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100 WAYS OF REDUCING AND TRANSFORMING SENTENCES Would prefer + phrase  would rather + clause I’d prefer you not to take that course I’d rather you didn’t take that course Phrase + Simple sentence  Compound Sentence with suitable coordinate conjunctions Phrase + simple sentence  Compound sentence with suitable conjunctions  To our surprise, the laziest student gets the highest marks The laziest student gets the highest marks, and we are surprised The laziest student gets the highest marks, so we are surprised  You must work hard to earn your living You must work hard, or you can not earn your living “Apply for the job” clause  “Application” phrase He applied for the job but the boss turned down  His application for the job was turned down by the boss Interchange of simple and complex sentences NOUN CLAUSES: Choosing appropriate verbs  The criminal confessed his crime The criminal confessed that he had committed a crime  The news of his trip to Australia interests us The news that he has made a trip to Australia interests us  We are surprised at his story We are surprised at what he has told Two nouns/pronouns  What They are watching some film She ignores it  She ignores what they are watching the way  how That is the way She makes coffee in the way  That is the way she makes coffee  That is how she makes coffee the reason/why He didn’t know the reason She had failed for that reason  He didn’t know the reason why she had failed (a) He didn’t know why she had failed (b) Using appropriate parts of speech  We know his success in business We know that he has succeeded in business  I am interested in his winning the lottery I am interested that he has won the lottery Using WISH-clause Notes: - Using sentences with contrary meaning - Verbs are put back one step  Mai can't speak English well I wish Mai could speak English well  She broke a precious vase She wishes she had not broken a precious vase 10 The chances are that  In all probability The chances are that he may be admitted to a university next year  In all probability he may be admitted to a university next year 11 Noun clause  Infinitive phrase He hopes that she will accept his proposition  He hopes her to accept his proposition 12 Someone’s wish  Someone wants It is her wish that her son could study overseas  She wants her son to study overseas 13 WHAT + S + V…  AS FAR AS + S + V What she knows is that he has won a lot of medals  As far as she knows, he has won a lot of medals 14 Present participle (active meaning)  He saw a coach going towards Hanoi He saw a coach which was going towards Hanoi  He saw an eagle perching in a tree He saw an eagle that was perching in a tree 15 Past participle (passive meaning)  He adopted the abandoned baby He adopted the baby who had been abandoned  The girl kidnapped in the supermarket is the mayor's daughter The girl who was kidnapped in the supermarket is the mayor's daughter  The student punished by the teacher cried bitterly The student who was punished by the teacher cried bitterly 16 Time phrase  Youth is the time for the best study Youth is the time when people can study the best 17 Place phrase  The New World is the place for the tourists to stay comfortably The New World is the place where the tourists can stay comfortably 18 Adjective +Noun  Noun + relative pronoun + be + adjective  A hard student will be successful A student who is hard will be successful  He dug a jar full of gold under a tree He dug a jar which was full of gold under a tree 19 Prepositional phrase (relative pronoun + be + prepositional phrase)  The tree in front of my house is in full bloom The tree which is in front of my house is in full bloom 20 Appositive phrase (relative pronoun + be + noun)  My friend, a doctor, can cure this disease My friend, who is a doctor, can cure this disease 21 Infinitive phrase (superlative, ordinal numbers or Only,…)  The first guest to come to the party was Mr Brown The first guest that came to the party was Mr Brown  The most intelligent student that studied in our course was jobless The most intelligent student to study in our course was jobless ADVERB CLAUSES: 22 Anywhere/Somewhere  Anywhere/Somewhere + S + V  You may stay anywhere You may stay anywhere you like  For a chance you should go somewhere For a chance you should go somewhere you like 23 Prepositional phrase  Time clause  He was sad about the news of her death He was sad when he knew the news of her death  Once seeing a mountainous girl by the well, the hunter remembers her image for good Once the hunter saw a mountainous girl by the well, he remembers her image for good  Since a child, she has dreamed of studying overseas Since she was a child, she has dreamed of studying overseas 24 Present participle phrase  Time clause  Having finished the work, he went home After he had finished the work, he went home  Walking along the bank, he saw a fish stirring water in the river While he was walking along the bank, he saw a fish stirring water in the river  Going to bed, she had done her homework Before she went to bed, she had done her homework  Meeting her for the first time, he loved her As he met her for the first time, he loved her 25 Present perfect + for + time  It is + time + since + simple past  He has not seen me for three years It is three years since he last saw me  Mary has studied in Paris for two months It is two months since Mary began to study in Paris 26 Negative Present perfect + Before  It is the first time that + Present perfect  I have not eaten this kind of food before It is the first time that I have eaten this kind of food  He has never met her before It is the first time that he has met her 27 Negative present perfect + Since +Time  The last time + Simple past + Time Notes: - At + hour - On + day - In + month/season/year  I have not smoked since June The last time I smoked was in June  She has not seen him since Monday The last time she saw him was on Monday 28 Negative simple past + until clause  It was not + until clause + That clause  He did not smoke until he was eighteen It was not until he was eighteen that he smoked  Jack did not play the guitar until he lived in Rome It was not until Jack lived in Rome that he played the guitar 29 Without phrase  If clause  You should not go overseas without a passport If you not have a passport, you should not go overseas  You can not apply for a job without any qualifications If you not have any qualifications, you can not apply for a job 30 Present participle phrase  If clause  Having finished your work, you can go out If you finish your work, you can go out  Winter coming, it will get cold If winter comes, it will get cold 31 Prepositional phrase  If clause  In your free time, you should go on trips If you have free time, you should go on trips  With a lot of money, he can build a castle If he has a lot of money, he can build a castle 32 To/In order to inf  So that clause  He went to Singapore to study English He went to Singapore so that he could study English  In order to catch fish, the farmer had the water in the pond pumped out The farmer had the water in the pond pumped out so that he could catch fish 33 Phrase of purpose  So that phrase  She went to the department store for some sugar She went to the department store so that she might buy some sugar 34 Adverb phrase of manner  Clause of manner  I will the job to the best of my ability I will the job as well as I can  The rich man gets dressed like a poor one The rich man gets dressed as if he were a poor one  He worked hard like a slave He worked as hard as a slave did 35 Too to  So That Phrase  Clause  Jack is too short to reach the top of the table Jack is so short that he can not reach the top of the table  Bill Gates is intelligent enough to become the richest man Bill Gates is so intelligent that he becomes the richest man  It is too cold for everybody to go out It is so cold that everybody can not go out  His pain was too sharp for him to sleep His pain was so sharp that he could not sleep 36 Too to  Such That Phrase  Clause It is too cold for everybody to go out It is such a cold day that everybody can not go out  His pain was too sharp for him to sleep He had such a sharp pain that he could not sleep 37 Enough to  So That Phrase  Clause  The woman is credulous enough to be cheated The woman is so credulous that she is cheated  The tea is cool enough for you to drink now The tea is so cool that you can drink it now  The wind was strong enough for the mill to work well The wind was so strong that the mill could work well 38 Enough to  Such That Phrase  Clause  The wind was strong enough for the mill to work well It was such a strong wind that the mill could work well 39 As phrase  Adverb of concession  As a doctor, he can not support his family Though he is a doctor, he can not support his family 40 In spite of/ Despite phrase  Adverb of concession  In spite of a lot of hardship, Vietnam Communist Party has led Vietnamese people to one after another victory Although there has been a lot of hardship, Vietnam Communist Party has led Vietnamese people to one after another victory  Despite the long distance between Hue and Lang Son, his mother pays a visit to him every month Even though there is the long distance between Hue and Lang Son, his mother pays a visit to him every month 41 Past participle  Adverb of concession  Wounded seriously in the battle, Tru Van Tho tried to cover the hole of the blockhouse with his own body Although Tru Van Tho was wounded seriously in the battle, he tried to cover the hole of the blockhouse with his own body 42 Present participle  Adverb of concession  Staying very far from the lighthouse, we can see its light every night Though we stay very far from the lighthouse, we can see its light every night 43 Without phrase  Adverb of concession  Without money, he managed to enter the stadium to watch an important football match Although he had no money, he managed to enter the stadium to watch an important football match 44 Appositive phrase  Adverb of concession  He, a poor student, can win a national prize He can win a national prize although he is a poor student 45 Prepositional phrase  Adverb of concession  In a remote small village, he gains a worldwide fame Although he lives in a remote small village, he gains a worldwide fame  From a soldier at first, he becomes a general today Though he was a soldier at first, he becomes a general today  Whether poor or rich, all people can learn English well Although people are poor or rich, all of them can learn English well 46 Present participle phrase  Adverb clause of concession  Working very hard, he can not earn his living Hard as he works, he can not earn his living 47 Prepositional phrase  Adverb clause of cause  Because of her stubbornness, her friends not like her Because she is stubborn, her friends not like her  Due to the bad crop, the farmer is in debt Because the crop is bad, the farmer is in debt  Thanks to the teacher's devoted help, he finished his doctorate thesis 48 Present participle phrase  Adverb clause of cause  Having broken the vase, Mary was punished Because Mary had broken the vase, she was punished  Living in the countryside, people have some disadvantages Because they live in the countryside, they have some disadvantages 49 Past participle phrase  Adverb clause of cause  Tied at the tree, he