Chapter 3 Software quality factors 353.1 The need for comprehensive software quality 3.2 Classifications of software requirements into 3.3 Product operation software quality factors 383.
Trang 1Software
Quality Assurance
From theory to implementation
Software Quality Assurance
From theory to implementation
The book is a product of the author’s many years of consulting and teachingexperience
include issues of in-house software development, outsourcing, and SQA in smallorganizations
SQA application, operation, organization and control
included: procedures and work instructions, supportive quality devices, costs ofsoftware quality and the actors participating in the SQA framework
interna-tional standards (e.g., ISO 9000-3) are among the topics covered
examples and implementation tips, review questions and topics for discussion
PowerPoint presentations and a test bank
The book comprehensively covers the ISO 9000-3 requirements It also provides asubstantial portion of the body of knowledge required for the CSQE (CertifiedSoftware Quality Engineer) as outlined by the ASQ (American Society for Quality)
Dr Daniel Galincurrently serves as Head of Information Systems Studies, theRuppin Academic Center In addition to his many papers, Dr Galin has also authoredseveral books on the analysis and design of information systems as well as co-authoring (with Dr Z Bluvband) a book on software quality assurance in Hebrew
His professional experience includes numerous consulting projects in software qualityassurance and information systems design for major Israeli firms He received his BSc,MSc and DSc from the Faculty of Industrial and Management Engineering of theTechnion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
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Trang 2Software Quality Assurance
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Trang 4Software Quality Assurance
From theory to implementation
Daniel Galin
Trang 5Pearson Education Limited
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First published 2004
© Pearson Education Limited 2004
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Trang 6To my parents, Blima and Elchanan, who inspired me with their love of learning,
scholarship, and teaching
Trang 8Guide to readers interested in ISO 9000-3 requirements xxiii
Guide to readers interested in ASQ’S CSQE body of knowledge xxiv
Chapter 1 The software quality challenge 3
1.1 The uniqueness of software quality assurance 41.2 The environments for which SQA methods
Chapter 2 What is software quality? 14
2.3 Classification of the causes of software errors 19
2.5 Software quality assurance – definition and objectives 252.6 Software quality assurance and software engineering 30
Trang 9Chapter 3 Software quality factors 35
3.1 The need for comprehensive software quality
3.2 Classifications of software requirements into
3.3 Product operation software quality factors 383.4 Product revision software quality factors 413.5 Product transition software quality factors 433.6 Alternative models of software quality factors 443.7 Who is interested in the definition of quality
Chapter 4 The components of the software quality
assurance system – overview 56
4.3 Software project life cycle components 614.4 Infrastructure components for error prevention
4.6 SQA standards, system certification, and
4.7 Organizing for SQA – the human components 704.8 Considerations guiding construction of an
Part II Pre-project software quality components 75
5.1 Introduction: the CFV Project completion
5.2 The contract review process and its stages 79
5.6 Contract reviews for internal projects 85
Trang 10Summary 87
Appendix 5A: Proposal draft reviews –
Appendix 5B: Contract draft review –
Chapter 6 Development and quality plans 95
6.1 Development plan and quality plan objectives 97
6.4 Development and quality plans for small projects
Appendix 6A: Software development risks and
Part III SQA components in the project life cycle 119
Chapter 7 Integrating quality activities in the
7.1 Classic and other software development
7.2 Factors affecting intensity of quality assurance
activities in the development process 1317.3 Verification, validation and qualification 1337.4 A model for SQA defect removal effectiveness
Trang 11Appendix 8B: Inspection session findings report form 176Appendix 8C: Inspection session summary report 177
Chapter 9 Software testing – strategies 178
Chapter 10 Software testing – implementation 216
Chapter 11 Assuring the quality of software
11.3 Pre-maintenance software quality components 26111.4 Maintenance software quality assurance tools 264
Trang 12Chapter 12 Assuring the quality of external
participants’ contributions 279
12.3 Risks and benefits of introducing external
Chapter 13 CASE tools and their effect on software
13.2 The contribution of CASE tools to software
Part IV Software quality infrastructure
Chapter 14 Procedures and work instructions 311
14.1 The need for procedures and work instructions 312
14.3 Work instructions and work instruction manuals 31614.4 Procedures and work instructions: preparation,
Appendix 14A: Design review procedure 322
Trang 13Chapter 15 Supporting quality devices 325
Chapter 16 Staff training and certification 335
16.1 Introduction: Surprises for the “3S”
16.2 The objectives of training and certification 33716.3 The training and certification process 33816.4 Determining professional knowledge requirements 33816.5 Determining training and updating needs 33916.6 Planning training and updating programs 34016.7 Defining positions requiring certification 34016.8 Planning the certification processes 34116.9 Delivery of training and certification programs 34216.10 Follow-up subsequent to training and certification 344
