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Methods for developing reading comprehension skills to studenrs grate 10 english teaching in comprehensive school

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NGUYEN MONG TUAN COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL EXPERIENCED INITIATIVE METHODS FOR DEVELOPING READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS TO STUDENTS GRADE 10 IN ENGLISH TEACHING IN COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL Writer: Hoang Thu Huong School’s post: Teacher Experienced initiative of subject: English THANH HOA 2016 ORDER TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 10 - The reason for choosing the subject - Research scope - Research purposes - Research measures CONTENT 2.1 What are the reading comprehension skills 2.2 Status of the research problem 2.3 Implementation measures 2.3.1 Follow three step process of reading skills 2.3.2 Adjust and changing some tasks in textbook for conformity 2.3.3 Encourage students to practice 2.4 Applying the research in teaching CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEMDATION 1 1 2 4 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 15 INTRODUCTION - THE REASON FOR CHOOSING THE SUBJECT English 10 - intensive Reading to start a unit of lessons and through the development of reading comprehension skills such as skimming, scanning, reading… the information provided language documents and help students get acquainted with the topic and the content of the language which the children can speak, listen and write are about the problems related to the topic of lessons in the following properties: Reading is one of the four important skills for those who are learning a foreign language and other skills than you have probably read out the skills that the students be exposed early and often as possible However after a period of teaching, the new grade 10 textbook - standard program I found myself experiencing some difficulties as follows: The amount of time devoted to each post to read is often short and not enough to the teacher may conduct a full range of assignments such as textbook layout Status students aware yet holds true about reading comprehension skills and many children not know how to a reading for the process Starting from a theoretical basis and practical basis, is a direct teacher is teaching English in high schools, with a lot of enthusiasms and efforts of myself, I share some ideas experience in teaching to “help the students in grade 10 develop reading comprehension skills in English” - RESEARCH SCOPE Researching in the process of teaching English in grade 10 at Nguyen Mong Tuan comprehensive school - RESEARCH PURPOSES In my school, how to help students improve their reading skills is one of the concerns of many foreign language teachers Stemming from the fact that, I launched an initiative this experience no more ambition than the purpose of helping graders 10 improve their reading skills and contribute with colleagues solve difficulty in the teaches reading process - RESEARCH MEASURES Can say most students have experienced middle school English program and the knowledge the children provided at this level is relatively more both in terms of grammar, vocabulary and communication skills including reading comprehension skills were exposed from grade Besides that some students are training for middle – level posts from certain knowledge and understanding society is also very wide There is the object of this program is the 10 grade students in the natural sciences and the basic board Due to the grade 10 so they did not take much pressure colleges and university examinations, that why they are still so excited even some still feel passion for this subject From the characteristics of the students mentioned above I found that the teacher may have some advantages and disadvantages as follows in the process of teaching Advantages: A student can read and the exercises are very good because they are already familiar with how to a reading for a long time Atmosphere very vibrant when students encounter the familiar topics, close as “national parks”, “music”, “films and cinema” and “the world cup”… Disadvantages: Due to the level of students should be uneven within a limited period of time that the student has completed all the assignments but also the student only completed 50% of the work and even 30% Due to the “tasks” in every article is relatively long and more so in the majority of teachers not carry the “post” and to go home for the students to In the process of teaching reading, to create effective lessons and help students develop skills in reading comprehension, I bravely applied several methods: Follow three step process of reading skills Adjust and changing some task in textbook for conformity Encourage students to practice CONTENT 2.1 WHAT ARE THE READING COMPREHENTION SKILLS? Reading is an activity with a purpose A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style A person may also read for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens Reading research shows the good readers: - Read extensively - Integrate information in the text with existing knowledge - Have a flexible reading style, depending on what they are reading - Are motivated - Rely on different skills interacting: perceptual processing, phonemic processing, recall 2.2 STATUS OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM Situation Reading is one of those skills that are of interest in the standard program 10 class – textbook, importance of reading is shown in that it is designed as the point of origin of each lesson and was placed in the first section of each lesson content, readings usually portrayed the main theme of each lesson one In theory, the reading means reading and understanding means training, so enjoy reading means training students to read tags, understand the key post and have the skills and techniques to certain exercises effectively