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Exact sử dụng các TextBox của Word để đảm bảo chắc chắn văn bản và đồ họa vẫn giống y nguyên bản PDF gốc.Chế độ Exact không nên sử dụng nếu bạn cần chỉnh sửa rất nhiều nội dung từ GovernmentSpendingGovernmentSpending By: OpenStaxCollege Governmentspending covers a range of services provided by the federal, state, and local governments When the federal government spends more money than it receives in taxes in a given year, it runs a budget deficit Conversely, when the government receives more money in taxes than it spends in a year, it runs a budget surplus If governmentspending and taxes are equal, it is said to have a balanced budget For example, in 2009, the U.S government experienced its largest budget deficit ever, as the federal government spent $1.4 trillion more than it collected in taxes This deficit was about 10% of the size of the U.S GDP in 2009, making it by far the largest budget deficit relative to GDP since the mammoth borrowing used to finance World War II This section presents an overview of governmentspending in the United States Total U.S GovernmentSpending Federal spending in nominal dollars (that is, dollars not adjusted for inflation) has grown by a multiple of more than 38 over the last four decades, from $92 billion in 1960 to $3.6 trillion in 2012 Comparing spending over time in nominal dollars is misleading because it does not take into account inflation or growth in population and the real economy A more useful method of comparison is to examine governmentspending as a percent of GDP over time The top line in [link] shows the level of federal spending since 1960, expressed as a share of GDP Despite a widespread sense among many Americans that the federal government has been growing steadily larger, the graph shows that federal spending has hovered in a range from 18% to 22% of GDP most of the time since 1960 The other lines in [link] show the major federal spending categories: national defense, Social Security, health programs, and interest payments From the graph, we see that national defense spending as a share of GDP has generally declined since the 1960s, although there were some upward bumps in the 1980s buildup under President Ronald Reagan and in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 In contrast, Social Security and healthcare have grown steadily as a percent of GDP Healthcare expenditures include both payments for senior citizens (Medicare), and payments for low-income Americans (Medicaid) Medicaid is also partially funded by state 1/7 GovernmentSpending governments Interest payments are the final main category of governmentspending shown in the figure Federal Spending, 1960–2010 Since 1960, total federal spending has ranged from about 18% to 22% of GDP, although it climbed above that level in 2009 The share spent on national defense has generally declined, while the share spent on Social Security and on healthcare expenses (mainly Medicare and Medicaid) has increased (Source: Economic Report of the President, Tables B-80 and B-1, Each year, the government borrows funds from U.S citizens and foreigners to cover its budget deficits It does this by selling securities (Treasury bonds, notes, and bills)—in essence borrowing from the public and promising to repay with interest in the future From 1961 to 1997, the U.S government has run budget deficits, and thus borrowed funds, in almost every year It had budget surpluses from 1998 to 2001, and then returned to deficits The interest payments on past federal government borrowing were typically 1–2% of GDP in the 1960s and 1970s but then climbed above 3% of GDP in the 1980s and stayed there until the late 1990s The government was able to repay some of its past borrowing by running surpluses from 1998 to 2001 and, with help from low interest rates, the interest payments on past federal government borrowing had fallen back to 1.4% of GDP by 2012 We investigate the patterns of government borrowing and debt in more detail later in this chapter, but first we need to clarify the difference between the deficit and the debt The deficit is not the debt The difference between the deficit and the debt lies in the 2/7 GovernmentSpending time frame The government deficit (or surplus) refers to what happens with the federal government budget each year The government debt is accumulated over time; it is the sum of all past deficits and surpluses If you borrow $10,000 per year for each of the four years of college, you might say that your annual deficit was $10,000, but your accumulated debt over the four years is $40,000 These four categories—national defense, Social Security, healthcare, and interest payments—account for roughly 71% of all federal spending, as [link] shows The remaining 29% wedge of the pie chart covers all other categories of federal government spending: international affairs; science and technology; natural resources and the environment; transportation; housing; education; income support for the poor; community and regional development; law enforcement and the judicial system; and the administrative costs of ... 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Sử dụng dịch vụ Doc Translator Doc Translator là một dịch vụ trực tuyến khác Congressional Government, by Woodrow Wilson
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Congressional Government, by Woodrow Wilson This eBook is for the use
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Title: Congressional Government A Study in American Politics
Author: Woodrow Wilson
Release Date: April 13, 2011 [EBook #35861]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ASCII
Produced by Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file
was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)
Books by Woodrow Wilson
CONGRESSIONAL GOVERNMENT. A Study in American Politics. 16mo, $1.25.
MERE LITERATURE, and Other Essays, 12mo, $1.50.
Congressional Government, by Woodrow Wilson 1
His Father,
This Book
I have been led by the publication of a French translation of this little volume to read it through very carefully,
for the first time since its first appearance. The re-reading has convinced me that it ought not to go to another
impression without a word or two by way of preface with regard to the changes which our singular system of
Congressional government has undergone since these pages were written.
I must ask those who read them now to remember that they were written during the years 1883 and 1884, and
that, inasmuch as they describe a living system, like all other living things subject to constant subtle
modifications, alike of form and of function, their description of the government of the United States is not as
accurate now as I believe it to have been at the time I wrote it.
