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Xin chào các bạn. Xin gửi đến những bạn có nhu cầu ôn tập, củng cố ngữ pháp dưới dạng bài tập sentence transformation (viết lại câu). Bài tập này chứa rất nhiều cấu trúc và dạng ngữ pháp khác nhau. Nếu bạn đang cần củng cố kiến thức thi đại học, ôn tập cho kì thi học sinh giỏi, ôn tập thi olympic tiếng anh hay luyện thi các chứng chỉ thì đây quả là thứ có thể giúp cho bạn đấy. 15 000 đồng thì thật là quả rẻ để các bạn có thể nhận được tài liệu ôn tập hấp dẫn này. Hy vọng nó sẽ có ích cho bạn. Nếu yêu thích nó hãy tiếp tục đón đọc và ủng hộ cho phần 2. Cảm ơn bạn đã quan tâm.

SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION A Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given They say he is able to swim across this river (swimming) He _ They may be there at the meeting, or they may not (out) It is “Don’t forget to hand in the paper by the deadline”, said the teacher (reminder) The teacher _ Learning English is becoming more and more popular in the city (increasingly) It has _ Right after disembarkation from the plane, he was taken into custody (got) As The teaher and his students knew nothing about the crack on the wall (idea) Neither The boy’s effort really impressed the audience and judges (left) It was _ Instead, you must try to have a good relationship with the others (get) I wish you I always go jogging in the morning to keep fit (invariably) In _ 10 Doubtlessly, Katie is the best violinist in the conservatory (no one) It goes _ 11 Shortly before my sixteenth birthday, I will complete my intermediate course of English (celebrate ) By the time _ 12 After this one, there’s a train leaving at this afternoon (next) The _ 13 “ You acted promptly in the emergency, Katie”, said the officer (complimented) The officer _ 14 The job is not suitable for her, I think (cut) In 15 Only this school offers high standards of teaching (benefit) It is 16 He has decided to teach in remote area (committed) He has _ 17 Just keep the book when you still need it (long) You can 18 The last thing you should is to reveal the secret (give) Under 19 Those students will certainly pass the examination (bound) Those 20 Someone stole all my money in my last trip to Vung Tau (stolen) I _ 21 She hated chicken curry for every meal (tired) She _ 22 It is waste of time to try to advise him to give up smoking (point) There is 23 You should not use the stale fish (enough) The fish are not 24 I’m excited about seeing them play live in concert next week (forward) I’m 25 They say that Nam is the smartest student in our school (as) No other B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given 1 The minister proposed regular meetings for the committee (suggested) The minister _ should meet regularly “Congratulations on getting engaged, Sue” said Harry (congratulated) Harry engagement I usually walk to work but today I drove (instead) I drove to work today foot I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not ( mind ) I haven’t _ whether to move or not It took Jane minutes to find her car ( spent ) Jane _ for her car keys Angus rarely takes a holiday (rare) It take a holiday We lost the game because of the mistake (fault) It was _ win the game Are you planning to anything on Saturday? (plans) Do Saturday Tim looks nothing like his father ( take ) Tim his father at all 10 The film I saw last week was better than this one ( good) The film the one I saw last week 11 He has always respected and admired is professor (to) He has always his professor 12 Guessing Mary’s age isn’t easy (tell) It’s hard old marry is 13 You’ve got to send that card today or you’ll miss your mother’s birthday (made) You that card today or you’ll miss your mother’s birthday 14 Unfortunately you wrote the wrong name on the cheque (made) Unfortunately you _ the wrong person 15 My aunt was determined to pay for our tickets (insisted) My aunt _ for our tickets 16 The holiday was so expensive that we could only afford one week (an) It was that we could only afford one week 17 You shouldn’t turn off your computer until you have closed all the programs (before) Close all the program _ your computer 18 Why isn’t the government informing people about this problem? (informed) Why about this problem by the government? 19 I am interested in why you did it (only) The only thing _ why you did it 20 I’m sorry I didn’t look at the hotel room before I looked it (regret) I the hotel room before I looked it 21 People walked more fifty years ago than they now (would ) Fifty years ago, _ than they now 22 First of all the director explained the reason for the meeting (began) The director the reason for the meeting 23 I didn’t understand maths when I was at school (used) I _ maths when I was at school 24 If the curtain were longer, it would reach the floor (enough) The curtain is _ the floor 25 Alan doesn’t need to confirm his dentist’s appointment ( necessary) It _ to confirm his dentist’s appointment C Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it Petrol last year was 24,000 VND a litre At the beginning of this year it was 22,000 VND Now it is 17,000 VND Petrol prices Nobody was really to blame for that kind of accident It was the kind of accident _ “Ok It was my mistake I’m sorry.” Paul said Paul admitted _ People think the jewels were stolen by one of the guests One of the guests Robert has not had a job for two years Robert has been _ The teacher started to write the lesson plan right after he returned home Hardly I don’t suppose you have change for pounds, you? Do you happen I can’t help laughing at his funny face I find it difficult _ I am sure you didn’t lock the front door because here’s the key You can’t have 10 It wouldn’t make any difference if you offered me a million pounds, I still wouldn’t sell! Even if _ 11 He wished he had invited her to his birthday party He regretted _ 12 I prefer having dinner at home to going out for dinner I’d rather 13 He couldn’t play well in the last match because of his injured knee His injured knee made _ 14 The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired The car was too 15 As soon as the teacher came in, they stopped talking No sooner _ 16 Please don’t interrupt me when I’m talking I’d rather 17 “ Do you live in this flat with your parents?” Hoa asked me Hoa asked me _ 18 “ You should not drink too much coffee at night” Minh said to me Minh advised _ 19 We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it rather expensive Impressed _ 20 I never intended to go to the meeting I never had 21 Neither Tim nor Mary can speak Portuguese Both _ 22 We can not afford to buy the house The house _ 23 Laura was so disappointed that she could not keep on working Such _ 24 My protests were ignored by everybody Nobody 25 I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test It came 26 It was the fog that caused the traffic problem If it 27 We haven’t received the confirmation of our hotel booking yet Our hotel booking 28 She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will Her uncle didn’t _ 29 Betty is vey happy to look after handicapped people Betty is devoted _ 30 Nicky runs a successful company and she also manages to look after her four children Not only _ ... _ 14 The job is not suitable for her, I think (cut) In 15 Only this school offers high standards of teaching (benefit) It is 16 ... _ 17 Just keep the book when you still need it (long) You can 18 The last thing you should is to reveal the secret (give) Under 19 ... second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must use between two and five words, including the word given 1 The

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2017, 10:25

