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peter brooker a glossary of cultural theory

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  • A Glossary of Cultural Theory, Second Edition

    • Copyright Info

    • Introduction

    • Classification of Keywords According to Movements and Subject Areas

    • A

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    • Bibliography

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A Glossary of Cultural Theory 2nd edition A Glossary of Cultural Theory 9Peter Brooker Professor of Modern Literature and Culture University College Northampton A member of the Hodder Headline Group LONDON Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press Inc., New York First published in Great Britain in 2003 by Arnold, a member of the Hodder Headline Group, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH http://www.arnoldpublishers.com Distributed in the United States of America by Oxford University Press Inc., 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 © 2003 Peter Brooker All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system, without either prior permission in writing from the publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying In the United Kingdom such licences are issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency: 90 Tottenham Court Road, London WIT 4LP The advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of going to press, but neither the author[s] nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN 340 80700 (hb) ISBN 340 80701 (pb) 10 Printed and bound in India by Replika Press Pvt Ltd What you think about this book? Or any other Arnold title? Please send your comments to feedback.arnold@hodder.co.uk What is interesting is always interconnection, not the primacy of this over that Michel Foucault Introduction When first embarking on this Glossary, I mentioned the project to a research student who had just returned from a conference In one way the conference had gone well The student had presented a paper (on postmodernism) in which he had been at pains to set out this term's contested meanings and to give the debate some practical application On the other hand, he was dispirited Many of the conference papers were narrowly focused and untheorized, or used arcane theoretical language without explanation His dad, he said, wouldn't understand what they were talking about Most academics will know this experience and sympathize with the student and even perhaps with his father 'Theory' entered into literary and cultural studies and allied areas in a new way in the 1970s and in some quarters has continued in an abstract and indulgent vein that many find abstruse and only fleetingly relevant to their own studies or day-to-day concerns Yet, at the same time, this is not true of all theory, nor all theorists There is a bad use of theory (hermetic, intimidating, indifferent to readers and the world at large) and a good use (of the kind the student was seeking to practise - tracking debates and changing usage, questioning the coherence and consistency of concepts, thinking through their implications for analysis) Theory is of use if it problematizes taken-for-granted attitudes and positions (on theory itself as much as anything else) and conceptualizes long-standing or new issues in a productive way The important point is that 'living theory', as it might be termed, frames, questions and informs our thinking, and hence our activity, in a range of academic and social arenas In more recent times we have become used also to the fact that there are 'theories' rather than 'Theory' Key issues (on gender, globalization, power or pleasure, for example) are theorized in and across different disciplines or subject areas Theories therefore commonly 'travel' and are re-articulated, refined, or refuted in relation to the guiding issues raised in different fields or according to different cultural situations Individual academic areas will also call on a wide range of concepts initially developed elsewhere (literary studies as one particularly eclectic field draws regularly on concepts from psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology or history, for example) The 'Classification of Keywords' below suggests how certain concepts can be associated with a given domain of this type However, as such a classification illustrates, repetitions and overlaps also frequently occur And some 'areas' - Marxism, feminism, poststructuralism - are plainly not Introduction academic disciplines in the narrow sense but traditions and movements of ideas and issues informing a range of intellectual work in more discrete discipline or subject areas Terms associated with these traditions - ideology or textuality, for example have no single 'discipline' home 'Theory' or 'theories' therefore designates an actively debated and fluid set of concepts Indeed, a better term still, which would emphasize this activity, might be 'theorization' This is not delimited in any absolute sense, nor confined to departments of knowledge, though there may be a conceptual emphasis or paradigm distinguishing theoretical activity in one field from another To understand and to present theory openly this way (thinking of the student's experience once more) as associated at moments with particular theorists, traditions, tendencies or bodies of work, and as developed and debated within and across formally recognized disciplines, is a way of avoiding its sterile and intimidating use Concepts have a history and function, indeed, several intellectual histories according to how they are mobilized and according to the problems they address The entries in the Glossary seek to present ideas in this way: in terms of their key twists and turns, the debates they have entailed, the contributors to these debates, and the fields and questions their work has helped define All of this implies how dynamic and strategic the use of theoretical concepts, or the activity of theorization, can or should be The concepts included in this volume do, evidently enough, have one thing in common, however Terms such as gender, globalization, power, pleasure, ideology, textuality given above, for all their 'primary' associations with particular areas and 'secondary' application outside them - if we choose to see it this way - are included here because they bear upon the study of culture This term itself has its own Glossary entry of course, and there are many important studies concerned with its meaning and use What I want to point out here is the difference between 'the study of culture' and 'Cultural Studies' The first involves the many movements and intellectual traditions suggested above Marxism, feminism, psychoanalysis and sociology (as well as many others) are concerned with aspects of the study of human culture in its broadest sense It is a mistake to identify (in fact to confuse) these with Cultural Studies The latter has a distinctive history in Great Britain and subsequently the United States and internationally, particularly in Australia The story of the founding contributions of Richard Hoggart, Raymond Williams, and the inspiration of Stuart Hall and others at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham has frequently been told Not the least important feature of this history, in the light of what is said above, has been the way Cultural Studies has itself drawn upon the ideas of Marxism, feminism, poststructuralism and postmodernism; how its discipline base has shifted from literary studies to sociology and ethnography; and how its intellectual agenda has also shifted from an interest in popular and media culture to questions of ideology, power, gender and ethnicity, and currently, if there is any guiding set of concerns, to questions of representation and the formation of cultural identities Cultural Studies has been eclectic and strategic in the very way that theory or theoretical work as described above has been or will be at its most effective Its working definitions of key terms - 'culture' itself, 'mass' and 'common culture', 'the popular', 'representation', 'hegemony', 'articulation', among others - have viii Introduction had a profound and widespread influence elsewhere In many ways this has meant that Cultural Studies, especially in the British example, has operated as the core, the engine room of the study of culture But this does not mean that it thereby subsumes all the kinds of work that have learned and are learning from it Poststructuralism is not Cultural Studies, though the latter may draw upon the former Postmodernism is not identical to Cultural Studies, though the latter is certainly engaged with the theorizations of contemporary life and society conducted under this term The same might be said of Literary Studies as of Cultural Studies (influenced alike by poststructuralism and postmodernism), but again they are not identical What we might say is that there is 'a Cultural Studies approach': an understanding of literary texts, of the media and communications systems, of urban landscape, the legal system, religious beliefs, sexuality, the body, music and dance, and so on, that is guided by an agenda developed within Cultural Studies In general, this will mean these studies are interested in the production of social and subjective meanings, and thus in questions of power, representation and identity Some would dispute this and claim a more absolute autonomy for their own discipline or subject area And certainly by no means all of Sociology, or Art History, or Geography, for example, adopt a Cultural Studies approach Indeed, Cultural Studies itself might wish to disclaim any such overriding academic authority and influence Perhaps it is best therefore to see it as providing a kind of conceptual fuel (which not everyone will want to buy), as a model of engaged intellectual study which some will find too polemical, too modish, or too topical - but which others will look to as invigorating and pointing the right way forward This involved set of relations arises in part because of the evolving history of Cultural Studies itself If it began life in the British provinces, in the 1960s and 1970s, borrowing ideas and models as it saw fit, a radicalizing intellectual force which was denied and itself fought shy of academic respectability, it has since established itself as a major academic force and institutionalized presence on the international scene Some see this as a