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Bài Tập tiếng anh 9 Mai lan Hương unit 34

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VI Completethe lent nee with In, , on, lor, 'nce, lifter, befo, , durin., Irom•••to The course begins January 2005 and ends sometime April The children aren't here the moment, but they'll be back a fewminutes 'We're having a party New Year's Eve Can you come?' Tm afraid I can't I don't like going out night.' 'What you usually weekends?' 'I usually go swimming B a.m 10:00 a.m.' Please wait half past ten Shell definitely be back ~ '-_ half past ten Sandra often goes to church o'clock Sundays Bill has worked in this company ten years, 1999 B The office will be closed Christmas and New Year It will be open January It's rained the night two or three hours 10 tm starting a job in sales I finish college 11 The New Year is celebrated midnight 'January 12 I might not be at home Tuesday morning but I'll probably be there the evening 13 Why are you never time? You always keep everybody waiting 14 'We're getting married November 2009.' 'Really? _ the beginning of the month or the end?' 15 In Britain people send each other cards Christmas and many people go to the church Christmas Day VII Use so and the cue given to vvrite sentences Ex: It! start! rain! we/ stop/ play/ tennis ~ It started to rain, so we stopyed playing tennis The weather/ bad! we/ not enjoy/ our holiday She/ bel tired! go/ home He/ work! hard! pass/ all his exams We/ want! get a good seat! arrive/ the cinema! early Paull bel very hungry/ eat/ like a horse II not have/ a computer/ not finish! my report! yet: He/ rather old! can't wear/ that kind of hat There/ bel a herd of cowl the street! all the cars/ stop 26 No on~/ watch! the television! II switch off 10 The stereo/ not work! Vicky/ take back! the shop VIII Add.o or but The room was dark, I turned on ~ light I didn't have an umbrella, I didn't get wet because I was wearing my raincoat Al didn't study, he failed the test I had a lot of studying to do, I went to a movie anyway My friend lied to me, I still like and trust her The weather was bad, we postponed our trip My watch is broken, I was late for my job interview Bob ate a large dinner, he is still hungry You lied to me, I don't trust you anymore 10 I was very sleepy, I finished all my homework anyway IX Complete the conversation between Sandra and Liz Sandra : Hi, Liz Have a good weekend? Liz : Yes I took a trip to the countryside Sandra : Really? (1) Liz : I went to Ba's home village Sandra : (2) ~ Liz : It' s to the north of Ha Noi Sandra : Well, (3) Liz : About 100 kilometers from the city Sandra : (4) Liz Sandra _ _ : ' ; - : We got there by bus : (5) ~ _ Liz Sandra Liz Sandra Liz : About two hours : (6) ; _ : Yes, it was a very interesting journey : (7) ~~: Yes, it does The village lies by a river, so we went boating in the river and had a picnic on the riverbank Sandra : (8) -:: -:= = :-Liz : No, I didnt video the trip but I took a lot of 'photos Would you like to see them? Sandra : Of course I'd love to X Readthe text caretully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) I live in a small village called Henfield There are about 500 people here The village is quiet and life here is slow and easy You never have to queue in shops or banks People never throw their rubbish in the streets, so the village UNITdễ 3: Achỉnh, TRIP TO sử THE Các9· bạ n nê copy dán vào NOTEPAD trước Sau đó, copy từ NOTEPAD dán vào trang WORD a COUNTRYSIDE PHAN BAIn T~P BAI T~P TIENG ANH _ 27 always Clean 'l'be air is also very clean because there's not much he a v y traffic It's much more friendly here than in a city Everyone knows everyone and if someone has a problem, there are always people who can help However, there are some things I don't like about Henfield One thing is that there's not much to in the evening We haven't got any cinemas or theatres Another problem is that people always talk about each other and everyone knows what everyone is doing But I still prefer village life to life in a big city The writer's village has a small population The air is unpolluted because there is no traffic here The villagers are very friendly and helpful There is good nightlife in the village There isn't much privacy in the village The writer wishes to live in a big city XI Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first The last time we went to a cinema was two years ago IS We haven't ~ ~ -The journey to the village was very interesting to the boys The boys felt He bought such a lot of books that he couldn't read them all So _ _ His parents made him study for the exams He 'You shouldn't give up your job,' Jane told Anne Jane advised _ I wish I could speak English fluently It's a _ He hasn't gone back to his village since 1989 He last ~ ~ _ I'm sorry I'm not able to go with you I wish _ Spending the weekend in the countryside is very exciting It's ~~ Why don't we go to the countryside? I suggested _ 10 _ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differeirtly from that of the