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Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission TOPIC 12: ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG - ĐẠI HỌC EXERCISE 1: (D-2009) [] Very few people in the modern world obtain their food supply by hunting and gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes This method of harvesting from nature’s provision is the oldest known subsistence strategy and has been practised for at least the last two million years It was, indeed, the only way to obtain food until rudimentary farming and the domestication of wild animals were introduced about 10,000 years ago Because hunter-gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their agricultural cousins, their numbers have dwindled, and they have been forced to live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arctic wastelands In higher latitudes, the shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life Such conditions have caused a greater dependence on hunting, and on fishing along the coasts and waterways The abundance of vegetation in the lower latitudes of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a variety of plants In short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet and have limited possibilities for the development of subsistence societies Contemporary hunter-gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric ancestors We know from the observation of modern hunter-gatherers in both Africa and Alaska that a society based on hunting and gathering must be very mobile While the entire community camps in a central location, a smaller party harvests the food within a reasonable distance from the camp When the food in the area has become exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site We also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most huntergatherers, along with a strict division of labor between the sexes These patterns of behavior may be similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period Question 1: The word “domestication” in the first paragraph mostly means A adapting animals to suit a new working environment B hatching and raising new species of wild animals in the home C teaching animals to a particular job or activity in the home D making wild animals used to living with and working for humans Question 2: According to the passage, subsistence societies depend mainly on A hunter-gatherers’ tools B nature’s provision C farming methods D agricultural products Question 3: The word “marginal” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “ ” A disadvantaged B suburban C forgotten D abandoned Question 4: In the lower latitudes of the tropics, hunter-gatherers A can free themselves from hunting B have better food gathering from nature C live along the coasts and waterways for fishing D harvest shorter seasonal crops Question 5: According to the passage, studies of contemporary subsistence societies can TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission provide a A further understanding of prehistoric times B broader vision of prehistoric natural environments C further understanding of modern subsistence societies D deeper insight into the dry-land farming Question 6: The word “conditions” in the second paragraph refers to A the places where plenty of animals and fish can be found B the situations in which hunter-gatherers can grow some crops C the environments where it is not favorable for vegetation to grow D the situations in which hunter-gatherers hardly find anything to eat Question 7: A typical feature of both modern and prehistoric hunter-gatherers is that A they live in the forests for all their life B they don’t have a healthy and balanced diet C they don’t have a strong sense of community D they often change their living places Question 8: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned? A Harvesting from the natural environment had existed long before farming was taken up B The environmental differences produce no effect on subsistence societies C The number of hunter-gatherers decreases where farming is convenient D Hunting or fishing develops where there are no or short growing seasons Question 9: According to the author, most contemporary and prehistoric hunter-gatherers share A some methods of production B some patterns of behavior C some restricted daily rules D only the way of duty division Question 10: Which of the following would serve as the best title of the passage? A Hunter-gatherers and Subsistence Societies B Evolution of Humans’ Farming Methods C A Brief History of Subsistence Farming D Hunter-gatherers: Always on the Move ĐÁP ÁN D B A B A C D B B 10 A GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT Question 1: Đáp án D domestication (n): hóa Đáp án A adapting animals to suit a new working environment (thích ứng động vật để phù hợp với môi trường làm việc mới) - Sai, không đủ nghĩa Đáp án B hatching and raising new species of wild animals in the home (sinh sản nuôi loài động vật hoang dã nhà) - Sai nghĩa TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Đáp án C teaching animals to a particular job or activity in the home (dạy động vật làm công việc cụ thể hoạt động nhà) - Sai nghĩa → D making wild animals used to living with and working for humans (làm cho loài động vật hoang dã quen với việc sống người làm việc cho người) Question 2: Đáp án B Keywords: depend mainly on Clue: This method of harvesting from nature’s provision is the oldest known subsistence strategy and has been practised for at least the last two million years It was, indeed, the only way to obtain food (Phương pháp thu hoạch từ tự nhiên kế sinh nhai lâu dài biết đến áp dụng từ hai triệu năm trước Thực vậy, cách để kiếm thức ăn ) Như vậy, ta thấy tồn xã hội thời kì phụ thuộc phần lớn vào tự nhiên Đáp án A hunter-gatherers’ tools (công cụ săn bắt, hái lượm) - Sai, tham khảo clue Đáp án C farming methods (phương thức canh tác) - Sai, tham khảo clue Đáp án D agricultural products (sản phẩm nông nghiệp) - Sai, tham khảo clue → B nature’s provision Question 3: Đáp án A Cần ý danh từ nhắc đến sau để đoán nghĩa từ Chú ý từ: deserts (sa mạc), arctic wastelands (đất hoang Bắc Cực) marginal (a): lợi, khó trồng trọt (đất đai) Đáp án B suburban (a): thuộc ngoại ô Đáp án C forgotten (a): bị lãng quên Đáp án D abandoned (a): bị bỏ hoang → A disadvantaged (a): hoang hóa, khó trồng trọt Question 4: Đáp án B Keywords: lower latitudes of the tropics Clue: The abundance of vegetation in the lower latitudes of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a variety of plants (Thảm thực vật phong phú vùng khí hậu ấm áp nhiệt đới, mặt khác, đem lại hội lớn để người dân thu thập nhiều loại thực vật khác nhau) → B have better food gathering from nature Question 5: Đáp án A Keywords: contemporary subsistence societies Clue: Contemporary huritfer-gatherers may helpo us understand our prehistoric ancestors (Săn bắt hái lượm đương đại giúp ta hiểu tổ tiên thời tiền sử mình) Đáp án B broader vision of prehistoric natural environments (tầm nhìn rộng môi trường tự nhiên thời tiền sử) - Sai, tham khảo clue Đáp án C further understanding of modern subsistence societies (hiểu biết thêm xã hội đại tồn tại) - Sai, tham khảo clue Đáp an D deeper insight into the dry-land farming (cái nhìn sâu canh tác đất khô) – TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Sai, tham khảo clue → A further understanding of