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Tài liệu PDF Food Irradiation tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vự...

Chuyển đổi tài liệu PDF sang Word 01:07' 22/11/2005 (GMT+7) Word đã trở thành "vua" của các bộ soạn thảo văn bản. Hầu hết các văn bản đều được định dạng và in bằng Word. Tuy nhiên, bạn có một số văn bản bằng PDF (Portable Document Format), bạn muốn chỉnh sửa các tài liệu này trước khi in ấn. Acrobat Reader không có khả năng chỉnh sửa văn bản, còn Acrobat thì giá cả hơi "mắc" mà lại đòi hỏi tài nguyên khá lớn. Vậy, có phần mềm nào có khả năng chuyển đổi định dạng từ PDF sang Word mà vẫn giữ nguyên định dạng, giá cả cũng chấp nhận được và lại tiêu tốn ít tài nguyên hệ thống ? Thực ra, để giữ nguyên các định dạng tài liệu sau khi chuyển đổi là rất phức tạp và khó khăn. Đến ngay như phần mềm Acrobat, khi chuyển đổi tập tin PDF sang Word cũng không được hoàn hảo. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn đã từng sử dụng qua phần mềm SolidPDFConverter của hãng Solid, phần mềm này thật tuyệt vời ! 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Exact sử dụng các TextBox của Word để đảm bảo chắc chắn văn bản và đồ họa vẫn giống y nguyên bản PDF gốc.Chế độ Exact không nên sử dụng nếu bạn cần chỉnh sửa rất nhiều nội dung từ Food Irradiation Food Irradiation Bởi: OpenStaxCollege Ionizing radiation is widely used to sterilize medical supplies, such as bandages, and consumer products, such as tampons Worldwide, it is also used to irradiate food, an application that promises to grow in the future Food irradiation is the treatment of food with ionizing radiation It is used to reduce pest infestation and to delay spoilage and prevent illness caused by microorganisms Food irradiation is controversial Proponents see it as superior to pasteurization, preservatives, and insecticides, supplanting dangerous chemicals with a more effective process Opponents see its safety as unproven, perhaps leaving worse toxic residues as well as presenting an environmental hazard at treatment sites In developing countries, food irradiation might increase crop production by 25.0% or more, and reduce food spoilage by a similar amount It is used chiefly to treat spices and some fruits, and in some countries, red meat, poultry, and vegetables Over 40 countries have approved food irradiation at some level Food irradiation exposes food to large doses of γ rays, x-rays, or electrons These photons and electrons induce no nuclear reactions and thus create no residual radioactivity (Some forms of ionizing radiation, such as neutron irradiation, cause residual radioactivity These are not used for food irradiation.) The γ source is usually 60Co or 137Cs, the latter isotope being a major by-product of nuclear power Cobalt-60 γ rays average 1.25 MeV, while those of 137Cs are 0.67 MeV and are less penetrating Xrays used for food irradiation are created with voltages of up to million volts and, thus, have photon energies up to MeV Electrons used for food irradiation are accelerated to energies up to 10 MeV The higher the energy per particle, the more penetrating the radiation is and the more ionization it can create [link] shows a typical γ-irradiation plant 1/3 Food Irradiation A food irradiation plant has a conveyor system to pass items through an intense radiation field behind thick shielding walls The γ source is lowered into a deep pool of water for safe storage when not in use Exposure times of up to an hour expose food to doses up to 104 Gy Owing to the fact that food irradiation seeks to destroy organisms such as insects and bacteria, much larger doses than those fatal to humans must be applied Generally, the simpler the organism, the more radiation it can tolerate (Cancer cells are a partial exception, because they are rapidly reproducing and, thus, more sensitive.) Current licensing allows up to 1000 Gy to be applied to fresh fruits and vegetables, called a low dose in food irradiation Such a dose is enough to prevent or reduce the growth of many microorganisms, but about 10,000 Gy is needed to kill salmonella, and even more is needed to kill fungi Doses greater than 10,000 Gy are considered to be high doses in food irradiation and product sterilization The effectiveness of food irradiation varies with the type of food Spices and many fruits and vegetables have dramatically longer shelf lives These also show no degradation in taste and no loss of food value or vitamins If not for the mandatory labeling, such foods subjected to low-level irradiation (up to 1000 Gy) could not be distinguished from untreated foods in quality However, some foods actually spoil faster after irradiation, particularly those with high water content like lettuce and peaches Others, such as milk, are given a noticeably unpleasant taste High-level irradiation produces significant and chemically measurable changes in foods It produces about a 15% loss of nutrients and a 25% loss of vitamins, as well as some change