others a a a a village town tired bamboo a trips 28 b b b b shrine grown enjoyed afternoon b rivers BAI T~P TII~NG ANH 9· PHAN BAI T~P c river c mountain c reached c food c trees III GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE A Choole the word or phr'" II, b, cord) that belt fItI the blink paceln each 18I'IttnoI, walk b walking c walked I am going to have my car washed a on b in c by 11 PRONUNCIATION 11 Children seem to have lost their in reading (enjoy) 12 Most of the have lived here all their lives (village) 18 She listens to classical music for (relax) 14 I find thill piece of music very (relit) 15 He made a of Roman coins and medals (collect) They took a reet under a banyan tree betore TEST FOR UNIT I II VOCABULARYAND EXPRESSION A Choo.e the word or phra •• la, b, c or d) that be.t fit the blank space In each entence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase _ weekends, the three boys helped Mr Parker with farm work a From b in c Since d On My home village is about 30 kilometers the north of the city a in b from c to d at He is now living with his family a farm a in b on c at d from Many tourists visit the of a historical hero on the mountain a church b mosque c shrine d temple We had an student from Spain staying with us last year a exchange b interchange c university d abroad My brother is a university student, but he works as a waiter in the evenings a all the time b full-time c part-time d sometime OK I'll meet you at the main to the Plaza at six o'clock a arrival b access c highway d entrance Everyone felt tired and hungry, so they sat down and took a(n) a relax b enjoyment c rest d snack When she the top of the stairs, her heart was pounding a went b reached c stepped d traveled 10 We spent an enjoyable evening boating in the river a pleasant b boring c comfortable d free B Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence d d d d picnic down arrived foot d days into the village d they walk tomorrow evening d Peter wishes that he part in the game, but he his injured-leg c wouldn't take a can take b is taking They here since 2003 a worked b were working c have been working I've been learning English I was in grade a before b since c until cannot because of d.were taking d.are working d after UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THI! COUNTRYSIDI! 9 10 She doesn't study hard, she seldom gets good marks a but b for c so d so that My uncle's family have lived on the farm ages a at b since c.up to d for Would you mind not on the radio until I with this phone can a turning - have finished b turn - finish c to turn - finished 'd turning - will finish They wish they able to win the match next week a could be b would be c will be d can be She came Sunday morning and stayed here 8:00 and 10:30 a in - between b on - at c on - between d in - from B Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that needs correcting 11 We reached the nearest village after IDllk fur five hours ABC D 12 The little boy's mother bought him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his ABC D birthday 13 We wish today is sunny so that we could spend the day in the countryside ABC D 14 Liz spent such an enjoying day in Ba's home village that she plans ABC to return to the village some day D 15 Ben has to save a few money for his trip of a lifetime to Hawaii ABC D IV READING COMPREHENSION A Choose the One option (a, b, c or d) that best completes the passage Last weekend, I had a day trip to the countryside with some of my classmates We went to visit a farm on (1) _ Peter's Uncle Tom works We left early in the morning and went there by bus Uncle Tom and some workers met us at the bus stop and (2)_ us to their farm On the way, Uncle Tom showed us (3)_ of wheat, corn, and vegetables where some tractors were running up and down, plowing and breaking soil, distributing manure and (4)_ seeds After lunch, we all went for a walk round the farm In the large yard of the farm we saw a lot of (5L_ machinery In the afternoon we went to the cattle farm A lot of horses, sheep and cows were (6)_ here We saw a new-born (7) in the cowshed when we helped the farmers to feed the cows After having some tea and cakes we said goodbye and went home It was an (8) day! a whom b that c which d where a dropped b picked c brought d took - a areas b fields c forests d meadows a planting b plowing c growing d producing a farm b farming c farmer d farmyard 80 IAI TAp TIliNG ANH 8· PHAN IAI TAp a trapped b collected c raised d risen a calf b puppy c colt d lamb a enjoy b enjoying c enjoyed d enjoyable B Read the text carefully, then choose the correct answer a, b, c, or -d Britain is now a highly industrialized country and there are only 238,000 farms in the UK More and more farmers leave the land because they can not earn enough money to survive Only large farms are economic and because of this most British farms are big The small family farms often have to earn more money by offering bed and breakfast accommodation to tourists Farming methods in Britain have also changed Fields