Tài liệu PDF One Way ANOVA tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực k...
Chuyển đổi tài liệu PDF sang Word 01:07' 22/11/2005 (GMT+7) Word đã trở thành "vua" của các bộ soạn thảo văn bản. Hầu hết các văn bản đều được định dạng và in bằng Word. Tuy nhiên, bạn có một số văn bản bằng PDF (Portable Document Format), bạn muốn chỉnh sửa các tài liệu này trước khi in ấn. Acrobat Reader không có khả năng chỉnh sửa văn bản, còn Acrobat thì giá cả hơi "mắc" mà lại đòi hỏi tài nguyên khá lớn. Vậy, có phần mềm nào có khả năng chuyển đổi định dạng từ PDF sang Word mà vẫn giữ nguyên định dạng, giá cả cũng chấp nhận được và lại tiêu tốn ít tài nguyên hệ thống ? Thực ra, để giữ nguyên các định dạng tài liệu sau khi chuyển đổi là rất phức tạp và khó khăn. Đến ngay như phần mềm Acrobat, khi chuyển đổi tập tin PDF sang Word cũng không được hoàn hảo. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn đã từng sử dụng qua phần mềm SolidPDFConverter của hãng Solid, phần mềm này thật tuyệt vời ! 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Hãy sử dụng tùy chọn: • Flowing: Với chế độ này, các trang vẫn giữ nguyên cách trình bày, định dạng, đồ họa và các dữ liệu văn bản. • Continuous: Với chế độ này cái mà bạn cần chỉ là nội dung chứ không cần chính xác cách trình bày của tài liệu. Ví dụ: giả sử mục đích là bạn cần nội dung cho những trang có kích thước khác hoặc các phần mềm trình diễn như Power Point hoặc chuyển sang định dạng HTML. Chế độ này sẽ sử dụng cách phân tích trình bày trang và cột để xây dựng lại thứ tự các văn bản nhưng chỉ phục hồi định dạng đoạn, đồ họa, và dữ liệu văn bản. • Plain Text: Nếu bạn chỉ cần văn bản mà không cần định dạng hay trình bày, bạn hãy sử dụng Plain Text. Plain Text sẽ phục hồi các định dạng kí tự, đoạn hoặc đồ họa nhưng chỉ phục hồi văn bản bằng phân tích cột và trình bày trang. • Exact: Nếu bạn cần một tài liệu Word trông giống hệt như tài liệu PDF? Bạn cần thay đổi nhỏ các tập tin này? Exact sử dụng các TextBox của Word để đảm bảo chắc chắn văn bản và đồ họa vẫn giống y nguyên bản PDF gốc.Chế độ Exact không nên sử dụng nếu bạn cần chỉnh sửa rất nhiều nội dung từ One-Way ANOVA One-Way ANOVA By: OpenStaxCollege The purpose of a one-way ANOVA test is to determine the existence of a statistically significant difference among several group means The test actually uses variances to help determine if the means are equal or not In order to perform a one-way ANOVA test, there are five basic assumptions to be fulfilled: Each population from which a sample is taken is assumed to be normal All samples are randomly selected and independent The populations are assumed to have equal standard deviations (or variances) The factor is a categorical variable The response is a numerical variable The Null and Alternative Hypotheses The null hypothesis is simply that all the group population means are the same The alternative hypothesis is that at least one pair of means is different For example, if there are k groups: H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = = μk Ha: At least two of the group means μ1, μ2, μ3, , μk are not equal The graphs, a set of box plots representing the distribution of values with the group means indicated by a horizontal line through the box, help in the understanding of the hypothesis test In the first graph (red box plots), H0: μ1 = μ2 = μ3 and the three