could not run away Because he was tied at the tree, he could not run away  Put in prison, he can not have participated in the robbery Because he was put in prison, he can not have participated in the robbery 50 Except + phrase  Except that + clause  She was an excellent student except her sickness She was an excellent student except that she was sick  Except the scar on her face, she is a beautiful girl She is a beautiful girl except that there is a scar on her face 51 Double comparative Mary learns hard She is tired  The harder Mary learns, the more tired she is 52 Any  WH-EVER She could choose any of the item; it cost only 5$  Whichever item she could choose, it cost only 5$ 53 As soon as  No sooner than She went to bed as soon as she turned off the lights  No sooner had she turned off the lights than she went to bed 54 Though/Although  … as … Though he learned lazily, he passed any exam in his life  Lazily as he learned, he passed any exam in his life 55 No matter WH  WH-EVER He will wear the shirt she gave, no matter how worn it is  However worn the shirt she gave is, he will wear it 56 WHETHER OR NOT  WH-EVER Tigers are very dangerous, whether they are hungry or not  However hungry tigers are, they are very dangerous 57 Without phrase  If clause Without her support, he would never be successful in his examination  If she didn’t support him, he would never be successful in his examination 58 Phrase with “Immediately after”  No sooner … than Immediately after their saying goodbye, she went to bed  No sooner had they said goodbye than she went to bed 59 Two simple sentences with future tenses  Once clause with present perfect She will cook the lunch Then she will leave home  Once she has cooked the lunch, she will leave home Interchange of complex and compound sentences 60 Clause + But + Clause  Main clause + Adverb clause of concession  He is very rich, but he learns very badly Although he is very rich, he learns very badly  The boat was very old, but it could glide at sea every day Though the boat was very old, it could glide at sea every day 60 Clause + and + Clause  Main clause + Adverb clause of condition  You drink a lot of wine, and you can not control yourself If you drink a lot of wine, you can not control yourself 61 Clause + so + Clause  Main clause + Adverb clause of cause  He has broken the vase, so she is very angry Because he has broken the vase, she is very angry 62 Clause + or + Clause  Main clause + Adverb clause of condition  You should work hard; otherwise you will not earn your living If you not work hard, you will not earn your living  You are right, or he is wrong If you are right, he will be wrong 63 Clause + and + Clause  Main clause + Noun clause  She is a good teacher, and I think so I think that she is a good teacher  You will win some national prizes, and I am sure of it I am sure that you will win some national prizes 64 Clause + and + Clause  Adverb clause of time  He studied at university and went to work at the same time While he studied at university, he went to work 65 Compound sentence with And  Adverb clause of comparison  Tom and Jack work equally hard Tom works as hard as Jack 66 Compound sentence with But  Adverb clause of reservation  In class all the students learn well, but Jack does not In class all the students learn well except that Jack learns badly 67 Inversion with adverb clause of concession: as He tries so hard, but he can’t memorize the vocabulary  Hard as he tries, he can’t memorize the vocabulary 68 Inversion with adverb clause of time: no sooner … than The soldiers had no sooner had their meal than they returned to the trench  No sooner had the soldiers had their meal than they returned to the trench 69 Inversion with adverb clause of result: such … that She is such an excellent student that she can pass any examination  Such an excellent student is she that she can pass any examination 70 Main clause in negative form  Phrase with “without” Jack doesn’t say anything when he waves to them  Jack waves to them without saying anything 71 Clause + and + Clause  Adverb clause of cause  The hunter found the herb, and he could cure her disease The hunter could cure her disease because he had found the herb 72 Complex sentence with conditional clause  Compound sentence If he learns at C level, he can speak English well  He learns at C level, and he can speak English well Interchange of main and subordinate clauses: 73 Adverb clause of time After the World Trade Center had been destroyed, a panicking scene occurred Before a panicking scene occurred the World Trade Center had been destroyed  When he became broke, he had spent two hours in the casino When he had spent two hours in the casino, he became broke  As soon as he had come home, it began to rain No sooner had he come home than it began to rain  Before they said goodbye, they had enjoyed a party After they had enjoyed a party, they said goodbye 74 Adverb clause of comparison  A farmer works physically harder than a teacher does A teacher does not work so physically hard as a farmer does 75 Adjective clause  Jack bought the novel which is very interesting The novel which Jack bought is very interesting 76 Adverb clause of cause  Adverb clause of purpose  He can support his family because he works hard He works hard so that he can support his family 77 Inversion with “Not until” He hadn’t been married until he was forty years old  Not until he was forty years old had he been married 78 Provided  So long as Provided he keeps silent, he may follow them  So long as he shows his silence, he may follow them 79 As…as …, and …  No matter WH You can drink as much beer as you like, and you shouldn’t make any trouble  No matter