28102017 031056 nghiquyet DHDCD 2017 tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các...
TF U N G T A M L U U K Y CHUN'G Kl-iOAN V I E T M A M c m NHAJNH TP.HO CHi MINH S6: ; r / T B - C N \ ' ' S D CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM fiOc lap - Tir - Hanh phuc TP.Hd ChiMmh, C'S 'hang 0? nam £J/^ THONG BAO (Ve dang ky cuoi ciiug va xac nhan danh sach ngirffi sff huu chirng khoan) Kinh gui: - So' giao djch chiing khoan Ha Noi - Cac Thanh vien luu ky T m n g tam L u u ky Chirng klioan Viet N a m - C h i nhanh T P H C h i M i n h ( C N V S D ) ihong bao ve dang ky cuoi ciing nhu sau: Ten To chuc phat hanh: Ten chiing khoan: Cong ty c6 phSn V a n tai b i l n H a i A u C phieu Cong ty c phSn V a n tai bien H a i A u M a chiing khoan: SSG MalSIN: VN000000SSG5 San giao dich: UPCOM Loai chung khoan: C o phieu thong Menh gia giao dich: 10.000 dong Ngay dang k>' cuoi ciing: 22/03/2017 Ly va muc dich: Tham dtc Dai hoi dong c6 dong thudiig nien nam 2017 Ty ie thuc hien: 1:1 (01 c6 phieu - 01 quyen bieu quyet) Thai gian thuc hien: thang nam 2017 Dia diem thuc hien: N h a Kliach Hai Quan, so L y T u Trong, phucmg M i n h K h a i , Quan H o n g Bang, Tp.Hai Phong N o i dung chinh hop: + Thong qua Ket qua kinh doanh nam 2016 va Phucmg an phan phoi Igi nhuan nam 2016 + Thong qua Bao cao boat dong cua H o i dong quan tri va B a n k i e m soat nam 2016 + Thong qua Bao cao tai chinh kiem toan nam 2016 + Thong qua K hoach hoat dong kinh doanh nam 2017 Lira chon cong ty K i e m toan + Cac van de khac, De nghi T V L K doi chieu thong tin nguai so hiru chirng khoan Danh sach V S D lap va gui dual dang chung tu dien tu voi thong tin T V L K dang quan ly dong thai gui cho V S D Thong bao xac nhan (Mau 03/THQ) dual dang chiing tu dien tii de xac nhan chap thuan lioac khong chap thuan cac thong tin Danh sach (Doi vai cac T V L K chua hoan tiit viec ket noi hoac bi ngat ket noi cong g a o tiep dien tu/cong giao tiep true tuyen vai V S D , de nghj giri Thong bao xac nhan qua email c6 gan chu ky so vao dia chi email thongbaoxacnhan@vsd.vn ciia V S D ) Truang hop khong chap tliuan c6 sai sot hoac sai lech so lieu, T V L K phai gui them van ban cho V S D neu ro cac thong tin sai sot hoac sai lech va phoi hop v o i V S D dieu chinh Tho-i han g u i T h o n g bao xac nhan: C h a m nhat vao 15h 24/03/2017 Truang hop T X ' L K gui Thong bao xac nhan cham so v a i thai gian quy dinh neu tren, V S D se coi danh sach V S D cung cap cho T V L K la chinh xac va da dugc T V L K xac nhan Truang hop phat sinii tranh chap hoac gay thiet hai cho nguai sa hiru, T V L K se phai chiu hoan toan trach nhiem doi v a i cac tranh ch4p hoac thiet liai phat smh cho ngucd sa hiiu De nghi cac T V L K thong bao day du, chi tiet noi dung cua thong bao den tirng nha dau tu luu ky chung klioan neu tren tai T V L K cham nhat vong 03 lam viec ke tu ghi tren tliong bao cua V S D Noi nhan: - Nhu tren; -TCPH: -BanTGD; - KTQT, TMPC, KSNB; -Liru: VT, DK.