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QUANG BINH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES  ENGLISH FOR COMPUTING Compiled by Hoang Hoa Ngoc Lan Le Thi Hang Quang Binh, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTs UNIT 1: THE COMPUTER UNIT 2: Personal computing UNIT 3: TYPES OF COMPUTERs 14 UNIT 4: COMPUTER’S ARCHITECTURE 20 UNIT 5: INPUT DEVICES 27 UNIT 6: OUTPUT DEVICES 33 UNIT 7: STORAGE DEVICES 40 UNIT 8: GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACES 46 UNIT 9: GRAPHICS AND DESIGN 51 Unit 10: Computers in education 57 PREFACE English for Computing is composed for students who are majored in computing There are 10 units covering a wide range of current Informatics Technology topics, using authentic texts and visual materials taken from a variety of textbooks, newspapers, popular computing magazines, internet, web pages, manuals and advertisements The main aim of this textbook is to provide students with specific computing vocabulary and grammar It also focuses on helping students practice the skills fluently It is hoped that the textbook will become a useful guideline for all of the students and the others who are concerned with computing Dong Hoi, January 2015 UNIT 1: THE COMPUTER LEAD-IN ACTIVITIES In pairs, label the elements of this computer system Then read the text and check your answers  READING COMPREHENSION Computers are electronic machines which can accept data in a certain form, process data and give the results of the processing in a specified format as information They are capable of communicating with the users, of doing five kinds of arithmetic operations, and of making decisions There are three basic steps in the process: first, you feed data into the computer’s memory Then, the computer performs a set of instructions and processes the data Finally, you can see the results (the output) on the screen or in the printed form We know information in the form of data and programs as software, and the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system as hardware A standard computer system consists of three main sections: the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the main memory and the peripherals Perhaps the most influential component is the CPU Its function is to execute program instructions and coordinate the activities of all the other units In a way, it is the ‘brain’ of the computer The main memory holds the instructions and data which are currently being processed by the CPU The peripherals are the physical units attached to the computer They include storage devices and input/output devices Storage devices (floppy or hard disks) provide a permanent storage of both data and programs Disk drives handle one or more floppy disks Input devices enable data to go into the computer’s memory The most common input devices are the mouse and the keyboard Output devices enable us to extract the finished product from the system For example, the computer shows the output on the monitor or prints the results onto paper by means of a printer On the rear panel of the computer there are several ports into which we can plug a wide range of peripherals – modems, fax machines, optical drives and scanners These are the main physical units of a computer system, generally known as the configuration I Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) If the statement is false, change it to make it true Computers are electrical machines which can receive data and instructions as input, and after processing the information, they output the results There are two steps in the process of a computer The second step of the process is to process a set of instructions Information in the form of data and programs is known as hardware Hardware is the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system CPU executes program instructions and organizes activities of the other units so that a computer can work well Storage devices and input/output devices are the peripherals which are the physical units built in the computer A hard disk is a storage device that provides a permanent storage of both data and programs Data can be put in computer’s memory by means of output devices 10 The Mouse, keyboard, printer in a computer system are the output devices II Match the main idea with each paragraph with the number of its a Computers can accept, process the data, and give the results b Input devices enable data to go into computer’s memory whereas output devices enable us to get results from the system c Two components of a computer are hardware and software d There are three steps in computer processing e The most important component of a computer system is the central processing unit III Look back into the text and find words that have a similar meaning to ….