positive development, some as a dilution of Cultural Studies' original impulse and role It is not my purpose in this Introduction to comment further on this development, nor on the kinds of Cultural Studies performed at different times, in different subject areas, or in different national cultures (any of which would make for an interesting study) My point is a simple one On the one hand, Cultural Studies goes on appropriating and rearticulating concepts from other areas, or sub-areas, or from theoretical sources that are less immediately concerned with the study of culture By now of course it also has an independent life and history of internal debates of its own On the other hand, many disciplines adapt some of the methods and concepts of Cultural Studies to the priorities established within their own traditions They may therefore draw upon a family of concepts while retaining a different focus and governing agenda It is for these reasons that I feel it necessary and appropriate to observe, quite simply, that the study of culture is broader than its major contemporary inspiration in Cultural Studies Indeed - if I permit myself a partisan comment -1 believe it does some service to the best work and role of Cultural Studies as an interrogative and interventionist force to make this distinction This Glossary consequently includes concepts ix Introduction associated with media, communication and literary studies, with the sociology of culture, social geography, Marxism, feminism, psychoanalysis and deconstruction as well as Cultural Studies It is in intention therefore a Glossary of Cultural Theory and not of 'Cultural Studies' alone The shelves of libraries and bookshops contain several glossaries and guides or dictionaries in cognate areas to the present one: in film and media or communication studies, for example, or in feminism and literary theory, such as those in the same series as the present volume In one way or another I have learned from them all Often they are jointly authored I considered this style of composition when I began this book but in the event braved the oceans of Cultural Theory alone One advantage of this is, I hope, a uniform prose style Certainly, sole authorship has given me the opportunity to learn much more about things I half knew or knew hardly at all It has also confirmed my belief in two things First, that it is an error to attempt an absolute rather than a historical or working definition of the kind described above (and of which Raymond Williams' Keywords must remain the unparalleled example) I hope I have done this consistently and usefully Second, that in spite of the necessary composition of the Glossary as an alphabetical list of distinct entries, many - indeed, all of the entries - connect with others in an expanding discourse or theoretical lexicon Thus, as writers or readers, we proceed from one concept to another: from 'gender', shall we say, to the 'body', 'sexuality', 'sexual difference' and 'feminism', or to 'differance' and 'deconstruction', or to the 'subject', 'subjectivity', 'ideology', 'Marxism', 'class', and so on There is no prescribed single route, but many possible pathways and networks These connections have been the most exciting and exhilarating aspect of the work for me And in a sense, this activity, both for myself and potential users of the book, is the best illustration of what the study of culture entails: the seeking out of a usable theoretical vocabulary across a rich and shifting field of concepts and connected debates I hope I have presented the terms of this vocabulary clearly and fairly enough for students of all kinds to discover or strengthen their own form of cultural study A Note on the Text Where individual terms referred to in one entry have an entry of their own they are included in capital letters In addition, each entry directs readers to related concepts, under the rubric of 'See also ' The Bibliography includes all texts referred to Each of these devices has the important function of directing readers to other keywords and to studies beyond the covers of this book The description 'Cultural Studies' is given capital letters (as are Media or Literary Studies or Sociology) This is to help distinguish it from the 'study of culture' for the reasons given above Further Reading For those who wish to consult fuller accounts of the developing history and key debates shaping Cultural Studies, I recommend the following: Simon During (ed.) x Introduction The Cultural Studies Reader (1993; revised edition 1999); John Storey (ed.) What is Cultural Studies? A Reader (1996); Ann Gray and Jim McGuigan (eds) Studying Culture (revised edition 1997), and the invaluable David Morley and Kuan-Hsing Chen (eds) Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (1996) A Note on this Edition Updating a glossary of Cultural Theory sounds easy enough It proves a formidable task, however - basically because so much is going on in the various fields that draw upon and revise established concepts or advance new ones I hope this new edition helps others catch up and stay abreast of some of the main lines of development It contains 20 new terms, and revises and expands on a number of existing entries Among the new terms are