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  • Cover

  • Title Page

  • Copyright


  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Acknowledgments

  • About the Authors

  • SECTION I: Management, Supervision, and Leadership: An Overview

    • CHAPTER 1 Management, Supervision and Leadership Management,

      • Introduction

      • Managers and Management

      • Basic Management Skills and Tools

      • Personal Characteristics

      • Management Styles

      • Influences from the Business World

      • Avoiding Micromanaging

      • Leading versus Managing

      • Leadership

      • Characteristics of Leaders

      • Research on and Theories Related to Leadership

      • Leadership Styles

      • A Perspective on Leadership from the Business World

      • Leadership Training and Development

      • Common Leadership Errors

      • Guidelines for Effective Management and Leadership

      • Management and Leadership—A Call for Change

      • Summary

      • Challenge One

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 2 The Organization and Structure of American Policing

      • Introduction

      • The Traditional Law Enforcement Organization

      • The Formal Organization

      • The Informal Organization

      • The Emerging Law Enforcement Organization

      • Post–9/11 Policing

      • Community Policing

      • Problem-Solving Policing

      • CompStat Policing

      • Intelligence-Led Policing

      • Evidence-Based Policing

      • The Impact of Contemporary Policing Approaches on the New Supervisor or Manager

      • Summary

      • Challenge Two

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 3 The Police Mission: Getting the Job Done

      • Introduction

      • The Law Enforcement Mission

      • An Organization’s Guiding Philosophy and Values

      • Goals, Objectives, Work Plans and Policies and Procedures

      • Functions of Managers at Various Levels

      • Holistic Management/Leadership

      • The Team Approach

      • Beyond the Local Level: The National Incident Management System (NIMS)

      • Being New to a Management Position

      • Law Enforcement Management as a Career

      • Summary

      • Challenge Three

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

  • SECTION II: Basic Management/Personal Skills

    • CHAPTER 4 Communication: A Critical Management Skill

      • Introduction

      • Communication: An Overview

      • The Communication Process

      • Barriers to Communication

      • Communication Enhancers

      • Internal Communication

      • External Communication

      • Communicating with the Community

      • Information Sharing through N-DEx, OneDOJ and LEO

      • Obstacles to Information Sharing

      • A Final Word about Communication

      • Summary

      • Challenge Four

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 5 Decision Making and Problem Solving as a Manager

      • Introduction

      • A Decision-Making, Problem-Solving Environment

      • Kinds of Decisions

      • Whole-Brain Research

      • Basic Methods for Making Decisions or Problem Solving

      • More Complex Decision-Making/Problem-Solving Processes

      • Problem-Solving Policing

      • The Problem Analysis Triangle

      • Using Crime Analysis in Problem Solving

      • Creativity and Innovation

      • Common Mistakes

      • Legal Decisions

      • Ethical Decisions

      • Evaluating Decisions

      • Summary

      • Challenge Five

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 6 Time Management: Minute by Minute

      • Introduction

      • Time Defined

      • Time Management: Planning and Organizing Time

      • Value of Time

      • Goals and Time Management

      • Organizing Time

      • Controlling Time

      • Scheduling

      • Time Abusers: Combating Unproductive Time

      • Controlling the Paper Flood and Information Load

      • Retaining What You Need to Remember

      • Productivity—The Bottom Line

      • The Physiology of Productivity

      • Summary

      • Challenge Six

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 7 Training and Beyond Managers and the

      • Introduction

      • Training versus Educating

      • Training as a Management Function

      • Variables Affecting Learning

      • Principles of Learning

      • Instructional Methods

      • Instructional Materials

      • Other Training Options

      • Training Standards

      • Academy Training for New Recruits

      • On-the-Job Training

      • Training at the Management Level

      • External Training

      • Ongoing Training—Lifelong Learning

      • Benefits of Effective Training Programs

      • The Learning Organization

      • Summary

      • Challenge Seven

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

      • Cited Cases

      • Additional Resources

    • CHAPTER 8 Promoting Growth and Development

      • Introduction

      • Job Descriptions

      • The Workplace Culture

      • Developing Positive Interpersonal Relationships

      • Balanced Performer Managers and Empowerment

      • Stages of Growth

      • Developing Positive Attitudes

      • Developing a Positive Image

      • Developing Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

      • Developing a Sense of Ethics and Integrity

      • The Long-Range Importance of Developing Personnel

      • Summary

      • Challenge Eight

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

      • Cited Cases

    • CHAPTER 9 Motivation and Morale

      • Introduction

      • Officer Retention, Motivation and Morale

      • Motivation Defined

      • Self-Motivation

      • Motivational Theories

      • Causes and Symptoms of an Unmotivated Work Force

      • External, Tangible Motivators

      • Internal, Intangible Motivators

      • The Law Enforcement Career as a Motivator

      • Benefits of Motivated Personnel

      • Morale: An Overview

      • Indicators of Morale Problems

      • Reasons for Morale Problems

      • Building Morale

      • Promotions and Morale

      • Summary

      • Challenge Nine

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

  • SECTION IV: Managing Problems

    • CHAPTER 10 Discipline and Problem Behaviors

      • Introduction

      • Discipline Defined

      • Positive, Constructive Self-Discipline

      • Knowledge of Rules, Regulations and Expected Behaviors

      • Policies and Procedures Revisited

      • Clarity of Role versus Creativity

      • Dealing with Problem Employees

      • Negative Discipline/Punishment

      • Comprehensive Discipline

      • A Fair Disciplinary System

      • Summary

      • Challenge Ten

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

      • Cited Cases

    • CHAPTER 11 Complaints, Grievances and Conflict

      • Introduction

      • Complaints and Grievances Defined

      • Complaints

      • Complaint Policies

      • Handling and Investigating Complaints

      • Internal Affairs Investigations

      • Officers’ Rights and Legal Procedures

      • Civilian Review Boards

      • Grievances

      • Resolving Grievances

      • Mediation and Arbitration

      • Disposition of Complaints and Grievances

      • Conflict

      • Contrasting Views of Conflict

      • Sources of Conflict

      • Responsibility for Conflict Management

      • Recognizing and Acknowledging Conflict

      • Managing Crisis Conflict

      • Handling Personal Attacks

      • Handling Disagreements between Others in the Department

      • Dealing with External Conflicts

      • Dealing with Internal and External Politics

      • Maintaining Healthy Conflict

      • Conflict Resolution Skills

      • Summary

      • Challenge Eleven

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

      • Cited Case

    • CHAPTER 12 Stress and Related Hazards of the Job

      • Introduction

      • Stress Defined

      • Sources of Stress

      • Law Enforcement Personnel with Additional Stressors

      • Effects of Stress—An Overview

      • Other Possible Major Effects of Stress

      • Individually Coping with Stress

      • How the Organization Can Reduce Stress

      • Programs to Prevent/Reduce Stress

      • The Critical Role of the Manager/Supervisor

      • Summary

      • Challenge Twelve

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

  • SECTION V: Getting the Job Done . . . Through Others

    • CHAPTER 13 Deploying Law Enforcement Resources and Improving Productivity

      • Introduction

      • Deploying Personnel

      • The Response

      • Kinds of Patrol

      • Methods of Patrol

      • Involving Citizens While Expanding the Law Enforcement Personnel Pool

      • Deploying Resources to Fight Crime

      • Deploying Resources in Emergencies

      • Deploying Resources for Homeland Security

      • Law Enforcement Productivity

      • Leadership, Discipline, Motivation and Morale Revisited

      • Summary

      • Challenge Thirteen

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 14 Budgeting and Managing Costs Creatively

      • Introduction

      • Budget Defined

      • Purposes of Budgets

      • Responsibility for Preparing the Budget

      • The Budgeting Process

      • Budgeting Systems

      • Budget Categories

      • Communication and Budget Support

      • Presenting the Budget for Approval

      • Monitoring

      • Cutback Budgeting

      • Managing Costs Creatively

      • Creative Ways to Reduce Costs

      • Increasing Revenue

      • Summary

      • Challenge Fourteen

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 15 Hiring Personnel and Dealing with Unions