used to be quite small, divided by hedges which were sometimes a thousand years old and full of wild flowers and birds Many hedges were pulled up to allow farmers to use modern machinery Now most fields in England are large by European standards British farmers gi ve up farm work because they _ a are tired of the farm work b cannot earn their living by farming c want to leave for the city d are forced to leave the land 10 Most British farms are big because , a there are plenty of land ,b farming is now industrialized c small farms are uneconomic d most British farmers are rich 11 The small family farms often offer bed and breakfast accommodation to tourists in order to ' b attract more tourists to their farms a show their friendship d improve their earnings c build up some savings 12 Fields on British farms used to be , a separated from each other by hedgesb full of wild flowers and birds c a thousand years old d all are correct 13 Nowadays most fields in England are _ al planted by European b smaller than they used to be c larger than fields in Europe -d large by European standards V SPEAKING -Choo•• the •• nt.nc or phrl •• (I, b, c, or d) that b.1t fit the blink PIC•• 'May I use your phone?' 'Certainly.' a Hold on, please b It doesn't matter c Here you are d You're welcome 'Would you like to have tea with us?' , ' a Yes, I'd love to b Yes, I would c That's a good idea d I think so 3.' ?' 'I'm going to make a table.' a Why is this wood b What's this wood for c How is this wood used d Whose is this wood 'Excuse me, where is the post office?' ' ' a Let me see b About two hundred meters c Twenty minutes walk d Keep straight on for one mile NIT 3:.A.T"IP_T VI WRITING A Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root On winter evenings we would all sit around the fire a We used to sit around the fire on winter evenings b We likesitting around the fire on winter evenings c We all wish we could sit around the fire on winter evenings d.' We are used to sitting around the fire on winter evenings It's a pity I can't play chess a I feel sorry for losing a game of chess b I am not interested in chess c I wish I could play chess d I'm disappointed about myself I don't have time, so I can't visit you a I can visit you though I'm very busy b I'm not busy but I can't visit you c I'm too busy to visit you d I can visit you because I'm not busy B Use the cues below to write sentences which together make a passage telling your recent trip to the countryside Last weekend! my family/ two-day trip/ home village We/ start/ the journey/ early/ morning After three hours/ travel/ bus/ reach! old banyan! entrance/ Everyone/ feel/ tired! sit/ under the tree/ take/ rest After that/ we/ start/ grandparents' house walk/ the village/ twenty minutes/ the village visit/ my Wet spend! enjoyable/ weekend! the country 10 Wet all! feel! happy and healthy/ the trip UNIT4; LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE I Complete the IIntence with an appropriate word from the box' I level heart dlctlonarv advertlsemenJ ~c~hery a~pect reputation dormltor 82 You'd better learn by all the new words What of learning English you find difficult? Most foreign students live in on campus His hovel won the Booker Prize and established his _ You can take the exam at intermediate or advanced _ If you want to sell your car, why not put an in the daily paper? On the way, we stopped three times to admire mountain I've never seen this word before Use a ~ to look it up •• PHAN sAI T.P II Match the phrases in column A with appropriate information from column B (More than one answer is posslble) B A You can improve your English accent a by doing translation exercises A good way to learn idioms is You cari improve your writing skills A goodway to learn new vocabularyis You can learn to read faster One way of practicing conversation is Youcan learn to use grammar correctly You can develop self-confidence in speaking English 1. ; ; , ; ; b c d e f g h ; by talking to native English speakers by reading magazines in English by studying a learner's dictionary by practicing dialogueswith a partner by watching American movies by having private tutor by talking to yourself in the shower ; , ; III Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense I (1) (be) Swiss I (2) (come) to London Six months ago to learn English I (3) (not meet) many English people yet, only my teachers I (4) (start) learning English at school in Switzerland when I was eleven, so I (5) (learn) it for nearly ten years At first in London, I (6) , (not understand) anything, but now my English (7) (improve) I (8) ' .: (just! take) an exam If I (9) (pass), I (10) (move) into the next class I'm excited today because 'my parents (11), _ '_ (come) tomorrow to stay with me for a few days and I (12) : _ (not see) them for a long time They (13) (never/ be) to England and they (14) (not speak) English IV Match the sentences and join them with if A You lose your credit card You get here before eight It doesn't rain soon Henry jogs regularly You feel unwell You hear