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Bài tập idioms

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bài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idiomsbài tập idioms

Exercise Choose the best answer for the underlined part (trang 44/ 344) 1/ M2: I had an interesting conversation with Caroline today F1: Really? Where did you see her? M2: I bumped into her in the cafeteria A) met her unexpectedly (B) had an accident with her (C) crashed into her (D) had a cup of coffee with her M2: So, Rita, you left work early yesterday? F1: Yeah, and did I ever get in hot water for that! A) be in trouble (B) take a warm bath (C) get so tired (D) be sorry M1: I talked to Chuck at the party F1: What did you think of Chuck? M1: Oh, we hit it off right away A) argued as soon as they met (B) quickly became friends (C) didn’t like each other (D) stopped talking soon M2: How was the test? F1: Piece of cake! (A): The exam was simple (B) She had a snack after the test (C) She could a little (D) She didn’t the test well F1: Robert, are you ready to leave? M1: At the drop of a hat! (A) I can’t leave until he finds his hat (B) I’m ready to leave immediately (C) Just a minute (D) Wait I have to get my hat F1:Julie wasn’t at band practice today M2: She’s been under the weather lately A) changable B changed her plan C) a little sick D busy F1: There’s Albert and his grandfather M1: Wow, Albert really takes after him, doesn’t he? A.looks like B follows C takes care D does the same Exercise Choose the best answer to answer the question believe one’s eyes push one’s luck get off the ground run of the mill short for music to one’s ears turn in over one’s head JACK: Did you know Max is planning to open his own business? He could make a lot of money TOM: Yeah, I suppose—if it ever gets off the ground F2: What does TOM imply? (A)He’s not sure Max’s business will succeed (B) He doesn’t know if Max is on the plane 2.JANE:How long have you had these old tires on your car? JOE:For over five years I wonder how much longer they’ll last JANE: I wouldn’t push my luck much further if I were you, Gary F2: What does the woman imply? A)Gary shouldn’t drive his car much further B) It’s time for Gary to get somenew tires Jack: Well, that was a good program Want to watch something else? Tom: Not me—I’m ready to turn in F2: What will Tom next? (A) Go to bed (B) Turn on the television M1: Alice, what did you think of that comedian’s jokes? F1: To tell you the truth, a lot of them went show up what the doctor ordered lend a hand F1: Your sister’s name is Liz? M1: Well, everyone calls her that—it’s short for Elizabeth F2: What is learned from this conversation? (A)Elizabeth is taller than Liz (B)Elizabeth’s nickname is “Liz.” M2: I had lunch at that new restaurant over on College Avenue the other day F1: Oh, I’ve heard some good things about that place What did you think of it? M2: I’d call it run of the mill F2: What does the man say about the restaurant? (A)The service is very fast there (B)It’s just an average restaurant M1: Just listen to the sound of the creek and the wind in the trees F1: It’s like music to my ears! F2: What does the woman mean? (A)She enjoys the sound of nature (B)She wishes she’d brought a radio M2: Whew, I’m tired These boxes of books are heavy F1: Want me to lend a hand? F2: What does the woman offer to do? (A) Lend the man some books (B) Help the man with the boxes 10 M2: Did you see that it was snowing earlier this morning? over my head F2: What does Alice mean? (A)She didn’t understand all the jokes (B)She left before the performance was over M2: You look hot and tired How about some ice water? F1: Just what the doctor ordered! F2: What does the woman mean? (A) Ice water sounds perfect (B) The doctor told her to drink a lot of water Exercise by heart call it a day look who’s talking 12 M1: You’ve been skiing a lot lately, Karen F1: It really gets in the blood A) It is a dangerous sport (B) It’s easy to get into the habit of skiing 12 M2: Peter thinks we don’t work hard enough F1: Look who’s talking! (A)Look for him! (B) He doesn’t work much himself (C) Look at him (D) Speak for yourself 13 M1: Would you like to go to the West Coast with my friends and me over spring break? We’re going to drive out there in my friend Mike’s van F1: I’m not sure if I can afford to Gasoline alone will cost a fortune M1: Not if we all chip in (A) We’’ll all pay for the gasoline (B) There will be plenty of room in the van (C) There won’t be enough room in the van (D) in case we save some money F1: I could hardly believe my eyes! Who ever saw snow here at this time of year? F2: What does the woman mean? (A).She doesn’t think the man istelling the truth (B) She was surprised to see the snow 11 F1: I wonder where Mike is M1: He’ll show up as soon as the work is done, I bet M2: What does the man say about Mike? (A) He probably won’t arrive until the work is finished (B) He went to a show instead of going to work (C) He can show them how to the work (D) He’ll probably work late today chip in get in one’s blood take a lot of nerve 14 M2: Donna, did you talk to Professor Holmes about that teaching assistantship? F1: Yeah, and I didn’t even make an appointment I just marched