      • Introduction

      • The Importance of Hiring Well

      • Recruiting

      • The Selection Process

      • Educational Requirements

      • Laws Affecting Employment

      • Affirmative Action

      • Labor Laws and Unions

      • Summary

      • Challenge Fifteen

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

      • Cited Cases

    • CHAPTER 16 Measuring Performance: Assessment and Evaluation

      • Introduction

      • Evaluation: An Overview

      • Purposes of Evaluation

      • Inspections

      • Performance Appraisals

      • Evaluating the Team

      • Evaluating the Entire Department

      • Recognizing Value in Policing

      • Evaluating Citizen Satisfaction with Services

      • Evaluation and Research

      • Challenging the Status Quo

      • Summary

      • Challenge Sixteen

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

    • CHAPTER 17 Learning from the Past; Looking to the Future

      • Introduction

      • Megatrends—Looking Back and to the Future

      • Law Enforcement for the Future

      • Trends Shaping the Future of Policing

      • The Impact of Technology, Now and in the Future

      • Critical Issues in Policing

      • Other Major Challenges Facing 21st-Century Law Enforcement

      • Futuristics

      • Change Revisited

      • Summary

      • Challenge Seventeen

      • Discussion Questions

      • References

  • Appendix A: Offenses and Their Penalties—Progressive Discipline

  • Appendix B: Sample Application Form

  • Appendix C: Sample Interview Rating Sheet

  • Appendix D: Accessibility Checklist for Complying with the ADA Regulations

  • Appendix E: Sample Affirmative Action Questionnaire

  • Appendix F: Redondo Beach Sworn Personnel Evaluation Form

  • Appendix G: Redondo Beach Pre-Evaluation Form

  • Glossary

  • Author Index

  • Subject Index

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Chapter Time Management: Minute by Minute | 178 SECTION III Managers and the Skills of Others Chapter Training and Beyond | 208 Chapter Promoting Growth and Development | 250 Chapter Motivation and Morale | 282 SECTION IV Managing Problems Chapter 10 Discipline and Problem Behaviors | 320 Chapter 11 Complaints, Grievances and Conflict | 362 Chapter 12 Stress and Related Hazards of the Job | 396 SECTION V Getting the Job Done Through Others Chapter 13 Deploying Law Enforcement Resources and Improving Productivity | 434 Chapter 14 Budgeting and Managing Costs Creatively | 472 iii iv BRIEF CONTENTS SECTION V Getting the Job Done Through Others (Continued) Chapter 15 Hiring Personnel and Dealing with Unions | 504 Chapter 16 Measuring Performance: Assessment and Evaluation | 542 Chapter 17 Learning from the Past; Looking to the Future | 578 Appendices | 613 Glossary | 628 Author Index | 638 Subject Index | 642 CONTENTS Preface | xxii Acknowledgments | xxxi About the Authors | xxxii SECTION I Management, Supervision, and Leadership: An Overview CHAPTER Management, Supervision and Leadership | Introduction | Managers and Management | Authority, Responsibility and Delegation | Basic Management Skills and Tools | Personal Characteristics | The Role of Self-Confidence | Attitude | Management Styles | Which Management Style to Select? | 10 Influences from the Business World | 10 Management by Objectives | 11 Total Quality Management | 11 Avoiding Micromanaging | 12 Leading versus Managing | 12 Leadership | 14 Characteristics of Leaders | 14 Research on and Theories Related to Leadership | 15 Trait Theorists | 15 The Michigan State and Ohio State Universities Studies | 16 The Managerial Grid from a Leadership Perspective | 16 Situational Leadership | 17 Transformational Leadership | 17 Leadership Styles | 18 Autocratic Leadership | 18 Consultative, Democratic or Participative Leadership | 19 Laissez-Faire Leadership | 19 Implications | 20 v vi CONTENTS A Perspective on Leadership from the Business World | 21 Leadership Training and Development | 22 Common Leadership Errors | 24 Guidelines for Effective Management and Leadership | 25 Management and Leadership—A Call for Change | 26 Summary | 26 Challenge One | 27 Discussion Questions | 27 References | 28 CHAPTER The Organization and Structure of American Policing | 30 Introduction | 32 The Traditional Law Enforcement Organization | 33 The Formal Organization | 35 Typical Divisions in Law Enforcement Agencies | 35 The Hierarchy of Authority | 37 Chain of Command | 37 The Informal Organization | 41 The Emerging Law Enforcement Organization | 41 A Flattened Organization | 42 A Decentralized Organization | 42 Change Revisited | 42 Post–9/11 Policing | 43 Community Policing | 44 Traditional and Community Policing Compared | 47 Partnerships | 48 A Change in Core Functions? | 49 Problem-Solving Policing | 50 CompStat Policing | 51 Intelligence-Led Policing | 53 Ethical Considerations in Intelligence-Led Policing | 55 The 3-I Model | 56 Evidence-Based Policing | 57 Partnering with Colleges or Universities | 57 Reporting Failure | 58 The Impact of Contemporary Policing Approaches on the New Supervisor or Manager | 58 Summary | 60 Challenge Two | 61 Discussion Questions | 62 References | 62 CONTENTS CHAPTER The Police Mission: Getting the Job Done | 64 Introduction | 65 The Law Enforcement Mission | 67 An Organization’s Guiding Philosophy and Values | 68 Goals, Objectives, Work Plans and Policies and Procedures | 69 Goals | 69 Objectives | 71 Work Plans | 71 Policies and Procedures | 71 Functions of Managers at Various Levels | 73 Coordination | 74 First-Line Supervisors | 74 Middle Management | 79 The Top Level—The Executive Manager | 81 Holistic Management/Leadership | 89 The Team Approach | 89 Multiagency Teams and Task Forces | 91 Beyond the Local Level: The National Incident Management System (NIMS) | 92 Being New to a Management Position | 92 Law Enforcement Management as a Career | 94 Summary | 95 Challenge Three | 96 Discussion Questions | 97 References | 97 SECTION II Basic Management/ Personal Skills CHAPTER Communication: A Critical Management Skill | 100 Introduction | 101 Communication: An Overview | 103 The Communication Process | 103 Making a Message Clear | 104 E-Mail and Text Messages | 105 Nonverbal Messages and Body Language | 106 Listening | 107 Feedback | 108 Barriers to Communication | 108 The Gender Barrier | 112 The Language Barrier | 113 Medical Conditions Mimicking Intoxication | 114 Communication Enhancers | 114 vii viii CONTENTS Internal Communication | 115 Subordinate Communication | 116 The Grapevine | 116 Newsletters | 117 Improving Internal Communication through an Intranet | 117 Communication at Meetings | 118 Technology and Communication in the Field | 119 Tactical Communications | 120 External Communication | 121 Communicating with Other Agencies | 121 Communicating with the Media | 122 Communicating with the Community | 126 Annual Reports | 127 The Internet | 127 Information Sharing through N-DEx, OneDOJ and LEO | 128 Obstacles to Information Sharing | 129 A Final Word about Communication | 130 Summary | 130 Challenge Four | 131 Discussion Questions | 131 References | 132 CHAPTER Decision Making and Problem Solving as a Manager | 134 Introduction | 135 A Decision-Making, Problem-Solving Environment | 137 Kinds of Decisions | 137 Whole-Brain Research | 138 Emotional Intelligence | 139 Basic Methods for Making Decisions or Problem Solving | 140 Intuition | 140 Snap Decisions | 141 Delegating Revisited | 142 Not Deciding | 142 Using Technology for Decision Making | 142 Participatory Decision Making (PDM) | 143 Brainstorming | 146 Focus Groups | 147 Groupthink | 147 More Complex Decision-Making/Problem-Solving Processes | 148 The Seven-Step Decision-Making/Problem-Solving Process | 149 Force-Field Analysis (FFA) | 152 The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) | 153 AUTHOR INDEX Thacher, David, 567, 576 Theodore, Jesse, 167, 177 Thompson, George J., 299, 300, 319, 345, 346, 360 Timm, Paul R., 20 Toliver, Jessica, 595, 612 Tooley, Michael, 123, 132 Trautman, Neal, 79, 98, 277, 281 Tschohl, John, 358 Turner, Timothy W., 140, 177 U Uchida, Craig D., 163 V Vernon, Bob, 5, 14, 15, 18, 28, 253, 272, 281, 346, 360 Vest, Gary, 509, 540 Vila, Bryan, 407, 408, 432 Violanti, John M., 416, 419, 432 Visser, Gerrit, 118, 132 von Oech, Roger, 169, 170, 177 W Walker, Gregory A., 299, 300, 319, 345, 346, 360 Walker, Michael, 425, 431 Walker, Samuel, 341, 360, 361, 367 Wallentine, Ken, 592, 605, 612 Watson, P J., 86 Webb, David, 119, 132 Webster, James, 448, 470 Weiss, Jim, 427, 432 Welch, Kelly, 267, 281 