(130b) ;iAM DOC CHI NIMWH , TP HO cut TRUNG Thu- Trang Signature Not Verified Ký bởi: CÔNG TY CP THỂ THAO NGÔI SAO GERU Ký ngày: 28/4/2017 15:00:16 :/ r\ riruorc co PH, r'=\auiN D0l-.,1, t ,/ TAILIEUHQPDX rIc auAN Dat CO DONG TTTUONG NIIN NAM 2OI7 Chuong trinh hgp Dai hQi d6ng c6 d6ng thuong ni€n n6m 2017 Brio c6o sO ZSS,AC-W-IDQT rgity 1510412017 cria HQi d6ng Quan tri vO viQc ktit qui tri6n khai Chi6n lugc giai doen 201 I - ?Ol6,kiit qud hoat dQng n6m 2016 vd dinh hucmg Chi€n luo c giai do4n2017 -2021, k6 hoach ho4t dQng nlm 2017 86o ciio s6 +SOIVB-HS ngity 1510412017 cria Ban di6u hanh ve ftit qu6 kinh doanh nim 2016 vd Kti hoach kinh doanh ntm2}l: 86o c6o s5 ZZSIBC-IIB-BKS ngdy lOlO4l2Ol'7 cta Ban kiiSm so6t tai Dai hoi ddng cd ddng thudng ni€n n6m 2017 Td trinh sti z32fftr-t B-HDQT ngity 1510412017 oia HQi d6ng Quan tri vd viQc thdng qua 86o c6o tdi chinh nim 2016 di dugc ki6m toan vd Phuong an ph6n ptrOi tqi nhufn n6m 2016 Td txinh sli 233lTTr-lnG-HDQT ngiry 1510412017 crla HQi tl6ng Quan tri v6 viec thdng qua Phuong r|n tang v6n di6u rc fi 17.127.409.090.000 d6ng l6n thdnh I I 55.053.630.000 *a q CONG HoA xA HQI CHi] NGHIA vIDT NAM ,rJL DQcrip-rsdo-Hjnhphric tsltfllnqAa4, 56: Hd NSi, 15 tluing 04 ndm 2017 486 /I4B-HS BAo cAo cOA BANDEUHANHvT rcor euA KrNH DoANrr NAM 2ot6 vA rc HoAcH KINH DoANHNAM 2017 Kinh puAx r: gui: - QuI vi c6 ddng; xnr quA rcxH DoAr\H NAM 2ot6 ThUc hiQq dinh huong 2016 cua FIDQT voi phuong cham "Ph6t tri6n nhanh, bdn vtnp hiQu qui", Ban diAu hantr da t4p trurlg ldnh d4o hoirn thdu:h-c6c mgc ti6u kinh doafl ti6p qrc fitin khai cric s6ng ki6n chi6n luo c theo kli hoactr, tl6 da1 duqc k6t qud quan nEm 20i6.' Thr;c hifn k6 hogch kinh doanh ntm 2016 I T6ng tai san V6n didu lQ Ti€n gui cua khrich hang Du ng cho vay KH T! lQ nq x6u LNTT il6 riAng ngdn hdng Ti lQ chi tra c6 tuc Tdngl0 -12% 256.259 rr5p% 105,4% 17.100 17.127 107o/o 100,20/o TAng 5-10% 194.8t2 t02,2% t?.{oo283a /l$'/- Tdng-20% 150.73 t07,3% 124% 103,5% a/HcAx s,r CQNG HOA XA HQI CHU NGHIA VITT NAM DQc Iip - Tg - Hgnh phric ,altnlE@r,{lt 56: 288 /BC-MB-HDQT Hd NQi, l5 thang ndm 2017 BAo cAo ctIA HeI DoNG euAN TRI NGAN uAtc rurcp euAN DeI Viv: k5t qui tri6n khai Chi6n luqc giai tlo4n 2011 - 2l16,kdt qui hopt tlQng ndm 2016 vh illnh hurimg Chi6n luqc giai tlogn 2Ol1 - 2021, k6 hopch ho4t tlQng ndm 2017 Kinh gui: Dpi hQi il6ng c6 d6ng NgAn htng TMCP QuAn iIQi Kinh tti toan cAu nim 2016 bi6n dQng kh6ng ddng dAu, cdn nhiAu kh6 khan, th6ch thric TIng truong GDP toan cilt d4t 3,1%o, gi6m so voi mrtc dg b6o 3,3%o truoc 116 vi voi mitc 3,2%o cia ntun 2015 O ViQt Nam, Eng truong kinh t6 khOng dat kli hoach d0 o mric 6,2% (thdp hcrn muc tnng truong 2015 lit 6,7%); nhiing di6n bitin b6t lqi cta bi6n d6i hau, nhiSm m6i trubng dd t6c dQng toi mQt sO ngdnh nhu du lich, kinh tC biCn, khai khoang vA n6ng nghiQp gian ti€p anh huong toi sU ting truong kinh t6 OiCm srturg ndm 2016 ld cin cAn thuong m4i th{ng du vd lam ph6t duoc ki6m sodt hong gioi han 5% clugc Qu6c hQi d0 O linh v.uc ng6n hang, so voi ndm 2015, tang tru&ng tin dung toan nganh dat 18,25%,t6ng phucrng ti€n toriLr: t6rrg 17,88%, huy clQng vi5n tu TCKT vd c6 nhdn ting 17,71% Phin I D6nh giri k6t qui hoSt tlQng giai dogn 20ll - 2016: Dinh gi6 t6ng ti6t Cni6n luqc giai ilo4n 2011 - 2016: NSm20ll,MBtri6nkhaiChi6nluocph6ttriiingiaido4n20ll -2016v1i22sangki6n Chiiin luqc dua tr6n niin tang h Quan tri rui ro hang dAu thim dinh vuqt trQi cing voi Vi,n h6a thUc thi nhanh hu6ng CÁC BÀI LUẬN MẪU BÁM SÁT CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH 12 THPT Unit 1: HOME LIFE Topic 1: In a paragraph of about 140 words, write about your family rules (Viết quy tắc gia đình bạn) Topic sentences: Every family has its own rules and mine also has a few, which each member has to obey -Supporting idea 1: we are not allowed to watch TV -Supporting idea 2: my parents don’t permit us to use the family motorbike -Supporting idea 3: the family members share the household chores - Supporting idea 4: we have to talk to