary listen and sey ES) >) tm# et
golohepoik seeamovie eat something Ploy outside
Trang 55Practice 1 Listen, read and match, [S5] BMI {1884 1 tie | Not really @ Not really Iwant to do a puzzle @ | | twantto get a drink Practice 2 ‘Ask and answer as
‘® Do you want to eat something?
Trang 56Chant activity
@ Listen and chon, EB) RX
Let’s go see a movie!
Movie, movie
Let's go see a movie! Movie, movie
Les go see a movie!
Do you want to see a movie? Yes, Iwant to see a movie Outside, outside Lefs go play outside Outside, outside Les go play outside
Do you want fo play outside? Yes, Iwant to play outside
@ 100k, ask and answer ADO
to go to the park No, he doesn't He wants |
Does Ben want to go
to the swimming pool?