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Exact sử dụng các TextBox của Word để đảm bảo chắc chắn văn bản và đồ họa vẫn giống y nguyên bản PDF gốc.Chế độ Exact không nên sử dụng nếu bạn cần chỉnh sửa rất nhiều nội dung từ Research Methods Research Methods Bởi: OpenStaxCollege Sociologists examine the world, see a problem or interesting pattern, and set out to study it They use research methods to design a study—perhaps a detailed, systematic, scientific method for conducting research and obtaining data, or perhaps an ethnographic study utilizing an interpretive framework Planning the research design is a key step in any sociological study When entering a particular social environment, a researcher must be careful There are times to remain anonymous and times to be overt There are times to conduct interviews and times to simply observe Some participants need to be thoroughly informed; others should not know they are being observed A researcher wouldn’t stroll into a crimeridden neighborhood at midnight, calling out, “Any gang members around?” And if a researcher walked into a coffee shop and told the employees they would be observed as part of a study on work efficiency, the self-conscious, intimidated baristas might not behave naturally In the 1920s, leaders of a Chicago factory called Hawthorne Works commissioned a study to determine whether or not lighting could increase or decrease worker productivity Sociologists were brought in Changes were made Productivity increased Results were published But when the study was over, productivity dropped again Why did this happen? In 1953, Henry A Landsberger analyzed the study results to answer this question He realized that employee productivity increased because sociologists were paying attention to them The sociologists’ presence influenced the study results Worker behaviors were altered not by the lighting but by the study itself From this, sociologists learned the importance of carefully planning their roles as part of their research design (Franke and Kaul 1978) Landsberger called the workers’ response the Hawthorne effect—people changing their behavior because they know they are being watched as part of a study The Hawthorne effect is unavoidable in some research In many cases, sociologists have to make the purpose of the study known Subjects must be aware that they are being observed, and a certain amount of artificiality may result (Sonnenfeld 1985) 1/22 Research Methods Making sociologists’ presence invisible is not always realistic for other reasons That option is not available to a researcher studying prison behaviors, early education, or the Ku Klux Klan Researchers can’t just stroll into prisons, kindergarten classrooms, or Klan meetings and unobtrusively observe behaviors In situations like these, other methods are needed All studies shape the research design, while research design simultaneously shapes the study Researchers choose methods that best suit their study topic and that fit with their overall approach to research In planning a study’s design, sociologists generally choose from four widely used methods of social investigation: survey, field research, experiment, and secondary data analysis (or use of existing sources) Every research method comes with plusses and minuses, and the topic of study strongly influences which method or methods are put to use Surveys As a research method, a survey collects data from subjects who respond to a series of questions about behaviors and opinions, often in the form of a questionnaire The survey is one of the most widely used scientific research methods The standard survey format allows individuals a level of anonymity in which they can express personal ideas Questionnaires are a common research method; the U.S Census is a well-known example (Photo courtesy of Karen Horton/flickr) At some point or another, everyone responds to some type of survey The United States Census is an excellent example of a large-scale survey intended to gather sociological data Customers fill out questionnaires at stores or promotional events, responding to questions such as “How did you hear about the event?” and “Were the staff helpful?” You’ve probably picked up the phone and heard a caller ask you to participate in a 2/22 Research Methods political poll or similar type of survey “Do you eat hot dogs? If yes, how many per month?” Not all surveys would be considered sociological research Marketing polls help companies refine marketing goals and strategies; they are generally not conducted as part of a scientific study, meaning they are not designed to test a hypothesis or to contribute knowledge to the field of sociology The results are not published in a refereed scholarly journal, where design, methodology, results, and analyses are vetted Often, polls on TV not reflect