INFORMATION ON MASTER’THESIS Full name: Nguyen Duc Vinh Sex: Male Date of birth: 07.02.1978 Place of birth: Thai Nguyen Decision to recognize students of :2714QĐ-CTSV on May 18/12/2008 The changes in the training process: No Title of dissertation: "To the pair Squark Susy-QCD in e+e- processes with complex parameters," Major: Theoretical Physics and Mathematical Physics Code: 60.44.01 10 Scientific staff guide: TS Pham Thuc Tuyen - Physical Sciences - University of Natural Sciences 11 Summary results of the thesis: Interaction Lagrangian and Feynman rules in the MSSM To obtain the mass spectrum of particles in a physical theory we have carried out standard procedures symmetry breaking with the average value of the Higgs vacuum I will choose the vacuum average of the two Higgs multi-line as follows: to satisfy the equation : H 1 , 0 H2 0 2 1,2 to satisfy the equation e2 2 2 8sin cos 1 mH1 1 S e2 2 2 8sin cos 1 mH S1 Charge e of the particles related to the coefficients related g1,2 through a parameter called the Weinberg angle e g1 cos g sin Lagrangian interaction between the quark and the gauge field photon ( ), wion, Zion and gluon (g): Lqq eeq q qA LqqZ g q cos W I qL eq sin W PL eq sin W PR qZ g q CqL PL CqR PR q cos W CqL,R I qL , R eq sin W g W t PLb Wb PLt g sTrsaGa qr qs LqqW Lqqg Interaction between the super-partner of the quark (scalar quark) with the standard They are: - Squark-squark-photon Lqq ieeq q L* q L q R* q R A ieeq A Riq1 R qj1 Riq2 R qj2 q *j qi ieeq ij A q *j qi Squark-squark- Z LqqZ - Squark-squark- W Lqq W - ig ig Z CqL q *L q L CqR q R* q R cij Z q *j qi cos W cos W ig ig W tL* bL W bR* tR Riq1 R qj1W tj* bi Riq2 R qj2Wb *j ti 2 Squark-squark-gluon a a * * a a * Lqqg ig T G q q q q ig T G q qis s rs Lr Ls Rr Rs s rs ij jr The interaction between the quark with the five Higgs field in: LqqH s1q h0 qq s2q H qq s3q A0 q 5q H t s4t PL s4b PR b H b s4b PL s4t PR t Interaction between the squark and Higgs boson can be written in general as follows: LqqH * * ˆ qL H k qL , qR Gk Gk H k q j * qi ij q R Quark-squark-chargino Lqq gt U1 j PR YtV2 j PL j bL gt YbV2 j PR j bR gb V1 j PR YbU j PL j c tL gb YtV2 j PR j c tR g j U1 j PL YtV2 j PR tbL* g j YbV2 j PL tbR* g j c V1 j PL YbU j PR btL* g j c YtV2 j PL btR* gt lijb PR kij PL j bL gt YbV2 j PR j bR gb V1 j PR YbU j PL j c tL gb YtV2 j PR j c tR g j U1 j PL YtV2 j PR tbL* g j YbV2 j PL tbR* g j c V1 j PL YbU j PR btL* g j c YtV2 j PL btR* Quark-squark-neutralino q q Lqq gq f Lkq PR hLk PL k0 q L gq hRk PR f Rkq PL k0 q R H c gq aikq PR bikq PL k0 qi g k0 aikq PL bikq PR qqi* - Quark-squark-gluino a * * a q Ls qr PR g a q Rs g a PL qr q Ls Lqqg g a PL qr q Rs g s Trs qr PR g g sTrsa qr Riq1 PR Riq2 PL g a qis g a Riq1 PL Riq2 PR qr qis* - Gluon-gluino-gluino Lggg ig s f abc Ga g b g c Squark-squark-gauge boson-gauge boson 2 L* q L q R* q R e eq2 ij A A q *j qi Lqq e eq A A q LqqZZ g2 2 Z Z C qL q L* q L C qR q R* q R cos W g2 2 Z Z C qL Riq1 R qj1 C qR Riq2 R qj2 q *j q i cos W g2 zij Z Z q *j q i cos W Four squark interactions a a Lqqqq g s TmnTrs Ri1 R j1 Ri2 R j q jm* qin Rk1 Rl1 Rk2 Rl2 qkr * qls a g s2Tmn Trsa Sij S kl q jm* qin q kr * qls KEY ADDITION FOR CARRYING SQUARK QCD WITH COMPLEX PARAMETER The mix of boxer's arm moves and squark Then, the partial width of decay qi ( qi ti , bi ) into final state fermions are qi q k0 a q b q ik ik m qi g mq2i , mq2 , m2 k 16 m qi mq2 m2 Re aikq*bikq mq m k k and qi q k0 a q b q ik ik m qi g mq2i , mq2 , m2 k 16 m qi mq2 m2 Re aikq*bikq mq m k k Partial width of decay qi ( qi ti , bi ) of the final state boson (gauge and Higgs) would be: qi W qk W qi q j g A m qi , mW2 , mq2j g B21Z mq22 , mZ2 , mq21 Z 16 m m qi H q j q2 g CqHj qi mq2i , mH2 , mq2j 16 m † qi g C q H i q qi H i q1 16 mW2 mq3i qi Z q1 2 m q , mH2 i , mq21 16 mq32 We have the following comments received on the results above The process e e qi q j occurs via s-channel transmission with a photon and Z boson particle 12 Applicability in practice: The estimated number may be partially verifiable credibility of the results obtained using experimental results from LEP, LEP2 13 The following research: Results of calculation for all possible schema can conclude about the complexity of the parameters in the MSSM 14 All works published related essays: No December 20, 2011 Signature: Nguyen Duc Vinh