any news You.want to speak English fluently You find chopsticks difficult You want to pass the final exam You don't help me B .:» He might lose weight Could you phone me immediately? You needn't use them You have to ring the bank All plants are going to die You must practice it more often We can catch the early train You should stay in bed I can't finish this work on time You must study hard If you lose your credit card you have to ring the bank UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 33 10 n~'Tlie twins can't go to scnoo Chris can, If you to see clearly, you your glasses (want/ wear) If you the lesson, I you with your homework (not understand! help) , If Jane still ill tomorrow, she at home (be/ stay) I your bike if I it carefully (borrow/ ride) Mark early if he to get to Montevideo on time (leave/ want) If he coming tonight, he next week (not bel come) r If the wind strong enough, we sailing, but I'm not sure (be/ go) You your baby to the ,doctor's if his temperature _ up again (take! go) If you work early, you for a drink with us (finish/come) 10 If Jack ' a video recorder, he any programme he wants (have/ record) , VI Complete the sentences to report what was said Use appropriate verb tenses' and make other changes you think are necessary ' 'You can sit here.' The steward said I could sit there' 'I'm taking my driving test tomorrow.' Shesaid ~ ~ - 'Jim may arrive late today.' She told me 'I've only had this new computer since yesterday.' Louissaid ~ ~ Tom_~ -10.,'There isn't any milk in this bottle, Ann.' Mike ~ 34 sAi T~P TltNO ANH • PH4N BAI T~ 13 'I saw Susan in a local shop last week.' Paul _ 14 'I won't be home this evening because I have to work late.' Mike ~ , 15, 'I don't know where Archie is today.' Vicky ~ -VII Sally registered for a French course She and the secretary both asked a lot of questions Now Sally told you about them Report all these questions ' 'What's your name?' She asked me what my name was 'Are you a student?' She wanted to know iff whether I was a student 'What school are you going to?' She wanted to know -.,~ 'Can you speak any foreign languages?' She asked ~ -5 'How many "languages can you speak?' She ~ ~~ -~ -~ 'Have you got any certificates?' She _ 'Why you want to take the course?' She -, _ 'How did you hear about the course?' She ~ _ 9: 'Do you have any French friends?' She ~ 10 'Do you like French music?' She ~ _ 11 'Will you be to France in the future?' She 12 'How long does the course take?' 'John left here an hour ago.' S~~d 'I don't want anything to eat now.' Hesmd_, ~ 'I posted the card yesterday'.' Joanna told 'You must your homework every day.' , Jane 'You should go to the library more often.' _ '12 'I grow these carrots myself.' He ~ - V Supply the correct forms of the verbs Use these modals in the main clause: could, may, might, should, ought to, or must Alternatives are possible ~ I ~ ~~~ - 13 'How much are the course fees?' I • ~~ ~ - 14 'When will the course begin?' I 15 'Are you going to take the level exam this weekend?' She \ ~~ - ~ -_ VIII Report what was said, using the' verb in brackets and a to-infinitive clause 'Stay in bed for a few days,' the doctor said to me: (told) The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days UNIT 4: LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 3~ 'Don't wait for me if I'm late,' John said to us (told) , 'Please don't tell anybody' what happened,' Ann said to me '(ask) 'Can you open your bag, please?' the customs officer said to me (ask) 'You should take the job, Frank,' Sandra said (advise) 'Would you like to come on a-picnic with us?' Mike said tome (invite) 'Don't, wear those boots in the house,' she said to her child (ask) 'You mustn't leave the door unlocked,' Mr Atkins said to Mark (told) 'I'll take you to town/ Ann said to John: (offer) , , 10 'I'll finish it by the end of this week,' he said (promise) IX Complete the sentence with one suitable preposition You shouldn't believe everything you read the newspapers The course starts 3rd November and ends January 3.' first we didn't like each other, but '? the end we became good friends I was disappointed ' the grade I received on my last exam.' Are you interested learning foreign languages? We are looking forward new possibilities We can live ' a dormitory campus What aspect learning English you find difficult? Practice listening English tapes or English, programs ~' the radio 10 The hotel is close , the historical district Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true of false ' ' ' Learning a foreign la~guage is, in some ways, like learning-how to fly , here are some differences, but there is a very important similarity It is this': earning how to these things needs a lot of practice It is never enough to ead a book on how to fly a plane A book can give you a lot of information about ow to fly, but if' you only read that book, then try to fly without any practice', ou will kill yourself The same is true of learning 'a foreign language For xample, can you speak English well without having lots