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Act confident to earn confidence

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steps to self-confidence 3 6 5 Some other titles from How to Books 365 Steps to Practical Spirituality A day-by-day guide to opening the awareness within us all 365 Ways to be Your Own Life Coach A programme for personal and professional growth – for just a few minutes a day Everyday Witchcraft Magic spells to enchant a modern woman’s life The Expert Patient Living a full life with rheumatoid arthritis Meet Your Match How to find and keep the man or woman who’s right for you Please send for a free copy of the latest catalogue: How To Books Ltd Spring Hill House, Spring Hill Road Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RX, United Kingdom info@howtobooks.co.uk www.howtobooks.co.uk steps to self-confidence DAVID LAWRENCE PRESTON 3 6 5 A COMPLETE PROGRAMME FOR PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION – IN JUST A FEW MINUTES A DAY howtobooks Published by How To Content A division of How To Books Ltd Spring Hill House, Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RX. United Kingdom. Tel: (01865) 375794 Fax: (01865) 379162 info@howtobooks.co.uk www.howtobooks.co.uk The right of David Lawrence Preston to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or stored in an information retrieval system (other than for purposes of review) without the express permission of the publisher in writing. © 2007 David Lawrence Preston First edition 2001 Second edition 2005 Reprinted 2005 Third edition 2007 First published in electronic form 2007 ISBN: 978 1 84803 210 1 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Produced for How To Books by Deer Park Productions, Tavistock Typeset and design by Pantek Arts Ltd, Maidstone NOTE: The material contained in this book is set out in good faith for general guidance and no liability can be accepted for loss or expense incurred as a result of relying in particular circumstances on statements made in this book. Laws and regulations are complex and liable to change, and readers should check the current position with the relevant authorities before making personal arrangements. Dedication This book is dedicated to my wonderful children, Dieter, Nikki, Dan and Joel, to whom I wish all the health, happiness and success in the world. Acknowledgements With grateful thanks to my dear friend, the late Janet Chiesa, for her numerous suggestions and comments. RIP. 6 A Personal Note Most of the people I meet in my work perceive themselves as not capable of much. Some don’t even particularly like themselves. I know how they feel. As a young man I felt the same, and it nearly destroyed me before I acquired the confidence to become a teacher, therapist and organiser of personal develop- ment and complementary therapy courses. I’ve always thought that if low self-esteem were a physical condition such as cancer or AIDS, or a potentially life-threatening habit like smoking and alcohol and drug abuse, the government would declare a national emergency, pump in massive funds and organise a mass publicity campaign to combat it. Certainly some politicians and educationalists are beginning to pay lip service to it, and hopefully times are changing. But in all my years of full-time education, at school, college and university, I can’t recall a single session on self-esteem. Nor in a 20-year business career were any train- ing resources devoted to it. No one seemed to recognise its importance. Perhaps everyone assumed that nothing could be done, or vaguely hoped that confidence would develop as a by-product of other activities. What advantage is it to send a young person out into the world with a head full of knowledge but without the Act confident to earn confidence Act confident to earn confidence Bởi: Joe Tye “Self-confidence is the trait of envisioning victory from situations where others see only defeat, to find promise were others find grounds for pessimism, to see opportunity where others see obstacles.” James B Arkbauer: Ultrapreneuring In her book Capture the Mindshare and the Market Share Will Follow, Libby Gill describes research showing that self-confidence often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy People who act confident are more likely to gain the confidence, encouragement, and support of others; they are more likely to be looked up to and to be listened to This external response, in turn, reinforces their inner belief in themselves and their abilities It can motivate them to study longer and work harder to justify the confidence that others have placed in them and that they have expressed themselves Self-confidence and optimism are essential traits for leaders – and I include parents in this category When the world is turning upside down – you’ve just lost a job, the business is operating at a loss, whatever – is the most important time for you as a leader to show the unshakeable confidence that Ernest Shackleton (who’s story I mentioned earlier), to inspire those who are trusting you to lead them out of the mess The writer Jonathan Swift once wrote that you should keep your fears to yourself and share your courage with others That is perhaps the ultimate test of confidence: keeping a vision of victory in front of people even when you don’t know exactly how it is to be achieved 1/1 Published by Christian H. Godefroy (2001 Christian H. Godefroy. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Manufactured in the United States of America. HOW TO USE YOUR MEMORY TO EARN MORE MONEY HOW TO USE YOUR MEMORY TO EARN MORE MONEY By Phillip Newton Page 2Contents Introduction 3 CHAPTER 1- HOW TO SAVE TIME 4 Do It Right Away! 5 How To Solve A Problem 6 Define The Problem . 6 Analyze The Problem 6 Weigh the pro’s and con’s, and then ACT! . 7 Test A . 7 Test B 7 CHAPTER 2 - HOW TO MAKE MEMORIZING NUMBERS EASY . 