………… defined (lines 1-3) carries out (lines 6-8) components (lines 10-12) contemporarily (lines 17-18) ……………… completed (lines 22-24) ……………… ……………… ……………… IV Use the information in the text and the diagram to help you match the terms in the box with the appropriate explanation or definition below a software e hardware b peripheral devices f input g port c monitor h output d floppy disk i central processing unit The brain of the computer The electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system Programs which can be used on a particular computer system The information which is presented to computer Results produced by a computer Hardware equipment attached to the computer A visual display unit A small device used to store information- same as a diskette Any sockets or channels in a computer system into which an input/output device may be connected UNIT 2: Personal computing  LEAD-IN ACTIVITIES Match the names in the box with these devices What are they used for? stylus gaming console mouse a magnetic card reader b c d Match each word with the correct definition mainframe: mouse: icon: operating system: software: hardware: microchip: a) the set of software that controls a computer system b) a very small piece of silicon carrying a complex electrical circuit c) a big computer system used for large scale operations d) the physical portion of a computer system e) a device moved by hand to indicate position on the screen f) a visual symbol used in a menu instead of natural language g) data, program, etc not forming part of a computer, but used when operating it  READING COMPREHENSION Now read the text and answer the questions In 1952, a major computing company took a decision to get out of the business of making mainframe computers They believed that there was only a market for four mainframes in the whole world That company was IBM The following year they reversed their decision In 1980, IBM decided that there was a market for 250.000 PCs, so they set up a special team to develop the first IBM PC It went on the sale in 1981 and set a worldwide standard for IBM - compatibility which, over the next ten years, was only seriously challenged by one other company, Apple Computers Since then, over seventy million PCs made by IBM and other manufacturers have been sold Over this period, PCs have become commodity items Since IBM made the design non-proprietary, anyone can make them The history of the multi-billion dollar PC industry has been one of mistakes Xerox Corporation funded the initial research on so personal computers in their Palo Alto laboratory in California However, the company failed to capitalize on this work, and the ideals that they put together went into the operating system developed for Apple's computers This was a graphical interface: using a mouse the user clicks on icons, which represent the function to be performed The first IBM PC was developed using existing available electrical components With IBM's badge on the box it became the standard machine for large corporations to purchase When IBM was looking for an operating system, they went initially to Digital Research, who was market leaders in command-based operating systems (these are operating systems in which the users type in commands to perform a function) When the collaboration between IBM and Digital Research failed, IBM turns to Bill Gates, then 25 years old, to write their operating system Bill Gates founded Microsoft on the basis of the development of MS/DOS, the initial operating system for the IBM PC Digital Research has continued to develop their operating system, DR/DOS, and it is considered by many people to be a better product than Microsoft's However, without an endorsement from IBM, it has become a minor player in the market Novell, the leaders in PC networking, now own Digital Research, so things may change The original IBM PC had a minimum of 16K of memory, but this could be upgraded to 512K if necessary, and ran with a processor speed of 4,77MHz Ten years later, in 1991, IBM were so making PCs with 16 Mb of memory, expandable to 64 Mb, running with a processor speed of 33 MHz The cost of buying the hardware has come down considerably as the machines have become commodity items Large companies are considering running major applications on PCs, something which, ten years ago, no one would have believed possible of a PC In contrast, many computers in people's homes are just used to play computer games The widespread availability of computers has in all probability changed the world forever The microchip technology which made the PC possible has put chips not only into computers, but also into washing machines and cars Some books may never be published in paper form, but may only be made available as part of public databases Networks of computers are already being used to make information available on a world-wide scale Vocabulary: commodity items: items which can be produced and traded freely non- proprietary: not belong to any single company capitalize on: profit from, turn to one’s advantage Questions: How many mainframes did IBM think it was possible to sell in 1952? How many PCs have now been sold? Who paid for the initial research into PCs? Which company later used the results of this research to develop their operating system? What are command - based operating systems? DR/DOS is an acronym What does it stand for? Since the invention of the IBM PC, many of its features have been improved Which of the following features does the text not mention in this respect? a memory c size b speed d cost Give three examples from the text of how the availability of computers has' in all probability changed the world forever' Using the line references given, look back in the text and find words that have similar meaning to international contested errors paid for buy first recommendation improved 10 A good user interface is important Today, the most innovative GUIs are because when you buy a program you the Macintosh, Microsoft Windows and want to use it easily Moreover, a IBM OS/2 Warp These three platforms graphical user interface saves a lot of include similar features: a desktop with time: you don’t need to memorize icons, windows and folders, a printer commands in order to execute an selector, a file finder, a control panel and application; you only have to point and various click so that its content appears