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FIRST - TERM TEST REVIEW (ENGLISH 11) Content : 1/ Pronunciation + Stress 2/ Vocabulary Unit 1  Unit 7 3/ Writing : _ Describing people _ Writing letter of invitation , letters expressing gratitude, letters of reply. _ Describing information in a table, in a pie chart. 4/ Grammar : _ Verb tenses _ Verb forms : To-infinitive (To-V), bare infinitive (Vo), Gerund (V-ing), Passive infinitive (to be V3/ed), passive gerund (V-ing V3/ed), present participle (V-ing), perfect gerund (Having V3/ed), perfect participle (Having V3/ed). _ Reported speech with infinitive(s), with Gerund. _ Conditional types 1, 2 and 3 ; Conditional in reported speech. EXERCISES : I. Pronunciation : Circle the word having the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1/ a. change b. children c. machine d. church 2/ a. mutual b. residential c. nature d. culture 3/ a. need b. each c. keep d. cheer 4/ a. think b. sink c. inland d. ink 5/ a. danger b. singer c. stranger d. passenger 6/ a. angel b. angle c. angry d. agriculture 7/ a. honest b. hour c. honey d. exhaust 8/ a. wheel b. toward c. award d. answer 9/ a. donated b. looked c. watched d. stopped 10/ a. laughs b. states c. stands d. helps II. Stress : Circle the word having the stress pattern different from that of the rest 1/ a. understand b. sympathy c. hospitable d. journalist 2/ a. impossible b. discussion c. sincerely d. mutual 3/ a. suspicion b. capable c. selfishness d. influence 4/ a. embarrass b. imitate c. experience d. imagine 5/ a. vehicle b. operate c. themselves d. annual III. Vocabulary : Choose the best answer. 1/ The children seem to be totally .of working quietly by themselves. a. unable b. impossible c. incapable d. not able 2/ I’ve never fallen in such a(n) .situation before. a. embarrassed b. embarrassing c. confused d. confusing 3/ I know from .that he’ll arrive late. a. knowledge b. understanding c. reality d. experience 4/ She always gets before her birthday. a. excite b. exciting c. excited d. excitement 5/ .of staying at home, they go out for a walk. a. Instead b. In spite c. Because d. On account 1 6/ She helped the homeless children. a. voluntary b. volunteer c. voluntarily d. volunteering 7/ The most important thing we should do now is to tackle the problem of widespread . a. illiterate b. illiteracy c. literate d. literacy 8/ .in the Olympics Games is the dream of many athletes. a. participate b. participation c. participated d. participating 9/ The cost of has risen greatly over recent years. a. live b. living c. life d. lives 10/ There is a .of clean water in many parts of the world today. a. drainage b. loss c. decrease d. shortage III. WRITING : Review _ the structure of formal and informal letters. _ sentence structures in letters. _ sentence structures used to describe the information in the table and the chart. IV. GRAMMAR : A. Verb Tenses : Give the correct verb tenses. 1/ When I (be) a school boy, I often ( go) . swimming on Sundays. 2/ I entered the office and (look) .around. Most people (work) . at their desk, but Jane (stare) . out the window. 3/ By the time I got to the station, the train (leave) . 4/ When I came, Julie (iron) . the clothes. She (say) .she (iron) for 30 minutes. 5/ I (not realize) that I (leave) . my raincoat on the bus until it (start) to rain. 6/ Rob Fellow (come) from England. He (come) to Paris six months ago to learn French. He (begin) learning French at school in London when he was eleven, so he (learn) it for 10 years. He (just take) an exam. If he passes, he (move) into the next class. B. Verb Forms : Choose the best answer. 