9 Numbers . 9 Number Series 12 How To Remember Lists 12 Numerical Order Recall 14 How To Remember Speeches . 16 Listening To Speeches . 17 Learn Things By Heart With Ease . 17 Test A . 18 Test B 18 Test C . 19 Test D . 19 Test E 20 Test F 21 CHAPTER 3 - HOW TO REMEMBER NAMES AND FACES 22 What’s His Name? . 22 What About First Names? 23 Remembering Faces . 24 No More Telephone Blunders 25 Remembering Telephone Numbers 25 Stop Forgetting Appointments! . 26 How can you always remember your 26 appointments, without even writing them down? . 26 Test A . 27 Test B 28 Test C . 28 CONCLUSION - ETERNALLY YOUNG! 29 Contents Page 3Introduction Introduction A little known - and often underestimated - fact is that most people who succeed in life possess a memory which, although not necessar- ily phenomenal, is nevertheless above average. Were they born with this ability, referred to by Plato as “one of the gifts of the gods”? For the most part, no. They developed their memory by applying some very simple techniques. This booklet will help you do the same. The benefits of improving your memory will quickly become apparent, and are likely The tandemly repeated domains of a b-propeller phytase act synergistically to increase catalytic efficiency Zhongyuan Li*, Huoqing Huang*, Peilong Yang, Tiezheng Yuan, Pengjun Shi, Junqi Zhao, Kun Meng and Bin Yao Key Laboratory for Feed Biotechnology of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China Keywords dual domain; fusion protein; phytate; synergistic catalysis; b-propeller phytase Correspondence B. Yao, Key Laboratory for Feed Biotechnology of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, No. 12 Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing 100081, China Fax: +86 10 8210 6054 Tel: +86 10 8210 6053 E-mail: yaobin@caas-bio.net.cn; yaobin@mail.caas.net.cn *Z. Li and H. Huang contributed equally to this paper (Received 10 March 2011, revised 20 June 2011, accepted 23 June 2011) doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2011.08223.x b-Propeller phytases (BPPs) with tandemly repeated domains are abundant in nature. Previous studies have shown that the intact domain is responsi- ble for phytate hydrolysis, but the function of the other domain is rela- tively unknown. In this study, a new dual-domain BPP (PhyH) from Bacillus sp. HJB17 was identified to contain an incomplete N-terminal BPP domain (PhyH-DI, residues 41–318) and a typical BPP domain (PhyH-DII, residues 319–644) at the C-terminus. Purified recombinant PhyH and PhyH-DII required Ca 2+ for phytase activity, showed activity at low tem- peratures (0–35 °C) and pH 6.0–8.0, and remained active (at 37 °C) after incubation at 60 °C and pH 6.0–12.0. Compared with PhyH-DII, PhyH is catalytically more active against phytate (catalytic constant 27.72 versus 4.17 s )1 ), which indicates the importance of PhyH-DI in phytate degrada- tion. PhyH-DI was found to hydrolyze phytate intermediate D-Ins(1,4,5,6) P 4 , and to act synergistically (a 1.2–2.5-fold increase in phosphate release) with PhyH-DII, other BPPs (PhyP and 168PhyA) and a histidine acid phosphatase. Furthermore, fusion of PhyH-DI with PhyP or 168PhyA sig- nificantly enhanced their catalytic efficiencies. This is the first report to elu- cidate the substrate specificity of the incomplete domain and the functional relationship of tandemly repeated domains in BPPs. We conjecture that dual-domain BPPs have succeeded evolutionarily because they can increase the amount of available phosphate by interacting together. Additionally, fusing PhyH-DI to a single-domain phytase appears to be an efficient way to improve the activity of the latter. Introduction Phytate (myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate, InsP 6 ) is the most abundant organic phosphorus compound in nature [1,2]. Microbial mineralization of phytate by phytase plays a significant role in the process of phosphorus recycling. InsP 6 can be hydrolyzed com- pletely to produce one inositol and six molecules of inorganic phosphate, or partially to produce lower inositol polyphosphate (IPP) isomers and inorganic phosphates [3]. Among the four types of phytases that have been identified, b-propeller phytase (BPP, EC or EC differs from the other three phytases (his- tidine acid phosphatase (HAP), cysteine phytase and purple acid phosphatase) by having a neutral (pH 7.0) rather than acidic pH optimum. Previous studies have shown that BPP is the major class of phytate- degrading enzyme in nature, which is widespread in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems [4,5]. Until Employers: 10 Ways To Earn Federal Income Tax Credits For Your Company The Welfare-to-Work and Work Opportunity Tax Credits Two Employer-Friendly Benefits for Hiring Job Seekers Most in Need of Employment  How to Earn Tax Credits For New Hires  How To Apply For The Tax Savings  Where To Get More Information Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor October 2002 Earn the Welfare-to-Work (WtWTC) and Work Opportunity Tax Credits (WOTCs) Τ Employers make the hiring decision Τ There is no limit to the number of new hires who can qualify an employer for the tax savings Τ There is minimal paperwork needed to claim the tax credits Use of the tax credit has increased substantially, in recent years:  During 2001, 438,604 WOTC and 97,072 WtWTC certifications were issued  During 2000, 370,835 WOTC and 154,608 WtWTC certifications were issued  During 1999, 336,000 WOTC and 105,000 WtWTC certifications were issued The Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, (P.L. 107-147), retroactively, extended the Work Opportunity and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits (WOTC/WtWTC) through December 31, 2003. The Act also created a new target group under the WOTC that includes existing employees and new hires who work in New York City for small and mid-sized businesses affected by the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. The target group is the ANew York Liberty Zone Business Employee.