Live into your potential tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kin...
How Hackers/Crackers Break Into Your System ?trang này đã được đọc lần Trong vài năm trở lại đây thì vấn đề an toàn trên mạng thu hút được rất nhiều sự quan tâm. Sự hỗn độn và thay đổi chóng mặt của internet là yếu tố chính là cho người dùng và các doanh nghiệp phải tự mình tăng cường khả năng bảo mật cho máy tính và hệ thống mạng của họ.Cách đây 10 năm, những người đã cài đặt các hệ thống máy chủ có rất ít hiểu biết và kỹ năng về bảo mật. Và ngay cả hiện nay, trong số những người vẫn thường cài đặt hệ thống máy chủ vẫn còn rất nhiều thiếu kinh nghiệm về bảo mật.Những người dung bình thường được trấn an bởi những thông báo từ các công ty lớn về các phương pháp bảo mật của họ. Nhưng không thể chối cãi được sự thật rằng hang tháng chúng ta lại có thêm những thông tin rằng hacker lại đột nhập vào đâu đó và lấy cắp thông tin.Nhưng tại sao chúng ta lại phải quan tâm đến vấn đề đó. Tôi có thể nói về sự nghiêm trọng của việc deface (??) các trang web, ăn trộm các thông tin bí mật của công ty hay đột nhập vào các hệ thống của chính phủ, nhưng đơn giản hơn hãy để ý đến các lý do cá nhân mà chúng ta vần phải quan tâm.Bây giờ xin đạt một câu hỏi. Bạn nghĩ thế nào về giá thị của các thông tin mà bạn có? Danh sách đối tác, email, số credit card hay các kế hoạch kinh doanh, báo cáo tài chính có ý nghĩa đối với bạn như thế nào?Nếu tôi nói rằng tôi có thể đột nhập vào bất kỳ hệ thống nào, thì tôi có thể làm được những gì nhỉ? Tôi sẽ lấy số credit card để tiêu xài, thay đổi tài khoản ngân hàng của bạn. Tôi có thể làm cho bạn trở thành mất tích ở trên mạng. Tôi cũng có thể bán các thong tin bí mật cho đối thủ cạnh tranh của bạn, hay làm cho hệ thống của bạn ngừng hoạt động, như vậy bạn sẽ bị lỗ nặng .Hoặc giả sử tôi là một nhân viên trong công ty của bạn, nhưng tôi bất mãn. Tôi có thể tấn công làm cho mạng không hoạt động, hay cài virus để cho bạn bị mất toàn bộ dữ liệu.Bạn có chắc là chúng ta cần đến các biện pháp bảo mật không?Vấn đề bảo mật có thể chia làm các nhóm sau:1. Mạng và máy chủ bị cấu hình sai.2. Hệ điều hành và ứng dụng bị lỗi.3. Nhà cung cấp thiếu trách nhiệm4. Thiếu những cá nhân đáng tin tưởng.Cấu hình sai máy chủ:Đây là nguyên nhân tạo ra đa phần các lỗ hổng bảo mật. Rất nhiều khi người quản trị không nhận biết được các dịch vụ đang chạy trên máy chủ của họ. Bạn có thể hỏi tại sao lại như vậy được? Hãy nghĩ đơn giản như chương trình Word, có bao nhiêu khả năng mà bạn biết được. Nếu biết một vài thứ cơ bản như viết macro thì bạn đã có thể trở thành người dung cao cấp rồi. Đa phần người dùng chỉ biết đến các tính năng cơ bản như lưu, xoá, đánh vần, kẻ bảng .v.v. Tương tự như vậy đối với hệ điều hành và ứng dụng. Sự thay đổi nhanh chóng của công nghệ làm cho chỉ một số ít người có thể theo kịp. Và như thê thì các máy tính nối mạng hiển nhiên là đang đối mặt với nguy cơ bị xâm nhập.Sau đây là một vài ví dụ về các ứng dụng và dich vụ:Hệ thống in trên mạng.Hệ thống điều khiển từ xa.Chia xẻ file.Các mã CGI và script ví dụ.Khi những hệ thống này sử dụng các giá trị mặc định hoặc bị cấu hình sai thì sẽ là cơ hội tốt để kẻ xấu xâm nhập.Lỗi trong các ứng dụng:Những lỗi nảy sinh khi lập trình là một yếu tố làm cho ứng dụng vượt ra ngoài tầm kiểm soát của người sử dụng. Ví dụ như những lỗi của MS IIS hay trong ISC BIND hay SSH và rất nhiều lỗi khác nữa trong các hệ thống của Sun. Đơn gian hơn nữa là lỗi của OE mà bạn có thể trở thành mục tiêu của virus, hãy nhớ tới "I LOVE YOU" hay "Melissa".Những nhà cung cấp thiếu trách nhiệm:Rất nhiều nhà cung cấp không quan tâm đến điều gì xảy ra trong chượng trình của họ. Việc đảm bảo chất lượng (QA) trong ngành công nghiệp phần mềm rất yếu. Để tiết kiệm chi phí thì người ta thường không áp dụng những tiêu chuẩn về qui trình sản xuất. Thế thì ai phải chịu hậu quả của sự tối đầu của nhà cung cấp. Đó chính là các hệ thống mạng và máy tính bị phá hoại của bạn.Trong trưòng hợp các bản sửa lỗi bị chậm trễ cũng có thể làm hại đến công tác bảo mật. Các khám Live into your potential Live into your potential Bởi: Joe Tye “One of the central troubles that human beings fear is the waste of their potential Again and again the sadness that people long to share with their friends or counselors is a sense that we’re going nowhere.” John Carmody: How to Handle Trouble If your answer to the question “What would you if every job paid the same and had the same social status?” is