on the clicking a folder opens a window which screen contains programs, documents or further Macintosk computers – with a user interface based on graphics and intuitive tools – were designed with a single clear aim: to facilitate interaction with the computer WIMP: desk accessories Double- nested folders At any time within a folder, you can launch the desired program or document by double-clicking the icon, or you can drag it to another location Their interface is called Window, Icon, Menu and The three platforms differ in other Pointer and software products for the areas such as device installation, network Macintosh have been designed to take connectivity full advantage of its features using this application programs or compatibility with interface In addition, the ROM chips of a Macintosh provide contain program libraries developers These that with routines for generating windows, dialog boxes, icons and pop-up menus This ensures the creation of applications with interfaces have been so successful because they are extremely easy to use It is well known that computers running under an attractive interface stimulate users to be more creative and produce high quality results, a high level of consistency which has a major on the general public  COMPREHENSION EXERCISES I Read the article again and decide which of the expressions in the box bets describe a graphical user interface (GUI) user-friendly slow attractive text-based complex graphics-based 48 II Look at the article again and guess the meaning of these words in your own language user interface platform commands desktop tools file finder program developer nested folders III Find answers to these questions What does the abbreviation “GUI” stand for? What is the contribution of Macintosh computers to the development of graphic environments? What does the acronym “WIMP” mean? What computing environments based on graphics are mentioned in the text? How you run a program on a computer with a graphical interface? Can you give two reasons for the importance of user-friendly interfaces?  LANGUAGE FOCUS: Verbs + object + infinitive Verbs + object + to-infinitive New developments in computing are often designed to make something easier These verbs are often used to describe such developments: allow let enable permit help Ex: A GUI lets you point to icons and click a mouse button to execute a task - A GUI allows you to use a computer without knowing any operating system commands - The X Window System enables Unix-based computers to have a graphical look and feel - Voice recognition software helps disabled users (to) access computers => Allow, enable and permit are used with this structure: Verbs + object + to-infinitive => Let is used with this structure: 49 Verbs + object + infinitive => Help can be used with either structure  PRACTICE Exercise 1: Complete the gap in each sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets The Help facility enables users…… (get) advice on most problems Adding more memory lets your computer…… (work) faster Windows allows you…… (display) two different folders at the same time The Shift key allows you… ….(type) in upper case The Mouse keys feature enables you…….(use) the numeric keypad to move the mouse pointer ALT +TAB allows you….…(switch) between programs The Sticky keys feature helps disabled people…….(operate) two keys simultaneously ALT + PRINT SCREEN lets you… …(copy) an image of an active window to the Clipboard  FURTHER PRACTICE Writing: Summarize the text in 70-75 words These following steps may help you Read through the whole text again and think of a suitable title for it Make sure you understand all the main points Go through the text and underline the relevant information in each paragraph Make notes about the main points:  Omit repetitions and unnecessary phrases  Leave out details, such as examples Make sentences from the notes and connect the sentences by using linking words 50 UNIT 9: GRAPHICS AND DESIGN  LEAD-IN ACTIVITIES Look at the pictures above, which were all created on the computer Which ones are three-dimensional? What are the advantages of creating three-dimensional images? From the pictures, can you suggest which people might use computer graphics professionally? What would they use them for? Can you think of other professionals who use computer graphics? How they use them? 51   COMPUTER GRAPHICS READING: Computer graphics are pictures and engineers use computer graphics to drawings produced by a computer A design circuits and people in business graphics program interprets the input can present information visually to client provided by the user and transforms it in graphs and diagrams These are much into images that can be displayed on the more effective ways of communicating screen, printed on paper or transferred to than lists of figures or long explanations microfilm In the process the computer Today, uses hundreds of mathematical formulas along with color and animation, are to convert the bits of data into precise essential for such applications as fine art, shapes and colors Graphics can be graphic developed for a variety of uses including computer-aided presentations, publishing, academic research Computer animation illustrations, architectural designs and is the process of creating objects and detailed engineering drawings pictures which move across the screen; it Mechanical engineers use sophisticated is used by scientists and engineers to programs for applications in computer- analyze problems With the appropriate aided computer-aided software they can study the structure of