prehistoric times (hiểu biết thêm thời tiền sử) Question 6: Đáp án C Từ “conditions” để khó khăn đề cập câu trước Clue: “In higher latitudes, the shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life.” (Ở vùng khí hậu ấm áp, mùa sinh trưởng ngắn hạn chế tồn đời sống thực vật.) Đáp án C the environments where it is not favorable for vegetation to grow (môi trường không thuận lợi để thực vật phát triển) đáp án Question 7: Đáp án D Keywords: A typical feature, both Trong có đề cập đặc điểm họ “very mobile” (có tính di dộng cao) Clue: “When the food in thè area has become exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site.” (Khi thức ăn vùng cạn kiệt, họ chuyển tới khai thác vùng khác) → D they often change their living places (thường xuyên thay đổi nơi sống) đáp án xác phù hợp Question 8: Đáp án B Keywords: not mentioned Các đáp án A, C, D đề cập Đáp án A Harvesting from the natural environment had existed long before farming was taken up (Thu hoạch từ môi trường tự nhiên tồn lâu trước canh tác chỗ nó) Đáp án C The number of hunter-gatherers decreases where farming is convenient (Số lượng người săn bắt hái lượm giảm mà canh tác nông nghiệp trở nên tiện lợi) Đáp án D Hunting or fishing develops where there are no or short growing seasons (Săn bắn đánh bắt cá phát triển mà mùa sinh trưởng mua sinh trưởng ngắn nào) Đáp án B sai có nói đến khác môi trường sống tác động đến tồn vong xã hội “In short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet and have limited possibilities for the development of subsistence societies.” “no effect” (không gây lại tác động gì) → B The environmental differences produce no effect on subsistence societies Question 9: Đáp án B Keywords: share Clue: “We also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most hunter-gatherers, along with a strict division of labor between the sexes.” (Chúng ta nhận tập quán di cư theo mùa với hầu hết người săn bắt hái lượm, với phân chia nghiêm ngặt lao động giới tính) Như vậy, hầu hết người săn bắt hái lượm đương đại tiền sử giống tập quán → B some patterns of behavior TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Question 10: Đáp án A Đáp án B Evolution of Humans’ Farming Methods (Quá trình phát triển phương thức canh tác người) - Sai, không phù hợp nội dung toàn Đáp án C A Brief History of Subsistence Farming (Lược sử canh tác tự cung tự cấp) Sai, nội dung Đáp án D Hunter-gatherers: Always on the Move (Những người săn bắt hái lượm: Luôn di chuyển) - Sai, ý có đề cập không đủ bao quát toàn → A Hunter-gatherers and Subsistence Societies CẤU TRÚC - TỪ VỰNG QUAN TRỌNG Indeed (adv): thực vậy, thực, thực tế ~ in fact, as a matter of fact On the other hand: mặt khác Domestication (n): hóa High/low/temperate latitudes: vùng khí hậu ấm áp/lạnh/ôn hòa Subsistence farming (n): canh tác tự cung tự cấp (sản xuất đủ cho thân gia đình, không dư thừa để bán), nông nghiệp tự túc Hunter-gatherer (n): người thuộc thời kì săn bắt hái lượm để kiếm ăn Marginal (a): lợi, khó trồng trọt (đất đai) ~ disadvantaged (a): hoang hóa, khó trồng trọt EXERCISE 2: (D - 2010) [] It’s often said that we learn things at the wrong time University students frequently the minimum of work because they’re crazy about a good social life instead Children often scream before their piano practice because it’s so boring They have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams But the story is different when you’re older Over the years, I’ve done my share of adult learning At 30,1 went to a college and did courses in History and English It was an amazing experience For starters, I was paying, so there was no reason to be late - I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers if the tutor was late, not the other way round Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a nuisance I wasn’t frightened to ask questions, and homework was a pleasure not a pain When I passed an exam, I had passed it for me and me alone, not for my parents or my teachers The satisfaction I got was entirely personal Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty But the joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds of other things since you were young It has learnt to think independently and flexibly and is much better at relating one thing to another What you lose in the rust department, you gain in the maturity department In some ways, age is a positive plus For instance, when you’re older, you get less frustrated Experience has told you that, if you’re calm and simply something carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it The confidence you have in other areas TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission from being able to drive a car, perhaps — means that if you can’t, say, build a chair instantly, you don’t, like a child, want to destroy your first pathetic attempts Maturity tells you that you will, with application, eventually get there I hated piano lessons at school, but I was good at music And coming back to it, with a teacher who could explain why certain exercises were useful and with musical concepts that, at the age of ten, I could never grasp, was magical Initially, I did feel a bit strange, thumping out a piece that I’d played for my school exams, with just as little comprehension of what the composer intended as I’d had all those years before But soon, complex emotions that I never knew poured out from my fingers, and suddenly I could understand why practice makes perfect Question 1: It is implied in paragraph that A young learners are usually lazy in their class B teachers should give young learners less homework C young learners often lack a good motivation for learning D parents should encourage young learners to study more Question 2: The writer’s main point in paragraph is to show that as people grow up, A they cannot learn as well as younger learners B they have a more positive attitude towards learning C they tend to learn less as they are discouraged D they get more impatient with their teachers Question 3: The phrase “For starters” in paragraph could best be replaced by “ ” A For beginners B First and foremost C At the starting point D At the beginning Question 4: While doing some adult learning courses at a college, the writer was surprised A to have more time to learn B to be able to learn more quickly C to feel learning more enjoyable D to get on better with the tutor Question 5: In paragraph 3, the word “rusty” means A not as good as it used to be through lack of practice B impatient because of having nothing to C covered with rust and not as good as it used to be D staying alive and becoming more active Question 6: The phrase “get there” in paragraph is closest in meaning to “ ” A have the things you have long desired B achieve your aim with hard work C arrive at an intended place with difficulty D receive a school or college degree Question 7: All of the following are true about adult learning EXCEPT A experience in doing other things can help one’s learning B young people usually feel less patient than adults C adults think more independently and flexibly than young people TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission D adult learners have fewer advantages than young learners Question 8: It can be inferred from paragraph that maturity is a positive plus in the learning process because adult learners A pay more attention to detail than younger learners B have become more patient than younger