Wells, William, 572, 577 Werth, Eric P., 215, 249 Westfall, Bill, 13 Westphal, Gary, 315, 319 Wethal, Tabatha, 127, 132, 592, 612 Wexler, Chuck, 22, 28, 67, 69, 70, 94, 95, 98, 143, 149, 177, 323, 361, 450, 470, 538, 540, 577, 593, 612 Wexler, Harry, 565, 577 White, Elizabeth K., 420, 431 White, Matthew B., 167, 177 White, Mike, 270 641 Williams, Brandt, 508, 540 Wilson, James Q., 46, 50, 63 Wilson, Jeremy M., 285, 286, 319, 508, 540 Wilson, O.W., 45, 63 Witham, D.C., 86 Wolfe, Duane, 277, 281 Woodward, Harry, 582, 612 Worrall, John L., 494, 495, 502 Wright, Morgan, 122, 132 Wycoff, Mary Ann, 22, 28, 67, 69, 70, 94, 95, 98, 143, 149, 177, 323, 361, 577 Wyllie, Doug, 323, 361 Y Yamashita, Kim, 381, 385, 395 Yantovsky, Tamara, 145, 176 Yates, Travis, 407, 432 Young, Dave, 337, 361, 552, 577 Z Zahm, Diane, 162, 177 Zhao, Jhong, 49, 50, 63 SUBJECT INDEX A Abilene paradox, 148 accountability, 59 accreditation, 569 activity-based costing, 481 administrative services, 35, 36 Advanced Surveillance and Protection (ASAP) program, 592 adverse impact, 521 affirmative action program (AAP), 525 AFL−CIO, 532 afterburn, 412 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 521, 553 agenda, 118 alcoholism, 419 alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 366 American College of Sports Medicine, guidelines of, 553 American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, 533 American Managers Association, 238 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, 56, 496 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 42, 369, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 553 on qualified individual with a disability (QID), 523 reasonable accommodations and, 524 terms associated with, 523 Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Amendment Act of 2008, 522 andragogy, 215 annual reports, 127 anticipatory benefit, 125 Appleton, Wisconsin, Police Department, recruiting by, 509 applicants, 517 application for, 513 background check of, 514 642 medical examination of, 514 physical agility course for, 516 physical fitness tests for, 515 psychological examination of, 515 release and authorization statement of, 514 restricted subjects for, 513 screening of, 513 selection process for, 512 testing of, 513 written tests for, 513 appraisal See evaluation; performance appraisal arbitration, 535, 536 CEO and, 536 collective bargaining and, 536 for grievances, 381 Architectural Transportation Compliance Board (ATCB), 525 Argyris, Chris, artificial intelligence (AI), 584 assessment, 542–577 formative, 244 summative, 244 asset forfeiture, 494 assigned vehicle program (AVP), 445 assignment, proportionate, 439 Assistant for Randomized Monitoring Over Routes (ARMOR), 441 Atta, Mohammed, 462 attitude, positive, 7, Austin, Texas, Police Department, 45, 47 authority, hierarchy of, 37 pyramid of, 34, 37 automated external defibrillator (AED), 457, 493 B Baby Boomers, 215, 509, 586, 591 as officers, 216 balance of consequences analysis, 351, 352, 353 time sheet problem and, 354 balancing, 267 Bald, Gary, 91 be on the lookout (BOLO), 53 behavior, balance of consequences analysis for, 351, 352, 353 behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), 555 bifurcated society, 42 bin Laden, Osama, 600 Birdwhistell, Ray, 106 Blake, Robert R., Bloomington, Minnesota, Police Department, Citizen Crime Prevention Association (BCPA) of, 492 blue flame, 419 Board of County Commissioners v Brown, 213 body language, 106 boiled frog phenomenon, 606 bomb threat, 596 bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), 522 bottom-line philosophy, 476 Bouchard, Michael, 91 Brady v Maryland, 276 brainstorming, 146, 147 branding, 510 Bratton, William, 53 broken windows theory, 46, 453 budget bottom-line philosophy of, 476 capital, 475 categories of, 481 communication and, 482 contingency funds in, 480 defined, 475 discretionary, 475 financial, 475 fixed costs in, 481 monitoring and, 483 operating, 475 preparing, 476 presenting for approval, 483 previous year’s, review of, 479 purpose of, 476 variable costs in, 481 SUBJECT INDEX budgeting, 472–502 activity-based costing in, 481 all-levels, 477 creative cost reduction in, 489 cutback, 484 employee suggestions for, 489 going green and, 495 identifying common cost problems in, 488 importance of, 487 increasing revenue in (See increasing revenue) line-item, 480 managing costs creatively in, 488 overhead in, 481 performance, 480 personnel costs in, 478 process of, 478 program, 480 regional consolidation of services and, 489 sharing resources and, 489 surveys of, 485, 486 systems of, 480 variance analysis in, 484 zero-based, 481 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP), 497 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), 238, 598 Project Achilles of, 452 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), 497, 509, 565 bureaucracy, 33 burnout, 418 Byrne Discretionary Grants Program, 497 Byrne Formula Grants Program, 497, 498 C California Highway Patrol, 160 Corridor Safety Program of, 161 captain, 80 case studies, 223 celerity, 340 cell phones, 107 Center for Leadership Studies (CLS), 17 certification, basic instruction for, 230 chain of command, 37 change, 606 acceptance of, 608 evaluating climate for, 278 resistance to, 606 revisited, 42 successful and unsuccessful efforts for, 145 transactional, 44 transformational, 44 chaplain corps, 427 Chicago Police Department, Targeted Response Unit (TRU) of, 596 chief executive officer (CEO), 81 and arbitration, 536 and collective bargaining, 536 Christensen v Harris County, 528 Christopher Commission, 272 circadian system, 407 Citizen Corps, 449 citizen police academies (CPAs), 446 Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association (CPAAA), 446 citizens in crime prevention, 445 on patrol, 447 response survey of, 571 satisfaction of, 570 surveys of, 570 City of Canton, Ohio, v Harris, 213 Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000, 495 civil liability for failure to train, 213 for injuries sustained during training, 214 reducing occurrence of, 172 training and, 212 Civil Rights Act, 507 Civil Rights Act of 1871, 172 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 333, 520, 526, 553 Title VII of, 521 Civil Rights Act of 1970, 520 Civil Rights Act of 1991, 516, 553 civil rights litigation, 214 Civil Service Commission, 517 Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, 521 civilian review boards, 376 civilianization, 450 click it or ticket program, 551 closed shop, 529 code of silence, 254, 273 codes signal, 122 ten, 122 Cohen and Felson’s routine activities theory, 452 collective bargaining, 529, 530, 535 arbitration and, 536 CEO and, 536 contract in, 531 just cause in, 532 levels of, 535 zipper clause in, 532 colleges, partnerships with, 57 Collins, Jim, 21, 67 643 Columbia, South Carolina, Police Department, 52 combat-operational stress disorder (COSD), 417 command chain of, 37 incident, 92 unified, 92 unity of, 40 Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), 230, 569 communication, 129 abstract words in, 105 annual reports and, 127 barriers to, 108 with body language, 106 and budget, 482 channels of, 40, 115 clear, 104 with community, 126 in critical management, 100–132 downward, 115 e-mail and, 105 emergency, 121 enhancers of, 114 feedback in, 108 in field, technology for, 119 in Gates/Crowley incident, 110 gender barrier in, 112 gender conversational styles and, 112 gestures in, 114 by grapevine, 116 horizontal, 116 information sharing and, 128 internal, 115 Internet and, 127 interoperability in, 121 by interviews, 124 Intranet and, 117 jargon in, 104 and job performance, 370 language barrier and, 113 lateral, 116 lines of, 115 listening and, 107 with media, 122 in meetings, 118 by news conferences, 124 by news releases, 124 by newsletters, 117 nonverbal, 106 openness in, 115 with other agencies, 121 overview of, 103 Pinch model of, 370 preoccupation and, 107 process of, 103, 104 644 SUBJECT INDEX communication (continued) publicity as, in preventing crime, 125 by sound bite, 124 subordinate, 116 tactical, 120 text messages and, 105 and tone of voice, 106 upward, 115 vertical, 116 community, 45, 46 communication with, 126 evaluations by, 572 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), 449 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), 22, 53, 114, 234, 341 grants from, 497 problem analysis triangle and, 162, 163 problem-solving assistance by, 168 on racial profiling, 267 community policing, 44, 45, 306 compared with problem-oriented policing, 157 compared with traditional policing, 47, 48 core