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&&& &mxmfur&dgm r} Q YmxxNxg L*mrsxers XrNg**s$x Ymx€s r,." bee 0nff eiltttcn For distribution in Vietnam by: Enmasn CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Slo Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City Cambridge University Press 79 Anson Road, #06-04106, Singapore 079906 www.cambridge.org This FAHASA reprint edition is published by Cambridge University Press for Ho Chi Minh Book Distribution Corporation (FAHASA) O Cambridge University Press 2005, 2007,2011 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any paft may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2005 Updated edition 2007 FAHASA reprint edition 2011 Printed in Vietnam bv FAHASA.Printing Factory ISBN 978-1-1.07-60041-6 Student's Book FAHASA reprint edition Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factral information given in this work are correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios This FAHASA reprint edition of ISBN 978-0-521.-69405-6 is for sale in Vietnam only Cornbridge Young Le erners Engllsh Tests rld ge F[U ers C a,rnb Examination papers from Llniversity of Cambridge ESOL Examinations: English for Speakers of Other Languages CAVTBRIDGE UNIYERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Slo Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge orgl9780 52169405 @ Cambridge University Press 2007 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2005 Updated edition 2007 3rd printing2010 Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press A catalogue record for this pwblication is auailable from the British Library ISBN ISBN ISBN ISBN 978-0 -521-69 40 5-6 Student's Book 978-0 -52L-69406-3 Answer Booklet 978-0 -52L-69407-0 Cassette 978-0-521-69408-7 Audio CD Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Information regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work are correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter Cover design by David Lawton Produced by HL Studios Test Listening Reoding and Wrlting 11 Test Listening 24 Reodlng ond Writing 31 Test Llstenlng 44 Reoding ond Wrlting 51 Speohing Tests Test 64 Test 70 Test 76 Listeni^g Po,rt I - questions - Listen ond drow lines There is one exomple Wi[[iom 'tfil:i|i,l1i1'ttl,i,1ttlt l" t':t't" t'i Saroh t+i tt t' 1''' ! ! it'ti H t!, Horrg MichoeI Listening Port - questions Listen and write There is one exomple Children's MagazLne Birthday month: Favourite month: Worst month: Holiday tinie: Holiday place: Test I Port - questions Robert ond his friends ore leorning to be good photogrophers Which photo dld each person tolee? Llsten ond wrlte a letter in eoch box There is one example storm sPoce k6A &6 butterJ[ies 'li',:'';;,.1r,',,;1r,,,1r,; ;,:iirr',,lr4r,,r,rir, came[s o[rport Ptzzo Listening Test I Port - questions Listen ond ticle (r') the box There is one example How dtd Dovid go to town? ^v cE BE cE BT cE Which bowl did Dovtd buy? AE BE Which cord wi[[ Dovld choose? AE Test I Speaking g =! o I -l, a, P E, ! ! t, ct (J r!- o P q, P e, g) c 'l o !da, , ct rFr o x o L c o P EI t C' -c t, u E (!- d G a, J o' E P G L ct Et G C' - + a, gr a) E, c a, gr o -c = = = = = L o t{Fr e, t{ o q, ta U l- d o' a) a) E d U 5r o P c J l=) o) = te, o x o, o' P L v6 o tll P lhr a, B lFr , P -o 5) d E P CI -c P d P gl o a, c, c a, c, 4e, d gr o =t -c 67 = = = = = Test I Speaking L o t, o 0, P td tc d (J ! c d J'L a, c E d x ul L o P IA q) P o, F 6B Blonh Poge 69 Speahi^g a o U r L o c E E, x IIJ a, I L a) L 0) h t a, *) !c II 7A x Test Speaking 5'l ro t TA 0, ,P c, t tc E (J a, I c a, L 0, H t 0, -*, !g II I I I I I I I I I I I t 71 * Test Speaking g o I vt L o e E E x EJ !- o cr) a, (,r -c, IJ x o c o P c, o U o P ! L o = = o E E o o tl 01 -c L o A) -c P d rh E d P N o E o -c, a, L ul 5o 0, a, -e, h UJ ,2 c q) p , L d F E r,L o L ta r! r! q, = E L o tt-r = (1- a) P B CI th o 72 o t1 -c L o L t (4 o L q, tr| a, -c E o h F = E r o a, a) :,r E L L o q a x Test Speaking g '|o tJ t 0, +, C' ! tc d (J r! o g) c E, I xa, c o P C' (!- L rt -c L o a, -P C' i vl c, o L E E a, g) so a, c h ul la rt o E o -c a, E d 'l r rJ L o o- F VI o q -o +J o o = E L o t+r c' f,) !AJ (J LO d cr) T) o) tll t- o) C J P -c t o o 0, L a, ttfct t x H d a a) g) so L o, -c h = N a, E o -c o d d L I' L o r F tl E 73 Test Speaking ,g o I o G, P c, ! ! c E, (J ! c d J'L o e E E, x EJ L =r o o P a, P a) F 74 x Blonh Poge 75 Sp.ohing ro I J'L a, c E d x IJI a) I c 0) L 0) h ! a) -P t L II 76 x Test Speaking ro I o G) P C' t tc E, (J q) U Iq) L 0, h t e, c P t t II x 77 Test Speaking ,q o g o L a, e E E x IJI t/l -sz (u L ! o, o t d l6 t/1 -ol U a) _o = to d t o) P +r a, o gl c E t x 0) a -O P P oe, c P C, e, a, oP t -c a, E C' z L J o o (J P q) g't c, = = o t E, E L o q=t = rt P A) L t v, 7B d a rt d d = r! r! P P q, oP r! C, a, a, E c, L =l o z uo t, a, EI gr -c, = x Test Speaking , ro I th 0) P d ! tc, C, (J r! P a, a A) trl e d +, x o -c, |., P r! (r r C, a, a, P qt E E ,€ r!- P P a, c r!- d z L J o o (, P d gl 0, = = o P E E L o c' tn ss d L Ir o) P o) B o) o_ = P o, L ln t x a c o E $ r 0, a, P a, C' E = o lt6 (J P P -d, a *) E, z L J o o (J P a) CI gr -c, 79 = Test Speaking tL d U o 0, P d ! ! c C' (J tc d o q) c E d x IJ L o *, vt a) P q, F BO Y oo or' *amhridge Young Learners fngtrish Tests $e*ond editi*n This FAHASA reprint edition of ISBN 978-0-521-69405-6 is for sale in Vietnam only Cu6n s6ch FAHASAtdi brin c6 md s6 gze-o-s21-69405-6 ndy chi duEc b5n tqi thitruong ViQt Nam rsBN 978-1 -l 07-60041-6 llux[tl[illl[ilil[tl[ll, ... Library ISBN ISBN ISBN ISBN 978-0 -521-69 40 5-6 Student' s Book 978-0 -52L-6 940 6-3 Answer Booklet 978-0 -52L-6 940 7-0 Cassette 978-0-521-6 940 8-7 Audio CD Cambridge University Press has no responsibility... #06- 041 06, Singapore 079906 www .cambridge. org This FAHASA reprint edition is published by Cambridge University Press for Ho Chi Minh Book Distribution Corporation (FAHASA) O Cambridge University Press... permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2005 Updated edition 2007 FAHASA reprint edition 2011 Printed in Vietnam bv FAHASA.Printing Factory ISBN 978-1-1.07-60 041 -6 Student' s Book FAHASA

Ngày đăng: 28/08/2017, 06:29