of.practice? "Practice akes perfect" is what every learner of a foreign language should know Learning a foreign language and learning to fly are the same in an important way.' ' Information about flying from books is enoughfor someone to fly a plane BAI T~TI!NG ANH • PHAN BAI T~ You can learn English well only by reading books in English Talking to a native speaker can be a goodway to speak a foreignlanguagewel Practicing a foreign language regularly' makes you very good at it XI Write the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first Practice speaking English every day or you can't improve your English If ~ ~~ 'Don't forget to sign the form,' Anne said to Janet Anna reminded Janet : ' Do you like learning a foreign: language? Are you ~-_ The boy is sorry he doesn't have, his teacher's address The boy wishes , - _ _ This city had old buildings, but none can be found nowadays Thereused 'What time will the office close this evening?' Robert asked , Robert asked' , ' 'I'm very busy I'll ring you tomorrow,' Susan said to me: ' , Susan_ ~ ~ -8 'Did someone ring you an 'hour ago?' Henry said to Nancy Henry asked, ' ' , 'Don't shout,' I said to Jim I' ~ ~~ ~~~ , 10 We have to park our car inthe right place Our car -~ -~ TEST FOR UN IT I PRONUNCIATION A Choosethe word whose underlinedpart is pronounceddifferently from that of the othen a qualify b scenery c groceryd academy a speak' b need c heart d read a school b scholarship d chemistry' , d.' children B Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others a academic b reputation c experience d intermediate ' a advertise " b express' c remember d improve II VOCABULARY AND ,EXPRESSION, , A Choosethe word or phraseIa, b, c or d) that best fits the' blank space in each sentenCE My sister works a big law firm in the city ' a in b at 'c for d with' What's your address? -We live 23 Brookfield Avenue , a in b at c on d to The first courses were offered,, 3rd January 2007 a in b at c on d since If you want to your speaking, you should speak' English with friends a pass b describe c express d improve Students will a two-hour examination at the end of the year.' a take b make c d come The perfume has been in all the women's magazines a recognized b: advertised 'c impressed d read Learning a foreign language also includes learning the of that country a reputation ' b scenery c culture d nature ' The university has an international as a center of excellence a academy b experience c scenery d reputation What of learning English you find most difficult? a aspect b side ' c detail d position 10 We can't hear you clearly Get the, microphone, please a far away b close to c next to d out of Use the correct form ~f the word given to complete each sentence 11 English spelling presents special for foreignlearners (difficult) 12 The school is performing well, but we recognize the need for further (improve) 13 Let me introduce you a university I think it's really reliable (repute) 14 Cigarette has been banned (advertise) 15 Previous teaching experience is a necessary for this job (qualify) I GRAMMAR AND STRUCTURE l Choosethe word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that,best fits the blank space ,n each sentence '1 'Bill is late again.' 'I wish he on time more often.' a were b are c have- been d.' will be, I you a call if I need some help a give ' b will give c have given d can give If you don't answer all of my questions, I _' anything to, help you a will h mustn't c can do' d can't If you want to pass the exam, you hard a may work " b can work -c will work d.' must work We're really looking forward with you a working ,b to working c work d to work '6 The librarian asked us so much noise a don't make b to not make not to make d not, making, Bill wanted to know when ~' :_ a will the exam be taken ' b the exam willbe taken c would the exam be taken d the exam would be taken When the fire alarm rang, our teacher said we immediately a had to leave- b could leave c might leave, d would leave I asked Martha to enter law school a whether she is planning b if she was planning c when was she planning' d where she was planning c 10 If Mary I'll invite her tothe concert , a call b calls' c will call 'd might call B• Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, or OJ,that needs correcting , 11 Bill said that he didn't like this party, and he wanted to go home A ~ CD' , 12 If I will have to make a difficult decision;I always discuss it with my friends ABC ,D 13 I wish I could swim so I will feel safe in a boat Ai BCD" , 14 Sandy called from Miami and said that she was swimming here ' A ' 'B' 'C' 'D 15 The dentist said to brush three times a day and don't eat candy ABC P IV READING COMPREHEN,SION '\ ' A Choose the one option (a, b, c or d}that best completes the passage , One thing that was really a turning point for me was when I learned Spanish I was always kind of scared (1) learning a foreign language, yet I wasreally envious of kids who (2) speak another language But when I started learning Spanish, I found,I was (3) pretty good at