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Unit 01. My new school. Lesson 1. Getting started

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What are these people doing ?  They are selling newspapers What are these women doing ?  They are selling fruit along streets What are these women and men waiting for ? They are waiting for jobs - Why are so many people leaving their home ? - What problems they cause ? Week: 18 Thursday, December 19 th 2013 Period: 52 Unit 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 3: Read Unit Country life and city life I New words: rural urban typhoon Lesson 3: Read thuộc nơng thơn (a): (a): (n) : thuộc thị , thành phố trận bão lớn flood (n) : trận lụt drought (n) : nạn hạn hán struggle (n) : đấu tranh strain (n) : tải (dân số) migrant (n) : dân di cư (to) increase : gia tăng Unit Country life and city life Lesson 4: Read Vocabulary - typhoon (n) : trận bão lớn - flood (n) : trận lụt - drought (n) : nạn hạn hán - struggle (n) : đấu tranh - strain (n) : tải (dân số) - migrant - (to) increase (n) : dân di cư (v) : gia tăng READ: Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional way of life and moving to the city They believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the city At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money until the following year Often farmers look for other work when they need more money for their family The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities This puts a strain on schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity supplies Increased pollution is another unpleasant result There is also a human side to this tragedy Families sometimes have to live apart In these cases, children may live at home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area Governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these migrants, but it can be quite a problem rural area Matching a well-paying job urban area (to) live apart (to) put a strain on a sèng c¸ch xa b dÉn ®Õn sù qu¸ t¶i c vïng n«ng th«n d c«ng viƯc ®­ỵc tr¶ l­¬ng cao e cc ®Êu tranh víi thiªn nhiªn overcrowding (n) g vïng ®« thÞ a struggle with nature h qu¸ ®«ng ng­êi Complete the summary Use information from passage leaving their (2) _ home to go and People from the countryside are (1) city Farming can sometimes be a difficult life and live in the (3) rural city these people from (4) areas feel the (5) offers more opportunities However, many people coming to the city create schools or (8) , hospitals problems There may not be enough (7) (6) _ while water and electricity supplies may not be adequate This is problem facing governments around the (10) world a (9) Find the word in passage that means: a) b) c) d) e) f) of the country side as many as needed become greater or large a great pressure a terrible event of the city or city life = = = = = = rural plentiful increase strain tragedy urban - Learn by heart the new words - Write a passage about the reasons why many people are leaving their home for the city and problems they cause, - Prepare for the next lesson: Write / P.76 [...].. .2 Find the word in passage that means: a) b) c) d) e) f) of the country side as many as needed become greater or large a great pressure a terrible event of the city or city life = = = = = = rural plentiful increase strain tragedy urban - Learn by heart the new words - Write a passage about the reasons why many people are leaving their home for the city and problems they cause, - Prepare for... plentiful increase strain tragedy urban - Learn by heart the new words - Write a passage about the reasons why many people are leaving their home for the city and problems they cause, - Prepare for the next lesson: Write / P.76 ENGLISH Unit Unit1:1:My Myhobbies hobbies Lesson 1: Getting started My favourite hobby Listen and read Nick: Hi Mi, welcome to our house! Elena: Come upstairs! I’ll show you my room Mi: Wow! You have so many dolls Elena: Yes My hobby is collecting dolls Do you have a hobby? Mi: I like collecting glass bottles Elena: Really? That’s very unusual Is it expensive? Mi: Not at all, I just keep the bottles after we use them What about doll collecting? Is it expensive? Elena: I guess so, but all of my dolls are presents My parents, and my aunt and uncle always give me dolls on special occasions Mi: Your dolls are all very different Elena: Yes, they’re from all over the world! Nick: I don’t know why girls collect things It’s a piece of cake Mi: Do you have a difficult hobby, Nick? Nick: Yes, I enjoy mountain climbing Mi: But Nick, there are no mountains around here! Nick: I know I’m in a mountain climbing club We travel to mountains around Viet Nam In the future, I’ll climb mountains in other countries too a Are the sentences below true (T) or false (F) F 1.Elena’s room is on the first floor V 2.There are a lot of dolls in Elena’s room V 3.Mi has the same hobby as Elena V 4.Elena’s grandparents usually give her dolls V 5.Nick thinks mountain climbing is more challenging than collecting things T V b Answer the following questions When does Elena receive dolls from her family members? She receives dolls on special occasions ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Are her dolls the same? No, they aren’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………… How does Mi collect bottles? She keeps the bottles after using them ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Does Mi think collecting bottles costs much money? No, she doesn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Has