Chapter 17 Corrective and preventive actions 349
17.1 Introduction: the “3S” development team revisited 35017.2 Corrective and preventive actions – definitions 35117.3 The corrective and preventive actions process 352
17.6 Development of solutions and their implementation 356
Trang 14Chapter 18 Configuration management 365
18.1 Software configuration, its items and its management 36718.2 Software configuration management – tasks and
18.4 Release of software configuration versions 37318.5 Provision of SCM information services 38018.6 Software configuration management audits 38018.7 Computerized tools for managing software
Chapter 19 Documentation control 387
19.1 Introduction: where is the documentation? 38819.2 Controlled documents and quality records 389
19.5 Issues of controlled document approval 39319.6 Issues of controlled document storage and retrieval 394
Part V Management components of software
Chapter 20 Project progress control 401
20.1 The components of project progress control 40220.2 Progress control of internal projects and external
Trang 15Chapter 21 Software quality metrics 412
21.2 Classification of software quality metrics 415
21.5 Implementation of software quality metrics 427
Appendix 21A: The function point method 442
Chapter 22 Costs of software quality 449
22.1 Objectives of cost of software quality metrics 45022.2 The classic model of cost of software quality 45122.3 An extended model for cost of software quality 45522.4 Application of a cost of software quality system 45822.5 Problems in the application of cost of software
Part VI Standards, certification and assessment 471
Chapter 23 Quality management standards 475
23.1 The scope of quality management standards 476
23.3 Certification according to ISO 9000-3 48123.4 Capability Maturity Models – CMM and CMMI
23.6 The SPICE project and the ISO/IEC 15504
software process assessment standard 492
Appendix 23B: ISO/IEC 15504 model processes 505
Trang 16Chapter 24 SQA project process standards –
IEEE software engineering standards 50724.1 Structure and content of IEEE software engineering
Appendix 24A: IEEE Software Engineering Standards 526Appendix 24B: MIL-STD-498: list of Data Item
Appendix 24C: Task structure for a primary process according to IEEE/EIA Std 12207 – example 528
Chapter 25 Management and its role in software
Chapter 26 The SQA unit and other actors in the SQA
26.4 SQA forums – tasks and methods of operation 564
Trang 17Epilogue The future of SQA 570
Trang 18The opening of the new Denver International Airport (DIA) in February
1995 was a day of celebration for Colorado citizens but it was certainly theend of a traumatic period for the information technology industry DIA wasplanned to be the largest airport in the United States, to serve 110 000 000passengers annually by 2020, to handle 1750 flights daily through 200 gatesand 12 operating runways Operations at DIA were delayed by 16 months,mainly due to the failure of the software-based baggage handling system,causing estimated total losses of $2 billion Moreover, the baggage handlingsystem finally put into service was substantially downscaled in comparison
to the system originally specified Although several other colossal failures ofsoftware systems unfortunately have been recorded since 1995, the failure of
IT technology at DIA was especially traumatic to the profession, whetherdue to the scale of the losses or the public interest and criticism it raised.Many SQA professionals, including the author, believe that had appro-priate software quality assurance systems been applied to the project at itsstart, a failure of this scale would not have occurred or, at least, its losseswould have been dramatically reduced The methods and tools discussed inthis book, especially the risk management procedures, could have identifiedthe severity of the situation at very early stages and enabled timely employ-ment of the appropriate corrective measures throughout the project OtherSQA tools could probably have assured completion of the system on scheduleand in full compliance with its specifications
According to the author’s conception of software quality assurance, anacceptable level of software quality can be achieved by:
■ Combined application of a great variety of SQA components
■ Special emphasis on quality in the early phases of software development,including the pre-project phase
■ Performance of comprehensive SQA activities to control the quality of thework carried out by external participants (subcontractors, suppliers ofreused software modules and COTS software products, and the cus-tomers themselves in cases where they carry out parts of the project)
■ Extension of SQA activities to project schedules and budget control,based on the expectation that functional requirements, schedule and
budget plans behave according to the principle of communicating vessels,
that is, a failure (or reduced level of achievement) in one of these threefluid components induces immediate failure in the others
This conception of software quality assurance guides us throughout the book
Trang 19Unique features of this text
The following features of this book are of special importance:
■ A broad view of SQA
■ Comprehensive discussion of SQA implementation issues
■ Comprehensive coverage of SQA topics
■ State-of-the-art topics
A detailed discussion of these features follows
A broad view of SQA
The book extends discussion of SQA issues much beyond the classic aries of custom-made software development by large established softwarehouses It dedicates significant attention to the other software developmentand maintenance environments that reflect the current state of the industry:
bound-■ In-house software development by information systems departments The
book discusses SQA of in-house projects, situations where traditionalcustomer–supplier relations are missing or vague, and outlines recom-mended solutions to the attendant risks (see Sections 5.6 and 6.4.2)
■ COTS software packages COTS software packages represent a growing
proportion of software packages used throughout the industry Assurance
of the quality of these packages, which are integrated directly into the tomer’s software systems, has become an important issue (see Chapter 12)
cus-■ Small projects and small organizations Issues related to software
devel-opment by small organizations and the execution of small softwareprojects are likewise dealt with in the book (see Section 6.4.1)
Comprehensive discussion of SQA implementation issues
Stress is placed throughout the book on organization, control and otheraspects arising in the implementation of SQA components:
■ Specialized chapter sections and subsections dealing with implementation
■ Examples that refer to real-life situations, especially those involving
implementation issues, are integrated into the text
■ Implementation tips related to special implementation problems are
inte-grated into most of the chapters
■ Topics for discussion, found at the conclusion of each chapter, encourage
the reader to suggest innovative solutions to implementation issues
Comprehensive coverage of SQA topics
The book is very comprehensive in the range of SQA subjects covered Itincludes topics rarely if ever covered in other SQA texts These topics include:
Trang 20■ Procedures and work instructions, their preparation, implementation and
updating (Chapter14)
■ Supporting quality devices, that is, templates and checklists, their
prepa-ration, implementation and updating (Chapter 15)
■ Costs of software quality, estimated according to the classic quality costs
model in addition to a new extended model that better represents the
spe-cial nature of software quality costs (Chapter 22)
■ The SQA unit and other actors in the SQA framework, specifically the
activities and responsibilities of active and occasional bodies that
pro-mote SQA issues within the organization: the SQA unit, SQA trustees,
SQA committees and SQA forums (Chapter 26)
State-of–the-art topics
The text emphasizes up-to-date SQA topics:
■ Automated testing, including a discussion of the various types of
auto-mated tests and their implementation, concluding with a review of the
advantages and disadvantages of automated testing (Section 10.3)
■ Computerized SQA tools, discussed in conjunction with almost all SQA
components mentioned in the book A special chapter (Chapter 13),
entirely dedicated to computerized tools, reviews CASE tool issues
Special emphasis is placed on techniques that dramatically improve the
performance of SQA tools, such as automated testing, software
configu-ration management and documentation control
■ International SQA standards Two chapters (Chapters 23 and 24) are
dedicated to a survey of recent developments in software quality
man-agement standards and project process standards
A downloadable Instructor’s Guide, PowerPoint Slides and additional
test-ing material are also available free of charge to lecturers and tutors adopttest-ing
the main book They can be accessed at
The book’s audience
The book is intended to meet the needs of a wide audience of readers
inter-ested in software quality assurance We can identify four main groups of
such readers, as follows:
■ Managers of software development departments, project managers and others
■ Those attending or presenting vocational training courses
■ University and college students
■ Practitioners involved in quality issues of software development and
Trang 21This book has benefited from comments by software consumers as well asquestions from students in the many courses I have taught at the Technion,Israel Institute of Technology, the Ruppin Academic Center and elsewhere.They helped me improve my explanations and inspired many of my exam-ples Others helped by directly answering questions or supplying valuablearticles, books and other material Their numbers prevent my mentioning alltheir names I am grateful to each
Special thanks to Andrea Shustarich, representative of PearsonEducation in Israel, who encouraged me to write this book and followed itsprogress My editor, Keith Mansfield, a senior acquisition editor at PearsonEducation in the UK, also deserves special recognition for his cooperation,continuous guidance and valuable advice throughout the long months ofwriting I would especially like to express my appreciation to NicolaChilvers, responsible for production of this book at Pearson Education,whose efficiency and amiable manner made working together such pleasure
In addition, I wish to express my appreciation to Nina Reshef, who edited
my drafts with devotion and contributed substantially to the book’s ability and accuracy
read-Finally, I wish to say how grateful I am to my family, my wife AmiraGalin, my daughter Michal Nisanson and my son Yoav Galin for their con-tinuous support and encouragement as well as for their important comments
on the book’s drafts
Trang 22Publisher’s acknowledgements
We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Figure 7.1 adapted from Royce, W.W (1970) Managing the Development of
large Software Systems: Concepts and Techniques, Proceedings of the IEEE WESCON, August 1970 and Software Engineering Economics by Boehm,
B.W © 1981 Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., UpperSaddle River, NJ Figure 7.3 adapted from Boehm, B.W (1988) A Spiral
Model of Software Development and Enhancement, Computer, Vol 21, No.
5, pp 61–72; Figure 7.4 adapted from Boehm, B.W (1998) Using the
Win-Win Spiral Model: A case study, Computer, Vol 31, No 7, pp 33–44; Table 8.3 and Table 21.11 from Japan’s Software Factories: A Challenge to U.S Management by Michael A Cusumano, copyright 1991 by Oxford
University Press, Inc Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc.;
Table 10.6 adapted from Dustin/Rashka/Paul, Automated Software Testing: Introduction, Management and Performance, Table 2.4 (p 53), © Pearson
Education, Inc Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.; Table23.1 and Table 23.2 reproduced with the permission of BSI under licence no.2003SK/0025 British Standards can be obtained from BSI CustomerServices, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL (Tel +44 (0) 208 9969001) Figure 23.2 Capacity Maturity Model by Paulk et al © Reprinted bypermission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ Table 23.5and 23.6 adapted from Jung, H.-W., Hunter, R., Goldenson, D.R and El-
Eman, K (2001) Finding the Phase 2 of the SPICE Trials, Software Process Improvement and Practice, 7(6) pp 205–42 © John Wiley & Sons Limited.
Reproduced with permission Figure 24.1 reprinted with permission fromIEE Std 1045-19992 by IEEE The IEEE disclaims any responsibility or lia-bility resulting from the placement and use in the described manner
BSI for the eight principles of ISO 9000.3 and the structure of the ISO/IEC
TR 15504 Standard (under licence number 2003DH0143), and IEEE forIEEE Std 10278 (reviews) © 1994 IEEE and list of IEEE SoftwareEngineering Standards
In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyrightmaterial, and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to
do so
Trang 23About the author
Dr Daniel Galin received his B.Sc in Industrial and ManagementEngineering, and his M.Sc and D.Sc in Operations Research from theFaculty of Industrial and Management Engineering, the Technion, IsraelInstitute of Technology, Haifa, Israel He serves on the faculty of the RuppinAcademic Center, where he is the current Head of Information SystemsStudies
Dr Galin acquired his expertise in SQA through teaching, writing andconsulting in the field He teaches courses in software quality assurance andinformation systems at the Ruppin Academic Center, Information SystemsStudies, at the Faculty of Computer Sciences, the Technion, Haifa and at theCollege of Administration, Tel-Aviv
Dr Galin co-authored (with Dr Z Bluvband) the book Software Quality Assurance His many papers have been published in professional journals,
the majority in English-language journals All his former books on analysisand design of information systems and software quality assurance were written
in Hebrew and published by Israel’s leading publishers
Dr Galin’s professional experience of over 20 years includes consulting
on numerous projects in software quality assurance as well as analysis anddesign of information systems
Trang 24Guides for special groups
of readers
Among the readers interested in software quality assurance, one can guish two special groups:
distin-■ Readers interested in ISO 9000-3 requirements
■ Readers interested in the American Society for Quality’s (ASQ) CSQE(Certified Software Quality Engineer) body of knowledge
The following tables direct the reader to the chapters and sections relevant
to their interests
Guide to readers interested in ISO 9000-3 requirementsThe reader interested in ISO 9000-3 requirements will find a comprehensivediscussion of standard ISO issues in Chapter 23 In addition, related materi-
al is spread throughout the book, as detailed in the following table The ISO9000-3 requirements numbers quoted are taken from the outline of ISO/IEC9000-3:2001 (final draft)
ISO 9000-3 ISO 9000-3 requirements: Book references requirements: subject (chapter/section) chapter
4 Quality 4.1 General requirements Ch 4
management 4.2 Documentation requirements Ch 19
5 Management 5.1 Management commitments Sec 25.1
responsibilities 5.2 Customer focus Sec 25.1.1
5.3 Quality policy Sec 25.1.1
5.5 Responsibility authority and communication Ch 25 5.6 Management review Sec 25.1.3
6 Resource 6.1 Provision of resources Sec 25.1.1
management 6.2 Human resources Ch 16
6.3 Infrastructure Secs 10.3, 11.4,
Chs 13, 14, 15, Secs 18.7, 19.5, 20.4 6.4 Work environment Sec 1.2
Trang 25Guide to readers interested in ASQ’s CSQE body of knowledge
Almost all the elements of the CSQE (Certified Software Quality Engineer)body of knowledge, as outlined in ASQ (American Society for Quality) ItemB0110, are included in the book The following table directs the reader tothe relevant chapters and sections
7 Product realization 7.1 Planning of product realization Chs 6, 23, 24
7.2 Customer-related processes Chs 3, 5, 6, 12, 20 7.3 Design and development Chs 7, 8, 9, 10,
8 Measurement, 8.1 General Secs 21.1, 21.2, analysis and 22.1–22.3
improvement 8.2 Monitoring and measurement Secs 21.3, 21.4,
22.4, 22.5 8.3 Control of non-conforming product Secs 21.5, 22.4,
22.5, 26.1 8.4 Analysis of data Sec 17.6
CSQE body of CSQE body of knowledge: Book references
I General A Standards Sec 2.1, Ch 23 knowledge, conduct, B Quality philosophy and principles Secs 2.4, 2.5 and ethics C Organizational and interpersonal techniques Ch 25
D Problem-solving tools and processes Secs 6.2, 6.3,
App 6A
E Professional conduct and ethics –
II Software quality A Planning Ch 6, Secs 7.4,
Trang 26CSQE body of CSQE body of knowledge: Book references
V Software metrics, A Measurement methods Secs 21.1, 21.2
measurement and B Analytical methods Sec 21.5
analytical methods C Software measurement Ch 21
VI Software A Inspection Ch 8, Sec 25.1.3
inspection, testing, B Testing Chs 9+10
verification and C Verification and validation Sec 7.3, Chs 8, 10,
VII Software audits A Audit types Secs 23.3, 26.1.4
B Audit methodology Ch 17, Secs 23.3,
C Audit planning Secs 23.3, 26.1.4
VIII Software A Planning and configuration identification Secs 18.1, 18.2,
configuration 18.4
management B Configuration control, status accounting Secs 18.3, 18.5
and reporting
Trang 28p a r t I
Trang 30ch a p t e r 1
The software quality challenge
Two basic questions should be raised before we proceed to list the variety ofsubjects and details of the book:
(1) Is it justified to devote a special book to software quality assurance (SQA)
or, in other words, can we not use the general quality assurance textbooksavailable that are applicable to numerous areas and industries?
(2) Having decided to develop specialized books for software quality ance, at which of the various environments of software development, fromamateurs’ hobby to professionals’ work, should we aim our main efforts?Put simply, what are the unique characteristics of the SQA environment?
assur-The objective of this chapter is to answer these questions by exploring therelated issues
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
■ Identify the unique characteristics of software as a product and as duction process that justify separate treatment of its quality issues
pro-■ Recognize the characteristics of the environment where professional ware development and maintenance take place
soft-■ Explain the main environmental difficulties faced by software ment and maintenance teams as a result of the environment in which they operate
develop-Chapter outline
1.2 The environments for which SQA methods are developed 7
Trang 311.1 The uniqueness of software quality assurance
“Look at this,” shouted my friend while handing me Dagal Features’s Limited Warranty leaflet “Even Dagal Features can’t cope with software
bugs.” He pointed to a short paragraph on page 3 of the leaflet that states
the conditions of the warranty for AMGAL, a leading Software Master product
sold all over the world The leaflet states the following:
Dagal Features provides no warranty, either expressed or implied, with
respect to AMGAL’s performance, reliability or fitness for any specified purpose Dagal Features does not warrant that the software or its docu- mentation will fulfil your requirements although Dagal Features has
performed thorough tests of the software and reviewed the
documenta-tion, Dagal Features does not provide any warranty that the software and its documentation are free of errors Dagal Features will in no case be
liable for any damages, incidental, direct, indirect or consequential,incurred as a result of impaired data, recovery costs, profit loss and thirdparty claims the software is licensed “as is” the purchaser assumes the
complete risk stemming from application of the AMGAL program, its
quality and performance
If physical defects are discovered in the documentation or the CD on
which AMGAL is distributed, Dagal Features will replace, at no charge,
the documentation or the CD within 180 days of purchase, providedproof of purchase is presented
“Is the AMGAL software really so special that its developers are incapable
of meeting the challenge of assuring a bug-free product?” continued myfriend “Do other software packages limit their warranties in the same way?”
Though Dagal Features and AMGAL are fictitious, an examination of
the warranties offered by other software developers reveals a similar pattern
No developer will declare that its software is free of defects, as major ufacturers of computer hardware are wont to do This refusal actuallyreflects the essential elemental differences between software and other industrialproducts, such as automobiles, washing machines or radios These differ-ences can be categorized as follows:
man-(1) Product complexity Product complexity can be measured by the
num-ber of operational modes the product permits An industrial product,even an advanced machine, does not allow for more than a few thou-sand modes of operation, created by the combinations of its differentmachine settings Looking at a typical software package one can findmillions of software operation possibilities Assuring that the multitude
of operational possibilities is correctly defined and developed is a majorchallenge to the software industry
Trang 32(2) Product visibility Whereas the industrial products are visible, software
products are invisible Most of the defects in an industrial product can bedetected during the manufacturing process Moreover the absence of apart in an industrial product is, as a rule, highly visible (imagine a doormissing from your new car) However, defects in software products(whether stored on diskettes or CDs) are invisible, as is the fact that parts
of a software package may be absent from the beginning
(3) Product development and production process Let us now review the
phases at which the possibility of detecting defects in an industrial uct may arise:
prod-(a) Product development In this phase the designers and quality
assur-ance (QA) staff check and test the product prototype, in order todetect its defects
(b) Product production planning During this phase the production
process and tools are designed and prepared In some products there
is a need for a special production line to be designed and built Thisphase thus provides additional opportunities to inspect the product,which may reveal defects that “escaped” the reviews and tests con-ducted during the development phase
(c) Manufacturing At this phase QA procedures are applied to detect
failures of products themselves Defects in the product detected in thefirst period of manufacturing can usually be corrected by a change inthe product’s design or materials or in the production tools, in a waythat eliminates such defects in products manufactured in the future
In comparison to industrial products, software products do not benefitfrom the opportunities for detection of defects at all three phases of theproduction process The only phase when defects can be detected is thedevelopment phase Let us review what each phase contributes to thedetection of defects:
(a) Product development During this phase, efforts of the development
teams and software quality assurance professionals are directedtoward detecting inherent product defects At the end of this phase
an approved prototype, ready for reproduction, becomes available
(b) Product production planning This phase is not required for the
soft-ware production process, as the manufacturing of softsoft-ware copiesand printing of software manuals are conducted automatically Thisapplies to any software product, whether the number of copies issmall, as in custom-made software, or large, as in software packagessold to the general public
(c) Manufacturing As mentioned previously, the manufacturing of
software is limited to copying the product and printing copies of thesoftware manuals Consequently, expectations for detecting defectsare quite limited during this phase
Trang 33The differences affecting the detection of defects in software products versusother industrial products are shown in Table 1.1 and Frame 1.1.
It should be noted that significant parts of advanced machinery as well
as of household machines and other products include embedded softwarecomponents (usually termed “firmware”) that are integrated into the prod-uct These software components (the firmware) share the samecharacteristics of the software products mentioned above It follows that thecomparison shown above should actually be that of software products ver-sus other industrial products and non-software components of industrialproducts that include firmware Hereinafter, when mentioning software, wewill mean software products as well as firmware
The fundamental differences between the development and productionprocesses related to software products and those of other industrial productswarrant the creation of a different SQA methodology for software The needfor special tools and methods for the software industry is reflected in the pro-fessional publications as well in special standards devoted to SQA, such asISO 9000-3, “Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 to the develop-ment, supply and maintenance of software” This point is supported by the factthat targeted guidelines have not been prepared by ISO for other industries,
Table 1.1: Factors affecting defect detection in software products vs other industrial products
Characteristic Software products Other industrial products
Complexity Usually, very complex product Degree of complexity much
allowing for very large number lower, allowing at most a few
of operational options thousand operational options
Visibility of product Invisible product, impossible Visible product, allowing
to detect defects or omissions effective detection of defects
by sight (e.g of a diskette or by sight
CD storing the software)
Nature of development Opportunities to detect defects Opportunities to detect
and production process arise in only one phase, defects arise in all phases of
namely product development development and production:
■ Product development
■ Product production planning
■ Manufacturing
Frame 1.1 The uniqueness of the software development process
■ High complexity, as compared to other industrial products
■ Invisibility of the product
■ Opportunities to detect defects (“bugs”) are limited to the product
development phase
Trang 34and the only other targeted guidelines have been prepared for services (ISO9004-2, “Quality management and quality systems elements: Guidelines forthe services”).
The great complexity as well as invisibility of software, among otherproduct characteristics, make the development of SQA methodology and itssuccessful implementation a highly professional challenge
1.2 The environments for which SQA methods are
The software developed by many individuals and in different situations fills a variety of needs:
ful-■ Pupils and students develop software as part of their education
■ Software amateurs develop software as a hobby
■ Professionals in engineering, economics, management and other fieldsdevelop software to assist them in their work, to perform calculations,summarize research and survey activities, and so forth
■ Software development professionals (systems analysts and programmers)develop software products or firmware as a professional career objectivewhile in the employment of software houses or by software developmentand maintenance units (teams, departments, etc.) of large and smallindustrial, financial and other organizations
All those who participate in these activities are required to deal with ware quality problems (“bugs”) However, quality problems in their mostsevere form govern the professional software development
This book is devoted, therefore, to defining and solving many of the ware quality assurance (SQA) problems confronted by software developmentand maintenance professionals However, all other types of software devel-opers can find portions of the book applicable to and recommended for theirown software development efforts
Let us begin with the examination of the environment of professional ware development and maintenance (hereafter “the SQA environment”), as it
soft-is a major consideration in the development of SQA methodologies and theirimplementation The main characteristics of this environment are as follows:
(1) Contractual conditions As a result of the commitments and conditions
defined in the contract between the software developer and the customer,the activities of software development and maintenance need to cope with:
■ A defined list of functional requirements that the developed softwareand its maintenance need to fulfill
■ The project budget
■ The project timetable
Trang 35The managers of software development and maintenance projects need
to invest a considerable amount of effort in the oversight of activities inorder to meet the contract’s requirements
(2) Subjection to customer–supplier relationship Throughout the process of
software development and maintenance, activities are under the sight of the customer The project team has to cooperate continuouslywith the customer: to consider his request for changes, to discuss his crit-icisms about the various aspects of the project, and to get his approvalfor changes initiated by the development team Such relationships do notusually exist when software is developed by non-software professionals
over-(3) Required teamwork Three factors usually motivate the establishment of
a project team rather than assigning the project to one professional:
■ Timetable requirements In other words, the workload undertakenduring the project period requires the participation of more than oneperson if the project is to be completed on time
■ The need for a variety of specializations in order to carry out the project
■ The wish to benefit from professional mutual support and review forthe enhancement of project quality
(4) Cooperation and coordination with other software teams The
carrying-out of projects, especially large-scale projects, by more than one team is
a very common event in the software industry In these cases, tion may be required with:
coopera-■ Other software development teams in the same organization
■ Hardware development teams in the same organization
■ Software and hardware development teams of other suppliers
■ Customer software and hardware development teams that take part
in the project’s development
An outline of cooperation needs, as seen from the perspective of thedevelopment team, is shown in Figure 1.1
(5) Interfaces with other software systems Nowadays, most software
sys-tems include interfaces with other software packages These interfacesallow data in electronic form to flow between the software systems, freefrom keying in of data processed by the other software systems One canidentify the following main types of interfaces:
■ Input interfaces, where other software systems transmit data to yoursoftware system
■ Output interfaces, where your software system transmits processeddata to other software systems
■ Input and output interfaces to the machine’s control board, as in ical and laboratory control systems, metal processing equipment, etc.Salary processing software packages provide good examples of typicalinput and output interfaces to other software packages – see Figure 1.2.First let us look at the input interface In order to calculate salaries, oneneeds the employees’ attendance information, as captured by the time
Trang 36clocks placed at the entrance to the office building and processed later
by the attendance control software system Once a month, this tion (the attendance lists including the overtime data) is transmittedelectronically from the attendance control system to the salary process-ing system This information transmission represents an input interfacefor the salary processing software system; at the same time it represents
informa-an output interface to the attendinforma-ance control system Now, let us examinethe output interface of our system One of the outputs of the salaryprocessing system is the list of “net” salaries, after deduction of theincome tax and other items, payable to the employees This list, includingthe employees’ bank account details, has to be sent to the banks Thetransmission of the list of salary payments is done electronically, repre-senting an output interface for the salary processing system and an inputinterface for the bank’s account system
Hardware development team
Software development team
Other supplier’s development team
Customer’s development team
Other supplier’s development team
Other supplier’s development team
Software development organization
Cooperation and
Other supplier’s development team
Figure 1.1: A cooperation and coordination scheme for a software development team of a
large-scale project
Trang 37(6) The need to continue carrying out a project despite team member
changes It is quite common for team members to leave the team during
the project development period, whether owing to promotions to higherlevel jobs, a switch in employers, transfers to another city, and so forth.The team leader then has to replace the departing team member either
by another employee or by a newly recruited employee No matter howmuch effort is invested in training the new team member, “the showmust go on”, which means that the original project contract timetablewill not change
(7) The need to continue carrying out software maintenance for an
extend-ed period Customers who develop or purchase a software system expect
to continue utilizing it for a long period, usually for 5–10 years Duringthe service period, the need for maintenance will eventually arise Inmost cases, the developer is required to supply these services directly.Internal “customers”, in cases where the software has been developedin-house, share the same expectation regarding the software mainte-nance during the service period of the software system
The environmental characteristics create a need for intensive and continuousmanagerial efforts parallel to the professional efforts that have to be invest-
ed in order to assure the project’s quality, in other words to assure theproject’s success
A summary of the main characteristics of the SQA environment is shown
in Frame 1.2
A significant amount of software as well as firmware development is notcarried out subject to formal contracts or formal customer–supplier rela-tionships, as mentioned in the first two SQA environment characteristics Thistype of activity usually concerns software developed in-house for internal use
Salary processing system Money transfers to employees’ bank accounts Output Interface
Bank information system
Figure 1.2: The salary software system – an example of software interfaces
Trang 38or for marketing as software packages and in-house development of
firm-ware The relationships between the marketing department that initiates and
defines the qualifications of a new product and the respective in-house
soft-ware development department often resemble a contract and customer–
supplier relationship The same applies to internal requests for a new
soft-ware system or for the upgrading of current softsoft-ware or firmsoft-ware to be
implemented by the organization’s software department Actual
relation-ships between the internal “customers” and the development departments
are found to vary greatly when measured by a formal–informal scale Some
managers claim that the closer the relationships to the formal form, the
greater the prospects for the project’s success
(1) The uniqueness of software quality assurance
The fundamental differences between software products (including firmware) and
other products are caused by the higher product complexity, by the invisibility of
software and by the nature of the product development and production process.