learners C are less worried about learning than younger learners D are able to organize themselves better than younger learners Question 9: It is implied in the last paragraph that when you learn later in life, you A should expect to take longer to learn than when you were younger B find that you can recall a lot of things you learnt when younger C can sometimes understand more than when you were younger D are not able to concentrate as well as when you were younger Question 10: What is the writer’s main purpose in the passage? A To show how fast adult learning is B To describe adult learning methods C To encourage adult learning D To explain reasons for learning ĐÁP ÁN C B B C A B D B C 10 C GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT Question 1: Đáp án C Clue: “They have to be given gold stars and medals to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams” (Họ cẩn trao tặng vàng huân chương để động viên bơi, phải hối lộ để làm kiểm tra) → C young learners often lack a good motivation for learning (Người trẻ thường thiếu động lực tốt cho việc học hành) đáp án Question 2: Đáp án B Keywords: paragraph 2, as people grow up Toàn nội dung đoạn nói trải nghiệm học tập tác giả học đầy đủ, không ngại hỏi, không ngại nhà vân vân Như tác giả muốn ta lớn thường có thái độ tích cực việc học Các đáp án lại sai thông tin Đáp án A they cannot learn as well as younger learners (họ học người trẻ được) Đáp án C they tend to learn less as they are discouraged (họ có xu hướng học không động viên) Đáp án D they get more impatient with their teachers (họ trở nên thiếu kiên nhẫn với giáo viên) → B they have a more positive attitude towards learning Question 3: Đáp án B Từ “For starters” dễ nhầm lẫn không xem văn cảnh dẫn đến dịch nhầm thành “Dành cho người bắt đầu” Tuy nhiên “For starters” mang nghĩa “Trước hết”, mục đích TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission bắt đầu biểu đạt ý kiến tác giả “It was an amazing experience.” - trải nghiệm thú vị câu trước Đáp án A For beginners (Dành cho người bắt đầu) - Sai, không phù hợp văn cảnh Đáp án C At the starting point (Tại điểm bắt đầu) - Sai, không hợp nghĩa Đáp án D At the beginning (Ban đầu) - Đóng vai trò trạng ngữ, không thích hợp → B First and foremost (Đầu tiên trước hết là) Question 4: Đáp án C Keywords: was surprised Clue: “The satisfaction I got was entirely personal” Như dễ dàng nhận thấy tác giả cảm thấy việc học hứng thú → C to feel learning more enjoyable Question 5: Đáp án A rusty (a): han gỉ (nghĩa đen), lỗi thời, lạc hậu, trình độ (do thiếu thực hành) Đáp án B impatient because of having nothing to (không kiên nhẫn chẳng có để làm) Đáp án C covered with rust and not as good as it used to be (bị gỉ bao phủ không tốt trước) Đáp án D staying alive and becoming more active (đầy sức sống trở nên động hơn) → A not as good as it used to be through lack of practice (không tốt trước thiếu thực hành) Question 6: Đáp án B Nghĩa câu “Maturity tells you that you will, with application, eventually get there.” Có thể tạm dịch “Sự trưởng thành khiến bạn thực mong ước với nỗ lực thân” Đáp án A have the things you have long desired (sở hữu bạn mong muốn) Đáp án C arrive at an intended place with difficulty (đến điểm định trước với khó khăn) Đáp án D receive a school or college degree (nhận tốt nghiệp đại học) → B achieve your aim with hard work (đạt mục tiêu với làm việc chăm chỉ) Question 7: Đáp án D Toàn đọc thuận lợi, lợi ích học độ tuổi trường thành Vì thông tin đáp án D sai → D adult learners have fewer advantages than young learners (người học độ tuổi trưởng thành có lợi người trẻ) Question 8: Đáp án B Keywords: paragraph 4, positive plus Clue: “ when you’re older, you get less frustrated Experience has told you that, if you’re calm and simply something carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it” (khi bạn già, bạn nản chí Kinh nghiệm cho thấy bạn bình tĩnh làm lại cách TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission cẩn thận hết lần đến lần khác, bạn thành công) → B have become more patient than younger learners (Những người trường thành có kiên nhẫn người trẻ tuổi) Question 9: Đáp án C Keywords: last paragraph, learn later in life Clue: “at the age of ten, I could never grasp suddenly I could understand why practice makes perfect” Đoạn văn nói việc tác giả tập đàn piano lúc nhỏ, dần lớn lên hiểu sâu học, thực hành → C can sometimes understand more than when you were younger (thi thoảng hiểu nhiều lúc nhỏ) Question 10: Đáp án C Có thể dễ dàng chọn đáp án đọc đoạn văn thứ nội dung đề cập sau → C to encourage adult learning (để khuyến khích người lớn học tập) CẤU TRÚC - TỪ VỰNG QUAN TRỌNG (to) get the hang of (something): Học cách làm đó, đạt hiệu E.g: I’ll teach you how to use this program - you’ll get the hang of it after a while (Tôi dạy bạn cách sử dụng chương trình này, bạn học sau thời gian thôi.) For starters: là, ~ first and foremost Eventually (adv): rốt cuộc, cuối ~ in the long run, ultimately Nuisance (n): phiền toái, kẻ phiền toái Rusty (a): han gỉ (nghĩa đen), lỗi thời, lạc hậu, trình độ (do thiếu thực hành) EXERCISE 3: (D-2010) [] In the West, cartoons are used chiefly to make people laugh The important feature of all these cartoons is the joke and the element of surprise which is contained Even though it is very funny, a good cartoon is always based on close observation of a particular feature of life and usually has a serious purpose Cartoons in the West have been associated with political and social matters for many years In wartime, for example, they proved to be an excellent way of spreading propaganda Nowadays cartoons are often used to make short, sharp comments on politics and governments as weir as on a variety of social matters In this way, the modern cartoon has become a very powerful force in influencing people in Europe and the United States Unlike most American and European cartoons, however, many Chinese cartoon drawings in the past have also attempted to educate people, especially those who could not read and write Such cartoons about the lives and sayings of great men in China have proved extremely useful in bringing education to illiterate and semi-literate people throughout China Confucius, Mencius and Laozi have all appeared in very interesting stories presented in the form of cartoons The cartoons themselves have thus served to illustrate the teachings of the TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Chinese sages in a very attractive way In this sense, many Chinese cartoons are different from Western cartoons in so far as they not depend chiefly on telling jokes Often, there is nothing to laugh at when you see Chinese cartoons This is not their primary aim In addition to commenting on serious political and social matters, Chinese cartoons have aimed at spreading the traditiortal Chinese thoughts and culture as widely as possible among the people Today, however, Chinese cartoons have an added part to play in spreading knowledge They offer a very attractive and useful way of reaching people throughout the world, regardless of the particular country in which they live Thus, through cartoons, the thoughts and teachings of the old Chinese philosophers and sages can now reach people who live in such countries as Britain, France, America, Japan, Malaysia or Australia and who are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture Until recently, the transfer of knowledge and culture has been