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Unit 1. Home life

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Unit 1. Home life tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực kinh tế, k...

Date . Unit 1: H o me li fe Lesson 1 –Reading A. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students should know about the value of family 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: - Students read and guess the meaning of new words from the con text. - Students Read the passage and complete the tasks of the lesson. - Language item: - Students could understand and use new words related to home life after reading 3. Skills: Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information, reading comprehension. B. Teaching aids : Student’s book and pictures, Board, tape, cassette player, chalks, etc. C. Procedures: 1. Class organization: 2. Previous lesson check: During the lesson 3. New lesson: Timin g Teacher activities Student’s activities 3’ Warm-up - T writes this sentence on the blackboard and raise out question:  Complete the sentence by filling the gaps with the suitable words: …… build the house …………….make it home. - Ss work individually then exchange with their partners - T calls on some ss to answer then calls another comment. Lead-in: House is quite different from home. Everyone wants to live in a happy home but how can we make a happy home? It is a question and today we may find some suggestions 7’ Before you read Activity 1: (4…) Answer these questions - What does your father often do in your family? - And about your mother? - What do you usually do to help your parents? - Who brings money to support your family, your father or mother? - What do you think if your father is only a person to bring money to support your family? Activity 2: (3’) - Asks students to look at the pictures Individual work Suggested answers: Ss 1: My father often helps me with my study. Ss 2: My father often brings money home to support my family. Pair work Suggested answers: 1. The family is at home. Grades attendants absences 12 on the book then answer the questions. - When they finish T asks ss:  Is there anything similar to your family? 2. The father is playing games with his son and the mother is helping her daughter do homework. 3. Yes, it is. Because they look warm and close knit.– Ss1 Ss2 Timin g Teacher activities Student’s activities 25’ while you read Activity 1 (3’): Read the passage silently and quickly to get the main contents Activity 2: (2’)Discuss new words and structures - Ask students to work in group and read passage in silence. - Encourages students to guess the meaning of difficult words in the context. If not, T can explain for them. * Task 1: (5’) - Asks students read the text again and do the task individually at first - Then lets students exchange the answers with their partners for peer correction. Activity 3: (7’) Read the passage and complete the table bellow ( to check students; understanding and prepare for task 2) Individual work - Read the text silently - Get the main contents Group work Vocabulary and structures - Take the responsibility for … - Under pressure - It is believed /thought/said/ . that - Join Sb in doing something - To be in attempt to do st - Mischievous = naughty - Close-knit - Supportive of Individual and pair work - Choose the sentences A, B or C that is nearest in meaning to the sentence given Suggested answers 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5.C Group work Ss read the text in silence again and do a handout in groups then compare answer. Work Father Mother Children -washing dishes -cleaning the house -cooking - taking care of younger children - going shopping - taking out of the garbage - running the household - making breakfast -mending things around the house Task 2: (8’) Answer the question: - Lets students to read the passage again then answer the question in the task. - Ask students to read the questions carefully and discuss the answers Individual work group work & pair work - Read the reading passage again and answer the questions: 1. Very busy. They have to work long hours and sometimes they Activity 1: Arrange the words into three groups according to the pronunciation of the -S ending sound bags, bats, kits, kids, halves, dates, days, speeds, speaks, buses, boxes, watches, dishes, lamps, shoes, months, ties, houses, photographs /S/ bats kits dates months speaks lamps photographs /Z/ bags kids speeds days halves Shoes, ties / IZ / boxes buses Houses dishes, watches Activity 2: CÁCH PHÁT ÂM "S" CUỐI : Trong trường hợp danh từ số nhiều động từ số + / s / : Khi sau phụ âm điếc (voiceless consonants): /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/ ,/θ/,/h/ - Ex: laughs, walks, cups, cats, tenths; books + / iz /: Khi sau phụ âm rít : /z/, /s/, /dz/, / t∫/, / ∫ /, /z/ Hoặc chữ cái: s, x, z, ch, sh, ce, ge - Ex: washes , kisses , oranges… + / z /: Không thuộc hai loại Ex: bags , kids , days + Ngọai lệ: bình thường chữ s phát âm /s/, có ngoại lệ cần nhớ: -Chữ s đọc /z /sau từ :busy, please, easy, present, desire, music, pleasant, desert, choose, reason, preserve, poison - Chữ s đọc /'∫/ sau từ sugar,sure Activity 3: Practise reading these sentences I saw some