manufacturing CAD software is used to objects and how it is affected by develop, model and test car designs particular changes before the actual parts are made This Basically, computer graphics help users can save a lot of time and money to Computers are also used to present data quickly by presenting it in a clear visual in a more understandable form: electrical form design desktop and three-dimensional design, understand graphics, Web page engineering complex design, and information COMPREHENSION EXERCISES I Read through the text and find the answers to these questions What are computer graphics? What the acronyms “CD”, “CAD” and “CAM” stand for? What are the benefits of using computer graphics in the car industry? What are the benefits of using graphics in business? What is computer animation? II Contextual reference: Look back the text and find out what the bold words refer to 52 1……….provided by the user and transforms it into images…… …… This can save a lot of time and money…… 3……….These are much more effective ways of communicating…… 4……….it is used by scientists and engineers to analyze problems…… 5……….with the appropriate software they can study the structure of objects…… 6………quickly by presenting it in a clear visual form……… III Look at the functions represented by the icons in the tool palette on the left and match them with the definitions on the right a This is used to scale the view Similar to the command Zoom in/out b This is used to delete the part of the picture you drag it over It is known as “Eraser” c This is used to type text d This draws a straight line between two points e This is a paintbrush used to add colors and patterns It often comes in different shapes f This is used to draw polygons with irregular sides g This is used to draw thin, free form lines h These are used to select text and images i This draws an arc, or part of a circle j This draws curved, free-form shapes k This is used to draw a circle with two foci, known as an ellipse l These two are used to draw all kinds of rectangles, even ones with rounded corners m This is used to draw a circle n This is used to draw polygons with equal sides 53 54  LANGUAGE FOCUS 55  PRACTICE: Word formation 56 Unit 10: Computers in education  LEAD-IN ACTIVITIES Make a list of the ways computers are used in education Discuss these questions: How are computers used in your school? What you think the following terms mean? a further education b open learning c flexible learning READING Read quickly through the text opposite to find: The overall purpose of NCET Another expression meaning ‘educational technology’ Whether NCET produces learning materials How many priorities NCE’s Schooling Directorate has Three groups of people helped by NCET’s Vocational Training programme Three examples of new and developing technologies that the Council gives advice about National Council for Educational Technology The Council’s purpose is to bring beneficial change to the processes of learning in education and training through the development and application of educational technology Educational technology-or learning technology, as it is sometimes knownembraces everything from the way computers, satellites, and interactive video are used in schools, colleges, and industry to issues of copyright and flexible learning Focusing on the learner, our purpose is support change in the ways we learn by applying the benefits of educational technology-especially the new information technologies-to the process of learning We design and produce learning materials in all subjects to support education and training We carry out research and mange projects, offer consultancy on technical matters, support training for trainers and teachers, and offer expertise in areas such as open and flexible learning, resource management, and educational software We provide a comprehensive information and enquiry service 57 Information Technology in schools Through its I.T in Schools Programme, NCET’s Schooling Directorate is pursuing four priorities * to identify and promote and spread good practice in the use of new technologies * to provide professional guidance to teacher trainer so that they can help teacher and schools in managing I.T and applying it to all areas of study * to develop high- quality curriculum materials and encourage other publishers to the same * to give particular support for those concerned for those concerned with children and young adults with special educational needs, including the handicapped Learning after school and at work NCET’s Training Directorate focuses on the needs of those wishing to learn after the school-leaving age Projects under the Vocational Training programme include looking into the training needs of women, older workers, and those who use information technology to work from home In further education, lecturers and senior managers are being helped to plan for I.T and changing client needs For industry, our work has included language training This directorate also takes the lead in important trans-sectoral issues such as open and flexible learning, copyright, and the use of computers in careers guidance Technical expertise Keeping abreast of development in technology and maintaining a national expertise on standards and specifications is the work of NCET’s Technical Consultancy Directorate Through links with other organizations, it identifies issues associated with the adoption of new technologies and, where appropriate, carries out projects to assess or develop their potential in education and training It has a watching brief and provides