functions in, 49, 50 measuring department’s level of, 566 partnerships in, 48 proactive, 47 problem solving in, 50 strategy in, 50, 52 Community Policing Self-Assessment Tool (CP-SAT), 566 community resource centers, 490 community-oriented policing, 50 compensation package, as motivator, 297 complaints, 362–395 defined, 365 deposition of, 381 exonerated, 381 external, 365, 366 handling, 372 internal, 368, 369 and internal affairs office, 372 investigating, 372 against police officers, 372 policies for, 371 process for, 373 sustained, 381 unfounded, 381 CompStat, 51, 52, 446 computer-assisted dispatch (CAD), 465 Concord, Massachusetts, Police Department, 496 cone of resolution, 453 conflict, 362–395 acknowledging, 385 among departmental employees, 387 avoiding suppression of, 390 confrontation technique and, 387 contrasting views of, 382 during crisis, 386 defined, 381 external, 384, 388 healthy, 390 individual sources of, 383 interpersonal sources of, 383 intersubjectivity approach to, 391 job-related sources of, 384 management of, 385 management−labor relations, 537 with other agencies, 388 personal attacks as, 386 principled negotiation of, 392 with public, 388 recognizing, 385 reframing of, 393 resolving, 391, 595 sources of, 383 understanding, 390 confrontation technique, 387 consequences, 351, 352, 353 consistency, consultative leadership styles, 19 content validity, 217 contingency funds, 480 contingency theory, 296 contracts effects of economy on, 537 key clauses of, 531 and retention of officer, 286 of services, 490 yellow-dog, 528 control, span of, 40 convergent thinking, 146 Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research (CIAR), 552 core competencies, 230 core values, 93 Corridor Safety Program, 161 corruption, 270, 332 bad apples versus bad barrel question of, 273 defined, 272 noble cause, 55 slippery slope of, 272 cost reduction, 489 community resource centers and, 490 contracting and, 490 quartermaster system and, 490 regional consolidation of services and, 489 sharing resources and, 489 volunteers and, 491 credibility, 311 crime deploying resources against, 451 and economic crisis, 598 mapping of, 451 routine activities theory of, 452 terrorism and, 461 violent, 595 crime analysis, 167 problem solving and, 163 crime prevention anticipatory benefit and, 125 citizens in, 445 geographical diffusion of benefit in, 126 publicity as means for, 125 surveys for, 125 crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), 162 crime triangle, 452 cone of resolution in, 453 focus on criminals in, 452 focus on location in, 453 crisis, 405 conflict in, management of, 386 as time waster, 195 critical incident, 404, 405 manager’s role following, 428 ratings of, 556 supervisor’s role following, 428 critical incident stress debriefing (CISD), 426 cross flow, 150 cross tell, 150 Crowley, James, 110 Crown Point, Indiana, Police Department, Adopt-A-Car Program of, 492 crunch, 370 CSI effect, 412, 585 cultural awareness, 264 cultural sensitivity, 264 culture police, 254 workplace, 253, 255 cutback budgeting, 484 cybernetics, 572 D data mining of, 143 qualitative, 159 quantitative, 159 SUBJECT INDEX Davis v City of Dallas, 519 Davis v Mason County, 213 Dean, Diana, 462 death notification, 402 decentralization, 42 decision administrative, 137 command, 138 consensus, 138 consultative, 138 ethical, 173 evaluating, 173 legal, 172 operational, 137 snap, 141 strategic, 137 types of, 137 decision making, 134–177 See also problem solving avoidance of, 142 basic methods of, 140 change and, 145 complex, 148 environment for, 137 organizational participation in, 144 participatory (PDM), 143 seven-step process for, 149 technology and, 142 Declaration of Independence, 69 deconfliction, 129 decoupling, 327 Defense Logistics Agency’s Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), 489 delegation, 5, 6, 142 failure to, as time waster, 198 Delphi technique, 154 modified, 155, 156 questionnarie for, 154 Delray Beach, Florida, Police Department, Citizens Observer Patrol (COP) program of, 447 Deming, W Edwards, 11 Denver Police Department, mediation program of, 368 development evaluating climate for, 278 of interpersonal relationships, 256 promoting, 250–281 digital game-based learning, 225 disability, defined, 522 discipline, 320–361 appeal of, 347 comprehensive, 351 defined, 323 education-based, 345 fair, 357 gunnysack approach to, 347 legal considerations in, 348 liability for, 350 negative, 339, 345 one-minute managing for, 355, 356 PRICE method for, 354 productivity and, 466 progressive, 342, 343 stroke approach to, 357, 358 summary, 345 supervisor’s role in, 349 discretion, policy versus, 325 discrimination, reverse, 526 distress, 399 diurnal nature, 407 divergent thinking, 146 doom loop, 70 driving while black (DWB), 265 driving while Hispanic (DWH), 265 driving while intoxicated (DWI), 585 medical conditions mimicking, 114 Drucker, Peter, 10, 11, 12, 71 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 238 drugs, 598 and gangs, 599 strategies for controlling, 599 E early intervention systems (EISs), 340, 341 early warning systems (EWSs), 341 economy crisis in, and violent crime, 598 effects on unions and contracts, 537 global, 586 education requirements for, 519 training versus, 211 Education amendments of 1972, Title IX of, 521 education-based discipline (EBD), 345 e-learning, 240 e-mail, 105 as time waster, 194 emergency, 457 all-hazards approach to, 457 cross-trained responders to, 457 deploying resources in, 453 phases of, 462 planning assistance for, 455 predisaster planning for, 454 responding to, 456 technological aids for, 457 triage for, 456 emergency medical services (EMS), 121, 456 645 emergency notification systems (ENS), 126 emotional intelligence (EI), 139 emotions, ABCs of, 139, 140 employee demotion of, 343 determining penalties for, 342 difficult personality of, 329 disagreeing with others, 387 dismissal of, 343 management conflict avoidance with, 537 marginal performer, 328 negligent retention of, 344 oral reprimand for, 343 personality types of, 329, 330, 331 problem behaviors of, 331 as problem performer, early intervention for, 340 rights of, 534 suspension of, 343 termination of, 343 written reprimand for, 343 employee assistance programs (EAPs), 328 and stress reduction, 426 employment adverse impact in, 521 laws affecting, 520 reasonable accommodations and, 524 ends versus means, 272 environmental scanning, 602 environmental variables, in learning, 218 Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, 521 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 333, 521, 525 Equal Pay Act of 1963, 520 errands, as time waster, 198 ethics and being above the law, 273 in decision making, 173 defined, 268 in intelligence-led policing, 55 noble cause and ends versus means, 272 promoting, 274 sense of, 268 ethnic groups, 113 ethnic profiling, 510 eustress, 399 evaluate, defined, 545 evaluation, 542–577, 545 of agency integrity, 568 by-the-numbers, 554 of citizen satisfaction, 570 646 SUBJECT INDEX evaluation (continued) by community, 572 cycle of, 545 of entire department, 563 fitness-for-duty, 551 formal, 547 informal, 547 internal surveys for, 568 of managers, 557 promotability/assignment factors in, 554 purposes of, 545 and research, 572 of specific departmental efforts, 564 by subordinates, 557 of supervisors, 557 of team, 562, 563 evidence-based policing, 57, 58, 564 excessive force, 335 executive manager, 81 activities of, 82 becoming, 87 essential functions of, 82 as facilitator, 85 as interactor, 85 as interfacer, 85 law enforcement, 86 as planner, 83 politics and, 88 expectancy theory, 295 Explorer program, 450 external affairs investigations, 374 F face time, 203 facilitators, 85 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, 528 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 522 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 229, 238 on corruption, 56 information-sharing sources of, 128, 129 Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) of, 601 National Police Academy of, 229 Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) of, 595 on violent crime, 595 Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 525 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 229, 449, 455, 496 Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), 479 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), 229 feedback, 108, 257 field operations, 35 field services, 35 field training, 233 field training officer (FTO), 211, 233 firefighter’s rule, 214 fiscal year (FY), 475 fit for duty, defined, 552 fitness