bats flying from the bags He often speaks at different speeds She tore the photographs into halves I always have the dates on rainy days The kids are playing with their toy kits Past Simple Present Perfect Past Progressive Activity 1: The Simple Past Formation: To be Động từ thường S + V2/ V + ED (+) S+ were / was+ … (-) S + wasn’t / weren’t +… S+didnot (didn’t)+ V1 (?) Was/ were + S + ……? Did + +S + V1….? Uses: - việc xảy chấm dứt khứ, biết rỏ thời gian- Adv: yesterday, last …., … ago, in the past, in ….from … To, in/ for + Thời gian khứ Ex: a I (see) saw her this morning b Yesterday he flew (fly) to New York c Five years ago they (live) lived in a small house in this area d.Last week we paid (pay) an interesting visit to the Historic Museum Activity 2: The Past Progressive Formation: + Was/ were (+) S + Wasn’t/ weren’t (-) S (?) Was/ were + S + V- ing + V- ing + V- ing? Uses: -Diễn tả hành động xảy vào thời điểm xác định Quá khứ -Diễn tả hai hành động xảy đồng thời khứ Ex: a At p.m last night we were (have) having our dinner b Last night, while Peter was(play) playing badminton, Mary was(read) reading books c I was sleeping when the phone rang (sleep) Activity 3: The Present Perfect Formation: + PP.(V3/ VED) (+) S + have / has (-) S + have/ has + not (haven’t/ hasn’t) + PP (?) Has/ Have + S + PP? Ex: a Have you (ever ever been / be) to London? b He has(already already/finish) finished his homework buy) a new house c Peter has (recently/ recently bought (live) d we have lived in Hue for 10 years e She has(study) studied English since she was years old Uses: - Diễn tả hành động hay việc bắt đầu khứ, kéo dài liên tục đến tiếp tục tương lai -Diễn tả hành động hay việc xảy chấm dứt khứ không xác định rõ thời gian - Trong câu thường có từ: just, already, ever,never, yet, recently = lately, before, since + mốc thời gian, for + khoảng thời gian, so far, until now, up to now, up to present, once/ twice/ three …times - Trong cấu trúc: It / That is the first/ second/ third, … Only/ best/ worst/ … Exercise1: Underline the most suitable tense form in each sentence 1) Did you see / Have you seen my bag anywhere? I can’t find it 2) Hello Peter, are you back from the match? Did you enjoy / Have you enjoyed it? 3) This is the photo of my great grandfather He was / has been married six times 4 Have you given / Did you give Helen my message when you have seen/ saw her? Sorry, could you say that again? I didn’t listen / haven’t listened to you Did you two meet / Have you two met before? Laura, this is Peter Did you meet / Have you met anyone interesting at the party? Exercise2: Decide which answer (A, B or C) best fits each space Dear Linda, haven’t written (write) to you for I’m sorry I (1) so long, but I (2) have been (be) very busy lately had All last month I (3) (have) exams, and I haven’t done (4) _(do) anything else but study for ages Anyway, I (5) _ have stopped (stop) studying now, and I (6) am waiting (wait) for my exam results As you can see from this letter, I (7) _ (change) my address and have changed (8) have lived (live) in Corydon now I (9) _ have decided (decide) that I wanted a change from central London has become (become) so expensive A because it (10) _ friend (11) told (tell) me about this flat, and I (12) moved (move) here about two months ago When you (13) _(come) to England this summer, come please visit me I (14) (stay) here until the am staying am going ( go) on holiday middle of August Then I (15) to Scotland Please write soon, Margaret 1) Learn by heart all the knowledge about the uses of those tenses reviewed 2) Make five sentences for each tense 3) Prepare Unit – Reading in advance ANH VĂN LỚP 12 UNIT 1 HOME LIFE VOCABULARY Night shift: ca đêm Lab: phòng thí nghiệm Project: công trình, dự án At work: tại nơi làm việc Generally: chung chung Responsibility: trách nhiệm Suitable: thích hợp Rush: lao nhanh Hurry: vội vã Give a hand: giúp đở Unlike: không giống như Dish: món ăn Eel: con lươn Attempt: cố gắng Pressure: áp lực Eldest child: con trưởng Daughter: con gái Mischievous: tinh nghịch Obedient: biết vâng lời Hard-working: chăm chỉ Mend: sửa chửa Come up: xuất hiện Frankly: một cách thành thật Solution: giải pháp Base: nền tảng Confidence: sự tin tưởng Well-behaved: cư xử tốt Play trick: chơi khăm Each other: với nhau Relationship: mối quan hệ Share: chia sẻ Compare: so sánh Describe: diển tả Secret: điều bí mật Decision: quyết định Reserved: ít nói Spread out: lan ra Coach: xe đò Topic: chủ đề Permit: cho phép Bat: con dơi Speed: tốc độ Tear into halves: xé ra làm hai Match: trận đấu Great grandfather: ông cố Message: tin nhắn Lately: gần đây Result: kết quả Men build the house and women make it home: đàn ông xây nhà, đàn bà xây tổ ấm Realize: nhận ra Ski: trượt tuyết Queue: xếp hàng Slip: trượt chân Sink: bồn rửa Twin sister: chị em sinh đôi Couldn’t afford: không đủ tiền mua Encourage: khuyến khích Refuse: từ chối Remind: nhắc nhở GRAMMAR Trong unit này chúng ta sẽ học cách phân biệt giữa 2 thì : HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH và QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN 1) HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH Có hai cách dùng: - Để diễn tả hành động bắt đầu ở quá khứ còn kéo dài đến