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Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 Date of planning:20/8/08 Date of teaching:25/8/08 Week: 1 Period :1 ÔN TẬP VÀ HƯỚNG DẪN CÁCH HỌC TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 A.Objectives: I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the simple present tense and simple past tense; explore difference between book 7 and book 8. II. Skills: Listening, Writing and Speaking. III. Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbook and . B.Procedures: I. Class-organization: check-attendance.( 1ms ) II . Checking-up III. New lesson Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities 25’ 5’ A. Tense: - T asks Ss to remind the simple present tense and simple past tense. - T asks Ss to give the example. -Ss give the form of present tense and simple past tense. 1. Simple present tense: + Tobe: S + tobe + n / ad. S + tobe + not + n / ad. Tobe + S + n / ad ? + Verbs: S + V ( s / es ) + O S + do / does not + V ( inf ) + O Do / does + S + V ( inf ) + O? +Adv: -always, usually, often, sometimes, never… 2. Simple past tense: Ex: Yesterday I went to school. + Tobe: S + tobe ( was / were ) + n / ad S + tobe + not + n / ad. Tobe + S + ad / n? + Verbs. S + V( past ) + O S + did not + V( inf ) +O Did + S +V( inf) + O? + Adverbs: -Yesterday , last, ago…. Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 1 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 15’ B. Hướng dẫn cách học: -Tiếng anh lớp 8 nhằm tiếp tục nâng cao trình độ tiếng anh của các em bằng cách phối hợp rèn luyện các kỷ năng nghe, nói , dọc, viết ở mức độ cao hơn thông qua các bài học có nội dung phong phú, sinh động. - Tiếng anh lớp 8 bao ồm 16 đơn vị bài học . Mỗi đơn vị bài học bao gồm các mục sau. + Getting started + Listen and read + Speak + Listen + Read + Write + Language focus. - Ngoài sgk, học sinh cần có sách bài tập. + Yêu cầu: - Hai quyển vở ghi, vở bài tập sách bài tập, vở ghi từ mới. Ss listen and copy down. - Ss listen and copy down. IV. Consolidation (2ms) V. Recommendaion (2ms') Review simple present and simple past tense. Date of planning:22/8/08 Date of teaching:27/8/08 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 2 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 Week: 1 Period: 2 UNIT 1: MY FRIEND LESSON 1. Getting started & listen and read A. Objectives: I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about their friends and talk about people's appearance. II. Skills: Listening, Writing and Speaking. III. Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbook and CD. B. Procedures: I. Class-organization: check-attendance.( 1ms ) II .Checking-up: III.New lesson: Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities * Getting started - T asks Ss to present the activities that they often play. - T asks Ss to look at the pictures and ask some questions. + What are these children doing? + Where are they? + Are they all boys? A. Pre - reading I. Pre - teach vocabulary - seem / si: m / (n): dường như. Ex: She seems happy. - enough / I'nf / (adv): đủ. - to receive : nhận. - T reads first and ask Ss to repeat. * Checking the meaning B. Practice: I. Practice the dialogue with a partner II.Comprehension questions a. Where does Nien live? b. Does Lan know Nien? c. Which sentence tells you that Hoa is older than Nien? d. When is Nien oing to visit Hoa? T: Gives the answer key and checks. Ss answer Ss answer Example Example Situation Rub out and remember Ss: Work in pairs. - close pairs - open pairs a. She lives in Hue. b. No, she doesn't know her. c. She wasn't old enough tobe in my class d. She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas. Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 3 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 C. Language focus - Introduce grammar: T gives the example. I am old enough to go to school. - T asks Ss to give the structures. * Concept check + What does she / he look like? ( asking about appearance ). * Practice - Make full sentences using the form and the word cues. 1. I/ tall/ reach the ceiling. 2. He/ strong/ lift this suitcase. 3. She/ old/ enough/ drive a motorbike. 4. The cup of tea/ cold/ enough/ for me/ drink. T: Asks ss to do exercise 4 in Language focus 1. D. Post – reading& speaking - T asks Ss to ask and answer the questions: " What does he / she look like? Ss give the structure. S + tobe + adj + enough + to- inf Ss copy down. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer. Ss: Practice writing on the bb. 1. I am not tall enough to reach the ceiling. 