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Unit 2- Let''''s learn- Part C

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  • Thursday, October 24th, 2014

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Unit 2- Let''''''''s learn- Part C tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩnh vực...

Teacher:Nguyễn Thị Bích Huệ II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống: 1.How……you? 2.I …….fine. are am I. Điền chữ cái thích hợp vào chỗ trống: 1. owH 2.F ne i yellow (a) pink (a) blue (a) red (a) Monday, November 8 th 2010 -Color (n): Màu sắc Grammar: Câu hỏi và trả lời về màu sắc: What color is this? Ví dụ1: Ví dụ 2: What color is this? Monday, November 8 th 2010 It is red . (It’s red ) It is pink. (It’s pink ) Mẫu câu: What color is this? It is + tính từ chỉ màu sắc It is = It’s Monday, November 8 th 2010 Practice: 1 What color is this?What color is this? What color is this? What color is this? It is yellow. It is blue. It is red.It is pink. Monday, November 8 th 2010 3 2 4 Chọn một số bất kỳ mà em thích, sau đó xem tranh để trả lời câu hỏi. Em sẽ nhận được một điểm 10 cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng.Nếu em nào chọn được số may mắn, sẽ được cộng một điểm 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 [...]...What color is this? It is pink What color is this? It is red What color is this? It is yellow What color is this? It is blue Lucky number Homework: Viết câu hỏi và trả lời với 4 tính từ chỉ màu sắc đã học Học thuộc lòng từ vựng và mẫu câu Ngo Quyen Primary School Welcome to our class Thursday, October 24th, 2014 Unit 2: Colors and shapes Let’s Learn yellow purple brown orange white It’s… black red gray pink blue 10 green 11 Unit 2: Colors and shapes Let’s Learn C Practice the question and answer 1 What color is this? It’s gray It is = It’s Thanks for your attention LE HONG PHONG PRIMARY SCHOOL LET’S GO 2A UNIT2: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (P2) Teacher: Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung a cook a teacher a shopkeeper a student a nurse Wednesday, 1 st December 2010 Unit 2: Let’s learn some more(P2) They’re students. Note: They are = They’re They’re cooks. They are + danh tõ chØ nghÒ nghiÖp (sè nhiÒu). *Dùng để giới thiệu nghề nghiệp của nhiều người. Wednesday, 1 st December 2010 Unit 2: Let’s learn some more(P2) Teacher: TrÇn Hång Nhung. Tam Da 2 Primary School. Mét b¹n hái, mét b¹n tr¶ lêi vÒ nghÒ nghiÖp cña tõng ng êi trong tranh : 1 2 3 Who is ……? …. is a…… teacherShe he He cook she She she nurse he He farmer 1. a cook a teacher students a farmer 2. shopkeepers a nurse police officers taxi drivers EM h·y khoANH TRßN MéT Tõ KH¸C LO¹I : Chó ý: a nurse nurses Monday, November 30 th 2009 Unit 2: Who are they? They…re teachers. They … re + danh tõ sè nhiÒu. They … re = They are Who are they? 1 2 3 4 5 6 They … re …………… studentsshopkeepersnursescooksfarmersteachers Who are they? Monday, November 30 th 2009 Unit 2: Luật chơi: Em chọn và viết ra giấy 3 danh từ bất kỳ chỉ nghề nghiệp. Nếu có từ nào giống với từ mà cô giáo đọc , hãy đánh dấu tick ( ) vào tr ớc từ đó . Khi có 3 dấu tick , em hãy hô thật to Bingo. t e a c h e r s s h o p k e e p e r s s t u d e n t s f a r m e r s c o o k s n u r s e s police officers taxi drivers Warm up Answer the question What color is this ? It’s red What color is this ? It’s yellow What color is this ? It’s blue Monday, November 22 nd 2010 Unit 2 let’s learn Monday, November 22 nd 2010 Unit 2 let’s learn - black (adj) : - white (adj): - gray (adj) : - orange (adj): I. Vocabulary Monday, November 22 nd 2010 Unit 2 let’s learn Checking “Slap the board ” black blue orange gray white I. Vocabulary Monday, November 22 nd 2010 Unit 2 let’s learn I. Vocabulary II. Practice Model sentence What color is this ? It’s red 1 2 3 4 6 5 Ask and answer the question What color is this ? It’s orange Ask and answer the question What color is this ? It’s white Ask and answer the question What color is this ? It’s gray [...]...Ask and answer the question What color is this ? It’s black LUCKY NUMBER Unit 2 let’s learn I Vocabulary II Practice III Post Walk and talk Monday, November 22 nd 20 10 Unit 2 let’s learn Monday, November 22 nd 20 10 I Vocabulary II Practice III Post IV Home work Memorize vocabulary Prepare next lesson Teacher: Nguyen Ngoc Bien Who is he ? father He is my Who is she ? sister She is my Who is she ? mother She is my Friday November,12th 2010 UNIT 2: LET’S LEARN Vocabulary: a cook a shopkeeper a taxi driver a student a nurse a teacher a farmer a police officer *Vocabular y: a taxi driver a cook Ng­êi ®Çu bÕp a shopkeeper Người bán hàng Người lái xe a police officer Cảnh sát a farmer a nurse Nông dân Y tá a teacher Giáo viên a student Sinh viên * Matching: A B a cook a shopkeeper a farmer C D E G F H a teacher a taxi driver a nurse a student a police officer Hoa Mr Wilson Who’s he? Who’s she? He’s Mr Wilson She’s Hoa He’s a shopkeeper Ba Who’s he? He’s Ba Tuan Who’s he? He’s Tuấn She’s a cook He’s a cook Tung Who’s he? He’s Tung He’s a taxi driver He’s a student Hai Who’s he? He’s Mr Hai He’s a teacher Thuy Who’s she? She is Thuy she is a nurse Ly she.She is Who’s Ly.She’s a police officer Structure: He’s a cook She’s He is = He’s She is = She’s Practice writing 5.He’s a taxi driver He’s a shopkeeper She’s a cook He’s a farmer He’s a teacher 4.He’s a student She’s a police office She’s a nurse 1 Practice writing 5.He’s a taxi driver He’s a shopkeeper She’s a cook He’s a farmer He’s a teacher 4.He’s a student She’s a police office She’s a nurse Homework: • Learn the vocabulary and structure • Prepare: “Yes or No” Homework: • Learn the vocabulary and structure • Prepare: “Yes or No” ...Thursday, October 24th, 2014 Unit 2: Colors and shapes Let’s Learn yellow purple brown orange white It’s… black red gray pink blue 10 green 11 Unit 2: Colors and shapes Let’s Learn C Practice the... 10 green 11 Unit 2: Colors and shapes Let’s Learn C Practice the question and answer 1 What color is this? It’s gray It is = It’s Thanks for your attention

Ngày đăng: 27/09/2017, 10:21