hiện tại (thường có dấu hiệu : since, for) - Để diển tả hành động đã hoàn tất ở quá khứ không có thời gian xác định. 2 ) QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN Để diển tả hành động đã hoàn tất ở quá khứ có thời gian xác định. Ghi chú : “Thời gian xác định” đôi khi được hiểu ngầm khi trước đó có nhắc đến sự kiện nào đó. - HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH không bao giờ dùng với liên từ when Cùng xem xét các ví dụ trong sách giáo khoa nhé : 1) Did you see/ have you seen my bag anywhere? I can’t find it. Chọn have you seen vì là hành động kéo dài đến hiện tại ( từ nảy đến giờ bạn có thấy cái túi của tôi ở đâu không ) 2) Hello Peter, are you back from the match? Did you enjoy/ Have you enjoyed it? Vì là có thời gian xác định ( trong trận đấu ) => dùng quá khứ đơn : Did you enjoy LESSON PLAN Unit 1 :HOME LIFE Section A :READING Aims: 1.Guessing meaning in context 2.Passage comprehension Lexical items: Words of a family Grammar: simple present Teaching aids: pictures & textbook Procedure: Tim e Stages Teacher’s act. Ss’ act. 3’ I. Warm up : Look at the picture . -Asks Ss to look at the picture in the textbook -Lets them -think & say -Answer 10’ Who do you see in it ? What is the picture about ? Key : This is a family .They are parents and children II. Pre-reading : +Elicit answers from Ss : Can you answer the questions ? Key : 1.The family is at home 2.The father is playing with his son.the mother is helping her daughter with her study 3.We see a warm and peaceful scence of a happy family (where people love support each other ) * Vocabulary - bi `ologist (n) /o / : nhà sinh vật học - `caring (adj) / eə / : quan tâm tới người khác - `close-knit (a) /əu / : quan hệ khăng khít say -Follows the -Listen -Repeat 20’ - `household chore (n) / au / / o: / : việc vặt trong nhà - `join hands (v) / oI/ : cùng nhau - `leftovers (n ) / e / : thức ăn thừa lại sau bữa ăn -se`cure (a) /ju / : an toàn -shift (n) /I / : ca , kíp -sup `portive (of) (a) / o: / : ủng hộ, thông cảm - `willing to do something (a) /I / : sẵn sàng làm gì III. While Reading : Use the textbook : Silent reading (5’) Task 1 : (5’) Key : 1. b( He comes home late at night ) 2. c (Men support family :women look after it ) 3. a (join hand =work together) 4. b ( `mischievous(a) tinh nghòch ) 5. a (close-knit=having close relation) steps of teaching voc. -Explains some difficult sent. -Asks Ps to read & choose - Copy down. - Read/silenc e -Read ,choose 10’ Task 2 : (10’) T : You read the reading again & find the answers Key : 1. The parents are very busy at work and with their children at home .They have to work long hours and sometimes they have to work at night. 2. She is very caring woman .She takes responsibility for running the household 3. He helps to clean the house and sometimes cooks, or mend things at weekends .The daughters does household chores and looks after the boys. 4. She attempts to win a place at university 5.Because they are a very close- knit family and very suppotive of one another IV. After reading : Can you say something about your family? You can use some suggestions: -take care of one another -share household -Asks pupils to read & find ideas from the text -Gives feed back -Suggests -Read the text & find -Copy down -Think & say 2’ chores -obey family’s rules -a peaceful family Sample : How many people are there in your family ? How is your father?your mother ? How are you and your brother ? What do you think about your family ? …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… V. Homework : Read the passage again at home -Asks sts to discuss in groups -Work in groups Talk in front of class LESSON PLAN UNIT 1 : HOME LIFE Section B: Speaking Aims: Help students ask and answer about household chores and family life. Lexical items: Words of household chores . Grammar: Yes – No / Wh _ questions. Teaching aids: pictures & textbook Procedure Time Content Teacher’ s activities Students’ activities I - WARM UP *Questions about family - How many people are there in your family? Who are they? - Do both your father and mother go to work? - What’s your responsibilities in the family? II – BEFORE To ask questions After students answer, write on board. To answer *VOCABULARY - Chore (n) : công việc - Responsibility (n) : trách nhiêm - Secret (n) : bí mật - Share (v) : chia xẻ - Personal (a) : cá nhân, riêng tư - Original (a) : thuộc nguồn gốc - Make a decision = decide (v) : quyết đònh - Work (v) = earn (v) :kiếm tiền Checking vocabulary. III - WHILE Task 1: Read the following sentences and tick the ones that apply to you and your family.  In my family, only my father To explain the words and give some examples with “share”: - share household chores - share an interest closely - share personal secrets To explain and give some synomym of “make a decision”. To pronounce words. To copy down To repeat. To work in pairs in order to read and and put a tick. To practice works.  Members of my family share the household chores.  My responsibility in the family is to wash the dishes.  In my family, the interest we share closely is watching football.  I often share my personal secrets with my father.  