Go o gle S n ip e r Pro ce s s Ma p This is a com plete m ap of the entire process of creating a Sniper site, start to finish Provided for quick reference, see the m anual for m ore detail on each part Part one Find the main keyword and a product to promote related to it. (90 mins) Register your domain name (10 mins) Install Wordpress and upload both plugins (10 mins) Take a few minutes to understand your market and picture your average visitor (15 mins) Decide on your angle of attack – story, review, how to etc (5 mins) Create your character and find a picture (20 mins) Pick a theme and upload it (10 mins) Find your LSI keywords (5 mins) Configure your link structure and plugins (5mins) Get your affiliate link & Cloak it with a php redirect (5mins) Part two Create your about me page (20 mins) Write your first post. (15 mins) Create your privacy policy. (5 mins) Write your second post (20 mins) Go o gle Sn ip e r Create your contact page (5 mins) Part three Ping your blog at www.pingomatic.com (1min) Create your Youtube video (25min) Upload it to Youtube (5min) Bookmark your site using http://www.socialmark er.com (1 hour) Part four Note: Do not this step un til your site is indexed Create your helpful article page. Write your final and most important post (15 mins) (review/story/how to). (35 mins) Add your cloaked affiliate links (10 mins) *The estim ated tim es are based on how long it should take you your first tim e round With m ore experience, you’ll be cranking out entire sites in just a couple of hours *And obviously, this is a grossly sim plified version of the system Rem em ber to refer back to m anual and videos for a m uch m ore in depth explanation of each step Go o gle Sn ip e r