overwhelmingly from the West to the East and not vice versa By means of cartoons, however, publishing companies in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are now having success in correcting this imbalance between the East and the West Cartoons can overcome language barriers in all foreign countries The vast increase in the popularity of these cartoons serves to illustrate the truth of Confucius’s famous saying “One picture is worth a thousand words.” Question 1: Which of the following clearly characterizes Western cartoons? A Enjoyment, liveliness, and carefulness B Originality, freshness, and astonishment C Seriousness, propaganda, and attractiveness D Humour, unexpectedness, and criticism Question 2: Chinese cartoons have been useful as an important means of A political propaganda in wartime B amusing people all the time C educating ordinary people D spreading Western ideas Question 3: The major differences between Chinese cartoons and Western cartoons come from their A styles B values C purposes D nationalities Question 4: The pronoun “This” in paragraph mostly refers to A an educational purpose B a piece of art C a funny element D a propaganda campaign Question 5: The passage is intended to present A an opinion about how cartoons entertain people B an outline of Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons C a description of cartoons of all kinds the world over D a contrast between Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons Question 6: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? A A Very Powerful Force in Influencing People TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 10 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission A one of the most important properties of metals B one of the key properties of most solid materials C impossible for any substance when it is dissolved in water D completely impossible for silicon Question 2: According to the passage, a metal can conduct electricity due to A the loss of one electron in the core of its atoms B the way its atoms bond together C the absence of free electrons D its atoms with a positive charge Question 3: The word “outermost” in paragraph mostly means A furthest from the inside B nearest to the inside C the heaviest D the lightest Question 4: The atoms of a metal can bond together because A they lose all of their electrons B negatively charged electrons attract positive ions C electrons can flow in a single direction D the lost electrons cannot move freely in the sea of electrons Question 5: Salt in its solid state is not able to conduct electricity because A its charged ions can flow easily B it has free electrons C its charged ions are not free to move D it cannot create any charged ions Question 6: The word “they” in paragraph refers to A charged particles B electrical insulators C electric currents D charged ions Question 7: Water is a poor conductor because it contains A only a small amount of fully charged particles B only a negative electric charge C no positive or negative electric charge D only a positive electric charge Question 8: We can have problems when touching electrical devices with wet hands because A the water dissolves the salt on our skin and becomes more conductive B the water containing no charged particles makes it more conductive C the water itself is a good conductor of electricity D the water contains too many neutral molecules Question 9: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A Some materials are more conductive than others B Graphite is a common solid substance that can conduct electricity C Salt can conduct electricity when it is molten or dissolved D Pure water is much more conductive than most water we encounter every day Question 10: Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage? TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 46 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 A Electrical Insulators C Electrical Devices A B A Your dreams – Our mission B Electrical Energy D Electrical Conductivity ĐÁP ÁN B C B A A D 10 D GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT Question 1: Đáp án A Keywords: Electrical conductivity Clue: “The ability to conduct electricity is one of the key properties of a metal” (Tính dẫn điện thuộc tính quan trọng kim loại) → A one of the most important properties of metals (một thuộc tính quan trọng kim loại) Question 2: Đáp án B Keywords: a metal can conduct electricity due to Clue: “The ability of metals to conduct electricity is due to how their atoms bond together” (Tính dẫn điện kim loại cách nguyên tử kim loại liên kết với nhau) → B the way its atoms bond together Question 3: Đáp án A outermost (a): phía Đáp án B nearest to the inside (phía cùng) Đáp án C the heaviest (nặng nhất) Đáp án D the lightest (nhẹ nhất) → A furthest from the inside (phía cùng) Question 4: Đáp án B Đọc đoạn văn từ kiến thức thực tế học tự suy nguyên tử kim loại liên kết với electron mang điện tích âm hút ion mang điện tích dương → B negatively charged electrons attract positive ions Question 5: Đáp án C Keywords: not able to conduct electricity Clue: “In its solid state an ionic substance like salt cannot conduct electricity as its charged ions cannot flow” (Ở trạng thái rắn chất có mạng tinh thể ion muối ăn dẫn điện hạt ion mang điện không phân ly) → C its charged ions are not flee to move (những hạt ion mang điện không tự di chuyển) Question 6: Đáp án B Clue: “Electrical insulators are substances thát cannot conduct electricity well either, because they contain no charged particles or any charged particles they might contain not flow easily” (Chất cách điện chất dẫn điện kém, chúng không chứa hạt mang điện chúng chứa hạt mang điện phân ly) Đọc câu ta thấy mục đích nói chất cách điện, “they” thay cho “electrical insulators” TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 47 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission → B electrical insulators Question 7: Đáp án A Keywords: a poor conductor Clue: “Water itself is a poor conductor or electricity as it does not contain a significant amount of fully charged particles” → A only a small amount of fully charged particles Question 8: Đáp án A Chúng ta gặp nguy hiểm chạm vào thiết bị điện tay ướt nước hòa tan muối da, trở nên dễ dẫn điện Từ kiến thức thực tế chọn đáp án A Dẫn chứng tìm câu cuối → A the water dissolves the salt on our skin and becomes more conductive (nước hòa tan muối da trở nên dễ dẫn điện) Question 9: Đáp án D Theo đoạn văn câu không đúng, ta lựa chọn ngãy đáp án D từ kiến thức phổ thông học Dẫn chứng tìm câu 2, câu đoạn cuối → D Pure water is much more conductive than most water we encounter every day (Nước tinh khiết dẫn điện tốt so với hầu mà gặp thường ngày) - Sai Question 10: Đáp án D Ngay câu đề cập đến tính dẫn điện, nội dung triển khai tiếp sau liên quan đến vấn đề Các đáp án khác không hợp lý Đáp án A Electrical Insulators (Những chất cách điện) Đáp án B Electrical Energy (Năng lượng điện) Đáp án C Electrical Devices (Thiết bị điện) D Electrical Conductivity (Tính dẫn điện) CẤU TRÚC – TỪ VỰNG QUAN TRỌNG Electrical conductivity (n): tính dẫn điện Electrical insulator (n): chất cách điện Outermost (a): phía Property (n): đặc tính Hence (adv): đó, ~ therefore, accordingly, hence, as a result, as a consequence Likewise (a): tương tự EXERCISE 13: (D-2014) [] We live in a world of tired, sleep deprived people In his book Counting Sheep, Paul