and accurately within a limited period of time Sad reality inspired me to find different solutions to help them to have faith in themselves and discipline, develop some reading comprehension skills needed in the program English 10 To like that, first I started to understand the difficulties and obstacles they encounter in the course of reading Could summarize with the following main reasons: The first is student proficiency is uneven, there are many students who have in – depth knowledge of English but besides trivia and not a few students not fluently even present simple, they still add “is / are / am” first in regular verbs The second is some students not even know to one post read out for the right processes They still translate to Vietnamese readings right from first reading or read lock to, or stop at the words hard and being stumbled back to should children’s working speed is often very slow because the translation into Vietnamese are very time - consuming Moreover, once translated a post read lengths from 200 to 220, the students have been able to forget the basic information section above The third is reading comprehension skills are receiving skills should students often proved relatively passive in receiving the information of the table Students often lack of the brains to deduce or infer but not sufficient to the extent necessary and hence the ability to guess the words through the context of very poor students Finally some students are afraid to speak out, a sense of inferiority, not confident of knowing but not speaking or know these are correct Results of reality This reality is a major obstacle to effectively impact a student's reading and cause difficulties for teachers in the teaching process The result is the teacher hard impart knowledge and communication skills as well as impenetrable student knowledge and develop their skills 2.3 IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES 2.3.1 Follow three step process of reading skills We need to conduct lessons in accordance with three step process of reading skills such as: Pre - reading; While - reading; Post - reading but to combine and use many different activities to suit each part, each article in order to create interest in learning and improving positive, initiative and creativity of students In this section I would present some of the activities that I used to be effective in the teaching process of reading Phase 1: Pre – reading Have to say this is the initial stage the student first exposed to the topic of lessons so teachers need to make good the two following purposes The first is the teacher must create excitement for students on the topic of lessons prepared or equipped with some knowledge and experience of the student in relation to the content of the readings The second is the teacher should introduce current topics, vocabulary and sentence structure, but should have helped students to guess the information relevant to article content are about to read * Creating excitement for students To create excitement for students before the readings I have also always applied knowledge related subjects as information technology subjects, history subjects or geographical subjects At the same time make use of existing Visual Tools teacher of the school such as: projectors, televisions, cassette and pictures… In fact I have applied for the specific lessons such as : unit 4, unit 6, unit 13 and specially the last time of the school year, the spirit of the student section wild hordes and reply is the study, applicable to “ unit 16: historical places” How to create a simple and fundamental excitement as teachers can rely on existing questions in the textbook to help students learn or express her insights on the topic about to read However, if you so, then it will be hard to make the surprise because of the questions that students may have read before even being done before at home and therefore the excitement of students also must be reduced In my opinion, to make this step more attractive, teachers can rely on those questions in the textbook, which creates the following types of different exercises for variety and richer Even so, in this section though given the questions or exercises the common criteria are to be simple, easy are to create conditions for majority of the students could answer and to generate excitement that aims to stimulate students’ curiosity The following are a few example illustrate Example 1: In “unit 4: Special education” Before reading about special class teacher’s Thuy, I let the student little exercises that answer questions about everyday activities such as: “ What you in the morning?; “ What you often watch TV/ Read newspaper… etc?”; “ Do you go to class?”; “ Do you listen to music?”; “ Do you watch TV?”… The result is due to the simple question and want to show your understanding of yourself before your classmates so students were so excited states Finally the teacher will ask students “Which of these activities would be difficult for blind and deaf people?” The students are very excited as though words and grammar of the children have not been very accurate Then teachers led to the subject of the article and ask students to just verify the information that classmates just raised Example 2: In “unit :An excursion” Before reading, I exercises for students with young that answer question like: “What you know about famous places?” or “can you give name of famous places you know or you saw?”; “Do you go to there/ Do you like to see them? ” The result is due to the simple question and your understanding of yourself before your classmates so students have enjoyed ever since although the words and grammar of the children have not been very accurate Then teachers led to the subject of the article and ask students to just verify the information that classmates just raised Example 3: In “unit 13: Films and cinema” The teacher gives the topics and asks students to name the film category