different than what you are doing now, you won’t magically make the transition to that work tomorrow unless you start planning for it today But there are things you can You can start now taking classes, saving money, networking with people, and taking other steps to build a bridge from where you are to where you would like to be My father, Joe Tye Jr (yes, I am the third), was a dedicated career officer in the U.S Air Force But he was also a born artist Evenings and weekends he could be found at his easel honing his craft By the time he retired, he was good enough that he could launch a second career as a professional artist And you can start now finding ways to bring elements of your ideal state into your current reality I once met a nurse who loved writing poetry She knew should couldn’t make a living as a poet, but she could write poems for her patients She said it was often the case that when patients called her a wonderful caregiver, they were referring more to the poems she wrote for them than for the nursing care she gave them River Walk, a painting by Joe Tye Jr 1/2 Live into your potential Click here for my video on Six Actions You Can Take to Build a Bridge from Where You Are to Who You Are 2/2 BUILDING ORAL & WRITTEN COMMUNICATION INTO YOUR CLASSROOM Developed by The University of Delaware Writing Center 1 April 2006 Distributed by the WAC Clearinghouse Writing and speaking activities offer students the opportunity to engage with course materials and develop both communication and critical thinking skills. As an expert in your discipline, you can help students develop both disciplinary literacy and critical thinking through regular high and low stakes writing and speaking activities. As John Bean notes, “The use of writing and critical thinking activities to promote learning does not happen through serendipity. Teachers must plan for it and foster it throughout the course” (p. 1). (Bean’s Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom informs many of the ideas presented in this handout and represents a terrific resource for university faculty.) We know that students develop disciplinary literacies when they have varied opportunities to communicate their academic understanding and when they receive feedback from professors and other students. For students to become literate in civil engineering or history, for example, they need to practice communication in that particular discipline. The professor in the discipline, who has the truest insight into that discipline, is well positioned to nurture student communication skills. KEY PRINCIPLE—PROCESS AND PRODUCT Writing and speaking reflect both process and product. Importantly, the best instruction in communication demands attention to both process and product: how to think through a problem or assignment methodically and how to express the results of that critical thinking in clear communication. As Bean notes, “Writing instruction goes sour whenever writing is conceived as primarily a communication skill, rather than as a process and product of critical thought” (p. 3). The same applies to oral communication. Other important understandings about fostering communication in the disciplines are these: • Communication must be clear and follow disciplinary conventions. More importantly, however, it must be based upon the experience of a student who is actively involved with a discipline’s problems, a student who can ask interesting questions and bring evidence and reasoning to bear on those questions. • Writing should be a process of discovery, or as Dewey writes, of “wrestling with the conditions of the problem” (qtd. in Bean, p. 4). Asking students to wrestle with a discipline’s problems requires that they have multiple opportunities to practice speaking or writing, so that over time, they behave as insiders to the discipline. • Students should be able to communicate well, both as individuals and as team members, in both personal and public ways. Thus, oral and written assignments should draw on differing models of participation or authorship throughout a semester. • A faculty member does not need to be a grammar expert or speech and writing specialist to create effective assignments or to help students develop their oral and written communication skills. It is sufficient for the professor to pose challenging problems; to establish rich contexts for communication by establishing expectations for purpose, audience and situation; and to respond authentically as someone who is an insider to the discipline. DEVELOPING COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES FOR A SPECIFIC CLASS You may decide to work within a single course to integrate writing and speaking activities. Here are some approaches: • Create problem-focused List of MUST DO's: 1. People like good news. So, be a good-news carrier. 