@ This target group, however, applies only to employers in the New York Liberty Zone or who relocated their business to an area in the City of New York. The Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit for hiring long-term family assistance recipients is as much as $8,500 per new hire : 35% of qualified wages for the first year of employment and 50% of qualified wages for the second year of employment. Qualified wages which include tax-exempt amounts received under accident and health plans as well as educational and dependent assistance programs are capped at $10,000 per year. To qualify employers for this tax credit, new hires must be employed at least 400 hours. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit for hiring all WOTC target groups, except for Summer Youth Employees, is up to $2,400 for each new hire : 40% of qualified first-year wages for those employed 400 or more hours; 25% for those employed at least 120 hours. Qualified wages are capped at $6,000. Summer Youth wages are capped at $3,000. To qualify employers for the WOTC, the new hire must begin work on or after July 1, 1999 and before January 1, 2004. Coordination of WOTC & WtWTC: Participating employers have a maximum combined period of two years to claim either credit. The WOTC and Welfare-to-Work Tax Credits cannot both be claimed for the same individual in the same taxable year. Hire From Among These Ten Groups of Job Seekers to Qualify for the Welfare-to-Work Tax Credit and/or the Work Opportunity Tax Credit 1. Long-term family assistance recipient member of family that received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for at least 18 consecutive months ending on hiring date, or member of family whose TANF eligibility expired under federal or state law after August 5, 1997, or whose family received TANF for at least 18 months after August 5, 1997 WtWTC 2. Other family assistance recipient member of family that received TANF for any 9-month period of the 18 months ending on hiring date WOTC 3. Veteran – veteran and member of family that received food stamps for 1 What’s Ahead for Stocks and Bonds— And How to Earn Your Fair Share Keynote Speech by John C. Bogle Founder and former Chief Executive, The Vanguard Group At The Money Show Las Vegas, NV May 15, 2006 It’s a treat to be invited to keynote The Money Show again, and a special delight this year. Why? Because we are also here to hold the fifth annual get-together of “the Bogleheads” of the Internet. I understand that the Vanguard Diehards site, originally established in 1998 and readily accessible on the Morningstar website, now attracts an average of 25,000 “unique visitors” (in the contemporary vernacular) each day. So this is also “Diehards V” (using the Roman numerals popularized by the NFL Superbowl), and I begin by offering a special Bogle salute to the 75 Bogleheads who are here in the audience with us today. I must tell you that three of the leading Diehards—Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, and Michael LeBoeuf—have recently written a wonderful book— The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing. It is filled with wit and wisdom, and has won almost unanimous acclaim (18 5-Star reviews on Amazon.com). The Guide is a heart-warming affirmation of the common sense approach to investing that has been my career-long trademark, and which, I warn you, will continue to be in evidence in my remarks this evening. My assignment was to talk about what’s ahead for stocks and bonds, and I’ll do exactly that. But I sense among investors (and advisers) considerable overconfidence about their ability to earn outsize rewards, as well as a certain unreality about their ability to capture whatever returns our financial markets may be generous enough to deliver, so I’ll also try to bridge that gap and discuss the only way that I know to assure that you’ll earn your fair share of those returns. ______________ Note: The opinions expressed in this speech do not necessarily represent the views of Vanguard’s present management. 2 I’m going to use a lot of numbers—fairly simple ones, I think—in my talk today. But please don’t be intimidated. For that matter, don’t even bother to take notes, for the speech is already posted on my brand-new personal website, “The Bogle Blog” (note the near anagram!)— just launched this very day—at www.JohnCBogle.com . My numbers, however, will not include a forecast of what stocks and bonds will do during the remainder of this year, nor even for the next two or three years. I have no ability to do so with any accuracy, and even if I could it would be useful only to short-term speculators. In fact, I’m constantly amazed by how many pundits, gurus, and Wall Street strategists regularly predict what the stock market will do during the following year, and how badly they do at it. Those who present their predictions to Barron’s each year, for example, are almost invariably optimistic, usually forecasting a stock return that is (of course!) a few percentage points higher than the long-term average of 9 ½ percent. Look at the start of 2002, for example, when they were projecting stock returns clustered around 13 percent. But when the year was over, stock prices had tumbled by 20 percent. The fact is that stock returns are rarely “average.” Over the past 100 years, the S&P 500 Index has generated returns in the 9.5 percent range—say 9 percent to 11 percent—in only three(!) years. (Chart 1) There were 26 years of negative returns and 28 years with returns of more than 25 percent. Yes, the route to long-term investment success is a bumpy one, filled with dangerous turns and giant

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2017, 05:58