in taste Such losses are similar to those that occur in ordinary freezing and cooking How does food irradiation work? Ionization produces a random assortment of broken molecules and ions, some with unstable oxygen- or hydrogen-containing molecules known as free radicals These undergo rapid chemical reactions, producing perhaps four or five thousand different compounds called radiolytic products, some of which make cell function impossible by breaking cell membranes, fracturing DNA, and so on How safe is the food afterward? Critics argue that the radiolytic products present a lasting hazard, perhaps being carcinogenic However, the safety of irradiated food is not known precisely We know that low-level food irradiation produces no compounds in amounts that can be measured chemically This is not surprising, since trace amounts 2/3 Food Irradiation of several thousand compounds may be created We also know that there have been no observable negative short-term effects on consumers Long-term effects may show up if large number of people consume large quantities of irradiated food, but no effects have appeared due to the small amounts of irradiated food that are consumed regularly The case for safety is supported by testing of animal diets that were irradiated; no transmitted genetic ... 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Bài viết sẽ giúp bạn giải quyết vấn đề này một cách nhanh chóng và dễ dàng bằng cách dịch toàn bộ file PDF trực tuyến, do đó bạn không cần phải tải về hay cài đặt bất kỳ chương trình phần mềm nào trên máy tính của mình Sử dụng dịch vụ dịch tài liệu của Google Translate Dịch vụ biên dịch từ Google tại translate.google.com là một cách dễ dàng và hiệu quả cho vấn đề dịch thuật ngôn ngữ. Công cụ này cho phép bạn dịch ngôn ngữ của bất kỳ trang web trực tuyến , sao chép - dán văn bản và các tài liệu thậm chí tải lên. Để bắt đầu, bạn truy cập địa chỉ translate.google.com và sau đó nhấp vào liên kết translate a document, khi đó bạn sẽ được cung cấp tùy chọn để tải lên tập tin từ máy tính của bạn cho các phiên dịch ngôn ngữ. 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Sử dụng dịch vụ Doc Translator Doc Translator là một dịch vụ trực tuyến khác Child Food Insecurity: The Economic Impact on our Nation A report on research on the impact of food insecurity and hunger on child health, growth and development commissioned by Feeding America and The ConAgra Foods Foundation John Cook, PhD, Project Director Karen Jeng, AB, Research and Policy Fellow 01 INTRODUCTION 01 OBJECTIVES OF THE REPORT 01 Child Hunger is a Health Problem 02 Child Hunger is an Educational Problem 02 Child Hunger is a Workforce and Job Readiness Problem 03 BACKGROUND 06 Relationship of Food Insecurity of Poverty 09 What Are Food Security, Food Insecurity, and Hunger, and How Are They Related? 10 Do Food Insecurity and Hunger Matter? 10 AN ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK FOR CONSIDERING THE CONSEQUENCES OF FOOD INSECURITY AND HUNGER AMONG CHILDREN 10 Human Capital Theory 10 Initial Human Capital Endowment 11 The Role of Education in Human Capital Formation 11 Health and the Enhancement, Preservation and Destruction of Human Capital 11 Households as Producers 11 Households Production of Human Capital 11 Food Security as Human Capital and Household Production Input 12 CHILD FOOD INSECURITY AND HUNGER ARE HEALTH PROBLEMS 12 The Prenatal and Neonatal Periods 13 Low Birthweight 14 Early Childhood: Ages 0-3 Years 15 Food Insecurity and Adverse Health Outcomes in Your Children 15 Child Food Insecurity Intensifies Adverse Effects of Household Food Insecurity 16 Child Food Insecurity and Iron Deficiency 16 LINKAGES BETWEEN FOOD INSECURITY AND OBESITY 16 Connecting Food Insecurity and Obesity 17 Health Effects and Cost of Obesity 17 Obesity and its Effects on Emotional and Cognitive Development 18 Long-Range Consequences of Obesity 18 The Impacts of Program Participation on Food Insecurity 18 Food Insecurity, Material Depression, and Child Health 19 Association Between Food Insecurity and Early Childhood Developmental Risk 19 Hospitalization 19 School-age and Adolescence 22 CHILD HUNGER IS AN EDUCATIONAL PROBLEM 22 Cognitive Development 22 Case Study: Special Education 23 Socio-emotional and Behavioral Consequences 24 Lifetime Earnings 25 TYPES OF COST ASSOCIATED WITH FOOD INSECURITY 25 Direct Costs of Food Insecurity 25 Indirect Costs of Food Insecurity 25 Cost—Benefit Evaluations 25 THE DOCTOR’S VIEWPOINT 26 Conclusion 1 INTRODUCTION We know how to fix the problem of childhood hunger, and we have an opportunity now to build a prosperous future for us all by doing that. Over the past century Americans have built marvelous networks and systems of infrastructure that are necessary to our economy and quality of life. Through creativity, inventiveness, ingenuity and hard work we have made our country a model of success in many areas. For example, we have built a national power grid, telecommunication