Nick climbed mountains in other countries? No, he hasn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Vocabulary: - Cycling Taking photos Cooking Bird-watching : đạp xe : chụp ảnh : nấu ăn quan sát chim Gardening : làm vườn Arranging flowers : cắm hoa Skating : trượt băng Play the guitar : chơi đàn ghita Play board games : chơi chơi bàn cờ Choose the words/ phrases in that match the pictures below Write them in the spaces skating cycling 4………………… playing board games 2………………… playing the guitar 5………………… taking photos 3………………………… gardening 6……………… 7……………………… bird-watching 8………………………… cooking arranging flower Work in pairs and complete the tables below Do you think the hobbies in are cheap or expensive, easy or difficult? Can you add some other hobbies to the lists? Cheap hobbies Expensive hobbies Easy hobbies Can you add some other hobbies to the lists? Difficult hobbies 1 ENGLISH TEACHING PLAN Week: 01 Period: 02 Date of planning:15/8/2015 UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 1: Getting Started - A special day I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this unit II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the items related to the school Structures: The present simple and the present continuous tense III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities Ss’ Activities - Write the title on the board ‘A special day’ Explain the meaning of ‘special’ and ask Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about - Let Ss open their books and check their answers - Ask Ss questions about the picture - Whole class - Play the recording - Listen and read - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and decide they are true or false - Allow Ss to share answers before discussing as a class - Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the expressions Teacher: Đinh Thị Phượng Content * Presentation: Guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about - What is Phong doing? - Who are Vy and Phong? - Why is it a special day? Listen and read - Individual work * Practice: a Are these sentences true or false? Key: T T F T F b Find these expressions in the conversation Check what they mean Key: 1.Used to express surprise (negative) 2.‘You’ll find out.’ 3.Used to invite sb in School year: 2015-2016 Not e ENGLISH TEACHING PLAN 4.Used to say ‘yes’ / ‘alright’ - Practice saying them together - Whole class - Ask Ss to role-plays the short conversations in pairs before creating short role-plays - Ask Ss to extend the conversations - Pair-work c Create short role-plays with the expressions Then practice them Listen and read the poem - Play the recording - Whole class - Let Ss read the poem in the right intonation and rhythm and check their understanding of the poem - Ask Ss to write a poem about - Pair-work their partner, then read them poem aloud - Ask Ss to match the words with the school things - Play the recording - Pair-work - Listen and repeat - Let Ss to practice saying the names of school things - Allow Ss to check their answer in groups - Tell Ss to look around the class - Individual Ask what they see around them/ work what they have - Let Ss to practice the words, and make up the sentences with the words it there is time Example: Khanh is going to back to school today His friends are going back to school, too His new school year starts today He’s got a new bike His friends are on their way … Match the words with the school things Then listen and repeat Key: 1–b 2–e 3–j 4–d 5–c 6–i 7–f 8–a 9–g 10 – h * Production: What other things you have in your class? Example: Table, desk, noticeboard, picture, flowers… *Homework: - Write the items related to school in the book - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 1) Experiments: Teacher: Đinh Thị Phượng School year: 2015-2016 ENGLISH TEACHING PLAN Week: 01 Period: 03 Date of planning:15/8/2015 UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL Lesson 2: A Closer Look I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds // and // in isolation and in context II Language Focus: Vocabulary: the subjects in the school Structures: o The present simple o The combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun III Method: Communicative approach IV Teaching ads: Course book, CD player V Procedures: Teacher’s Activities - Ask students to name some subjects they learn - Play the recording - Play it again and pause for Ss to repeat each word - Correct their pronunciation Ss’ Activities - Whole class * Warm-up: Subjects: Math, music, English, … - Listen - Listen and repeat * Presentation:  Vocabylary Listen and repeat the words physics exercise English vocabulary history football homework lessons judo music school lunch science - Ask Ss to put the words in into - UNIT 10 RECYCLING PERIOD 61 LESSON 1 : GETTING STARTED LISTEN AND READ A / Aims and objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do something to protect the environment and save natural resources . B / Teaching aids : Textbook , posters , cassette , 6 flashcards , a chart … C / Procedure : I / Warm up : Brainstorming (Getting started) Reuse plastic bags - Ask Ss to think of ways to reduce the amount of garbage they produce . - Deliver posters to Ss , dividing them into 4 groups - Tell Ss to put the posters on the board after they finish and the team having the most good ideas is Group work of 4/5 teams Ways to reduce the amount of the winner . - Give feedback ( Use cloth bags , use tree leaves to wrap things , make garbage into fertilizer , make vegetable matter into animal food … )  Lead in to new lesson . II / Pre – reading : Introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words to Ss . 