2. He is strong enough to lift this suitcase. 3. She is (not) old enough to drive a motorbike. 4. The cup of tea is not cold enough for me to drink. Ss: do exercise 4 in Language focus 1 in pairs. IV.Consolidation:(2ms) T asks Ss to read newwords and remind grammar. V.Recommendaion:(2ms') Learn newwords and rammar by heart. Read " Listen and Read " again. Do the exercises 1, 2 in the workbook. Date of planning:25/8/08 Date of teaching:29/8/08 Week: 1 Period: 3 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 4 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 Unit 1: My friends (Cont) Lesson 2. Speak & Listen I, Objectives: By the end of the lesson Sts can describe people’s appearance. Listen and complete the conversations. - Vocabulary : blond , build , straight , curly , bold , dark - Structures : Review simple present of to be / to have - Skills: Speaking , listening II, Teaching aids : Book , chalk , cassette , tape III, Procedures : Stages Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1. Warm up 2. Pre- speaking 3. While - speaking ? Who ’ s absent today ? * Brain storming: Ask ps to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair. +) Checking: - Write new words - Review how to use the verb ‘to be’ and ‘to have’. - Work in silence (2 , ) - Work in pairs. (6-8 pairs of Sts do ) -Some pairs of SS practice aloud. -T corrects the mistakes. * Word cues drill a) he / tall / thin b) she / short / slim c) He / short / fat d) Long / black - Some pairs of Sts can describe about their classmates. * Pre-teach some phrases. thin curly body build hair III. Speak 1) Read the dialogue: New words: -Slim / slim / (ad) : người thanh, mảnh dẻ. (example) -Straight / streit / (ad) : thẳng (visuals) -Curly / 'krli / (ad): quăn, xoăn tóc. (visuals) -Blond / blnd / (ad): vàng hoe (tóc) (picture) -Fair / fΦr / (ad): vàng nhạt (tóc), trắng (da). (picture) 2) Now take turns to make similar dialogues- use the adj in the table: a) He is tall and thin b) She is short and slim c) He is short and fat d) She has long black hair Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 5 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 4. Post- speaking Explain how to use these phrases and guide them to read. - Make model with two SS in the class. - Have ss read in silence all the phrases given and the 4 open- dialogues in text book on page 12 and 13 - Sts guess how to complete - Listen to the tape ( 3 times ) - St gives the answers. - Listen again once more to correct. Ex: P1: This person is tall and fat. He has curly hair. P2: Is this Long ? P1: Yes. IV. Listen 1) I’d like you to meet 2) Nice to meet you 3) I’d like you to meet 4) It ’ s a pleasure to meet you . 5) Come and meet. 6) How do you do? - Nice to meet you - The pleasure is all mine - How do you do ? I'd like you to meet my teacher * Answers: 1) I’d like to meet my cousin 2) Nice to meet you 3) I’d like you to meet 4) It’s a pleasure to meet you 5) How do you do 6) Come and meet 5) Home work : - Learn by heart adjectives. - Guides how to prepare period 4 (Read) - Do the exercises 3, 4 in the workbook. The end Date of planning: 4/ 8/ 2008 Date of teaching: 8/ 9 / 2008 Week: 2 Period 4 Unit 1: My friends Lesson 4 . Read p 13- 14 Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 6 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 I) Aim : Reading for specific information II) Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Ba's friends III) Teaching aids:, poster , Text book Pictures Procedure Stages / Steps/ Teacher's activities Ss' activities Note board I)Warm up : Crosswords Puzzle - Ask Ss to find out the words from the Crosswords Puzzle on the poster 1. The word opposite "the same" 2. The place where keeps books 3. The word means " vua du " 4. The word means " ban be" 5. The word that has the past form is "had" II) Pre reading: * Set the scence: - Ask Ss some question to set the scence • Do you have any friends? • When you want to introduce to the others , What do you introduce about? 1) Pre- teach vocab - Elicit words from Ss ( Example) ( Example) ( Translation) (explaination - a place where children with out parents live) ( explaination- tell a story which makes people laught) 2) Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Have Ss copy 3. T/F Statements Predictions - Stick a poster with T/F statements on the board - Set the scence : " These statements are about Ba and his friends. Read them and guess which statements are true or false" - Call on one S read all the statements orally then get Ss to to work in pairs to guess III) While-reading: - Aks Ss to open their book and read the text on P13 silently Work in 2 teams Whole class work with T Whole clas work with T the whole class work with T work in pairs I) Vocab. 