Martin – a behavioural biologist – describes a society which is just too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the importance it deserves Modern society has invented reasons not to sleep We are now a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours We spend longer hours at work than we used to, and more time getting to work Mobile phones and email allow us to stay in touch round the clock and late-night TV and the Internet tempt us away from our beds When we need more TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 48 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission time for work or pleasure, the easy solution is to sleep less The average adult sleeps only 6.2 hours a night during the week, whereas research shows that most people need eight or even eight and a half hours’ sleep to feel at their best Nowadays, many people have got used to sleeping less than they need and they live in an almost permanent state of ‘sleep debt’ Until the invention of the electric light in 1879 our daily cycle of sleep used to depend on the hours of daylight People would get up with the sun and go to bed at nightfall But nowadays our hours of sleep are mainly determined by our working hours (or our social life) and most people are woken up artificially by an alarm clock During the day caffeine, the world’s most popular drug, helps to keep us awake 75% of the world’s population habitually consume caffeine, which up to a point masks the symptoms of sleep deprivation What does a chronic lack of sleep to us? As well as making us irritable and unhappy as humans, it also reduces our motivation and ability to work This has serious implications for society in general Doctors, for example, are often chronically sleep deprived, especially when they are on ‘night call’, and may get less than three hours’ sleep Lack of sleep can seriously impair their mood, judgment, and ability to take decisions Tired engineers, in the early hours of the morning, made a series of mistakes with catastrophic results On our roads and motorways lack of sleep kills thousands of people every year Tests show that a tired driver can be just as dangerous as a drunken driver However, driving when drunk is against the law but driving when exhausted isn’t As Paul Martin says, it is very ironic that we admire people who function on very little sleep instead of criticizing them for being irresponsible Our world would be a much safer, happier place if everyone, whatever their job, slept eight hours a night New English File Upper-intermediate by Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig, OUP Question 1: According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about Paul Martin? A He shows his concern for sleep deprivation in modern society B He describes the modern world as a place without insomnia C He is a scientist who is chronically deprived of sleep D He gives an interesting account of a sleepless society Question 2: The phrase “round the clock” in the second paragraph is similar in meaning to A surrounded with clocks B having a round clock C during the daytime D all day and night Question 3: The writer mentions the Internet in the passage as A an easy solution to sleep deprivation B a temptation that prevents us from sleeping C a factor that is not related to sleep deprivation D an ineffective means of communication Question 4: According to the third paragraph, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? A The electric light was invented in the 19th century TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 49 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission B The sun obviously determined our daily routines C The electric light has changed our daily cycle of sleep D Our social life has no influence on our hours of sleep Question 5: The word “which” in the third paragraph refers to A the world's population B caffeine consumption C reaching a point D masking the symptoms Question 6: Which of the following is TRUE, according to the last paragraph? A Sleep deprivation has negative effects on both individuals and society B Doctors ‘on night call’ not need more than three hours of sleep a day C Thousands of people are killed every day by drunken drivers D Our motivation decreases with the bigger number of hours we sleep Question 7: The word “catastrophic” in the last paragraph probably means A likely to become worthless B becoming more noticeable C bound to bring satisfaction D causing serious damage or loss Question 8: Which of the following would the writer of the passage approve of? A Both drunken drivers and sleep-deprived people should be criticized B There is no point in criticizing irresponsible people in our society C We certainly can function well even when we hardly sleep D Our world would be a much safer place without drinkers Question 9: All of the following are mentioned as those whose performance is affected by ‘sleep debt’ EXCEPT A drivers B doctors C engineers D biologists Question 10: Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage? A A Well-known Biologist B Sleep Deprivation: Causes and Effects C Accident Prevention: Urgent! D A Society of Sleepless People ĐÁP ÁN A D B D B A D A D 10 B GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT Question 1: Đáp án A Keywords: Paul Martin, true Clue: “ Paul Martin - a behavioural biologist - describes a society which is just too busy to sleep and which does not give sleeping the importance it deserves.” → A He shows his concern for sleep deprivation in modern society (Ông thể mối quan tâm đến vấn đề thiếu ngủ xã hội đại) Question 2: Đáp án D (around) round the clock = all day and all night (cả ngày lẫn đêm) → D all day and all night Question 3: Đáp án B Keywords: the Internet Clue: “ the Internet tempt us away from our beds” (Internet cám dỗ lên TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 50 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission gường ngủ được) → B a temptation that prevents us from sleeping Question 4: Đáp án D Keywords: third paragraph, not true Clue: “Until the invention of the electric light in 1879 our daily cycle of sleep used to depend on the hours of daylight People would get up with the sun and go to bed at nightfall But nowadays our hours of sleep are mainly determined by our working hours (or our social life)” (Chu kì ngủ hàng ngày phụ thuộc vào số ánh sáng ban ngày đèn điện phát minh vào năm 1879 Mọi người thức dậy mặt trời mọc ngủ đêm xuống Nhưng ngày số ngủ chủ yếu xác định số làm việc hay nói cách khác đời sống xã hội chúng ta) Đáp án A The electric light was invented in the 19 th century (Đèn điện phát minh vào kỉ 19) - Đúng, tham khảo clue Đáp án B The sun obviously determined our daily routines (Mặt trời định thói quen hàng ngày chúng ta) - Đúng, tham khảo clue Đáp án C The electric light has changed our daily cycle of sleep (Đèn điện thay đổi chu kì giấc ngủ hàng ngày) - Đúng, tham khảo clue D Our social life has no influence on our hours of sleep (Đời sống xã hội không ảnh hưởng tới giấc ngủ chúng ta) Question 5: Đáp án B Clue: “75% of the world’s population habitually consume caffeine, which up to a point masks the symptoms of sleep deprivation.” (75% dân số giới có thói quen dùng cà phê, tiêu thụ phần cho thấy triệu chúng thiếu ngủ) → B caffeine consumption (sự tiêu thụ cà phê) Question 6: Đáp án A Keywords: true, last paragraph Clue: “As well as making us irritable and unhappy as