populations have the same distribution if the null hypothesis is true The variance of the combined data is approximately the same as the variance of each of the populations If the null hypothesis is false, then the variance of the combined data is larger which is caused by the different means as shown in the second graph (green box plots) 1/4 One-Way ANOVA (a) H0 is true All means are the same; the differences are due to random variation (b) H0 is not true All means are not the same; the differences are too large to be due to random variation Chapter Review Analysis of variance extends the comparison of two groups to several, each a level of a categorical variable (factor) Samples from each group are independent, and must be randomly selected from normal populations with equal variances We test the null hypothesis of equal means of the response in every group versus the alternative hypothesis of one or more group means being different from the others A one-way ANOVA hypothesis test determines if several population means are equal The distribution for the test is the F distribution with two different degrees of freedom Assumptions: Each population from which a sample is taken is assumed to be normal All samples are randomly selected and independent The populations are assumed to have equal standard deviations (or variances) Use the following information to answer the next five exercises There are five basic assumptions that must be fulfilled in order to perform a one-way ANOVA test What are they? Write one assumption Each population from which a sample is taken is assumed to be normal Write another assumption 2/4 One-Way ANOVA Write a third assumption The populations are assumed to have equal standard deviations (or variances) Write a fourth assumption Write the final assumption The response is a numerical value State the null hypothesis for a one-way ANOVA test if there are four groups State the alternative hypothesis for a one-way ANOVA test if there are three groups Ha: At least two of the group means μ1, μ2, μ3 are not equal When you use an ANOVA test? Homework Three different traffic routes are tested for mean driving time The entries in the table are the driving times in minutes on the three different routes The one-way ANOVA results are shown in [link] Route Route Route 30 27 16 32 29 41 27 28 22 35 36 31 State SSbetween, SSwithin, and the F statistic SSbetween = 26 SSwithin = 441 F = 0.2653 Suppose a group is interested in determining whether teenagers obtain their drivers licenses at approximately the same average age across the country Suppose that the following data are randomly collected from five teenagers in each region of the country The numbers represent the age at which teenagers obtained their drivers licenses 3/4 One-Way ANOVA ¯ x= Northeast South West Central East 16.3 16.9 16.4 16.2 17.1 16.1 16.5 16.5 16.6 17.2 16.4 16.4 16.6 16.5 16.6 16.5 16.2 16.1 16.4 16.8 s2 = State the hypotheses H0: Ha: 4/4 Company and Capabilities Overview N EW N ETWORKS : NEW WAYS require increased innovation and flexible network infrastructure that is cost effective. The foundation on which voice, video, data and Internet services exist has become the cornerstone to network effectiveness — be that how quickly new services can be turned up, or how manageable the network is when new electronics are added. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS NEW NETWORKS : NEW WAYS ADC delivers advanced solutions for public and private networks. Our mission is to enable our global customers to deploy high performance, cost effective networks by understanding their demands, transforming these demands into innovative products and services, and delivering these solutions reliably with market leading quality. ADC has capabilities far beyond basic connectivity equipment. We have become a global communications network infrastructure provider. We provide solutions that enhance any communications network via a distinctive set of quality products and services. Public and private network operators face a variety of challenges with limited resources to manage those challenges. For example, delivering new video or data services requires more fibers to manage, more integration with legacy networks, and many other logistic challenges that place more pressure on staff. ADC's leadership in communications network infrastructure means that customers can obtain the right solutions for their networks from a broad and global range of products and services. With just one call, ADC quickly delivers the right infrastructure solutions required for communications networks anywhere in the world. Building network equipment to customer specifications requires skills and capabilities that only an experienced manufacturer with unique engineering expertise and strong customer service can deliver. As new equipment and professional services offerings are launched, ADC will continue to invest in and perfect these capabilities to ensure only the highest quality products and services are delivered to our customers around the world. NO ONE KNOWS COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE LIKE ADC NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE FOR IP SERVICES The introduction of Internet Protocol (IP) based Services is driving network transformations around the world. Every service provider and enterprise must migrate their current network architecture in order to deliver a mix of video, data and IP-telephony based services. ADC provides a complete range of infrastructure solutions for IP-based services delivery. NEW NETWORKS : NEW WAYS IP Core The center of today’s carrier networks is changing from circuit switching to packet switching. In order to offer new services such as VoIP, IPTV and high-speed data to consumers, the physical layer of the network must be migrated. ADC is uniquely qualified to help with this migration via our broad portfolio of copper, fiber, coaxial and wireless solutions. ADC’s products and services provide our customers with the confidence that the new IP-based services will be delivered on a carrier-class packet infrastructure, where six-sigma levels of reliability are required. For example, video is a key component of these new networks. ILECs and MSOs alike are using ADC’s RFWorx ® to enhance their splitter/combiner networks that can simultaneously handle carrier quality voice. Once the signals are converted to IP, ADC’s Carrier Ethernet solutions provide all the test and monitoring functions that are available in circuit networks. FTTX Residential Services Delivery ADC solutions are used in all the FTTX variations: Fiber to the Premises (FTTP), Fiber to the Node (FTTN), and Fiber to the Curb (FTTC). Carriers of all 