a general population, but are merely answers from a specific show’s audience Polls conducted by programs such as American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance represent the opinions of fans but are not particularly scientific A good contrast to these are the Nielsen Ratings, which determine the popularity of television programming through scientific market research As part of a ... Chỉnh sửa tài liệu PDF như trong MS WORD Thông thường để có thể biên tập lại nội dung của tập tin PDF người dùng sẽ chọn phương án là chuyển đổi tài liệu này sang WORD; tuy nhiên các công cụ Convert này thường không mấy ổn định - nhất là đối với các chuẩn Font tiếng việt phong phú của việt nam (chuyển tốt chuẩn này thì lại bất ổn chuẩn kia…). Vì vậy nếu yêu cầu hiệu chỉnh trên nội dung file PDF không nhiều và bạn lại có ít thời gian, thì thay vì phải cài hàng loạt các công cụ Convert PDF và thử cho tới khi chuyển tốt chuẩn Font tiếng việt thì hãy lựa chọn Infix Pro PDF Editor v4.06 sẽ đơn giản và hiệu quả hơn rất nhiều. Tham khảo và tải bản miễn phí Infix Pro PDF Editor v4.06 với dung lượng 22.3MB tại địa chỉ: http://www.mediafire.com/?dkhjktzmwty hay tham khảo thêm thông tin tại trang chủ http://www.iceni.com/infix-tutorials.htm . Gợi ý sử dụng các chức năng chính: - Thay cho việc phải chuyển đổi các tài liệu PDF sang dạng DOC rồi mới có thể sửa chửa nội dung. Với Infix Pro PDF Editor v4.06 bạn sẽ có thể trực tiếp mở ngay tập tin PDF trên giao diện tương tác chính của chương trình và thực hiện ngay việc hiệu chỉnh với các thao tác tương tự như xử lý văn bản trên WORD. Hình 1 - Thanh công cụ Standard gồm các nút lệnh quen thuộc: mở tập tin DPF, lưu nội dung đã chỉnh sửa, in, các nút công cụ thể hiện giao diện tương tác… - Edit Toolbar thanh công cụ quan trọng gồm các nút để chỉnh sửa nội dung tập tin PDF: Hand Tool (kéo văn bản bằng tay), Zoom Tool (phóng to văn bản; khi muốn thu nhỏ văn bản thì giữ thêm phím Ctrl), Crop Tool (cắt xén một phần văn bản), Sticky Note Tool (thêm ghi chú), Hyperlink Tool (thêm liên kết), Selection Tool (chọn đối tượng), Rotate Object (xoay đối tượng), Text Tool (sử dụng khi muốn chỉnh sửa văn bản), Pipette Tool và Change Color (chỉnh lại màu sắc, hình ảnh trong file PDF).…. Hình 2 - Thanh Drawing gồm công cụ dùng để vẽ với các nút Pencil (bút chì vẽ tự động), Rectangle, Lines, Circles (vẽ các hình chữ nhật, đường thẳng hay vòng tròn), Pen (bút vẽ hình đa giác nhiều góc). Hình 3 - Thanh Text Format tích hợp nhiều chức năng y như Word như: thay đổi font chữ, kích thước font, canh hàng, gạch dưới, hay đưa chữ lên cao xuống thấp, canh khoảng cách giữa các dòng, còn có cả cây thước Ruler để canh lề. Hình 4 - Thanh trạng thái Navigation nằm phía dưới cùng bên trái cho biết các thông tin tổng quan của tài liệu DPF đang biên tập: các nút mũi tên qua lại để chuyển đến trang đầu hay về trang cuối, nút mũi tên qua lại từng trang, thứ tự số trang hiện tại và tổng số trang, tỷ lệ phóng đại, kích thước trang đang xem (chú ý bạn không thể dùng thanh trượt bên phải giống WORD trên giao diện tương tác chính để qua lại giữa các trang mà phải dùng các nút lệnh tương ứng trên Navigation). Hình 5 - Ngoài ra trong các menu như Edit hay Text còn cung cấp cho bạn các công cụ định dạng thú vị để xử lý tài liệu PDF ngay như trên WORD: công cụ Find & Replace để tìm và thay thế trong văn bản, định dạng đậm – nghiêng - gạch chân – đổi màu - chỉ số trên dưới cho Text, nhóm các đối tượng tùy ý… - Ví dụ về thao tác Final research report "THE REAL SITUATION AND BAD EFFECST WHEN THE THUONG TIN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ABUSE MOBILE PHONES" Bui Thi Bich D06- K52 Research Report THE REAL SITUATION AND BAD EFFECST WHEN THE THUONG TIN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ABUSE MOBILE PHONES By Bui Thi Bich Class: D06-K52 Supervisor: Ms Dau Thi Le Hieu Faculty of Foreign Language Hanoi University of Technology May 2010 2 Bui Thi Bich D06- K52 Research Report ABSTRACT/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The age of information and technology has brought mankind lots of the “breakthrough” inventions, in which the appearances of mobile phones with the cheap costs and high application has made the great changes for people’s lives, especially for the youth. Most of the cities- dwellers possess one or more hand phones, in particular, the secondary and college students do. The mobile phone has been admitted to offer plenty of benefits, but it is also said to create too many troubles, in deed. The fact is that the Thuong Tin high school students are abusing the mobile phones, which is complained by a number of parents and students. Therefore, this research was concerned with the overuse of mobile phones of Thuong Tin high school students. The objective of the research was to explore real situation and the bad effects