consultancy on new and developing technologies such as satellites, CD-ROM, and interactive video Current projects involve the examination of the use of educational software in schools, the use of massive storage systems, and the use of satellites in education and training The Directorate also produces guidance to user on a wide range of technology, from desktop publishing and remote sensing to teleconferencing and audio-visual systems Imagine that you represent NCET and that a newspaper reporter is interviewing you Use the information in the text to complete the dialogue in your own words Reporter: What exactly does the term ‘educational technology’ cover? You:………………………………………………………………… Reporter: I see Apart from offering advice on technical matters, what other services you provide? You:……… …………………………………………………… Reporter: Does the I.T in Schools Programme help teachers as well as students? You: Yes ………………………………………………………… 58 Reporter: What about those with special educational needs? You:………………………………………………………………… Reporter: What responsibility does the NCET’s Training Directorate have? You:………………………………………………………………… Reporter: Does that include helping people in industry? You:………………………………………………………………… Reporter: One last question What kind of work is the Technical Consultancy Directorate doing in schools at the moment? You:………………………………………………………………… Make a list of the new information technologies’ mentioned in the text Do you known what all the terms mean? Using the line references given, look back in the text and find words or phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to: includes advantages covering everything course physically or mentally challenged approach up - to - date with instructions to monitor Translate the last paragraph of the text (beginning “keeping abreast of…) into your language You represent the National Council for Educational Technology Your have been asked to talk to a group of teachers about the work of the Council Make brief notes from the text, then prepare a short presentation In pairs or small groups, take turns to make your presentation If you are listening to a presentation, check that it is accurate and that it covers the main points mentioned in the text Discuss the following questions: What you think are CALL’s main advantages and disadvantages as a way of learning foreign languages? Do you think it is possible that one-day language teachers will be completely replaced by computers? 59 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence You may have to change some words slightly create, created, creating, creation, creativity a The………of this database will give us a huge advantage over our competitors in the long run b The procedure for……….a new file is very simple c The new position we are advertising is going to require someone with enormous……… generate, generated, generative, generation a Exercises can be quickly… using this program b Our company is working on a new……of software products c This development is sure to …… great interest access, accessed, accessibility, accessible a All user requests to…… a database are handled by the database management system b ………… to the computer room is restricted to authorize personnel c Those files are not ………unless you known the password analyse, analysed, analysis, analyst a When a text is …………., all pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and verb forms are automatically identified b This………shows that most PC users are not aware of the full potential of the software products they buy c The DBMS first receives the request and …….it for syntax errors Word - play The clues below contain anagrams of words from this unit Enter the words in the grid, then solve the anagram in the bold boxes to find the hidden word To connect to a database, ( scaces) A technology which allows telephone communication between several people at the same time (ctoenlfeergcnien) Describing a device connected over a WAN, (emtore) 60 A Large store of computerized data, ( aaaestdb) Examine carefully, (easnaly) Concerning the qualifications, etc, needed for a trade of profession Describing a system in which the computer responds to the user’s instructions A VDU and keyboard ( Inmrteia) A program that manipulates tables of figures ( steerpahdse) Hidden word clue Device used for relaying telephone messages or radio and TV signals 61 REFERENCES Esteras S R (2003), English for computer users, Cambridge University Press Glendinning E H & Mc Ewan J (2002), Oxford English for IT, Oxford University Press Glendinning E H & Mc Ewan J (2002), Basic English for Computing, Oxford University Press Keith boeckner & P.Charles Brown (1999), Oxford English for computing, Oxford University Press Le Dinh (2004), English for Computer Science, DHSP Hue http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fgandon/lecture/uk1999/computers_types/ http://www.tech2u.com.au/training/tech2u/introcomp/memory.html 62 ... Computers in education 57 PREFACE English for Computing is composed for students who are majored in computing There are 10 units covering a wide range of current Informatics Technology topics, using... the computer performs a set of instructions and processes the data Finally, you can see the results (the output) on the screen or in the printed form We know information in the form of data and... electronic machines which can accept data in a certain form, process data and give the results of the processing in a specified format as information They are capable of communicating with the

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2017, 16:56

