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Ôn thi TN- Test 7

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Trang 1

1.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

2 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence

The evening with my old school friends………Choose the word which has the main stress on a different syllable from the others lot of happy memories.

3 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

A minor earthquake occurred…… 2.07 a.m………January 3.

4 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

She is interested in working in university……

a managing b organization c registration d administration

5 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

“What a lovely house you have!” –“………… ”

a I think so b Of course c Thank you d You’re welcome

6 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

Recent EU legislation is aimed…… trade barriers between member states.

a to remove b removing c at removing d by removing

7 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

She’s only allowed to do a little light work……… her bad arm.

8 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

9 Choose the word which has the main stress on a different syllable from the others:

a interpreter b aborigines c European d eucalyptus

10 Choose the word which has the main stress on a different syllable from the others:

a scientific b expedition c spinifex d geographical

11 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence.

They continued their journey…… the Sahara Desert.

12 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence.

Many people think of deserts as barren region, but many species of plants and animals have…….to life there.

13 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence.

It has been reported that the Sahara is…… south by as much as 30 miles per year.

14 Choose the sentence – a, b , c or d- which is closest in meaning to the printed one.

Mark ate lots of ice cream and now he has a stomachache.

a If Mark didn’t eat much ice- cream and now he has a stomachache b If Mark hadn’t eaten much ice -cream, he wouldn’t have a stomachache c If Mark hadn’t eaten much ice -cream, he wouldn’t have had a stomachache d If Mark didn’t eat much ice-cream, he wouldn’t have had a stomachache.

15 Choose the sentence – a, b , c or d- which is closest in meaning to the printed one.

It is a shame John eats sweets whenever he gets the chance.

a John always eat sweets when he feels sad or disappointed b John dislikes eating sweets.

c John will now take a chance on eating sweets.

d John never turns down sweets when they are offered to him.

16 Choose the sentence – a, b , c or d- which is closest in meaning to the printed one.

Learning English is not easy.

a it’s not easy to learning English b It’s easy learning English

Trang 2

c It’s not easy to learn English d It’s not difficult to learn English.

17 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

18 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

Susan doesn’t really work here; she…….until the new secretary arrives.

a just helps b is just helping out c has just helped out d was just helping out

19 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

If you wish to succeed, you must work…………

a as hardly as you can b so hard as you can c more harder than you can d as hard as you can

20 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence

Could you please tell me……… ?

a what’s your name b what’s being your name c your name is what d what your name is

21.Chose the best answer to complete the following sentence

In this scene, the camera………… on the actor’s face.

22 Chose the best answer to complete the following sentence

I find it……….to work in this room It’s too small and airless.

a comfortable b comfortably c uncomfortable d comfort

23 Choose the word or phrase –a, b , c or d that best completes the following sentence

I believe that our manager……….

a has just signed an important contract b had just signed an important contract

c was just signed as an important contract d had just been signing as an important contract

24 Chose the best answer to complete the following sentence……… you need is a short holiday.

25 Choose the underlined part in the following sentence that should be corrected.

The store had so little customers that it closed a b c d

26 Choose the underlined part in the following sentence that should be corrected.

It is certain that classes will be call off because of the snow.

27 Choose the underlined part in the following sentence that should be corrected.

Rita is used to fly after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade.

Choose the item ( a , b , c or d) that best completes the unfinished statement( or best answers the question) about each passage from number 28 to number 32.

Robots are replacing people in many jobs They are used in the car industry People complain that they needed jobs away from people But there is one place where robots are welcome to do work.

A robot astronaut was developed by NASA It is called Robonaut Robonauts look like humans However, they have more flexible arms and hands than humans They can do some of the more difficult work in space Robonauts are expected to work with human astronauts in future missions They need no spacesuits, oxygen, and meals to survive in space Humans need air to breathe and protection from

extreme temperature changes Most importantly, Robonauts will be sent where astronauts cannot go yet

because the risks are too high.

28 How do people feel about robots?

a They do not like how robots take jobs b They do not want Robonauts to hurt astronauts c They think robots are of great help c They want robots to replace astronauts.

29 The word “extreme” in the passage is closest meaning to

30.According to the passage , where is the one place robots are welcome to do work?

31 According to the passage, what is one advantage of Robonauts?

Trang 3

a They do not need food or oxygen to survive in space b They do not need extra fuel to keep working in space c The resemble humans in appearance.

d They were developed by NASA, which ensures their quality.

32 Which of the following is NOT true of Robonauts?

a They will replace humans where risks are too high b They do not wear spacesuits c They have less flexible arms and hands than humans d They do not need air to breathe.

33 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence

In…….dry weather, the plants have to be watered twice a day.

34 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence

Because the equipment is very delicate, it must be handled with…………

35 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence

So far, there……….no word from them.

36 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence I’m quite sure this business will………

37 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence

Could you stand………for me and teach my English class this evening Miss Lee?

38 Choose the best answer to complete the following sentence

We’ve recently received several……… from parents about teachers being late for class a complain b complaints c complains d complaining

39 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence

In order to improve her listening skill, ……….

a May’s mother bought her a CD player B A CD player was bought for May c A CD player had to be bought for May d May bought a CD player for herself.

40 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence

Our health is being………by air pollution.

41 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence

All the goods were………… displayed in the shop window.

a beauty b beautiful c beautifully d beautified

42 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence

I’ve got no idea……….

a what does this sentence mean b what this sentence means

c what this sentence’s meaning d what the meaning of this sentence

43 Choose the underlined part in the following sentence that should be corrected.

We wish to day is sunny so that we could spend the day in the country communing with nature.

44 Choose the underlined part in the following sentence that should be corrected.

Margaret used to living in Portsmouth, but her company had her transferred to a better position in

45 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the following sentence

I’ll lend you my car…… you promise to bring it back by 5.00 p.m

Choose the word or phrase ( a, b , c or d) that best fits each space in the following passage from number 46 to number 50.

To many people, their friends are the most important in their life Really good friends always ( 46)… joys and sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life or someone you have grown ( 47)……with.

Trang 4

There are all sorts of things that can ( 48)….about this special relationship It may be the result of enjoying the same activities and sharing experiences Most of us have met someone that we have

immediately felt relaxed with as if we had known them for ages However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well ( 49)…… to consider your best friend.

TO the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and ( 50)…….understands us better than anyone else It’s the person you can tell him or her your most intimate secrets.

Ngày đăng: 21/07/2013, 01:27

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