that Thuong Tin students might face up with in case of abusing mobile phones. Data were gathered using the following methods: questionnaire survey for collecting the facts related to abusing hand phones, and existing information about negative consequences that students might encounter. The study was concluded that Thuong Tin high school student has been abusing hand phones with “high frequency”, i.e. they were depending on mobile phones. As the result, many of them have received the bad effects from the mobile phone itself. From this real situation together with negative effects caused by mobile phones, it is recommended that using hand phone by Thuong Tin students should be limited apart from necessary circumstances, and more consideration should be also taken into by parents before making decisions of buying their children, the students in the physical and mental growth, a mobile phone. 3 Bui Thi Bich D06- K52 Research Report 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Overview of project Nowadays, together with the development of science and technology, the information science has been successfully developing for the last few years. Especially Vietnam has experienced the integration of mobile phone into society. Progress has been made to the point that small, reasonable mobile phones with expanded capabilities (applications) are available for innumerable uses. Therefore, there has been a massive increase in personal mobile phones over the past five years. Moreover, the growth of our economy, our higher living standards permits parents to buy their children one or more hand phones in purpose of communicating or controlling them more easily. It is undeniable that cell phones have played an important role in our lives and become one of the basic of our lives due to the enormous benefits they has brought: “They are life-saving tools [...]... Industrial Revolution is advanced as the greatest evidence for evolution by natural selection However, evolution is out of the question in this example, as no new moth species is formed On the left are trees and moths of the preIndustrial Revolution era, and on the right are those of the post-Industrial Revolution era HARUN YAHYA 9 Briefly, natural selection does not have the capability to add a new organ... fabricated by evolutionists are in fact apes that became extinct, and the beings in the Homo series are members of various human races that lived in the past and then disappeared Evolutionists arranged various ape and human fossils in an order from the smallest to the biggest in order to form a "human evolution" scheme Research, however, has demonstrated that these fossils by no means imply an evolutionary... a book, The Biology of Evolution, which is accepted as one of the sources explaining the theory of evolution by natural selection in the most explicit way The most famous of his examples on this subject is about the colour of the moth population, which appeared to darken during the Industrial Revolution in England According to the account, around the outset of the Industrial Revolution in England, the... which also demolishes the foundations of the theory of evolution, also worried Darwin: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."7 Natural selection only selects out the disfigured, weak, or unfit individuals of a species It cannot produce new species, new genetic... generation of these flies were mutated, yet no useful mutation was ever observed Evolutionist geneticist Gordon Taylor writes thus: In all the thousands of fly-breeding experiments carried out all over the world for HARUN YAHYA 11 more than fifty years, a distinct new species has never been seen to emerge or even a new enzyme.11 Another researcher, Michael Pitman, comments on the failure of the experiments... COLLAPSE OF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION 12 have deleterious results On this issue, evolutionists throw up a smokescreen and try to show even examples of such deleterious mutation as "evidence for evolution" All mutations that take place in humans result in physical deformities, in infirmities such as mongolism, Down syndrome, albinism, dwarfism or cancer These mutations are presented in evolutionist textbooks... evolutionist textbooks as examples of "the evolutionary mechanism at work" Needless to say, a process that leaves people disabled or sick cannot be "an evolutionary mechanism" evolution is supposed to produce better forms that are more fit to survive To summarise, there are three main reasons why mutations cannot be pressed into the service of supporting evolutionists' assertions: G The direct effect... the evolutionists have instead unwittingly caused it to collapse A famous British paleontologist, Derek V Ager, admits this fact even though he is an evolutionist: The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, whether at the level of orders or of species, we find–over and over again–not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another.15 Another evolutionist... emerged during the same geological period Establishing an evolutionary relationship among them is impossible even within the broadest boundaries of the imagination Evolutionist zoologist R Eric Lombard makes this point in an article that appeared in Evolution magazine: Those searching for specific information useful in constructing phylogenies (evolutionary links) of mammalian taxa will be disappointed.42... tooth Evolutionist circles accredited this "ghost man" to such an extent that when a researcher named William Bryan opposed these biased decisions relying on a Marketing Research Methods in SAS Experimental Design, Choice, Conjoint, and Graphical Techniques Warren F. Kuhfeld October 1, 2010 SAS 9.2 Edition MR-2010 Copyright c  2010 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA This information is provided by SAS as a service to its users. The te xt, macros, and code are provided “as is.” There are no warranties, expressed or implied, as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose regarding the accuracy of the materials or code contained herein. SAS r  , SAS/AF r  , SAS/ETS r  , SAS/GRAPH r  , SAS/IML r  , SAS/QC r  , and SAS/STAT r  are trade- marks or registered trademarks of SAS in the USA and other countries. r  indicates USA registration. Contents Overview Marketing Research: Uncovering Competitive Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27–40 This chapter is based on a SUGI (SAS Users Group International) paper and provides a basic intro- duction to perceptual mapping, biplots, multidimensional preference analysis (MDPREF), preference mapping (PREFMAP or external unfolding), correspondence analysis, multidimensional scaling, and conjoint analysis. Introducing the Market Research Analysis Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41–52 This SUGI paper discusses a point-and-click interface for conjoint analysis, correspondence analysis, and multidimensional scaling. Experimental Design: Efficiency, Coding, and Choice Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53–241 This chapter discusses experimental design including full-factorial designs, fractional-factorial designs, orthogonal arrays, nonorthogonal designs, choice designs, conjoint designs, design efficiency, orthogon- ality, balance, and co ding. If you are interested in choice modeling, read this chapter first. Efficient Exp eri mental Design with Marketing Research Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 243–265 This chapter is based on a Journal of Marketing Research paper and disc usse s D-efficient experimental designs for conjoint and discrete-choice studies, orthogonal arrays, nonorthogonal designs, relative efficiency, and nonorthogonal design algorithms. A General Method for Constructing Efficient Choice Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265–283 This chapter discusses efficient designs for choice experiments. Discrete Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285–663 This chapter discusses the multinomial logit model and discrete choice experiments. This is the longest chapter in the book, and it contains numerous examples covering a wide range of choice experiments and choice designs. Study the chapter Experimental Design: Effici ency, Coding, and Choice Designs before tackling this chapter. Multinomial Logit Mo del s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665–680 This SUGI paper discusses the multinomial logit model. A travel example is discussed. Conjoint Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681–801 This chapter discusses conjoint analysis. Examples range from simple to complicated. Topics include design, data collection, analysis, and simulation. PROC TRANSREG documentation that describes just those options that are most likely to be used in a conjoint analysis is included. The Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 803–1211 This chapter provides e xamples and documentation for all of the autocall macros used ... shape the research design, while research design simultaneously shapes the study Researchers choose methods that best suit their study topic and that fit with their overall approach to research. .. framework in which to analyze predicted and unpredicted data Main Sociological Research MethodsSociological research methods have advantages and disadvantages Method Survey Implementation • Questionnaires... choose from four widely used methods of social investigation: survey, field research, experiment, and secondary data analysis (or use of existing sources) Every research method comes with plusses

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