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A COVER SHEET PCI SLOTS TITLE 1 3,4 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 |LINK | 2.SCH | 3.SCH | 5.SCH | 4.SCH 2 5,6 SHEET 8,9 SOUTH BRIDGE (VT82C686B) USB2,3 & FREQUENCY RATIO PRINTER / COM PORT AUDIO CODEC & AUDIO PORT & JOSTICK PORT 17 AMR SLOT IDE & PANEL JET WAY INFORMATION | 6.SCH | 7.SCH | 8.SCH | 9.SCH | 10.SCH | 11.SCH | 12.SCH | 13.SCH | 14.SCH | 15.SCH | 16.SCH | 17.SCH | 18.SCH | 19.SCH | 20.SCH 10,11,12 AGP SLOT 21 20 SOCKET 370 PROCESSOR SDRAM CLOCK SYNTHESIZER | 21.SCH | 22.SCH 22 DC-DC CONVERTER MODEL:694TAS (SOCKET 370+VT82C694T+VT82C686B+AGP 4X+1 AMR) NORTH BRIDGE (VT82C694T) ATX POWER CONNECTOR / VTT TERMINATOR / VCC3 BYPASS CAPACITORS ISA PULL UP RESISTANCE REV: 1.0 J-694TAS REV:1.0 0.1 COVER SHEET JETWAY INFORMATION 123Tuesday, May 07, 2002 Title Size Document Number Rev Date: Sheet of 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 D D C C B B A A PIN Use 0603 Packages and distribute within 500 mils of CPUVREF inputs (1 cap for every 2 inputs) Place 0603 Package C152,C153 near AB36 SMD 1206 BSEL0 BSEL1 Short Short Open Short Short Open Jumper function Bus freq. auto detected by CPU. Test 66/100 MHz CPU run 100/133 MHz. run 133 MHz. Test 100 MHz CPU AM16 R34 AM18 S5 AJ5 B8 W5 E9 D28 D24 C3 E11 AM28 K36 VCCP U5 AM34 AD2 B12 VCC_CMOS H32 F4 F24 M32 D6 AF32 AM4 AH24 AB34 D4 AH2 AB32 AF2 P32 B32 K2 F34 M2 P2 AJ25 AL3 AJ27 CMOS I/O B18 AH36 CMOS I/O P34 F28 AM22 CMOS I/O E13 D32 B24 AC5 T2 GTL H2 D18 J5 D22 AJ19 T32 AD34 GTL Intel:Output Y35 AM20 B16 F14 AH32 E19 AM6 VCC_1.5V F26 BSEL0,BSEL1: Y5 F32 AM8 X32 D36 F36 AM26 N5 T34 V2 E7 R32AJ29 Z34 AE5 L5 AJ11 Z2 K34 AJ13 D34 AM32 *:Intel Old/New SOCKET 370 E17 AA37 B10 AJ9 M34 AK2 B4 B30 T36 A37 D2 H36 H34 AM24 Y37 E15 AB36 AD32 AM10 AH34 B26 AM12 E5 AC33 AM30 V32 F30 B14 AF34 Q5 R36 D30 B34 F20 V36 F22 B22 AG5 B20 F2 V34 Z32 P36 AJ23 AK34 X36 B28 AJ7 GND AJ17 AL1 AD36 B6 Cyrix:Input D20 K32 AA5 **:cyrix D26 AJ15 AJ21 G5 AM14 J-694TAS REV:1.0 1.0 SOCKET 370 PROCESSOR JET WAY INFORMATION 223Tuesday, May 07, 2002 B Title Size Document Number Rev Date: Sheet of -SMI -STPCLK -SLP -CPUINIT INTR -FERR -IGNNE -A20M 133_-100 NMI TDI -RS0 -HIT D59 D39 D30 D27 D24 D15 A25 A13 A7 VID0 -STPCLK NMI -CPUINIT D54 D52 D51 D35 D34 A20 A18 -HTRDY -SMI D62 D57 -HITM D41 D37 D8 A8 D36 D33 A26 A21 -RS1 D60 D28 D17 D12 D5 D3 A30 A12 A11 A9 TDO -RS2 -SLP D53 D43 D31 D21 D7 VID4 AK22 APICLK1 VCCP_GD D61 D38 D6 -BNR A24 A22 A16 D[0 63] VID1 D63 -HLOCK -FLUSH D58 D55 D46 D42 D40 D26 D14 D2 -ADS A23 A3 -HREQ3 -HREQ0 D50 D45 D11 A5 CPUVREF -HREQ1 -FERR -DEFER -DBSY D44 D32 D25 D10 D9 D4 -BSEL0 A29 A[3 31] TMS TCK -IGNNE D56 D49 D48 D47 D23 D13 CPUVREF VID3 D16 -BREQ0 A14 CLKREF CLKREF VID2 -TRST D19 D1 D0 A15 A6 -CPURST INTR D29 D20 -BPRI -A20M A31 A28 A19 -HREQ4 -HREQ2 -DRDY D22 D18 A27 A17 A10 A4 AK22 VCCP_GD VID0 18 VID1 18 VID2 18 VID3 18 -STPCLK5 -SMI5 NMI7 INTR7 APICLK 123 -CPURST3,22 -RS[0 2]3,22 -DEFER3,22 -HITM3,22 -HIT3,22 -BPRI3,22 -BNR3,22 -HLOCK3,22 -HTRDY3,22 -HREQ[0 4]3,22 -DBSY3,22 -DRDY3,22 -ADS3,22 A[3 31]3,22 D[0 63] 3,22 VCCP_GD 22 CPUCLK 16 -BREQ03,22 100_-66 16 VID4 18 133_-100 16 -SLP5 RTTCTRL 22 -A20M7 SLEWCTRL 22 -CPUINIT5 -IGNNE7 -FERR5 AF3623 VTTGD23 AG1 VCCP VTT VCC_CMOS VCC_CMOS VCC2_5 VTT VCC_CMOS VCC3 VCC_CMOS VCC_CMOS VCC_CMOS VTT VCC2_5 VTT VCC_CMOS CPU SOCKET 370T_1 AK8 AH12 AH8 AN9 