it, and the moment I (4) that breakthrough stage - you know, when you discover you can actually speak and (5) with people in the language - I felt really (6)_'_' of myself I realized that learning a foreign language wasn't an (7) thing after all Now I can speak three: Spanish, Italian, and German And I'm (8)_, _, Korean this year L a of ' b.in c with , ' d for, a should b must c could d might a mainly h exactly c.ihardly , d: actually a came b took c reached d made a practice b express' ' c talk ,','d'iommunicate a fond b interested c, proud d .satiefled a possible ,b impossible c possibly , d possibility a taking , b making c doing "d speaking' B Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers Every year people in, many countries learn En'glish Some of them areyoung children Others are teenagers Many are adults Some learn at school Others study by themselves A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the office or among their friends But not many are lucky enough to that: Most people must work hard to learn English ' Why all these people learn English? It's not difficult to answer this question Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is 'one oftheir , subjects Many adults learn English because 'it is useful for their work Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are' in English at the college or university Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English 9 According to the writer, _ a only young people learn English b English is useful only for university students c All people learn English at school d English is popular all over the world 10 Most people learn English by _ a watching films b hearing the language on television c working hard on the lessons d speaking English to their friends 11 Many boys and girls learn English because _ a it is includedin their study courses b it's' useful for their higher studies c it's their own language d they are forced to learn it ' 12 Many adults learn English _ a in order to be able to read newspapers in English b because it helps them in their work c because of their higher studies d to communicate with their colleagues in the office 13~Which of the followings is not mentioned? a English is widely used b English is a compulsory subject c English is an international language d English is difficult to learn V SPEAKING Choose the sentence or 'phrase (a, b, c, or dJ that best fits the blank space.' 'Why dori't we have a look round the campus?' ' _ a Yes, thanks b Yes, why not? c It's my pleasure d Do we? "Would you like some bread?' ' I'm full.' a Y~s, please b All right c No, thanks d Never mind 'Hi, Tom r 'Not bad 'And you?' a How's everything b What you c What's everything d How you ' ' ?' 'By bus.' ' a What did you take to get there b How did you get there c Did you get there by motobike d How long did it take to get there VI WRITTING A Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root I'm very pleased that we will meet again soon a I think we should meet again soon b I'm looking forward to meeting you again soon c Please don't come and meet us again d I've been -looking for you for a long time 'Would you like to go to the movies, Sarah?', Mike asked a Mike invited Sarah to go to the movies b Mike as~ed Sarah if she liked to go to the movies c Mike suggested Sarah going to the movies d Mike reminded Sarah to go to the movies You can't visit the United States unless you get a visa a You can visit the United States if you don't get a visa b Although you get a visa, you can't visit the United States c You can't visit the United States whether you get a visa or not d If you don't get a visa, you can't visit the United States B Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words and phrases, sentences which together make a complete letter Dear Sir, ' II see/ school's advertisement! Tuoi Tre newspaper/ yesterday II interested! learn! English! II like/ information! your school I/ study/ English/ over four years/ but! want! improve/ speaking/ and! listening/ skill ' I/ bel very grateful!' iff you! send! details/ courses/ fees I/ look! forward! hear/ you! soon I Your sincerely, TEST YOURSELF I Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others 'a meal b breakfast c r~d d week, a realize b organize c surprise d promise a practiced b studisill c watched d worked II Choosethe word whose main stress pattern is not thesarne as that of the others a college b institute c dormitory d university a invite b visit c improve d agree III Choosethe most suitable word or phrase I'll be at home Friday morning You can phone me then a in b on c at d since The children are forced to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week in, the factories a to b up to c till d during Matthew said 'he was meeting a friend at the station later -'- a the day b this day c: that day , d the previous day You used to live in Los Angeles, ?' a don't you b usen't you c usedn't you d didn't you 10 She has two children to look after, so she's looking for a job in her neighborhood a part-time b full-time ' c