and different clips collection, enabling each students to clips, guess that’s any film genre This activity aims to stimulate the Visual as well as auditory and create exciting for the whole class Then the new teachers guide students on homework in the textbook so students to learn more about the types of film music and pimp on the theme “films and cinema” * Introduction language materials: In this part should be noted teachers apply these methods introduce new words to the effect, however in limited thematic I not discuss that issue Issues raised here is how many referrals from teachers and the like? In theory, teachers just introduced these important words have influenced the understanding of the article and should work out to the students the ability to guess the Word as well as ignoring the unnecessary words But in fact the students had not accustomed to guess the word through context and ask the teacher or a dictionary to know that often slow down the progress of assignments To solve this problem there is a solution arises after you have studied the “post” teachers can go back to answer the hard word or phrase, However, this is a solution is not feasible because there is not enough time to implement Phase 2: While – reading In this section the teacher should guide the students to some tricks such as; skimming to the post’s tags, prohibiting the phenomenon translated into Vietnamese, then read the questions and read the article again the key again in order to find the necessary in formation for the answer Teachers can suggest students underlined the important information in the posting or use a tablet pen to mark up coating Most of the exercises in the text book, students were acquainted only multiple - choice guessing through the context as in “unit 3, unit 4, unit 5, unit 8, unit 10, unit 14, unit 15…”The majority of students not it through has spent a lot of time Even when students are able to understand all the words in the phrase that they still could not guess the meaning of the phrase For example, the word “demonstration” in the article about her special class Thuy “unit 4” in the sentence “She raised both arms and opened up her fingers one by one She continued the demonstration until the children realized”; or the phrase “ interact” in “unit 5” in the sentence “It is a personal communicator which helps you to interact with other computers and with people around the world” or the phrase “ make ends meet” in “unit 8” in the sentence “ Many years ago my villager was very poor , the villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make ends meet” can make students confused because there is no new word but not easy to understand the meaning of this phrase In this case, the teacher should guide the students zoned to that term, carefully read the sentences in the previous section as well as the later part it to infer the meaning of the phrase and get practical example in class always After the teacher guide and example by specific action, so be sure the student will answer correctly In addition there are some post textbook arranged the “while you read” relatively long, having up to three tasks that long and hard such as: “unit 7, unit 8; unit 10 and unit 13” Furthermore, due to the uneven level of students should have the children can quickly complete this task while the majority of other students may only complete two- thirds of the workload So, customize individual students whose teachers have different solutions The pretty teacher just stated requirements of the post and then the students do, teachers monitored around but with the weaker class the teacher must guide the precise way each type of article Such as with the determination of the sentence right and wrong based on the information in the article Teachers should ask students to monopolize a given question carefully and determine what information is important, the key words in each sentence and conduct the test With that kind of homework answer questions, teachers also lead similar and if you experience strange or difficult questions, teachers have been translated to Vietnamese, student may respond more easily In addition to some articles like “task 3- unit 1”; “task - unit 8” or “task - unit 14”, students are required to “scan” the information to fill in the blanks With this exercise, the teacher asks students to read carefully the details in question the look back at the key article but does not need to read that just look to see that information and where to find the answers you need On the other hand, in a class always had of weak students and poor sense of self, not doing so teachers have to sort students: the first are the good students and the conscious; the second is the weak and poor awareness, when conducted for students as teachers have to travel around to control the actions of the students However, not always under control the teacher should pay attention to the poor students to meticulous instructions and to students who have poor sense to make sure that they are trying to With the students and teachers self just the end result In summary, after each individual student’s assignments, the teacher should ask students to exchange in order to help each other Students are able to instruct students with weak sentences students have done before the teacher common cures However, this can also have trouble some weak students creativity the students taking advantage of the exchangeable at requested teachers to copy is your answer To remedy this, teachers need time limit, exchange student and when calling the student answer to question why you so to give these children the habit read carefully before answering Phase 3: Post – reading Have to say the purpose of this step is to strengthen the knowledge of language learned and develop reading comprehension skills through contact with the things learned to real life as well as the information the students has mastered in the post, and this is also the time for