NEWEDlTt0N O O David CottonDavid FalveySimon lfent Discussion Texts Unit Brands page Unit z Travel Talk about your favourite brands Discuss two authentic product promotions Talk about your travel experiences Reading: Outsourcing production Financial Times Words that go with Taking part in brand and product meetings Listening: An interview with a brand consultant Present simple and present continuous Reading: Air rage — Guardian Listening: A business traveller’s priorities Unit Organisation Rank status page ze symbols in order of importance ! Ski"lls Reading: Flexibility in the workplace — Fast Company Listening: An interview with the partner of a management consultancy Writing: e-mail British and American Making travel words arrangements Talking about the Caledonia: Solve the problems of a leading brand Work, rest and play: Choose a suitable hotel for a seminar in France Writing: e-mail on the telephone future Auric Bank: Choose the best way to reorganise customer services Writing: report Words and Socialising: expressions to introductions describe company and networking structure Noun combinations Unit q Change page to Unit $ Money Discuss attitudes to change in Reading: Change in retailing — Financial Times Rank stressful situations Listening: An interview with a bus1ness transformation director general and at work Do a quiz and discuss attitudes to money Reading: Two financial reports — Financial Times Listening: An interview with the founder of a finance firm page g6 Unit y Cultures Discuss authentic advertisements Reading: Successful advertising — Guardian Discuss good and bad advertising practices Listening: An interview with the head of.planning at an advertising agency Oiscuss the importance of cultural awareness in business Reading: Advice for doing business across cu1tures Listening: An interview with a trainer in cultural awareness Revision unit A page 6z Witingfte: page *3*Adivi/fte: page igoGramma reference: pagei 5o Words for describing change Past simple and present perfect Words and expressions for talking about finance Oescribing trends Taking part in meetings z Acquiring Metrot: Agree on changes at a company that has been taken over Writing: action minutes Dealing with figures Angel Investments: Choose company invest in a to Writing: e-mail Words and expressions for talking about advertising Articles: a, an, the, zero article Starting presentation s Idioms for talking Social English about business relationships See also: the socialcultural Modals of advice, game on pages obligation and i38 and 39 necessity Focus Advertising: Create and present an advertising campaign Writing: summary Visitors from China: Plan a visit by a Chinese manufacturer Writing: e-mail Thank you for using service! Only two pages are converted Please Sign Up to convert all pages