right into his office and told him why he should choose me! M2: Boy, that took a lot of nerve! F2: What does the man say about Donna? (A) She seemed too nervous (B) She took a bold approach 15 F1: Dan, we still need to paint the kitchen M1: I know, but let’s call it a day for now F2: What does Dan mean? (A) He doesn’t want to any more painting today (B) He’ll phone the woman later today 16 M2: Let’s go over Scene again I’ll get you a script to read from F1: Oh, you don’t have to—I’ve already learned my lines by heart F2: What does the woman mean? (A) She is going to speak the lines in an emotional way (B) She’s already memorized the scene Exercise F1: Did you finish studying for your chemistry M1: Phil just got another speeding ticket final? F1: That serves him right M1: No, but I’m ready to take a break Want to go F2: What does the woman say about Phil? out for coffee? (A) He deserved to get a speeding ticket F1: Maybe later Right now, I’m going to go work (B) He was going to a good restaurant out at the gym (C) He probably wasn’t speeding F2: What is the woman going to next? (D) His ticket was no longer valid (A) Go to work with Jim (B) Go out for coffee M1: I think I’ll ask George to help (C) Get some exercise F1: Save your breath! (D) Study for a test F2: What does the woman imply about George? (A) He’s out of breath F1: The party is starting soon Aren’t you ready (B) He’ll be glad to help yet? (C) If he helps, it will save the man some M2: I just have to decide on a tie Do you think money this red one goes with my shirt? (D) He won’t be very cooperative F2: What does the man want to know? (A) If the woman will go to the party with him 10 F1: Let me guess—you bought Jill a watch for (B) If the red tie looks good with his shirt a graduation present (C) If he should wear a tie to the party M2: You’re not even warm! (D) If the party is already over F2: What is learned about Jill from this conversation? M1: Do you have notes from Professor Morrison’s (A) The man didn’t get her a watch psychology class Friday? I missed class that day (B) The weather won’t be warm when she F1: Guess we’re in the same boat! graduates F2: What does the woman imply? (C) She won’t be graduating (A) They both missed class because they were (D) She isn’t going to watch the graduation sailing (B) The man should take better notes during 11 F1: I heard Dora was having some trouble at Professor Morrison’s class work (C) She missed Friday’s class, too M2: Yes, but as usual, she’ll come out of it (D) She dropped Professor Morrison’s class smelling like a rose F2: What does the man say about Dora? M2: Is Ron still working as a cook? (A) She ordinarily works in a florist’s shop F1: Not anymore He decided he’s not cut out for (B) In the end, she won’t have a problem restaurant work (C) She wears too much perfume to work F2: What can be concluded about Ron? (D) She can always anticipate problems at (A) He cut himself while he was preparing food work (B) He doesn’t want to work in a restaurant (C) He’s planning to open up his own 12 F1: Are you going to take a trip during spring restaurant break, Roy? (D) He’s not going to eat at a restaurant M1: With all the studying I have to do, that’s tonight out of the question F2: What does Roy tell the woman? F2: Are you ready for the quiz in Dr Davenport’s (A) He doesn’t have any questions for her class today? (B) He won’t be able to take a trip M1: A quiz? Today? Are you pulling my leg? (C) He can’t study during spring break F2: What does the man mean? (D) He hasn’t decided if he can take a trip (A) He wants to know if the woman is joking (B) He wants the woman to leave him alone 13 F1: I heard Mick is planning to go to medical (C) He’d like to know what the quiz will be school about M2: Yeah, I guess he’s always wanted to (D) He needs a doctor to look at his injured leg follow in his father’s footsteps F2: What is learned about Mick from this F1: Brian, did you watch the launch of the space conversation? shuttle on television this morning? (A) His father told him to go to medical M1: No, they had to put that off because of bad school weather (B) His father studied medicine F2: What does Brian mean? (C) He and his father walked to the school (A) The program was canceled (D) He surprised his father with his (B) The shuttle was launched yesterday decision (C) The weather was better than expected (D) The launch was delayed 14 M1: I told Fred about the money I’d lost, but he didn’t seem very sympathetic F1: Well, if it were his money that had been lost, he’d be singing another tune F2: What does the woman imply about Fred? (A) He would be upset if he lost money (B) He shouldn’t be paid for singing (C) He is generally very sympathetic (D) He doesn’t know the words to the song F1: You’re sure Jennifer was at the lecture? M2: Oh, she was definitely there She really stood out in that bright red sweater of hers F2: What does the man say about Jennifer? (A) She stood up and left the lecture (B) It was too warm for her to wear a sweater in the lecture hall (C) Her sweater made her easy to spot (D) Her notes on the lecture were easy to read

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2017, 15:18

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