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Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 D.P: Period: 1 D.T: Lesson 1 The simple past tense I. Objectives: - Helping Ss to revise the usage, form and the formation of verbs in the simple past tense t - Helping Ss to supply the verbs in the simple past tense - Helping Ss do some exercises. II. Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: Handouts IV. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Organization. ( 2 minutes) - Greeting and checking attendance. B. Check up: ( 5 minutes)– - Ask Ss write their examples B. New lesson (33 minutes) 1. The simple past tense the past perfect tense. a. Usage: - Ask Ss to say the usage of the simple past tense - Ask Ss to give examples. b. Form: - Ask Ss to say the form of the simple past tense - Ask Ss to give examples. - Greeting and answering. - Do the given exercises. * Usage: ( QK§) + DiÔn t¶ hµnh ®éng x¶y ra trong qu¸ khø vµ chÊm døt trong qu¸ khø. E.g He lived in Yen Thuy for 20 years. I met her yesterday. - Ps say the form and give examples. * QK§. (+) S + V-ed + O/ A (-)S + did+not + V-ed + O/ A (?) Did + S + Vo + A/ O? Yes, S + did No, S +did + not * QK§. Page 1 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 * Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - Ask Ps to work in pairs. 1. I suddenly remembered I ( leave) ………… my wallet on the bus. 2. Yesterday I (thank)……….her for what she (do)…………… 3. When I got to the office, I (realize) …… that I (forget)……… to lock the door. 4. When they (finish)……… their work, they (go)……………home. 5. I ( call)………….you at 8 o’clock but you (just/ go)…………….out. 6. I took my family to Paris last year, I (be)…… as a student, so I (know ) …………. my way round. 7. When I (listen)………….the news, I (go) …………to bed. - Conduct the correction. C. Comments (3 minutes) - Give comments D. Homework ( 2 minutes) - Give examples using the simple past tense - §a sè c¸c ®t + ed: work, learn - KÕt thóc e + d: live, leave - Nh©n ®«i phô ©m cuèi: stop, rob, beg… - §éng tõ bÊt quy t¾c: write-wrote, read- read , run - ran… - Ps give examples. - Ps work in pairs. * Suggested answers: - had left - thanked - had done - realized – had forgot - had finished - went - called – had just gone - had been - knew - had listened - went - Ps take notes. - Listen to the teacher. - At home D.P:11/09/08 Period 2 D.T:13/09/08 Lesson 2. Infinitive with To I.Objectives Page 2 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use infinitive with to in Unit 1 correctly II. Teaching aids: III. Procedure Time Teacher’ activities Students’ activities .PRESENTATION Ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu có "to" trong các trường hợp sau: 1. Sau các tính từ: Ex: It's nice to see you again. I am too pour to buy a house He is not old enough to see that film. 2. Sau các indefinite pronoun: Ex: I have nothing to do now. I can't find a place to live. 3. Sau các động từ: - want, afford - agree - appear - arrange - ask- choose- decide- fail- happen- help- hope-learn- manage - offer- plan- pretend- promise- refused- tend- threaten- want- wish * Note: - would like/love/ prefer + to - infinitive - like/love/hate/dislike + to - infinitive - like/love/hate/dislike + V - ing (hobbies, interesting). 4. Verb + O + to - infi: - advise- allow- ask- beg- cause- enable- encourage- expect- invite- order- persuade- remind- tell - want- warn. 5. To - infi diến tả một mục đích. (= in order to = so as to) 6. To - infi as a Subject: Ex: Tolove and to be loved is the happiest in the world. 7. To - infi as a complement: Ex: My dream is to become a docter Ask Ss to make some examples Call on some Ss to give their answers Correct Ask Ss to do exercise1 (page7) in the wokbook CONSOLIDATION Summarise the main content of the lesson HOMEWORK Ask Ss to revise these grammatical items at home -listen -Write down Eg.I want to go home now Eg.-I like to eat aple - I like eating aple Eg. She advise me to go home now. Listen and take note -Make examples -Take note -Do the ex. Page 3 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 D.P:19/09/08 Period 3 D.T:20/09/08 Lesson3. Infinitive without To I.Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use infinitives with To in Unit 1 correctly II. Teaching aids: text book, work book III.Teaching procedure Time Teacher’ activities Students’ activities PRESENTATION I. Infinitive without "to": Ta dùng động từ nguyên mẫu không "to" trong các trường hợp sau đây: 1. Sau các modal Verb: - Can, could, may, might, should . - Need, dare Ask Ss to make examples Call on some Ss to give their answers Give feedback and correct 2. Sau had better, would rather: Eg.You had better go to bed early. 3. Make, let s.o + bare 4. Verbs of perception: - Hear/see/watch/notice/feel + O + bare: diễn tả hành động đã kết thúc hoặc toàn bộ hành động. - Hear/see/watch/notice/feel + O + V-ing: diễn tả hành động đang diễn ra hoặc 1 phần của hành động Ex: I saw him climb throung the window yesterday. . 5. Have to do something. Eg. I have to go to school now 6. Trong các cấu trúc nhấn mạnh: Ex: I do believe you. II. Ask Ss to do ex.3(page7,8) in the work book Call 2 Ss to write their answers on the boad -give feed back and correct with the whole class CONSOLIDATION Summarise the main content of the lesson HOMEWORK Ask Ss to revise these grammatical items at home Eg. I can swim Eg.My mother made me do the home work Eg.I see smoke flying from the chimney -Do the ex. Individually -write the answers on the board Page 4 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 D.P:26/09/08 Period 4 D.T:27/09/08 Lesson 4. Past simple and past progressive tense I.Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use the past simple, past progressive correctly II.Teaching aids: work book III. Teaching procedure Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities PRESENTATION II. TENSE REVISION: Past simple: Ask Ss to retell the form and the use of the past simple tense 1. Form: S+ V(ed) 2. Adverbs of time: Yesterday , last year , last night, in 1998, in 18th century 3. Uses: a. An completed action in the past Ex: I met him yesterday b. When the time is asked exactly : Ex: When did you do your housework? c. An action happened at a definitely period of time even the time isn't mentioned Ex: She opened the door ,changed her clothes and started doing the housework. d. Sometime the time is definited as a result of a question and an answer at the present perfect tense e. A habit in the past ( used to , would V) S+adverb of frequency+ V(ed) f. A series of past actions -Individual -group work -whole class -Individual Page 5 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 g. An action suddenly happened while another action was happening in the past Ex: I was sleeping when he phoned h. In second-type condition and unreal past tenses ( I'd rather , I'd sooner .) Ex: If I was a billionaire, I would give each of you $10000 Past progressive: 1. Form : S+ was/were + V-ing 2. Adverbs of time * At 7 a.m yesterday, at this time last week / last month * At the end of last year / last month * From . to * Between . and 3. Uses: a. An action was happening at a definite time in the pastEx : I was learning English between 8p.m and 10 p.m yesterday b. An action was happening in the past and interrupted by another action or two actions were happening at the same time As/when + past simple , S+V ( past continuous While S+ V( past continuous) S+ V ( past continuous) Ex: My brother was playing football when my mother came While my mother was cooking my father was reading newspapers c. An intension in the past = were going to V Ex: When I came , he was packing his clothes d. Criticize a bad habit in the past ( + always )Ex: When at school , Tom always losing things e. To retell a story or describe a picture Ex: It was getting darker , a woodfire was burning on the hearth and a cat was sleeping Ask Ss to do ex.4 (page 15)in the work book -Call some st to write the answer on the board -give feedback and correct with the whole class CONSOLIDATION Summarise the main content of the lesson -group work -whole class -Individual -group work -whole class -do the ex. Individually -take note Page 6 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 HOMEWORK Ask Ss to revise these grammatical items at home D.P:02/10/08 period 5 D.T:04/10/08 Lesson 5. The past simple vs. the past perfect I.Objectives By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use the past simple, past progressive and past perfect correctly II. Teaching aids: III.Teaching procedure Time Steps Work arrangement PRESENTATION I* Past