1. Pre – teach vocabulary : - representative (n) = dai dien - to protect = to keep so/ sth safe from danger . -> to protect so / sth from so / sth - natural resource (n) : coal mines , oil / gold / mineral deposits - to recycle “ to make sth already used able to be used again . - to contact = to communicate with so by telephone or letter . -> Have Ss copy . * Checking technique : Jumbled words Individual - Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words on the board - Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right order . - Tell Ss the first two groups with right words will get 2 points . - Correct and give feedback contact – representative – resource natural – protect – recycle 2. True / false predictions - Set the scene “ A representative from Friends of the Earth , Miss Blake , is talking to the students of Quang Trung School . Friends of the Earth shows people how to protect the environment and save Teacher – Ss Whole class Group work of 4/5 Ss tcona tc psentrer etivea cereso ru ralnat u ropttc e cyrec el natural resources “ - Put the chart with the statements on the board . 1. Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other . 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things : reduce , reuse , recycle . 3. Reduce means buying the products which are over packed . 4. We can not reuse things like envelopes , glass , plastic bottles , old plastic bags . 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and should not use plastic bags at all . 6. Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them . - Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false . - Call on some Ss to read their guesses and write them on the board . II / While – reading : 1. Checking predictions Teacher – Ss - Ask Ss to open their books , listen to the tape while reading the dialogue . - Call on Ss to correct the false statements . - Give feedback 1. False -> an organization to help people 2. True 3. False -> Reduce means not buying … 4. False -> We can reuse things … 5. True 6. True 2. Comprehension questions : - Ask Ss to look at the questions and work in pairs . - Monitor and help Ss with their work - Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions . - Give feedback a. Reduce means not buying products which are over packed . b. We can reuse things like envelopes , glass , plastic bottles and old plastic bags . c. Recycle means not just throwing things away . Pair work Individual Whole class Try and find another use for them . d. We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth , going to the UNIT ONE : BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 2 : A. Friends (3-5). I. Objectives. - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand how to say formal greetings . - Students get : 1. Vocabulary : - How is everything? - Just fine/not bad - preetty good 2. Grammar: Review : - The present simple tense. -Ss practice skills:listening,speaking ,writing. II. Preparation : - Material: Textbook,workbook, pictures. - Equipments: cassette, tape. III. Teaching process 1.Class organization: 2.Oral test: -2 pairs of students make dialogues,using the cues: a. Hello/nice/meet/too. b. b.Hi/pleased/see/ again/too. c. morning /glad/ meet/new classmate/Hoa (group). - one student reads A2 then answers the questions in textbook. 3. New lesson: * Presentation: A3. Listen. Then practice with a partner. - T: asks Ss to look at the picture in part 3 and introduce the picture. - T: gives formal greeting: Good morning / Good bye / How are you? / I am fine ,thanh you. - Ss: work in pairs . - T: calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - T: corrects their pronunciation . *Practice: A4.Listen . Complete the dialogues. - T: asks Ss to complete the dialogues in part 4- Explain some new phrases: + How is everything ? + Just fine. + Pretty good . - Ss complete the dialogues. - T: asks Ss to exchange the results with their partners. - T: calls on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class. - T: corrects and gives the correct answers . a)+ How are you? b) + How is everything? + Pretty good. + Ok. How are you today? + How about you ? +Just fine. + Not bad. + So am I. + Me too. - Ss: roleplay the completed dialogues in pairs. - T: calls on some pairs to read the dialogues in front of the class. - T: corrects their pronunciation A5. Listen. Write the letters of the dialogues in the order you hear. * Pre - listening -T: asks Ss to look at 4 pictures in part 5. -T: asks Ss about the people in these pictures . + Who are they? + What are they doing ? - T: asks Ss to listen to the tape then write the letters of the dialogues in the order they hear. * While - listening - T: plays the tape for Ss (2 times). - T: calls on some Ss to give the answers . - T: plays the tape again and asks them to check their answers . - T: corrects and gives correct answers . 1-c 2-b 3- d 4-a * Post - listening - T: asks Ss to base on the picture and make the dialogues. - T: calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class. - T: corrects the mistakes if necessary. 4.Consolidation: - Tell about your school. 