2. Smile often - smile or laugh when you can, while you are on the phone. Your friends would actually see you. 3. Share your good stories, even if you got plenty of awful, sorrow experiences to share. 4. Appreciate a good quality in your friend, make sure you find one and tell them clearly. Everyone wants a genuine praise. Genuine praise NOT flattery. 5. Call just to say, 'Hi'. Often such short conversations make you feel happy and the receivers would return the same to you on another occasion. 6. Learn to tell stories. Make yourself funny 7. Know the time, know when to stop your conversation. Do not bragg your exploits after calling at 12 midnight. 8. Remember what your friend likes. Relate things. Tell them you remembered because, some related thing happened in the News today. 9. Remember dates. Remember few important dates, like birthdays and anniversaries.[This is for myself] 10. Buy some inexpensive gifts (set a limit of $1 or $2) when you go to another city or country. This makes a huge difference. 11. Write small post-it notes for your room-mates or workmates, for no reason. 12. Talk more often. Speak out. Do not be afraid to call people. Only when you make phone calls, you will receive them. 13. Want instant karma? Write a testimonial for your friend in a social network site Orkut, Facebook or MySpace. Do not use the boring adjectives such as caring, sincere, friendly etc. Instead, tell a story on where you met them, some unforgettable trip / incident, what did you think of them, etc. If you have a blog, write a post about one of your friends. Privacy, an issue? You can still hide personal details and let your friend know you have written a post about them. 14. Connect your friends. If you want to expand your friends network, then take a work colleague to your college party or vice-varsa. 15. Practise a pretty introduction speech for you. Can you tell me in 30 seconds why you are the person everyone would love to hand around with. Make few funny introduction stories. You will win plenty of new friends, this way. 16. Develop an interest in everything. You may not need to follow F1 racing, but at least know what are the main stories and key figures involved. Read news, watch telly serials - just to get few hints to start conversations. Be a 17. Ask questions. When your friend is talking, ask questions to get more details. This is one way to let them know that you are really interested in their talk. 18. Open-ended questions work like a charm. Do not ask, 'YES / NO' questions, instead ask people's opinion. 19. Invite your friends for a dinner. Host a dinner at your home, at least a Bring-n-Eat lunch or Dinner. 20. Play a sport. Don't be a couch potato. If you don't know any outdoor activity, at least take up 'Walking". 21. Meet people based on common-interests. This is by far the easiest way to make new friends. Book-lovers, photographers, bloggers and what-not, if you share a common interest with a stranger, you can instantly talk about the common interest and you will no longer be a stranger. 22. Promote yourself. This can be practised at a very low intensity, you can share a story how you saved someone's day by being their friend. It is not everyone's cup-of-cake. 23. Be confident, encourage people. If someone tells a problem, encourage them that it will be alright and you are confident that they would overcome. 24. Pray for others. You can thank God for sending good people along your way. Even, if you don't believe in God, you can send some good thoughts. List of MUST NOT DO's: 25. Do NOT AUGUST 2003 The Magazine For PHP Professionals Case studies in Case studies in Client/Server ApplicationsClient/Server Applications VOLUME II - ISSUE 8 Transforming XML to PDF Transforming XML to PDF with the help of LaTeXwith the help of LaTeX Embedding Assembler in PHPEmbedding Assembler in PHP Take your PHP to new lowsTake your PHP to new lows php| Cruise March 1 st - March 5 th 2004 See inside for details Get Ready For Maintenance Maintenance from the Outsetfrom the Outset Building a monitoring system Building a monitoring system into your scriptsinto your scripts Plus: Tips & Tricks, Product Reviews and much more An Introduction to MingAn Introduction to Ming Create amazing Flash Create amazing Flash applications on-the-flyapplications on-the-fly An Introduction to cURLAn Introduction to cURL Discover the ins and outs Discover the ins and outs of this indispensable toolof this indispensable tool *By signing this order form, you agree that we will charge your account in Canadian dollars for the “CAD” amounts indicated above. 