humans, it also reduces our motivation and ability to work This has serious implications for society in general” (Cũng việc làm cáu kỉnh buồn chán, giảm làm giảm động lực khả làm việc Điều có ảnh hưởng quan trọng tới toàn xã hội nói chung) → A Sleep deprivation has negative effects on both individuals and society (Mất ngủ đem lại tác động tiêu cực cho cá nhân lẫn xã hội) Question 7: Đáp án D Keywords: catastrophic, last paragraph Xét câu, vế trước đề cập đến kĩ sư mệt mỏi vào sáng sớm thường tạo hàng loạt sai phạm, vế nghĩa tiêu cực vế sau kết vế trước Như đoán “catastrophic” mang nghĩa tiêu cực catastrophic (a): thảm khốc, thê thảm Đáp án A likely to become worthless (dễ trở nên vô ích) Đáp án B becoming more noticeable (trở nên đáng ý hơn) TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 51 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Đáp án C bound to bring satisfaction (chắc chắn đem lại hài lòng) → D causing serious damage or loss (gây thiệt hại nghiêm trọng mất) Question 8: Đáp án A Keywords: approve of Đọc đoạn cuối nêu rõ quan điểm tác giả Tác giả ủng hộ việc phê phán người say rượu thiếu ngủ tham gia giao thông đem lại nhiều hậu tai hại, giết chết nhiều người → A Both drunken drivers and sleep-deprived people should be criticized Question 9: Đáp án D Khả làm việc người bị ảnh hưởng thiếu ngủ: bác sĩ, kĩ sư, người lái xe (những thông tin tìm thấy đoạn cuối bài) Như hoàn toàn không đề cập tới nhà sinh vật học → D biologists Question 10: Đáp án B Đáp án A A Well-known Biologist (Một nhà sinh vật học tiếng) - Sai, toàn tập trung phân tích thiếu ngủ Đáp án C Accident Prevention: Urgent! (Ngăn ngừa tai nạn: Khấn cấp!) - Sai, thể nội dung đoạn văn cuối, không bao quát nội dung toàn Đáp án D A Society of Sleepless People (Xã hội người không ngủ) - Sai, toàn tập trung phân tích thiếu ngủ → B Sleep Deprivation: Causes and Effects (Sự thiếu ngủ: Nguyên nhân Hậu quả) CẤU TRÚC – TỪ VỰNG QUAN TRỌNG (around) round the clock = all day and all night: ngày lẫn đêm, 24/7 To approve/,disapprove of somebody/something: ủng hộ/phản đối ai/cái Sleep deprivation (n): thiếu ngủ Tempt (v); xui giục, lôi => temptation (n): xúi giục, cám dỗ, lôi Catastrophic (a): thảm khốc, thê thảm EXERCISE 14: (THPT QUỐC GIA 2015) [] Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, is closely associated with poverty It can result from high population density (the ratio of people to land area, usually expressed as numbers of persons per square kilometer or square mile) or from low amounts of resources, or from both Excessively high population densities put stress on available resources Only a certain number of people can be supported on a given area of land, and that number depends on how much food and other resources the land can provide In countries where people live primarily by means of simple farming, gardening, herding, hunting, and gathering, even large areas of land can support only small numbers of people because these labor-intensive subsistence activities produce only small amounts of food In developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and the countries of western TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 52 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Europe, overpopulation generally is not considered a major cause of poverty These countries produce large quantities of food through mechanized farming, which depends on commercial fertilizers, large-scale irrigation, and agricultural machinery This form of production provides enough food to support the high densities of people in metropolitan areas A country’s level of poverty can depend greatly on its mix of population density and agricultural productivity Bangladesh, for example, has one of the world’s highest population densities, with more than 950 persons per sq km (2500 persons per sq mi) A large majority of the people of Bangladesh engage in low-productivity manual farming, which contributes to the country’s extremely high level of poverty Some of the smaller countries in western Europe, such as the Netherlands and Belgium, have high population densities as well These countries practice mechanized farming and are involved in high-tech industries, however, and therefore have high standards of living At the other end of the spectrum, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have population densities of less than 30 persons per sq km (80 persons per sq mi) Many people in these countries practice manual subsistence farming; these countries also have infertile land and lack the economic resources and technology to boost productivity As a consequence, these nations are very poor The United States has both relatively low population density and high agricultural productivity; it is one of the world’s wealthiest nations High birth rates contribute to overpopulation in many developing countries Children are assets to many poor families because they provide labor, usually for farming Cultural norms in traditionally rural societies commonly sanction the value of large families Also, the governments of developing countries often provide little or no support, financial or political, for family planning (see Birth Control); even people who wish to keep their families small have difficulty doing so For all these reasons, developing countries tend to have high rates of population growth From "Poverty" by Thomas J Corbett Question 1: Which of the following is given a definition in paragraph 1? A Overpopulation B Population density C Simple farming D Poverty Question 2: What will suffer when there are excessively high population densities? A Available resources B Skilled labor C Farming methods D Land area Question 3: The phrase “that number” in paragraph refers to the number of A people B densities C resources D countries Question 4: In certain countries, large areas of land can only yield small amounts of food because A there is lack of mechanization B there are small numbers of laborers C there is an abundance of resources D there is no shortage of skilled labor Question 5: Bangladesh is a country where the level of poverty depends greatly on TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 53 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission A its population density only B both population density and agricultural productivity C population density in metropolitan areas D its high agricultural productivity Question 6: The phrase “engage in” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A escape from B look into C give up D participate in Question 7: The word “infertile” in paragraph probably means A disused B impossible C unproductive D inaccessible Question 8: Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage? A In certain developed countries, mechanized farming is applied B In sub-Saharan African countries, productivity is boosted by technology C There is no connection between a country’s culture and overpopulation D All small countries in Western Europe have high population densities Question 9: Which of the following is a contributor to overpopulation in many developing countries? A High-tech facilities B Economic resources C Sufficient financial support D High birth rates Question 10: Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? A High Birth Rate and its Consequences B Overpopulation: A Cause of Poverty C Overpopulation: A Worldwide Problem D Poverty in Developing Countries ĐÁP ÁN A A A A B D C A D 10 B GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT Question 1: Đáp án A Keywords: a definition, paragraph Clue: “Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, is closely associated with poverty” (Bùng nổ dân số - tình trạng việc có nhiều người lại tài nguyên diện tích, có liên quan chặt chẽ tới đói nghèo) Các đáp án lại định nghĩa →A Overpopulation Question 2: Đáp án A Keywords: excessively high population densities Clue: “Excessively high population densities put stress on available resources” (Mật độ dân số cao gây nên áp lực nguồn tài nguyên sẵn có) → A Available resources Question 3: Đáp án A Clue: “Only a certain number of people can be supported on a given area of land, and that number depends on how much food and other resources the land can provide.” (Tạm dịch: Chỉ số lượng người định hỗ trợ khu đất định, số lượng TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 54 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission người phụ thuộc vào mức thức ăn nguồn tài nguyên vùng đất đem lại) → A people Question 4: Đáp án A Keywords: large areas, yield small amounts of food Clue: “In countries where people live primarily by means of simple farming, gardening, herding, hunting, and gathering, even large areas of land can support only small numbers of people because these labor-intensive subsistence activities produce only small amounts of food.” (Ở đất nước mà người chủ yếu sống canh tác, làm vườn, chăn nuôi, săn bắt hái lượm, vùng đất rộng lớn hỗ trợ số người dân hoạt động sinh hoạt, lao động sản xuất tạo số lượng nhỏ thức ăn) Như vậy, vùng đất rộng lớn đem lại lượng nhỏ thức ăn nông nghiệp chưa giới hóa, người sản xuất việc lao động chân tay đơn giản → A there is lack of mechanization Question 5: Đáp án B Keywords: Bangladesh, level of poverty, depends greatly on Clue: “A country’s level of poverty can depend greatly on its mix of population density and agricultural productivity Bangladesh, for example ” (Mức đói nghèo quốc gia phụ thuộc lớn vào mật độ dân số lẫn sản xuất nông nghiệp Ví dụ như, Bangladesh ) → B both population density and agricultural productivity Question 6: Đáp án D engage in (v): tham gia vào escape from (v): thoát khỏi look into (v): xem xét, nghiên cún give up (v): từ bỏ → D participate in (v): tham gia vào Question 7: Đáp án C infertile (a): cằn cỗi, không tốt Đáp án A disused (a): bị vứt bỏ, không sử dụng Đáp án B impossible (a): Đáp án D inaccessible (a): không tiếp cận → C unproductive (a): không hiệu quả, sản xuất Question 8: Đáp án A Clue: “These countries produce large quantities of food through mechanized fanning” (Những đất nước sản xuất lượng lớn thực phẩm thông qua giới hóa nông nghiệp) Các đáp án lại sai thông tin không đề cập đến → A In certain developed countries, mechanized farming is applied (Ở số nước phát triển, giới hóa nông nghiệp áp dụng) Question 9: Đáp án D TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 55 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Keywords: contributor, many developing counfries Clue: “High birth rates contribute to overpopulation in many developing countries” (Tỉ lệ sinh cao yếu tố gây nên bùng nổ dân số nhiều quốc gia phát triển) → D High birth rates Question 10: Đáp án B Đoạn văn nói bùng nổ dân số, nguyên nhân gây nên đói nghèo Đáp án A High Birth Rate and its Consequences (Tỉ lệ sinh cao hậu nó) – Không bao quát nội dung toàn bài, đề cập đến đoạn văn cuối Đáp án C Overpopulation: A Worldwide Problem (Bùng nổ dân số: Một vấn đề toàn cầu) Không làm rõ vấn đề đói nghèo đưa Đáp án D Poverty in Developing Countries (Đói nghèo quốc gia phát triển) Không đủ bao quát không đề cập đến bùng nổ dân số → B Overpopulation: A Cause of Poverty (Bùng nổ dân số: Nguyên nhân đói nghèo) CẤU TRÚC - TỪ VỰNG QUAN TRỌNG Overpopulation (n): bùng nổ dân số Poor (a): nghèo => poverty (n): nghèo đói Engage in (v): tham gia vào ~ participate in (v) Infertile (a): cằn cỗi, không tốt ~ unproductive (a): không hiệu quả, sản xuất Mechanize (v): khí hóa, giới hỏa => mechanization (n): khí hóa, giới hóa Birthrate (n): tỉ lệ sinh Developing countries: quốc gia phát triển | developed countries: quốc gia phát triển Lack of something: thiếu hụt | lack something (v) (không sử dụng dạng passive) E.g: The plant died for lack of water (Cây chết thiếu nước) E.g: I lack words to express my feeling (Tôi không đủ lời để diễn tả tâm trạng mình) EXERCISE 15: (THPT QUỐC GIA 2015) [] Plants and animals will find it difficult to escape from or adjust to the effects of global warming Scientists have already observed shifts in the lifecycles of many plants and animals, such as flowers blooming earlier and birds hatching earlier in the spring Many species have begun shifting where they live or their annual migration patterns due to warmer temperatures With further warming, animals will tend to migrate toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher elevations Plants will also attempt to shift their ranges, seeking new areas as old habitats grow too warm In many places, however, human development will prevent these shifts Spices that find cities or farmland blocking their way north or south may become extinct Spices living in unique ecosystems, such as those found in polar and mountaintop regions, are especially at risk because migration to new habitats is not possible For example, polar bears and marine mammals in the Arctic are already threatened by dwindling sea ice but have now where farther north to go Projecting species extinction due to global warming is extremely difficult Some scientists have estimated that 20 to 50 percent of spices could be committed to extinction with TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 56 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission or Celsius degrees of further warming The rate of warming, not just the magnitude, is extremely important for plants and animals Some species and even entire ecosystems, such as certain types of forest, may not be able to adjust quickly enough and may disappear Ocean ecosystems, especially fragile ones like coral reefs, will also be affected by global warming Warmer ocean temperatures can cause coral to “bleach”, a state which if prolonged will lead to the death of the coral Scientists estimate that even Celsius degree of addition warming could lead to widespread bleaching and death of coral reefs around the world Also, increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere enters the ocean and increases the acidity of ocean waters This acidification further stresses ocean ecosystems From "Global Warming" by Michael Mastrandrea and Stephen H Schneider Question 1: Scientists have observed that warmer temperatures in the spring cause flowers to A die instantly B bloom earlier C become lighter D lose color Question 2: According to paragraph 2, when their habitats grow warmer, animals tend to move A south-eastwards and down mountainsides toward lower elevations B north-westwards and up mountainsides toward higher elevations C toward the North Pole and down mountainsides toward lower elevations D toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher elevations Question 3: The pronoun “those” in paragraph refers to A species B ecosystems C habitats D areas Question 4: The phrase “dwindling sea ice” in paragraph refers to A the frozen water in the Arctic B the violent Arctic Ocean C the melting ice in the Arctic D the cold ice in the Arctic Question 5: It is mentioned