entries for Ecology, Everyday Life, Ethics, The Event, Nomadism, Psychogeography and Taste Along with these there are entries for some of the newer terms at the cutting edge of current thinking in Social and Cultural Theory, such as Convergence, Cosmopolitanism, Cultural Intermediaries, Governmentality, The Posthuman, Thirdspace and Translation Thanks to those who helped with ideas for changes and additions, especially to my research student Dr Michelle Denby and to Arnold's anonymous Reader of the first edition for some very constructive suggestions xi Bibliography Jameson, Fredric (1990b) Signatures of the Visible London: Routledge Jameson, Fredric (1990c [1979]) 'Reification and Utopia in mass culture' In Jameson (1990b) Jameson, Fredric (1991) Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Durham, NC: Duke University Press Jameson, Fredric (1992) The Geopolitical Aesthetic: Cinema and Space in the World System Bloomington: Indiana University Press Jameson, Fredric (1995) 'Marx's purloined letter' New Left Review, 209, Jan./Feb., 75-109 Jardine, Alice (1985) Gynesis: Configurations of Women and Modernity Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press Jardine, Alice and Smith, Paul (eds) (1987) Men in Feminism London: Methuen Jauss, Hans Robert (1982) Toward an Aesthetic of Reception Trans T Bahti Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Jencks, Charles (1993) The Architecture of the Jumping Universe London: Academy Editions Jencks, Christopher, Peterson, Paul E (eds) (1991) The Urban Underclass Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Jenkins, Henry (1992) Textual Poachers London: Routledge Jenkins, Henry (1998) 'The Poachers and the Stormtroopers', http://www.tao.ca/ wind/rre/o840.html Jenkins, Henry and Tulloch, John (1995) Science Fiction Audiences: Watching 'Star Trek'and 'Dr Who' London: Routledge Jenkins, Richard (1992) Pierre Bourdieu London: Routledge Johnson, Richard (1979a) 'Histories of culture/theories of ideology' In Barrett, Michele, Corrigan, Philip et al (eds) (1979) Johnson, Richard (1979b) 'Three problematics' In Clarke et al (1979) Johnston, Claire (1976) 'Women's cinema as countercinema' InNicholls, B (ed.) (1976) Jones, Steven G (1997) Virtual Culture: Identity and Communications in Cybersociety London: Sage Jordan, Glenn and Weedon, Chris (1995) Cultural Politics: Class, Gender, Race and the Postmodern World London: Routledge Kamuf, Peggy (ed.) (1991) A Derrida Reader: Between the Blinds Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Kaplan, Cora (1986) Sea Changes: Essays on Culture and Feminism London: Verso Kaplan, E Ann (ed.) (1988) Postmodernism and Its Discontents London: Verso Kaplan, E Ann (ed.) 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(1983) Displacement: Derrida and After Bloomington: Indiana University Press Krutnik, Frank (1991) In a Lonely Street: Film Noir, Genre, Masculinity London and New York: Routledge Kuberski, Philip (1994) Chaosmos: Literature, Science and Theory Albany, New York: State University of New York Press Lacan, Jacques (1977 [1966]) Ecrits: A Selection Trans Alan Sheridan London: Tavistock Lacan, Jacques (1979) The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis Trans Alan Sheridan London: Hogarth Press Laclau, Ernesto (1990) New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time London: Verso 284 Bibliography Laclau, Ernesto and Mouffe, Chantal (1985) Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics London: Verso Landow, George, P (1992) Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press Laplanche, Jean (1989) New Foundations for Psychoanalysis Trans David Macey Oxford: Blackwell Lapsley, Richard and Westbrooke, Mike (1988, repr 1992) Film Theory: An Introduction Manchester: Manchester University Press Latour, Bruno (1993) We Have Never Been Modern Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf Lauretis, Teresa De (1987) Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory, Film and Fiction London: Macmillan Leach, Neil (ed.) (1997) Rethinking Architecture A Reader in Cultural Theory London: Routledge Le Doeuff, Michele (1989) 'Long Hair and Short Ideas', The Philosophical Imaginary London: Athlone Press and Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 100-28 Lefebvre, Henri (199 la) Critique of Everyday Life, Vol London: Verso Lefebvre, Henri (1991b [1974]) The Production of Space Oxford: Blackwell Le Gates, Richard T and Stout, Frederic (eds) (1996) The City Reader London: Routledge Lentricchia, Frank (1987) Ariel and the Police Madison: University of Wisconsin Press Lentricchia, Frank and McLaughlin, Thomas (eds) (1995) Critical Terms for Literary Study Chicago: University of Chicago Press Levinas, Emmanuel (1969) Totality and Infinity Trans Alphonso Lingis Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press Levinas, Emmanuel (1989) The Levinas Reader Ed Sean Hand Oxford: Blackwell Levi-Strauss, Claude (1966) The Savage Mind London: Weidenfeld andNicolson Levitas, Ruth (1993) 'The future of thinking about the future' In Bird, Jon et al (eds) (1993) Linklater, Andrew (1998) The Transformation of Political Community Cambridge: Polity Lodge, David (ed.) 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