simple: Ask Ss to retell the form and the use of the past simple tense 1. Form: S+ V(ed) 2. Adverbs of time: Yesterday , last year , last night, in 1998, in 18th century 3. Uses: a. An completed action in the past Ex: I met him yesterday b. When the time is asked exactly : Ex: When did you do your housework? c. An action happened at a definitely period of time even the time isn't mentioned Ex: She opened the door ,changed her clothes and started doing the housework. d. Sometime the time is definited as a result of a question and an answer at the -Individual -group work -whole class Page 7 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 present perfect tense e. A habit in the past ( used to , would V) S+adverb of frequency+ V(ed) f. A series of past actions g. An action suddenly happened while another action was happening in the past Ex: I was sleeping when he phoned h. In second-type condition and unreal past tenses ( I'd rather , I'd sooner .) Ex: If I was a billionaire, I would give each of you $10000 Revise the form and the use of the past perfect tense. * Past perfect 1. Form: had + P.P 2. Use: a. Nói về một sự việc xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm cụ thể ở quá khứ. Ex: By 2000 I had graduated from University. b. Sử dụng cùng với quá khứ đơn để diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước và hành động xảy ra sau. (Hành động dùng quá khứ hoàn thành <QKHT> xảy ra trước hành động ở quá khứ đơn <QKD> Ex: I had had dinner before I go to bed. c. Nói về những hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ trước 1 hành động khác trong quá khứ. Ex: My brother had travelled to many countries before he set up his business. d. Sử dụng với "by": Ex: By the time I got home, my sister had cooked lunch. e. Khi mối quan hệ về time giữa 2 hành động trong quá khứ rõ ràng (như trong cách dùng với "before, after, as soon as) thì có thể dùng thì QKD cho cả hai động từ. Ex: After she (had) appeared in the film, she got a part in another movie. f. Lưu ý sự khác nhau giữa các câu sau đây -Whole class -Individual Group work -individual -whole class Page 8 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 khi thì QKHT dc. dùng với "when" Ex: When the show ended, I left (= As soon as the show ended, I left) When the show ended, I had left (= By the time the show ended, I had left) g. Dùng với "already, yet, ever, never" để nhấn mạnh hành động xảy ra trước. Ex: Ann did not go to London with her sister. She had already gone there. Ask Ss to do ex.3(page15) work book -call on some Ss to give the answers -give feedback and correct with the whole class CONSOLIDATION Summarise the main content of the lesson HOMEWORK Ask Ss to revise these grammatical items at home D.P:09/10/08 Period 6 D.T:11/10/08 Lesson 6. Gerund I.Objectives By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to use gerund correctly II.Teaching aids: work book III.Teaching procedure Time Steps Work arrangement PRESENTATION I. Gerund 1. Gerund làm chủ ngữ: Eg: Learning E is interesting. Cách dùng này tương đương với cấu trúc: It is + adj + to – inf Eg: Learning E is interesting = It is interesting to learn E. 2. Gerund đứng sau giới từ: * Adj + giới từ + gerund: - Nervous / worry + about -Individual -group work -whole class Page 9 Doan Minh Phuc Optional lesson plan 11 2008-2009 - Good/ bad / clever / skilled / … + at - Sorry / responsible + for - Be keen + on - Fond +of Eg. She is good at studying English * V + prep + gerund: - look forward to - success to - think of / about - dream of / about - insit on - surprised at - Interested in - Busy with Eg.I always think about being rich * V + O + prep + gerund: - Prevent s.o from - Thank s.o for - Spend money/time on - Accuse s.o of (buộc tội) Eg.Thank you for helping me * N + prep + gerund: - Have difficulty in: sự khó khăn - There is no point in: k đáng/ chẳng đáng 3. Gerund as a O: - Admit- Appreciate- Avoid- Consider- Delay- Deny- Enjoy- Excuse- Finish- Imagine- Mind- Miss- Postpone- Pratise- Resist- Risk- Suggest 4. V + to – inf/gerund:k thay đổi nghĩa - Start - Begin - Consider - Continue - Intend Eg.-It starts to rain -It starts raining 5. V + to – inf/gerund: thay đổi nghĩa - Try: -Individual -group work -whole class -Individual -group work -whole class Page 10

Ngày đăng: 17/07/2013, 01:25


