Test 102 Our main competitor in the American market is YachviliEspresso, a large coffee producer is based in Georgetown, Guyana (A) who (B) whose 104 The team manager’s role is to make sure that there is an even of work among the team members (A) distribute (B) distributing (C) distributor (D) distribution 106 The two accounting firms are equally wellrespected, so we can be confident that our finances will be in good hands _ we choose (A) that (B) which 107 The president’s proposal to _ the healthcare system has met with strong political opposition in Washington (A) reformist (B) reform (C) reformation (D) reformer 109 If the bank manger _ the loan, we will have accumulated enough capital to go ahead with the project (A) will approve (B) approved (C) approves (D) had approved 112 The organizers have decided to hold the computer gaming industry’s annual at the Holdwell Complex in Houston (A) convention (B) convenience 114 The manager prefers to talk to the employees in his department instead of holding frequent team meetings (A) individual (B) individuals (C) individually (D) individuality 115 The members of the tour group were _ to gather together at the front entrance of the museum (A) instruct (B) instructed 116 The course textbook provides a _ introduction to the major issue in business management today (A) comprehensive (B) comprehensibility (C) comprehend (D) comprehensively 118 The television studio is now producing a historical drama _ on the life of Genghis Khan (A) base (B) based 119 The Russian auto manufacturer’s sales strategy has proven effective in emerging markets such 111 The world - famous Romanian National Orchestra will be at the Hudson City Hall on the evening of Saturday, January 30 (A) perform (B) performed 121 We have a _ obligation to stick with Jacobsen Courier Services although several of its competitors now offer better deals (A) contract (B) contracting (C) contractual (D) contractually 122 The domestic economy performed _ more strongly in the second half of the year than it did in the first (A) very (B) so 123 In _ with Pennsylvanian state law, alcoholic beverages will be sold to only patrons aged 18 and over (A) accord (B) according (C) accordingly (D) accordance as South America (A) remark (B) remarked (C) remarkable (D) remarkably 129 Prizes, _ free sports attire and equipment, will be distributed at Henderson Athletics’ massive annual sale (A) includes (B) included (C) including (D) inclusion 130 The _ sales figures indicate that our attempt to market our products more aggressively overseas has only had a marginal impact (A) latent (B) lateral (C) late (D) latest 131 MoneyLog.com is a web-based service designed to help people track of their personal finances (A) take (B) keep (C) stay (D) have 124 Dr Pierre Hardinoquy, one of France’s leading health policy experts, has been _ appointed to the World Medical Council (A) formal (B) formally 132 Ms Prasad, who works in the reception area downstairs, is on vacation _ Friday next week (A) by (B) on (C) until (D) between 126 an unavoidable schedule 134 If the manager had given Chris Webster conflict, Ms Stevenson will be unable to attend the Historical Society’s annual meeting (A) Except for (B) Owing to (C) Instead of (D) In spite of 127 Top executives have to look _ the immediatefuture and make decisions which will reap benefits in the long term (A) among (B) beyond 136 The inspector says that the materials used in the construction of the building don’t comply _ local safety regulations (A) with (B) for 137 _ spoken with several focus groups, Electro Corp managers wanted to make some important changes to the company’s services (A) Have (B) Had 138 The seminar attendees made the most of their opportunity _ the presenter questions during the “open discussion” session (A) ask (B) asked more opportunities to prove himself, he a supervisor by now (A) could be (B) had been (C) can be (D) is being 135 Because of the truck driver’s strike, several of our stores on the east coast are running _ of stock (A) small (B) brief (C) short (D) little 139 The customer service manager should handle major complaints rather than allowing junior representatives to deal with them (A) she (B) her 140.Management is threatening to make staff cut backs there is a significant improvement in output over the next few months (A) unless (B) without ... more aggressively overseas has only had a marginal impact (A) latent (B) lateral (C) late (D) latest 131 MoneyLog.com is a web-based service designed to help people track of their personal... Historical Society’s annual meeting (A) Except for (B) Owing to (C) Instead of (D) In spite of 1 27 Top executives have to look _ the immediatefuture and make decisions which will reap benefits... in the construction of the building don’t comply _ local safety regulations (A) with (B) for 1 37 _ spoken with several focus groups, Electro Corp managers wanted to make some important changes