the parents before making an important decision -Concluding sentence: our rules can help my family members get along better Every family has its own rules and mine also has a few, which each member has to obey First, every evening my younger brother and I aren’t allowed to watch any programs on TV until we have finished our homework There are some exceptions on the occasions of important celebrations when all members watch the same program Second, since we are not old enough to drive an automobile, our parents not permit us to use the family motorbike Another rule is that all the family members have to the share of the household chores My mother takes responsibility of running the house My father helps her clean the house and mend things My main responsibility is washing the dishes and looking after my younger brother In other words, everyone in my family is responsible for doing the housework Lastly , my brother and I have to talk to our parents before making an important decision Whenever problems come up, the whole family must discuss frankly to find the best solution In short, it is those rules that help my family members get along better and make us a close-knit family Topic 2: In about 140 words, write a paragraph about your family (Viết gia đình bạn) Outline: Topic sentence : I am very happy to be born into a very close-knit family Supporting idea 1: + The number of people in the family + The age / job / character …of each family member Supporting idea 2: + rules in the family Conclusion :Feeling about family Bài mẫu 1: I am very happy to be born into a very close-knit family There are four members in my family, my parents, my little sister and I My mother is 45 years old She works as a nurse in a big hospital She is a caring person My father is a teacher He works in a school near our house He seems to be strict, but we all know he loves us very much Although my parents are very busy at work, they always try their best to spend time with us My little sister is years old She is a very lovely child In family, we often share the household chores My father is willing to help my mother with the housework I take responsibility for cooking and doing the washing up There are some rules in my family My parents allow us to watch TV after we have finished our homework We have to show respect to the old, obey our parents My family is very close-knit and supportive of one another I always feel happy and secure in my family It is a base from which I can go into the world with confidence Bài mẫu 2: My family consists of four people They are my parents, my sister and me My father is an engineer working for a government office My mother is a housewife My sister is a primary school teacher, and I am a high school student We get up at o’clock every morning My mother is the first one to get up and prepare breakfast for all After breakfast, my father and my sister go to work, my mother does the housework and I go to school We have lunch at noon and dinner at p.m In the evening after dinner, we sit together in the livingroom talking or watching television for about an hour Then my sister and I go to our own rooms to prepare the lessons for the coming week My family is a very happy one We love each other very much and expect to live together under the same roof forever UNIT 2: CULTURAL DIVERSITY Topic: Marriage should be based on love? (Hôn nhân nên dựa vào tình yêu?) -Topic sentence: Marriage should be based on love - Supporting ideas: