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Unit 13 films and cinema

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Lesson Plan – Grade 10 Date:March 8th,2009 Period :82 FILMS AND CINEMA Unit 13 Lesson READING I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as skimming for main ideas, summarising main ideas, scanning for specific ideas, and guessing meaning in context - Use the grammatical structure “It was not until that ” and cinema vocabulary II Language Focus: - Grammar: the grammatical structure “It was not until that ” - New words: silent films, screen, character III Teaching Aids: overhead projector, cassette player, textbook IV Procedures: Stages/ Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Time Cinema Crossword Puzzle -T divides the class into small groups of – Ss Then T distributes -Ss enjoy playing the the following crossword puzzle handouts for Ss to in their own game in groups of – Warm – up groups Which group finishes first and has all the correct answers Ss (5 minutes) will be the winner -T introduces the topic “Music” Across: A film that makes you laugh is a The person who makes a film All the people who act in a film The story of a film Down: The music of a film The word of a film A film that frightens you is a film The most important actor in a film * Suggested answers: sound-track comedy script horror director star cast plot Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 Pre – reading minutes While – reading minutes minutes minutes -T draws a network on the board and elicits cinema vocabulary from Ss The key word is “Cinema” -T makes sure Ss understand the meaning of these words and teaches their prounciation, if necessary -Then T guides Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs: 1.Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV? Why? 2.Can you name some of the films you have seen? 3.What kinds of films you want to see? Why? Pre-teaching vocabulary and structure +motion (n): the act of moving, or changing place or position +set something in motion = move something +still (a): silent +audience (n): viewers +spread (v): to extend over a place +replace (v): [ It was not until TIME that CLAUSE] -This structure means the same as not before It refers to the commencement point of an action or event in the past Ex: It was not until last year that we began this program = We didn’t begin this program before last year = We began this program last year -T may ask Ss to make some sentences with the new structure Task – Find the correct words in the passage to match with the definition -T gets Ss to read the passage individually and the task -T goes around to help Ss when necessary -T calls Ss to present and explain their answers -T gives the correct answers * Expected answers: Cinema Sequence Decade Rapidly Scene Character Task – Answering questions -T asks Ss to work individually to the task -T asks Ss to discuss their answers with their peers -T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks them to explain their choices -T comments and gives the suggested answers * Suggested answers: In the early 19th century At that time the scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures was set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement No, they didn’t In the early 1910s At the end of the 1920s The musical cinema -Ss work in pairs and the task -Ss listen to T’s explanation and take notes new vocabulary -Ss work individually and the task -Ss present their answers in front of the class -Ss take note the correct answers -Ss work individually and the task -Ss work in pairs -Ss present their answers in front of the class -Ss listen T’s comment and write down the correct answers Task – Choose the best title for the passage -T asks Ss to read the options A, B and C to find out the differences -Ss work individually between them the task -T asks Ss to go back to the passage, and read the first and the last sentence to decide the main idea -T gives Ss some minutes to the task and checks with the whole class Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 * Suggested answer: B(The passage briefly presents the development of the cinema from the old silent films to musicals) Post – reading 10 minutes -T asks Ss to work in groups of to take notes of the main events described in the passage, based on the cues given in the textbook -T asks Ss to take turns to talk about the history of cinema based on their notes -T goes around to help the groups when necessary -T calls on some groups to report their ideas to the class Group work and whole -T correct mistakes if necessary class Homework -T summarises the main points in the lesson -T asks Ss to learn all of the new words by heart minutes and prepare SPEAKING for the next period Date:March 10th,2009 Period :83 Unit 13(cont.) - Ss listen and take notes FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson SPEAKING I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - ask and answer questions about the plot of a film based on prompts - tell what kinds of film they like and dislike - express their opinions about a film, using attitudinal adjectives II Language Focus: - Grammar: [Sb find St/sb + Adj]; [Adjectives ending with –ing and –ed] - New words: revision III Teaching Aids: textbooks, pictures IV Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm – up Film categorization (7 minutes) - T divides the class into small groups of or -T sticks some different film posters on the board or the walls (T can print these posters) -Ss work in groups of four -T asks Ss to work in groups, discussing and giving out the right name of the film for each poster * Suggested films: Pre – speaking Science fiction film Cartoon Horror film Detective film Thriller Romantic comedy War film Action film -T asks Ss if they have seen these films Then T introduces the -Ss answer T’s questions topic of the lesson -T gets across to Ss that some types of films need the word “film” but some don’t For example, we say “thriller”, “comedy”, -Ss take notes “cartoon” but “action film”, horror film” etc -T can ask Ss what they know about these singers and name some of their songs Task – Put a stick in the right column -T asks Ss to study the table on page 134 and tick the boxes that suit their preferences for a particular type of films -Then T asks Ss to move around the classroom and find as many Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 minutes friends that have the same preferences as them as possible -T calls on some Ss to report their likes and dislikes and the numbers of friends who have the same tastes as them minutes Task -T gets Ss to brainstorm all the adjectives that can be used to describe films, e.g interesting, exciting, fascinating, amusing, boring, horrifying -T introduces the structure Sb find /st/sb + Adj, which can be used to express one’s opinion about something or someone Ex: I find horror films fascinating -T elicits the expressions of agreement and disagreement: Agreement Disagreement I agree I don’t think so Yes, exactly Yes, but Right! Do you think so? Sure! You can’t be serious! -T invites three Ss to read the model conversation in the textbook T correct Ss’s intonation and pronunciation if necessary -T divides the class into small groups of and instructs Ss to find out what the other members of their group feel about the given types of films -T goes around offering help While – Task – Find out the preferences for films speaking -T asks Ss to work in pairs and find out about their partner’s preference for particular type of films -T goes around to observe, offering help and collecting mistakes 12 minites -T calls on some Ss to talk about their ideas and asks others Ss to add more -T gives feedback and correct answers Post – Task – Talk about a film you have seen speaking -T instructs Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering questions about a film that they have seen, using suggestions given in the minutes textbook -T asks Ss to take note of their friend’s story -T goes around offering help -T calls on some Ss to report on their friends’ story -T takes note of Ss’ mistakes for later correction -T writes some typical mistakes and errors on the board for peer correction Homework -T summarise the main points in the lesson minutes -T requires Ss to prepare LISTENING for the next period Date:March 11th,2009 Period :84 Unit 13(cont.) -Individual work mingling activity and -Ss work individually -Ss work in groups -Ss work in pairs and the task -Ss work in pairs and present their ideas in front of the class -Ss listen to T and correct mistakes - Ss listen and take notes FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson LISTENING I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - listen to get specific information II Language Focus: - Grammar: revision - New words: revision III Teaching Aids: pictures in the textbook, cassette, extra board IV Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 Activities Warm – up (7 minutes) Pre – listening minutes Whilelistening minutes 10 minutes A Quiz about Titanic -T asks Ss to answers all the questions given about the film Titanic -T divides the class into two big groups: A and B * Suggested Questions & Answers: What is the name of the main female character in “Titanic”? (Rose) Who played the main female character?(Kate Winslet) What is the name if the main male character? (Jack) Who played the main male character? (Leonardo DiCarprio) What is the theme song for “Titanic”? (My heart will go on) Who sang this song in the movie?(Celine Dion) In what year did “Titanic” come to the threatres?(1997) How many awards did it have?(11 awards) Talking about Van Cao -T asks Ss to look at the talbe on page 136 and asks the whole class some questions: + How often you go to the cinema? + How about listening to the radio? - T asks Ss to look at the pictures in Task and predict the content of the conversation T should elicit by asking questions : + What you see in the picture? + What you think they may want to do? + What film may they want to see? -T introduces some new words that will appear in the listening task Titanic cinema instead suppose guess picnic -Ss play the game held by the T in groups -Ss work individually -Ss listen to T’s guidance and take note new words, practise pronouncing them -Ss listen to teacher and take note new words Task -T asks Ss that they are going to listen to the tape and verify their - Ss work prediction individually to -T plays the tape once for Ss to the task listen to the tapes -T invites some Ss to answer the question in the textbook and Task -T gives out the correct answer -Ss give out the Answer: They’re planning to go to see the results after “Titanic” listening to the tape - Ss compare their answers with a friend and present them on the board Task – Write the plans for the netx week on the calendar -T asks Ss whether they can the task based on the previous times of - Ss work in listening individual to listen -If Ss can, T asks them to give the answers and write them on the board to the tapes and -T plays the tape once for Ss to check their answers Task -If not, T asks Ss to listen to the tape again and write down the girls’ plans in note forms -Ss give out their -T asks Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers guesses before Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 minutes Postlistening 10 minutes Homework minutes -If there are a lot of Ss having the same wrong answer, play that point of listening to the the tape for Ss to check the answers again tape three times -T gives feedback and correct answers * Expected answers: - Ss compare their answers with a friend and present Lan Huong them on the board Mon See a play Tue Work and go to Wed singing club Visit Thu grandparents -Ss take note the Fri Study Chinese correct answers on Sat Work (busy) the extra board Sun Go on a picnic Task -T asks the whole class what day Lan and Huong can meet -Ss work -T invites Ss to explain their anwers individually and * Suggested answers: Tuesday (because they are answer the both free on Tuesday) questions Summary -T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turn to summarise the conversation -Ss work in pairs between the two girls, basing themselves on the notes they have taken for to the task Task -T goes around offering help -Ss work in pairs -T calls some Ss to tell the class again about Lan and Huong’s plans to perform the -T asks Ss to work in pairs and role play the conversation conversation -T invites some pairs to perform on front of the class and gives feedback -Ss listen to T’s remarks -T summarize the main points -T asks Ss to learn by heart all new words - Ss listen and take -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period notes Date:March 16th,2009 Period :85 Unit 13(cont.) FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson WRITING I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - write a descriptive paragraph about a film they have seem, based on prompts II Language Focus: - Grammar: revision - New words: revision III Teaching Aids: textbook, pictures, handouts IV Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Competition game – Singing songs in films Warm-up -T divides the class into two big groups: A and B -T asks each group to take turn to sing as many songs in -Ss play the game in groups (7 minutes) films as possible -The group has more songs will be the winner Task – Working with the model -T introduces the task and draws this table of summary on Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 the board: -Ss work in groups Pre-writing 10 minutes -Ss listen to T’s guidance and the task Title? Type? Plot? Filming place? Based on? Main characters? -T asks Ss to read the text about “Titanic” individually for minutes and then find a partner to answer the questions and complete the table of summary together -T goes around to help Ss -T calls on some Ss to go and write their answers on the board -T gives feedback and correct answers Task 2– Writing -T introduces the task and asks Ss to write the paragraph for 10 minutes -While Ss write the letter, T should go around to observe and provide help 20 minutes Feedback on Ss’ writings -T asks Ss to exchange their paragraph with another student for peer correction -T goes around and collect mistakes and errors -T collects some wrtings for quick feedback -T writes typical errors on the board and elicits self and peer correcttion -T gives general comments on the paragraphs Post- writing Talking -T asks Ss to work in groups of 4-5 to tell about their minutes favourite kinds of films Homework -T summarise the main points in the lesson -T asks students to complete all of the tasks in the textbook minutes -T asks students to prepare Language Focus for next period Date:March 18th,2009 Period : 86 -Ss go the board to write their sentences -Ss take notes the correct answers While-writing Unit 13(cont.) -Individual work -Pair work and whole class -Ss work in groups -Ss listen and take notes FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish and pronounce the sound / f / and / v / correctly - use attitudinal adjectives to describe films or to express their option about particular films - Use structure “It was not until that ” and article “a/an/the” appropriately II Language Focus: - Grammar: as the above - New words: revision III Teaching Aids: Textbooks IV Procedures: Stages/Time Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 Warm-up Films telling -T invites some Ss to tell the films that they have seen recently (4 minutes) Pronunciation minutes Vocabulary minutes minutes Activity – Listen and repeat -T demonstrates the sounds / f / and / v / by pronouncing them exactly and clearly -T instructs the ways to pronounce two sounds -T asks Ss to pronounce the sounds several times -T makes sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the two sounds -T reads the wortds in each column all at once -T reads the words again, each time with a word in each column to help Ss distinguish the differences between the sounds in the words -T reads the words and asks Ss to repeat them -T asks Ss to practise pronouncing the words in pairs -T goes around to provide help -T gives feedback Activity – Practise these sentences -T reads the sentences and asks Ss underlined the words with the sound and / f / or / v / under them -T asks Ss to practise the sentences in pairs -T goes around the class and provides help if necessary -T gives feedback Exercise -T intriduces the exercise and asks Ss to write the adjectival forms of the verbs given in the textbook -T asks Ss to read the verbs quickly -T divides the class into two big groups -T reads out any verb in the list and the members of each group will take turn to go to the board and write the corresponding adjectival forms T keeps reading until there are no more verbs in the list The group with more correct answers will be the winner -T explains difficult words the differences between the two forms: + the –ing form has an active meaning E.g if something is interesting, it interests you + the –ed form has a passive meaning E.g if something is interesting, you are interested in -T gives out the correct answers Exercise -T introduces the exercises and asks Ss to read through all of the sentences -T gets Ss to the exercise individually -T goes around to provide help -T asks them to compate their answers with others -T asks Ss to go to the board to write their answers -T gives correct answers * Expected answers: a depressing b depressed a interested b interesting a boring b bored a excited b exciting a exhausting b exhausted -Ss work in groups, playing the game as guided -Ss observe and listen to teacher’s guidance -Ss listen -Ss pronuncation practise -Ss listen carefully & work in pairs to read the sentences -Ss work individually - Ss work in groups and the task -Ss listen T’s explanation and take note -Ss work individually, doing the exercise, then exchange the results with a partner to take peer correction - Ss listen and take notes Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 Grammar minutes minutes Exercise a Presentation -T elicits from Ss the form, meaning and use of the structure “It was not until that ” -T gets Ss to translate some English sentences into Vietnamese and /or vice versa to check that they understand and use the structure correctly * Examples: + It was not until last year that this school was built + It was not until this May that she found a job ================== b Practice -T asks Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with -T calls on some Ss to read out their answers -T feedbacks and gives correct answers * Suggested answers: It was not until 1990 that she became a teacher It was not until he was 30 that he knew how to swim It was not until 1980 that they began to learn English (To be continued) Task a Presentation -T elicits from Ss the form, meaning and use of the indefinite article “a/an” and definite article “the”  a + singular countable noun beginning with a consonant (a dog, a bag, etc.)  an + singular countable noun beginning with a vowel (an umbrella, an orange, etc.)  We don’t use a/an together with another determiner (my, his, her, etc.)  The + singular countable noun  The + plural countable noun  The + uncountable noun  We don’t use “the” together with another determiner (my, his, her, etc.) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == b Practice -T asks Ss to exercise individually and then find a partner to check their answers with -T checks with the whole class -T gives out the correct answers * Suggested answers: a the the Homework minutes an a a the the the 10 a 11 a 12 the 13 the 14 an 15 a -Ss work individually -Ss work individually and then check again with a friend -Ss listen & take note -Ss work individually and then check their answer with a partner 16 a 17 the 18 a - T asks Ss to continue doing the remaning exercises - T asks Ss to prepare Unit 14 -Ss listen notes and take Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh Lesson Plan – Grade 10 Teacher in-charge: Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh ... of the new words by heart minutes and prepare SPEAKING for the next period Date:March 10th,2009 Period :83 Unit 13( cont.) - Ss listen and take notes FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson SPEAKING I Objectives:... notes the correct answers While-writing Unit 13( cont.) -Individual work -Pair work and whole class -Ss work in groups -Ss listen and take notes FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson LANGUAGE FOCUS I Objectives:... by heart all new words - Ss listen and take -T asks Ss to prepare WRITING for the next period notes Date:March 16th,2009 Period :85 Unit 13( cont.) FILMS AND CINEMA Lesson WRITING I Objectives:

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