5. Homework: - Do exerciseA3,4 in work book. - Prepare B1,2. Kim’s game Kim’s game Kim’s game History Literature Music English Biology Computer Science Geography Math Chemistry Art Physics Physical Education Work with a partner Ask and answer questions about your lesson schedule Ba: How often we have Math? Hoa: We have Math five times a week Thursday , October 20th, 2011 PERIOD 25 : READ GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND I Vocabular report card (n) : y phiếu liên lạc be proud of (a): tự hào semester (n) : học kì A soccer player In the first semester In the second semester Ngoc I Vocabular report card (n) : phiếu liên lạc be proud of (a): tự hào semester (n) : học kì improve (v): cải thiện pronunciation (n): cách phát âm y I Vocabular report card (n) : phiếu liên lạc be proud of (a): tự hào semester (n) : học kì improve (v): cải thiện pronunciation (n): cách phát âm Spanish (n): người tiếng Tây Ban Nha try one’s best cố gắng y Ask and answer the questions a.Who is Miss Jackson? b.What did Miss Jackson give Tim’s mother? c How did Tim study this semester? d.What did Miss Jackson say Tim should do? e.What did Tim’s mother give him at the end of the conversation? LUCKY NUMBER Team A 2 Team B a a Who Who is is Miss Miss Jackson? Jackson? Miss Miss Jackson Jackson is is Tim’s Tim’s teacher teacher 10 ĐÁP ĐÁP ÁN ÁN BACK b.What b.What did did Miss Miss Jackson Jackson What are these people doing ?  They are selling newspapers What are these women doing ?  They are selling fruit along streets What are these women and men waiting for ? They are waiting for jobs - Why are so many people leaving their home ? - What problems they cause ? Week: 18 Thursday, December 19 th 2013 Period: 52 Unit 8: COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 3: Read Unit Country life and city life I New words: rural urban typhoon Lesson 3: Read thuộc nơng thơn (a): (a): (n) : thuộc thị , thành phố trận bão lớn flood (n) : trận lụt drought (n) : nạn hạn hán struggle (n) : đấu tranh strain (n) : tải (dân số) migrant (n) : dân di cư (to) increase : gia tăng Unit Country life and city life Lesson 4: Read Vocabulary - typhoon (n) : trận bão lớn - flood (n) : trận lụt - drought (n) : nạn hạn hán - struggle (n) : đấu tranh - strain (n) : tải (dân số) - migrant - (to) increase (n) : dân di cư (v) : gia tăng READ: Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional way of life and moving to the city They believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the city At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money until the following year Often farmers look for other work when they need more money for their family The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities This puts a strain on schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity supplies Increased pollution is another unpleasant result There is also a human side to this tragedy Families sometimes have to live apart In these cases, children may live at home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area Governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these migrants, but it can be quite a problem rural area Matching a well-paying job urban area (to) live apart (to) put a strain on a sèng c¸ch xa b dÉn ®Õn sù qu¸ t¶i c vïng n«ng th«n d c«ng viƯc ®­ỵc tr¶ l­¬ng cao e cc ®Êu tranh víi thiªn nhiªn overcrowding (n) g vïng ®« thÞ a struggle with nature h qu¸ ®«ng ng­êi Complete the summary Use information from passage leaving their (2) _ home to go and People from the countryside are (1) city Farming can sometimes be a difficult life and live in the (3) rural city these people from (4) areas feel the (5) offers more opportunities However, many people coming to the city create schools or (8) , hospitals problems There may not be enough (7) (6) _ while water and electricity supplies may not be adequate This is problem facing governments around the (10) world a (9) Find the word in passage that means: a) b) c) d) e) f) of the country side as many as needed become greater or large a great pressure a terrible event of the city or city life = = = = = = rural plentiful increase strain tragedy urban - Learn by heart the new words - Write a passage about the reasons why many people are leaving their home for the city and problems they cause, - Prepare for the next lesson: Write / P.76 [...].. .2 Find the word in passage that means: a) b) c) d) e) f) of the country side as many as needed become greater or large a great pressure a terrible event of the city or city life = = = = = = rural plentiful increase strain tragedy urban - Learn by heart the new words - Write a passage about the reasons why many people are leaving their home for the city and problems they cause, - Prepare for... plentiful increase strain tragedy urban - Learn by heart the new words - Write a passage about the reasons why many people are leaving their home for the city and problems they cause, - Prepare for the next lesson: Write / P.76 1/Listen and read : 1/Listen and read : a) Are these sentences true ( T ) or false (F) 1/Listen and read : b) Find these expressions in the conversation Check what they ...ENGLISH Unit Unit1:1 :My Myhobbies hobbies Lesson 1: Getting started My favourite hobby Listen and read Nick: Hi Mi, welcome to our house! Elena: Come upstairs! I’ll show you my room Mi: Wow!... them What about doll collecting? Is it expensive? Elena: I guess so, but all of my dolls are presents My parents, and my aunt and uncle always give me dolls on special occasions Mi: Your dolls are... our house! Elena: Come upstairs! I’ll show you my room Mi: Wow! You have so many dolls Elena: Yes My hobby is collecting dolls Do you have a hobby? Mi: I like collecting glass bottles Elena: Really?

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2017, 14:22