skilled d low-paid 11 Shall we have a picnic tomorrow the weather is good? a when b because c if d unless 12 is a large building in a college or university where students live a Academy b Hall c Institute d Dormitory I ' 13 Do you, know ? a when comes the bus b when the bus comes c when will the bus come d, when does the bus come 14 You should read as much as possible to learn English well a so that b in order c for that' d therefore 15 'I'm taking my final exam next week.' ' l' a Cheers b Congratulations c Good luck d Come on IV Use the correct tense or form of the verb given in brackets 16 If you (not practice) your English regularly, you _ (not get) any better , 17 All the students are looking forward to (spend) their summer' vacation in the countryside 18 Justin said he (return) the following day: 19 Both English and French ' (speak) in Canada 20 When I (get) home last night, everybody (sleep) , \ V Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English 21 She told me to shut the door but don't lock it ABC D 22 She wanted to know how long did it take to get there ABC D 23 Why don't we sharing the cost of accommodation? A' BCD, 24 The scheme allows students from many countries communicate with ABC one another D 25 Unless we work harder, we will finish on time ABC' D VI Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence 26 Sue has applied for the job, but she isn't very wellfor it (qualify) 27 It's to speak when you're eating (polite) 28 I go hill-walking for : '(relax) 29 The university has a as 'a ,center of excellence (repute) 30 We gathered our things and ran to the bus stop (hurry) VII Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c, or d) that best fits the blank space in the following passage., " Van, a student from Ho Chi Minh City, is an (31) student in the USA He is now living with the Parker family on a farm 100 kilometers outside Columbus, Ohio 'Mr Parker grows maize on 'his farm, (32)_ Mrs Parker works part-time at a grocery store in a (33) town, They have two children, Peter and Sam Peter is the same age as Van, and Sam is still in primary school Van has been learning a lot about life on a farm (34) his arrival Every day, after school he often feeds the chicken and (35) their eggs On weekends, the three boys often help Mr Parker on the farm Van likes the Parkers, and he enjoys (36)_" a member of their family '31 a replace b substitute c change d exchange 32 a when b while c where ' d which '33 a near b nearly c nearby d nearside 34 a since b from c {or d on 35 a picks b keeps c beats d collects 36 a be b to be' c being d of being VIII Readthe text carefully, then decidewhetherthe followingstatements are true or fal e It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent Unlike children, who are flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak This is why even the top, or smartest adult students have difficulty with pronunciation There are several things that an international students can to improve his or her pronunciation One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class Studying pronunciation can help' students to understand the rules 'of English, but in order to practice speaking, students often need to be exposed to English outside the classroom as well This is why many students say that studying in an English-speaking country greatly affects their English Living with' native speakers can help students to learn new vocabulary as well as improve their accents International students can also learn important cultural information This can help to prevent misunderstandings.that can occur when people from different cultures live together 37 Adult students of English can hardly changethe way they speak 38 The top or smartest adult students usually have difficulty with pronunciation 39 Attending a pronunciation class can help students know how to pronounce English correctly ,,' _ 40 To improve their pronunciation, students also need to practice speaking English regularly 41 Living with native speakers can help to prevent misunderstandings IX Rewrite the sentences 50 that they are nearest in meaning to the sentences printed before them ' " 42 'Can you speak Vietnamese, Maryam?' Nga asked Ngaasked ~ -43 Why don't we go to the countryside this ~eekend? Minh suggested -'-_ 44 I would rather watch TV than go to the cinema Iprerer _ 45 Study hard or you will fail the coming exam Ifyou ~ _ ... leave I asked Martha to enter law school a whether she is planning b if she was planning c when was she planning' d where she was planning c 10 If Mary I'll invite her tothe concert , a call... visit the United States unless you get a visa a You can visit the United States if you don't get a visa b Although you get a visa, you can't visit the United States c You can't visit the United... foreign language For xample, can you speak English well without having lots of.practice? "Practice akes perfect" is what every learner of a foreign language should know Learning a foreign language

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2017, 10:26