I always talk to my parents before making an important decision. Task 2: Ask each other with a list of questions to ask another student to find out whether his / her family like yours. Ex: Who works in your family? What’s your responsibility in the family? ………… To guide students to do the assingments: - put a stick - say these sentences to friends - speak to the class To go around and help. To guide students to make sentences with Yes- No / Wh_questions. saying as models. To say before class. To work in pairs To give the answer. To work in a different pair. Task 3: Work with different partner with the same questions in task 2. Note down the answer in the table. Task 4: Tell the information you have collected to the old partner. Example: I talk to Tam. Both his parents work. but only his mother does the household chores. Tam has a brother and a young sister. Only his young sister helps his mother at home. His father, his brother and Tam like football, but his mother and his young sister like cooking. All the children in the family talk to the mother more often than to the father. To check and correct mistakes. To divide students in another pairs. To check and correct mistakes. To call students to caome back to seat and work with old partners. To go around and To work in old pairs. IV - HOMEWORK Practise interviewing about family. give help. ĐỀ KIỂM TRA TRẮC NGHIỆM THEO CHỦ ĐỀ BÀI HỌC Unit 1: HOME LIFE I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose main stress is put on a different syllable from that of the others in the group. 1. A. obedient B. confidence C. mischievous D. reference 2. A. close-knit B. supportive C. biologist D. generally Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the group. 3. A. safe B. staff C. base D. bass 4. A. discussion B. revision C. attention D. admission 5. A. serves B. hopes C. likes D. writes II. GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence. 6. I don't have my own room. I have to _________________ the bedroom with my elder brother. A. divide B. share C. separate D. live 7. In my company, the director deputy usually ______________ the responsibility for organizing meetings and conferences. A. makes B. gets C. takes D. becomes 8. Some candidates failed the oral examination because they didn't have enough ______________ A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidential 9. That _____________ boy often plays tricks on his friends. A. well-behaved B. honest C. obedient D. mischievous 10. Most of the students are strongly ____________ of the school's approach. A. support B. supportive C. supported D. supporter 11. I'd like to see that football match because I ____________ one this year. A. haven't seen B. don't see C. weren't seeing D. didn't see 12. "What did you buy so much paint _______________?" "I'm going to paint my room again." A. for B. about C. with D. by 13. We can't go along here because the road is ______ . A. been repaired B. being repaired C. repair D. repaired 14. After Freddie _____________ his degree, he intends to work in his father's company. A. finishes B. will finish C. will have finished D. finished 15. If the bus to the airport ________ so late, we'd have caught the plane. A. weren't B. hadn't been C. haven't been D. wouldn't be 16. By the time I got to the dentist, the pain in my tooth ____________ stopped. A. was B. has C. had D. would 17. Lynn________________French from a book. A. teach B. taught C. teach herself D. taught herself 18. This pen is no good. Please give me ________________ . A. one B. other one C. another one D. one another 19. Don't go too fast! I can't ________ up with you. A. go B. walk C. keep D. run 20. You were wrong ____________ her for something she didn't do. A. so as to criticize B. of criticizing C. that criticizing D. to criticize 21. They missed the ferry. It _______ by the time they reached the pier. A. had gone B. went C. would go D. has gone 22. Did the principal congratulate the school team ____________ the championship? A. about winning B. for winning C. to win D. on winning 23. Americans _____________ to point at other people. A. consider rude it is B. consider it must rude C. consider it rude D. are consider rude 24. Where the Olympic Games will be held _______________ determined long in advance. A. are B. were C. is D. have 25. ____________ the weather would be fine! It's been raining all day! A. Even though B. If C. Unless D. If only 26. There was ______________ work to do so she spent all her time reading novels. A. much B. a little C. a few D. little 27. I've got no idea where ____________. A. has she got that information B. did she get that information C. she got that information D. that information has she got 28. The escaped prisoner is believed ____________ on an island. A. being lived B. to be living C. having lived D. that living 29. My sister has been a newsreader on TV ________________ she ... Ex: a Have you (ever ever been / be) to London? b He has(already already/finish) finished his homework buy) a new house c Peter has (recently/ recently bought (live) d we have lived in Hue for... knowledge about the uses of those tenses reviewed 2) Make five sentences for each tense 3) Prepare Unit – Reading in advance

Ngày đăng: 03/10/2017, 16:17

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