AL15 AH10 AL9 AH6 AK10 AN5 AL7 AK14 AL5 AN7 AE1 Z6 AG3 AC3 AJ1 AE3 AB6 AB4 AF6 Y3 AA1 AK6 Z4 AA3 AD4 AE33 AN31 W37 AH14 G33 E37 C35 E35 AN17 AN29 AJ33 C37 W1 T4 N1 M6 U1 S3 T6 J1 S1 P6 Q3 M4 Q1 L1 N3 U3 H4 R4 P4 H6 L3 G1 F8 G3 K6 E3 E1 F12 A5 A3 J3 C5 F6 C1 C7 B2 C9 A9 D8 D10 C15 D14 D12 A7 A11 C11 A21 A15 A17 C13 C25 A13 D16 A23 C21 C19 C27 A19 C23 C17 A25 A27 E25 F16 AL27 AN19 AN27 AG1 AC35 AE37 AL25 AL23 AE35 AG37 AG33 M36 L37 J35 L35 J37 AK26 J33 AK20 A35 AK18 AH16 AH18 AL19 AL17 X4 W33 U33 AH30 AJ35 AG35 AH28 AH26 AH22 AK28 AN25 AL33 AN35 AN37 AK32 AN33 AL31 AL29 AD36 Z36 AB36 E33 F18 K4 R6 V6 AD6 AK12 AK22 AL35 AM36 AL37 AJ37 X34 AK4 AN3 E21 E27 SOCKET CAVITY FSB ADDR&CNTL FSB DATA CAD NOTES: 12MIL TRACE 20MIL SPACE H_GTLREF3 TRACE LENGTH < 1500milH_GTLREF2 TRACE LENGTH < 1500mil PLACE CAP CLOSE THE RES. 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Mời bạn theo dõi loạt bài „Tiếng Anh Thương Mại‟ do Sở Giáo Dục Đa Văn Hoá Dành Cho Người Lớn gọi tắt là AMES biên soạn tại thành phố Melbourne, Úc Châu. Lesson 20: Negotiating (part 2 - continued) Bài 20: Thương lượng (phần 2 – tiếp theo) Trong bài 19 bạn đã học được phần nào cách ăn nói khi thương lượng. Trong bài học hôm nay, bạn sẽ biết làm thế nào để đối phó với tình trạng xung khắc, đồng thời tìm hiểu luôn cả cách kết thúc cuộc thương lượng. Nhưng trước khi tiếp tục bài học, chúng ta hãy nghe lại đoạn hội thoại trong bài 19 để xem mình còn nhớ được chừng nào. Lian: We have concerns about the proposed transportation arrangements. Do all of your suppliers sell under the terms of C-I-F? Douglas: No, they don’t. Some sell on an F.O.B basis. That is: Free on Board. This means that we arrange and pay shipping freight and insurance. Your responsibility would be to transport the tea from the warehouse to the wharf. Lian: In that case, we’d prefer to go under the terms of F.O.B. Douglas: I see. Harvey? Harvey: Here are the estimated costs, F.O.B in US dollars, per container. Douglas: If you agree to a reduced price per kilo then we can agree to purchase under the terms of F.O.B. Lian: Provided that the reduction in price is pro rata, we can go along with that. Bây giờ chúng ta tiếp tục bài 20 với đề tài „Thương lượng‟. Bà Lian nay lại có thêm ưu tư khác. Lian: Your purchase specifications are very detailed. You specify moisture content, colour and flavour. Ông đề ra những qui cách rất chi tiết trong việc mua hàng. Ông quy định độ ẩm, màu sắc và hương vị. No buyer has ever questioned the quality of our product. Chưa có một khách hàng nào lại nghi ngờ chất lượng hàng của chúng tôi cả. In fact we pride ourselves on the consistency and high grade of our tea. Thực tế chúng tôi lấy làm hãnh diện vì trà của chúng tôi là hàng cao cấp và chất lượng không bao giờ thay đổi. Douglas: I ... order to perform a one- way ANOVA test What are they? Write one assumption Each population from which a sample is taken is assumed to be normal Write another assumption 2/4 One- Way ANOVA Write a third... a numerical value State the null hypothesis for a one- way ANOVA test if there are four groups State the alternative hypothesis for a one- way ANOVA test if there are three groups Ha: At least... the response in every group versus the alternative hypothesis of one or more group means being different from the others A one- way ANOVA hypothesis test determines if several population means are