systems, water systems, transportation systems, and internet systems that are peerless, to list just a few. But we have not yet updated our food system to bring it fully in line with 21st century knowledge and needs. In many ways the American food system reflects the best of our economic and social accomplishments. The U.S. food industry has achieved levels of productivity and organization that reflect state-of-the-art communication, transportation and management technologies. Its integration with the global economy involves UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY FOOD AND NUTRITION 1 1 FOOD AND NUTRITION READING COMPREHENSION 5 10 All living organisms require food for survival, growth, and reproduction. Most broadly, the term food can be taken to include any kind of nutrient needed by animals, plants, and simpler forms of life, on down to bacteria. This would include, for example, the inorganic substances that plants draw from air and water. The processes that circulate these basic nutrients in the environment are called nutrient cycles, and the processes by which organisms make use of nutrients are collectively known as metabolism. In terms of the energy needs of humans and other animals, food consists of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, along with vitamins and minerals. Humans may consume a wide range of different food substances, as long as they meet nutrition requirements. Otherwise nutritional- deficiency diseases will develop. 2 ENGLISH FOR NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCES 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Nutrition is the science that interprets the relationship of food to the functioning of the living organism. It is concerned with the intake of food, digestive processes, the liberation of energy, and the elimination of wastes, as well as with all the syntheses that are essential for maintenance, growth, and reproduction. These fundamental activities are characteristic of all living organisms – from the simplest to the most complex plants and animals. Nutrients are substances, either naturally occurring or synthesized, that are necessary for maintenance of the normal function of organisms. These include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals, water, and some unknown substances. The nutritionist, a scientist working in the field of nutrition, differs from the dietitian, who translates the science of nutrition into the skill of furnishing optimal nourishment to people. Dietetics is a profession concerned with the science and art of human nutrition care, an essential component of the health sciences. The treatment of disease by modification of the diet lies within the province of the physician and the dietitian. The foods consumed by humans must contain, in adequate amounts, about 45 to 50 highly important substances. Water and oxygen are equally essential. Starting only with these essential nutrients obtained from food, the body makes literally thousands of substances necessary for life and physical fitness. Most of these substances are far more complicated in structure than the original nutrients. Energy metabolism and requirements are customarily expressed in terms of the calorie, a heat unit. Adoption of the calorie by nutritionists followed quite naturally from the original methods of measuring energy metabolism. The magnitude of human energy metabolism, however, made it awkward to record the calorie measured, so the convention of the large calorie, or kilocalorie (kcal), was accepted. Atwater factors, also called physiologic fuel factors, are based on the corrections for losses of unabsorbed nutrients in the feces and for the calorie equivalent of the nitrogenous products in the urine. These factors are as follows: 1g of pure protein will yield 4 calories, 1g of pure fat will yield 9 calories, and 1 g of pure carbohydrate will yield 4 calories. Questions: Answer the questions about the reading. 1) What is food? 2) What are nutrient cycles? 3) What is metabolism? 4) How different are the nutritionist and the dietitian? 5) What are physiologic fuel factors? True-False: Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false. _____ The term food does not include the inorganic substances that plants draw from air and water. FOOD AND NUTRITION ... is the food altered chemically for low and high doses in food irradiation? Compare a low dose of radiation to a human with a low dose of radiation used in food treatment Suppose one food irradiation. .. in food production and preservation It must also be weighed against the very real hazards of existing insecticides and food preservatives Conceptual Questions Does food irradiation leave the food. .. 10,000 Gy are considered to be high doses in food irradiation and product sterilization The effectiveness of food irradiation varies with the type of food Spices and many fruits and vegetables

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2017, 22:47