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teaching grammar and vocabulary to students grade 11

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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES  _ _ TEACHING GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY TO STUDENTS GRADE 11 Instructor: Ms Do Phuong Thanh I.Introduction It is strongly agreed that grammar and vocabulary are very important angles in learning English If you grasp grammatical structures and have amount of abundant words, you will communicate fluently as well as solve exercises easily Moreover, it’s so useful when grammar and vocabulary are combined together in skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening This affects directly to Students’ advance in practicing English In English 11 curriculum, grammar focus on some main parts such as: tenses, clauses, infinitive and so on; while vocabulary consists of 16 different topics completed clearly follow national standard We based on that to make this syllabus to reinforce knowledge system and extend practicing exercises ability of student In addition, students will be provided necessary skills to raise their vocabulary, for instance: remembering, developing a word, pronunciation when they learn about a particular topic Learning new words when doing grammatical exercises is also an intelligent method to improve students’ vocabulary The reasons above explained why we want to combine both grammar and vocabulary in a curriculum for student grade 11 In process of constructing this syllabus, we reproduced some materials from English 11, English Workbook 11, English grammarand other possible websites We hope that all will bring better results and benefit for students’ progression II Goals and objectives The goal of our course is that the student will be able to use English in communication and common topics The center’s aim is to help students learn English grammar and vocabulary At the end of the course, students will be able to: - Grasp the main point of basis grammar (tenses, indirect speech, passive voice…) - Use grammar as background knowledge to support language skills at very basis level Over 80% of students can use and apply correctly in communication - Use grammar knowledge to perform simple tasks such as sentence writing or error analyzing - Understand how the word can be combined to create meanings and how these effect can create effective texts Percive 80% of a reading passage contained approximately 600 words - Write correctly over 70% words and phrases in the course and apply in communicating successful -Write a passage about 250 words with meaningful sentences with true grammatical form III Schedule A course lasts for 15 weeks - periods per week - hours per period - 15 units per 15 weeks - tests: +2 mid-term tests at 7th and 13th weeks (15 minutes tests) +Final-test at 15th week (45 minutes test) IV.Timetable WEEK UNIT 1  Theory - Infinitive + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about physical with to characteristics - Infinitive + Grammar: V + to V- infinitive without to CONTENT MATERIALS [1] P [1] P.20 [1] P 21  Practice Task 1: Choose the correct form of the verbs in parentheses [4] P 199 in the following sentence Task 2: Rewire the sentence using the word given in [1] P bracket Task 3: Fill in the gaps [5] P 35 Task 4: Find out and correct the mistakes [6] P 52  Homework Exercise 1: Put the words in the correct order to [1] P make sentence writing the main verb, in the present simple and making the other an infinitive with to Present Exercise 2: Choose the best answer [2] P Exercise 3: Correct the best answer (A, B, C, D ) [6] P 53  Theory simple1 + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about personal experiences + Grammar: Present simple indicating past time Tense revision : past simple, past progressive and past perfect  Practice Task 1: Use the correct present tense forms of verbs in brackets in the story below The first one has been done for you as an example Task 2: Complete the sentences by putting the verbs into the past simple or progressive Task 3: Give the right forms of the verbs in brackets: past tenses Task 4: Choose the correct  Homework Exercise 1: Supply the correct verb forms : present tenses Exercise 2: Underline the most suitable tense form Exercise 3: Circle the correct answer ( A, B, C, D ) Infinitive  Theory and gerund + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about a party + Grammar: infinitive and gerund [1] P 30 [1] P 30 [1] P 31 [4] P 19 [4] P 19 [4] P 20 [4] P 21 [4] P 17 [2] P [7] P 120 [1] P 32 [1] P 39  Practice Task 1: Supply the correct verbs forms Task 2: Choose the correct answer to complete the [4] P 115 [3] P 85 sentences Task 3: Complete the sentences with the correct form, [1] P 40 gerund or infinitive, using the word in brackets  Homework Exercise 1: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences Exercise 