in the passage that if the global temperature rose by or Celsius degrees, A half of the earth’s surface would be flooded B the sea level would rise by 20 centimeters C water supply would decrease by 50 percent D 20 to 50 percent of species could become extinct Question 6: According to the passage, if some species are not able to adjust quickly to warmer temperatures A they may be endangered B they can begin to develop C they will certainly need water D they move to tropical forests Question 7: The word “fragile” in paragraph most probably means A very large B easily damaged C rather strong D pretty hard Question 8: The bleaching of coral reefs as mentioned in paragraph indicates A the water absorption of coral reefs B the quick growth of marine mammals C the blooming phase of sea weeds D the slow death of coral reefs Question 9: The level of acidity in the ocean is increased by TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 57 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission A the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the ocean B the decrease of acidity of the pole waters C the extinction of species in coastal areas D the loss of acidity in the atmosphere around the earth Question 10: What does the passage mainly discuss? A Influence of climate changes on human lifestyles B Effects of global warming oil animals and plants C Global warming and possible solutions D Global warming and species migration ĐÁP ÁN B D A C D A B D A 10 B GIẢI THÍCH CHI TIẾT Question 1: Đáp án B Keywords: warmer temperatures, in the spring Clue: “Scientists have already observed shifts in the lifecycles of many plants and animals, such as flowers blooming earlier and birds hatching earlier in the spring.” (Các nhà khoa học quan sát thấy thay đổi vòng đời nhiều loài thực vật động vật, chẳng hạn hoa nở sớm chim chào đời sớm vào mùa xuân) → B bloom earlier Question 2: Đáp án D Keywords: paragraph 2, grow warmer, animals tend to Clue: “With further warming, animals will tend to migrate toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher elevations.” (Khi nhiệt độ nóng lên, động vật có xu hướng di cư phía cực lên sườn núi hướng độ cao cao hơn) → D toward the poles and up mountainsides toward higher elevations Question 3: Đáp án A Từ “those” thay cho từ “species” vế trước “Species living in unique ecosystems, such as those found in polar and mountaintop regions ” (Với loài sống hệ sinh thái đặc biệt, chẳng hạn loài tìm thấy vùng cực đỉnh núi ) Đáp án C, D loại không liên kết với từ “those” câu văn Đáp án B ecosystems từ nơi chốn bổ sung nghĩa cho “species” → A species Question 4: Đáp án C “dwindling sea ice” tạm dịch tảng băng bị thu hẹp Gần nghĩa “the melting ice in the Arctic” (băng tan Bắc Cực) Các đáp án lại sai nghĩa, ngữ cảnh Đáp án B the violent Arctic Ocean (Bắc Băng Dương dội) Đáp án D the cold ice inThe Arctic (băng lạnh Bắc Cực) → C the melting ice in the Arctic Question 5: Đáp án D TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 58 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Keywords: rose, or Celsius degrees Clue: “Some scientists have estimated that 20 to 50 percent of species could be committed to extinction with to Celsius degrees of further warming.” (Một số nhà khoa học ước tính khoảng 20% đến 50% số lượng loài bị tuyệt chúng nhiệt độ tăng lên từ tới độ C) → D 20 to 50 percent of species could become extinct Question 6: Đáp án A Keywords: some species, not able to adjust quickly Clue: “Some species and even entire ecosystems, such as certain types of forest, may not be able to adjust quickly enough and may disappear.” (Một số loài chí toàn hệ sinh thái, chẳng hạn loài định rừng không đủ nhanh để thích ứng biến mất) Đáp án B they can begin to develop (Chúng bắt đầu phát triển) – Sai, tham khảo clue Đáp án C they will certainly need water (Chúng chắn cần nước) – Sai, tham khảo clue Đáp án D they move to tropical forests (Chúng di chuyển tới khu rừng nhiệt đới) – Sai, tham khảo clue → A they may be endangered (Chúng gặp nguy hiểm) - Đúng chúng có nguy biến Question 7: Đáp án B fragile (a): yếu ớt, dễ vỡ A very large (rất lớn) - Sai nghĩa C rather strong (khá khỏe khoắn) - Sai nghĩa D pretty hard (khá cứng, chắc) - Sai nghĩa → B easily damaged (dễ bị tổn thương) Question 8: Đáp án D Keywords: bleaching of coral reefs, paragraph Clue: “Warmer ocean temperatures can cause coral to “bleach”, a state which if prolonged will lead to the death of the coral.” (Nhiệt độ tăng lên đại dương khiến san hô bị "tẩy trắng", trạng thái kéo dài dẫn đến chết san hô) Các đáp án lại hoàn toàn không liên quan thông tin → D the slow death of coral reefs (cái chết chậm san hô) Question 9: Đáp án A Keywords: level of acidity, increased by Clue: “increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere enters the ocean and increases the acidity of ocean waters” (sự gia lăng carbon dioxide khí xâm nhập vào đại dương làm gia tăng nồng độ axit nước biển) Cáp đáp án lại sai, tham khảo clue → A the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the ocean Question 10: Đáp án B TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 59 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission Toàn nội dung nói ảnh hưởng việc nóng lên toàn cầu tới động thực vật Ngay câu đề cập “Plants and animals will find it difficult to escape from or adjust to the effects of global warming” (Động thực vật khó để thoát khỏi thích ứng với ảnh hưởng việc nóng lên toàn cầu) Những câu văn đoạn văn làm rõ cho ý kiến Đáp án A Influence of climate changes on human lifestyles (Ảnh hưởng biến đổi khí hậu tới lối sống người) - Sai, toàn không đề cập tới lối sống người Đáp án C Global warming and possible solutions (Nóng lên toàn cầu giải pháp có khả thực thi) - Sai, toàn không đề cập tới giải pháp cho tình trạng Đáp án D Global warming and species migration (Nóng lên toàn cầu di cư loài) - Sai, việc di cư đề cập đoạn 2, không đủ bao quát nội dung toàn → B Effects of global warming on animals and plants (Những ảnh hưởng việc nóng lên toàn cầu tới động thực vật) CẤU TRÚC - TỪ VỰNG QUAN TRỌNG S + find + something + adj to something: thấy gì/điều để làm E.g: I find it very difficult to pass this test (Tôi cảm thật khó để vượt qua kiểm tra này) Tend to something: có xu hướng/khuynh hướng làm E.g: Women tend to live longer than men (Phụ nữ có khuynh hướng sống lâu nam giới) At risk = in danger: gặp nguy hiểm Fragile (a): yếu ớt, dễ vỡ ~ easily damaged Ecosystem (n): hệ sinh thái Extinct (a): tuyệt chủng Adjust (v): thích ứng, thích nghi TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 60 ... doing other things can help one’s learning B young people usually feel less patient than adults C adults think more independently and flexibly than young people TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang... tâm TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang 28 Chinh phục tập đọc hiểu tiếng anh phiên 1.0 Your dreams – Our mission lý học nghiên cứu trí nhớ quan tâm đến việc não lưu giữ kiến thức nhà tâm lý học. .. simply something carefully again and again, eventually you’ll get the hang of it” (khi bạn già, bạn nản chí Kinh nghiệm cho thấy bạn bình tĩnh làm lại cách TOPIC 12 - ĐỀ THI TRUNG HỌC Trang Chinh

Ngày đăng: 27/08/2017, 00:33



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    EXERCISE 14: (THPT QUỐC GIA 2015) []

    EXERCISE 15: (THPT QUỐC GIA 2015) []


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