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Exercise and Key for unit 2

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Key for unit Complete the sentences with the words/phrases from the list Make changes to the words where necessary set up metropolitan go aroundf eaturepackedroundaboutmelting potkeep up with 1.Some people believe that skyscrapers are a feature of big cities 2.We have to set up more schools to meet the demand of the increasing numbers of children in the area 3.Ho Chi Minh City is like a melting pot of people from different areas 4.While visiting Da Nang, we went around all the World Heritage Sites nearby 5.The roundabout is a kind of circular junction, where traffic flows continuously around a central island 6.It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change in big cities 7.The metropolitan area includes the city itself, and the surrounding suburbs or other urban areas 8.During the morning and evening rush hours, cities often become packed with people and vehicles Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to finish the sentences 1.Our city has some fashionable shops, but they are not very (afford) affordable 2.Many people move to the city because they enjoy the (pleasure) pleasant and (convenience) convenientlife there 3.New York is a multi-(culture) multicultural city It has people from all over the world living in it 4.City authorities are spending (much) more and (much) more money on public transport to make it (good) better 5.- What’s the (small) smallest country in the world? - I think it’s Monaco Choose the best answer to complete the sentences 1.When I turned up, the town hall was already _ of teenagers A.full B.packed C.crowded D.jammed 2.She turned _ the new job in New York because she didn't want to move A.on B.down C.off D.up 3.This city has one of the most _ underground rail networks in the world A.efficient B.fashionable C.cosmopolitan D.fascinated 4.This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs _ the other one A.so much as B.as many as C.twice as much as D.twice as many 5.Today’s cities are _ than cities in previous times A.lots larger B.much larger C.as large D.the largest 6.After I found all the information I needed, I _ the computer A.turned off B.switched on C.looked for D.put off 7.Japan is the _ developed country in the world A.most second B.second in most C.second mostD.two most 8.Factories and offices should be built in _ areas only A.rural B.coastal C.cultural D.urban Complete each sentence with the correct form of a verb from the box You don’t need to use all of them liveturnbreakgetgivekeepcometakefindgo 1.- Has Phuc arrived yet? - No, but I’m sure he will turn up soon 2.My aunt never really got over the death of her pet dog 3.It’s not easy to give up smoking My uncle has tried to it lots of times without success 4.Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you Please go on and finish what you are saying 5.I enjoyed living in London, but it didn't really live up to my expectations 6.I’m sorry I’m late, but the car broke down on the way here, so I had to phone for a taxi 7.You were going too fast! I couldn't keep up with you 8.Remember to find out how many people are coming to the party Read the text and underline the six phrasal verbs Match each of them with a synonym/definition given, according to its meaning in the text When Laura was a university student in the city, she found it very difficult to live on her grant when prices were going up all the time, so she decided to look for a part-time job When she saw an advertisement in the paper for snack bar staff, she sat down to apply for the job She wasn’t sure how best to present herself on paper, so she just put down the details of her education and experience The owner of the bar rang some days later to ask her to come for an interview the following day When she arrived, she was nervous because she felt sure he could see through her claims to have worked as a waitress before, and would turn her down But finally the interview was over, and he shook hands with her and said, ‘See you next week, then!’ Read the two passages and answer the questions below Venice Venice is a beautiful city in northeastern Italy It is called ‘The Floating City’ as it is built on 117 small islands This city has no roads Instead, people use boats to travel along the canals Flat-bottomed boats were once the main means of transport, but today motor boats are more popular In Venice, you can visit the famous Piazza San Marco with its world famous basilica, the lovely bridges over the narrow canals, and some of the best museums in Western Europe Los Angeles Los Angeles is the most populous city in California, and the second most populous city in the USA It is a global city, a centre of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, and fashion The Los Angeles area includes Hollywood, and leads the world in the creation of television productions, video games, and recorded music The weather here is usually dry and warm Visitors like to go to the film studios and to drive along Hollywood Boulevard There are also some good beaches near the city, such as Venice Beach 1.What is special about Venice? Built on many islands / has no roads / boats are the main means of transport 2.Where’s Los Angeles? In California, USA 3.What can visitors in Venice? They can visit Piazza San Marco / They can visit museums 4.Which city is famous for its entertainment industry? Los Angeles is 5.Which city you like better? Why? Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the passage If you live in a city, you will probably see many people, hear the noise of traffic, and smell the pollution (1) from cars and factories We are living in a new era in the history of the world Before this, most people were farmers They lived in small communities in the (2) country Now many people are leaving the farms and moving into the cities They are looking for (3) better jobs As a result, the cities are growing very quickly Most cities are becoming more (4) crowded People are driving more cars, burning more fuel, using more water, eating more food, making more garbage, and (5) producing more things in factories than ever before Life in modern cities can bring many opportunities, but also many difficulties The authorities are trying to plan for a better future They are building new roads, putting (6) up new houses, looking for more water sources, and limiting growth in certain areas But people are still crowding into the cities faster (7) than the cities can take them The cities are (8) running out of space There are no easy answers to this problem Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage Homelessness is a problem in many big cities in the world It occurs when a part of the population does not have any (1) place to call home Hundreds of millions of people in the world spend at least some time of the year homeless This is an issue that the authorities are trying to (2) However, there are (3) things that each person can to help those people One of the things that you can to help the homeless is to volunteer your time If you have a lot of free time, you might go on an extended trip to help (4) homes or improve an impoverished area Even with just a few hours a week, it is possible to make an impact in your own city You can also sign up to help at a (5) soup kitchen: most cities have a mission of some kind (6) food to the homeless and offering temporary shelter 1.A.common B.regular C.unusual D.fixed 2.A.deal with B.get over C.look through D.find out 3.A.little B.less C.more D.fewer 4.A.care for B.show around C.set up D.pull down 5.A.urban B.central C.capital D.local 6.A.cooking B.supporting C.helping D.serving Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence 1.This exhibition is much more interesting than the last one The last exhibition was not as interesting as this one 2.The teacher says that no student in the school is noisier than I am The teacher says that I'm the noisiest student in the school 3.This book is the least interesting I've ever read I have never read a less interesting boring book than this one / read more boring book than this one 4.I think Vung Tau City is the most ‘liveable’ city in Viet Nam I think there is no city in Viet Nam (that is) more ‘liveable’ than Vung Tau City 5.This city is the same as it was in the 1990s This city hasn’t changed since the 1990s 6.He found the visit to the gallery quite depressing He felt quite depressed by the visit to the gallery / quite depressed about the visit to the gallery 10 Rewrite each sentence so that the new sentence has a similar meaning to the original one, using the word in brackets 1.You should use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words (LOOK) You should use a dictionary to look up new words 2.The doctor told my father to stop smoking (GIVE) The doctor told my father to give up smoking 3.The cost of living has been increasing considerably in the past few weeks (UP) The cost of living has been going up considerably in the past few weeks 4.Margaret Thatcher was born and spent her childhood in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England (GREW) Margaret Thatcher was born and grew up in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England 5.His business is going badly – he’ll have to stop doing it soon (CLOSE) His business is going badly, so he’ll have to close it down soon 6.My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to have a good relationship with each other (GET) My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to get on well with each other Key for unit (2) Underline the correct particle to complete each phrasal verb 1.The city has recently set up/off/out a library in the West Suburb 2.I don’t think Fred gets over/through/on with Daniel They always argue 3.You should take your hat in/over/off in the cinema 4.Their children have all grown up/out/out of and left home for the city to work 5.We were shown up/off/around the town by a volunteer student 6.The town council decided to pull up/over/down the building, as it was unsafe Underline the phrasal verbs in the sentences, and match them to their meaning from the box You don’t need the light on in here Turn it off, please They offered him a place at the company but he turned it down The doctor wanted to go over the test results with her patient Once you’ve finished cleaning, you can go on with your work When you come inside, you should take off your coat and hat The local meeting is on Oct 15th Put it down in your diary remove examine press the switch refuse make a note continue doing 1.Turn it off : press the switch 2.turned it down : refuse 3.go over : examine 4.go on with : continue doing 5.take off : remove 6.Put it down : make a note Read the text and find eight phrasal verbs Match each of them with a definition from the box For her first evening’s work at the bar, Sarah dressed up She wore a black skirt and white blouse, as she had been told to look smart However, when she turned up, she found out that the manager had been less than honest with her about the job She had to serve the customers and also work in the kitchen Still, she decided to go on working at the bar for the time being After all, she was getting on well in the job Three months later, she saw an advertisement in the paper for a sales assistant at a department store She thought it over carefully, and decided to apply for it ‘But I won’t tell anyone until I’ve got the new job!’ she thought The prospect of doing something different cheered her up considerably consider ask for (a job) arrive put on smart clothes discover continue make someone feel happie rmake progress dress up put on smart clothes turn up arrive find out discover go on continue get on make progress think sth over consider apply for ask for (a job) cheer sb up make someone feel happier Read the passage quickly and find the information to fill the blanks Which is the best city in the world to live in? Every year, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) conducts a fascinating survey to determine which cities around the world “provide the best or worst living conditions” It uses factors such as climate, transport, education, safety, and recreational facilities in cities It gives scores for each, and ranks the cities in order – from the best to the worst For the year 2014, the top 10 cities came from Australia, Canada, Europe, and New Zealand Melbourne in Australia had the highest score, which means it is the most ‘liveable’ city Some