standards, 424 fiveP principle, 199 flat organization, 42 flywheel challenge, 69 focus groups, 147 followership, 17 force continuum of, 337, 338, 339 deadly, 335 excessive, 335 justifiable, 335 use of, 593, 595 force-field analysis, 152, 153 Forecasting International (FI), 583 forensic personnel, accreditation of, 569 formative assessment, 244 Franklin Day Planner, 192 Fraternal Order of Police, 533 Fugitive Safe Surrender (FSS), 126 fusion center, 53 Futures Working Group, 604 futuristics, 602 basic principles of, 603 fundamental premises and goals of, 603 G gangs, 598 drugs and, 599 violence of, 600 garbage in/garbage out (GIGO), 143 Gardner v Broderick, 339 Garrity protection, 376 Garrity rule, 376 Garrity v New Jersey, 376 Garrity warning, 374 Gates, Henry Louis Jr., 110 gender, conversational styles and, 112 general orders, 326 generalists, 35 Generation X, 215, 216, 509, 585, 591 Generation Y, 215, 216, 509, 585, 591 geographical diffusion of benefit, 126 gestures, 114 ghosting, 267 goals, 69, 184, 259 failure to set, 197 holistic personal, 259 in motivation, 299 of organization, 257 SMART, 70 and time management, 183 in training, 243 Graham v Connor, 335 grants, 496 block, 496 discretionary, 496 federal, 496 formula, 496 state, 498 writing proposal for, 499 grapevine, 116 gratuities, 270, 271 as career killer, 271 cracking down on, 271 Gratz v Bollinger, 525 grievance, 362–395, 378 arbitration for, 381 chain of command in, 380 defined, 365 deposition of, 381 exonerated, 381 mediation for, 381 resolving, 379 sustained, 381 unfounded, 381 grievant, 378 Griggs v Duke Power Company, 519, 525 group formation of, attitudinal expectations for, 255 norms of, 254 peer support, 425 ratings of, 556 separatist, 265 special employment, 526 training of, 227 groupthink, 147 growth evaluating climate for, 278 in motivation, 300 promoting, 250–281 Grutter v Bollinger, 525 guiding philosophy, 68 gunnysack approach to discipline, 347 guns, 598 H halo effect, 518, 559 handcuffing, 336 Hanger, Charles, 462 Hanjour, Hani, 462 SUBJECT INDEX harassment hostile-environment, 333 quid pro quo, 333 sexual, 333 Harvard Kennedy School of Management, 44 Hasan, Nidal Malik, 602 Hawthorne effect, 300 hedgehog concept, 67 Herman Goldstein Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing Award, 160 Herzberg’s two-factor theory, 291 compared with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 293 hierarchy, 34 of authority, 37 of needs and, 288, 289, 290 highlighting, 202 hiring, 504–541 importance of, 507 negligent, 507 homeland security best practices for, 461, 462 deploying resources for, 458 mutual aid agreements and, 461 homeostasis, 399 Hoover, J Edgar, 170 horn effect, 559 hot spots, 451, 453, 596 human resources, 212 Hurricane Katrina, 56 I immigrants, recruiting of, 511 immigration enforcement, local, 597 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 521 impact evaluation, 159 implementing, incident, 51 multiple casualty, 456 incident command, 92 Incident Command Systems (ICSs), 121, 455 incivilities, 47 increasing revenue, 492, 500 by asset forfeiture, 494 by charging for services, 493 by donations, 493 by fundraising, 492 influenza pandemic, planning for, 597 informal organization, 41 information controlling, 200 highlighting, 202 in learning, 217 retaining, 202 information sharing deconfliction in, 129 obstacles to, 129 through LEO, 128 through N-Dex, 128 through OneDOJ, 128 informing, inspections, 546 line, 546 spot, 546 staff, 546 insubordination, 333 integrated global economy assessment and, 586 implications of, 586 integrated patrol, 51 integrity, 268 agency, 568 defined, 268 dynamics of, 269 promoting, 274 intelligence, 53 intelligence-led policing (ILP), 53 in action, 56 ethical considerations in, 55 three-I model of, 56 interactors, 85 interfacers, 85 internal affairs investigations, 374 scoring chart for, 375 International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), 53, 230, 238, 449, 509, 530, 570 Law Enforcement Oath of Honor of, 274 New Police Chief Mentoring Project of, 234 Psychological Service Section of, 515 International Brotherhood of Police Officers, 533 International City Managers Association, 238 International Union of Police Associations, 533 Internet branding and, 510 communication by, 127 police Web sites on, 128 Internet Protocol (IP) telephony, 120 Internet Protocol Voice (VoIP) telephony, 120 interoperability, 121 interpersonal relationships, 256 intersubjectivity approach, 391 interval reinforcement, 221, 222 interview, 517 halo effect in, 518 performance, 557 647 of police, 124 preparing for, 517 selection process and, 519 steps in, 518 intoxication, medical conditions mimicking, 114 Intranet, 117 intuition, 140 investigation background, 514 external affairs, 374 internal affairs, 374, 375 investigator, additional stressors of, 415 Islam, militant, 587 J Jackson County, Georgia, Sheriff ’s Department, 495 jargon, 104 Jarrah, Ziad, 462 job analysis of, 217 description of, 253 standards for, 550 Johari window, 257, 258, 262 just cause, 532 Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), 564, 573 K Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment, 442 Kansas City Response Time Analysis, 441 key result areas, 69 killer phrases, 170, 171 Knapp Commission, 272 L labor division of, 35 laws for, 528 lag time, 440 laissez-faire leadership styles, 19 Landrum−Griffin Act of 1959, 529 language, proficiency with, 113 law enforcement deploying resources of, 434–470 emerging organization of, 41 executive manager in, 86 integration of crime analysis into, 167 productivity of, 463 traditional, 33, 34 typical divisions in, 35 648 SUBJECT INDEX Law Enforcement Exploring, 450 Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (LEOBR), 375, 376 Law Enforcement Television Network (LETN), 228 lawsuits, employee-management, 537 leader characteristics of, 14 level 5, 22, 70 as motivator, 306 relationship to workers, 16 leadership, 2–28 authoritative, 19 autocratic, 18 business perspective on, 21 call for change in, 26 common errors in, 24 competencies for, 483 consultative, 19 continuum of styles of, 20 defending position without full information and, 24 defined, 14 democratic, 19 development of, 22, 23 dispersed, 23 effective, 25 holistic, 89 ignoring danger signs and, 24 implications of styles of, 20 indecisiveness and, 24 laissez-faire, 19 versus management, 12, 13 managerial grid and, 16 participative, 19 preoccupation and, 24 productivity and, 466 research on, 15 situational, 17 styles of, 18, 20 theories of, 15 training for, 22, 24 transformational, 17 League of Minnesota Cities, 226 learning See also training by adults, 215 auditory, 215 basic certification, 230 content validity in, 217 core competencies of, 230 digital game-based, 225 distance, 240 eclectic, 222 educational television and, 228 environmental variables in, 218 hands-on, 223 implications of, 218 individual variables in, 214 information variables in, 217 instructional methods for, 222 instructional variables in, 218 interval reinforcement and, 221, 222 job analysis in, 217 kinetic, 215 law of primacy in, 221 law of recency in, 221 lifelong, 241 materials for, 227 new paradigm for, 219 online, 226 from the past, 578–612 prerequisites for, 219 principles of, 218, 219 retention curve and, 221 retention of, 221 rote, 219 styles of, 215 task variables in, 217 variables in, 214 visual, 215 visuals in, 228 learning curve principle, 194 learning organization, 245 legal decisions, 172 LEO, 129 liability fear of, 407 nonactor, 336 personal, 350 vicarious, 172, 350, 507 life expectancies, longer, 589 Likert, Rensis, limited English proficiency (LEP), 113 line items, 480 line personnel, 35 line-of-duty deaths, 403, 404 causes of, 404 yearly numbers of, 404 listening, 107 active, 108 gender and, 112 skills of, test for, 109 Little Rock, Arkansas, Police Department, 405 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG), 497 logs, 187, 437 electronic, 189 objections to, 190 Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) passive resistance and, 337 technology of, 457 lying, 275 M magnet phenomenon, 164 manage, defined, management, 2–28 administrative skills for, basic change in, 581 basic skills and tools for, call for change in, 26 communication in, 100–132 conceptual skills for, consideration structure of, 16 of costs, 472–502 defined, 5, 13 effective, guidelines for, 25 employee conflict avoidance with, 537 versus employee rights, 534 four-system approach to, holistic, 89 influences from business world on, 10 initiating structure of, 16 leadership versus, 12, 