Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native Introduction react native
A framework for build naCve app using Javascript and React Speaker: Phan Thanh Tung - CoFounder of Email: Github: Iphone X mobile-shopping-react-na4ve Agenda • • • • • • • • • • Overview Show cases Best Example Lib Best Feature Know your react naCve work React concept From React to React NaCve How to learn Redux Concept Ecosystem What's React Na4ve •A framework for building mobile app using Javascript and React library •Build cross plaPorm apps (Android / IOS) •Uses almost all React.JS concepts including components, state, props, lifecycles, etc •React NaCve develop by Facebook •React NaCve Community Real Mobile Apps •React NaCve apps are not hybrid apps •Do not run in a WebView •Use the same fundamental building blocks as naCve app built with SwiY/ObjecCve C/Java •Be[er and faster than Cordova / PhoneGap / Ionic > Show cases Show cases Show cases Show cases Best channel learning •h[ps:// •h[p:// •h[p:// •h[ps:// Showcase React Ecosystem by Javascript only Frontend State Management Type checker Web Query language Server Language Database Ios/android app Mobx Redux GraphQL Short Intro Typical Rest API Common issues •Over-fetching •/products? field=name&field=descripCon&field=variants[*].price •Under-fetching •/products? expand=productType&expand=variants[*] •API changes and evoluCon •Versioning •DeprecaCon •Maintaince API GATEWAYS GraphQL Approach GraphQL Response Structure GraphQL every field is func4on Type System Muta4on & Subscrip4ons GraphQL demo FAQ’S A framework for build naCve app using Javascript and React Speaker: Phan Thanh Tung - CoFounder of Email: Github: ... Show cases React Na4ve For Startup Cost Time React Na4ve Example Lib react- na4ve-material-design react- na4ve-material-design react- na4ve-maps react- na4ve-chart gl -react- na4ve React Na4ve Feature React Na4ve Feature... EXAMPLE SHARED CODE: react- na4ve-nw -react- calculator IOS & Android APP EXAMPLE SHARED CODE: react- na4ve-nw -react- calculator Desktop Apps (NW & Electron) EXAMPLE SHARED CODE: react- na4ve-nw -react- calculator...Iphone X mobile-shopping -react- na4ve Agenda • • • • • • • • • • Overview Show cases Best Example Lib Best Feature Know your react naCve work React concept From React to React NaCve How to learn