These differences create the need for an SQA methodology and tools for SQA that
will meet the special and different challenges for the development and operation of
quality assurance for software
(2) The environments for which SQA methods were developed
The SQA methods and tools discussed in this book are specially aimed at the needs
of professional software development and maintenance, activities where quality
problems appear in their most severe form, and where the most painful losses are
expected Therefore any method or tool to be applied is subject to the
environmen-tal characteristics of their activities, namely:
■ Contract conditions and commitments defining the contents and timetable.
■ The conditions of the customer–supplier relationship, as realized by the need
for consultation with the customer and the acquisition of his approval.
2 Subjection to customer–supplier relationship
3 Requirement for teamwork
4 Need for cooperation and coordination with other development teams
5 Need for interfaces with other software systems
6 Need to continue carrying out a project while the team changes
7 Need to continue maintaining the software system for years
Trang 39■ Teamwork requirements.
■ Need for cooperation and coordination with other software and hardware opment teams both internally and externally.
devel-■ Need for interfaces with other software systems.
■ Need to continue carrying out a project when team members change.
■ Need to conduct maintenance of the software system for several years These environmental characteristics also apply to internal development of software and firmware, though only informal contract or informal customer–supplier rela- tionships exist in these cases These characteristics demand that intensive and continuous managerial efforts be expended in parallel to the professional efforts that have to be invested in order to ensure the project’s quality or, in other words,
to assure the project’s success.
Review questions
1.1 There are three major differences between software products and other industrial
(1) Identify and describe the differences.
(2) Discuss the ways in which these differences affect SQA.
1.2 It is claimed that no significant SQA activities are expected to take place during the
phase of production planning for software products.
(1) Discuss this claim.
(2) Compare the required production planning for a new automobile model with the production planning efforts required for a new release of a software product.
1.3 Seven issues characterize the professional software development and
mainte-nance environment.
(1) Identify and describe these characteristics.
(2) Which of these environmental characteristics mainly affect the professional efforts required for carrying out software development and maintenance proj- ects? List the characteristics and explain why a professional effort is needed (3) Which of these environmental characteristics mainly affect the managerial efforts required for carrying out software development and maintenance proj- ects? List the characteristics and explain why such efforts are needed.
Topics for discussion
1.1 Educational systems are assumed to prepare the students to cope with real-life
conditions Examine the procedural requirements of a software development ect or final software project, and determine which of the requirements could be considered as preparatory to professional life situations as discussed above
proj-1.2 Referring to the seven environmental characteristics of software development and
Trang 40maintenance, consider the characteristics of future software products, discussing
whether the professional and managerial burden of coping with these
characteris-tics in future is expected to be higher or lower when compared with the current
performance of these activities
1.3 The interfaces of a salary processing system are exhibited in Figure 1.2.
(1) Suggest what are the main benefits of applying computerized interfaces
instead of transferring printouts.
(2) Give two additional examples where input interfaces are applied.
(3) Give two additional examples where output interfaces are applied
(4) Suggest additional situations where the use of input and output interfaces is
not applied and should be recommended.
(5) Would you advise all information transfers from one organization to another
be performed by computerized interface? Discuss the reasons behind your
1.4 The need to carry out work by a team demands additional investment in
coordina-tion of the team members Discuss whether these managerial efforts could be
saved if the work were performed as a “one-man job”
1.5 It is clear that a software development project carried out by a software house for
a specific customer is carried out under content and timetable obligations, and is
subject to the customer–supplier relationship.
(1) Discuss whether a customer–supplier relationship is expected when the
soft-ware developed is to be sold to the public as a softsoft-ware package.
(2) Discuss whether a customer–supplier relationship is expected when software
is developed for in-house use, as in the case where a software development
department develops an inventory program for the company’s warehouses.
(3) Some managers claim that the closer relationships are to a formal pattern, the
greater the prospects are for the project’s success Discuss whether
imple-menting customer–supplier relationships in the situations mentioned in (1)
and (2) are a benefit for the company (referring to the internal customer and
supplier) or an unnecessary burden to the development team
1.6 It has been claimed that environmental characteristics create the need for
inten-sive and continuous managerial efforts parallel to the professional efforts that
have to be invested in order to ensure the project’s quality or, in other words, to
assure the project’s success Discuss the reasons behind this claim, including an
analysis of the managerial effort created by each of the SQA environmental