13 managerial/leadership grid theory of, mature employee theory of, mechanistic model of, 18 Michigan State University study of, 15, 16 mid-level, 79 by objectives (MBO), 10, 11, 71 Ohio State University study of, 15, 16 one-minute, 355, 356 organic model of, 19 people skills for, personal characteristics for, personnel assignment by, 81 politics and, 534 seagull, skills for, 581, 582 synergy in, 89 task, team approach to, 89 technical skills for, of time, 178–206 training and, 211, 237 and unions, 534, 535 management information system (MIS), 465, 466 management styles, authority−compliance, country club, impoverished, interdependent, middle of the road, selecting, 10 team, SUBJECT INDEX theories of, theory X of, theory Y of, traditional, manager, 5, 94 additional stressors of, 415 balanced performer, 260, 261 cultural awareness of, 264 cultural sensitivity of, 264 decision making by, 134–177 and empowerment, 260 executive, 81, 82 functions of, 73 impact of contemporary policing on, 58 levels of, 73 mid-level, 79, 80 new, 92 positive attitudes of, 262 positive image of, 262 problem solving by, 134–177 stages of growth of, 261 in stress management, 428 managerial grid, from leadership perspective, 16 managerial/leadership grid theory, managing by walking around (MBWA), 24 mapping, 451 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 288, 289, 290 compared with Herzberg’s two-factor theory, 293 mass demonstrations, 595 mature employee theory, McGregor, Douglas, McVeigh, Timothy, 462 mechanistic model, 18 media, communication with, 122 mediation, 366, 535 for grievances, 381 potential benefits of, 367 medical conditions, mimicking intoxication, 114 meetings agenda for, 118 communication at, 118 as time waster, 195 types of, 118 mental locks, 168, 169 mentoring, 234 messages clear, 104, 115 nonverbal, 106 text, 105 Metro−Dade, Florida, Police Department, Project Achilles of, 452 Michigan State University management study by, 15, 16 National Joint Police UnionManagement System symposium of, 145 micromanagement, 12 avoiding, 12 military personnel, stress of, 417 Millenials, 215, 509, 585, 591 Minneapolis Police Department budget cuts in, 508 organization of, 39 ShotSpotter technology of, 166 Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, 226 Minnesota Counties Insurance Trust (MCIT), 226 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 515 Minnesota Sheriffs’ Association, 226 minorities, recruiting of, 510 Miranda warning, 374 misconduct, 270 off-duty, 339 mission, 64–98, 93 defined, 67 mission statement, 67 Mollen Commission, 272 Monell v New York City Department of Social Services, 507 Montana State University, on media, 123 Moose, Charles, 91, 124 morale, 282–319, 287, 323 building, 310 defined, 307 low, 308, 309 officer retention and, 285 of officers and families, 315 problems of, 308 productivity and, 466 promotions and, 313 supervisor view of, 310 worker, 310 Morse and Lorsch’s contingency theory, 296 motivation, 282–319 achievement and, 300 advancement and, 300 benefits of, 307 community policing and, 306 compassion and, 303 compensation package as, 297 defined, 287 encouragement and, 299 expectations and, 299 external tangible, 297 feeling of importance and, 302 feeling of inclusion and, 302 649 goals and, 299 growth and, 300 hygiene factors in, 292 internal intangible, 298 job enlargement as, 305 job enrichment as, 305 job rotation as, 305 job satisfaction and, 306 lack of, 297 law enforcement career as, 303 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and, 288, 289, 290 Maslow’s theory of, compared with Herzberg’s theory of, 293 Morse and Lorsch’s contingency theory of, 296 motivator factors in, 292 officer retention and, 285 praise and, 299 problem-solving policing and, 306 productivity and, 466 recognition and, 300 schedules and, 297 security and, 298 Skinner’s reinforcement theory of, 293, 294 social factors and, 298 status and, 298 theories of, 288 two-factor theory of, 291 Vroom’s expectancy theory of, 295 working conditions and, 297 motivator, leader as, 306 Motorola, 593 Mouton, Jane S., multiagency team, 91 multiple casualty incident (MCI), 456 N narrow eye span, 201 National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 569 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Technology Utilization Program of, 466 National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM), 367 National Association of Field Training Officers (NAFTO), 229 National Association of Police Officers, 533 National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), 375, 533 National Center for State and Local Training, 229 650 SUBJECT INDEX National Center for Women and Policing, 333, 334 National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), 498 problem-solving assistance by, 168 National Employment Listing Service, 509 National Incident Management System (NIMS), 49, 91, 92, 121, 455 Incident Command System (ICS) of, 92 National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 44, 263 grants from, 497 problem-solving assistance by, 168 Research Partnerships in Policing program of, 573 on supervisors, 78 National Labor Relations Act of 1935, 528 National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), 529 National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 403 National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), 230 National Police Suicide Association, 420 National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA), 230 National Strategy for Information Sharing, 54 National Summit on Intelligence Gathering, 54 National Youth Gang Center (NYGC), 600 N-Dex, 128, 129 needs, hierarchy of, 288, 289, 290 negative reinforcement, 293 negotiation, principled, 392 New Haven, Connecticut, discrimination case, 527 New York City Police Foundation, 493 New York Police Department (NYPD), 33, 389 citizen crime prevention and, 446 motivation and morale in, 285 shift captain in, 77 news conferences, 124 news releases, 124 newsletters, 117 nine-one-one systems, 119 next generation, 120 No Child Left Behind Act, 498 noble cause corruption, 55 nominal group technique (NGT), 153 nonactor liability, 336 nonverbal communication, 106 nonverbal messages, 106 norms, 254 Norris−LaGuardia Act of of 1932, 528 North Carolina State Highway Patrol, 237 Northwestern Traffic Institute, 238 O objectives, 69, 71, 184 failure to set, 197 SMART, 70 Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC), 121 Office of State and Local Training, 229 officer-involved shooting, 406 Ohio State University study of management, 15, 16 OJP Grants Management System, 500 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 497 OneDOJ, 129 one-minute managing, 355, 356 on-the-job training, 233 oral reprimand, 343 organic model, 19 organization, 30 change in, 42 coordination within, 74 core values of, 93 decentralized, 42 emerging, 41 evaluating, survey for, 278 flat, 42 formal, 35 goals of, 257 guiding philosophy of, 68 informal, 41 lack of, as time waster, 199 learning, 245 mission of, 93 purpose of, 93 stressors in, 410 time management in, 182 traditional, 33, 34 values of, 68 vision of, 93 overhead, 481 overspecialization, 37 Owatonna, Minnesota, Police Department electronic time log of, 189 in-service training in, 224 mission statement of, 68 organization of, 38 professional development matrix of, 239 use-of-force continuum of, 338 values of, 68 P paperwork controlling, 200 narrow eye span and, 201 regression and, 201 scanning of, 201 single handling philosophy of, 199, 200 skimming of, 201 subvocalization and, 201 paradigm, 43 paradigm shift, 43 Pareto principle, 184, 185 Parker v The District of Columbia, 515 Parkinson’s law, 203 participatory decision making (PDM), 143 partnerships, 48 with colleges and universities, 57 components of, 49 trust in, 49 passive resistance, 337 patrol citizen, 447 directed aggressive, 443 integrated, 51 kinds of, 441 methods of, 443, 444 one-officer versus two-officer, 444 random, 441 random preventive, 441 uniformed, 35 patrol cars, take-home, 445 patrol districts, 35 Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), 229, 231 Peel, Robert, 33, 45, 229 Peer Leadership Group (PLG), 117 peer support groups, 425 penalties, 342 performance criteria for, 549 measuring, 542–577 standards for, 549, 550 performance appraisal, 547 behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) for, 555 benefits of, 561 common types of, 555 composite ratings in, 556 critical incident ratings in, 556 descriptions in, 556 essay for, 556 SUBJECT INDEX forced-choice methods for, 559 group ratings in, 556 guidelines for, 