1. a character: tính cách 2. sociable (a) hoà đồng 3. reserved (adj) kín đáo 4. generous (adj) hào phóng 5. outgoing (adj) thân thiện 6. an orphanage: trại mồ côi 7. sense of humor:khiếu hài hước 8. (to) tell jokes: kể chuyện cười II. The text 1. T/F statements (poster) a. Ba has only three friends. Bao, Song , Khai b. Ba and his friends has the same characters. c. Bao, Song and Khai are quite reserved in the public. d. They all enjoy going school and study hard * Answer key 1.F 2. F 3.F 4. T * Correction Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 7 F F D E E E L R Y H Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 - Let Ss check their prediction - Ask them to correct false statements 1. Multiple choice - Get Ss to do exercise 1. P14 - Ask them to read the text again and work in pairs to choose the best answers 2. Comprehension question - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do exercise 2 on P14 - Let ss to read the question and the text again and answer the questions - Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions IV) Post- reading: - Ask Ss to work in groups to talk to another about their friends using adjective they have learnt to describe ( Depen on the text) V) Homework: - Ask Ss to learn new words - Ask them to do Ex 1, 2 P14 in the text book Work in pairs work in pairs work in groups a Ba has a lot of friends b. They have different characters c. only Song and Khai. are reserved * Answer key ( Multiple choice a. A b. C c. B d. D * Answer key ( Read 2 . P14) a. Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends b. Bao is the most sociable c. Khai likes reading d. A bad thing about Ba's jokes is sometimes his jokes annoy his friends e. Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work et a local orphanage Date of planning: 5/ 8/ 2008 Date of teaching: 10/ 8/ 2008 Week: 2 Period :5 UNIT 1. MY FRIEND LESSON 5. WRITE. A.Objectives: Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 8 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 I. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop writing skill, review adjectives. (appearance, characters). II. Skills: Listening, Writing and Speaking. III. Teaching- aids: Lesson plan, textbook . B.Procedures: I. Class-organization: check-attendance.( 1ms ) II . Checking-up: Newwords and read the text. III. New lesson Time Teacher's activities Ss' activities A. Pre - writing: -T asks Ss to read information about Tam -T asks Ss to complete the information in summary and in the text. I. Pre - teach vocabulary: -Humorous /'hju:mrs/ (ad): khôi hài, hài hước. -Helpful /'helpfu:l/(ad): hay giúp đỡ, có ích. -Helping: portion of food. -Appearance /'pirns/ (n): sự xuất hiện. -T reads first + Checking vocabulary: R.O.R II. Answer the questions: a. What is his name? b. What does he look like? c. What is he like? d. Where does he live? B. Practice: I. Filling: -Filling in a similar form for your partner. Use the following questions as prompts. a. What is his / her name? b. How old is he / she? c. What does he / she look like? d. What is he / she like? e. Where does he / she live? f. Who does he / she live with? g. Who is/ are his / her friend? Ss read the information and compare. Example Situation Explanation Ss repeat -His name is Le Van Tam. -He is tall, thin, has short black hair. -He is sociable, humorous. -He lives at 26 Tran Phu street in Hanoi. Ss answer and fill in the form. Name:…………… Age:……………… Appearance:……… Character:…………… Address:…………. Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 9 Lesson Plan 8 Term I School Year: 2008- 2009 C. Further - practice: Now write a paragraph about your partner. Ex: Her name is Thuy and she is 27 years old. She lives in Dong ha with her family. She is slim and has long black hair. She is kind and generous. Her best friends are Khank, Nhan and Tuyet. Ss write in individual and compare with a partner.( Using information in part 2). IV.Consolidation:(2ms) T asks Ss to consolidate how to write a paragraph describing his/her partner. V.Recommendaion:(2ms') Learn newwords by heart. Prepare part language focus. Date of planning: 8/ 8/ 2008 Date of teaching: 12/ 8/ 2008 Week: 2 Period : 6 UNIT 1. MY FRIEND Teacher: Nguyen Thi Que-Thanh Luong Secondary School 10

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