teachers to check whether students grasp the lessons to what extent This section usually can proceed through the other skills such as speaking or writing and mostly talk With respect to this section relatively affordable layout textbook so teachers just need to guide and control the students Students can work in pairs or in groups to discuss a question a question or give a summation or statistics However, in the discussion groups are easy to arise problem that are no less conscious non- poor students actively participate in the discussion and just leave the team mates To remedy these teachers need positive traveling around and over the classroom, then when students have finished discussion teachers may call any one student would represent the group to stand up and report available to motivate as well as pressure for students to a better job 2.3.2 Adjust and changing some task in textbook for conformity Developing reading activities involves more than identifying a text that is "at reading, handing out the assignment and sending students away to it A fully - developed reading activity supports students as readers through prereading, while-reading, and post-reading activities As you design reading tasks, keep in mind that complete recall of all the information in a text is an unrealistic expectation even for native speakers Reading activities that are meant to increase communicative competence should be success oriented and build up students' confidence in their reading ability Make sure students understand what the purpose for reading is: to get the main idea, obtain specific information, understand most or all of the messages, enjoy a story, or decide whether or not to read more Recognizing the purpose for reading will help the student select appropriate reading strategies In addition to the main purpose for reading, an activity can also have one or more instructional purposes, such as practicing or reviewing specific grammatical constructions, introducing new vocabulary, or familiarizing students with the typical structure of a certain type of text Remember that the level of difficulty of a text is not the same as the level of difficulty of a reading task Students who lack the vocabulary to identify all of the items on a menu can still determine whether the restaurant serves steak and whether they can afford to order one The right level, "writing a set of comprehension questions for students to answer after” For example, I feel active part before you reading Unit ask students to tick the best answer the questions that suit you It is long and redundant because it is not much content to reading Moreover it also caused conflicts because in this activity while using missing information about special school in Task 1, Task So I not to use this activity when I teach and replaced by the following activities: I put some questions to introduce suggestive themes all about special school as: Have you known Special Education? What is the aim of Special Education? What are teachers’ works? Or in part Reading Unit 6, Task 2, ask students to read and answer questions are too hard for their ability Therefore, to reduce the load and make it easier for bad students can make from the reading, I clipped sentences and To class more lively and interesting, I often make into exercises minister games For example, Unit 12: Music - Reading Task I designed the game "Lucky number" I performed on power point form both beautiful and interesting 2.3.3 Encourage students to practice We remember that learning foreign language has to practice, practice more and more I often encourage my students to practice in the Reading in class then you should read books which written of English regularly However, this is difficult, but I still try to encourage them, help them to have more faith in love on the subject Or in the information technology today, they can exercise reading skills through the Internet, reading books, magazines So they are more chance opportunity for exposure to English, reading comprehension skills will be also improved Certainly they like studying Reading in the classroom and learning more effective Specially, reading aloud can help a teacher assess whether a student is "seeing" word endings and other grammatical features when reading To use reading aloud for this purpose, adopt the "read and look up" approach: Ask the student to read a sentence silently one or more times, until comfortable with the content, then look up and tell you what it says This procedure allows the student to process the text, and lets you see the results of that processing and know what elements, if any, the student is missing We need to encourage students to practice because "Practice Makes Perfect" 2.4 APPLYING THE RESEARCH IN TEACHING UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Lesson 1: Reading Teacher: Hoang Thu Huong - Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Education aims: - Students read about TV programme schedules Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Knowledge about TV programme schedules b Language: - The present simple tense - Vocabulary concerning TV programmes Skills: - Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups - Reading comprehension: Read for general ideas and specific information II Anticipated problems: - Students may have difficulties in understanding some names of TV programmes III Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk IV Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1.Warm-up:(5’) Aims: sts get used to the topic + Jumbled words - Give words about the forms of mass media whose letters are in the wrong order and ask sts to work in groups of 3-4 sts to rearrange them in good order to make the right words enslieisov rwepeapns idora agenmzia 5.evido - representatives are required to write the words on the blackboard - Check and give remarks Before you read: (10’) Aims: to prepare information and vocabularies for the topic + Pairwork: Students’ activities - Work in groups of 3-4 sts - Sts write the words individually on the blackboard television newspaper radio magazine video - Listen to the teacher - Work in pairs 10 - Ask the sts to work in pairs to answer the question given in the part and some other questions - For each question, 3-4 sts are required to answer orally in front of the class ( st/ time) - Gather the ideas and give some background information about TV channels in Vitetnam + VTV1: Combination of Politics, Economics and Entertainment + VTV2: Science and Education + VTV3: Sports and Entertainment + VTV4: For the overseas Vietnamese + VTV5: For the Ethnic minority groups + Vocabulary: - Provide the students with new words/phrases + channel (n) : Kênh truyền hình + Mass media (n): public institutions that report news and other stories + Population and Development (phr): dân số phát triển + TV Series (n): phim truyền hình dài tập + Folk Songs (n): nhạc dân ca + News Headlines (n): điểm tin + Weather Forecast (n): dự báo thời tiết + Quiz Show (n) trò chơi truyền hình + Portrait of Life (phr): chân dung sống + Documentary (n): phim tài liệu + Wildlife World (n): giới thiên nhiên hoang dã + Around The World (phr): xung quanh giới - Read each word/phrase twice and ask sts to repeat it and leave sts minute to self-practice - Ask - st to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class - Listen and help sts to read the - Do the work orally in front of the class - Listen and copy down - Listen and then copy down - Listen and repeat - Some sts stand up and read these word aloud - Others listen - Self-correct 11 words/phrases correctly While you read:(20’) Aims: Read the passage for information to the tasks + Task 1: Matching - Ask Sts to read the TV programme schedules and task 1: Match the words in A which appear in the reading passage with their definitions in B - Sts are required to compare their results with their partners - sts are required to the task orally in front of the class (1 st/ time) - Listen and help sts to the task correctly + Task 2: True or false: - Sts are required to read the programmes carefully, individually and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) - sts are required to give their answers orally, individually in front of the class with the evidence in the reading passage - Listen and check the answers orally in front of the class + Task 3: Answering questions - Ask sts to work in pairs and answer the questions in the book basing on the information in the reading passage - pairs are required to answer orally in front of the class ( pair/ time) - Listen and help sts to answer the question correctly - Work in pairs to read the programmes and the task - Share their answers with their friends - Some sts present their answes: – c; – a; – d; – b - Others listen - Work individually T T F ( The Nature of Language is on VTV3.) T F (VTV1 starts at 5:35 and the last programme starts at 23:30 - Others listen and check - Work in pairs - Some pairs stand up and ask and answer: There are five films on At 9:00 a.m, 12:00 at noon, 7:00p.m, 11:00p.m on VTV1 and 7:00p.m on VTV3 VTV2 The Quiz Show (You should watch) VTV1 Football After you read:(9’) Aims: to give the summary of the topic - Sts are required to work in pairs to - Work in pairs tell their partners about one of the TV programmes they like watching best 12 and explain why - 2-3 sts are required to give short talks on the given topic - Get feedback and help the students to give correct talks Homework:(1’) - Write a paragraph about a programme you like best - Some sts talk in front of the whole class - Others listen - Listen and self-correct CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Can say teaches reading comprehension are taught basic skills in the foreign language teaching process so first of all who the teacher should have the proper awareness of skills as well as the steps to conduct a teaching post in accordance with the direction of communication Above are a few of ideas of individuals I as a teacher directly teaching the new basic – 10 class textbook In the past year I have tried to apply teaching methods under the direction of communication combined with some necessary adjustments to each object to achieve the highest teaching The result achieved about 70% of students understand and can absorb the knowledge of lessons to improve his understanding of the language as well as on the different areas of life, the remaining 30% of students know how to the various multiple choice reading comprehension and understanding the article I hope the experience I met after a year of teaching can help other colleagues refer and apply to get good lectures to develop reading comprehension skills to students I sincerely thank you! CONFIRMATION OF THE PRINCIPLAL Thanh hoa, May 10, 2016 I declare that this is my writing and it does not infringe any copy Written by HOANG THU HUONG 13 REFERENCE BOOKS Textbooks English 10 (Published in 2007 Educational Publishing) Book of English teachers 10 (Published in 2007 Educational Publishing) Documentation teacher training class 10 (Published in 2007 Educational Publishing) Lesson plan English 10 Design lectures English 10 (Author VU THI LOI, Published in 2006 Ha Noi Publishing) English language teaching Methodology (Teacher ' s work book) 14 ... Or in the information technology today, they can exercise reading skills through the Internet, reading books, magazines So they are more chance opportunity for exposure to English, reading comprehension. .. efforts of myself, I share some ideas experience in teaching to “help the students in grade 10 develop reading comprehension skills in English - RESEARCH SCOPE Researching in the process of teaching. .. develop skills in reading comprehension, I bravely applied several methods: Follow three step process of reading skills Adjust and changing some task in textbook for conformity Encourage students to

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