559 halo effect and, 560 horn effect and, 559 inaccurate numerical methods for, 559 by individual traits, 555 information for, 554 instruments for, 554 interview in, 557 lack of faith in, 560 narrative, 556 overall comparison ratings in, 556 problems of, 560 rater bias in, 561 rating at extremes in, 561 rating personality rather than performance in, 561 recognizing excellence with, 562 recognizing value with, 567 self-evaluation in, 557 strong system of, 565 unfair percentage ratings in, 561 valid, 560 personal attacks, 386 personal characteristics, personality type A, 402 type B, 402 personnel assigning of, 81 budgeting for, 478 deployment of, 437 development of, 277, 549 hiring, 504–541 involving citizens as, 445 line, 35 motivated, 307 sergeant and, 549 staff, 35 volunteer, 448 Pew Center on the States, 564 Philadelphia Police Department, Spike Detector technology of, 167 philosophy, guiding, 68 physical agility course, 516 physical fitness mandatory standards for, 551 tests for, 515 pinch, 370 Pinch model, 370, 371 Plainsboro Township, New Jersey, Police Department, surveys by, 570 planning, 608 executive manager and, 83 failure to, as time waster, 198 for influenza pandemic, 597 interlocking of, 437 predisaster, 454 strategic, 71, 83, 84 tactical, 71, 83 work, 71 worksheet for, 84 police academies, citizen, 446 Police Accredited Training OnLine (PATROL), 226 police culture, 254 Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), 230, 341, 441, 593 budgeting surveys of, 485, 486 Center for Survey Research of, 573 on crime analysis, 164 on leadership, 21, 22 on lying, 276 on media, 123 police officer with additional stressors, 414 applicants for (See applicants) application for, 513 changes in, 582 complaints against, 372 deploying resources of, 434–470 educational requirements for, 519 expected behaviors of, 324 general conduct of, 325 generational differences in, 216 improving productivity of, 434–470 interview of, 517 legal procedures of, 375 line-of-duty death of, 403, 404 loyalty among, 254 minority, additional stressors of, 414 performance of duty by, 325 problem, 327 problem behaviors of, 320–361 productivity of, 463 recruit, academy training for, 231 reserve, 447 restricted application subjects for, 513 restrictions on behavior of, 325 retention of, 286 rights of, 375 selection process for, 512 thinking of resigning, 286 police officer candidates selection of, 423 testing of, 423 training of, 424 policies, 69, 71, 326 general orders for, 326 651 policing American, 30 challenging status quo in, 573 change in, 606, 608 commitment planning chart for, 608 community (See community policing) CompStat, 51, 52 contemporary, impact on supervisor or manager, 58 critical issues in, 593 evidence-based, 57, 58, 564 following September 11, 2001, 43 future of, 581, 605, 609 futuristics in, 602 intelligence-led, 53, 55, 56 mission of, 64–98 organization of, 30 proactive, 47 problem-oriented, 157 problem-solving, 50, 156, 306 reactive, 47 reactive traditional, 47 recognizing value in, 567 sample commitment ladder for, 607 structure of, 30 traditional, 47, 48 trends shaping, 583 in twenty-first century, 598 policy continuum of, 326 versus discretion, 325 language of, 594 politics, 88 external, 389 internal, 389 partisan, 88 unions and, 534 positive reinforcement, 293 Postell, Jeff, 462 posteriorities, 197 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 404, 417 Powell, Colin, P-40-70 rule of, 141 precincts, 35 predictive analysis, 53, 166 pre-evaluations, 554 Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978, 521 President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice, 229, 519 PRICE method, 354 principled negotiation, 392 priorities, 184, 197 failure to set, 197 652 SUBJECT INDEX privacy, decline of, 588 privatization, and cost reduction, 491 proactive, 47 problem defining, 149 information sources for, 158 problem analysis triangle, 162, 163 problem solving, 134–177 See also decision making analyzing alternatives in, 150 basic methods of, 140 call handling versus, 161 common mistakes in, 171 complex, 148 creativity in, 168 crime analysis in, 163 cross flow and, 150 cross tell and, 150 defining problem and, 149 Delphi technique in, 154 environment for, 137 evaluating decision in, 151 evaluation in, 160 federal assistance in, 168 force-field analysis in, 152, 153 gathering facts about, 149 generating alternatives for, 150 implementing alternative in, 150 innovation in, 168 interpreting results of, 160 killer phrases in, 170, 171 magnet phenomenon in, 164 mental locks in, 168, 169 modified Delphi technique in, 155 nominal group technique (NGT) in, 153 predictive analysis in, 166 selecting appropriate alternative in, 150 seven-step process for, 149 steps applied in, 151 technology for, 166 thinking traps in, 168 procedures, 69, 71, 326 general orders for, 326 process evaluation, 159 procrastination creative, 142 as time waster, 196 productivity, 203, 463 discipline and, 466 face time and, 203 improving, 434–470, 464 leadership and, 466 measuring, 463 morale and, 466 motivation and, 466 physiology of, 203 problems with, 464 quotas versus performance standards in, 464 technology and, 465 professional courtesy, 277 profiling, 510 as legitimate law enforcement tool, 265 racial, 265, 266, 267 promotability/assignment factors, 554 promotions assessment centers for, 314, 315 and morale, 313 proportionate assignment, 439 psychological fitness for duty, 553 psychological standards, 553 psychological tests, 515 public changes in, 582 conflict with police, 388 public information officers (PIOs), 123 public safety answering point (PSAP), 119 public safety department, typical resource allocation in, 482 Public Safety Employer−Employee Cooperation Act, 531 Public Safety Officers’ Benefits (PSOB), 403 publicity bull’s-eye resource budgeting strategy and, 126 general, 125 as means to prevent crime, 125 stand alone, 125 types of, 125 Pucker factor, 141 punishment, 294, 339 summary, 345 purpose, 93 Pygmalion effect, 299 pyramid of authority, 34, 37 Q qualitative data, 159 quantitative data, 159 quartermaster system, 490 quotas, 464, 551 R racial groups, 113 racial profiling, 265, 510 unintentional, 266 racially biased policing, 267 Rampart Board of Inquiry, 272 RAND Summit on Police Recruitment and Retention, 508 rank, 73 reactive, 47 recommending, recruiting, 507 branding and, 510 competition in, 508 departmental self-appraisal in, 509 for diversity, 510 of ethnic minorities, 510 of immigrants, 511 of racial minorities, 510 shrinking applicant pools for, 507 strategies for, 509 of women, 511 Redondo Beach, California, Police Department, evaluation manual of, 554, 558, 559 reframing, 393 Regents of University of California v Bakke, 525 Regional Intelligence Sharing System (RISS), 490 regression, 201 regulations, 324, 325, 327 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 521 reinforcement negative, 293 positive, 293 reinforcement theory, 293, 294 Reno, Nevada, Police Department, Police Training Officer program of, 234 reprimand, 343 research evaluations and, 572 statistics in, 572, 573 whole-brain, 138 Research Grant Guides, 500 reserve officers, 447 resiliency, 421 resistance, passive, 337 responders, cross-trained, 457 response to calls for service, 440 differentiated, 441 lag time of, 440 time of, 440 responsibility, Ressam, Ahmen, 462 retention, 285 contracts and, 286 negligent, 344 retention curve, 221 Ricci v DeStefano, 527 Richmond, Virginia, Police Department, predictive analysis in, 166 right-to-work laws, 529 SUBJECT INDEX risk assumption of, 214 aversion to, 226 Rizzo v Goode, 350 rogue cop, 272 role playing, 223 roll call, 236 Roselle, Illinois, Police Department, Citizen Assisted Radar Enforcement (CARE) program of, 449 rote learning, 219 routine activities theory, 452 Rudolph, Eric, 463 rules and regulations, 324, 325 clarity of role versus creativity in, 327 rural officers, additional stressors of, 415 S SAFECOM, 121 safety, in training, 233 Santa Monica, California, Police Department, Web site of, 128 SARA model, 156, 162 in action, 160 analysis in, 157, 161 assessment in, 159, 162 response in, 158, 161 scanning in, 156, 161 scanning, 201 scheduling, 191, 439 seagull management, selection process, 519 self-actualization, 289 self-confidence, role of, self-discipline, positive, constructive, 324 self-disclosure, 257 self-esteem, 301 self-fulfilling prophecy, 301 self-motivation, 287 Selye, Hans, 399 separatist groups, 265 September 11, 2001, 44, 600, 601 hijackers of, 462 impact on organization, 44 policing following, 43 sergeant activities of, 76 