2: Fill in blank Exercise 3: Find out and correct the mistakes Gerund  Theory and present + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about volunteer work + Grammar: gerund and present participle ; perfect participle [1] P 40 [2] P 20 [7] P 55 [1] P 46 [1] P.64 gerund and perfect participle  Practice [1] P 54 Task 1: Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate gerund of the verbs from the box Task 2: Put the verbs in bracket into the perfect gerund or perfect participle Task 3: Choose the best answer [1] P.55 [4] P 110 [2] P 45  Homework Exercise 1: Complete each of the following sentences with [7] P 63 an appropriate present participle of the verbs from the box Exercise 2: Correct the correct answer (A, B, C, D ) Exercise 3: Fill in the blank [6] P 35 Reported ● Theory speech with + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about illiteracy +Grammar: Reported speech with inifitives(s) inifitives(s) [6] P 60 [1] P 64 -65  Practice Task1: Complete the second sentence so that it has milar meaning to the first one, using the words give Task 2: Change direct sentence into indirect sentence [7] P 14 ● Homework [7] P 20 Exercise 1: Use a verb from the box to rewrite each sentence in reported speech, beginning as shown Do not change the meaning Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence in reported speech, [8] P 30 beginning as shown Do not change the meaning [13] (exercise) Reported ● Theory speech with + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about competitions +Grammar: Reported speech with gerund [6] P 62 [9] P 50 ● Practice [3] P 26 gerund Task 1: Rewrite the dialogues in report speech, using gerund Task 2: Change direct speech into reported speech Begin each of the sentences in the way shown ● Homework [1] P 74-75 [2] P 40 [2] P 50 Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer Conditional ● Theory sentences + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about world population + Grammar - Conditional types and - Conditional type - Conditional in reported speech [6] P 64 [10] P 35 ● Practice [4] P 40 Task 1: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct [5] P 60 form.Add’ll/will or’d/ would if necessary Task 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form [1] P 87-89 ● Homework [8] P 32 Exercise 1: Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence Exercise 2: Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D which best completes each sentence Identifinied Pronouns ● Theory [6] P 66 + Vocabulary: vocabulary about celebrations + Grammar: Pronouns one(s), someone, anyone, [10] ( exercise) no one, everyone ● Practice Task 1: Complete the sentences Using someone, anyone, using each word twice Task 2: Rewrite the sentences, using the pronoun one(s) ● Homework [4] P 45 [1] P 98-99 [8] P 34 [4] P 47 Exercise 1: Put one or ones in the following dialogues Exercise2: Choose the correct answer Relative ● Theory clauses + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about post office + Grammar: Relative clauses - non-defining [1] P 80 [1] P 97 relative clauses ● Practice Task 1: Choose the correct answer Task 2: + Fill in the gaps + Rewrite the sentences using the relative clauses Task 3: Exerxise 2, 3, 4, ( Chapter 9) [7] P 23-37 [4] P.72-79 [3] P.22 [8] P 32 [4] P.75 - 86 ● Homework Exercise 5, 9, 12 10 Relative ● Theory pronouns + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about nature + Grammar: Relative pronouns with preposition In formal or written English, the preposition is often placed before the relative pronoun, and in this case the pronoun cannot be omitted with preposition [1] P 34- 45 [1] P 68 ● Practice Task 1: Give the correct form of the given words Task 2: Choose the best answer Task 3: Find out and correct the mistakes [2] P 87-89 ● Homework [6] P.65 Exercise 1, Chapter 10 [10] ( exercise) Exercise 5, 9, 12 [7] P.45- 70 [3] P 36- 50 11.Relative ● Theory Clauses + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about source of energy + Grammar: Relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive replaced by participle and to infinitive [1] P.124 [1] P 147 ● Practice Task 1: Choose the correct answer Task 2: Rewrite the sentences using the relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive [3] P 91- 93 [1] P 150 ● Homework Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences using participles or to infinitive Exercise 2: Correct the mistake of each sentence [4] P 78 [7] P 56 12 Omission ● Theory of relative + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about the Asian Game + Grammar: Relative clause revision Omission of relative pronouns using present participles, past participles, to infinitive, noun phrases [1] P.136 [1] P 153 ● Practice [9] P 98 [3] P 67 pronouns Task 1: Choose the correct answer Task 2: Rewrite the sentences by omission relative clauses ● Homework [17] ( test) [6] P 34 Exercise 1: Give the correct form of given words Exercise 2: Choose the best answer 13 Cleft ● Theory sentences + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about hobbies + Grammar: Cleft sentences: It + be + phrase + defining relative clause Subject focus Object focus Adverbial focus [1] P.147 [1] P.152- 153 ● Practice [4] P 178 [1] P.154-155 [11] ( test) Task1: Complete sentences Task 2: Complete sentences Task 3: Complete sentences [14] ( exercise) ● Homework Write the sentences after the model 14 ● Theory Conjunctions + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about recreation + Grammar: 1.Conjunctions: Both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither… nor Cleft sentences in passive It + is / was + Noun / pronoun + who/ that + be + V3/-ed… ● Practice [1] P 155 [1] P 161 [4] P 79 Task 1: Combine the sentences Task 2: Change the sentences ● Homework Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences using the paired conjunctions given in brackets Exercise 2: Write the sentences after the model [1] P 161-162 [13] ( exercise) [12] (exercise) [15] (exercise) 15 Space ● Theory conquest + Vocabulary: Vocabulary about space conquest + Grammar Could/ be able to Tag question: To confirm that something is true or not, or to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to [1] P 167 [6] P 85 ● Practice [16] ( grammar) Task 1: Complete the sentences Task 2: Write sentences with tag questions ● Homework Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with [1] P.176 - 177 [17] ( exercise) [4] P 124 could, was/were able to or couldn't Exercise 2: Put in the correct question tags 16 Passive + Vocabulary: The wonder od the world voice + Grammar: Passive voice of indirect speech with : [1] P 173 - It’s said that… - People say that… ● Theory [3] P 137 ● Practice Task 1: Rewrite each sentence in ways [2] P 97 Task 2: Change each indirect speech into correct [10] ( Indirect passive voice speech ) ● Homework Exercise 1: Chose the corerect sentence [4] P 121 Exercise 2: Rewrite each sentence in ways [3] P 144 Exercise 3: Underline the word which is different meaging [3] P 118 V Testing and assessment - The results of the course will be divided into part process and final test Each part accounts for 50% - Process includes oral test, quizzes and mid-term test + Oral test: 10% + Quizzes: 10% + Mid-term test: 30% Oral test: An oral test will be assigned almost every class period Each oral test will be graded If student can dowel, they will get 10 marks Teacher will not give mark for students unless there are many mistakes The form of an oral test essentially is types The first type is to check student understands Teacher will ask students to give the use, form or meaning of a grammatical point which they studied in the previous lesson The 2nd type is to exercises Students will be asked for doing an exercise in this book Oral test will be given to students at the beginning of class period Quizzes: there will be many quizzes It may be one quiz in every class period Quizzes will relate to the current or pervious topics Teacher can ask students to a quiz at any time A quiz can be given at the beginning or end of the class It is 510 minutes for each with 5-10 questions It organizes with many forms such as games, activities, mini test…There will be no preparation quizzes If any student absents, they will get zero for that quiz and no extra quiz Mid-term test: There are mid-term tests Students will be asked to the midterm test at week 7th and week 13th It is 15 minutes for each test with 10- 15 questions which concludes some types: multiple choices, gap filling, rewrite sentences, give correct verbs form The content of these tests will base on the knowledge which student has studied Each mid-term test will account for 15 % of the total 30% Final exam: The final exam will be comprehensive and entirely knowledge which students have studied in this course It will be given at the end of the schedule (15th week) It is a 45 minutes test with 40 questions which concludes types of exercises: multiple choices, gap filling, matching and review the sentences There is only one final test and it accounts for 50% of the total 10 Sample Exercise (2 points ) Choose a,b,c,d that best completes each unfinished sentence , or has a close meaning to the original one a acquaint She found it difficult to get ……….with new friends b acquainted c acquaintance d acquaints Daisy is so …………… She only cares about herself , not about other people a helpful b selfish c loyal d talkative Look ! Mary is ………….a beautiful new dress She looks so pretty in the dress a wearing b carrying c putting on d bringing China is the most ……… country in the world a popular b populous c populate d populated To most Vietnamese people , Tet holiday is often well…… a prepare b prepared c preparation d preparative Exercise ( points) Find out and correct the mistakes 1/ A friend can help you solve problem