1/ I have decided .that second-hand coat. a. not buy b. not to buy c. not buying d. not bought 2/ Do your parents allow with us now ? a. to go out b. going out c. go out d. a and b are correct 3/ Can you .the film in this camera ? a. show me how to changeb. teach me change c. show me how to changing d. teach me changing 4/ .a lot of money helps you a house in this area. a. Have / buy b. Have / buying c. Having / to buying d. Having / buy 5/ Let me your plan. Who made you your mind ? a. to know / to change b. knowing / changing c. know / change d. know / to change 6/ It is not good like that. a. to behave b. behaving c. to be behaved d. being behaved 7/ Do you expect .to the meeting ? a. being invited b. inviting c. to invite d. to be invited 8/ Don’t forget me before you leave. a. waking b. to wake c. woke d. wake 9/ I regret .that you was turned down for the job. a. informing b. being informed c. to inform d. to be informed 10/ Don’t him He is dangerous ! a. let / go b. let / to go c. allow / go d. allow / going 2 11/ my homework, I went to bed. a. To finish b. To have finished c. Had finished d. Having finished 12/ I don’t remember of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. When was it decided ? a. telling b. being told c. to tell d. to be told 13/ Ms White expects .about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed. a. consulting b. being consulted c. to consult d. to be consulted 14/ Sally gave such a good speech that I couldn’t help .loudly when she finished. a. applauding b. being applauded c. to applaud d. to be applauded 15/ I caught him .over my wall, so I asked him a. climb / explaining b. to climb / to explain c. climbing / explaining d. climbing / to explain 16/ He saw the lorry to roll forwards but he was too far away .anything to stop it. a. beginning / to do b. begin / to do c. beginning / doing d. a and b are correct 17/ .he had missed the train, he began to walk. a. Having realized b. Realizing c. To realize d. To have realized 18/ Don’t waste time him. He never changes his mind. a. to persuade b. persuade d. persuading d. persuaded 19/ Pupils .this school have to wear uniform. a. attending b. to attend c. having attended d. to be attended 20/ The boy admitted .the brick through the window. a. to throw b. to have thrown c. being throwing d. having thrown C. Reported Speech : Turn into reported speech 1/ “ Would you like to have a drink with me ?"  2/ “You’ve got to lend me some money ! Please, please !”  3/ “ Give me your homework”  4/ “ I’ll buy you an ice-cream”.  5/ “ Please, don’t smoke in my car”.  6/ “I’m sorry I didn’t phoned you earlier”.  7/ “Don’t play football in the street, boys!”  8/ “You broke my glasses yesterday.”  9/ “ I’ve always wanted to become the first female pilot in Vietnam”  10/ “No, I didn’t tell her about your problem”.  11/ “If you happen to see the man, send my regards to him”.  12/ “ The boss would complain if you didn’t report it to him”.  13/ “ If you had taken your dad’s advice, you wouldn’t have made such a silly mistake”.  3 D. Conditional Sentences : Rewrite these sentences. 1/ The thief left his gloves at the scene. He was arrested.  2/ Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.  3/ I don’t have enough money to buy the car.  4/ Without water, these plants will die.  5/ We got lost because we didn’t have a map.  E. Correcting mistakes. 1/ I find it very hard to sympathy with him. a b c d 2/ The teacher wants the children to feel confidence about asking questions when they don’t understand. a b c d 3/ When coming back, I saw that the shirt I wanted to buy had sold. a b c d 4/ He was rushed to the hospital in helicopter. a b c d 5/ For boys who no longer have fathers there is a voluntary organization call Big Brothers. a b c d 6/ One third of the world population consumes two third of the world’s resources. a b c d 7/ The population has decreased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million. a b c d 8/ The report is likely to prove high embarrassing to the government. a b c d 9/ Does the earth have resources enough to support many people ? a b c d 10/ Some say we must limit populated growth because our resources are limited. a b c d 4 . FIRST - TERM TEST REVIEW (ENGLISH 11) Content : 1/ Pronunciation + Stress 2/ Vocabulary Unit. : To-infinitive (To-V), bare infinitive (Vo), Gerund (V-ing), Passive infinitive (to be V3/ed), passive gerund (V-ing V3/ed), present participle (V-ing),

Ngày đăng: 09/07/2013, 01:26