new, 74 in personnel development, 549 sexual harassment, 333 Sherman, Lawrence, 57 shifts, 35, 407, 437 length of, 438 ShotSpotter technology, 166 sick leave, 332 signal codes, 122 Silent Generation, as officers, 216 simulations, 225 single handling, 199, 200 situational leadership, 17 skills, administrative, conceptual, for conflict resolution, 391 people, skimming, 201 Skinner’s reinforcement theory, 293, 294 sleep inertia, 409 slippery slope, 272 small town officers, additional stressors of, 415 Smart Policing Initiative (SPI), 564, 565 SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, trackable), 183 goals and objectives in, 70 sniper case in Washington, D.C., area, 91, 122, 124 social capital, 46 local, 46 public, 46 societal values assessment of, 585 changing, 585 implications of, 585 society, bifurcated, 42 Society of Police Futurists International (PFI), 602 sound bite, 124 South Pasadena, California, Police Department, 443 Southern Police Institute, 229 span of control, 40 speaking, gender and, 112 special employment groups, 526 special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams, 120 specialists, 35 specialization, 37, 590 Sperry, Roger, 138 split-second syndrome, 405 staff personnel, 35 stakeholders, 68 standard operating procedures (SOPs), 324 standards, 449, 550, 551 psychological, 553 statistics descriptive, 573 inferential, 573 653 strategic planning, 71, 83, 84 strategy, 50, 52 street justice, 272 stress, 396–432 acute, 399 additional, 414 afterburn and, 412 alcohol and, 423 and alcoholism, 419 anatomy of, 400 behavioral effects of, 418 burst, 404 change and, 409 chronic, 400 circadian system and, 407 cumulative, 400 debriefing following, 426 defined, 399 and depression, 420 diurnal nature and, 407 and divorce, 420 drugs and, 423 effects of, 416, 419 fatigue and, 407 fear of lawsuit and, 407 individually coping with, 421 on the job, 418 levels of, 422 managing, 427 ongoing psychological support and, 424 peer support groups for, 425 physical effects of, 416 prevention of, 425 psychological effects of, 417 reduction of, 423, 425 related to police work, 402 shift work and, 407 sleep inertia and, 409 smoking and, 423 sources of, 401 and substance abuse, 419 and suicide, 420 traumatic, 399 stressors, 401 administrative, 410 experienced only by some officers, 414 external, 411 individual, 402 internal, 402 interplay of, 413 organizational, 410 ranked by mean, 413 stroke approach, 357, 358 structure consideration, 16 initiating, 16 substance abuse, 332, 419 654 SUBJECT INDEX subvocalization, 201 sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), 457 suicide, 420 suicide bomb threat, 596 suicide by cop, 406 Sullenberger, Captain, 125 summative assessment, 244 supervision, 2–28 defined, supervisor active, 79 additional stressors of, 415 disciplinary role of, 349 first-line, 74 activities of, 76 functions of, 76 impact of contemporary policing on, 58 innovative, 79 new sergeant as, 74 in stress management, 428 supportive, 79 traditional, 78 surveys, 125 citizen, 570 citizen response, 571 internal, 568 suspicious activity reports (SARs), 55 SWOT analysis, 84 synergy, 89 T T3 personal transporters, 443 tactical planning, 71, 83 Taft−Hartley Act of 1947, 529 task management, tasks in learning, 217 segmenting, 184 Taylor, Frederick, 18, 34 team evaluation of, 562, 563 high-performing, 90 multiagency, 91 team approach, 89 technical skills, technology, 60, 225, 583 in decision making, 142 for emergencies, 457 for field communications, 119 impact of, 592 increasing reliance on, 584 in problem solving, 166 productivity and, 465 telephone, as time waster, 193 ten codes, 122 ten/eighty/ten principle, 327 terrorism, 600 and crime, 461 defined, 601 terrorist attacks, 460 deploying resources for, 458 prevention of, 458 protection of, 458 text messages, 105 thinking convergent, 146 divergent, 146 left-brain, 139 right-brain, 139 traps for, 168 whole-brain, 139 Thompson, George, 106 three-I model, 56 tickler file system, 184 time controlling, 190 defined, 181 organizing, 186, 192 unproductive, 188, 193 value of, 182 wasters of, 193, 196, 198 time log, 186, 187, 188 electronic, 189 objections to, 190 time management, 59, 178–206 daily priorities and goals list in, 188 daily to-do list in, 190 goals in, 183, 184 lists in, 186 objectives in, 184 organizing, 181, 186 planning for, 181 segmenting tasks in, 184 in service organization, 182 setting priorities in, 184 tickler file and, 184 time logs in, 186, 187 unproductive time and, 188 urgent versus important in, 185 time map, 192 tools, total quality management (TQM), 11 training, 208–249, 229 See also learning academic model for, 232 academy, 231 basic curriculum for, 231 benefits of, 245 and civil liability, 212 computer programs for, 228 consultants for, 235 cost of, 245 counterproductive, 233 criticality matrix for, 242, 243 cycle of, 241 versus educating, 211 effective, 219 external, 238 facilities for, 245 failure to, litigation and, 213 field, 233 formative assessment in, 244 goal setting in, 243 group, 227 individual, 227 in-house, 235 injuries sustained during, civil liability for, 214 as management function, 211 at management level, 237 models for, 232 need identification in, 241 ongoing, 241 online, 226 on-the-job, 233 paramilitary model for, 232 philosophy of, 211 pitfalls in, 220 program development for, 243 program evaluation and, 244 program implementation for, 244 reality-based, 226 for recruits, 231 safety and, 233 scenario-based, 224 standards for, 229 and stress reduction, 424 summative assessment in, 244 training, tactics, procedures, equipment (TTPE), 78 trait theorists, 15 transactional change, 44 transformational change, 44 transformational leadership, 17 triage, 456 tuits, 196 type A personality, 402 type B personality, 402 U unconditional backup, 254 unethical behavior, 270 unified command, 92 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, 522 union shop, 528 unions, 504–541, 528 effects of economy on, 537 and management, 535 management versus employee rights and, 534 politics and, 534 SUBJECT INDEX reasons for joining, 533 types of, 532 United States v Weaver, 266 unity of command, 40 universities, partnerships with, 57 urbanization, continuing, 589 U.S Census Bureau, racial and ethnic diversity predictions of, 113 U.S Constitution, 69 Bill of Rights of, 69 on policing, 376 U.S Department of Education, 240 U.S Department of Homeland Security, 121, 229, 449, 496 communication and, 105 organization of, 459 U.S Department of Human Services Five (DHHS-5), 332 U.S Department of Justice (DoJ), 449, 509, 519, 522, 525, 566, 594 on corruption, 56 Office of Justice Programs of, 497 U.S Government Accountability Office (GAO), 564 U.S Marshals Service, 494 Equitable Sharing Program of, 494 US Airways flight 1549, 125 us versus them mentality, 255 USA PATRIOT Act, 458, 588 V values, 259 daily, 259 touchstone, 259 variance analysis, 484 Vera Institute, 114 Verbal Judo Institute, 106 vetting, 72 vicarious liability, 172, 507 video games, 226 videoconferencing, 223 vision, 18, 93 visuals, power of, 228 vocoder, 111 voice, tone of, 106 Vollmer, August, 519 volunteers, 448 and cost reduction, 491 and privatization, 491 Volunteers in Police Service (VPS), 449 Vroom’s expectancy theory, 295 W Wagner Act, 528 Wallenda effect, Washington, D.C., Police Department, civil disturbance unit of, 262 655 Washington, D.C., sniper case, 91, 124 interoperability in, 122 watch, 437 See also shifts Weber, Max, 33 Weed and Seed Program, 498 Wexler, Chuck, 22 Whren v United States, 265 Wickersham Commission, 519 Wilson, O.W., 45 Wilson Learning Corporation, balance of consequences analysis of, 351, 352, 353 women additional stressors of, 414 recruiting of, 511 work ethic, 591 work plans, 69, 71 working in “silos,” 49 workplace culture, 253 changing, 255 world population, redistribution of, 587 Y yellow-dog contract, 528 Z zero defects, 11 zipper clause, 532 ... xxxii SECTION I Management, Supervision, and Leadership: An Overview CHAPTER Management, Supervision and Leadership | Introduction | Managers and Management | Authority, Responsibility and Delegation... America 14 13 12 11 10 BRIEF CONTENTS SECTION I Management, Supervision, and Leadership: An Overview SECTION II Basic Management/ Personal Skills Chapter Management, Supervision and Leadership | Chapter... unlearn and relearn.” This text is a beginning toward opening your mind to new ways of thinking and doing ORGANIZATION OF THE TEXT Section I, Management and Supervision: An Overview, takes a broad

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