and to share the gried times along with A B C the grate times D 2/ Two close friends can spend time to be together without needing to pretend A B C D 3/ Volunteers can teach primary subjects, having organized sport and art A B C activities for the children D 4/ The world’s population was higher in the 1980s more than in the 1960s A B C D 5/ Overpopulation is a short way to lead to poor, illiteracy, and social evils A B C D Exercise Choose the best answer ( points) I this film twice A see B saw C will see D have seen After her performance, she invited the audience to ask questions A she finishes B finished C finishing D she will finish His father of cancer last year A will did B has died C died D had died The train when we got to the station A just left B just leaves C has just left D had just left Many young people are fond of football and other kinds of sports A play B to play C playing D played They couldn’t help when they heard the little boy singing a love song A laughing B to laugh C laugh D laughed Your house needs A redecorated B redecorating C being redecorated D to redecorate I remember them to play in my garden A to allow B allow C allowing D allowed It was a nasty memory Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid by the supervisors? A to recognize B to be recognized C recognizing D being recognized 10 I suggest some more mathematical puzzles A B to C doing D Done Exercise (2 points) Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase (1)…………… the Vietnamese believe that the first visitor a family receives in the year determines their fortune for the (2)…………year, people never enter (3) ………….house on the first day without (4)………… first The act of being the first person to enter a house on Tet ii called xong dat or dap dat Usually, a person with a happy demeanor or who had experienced good luck during the previous year is visited first into the house In some (5) ………………any person with names such as Phuc (happy), Tai ( wealth ), Loc (luck), will be invited to (6)………….this act of xong dat However, just to be (7) ………… , The owner of the house will leave the house a few minutes before midnight and come back just as the clock (8) …………….midnight to prevent anyone else (9)…………….entering the house first who might potentially bring any unfortunate events in the new year to the household Sweeping during Tet is taboo, since it symbolizes sweeping the luck away It is also taboo for (10)……… who experienced a recent loss of a family member to visit anyone else during Tet a although b Instead c due to d Since a all b whole c round d one a any b each c every d one a to be invited b to invited c being invited d inviting a cases b examples c kinds d sorts a take b perform c d make a safe b safety c safetiness d safely a hits b knocks c strikes d shows a in b for c with d from 10 a the one b anyone c no one d each one Exercise ( points ) For each of sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the orginal sentence 1/ He warned them against using the mountain road => I wouldn’t……………………………………………………………… 2/ I was made to study hard when I was at school => They…………………………………………………………………… 3/ He told me my request was unreasonable => He said, “ you can hardly…………………………… 4/ It is a shame he had to leave before the end of the show => I Wish………………………………………………………………… 5/ I was made to study hard when I was at school References * Books Hoang Van Van, Hoang Thi Xuan Hoa, Dao Ngoc Loc, Vu Thi Loi English course book 11.The Ministry of Education 2007 Mai Lan Huong, Nguyen Thanh Loan English workbook 11 The Ministry of Education, 2007 Tran Van On English notebook The Ministry of Education 2007 Bogdan, S.K English Grammar Ha Noi National University 2005 Raymond Murphy English basic grammar Hai phong 2010 6 Nguyen Huu Luan English vocabulary 11 Ha Noi National University 2008 Tran Thao Nguyen English practise 11 Youth Publishing House 2009 Le Hung Manh English handbook 11 Hai Phong 2002 Brown & M.A A practical English grammar Youth Publishing House 2005 * Websites: 10 www.tienganh123.com 11 www.English-hilfen.de 12 http://www.doko.vn 13 http://www.grammaring.com 14 http://www.susasoft.com 15 http://www.englishexercises.org 16 http://www.answers.com 17 http://www.grammar-test.englet.com ... will be able to use English in communication and common topics The center’s aim is to help students learn English grammar and vocabulary At the end of the course, students will be able to: - Grasp... also an intelligent method to improve students vocabulary The reasons above explained why we want to combine both grammar and vocabulary in a curriculum for student grade 11 In process of constructing... when grammar and vocabulary are combined together in skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening This affects directly to Students advance in practicing English In English 11 curriculum, grammar

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2017, 10:51