famous cities came in the top 20, such as Tokyo (19th) and Paris (17th) Perhaps surprisingly, Osaka (13th) had the best score in Asia Cities with major conflicts tended to score the lowest In these countries, living conditions were the most difficult or dangerous Among the worst cities on the list were Dhaka in Bangladesh, Tripoli in Libya, and Douala in Cameroon However, some other organisations and individuals would like to add other factors to the index They say that a city’s green space, urban sprawl, natural features, cultural attractions, convenience, and pollution should be added to the list a.1.The name of the organisation doing the survey: The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 2.The year of the survey: 2014 3.The names of the best city and the worst cities: B Read the passage again and answer the questions 1.What factors are used by the EIU to rank the world’s cities? Climate, transport, education, safety, and recreational facilities in cities (are used) 2.Where were some famous cities on the list? Among the top 20 3.Why were Dhaka, Tripoli, and Douala ranked among the worst cities? Because the living conditions there were the most difficult or dangerous 4.Which was the most "liveable" city in Asia? Osaka was 5.What are some factors that should be added to the index? They are a city’s green space, urban sprawl, natural features, cultural attractions, convenience, and pollution What are some factors that should be added to the index? Suzanne lives in Bangkok with her husband and two children Her office is seven km away but it takes her two hours to get there by car every day “Some cities have problems with pollution, crime, or bad weather - here we have traffic jams,” she says Before going to the office, she has to take her children to school - so she sets off at a.m The children sleep until they arrive at school Then Suzanne begins her journey to the office, r :ne evening the traffic is even worse Traffic moves in the city centre at half a kilometre an hour In rainy weather it doesn't move at all But why is it so bad? In the past, more people moved around Bangkok by boat Now so many people have a car, and there aren't enough roads in the city The Skytrain and metro can help a bit, but they are limited in range and don't cover all parts of the city A.Listen and write the missing word in each gap 1.“Some cities have problems with pollution, crime or bad weather – here we have traffic jams” 2.Before going to the office, she has to take her children to school 3.In the evening the traffic is even worse 4.Now so many people have a car, and there aren’t enough roads in the city b Listen again and choose the correct answer 1.What is the most serious problem in Bangkok? A.Pollution B.Bad weather C.Traffic jams 2.How does Suzanne go to work? A.By car B.By Skytrain C.By metro 3.How long does it take Suzanne to go to work every day? A.Two hours B.Five hours C.Half an hour 4.In the evening the traffic is _ A.better B.worse C.the same 5.Why is traffic so bad in Bangkok? A.People move around by boat B.There aren’t enough roads C.There isn’t a Skytrain or metro Put one word from the box in each gap noisy full crowded bored fabulous urban fascinating A big city is full of life City life is more modern and (1) fascinating than elsewhere It is usually very busy and (2) noisy, even at night Life in a big city starts early in the morning Soon the roads are (3) full of vehicles School children in their uniforms can be seen on the pavement, walking or waiting for buses People rush to work With every passing hour, the traffic goes on increasing The shops and the market places remain (4) crowded till the evening hours Certainly (5) urban life has certain charms It offers great opportunities and challenges, especially for the young There are lots of things to do, and facilities are well developed There are (6) fabulous places for amusement and recreation One never feels (7) bored in a city 8.Complete each sentence with the word given, using comparison Include any other necessary words 1.The last exhibition was not as interesting as / so interesting as this one (INTERESTING) 2.This city is developing the fastest in the region (FAST) 3.Let’s take this road It is the shortest / a shorter way to the city.(SHORT) 4.I was disappointed as the film was less entertaining than I had expected (ENTERTAINING) 5.You’re not a safe driver! You should drive more carefully.(CAREFULLY) 9.Complete each space with a phrasal verb from the list Change the form of the verb if necessary cheer up get over turn back find out turn down go on 1.She (has) turned down his invitation to the party and now he’s really upset 2.What’s going on in the street over there? Open the door! 3.Lots of fruit and vegetables will help you get over your cold 4.My brother was cheered up with a trip to the zoo 5.The road was jammed, so we had to turn back and find an alternative route 6.I have found out about a fabulous place where we can go for a picnic this weekend 10 Rewrite each sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the word in capitals 1.Don’t leave the lights on when you leave the classroom (OFF) Turn off the lights when you leave the classroom 2.Mai spent her childhood in a small town in the south (UP) Mai grew up in a small town in the south 3.Kathy checked the restaurant on her mobile phone (LOOKED) Kathy looked up the restaurant on her mobile phone 4.My grandmother has recovered from her operation (GOT) My grandmother has got over her operation 5.We are really expecting to see you again with pleasure.(LOOK) We are looking forward to seeing you again ... worked as a waitress before, and would turn her down But finally the interview was over, and he shook hands with her and said, ‘See you next week, then!’ Read the two passages and answer the questions... offers great opportunities and challenges, especially for the young There are lots of things to do, and facilities are well developed There are (6) fabulous places for amusement and recreation One... on well with each other Key for unit (2) Underline the correct particle to complete each phrasal verb 1.The city has recently set up/off/out a library in the West Suburb 2. I don’t think Fred gets

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2017, 17:19