This is, as might have been expected, more noticeable in matters of detail than in matters of substance. There
are now, for example, not three hundred and twenty-five, but three hundred and fifty-seven members in the
House of Representatives; and that number will, no doubt, be still further increased by the reapportionment
which will follow the census of the present year. The number of committees in both Senate and House is
constantly on the increase. It is now usually quite sixty in the House, and in the Senate more than forty. There
has been a still further addition to the number of the "spending" committees in the House of Representatives,
by the subdivision of the powerful Committee on Appropriations. Though the number of committees in
nominal control of the finances of the country is still as large as ever, the tendency is now towards a
concentration of all that is vital in the business into the hands of a few of the more prominent, which are most
often mentioned in the text. The auditing committees on the several departments, for example, have now for
some time exercised little more than a merely nominal oversight over executive expenditures.
Congressional Government, by Woodrow Wilson 2
Since the text was written, the Tenure of Office Act, which sought to restrict the President's removal from
office, has been repealed; and even before its repeal it MIT Center for Real Estate Week 12: Real Estate and Regional Economic Growth • Exports, transfers, investments and the determinants of regional growth: demand. • Population growth and migration: supply • 3-Q model of regional response. Factor supply elasticity and the role of real estate. • Wages, productivity and real estate costs – across MSAs. MIT Center for Real Estate Income and Product Accounts in States Summary of Output and Income Accounts for Florida and Pennsylvania, 1991 Florida ($ billions) Pennsylvania ($ billions) Income Accounts* Income (Y) 262 242 Wages (w) 126 127 Other Income (y + G) 136 115 Consumption (C) 260 193 Private 214 161 Government 46 32 Federal Taxes (T) 38 41 Savings (S) -36 8 Output Accounts** Output (Q) 219 211 Wages (w) 126 127 Profits and Rents (π) 93 84 Consumption (C) 260 193 Investment (I) 44 27 Imports (M) 175 153 Exports (X) 92 144 INCOME (Y) - OUTPUT (Q) 43 31 MIT Center for Real Estate Regional Accounts: Flow of Funds • Regions do not have to have individually balanced accounts. Surpluses in goods can be balanced by deficits in capital or government flows: the following cross border flows however must sum to zero. Trade surplus: X-M [exports - imports] Gov. surplus (Federal): G-T [spending – taxes] Capital surplus: I – S [investment - savings] Profits surplus: y - π [received - earned] • Notice the in Florida, huge trade deficit is made up with huge negative savings. MIT Center for Real Estate Sources of Regional Demand . • Some variables are determined directly by the size of a state’s economy (Income or Output) : imports (M), Federal Taxes (T), consumption or savings (S) and profits earned in the state (π). • Other variables are determined by forces largely outside of the region and serve to bring money into the state, generating growth and ultimately determining state size (level of income or output): - Exports (X) - Investment (I) - Federal spending (G) - Unearned income: SS, retirement…(y) MIT Center for Real Estate Characterizing Export growth and Investment? ∑ e i n i = ∑ e i N+ ∑ e i (N i -N) + ∑ e i (n i -N i ) i i i i Share | Mix Competitive | Shift (i): industry n,e: regional growth in activity, level of activity N: national growth of activity • Share: a matter of timing • Mix: Historic industrial structure • Competitive: “our” companies versus “theirs” [innovation –vs- production costs: “product cycle] MIT Center for Real Estate Study of impact of each Demand factor on the Boston Area Economy over time (Coulson) Mix effect Share effect Competitive effect Impact on Region 0 1 2 3 4 years since start 8 9 10 11 MIT Center for Real Estate Regional Supply shifts are as important • Migration into a region that results from factors in the origin and not destination. [US history 1820-1920]. • Birth rates in the state – 20 years earlier! (Mass –vs- California Net Reproduction Rates). • Recent immigration from Mexico and Asia. MIT Center for Real Estate P Output Market Simultaneous Equilibrium in a region’s product, labor and structures markets. 1. Product Demand=production costs. 2. Costs = average of wages and rents. 3. Wages equilibrate labor supply with labor demand (proportional to output). 4. Rents do the same in structures market. Q D Q C=α K R + α L W W/P Labor Market L D =α L Q L S R Real Estate Market L K K D =α K Q W K S R MIT Center for Real Estate Changes in Regional output, prices, wages and rents in reaction to shift in product demand Qd to Qd’. 1). Prices (and costs) must rise. Ditto output. 2). Wages and employment rise. 3). Likewise for rents and stock of structures. 4). Reverse for downward demand shifts 5). Supply Elasticity and the Magnitude of price versus quantity changes? P Output Market Q Q D C=α Forms of Government Forms of Government Bởi: OpenStaxCollege Former Iraqi dictator .. .Government Spending governments Interest payments are the final main category of government spending shown in the figure Federal Spending, 1960–2010 Since 1960, total federal spending. .. 6/7 Government Spending 2013/10/27/us/politics/after-year-of-working-around-federal-cuts-agencies-face-feweroptions.html?_r=0 Chantrill, Christopher Government Spending. .. State and Local Government Spending Although federal government spending often gets most of the media attention, state and local government spending is also substantial—at about $3.2