how much beer you drink, you you shouldn’t make any trouble 80 Simple sentence  Appositive  My friend works in the hospital He is a doctor My friend, a doctor, works in the hospital  That is her father His name is Terry Smith That is her father, Terry Smith  Uncle Ho founded the Vietnamese Communist Party He is the greatest leader in Vietnam history Uncle Ho, the greatest leader in Vietnam history, founded the Vietnamese Communist Party 81 Simple sentence  Present participle phrase  The tiger was hungry It roared The tiger, being hungry, roared  The gangster jumped out of the boat He swam and dived away Jumping out of the boat, the gangster swam and dived away 82 Simple sentence  Past participle phrase  He was interested in the film He did not feel hungry Interested in the film, he did not feel hungry  The mason was blamed by the host He stopped working immediately Blamed by the host, the mason stopped working immediately 83 Simple sentence  Prepositional phrase  She has failed many times She will take part in the next examination Despite many failures, she will take part in the next examination  Her father died She heard the news She fainted On hearing the news of her father's death, she fainted  I tell the truth I am not afraid of ghosts To tell the truth, I am not afraid of ghosts 84 have  with (parts of the body) They met a boy He had short black hair  They met a boy with short black hair 85 wear  in (clothes) He is looking for the girl She wears a white dress  He is looking for the girl in a white dress 86 Simple sentence  Absolute phrase  The boss arrived The workers stopped to work The boss having arrived, the workers stopped to work 87 Complex sentence  Absolute phrase  When the weather was cold, we used blankets The weather being cold, we used blankets 88 Simple sentences  Simple sentence with Too to  He is very old He can not work hard He is too old to work hard 89 Simple sentences  Simple sentence with purpose  He wanted his son to learn English well He sent him to Singapore He sent his son to Singapore to learn English well 90 Simple sentences  Simple sentence with adverb  She answered the examiner Her answer was wrong She answered the examiner wrongly 91 Simple sentences  Simple sentence with prepositional phrase  I will come back I will not stay long I will come back before long  He needs to learn English He swims in the river Instead of learning English, he swims in unnecessarily the river 92 Several Simple sentences  One Simple sentence with mixed phrase  The sun set The fog became thicker The leader ordered the guerrillas They secretly crawled to the barracks At sunset, in the thick fog, the guerrillas obeying the leader's order secretly crawled to the barracks  It was late at night The tourist arrived at Daewoo Hotel He came up to the receptionist He checked in Arriving at Daewoo Hotel late at night, the tourist came up to the receptionist to check in in Saigon and liberated South Vietnam 93 Several simple sentences  One Compound sentence  He is poor He is ugly He is stupid He is poor, ugly and stupid  He is a teacher He is also a writer He is a teacher and writer He is both a teacher and a writer He is a teacher as well as a writer He is not only a teacher but also a writer 94 Several simple sentences  One Complex sentence with noun clause  You will win some national prizes That is certain It is certain that you will win some national prizes  France may be the champion We not know We not know if France will be the champion 95 Several simple sentences  One Complex sentence with adverb clause  He was very tired He could not work more He was so tired that he could not work more  They began late They finished first Though they began late, they finished first  He will go there She will go there She will go where he will go 96 Several simple sentences  One Complex sentence with Adjective clause  Her father is a doctor He works in the hospital You met him yesterday Her father, whom you met yesterday, is a doctor in a hospital 97 Inversion with negative and seminegative words Negative and semi-negative words are: No, never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, rarely,  He has never drunk wine before Never has he drunk wine before  He stops learning in no circumstance In no circumstance does he stop learning 98 Inversion with Only  He began to learn German only when he stayed in Ho Chi Minh city Only when he stayed in Ho Chi Minh city did he begin to learn German  They decided on the trip only yesterday Only yesterday did they decide on the trip 99 Inversion with Conditional sentences  If you were there now, you could enjoy the fun Were you there now, you could enjoy the fun  If they had studied Japanese at university, they could have found good jobs Had they studied Japanese at university, they could have found good jobs 100 Inversion with adverb clause of result  He ran so fast that nobody could catch him So fast does he run that nobody could catch him  They are such kind people that their neighbors like them very much Such kind people are they that their neighbors like them very much ... Adverb of concession  As a doctor, he can not support his family Though he is a doctor, he can not support his family 40 In spite of/ Despite phrase  Adverb of concession  In spite of a lot of. .. at sea every day 60 Clause + and + Clause  Main clause + Adverb clause of condition  You drink a lot of wine, and you can not control yourself If you drink a lot of wine, you can not control... 63 Clause + and + Clause  Main clause + Noun clause  She is a good teacher, and I think so I think that she is a good teacher  You will win some national prizes, and I am sure of it I am sure

Ngày đăng: 11/09/2017, 11:13