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Visit us at for more details. php| Cruise March 1 st - March 5 th 2004 Andrei Zmievski - Andrei's Regex Clinic, James Cox - XML for the Masses, Wez Furlong - Extending PHP, Stuart Herbert - Safe and Advanced Error Handling in PHP5, Peter James - mod_rewrite: From Zero to Hero, George Schlossnagle - Profiling PHP, Ilia Alshanetsky - Programming Web Services, John Coggeshall - Mastering PDFLib, Jason Sweat - Data Caching Techniques <? ?> We’ve got you covered, from port to sockets. Port Canaveral • Coco Cay • Nassau Plus: Stream socket programming, debugging techniques, writing high-performance code, data mining, PHP 101, safe and advanced error handling in PHP5, programming smarty, and much, much more! TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 August 2003 · PHP Architect · II NN DD EE XX Departments php|architect Features 10 Transforming XML to PDF with LaTeX Stephan Schmidt 16 Ming & PHP Seth Wilson 33 Sockets: Part 2 Eugene Otto 41 Grokking cURL Peter James 48 Maintenance from The Outset Graeme Foster 57 Embedding Assembler in PHP Igor Gorelik 5 Editorial 7 What’s New! 26 Granted! Announcing the winners of the 2003 php|architect Grant Program 29 Datanamic DeZign for Databases 3 Peter James 65 Tips & Tricks John W. Holmes 69 Bits & Pieces 71 e x i t ( 0 ) ; Expect More From php|a Marco Tabini TABLE OF [...]... develop and enhance them These factors include: 6 the power of creative intelligence 1 The Left/Right Brain The ability to use, in conjunction with each other, the different skills of the left and right sides of your brain 2 Note-making/Mind-Mapping® The ability to ‘make your thoughts visible’ by getting them out of your head and on to paper, so that you can explore them more fully 3 Fluency The speed with... introduction: beginning your creativity journey 7 an overview of the power of creative intelligence The Power of Creative Intelligence is designed to take you on a Grand Tour of Creativity, showing you how you can expand and increase the power of your Creative Thinking at each stage of your journey The following chapters contain potted case histories and stories of individuals who have exemplified the qualities... summarizes this, compares your brain to the Universe, and shows the many games you can play to increase your Associative Power Summary Mind-Map® of Chapter 10 This is a fun Mind-Map® looking at Creativity and life through the eyes and brain of the ultimate Creative Genius, the Child Each branch summarizes one of the main Creative Genius characteristics of the child introduction: beginning your creativity journey... in original ways, and to stand head and shoulders above the crowd in terms of your imagination, your behaviour, and in your productivity Your Creative Intelligence includes a number of factors, all of which can be taught and developed so that you can increase your creativity The Power of Creative Intelligence will introduce you to each one of these factors in turn, and will show you how to develop and... rattle off new ideas Fluency is the measure of your creative productivity 4 Flexibility Your ability to produce different kinds of ideas, and to shift from one approach to another using a rich variety of strategies, constitutes your creative flexibility Flexibility includes your ability to see things from different angles, to consider things from other points of view, to take old concepts and rearrange them... known He considered nature to be a manifestation of God, and was exceptionally kind to animals The story was often told how he would go into the marketplace, buy a cage of birds (they were sold either for their song or to be eaten) and in full view set all the birds free, watching with enchantment their flight .. .Live into your potential Click here for my video on Six Actions You Can Take to Build a Bridge from Where