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Page i Human Resource Management Theory and practice Page ii This page intentionally left blank Page iii Human Resource Management Theory and practice second edition John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold Page iv First published 1999 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS and London First published in North America 2000 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc 10 Industrial Avenue Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 Copyright © 1999 by John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microform, retrieval system, or any other means, without the prior written permission of the publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers 10 Industrial Avenue Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bratton, John Human resource management : theory and practice / John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold2nd ed p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0–8058–3862–7 (pbk.: alk paper) Personnel management I Gold, Jeffrey II Title HF 5549 B789 2000 658.3 dc21 00-033167 Books published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates are printed on acid-free paper, and their bindings are chosen for strength and durability Printed in Great Britain 10 Page v To our families Amy, Andrew and Jennie Bratton Susan and Alma Gold And to the memory of our parents: Arthur and Florence Bratton and Harry Gold Page vi After a few years away from their MBA programs, most managers report that they wish they had focused more on people management skills while in school Margaret Wheatley, Leadership and the New Science, 1994, p 144 Page x Manpower planning Human resource planning Reconciling the soft–hard dilemma External and internal labour Career management HRM in practice 6.1: Nationwide moves over to telework HRM in practice 6.2: Staff value a career path above salary Summary Chapter case study: Career Management at JJJ Bank plc Recruitment and selection Jeffrey Gold Chapter outline Introduction Recruitment, selecton and HRM HRM in practice 7.1: Ethnic minorities aim for high-flying squad Strategic intervention Commitment Flexibility Quality Attraction HRM in practice 7.2: Car traders rally to find graduates Selection Summary Chapter case study: Meister Software UK part four Rewards and Development Performance appraisal Jeffrey Gold Chapter outline Introduction Performance appraisal and the HRM cycle Assessment, appraisal and control From control to development 167 173 174 176 179 180 183 185 187 189 189 190 191 192 194 194 195 195 196 198 201 207 208 211 213 213 214 214 214 219 Appraisal and performance management HRM in practice: Judgement day looms for church ministers HRM in practice: Performance management in Barclays Mortgages Inputs Results and outcomes Behaviour in performance Summary Chapter case study: Hamilton Foods Ltd Reward management 223 226 229 231 231 232 233 234 237 John Bratton Chapter outline Introduction Reward in organizations Types of reward Developments in reward management Rewards and the HRM cycle 237 238 238 240 242 245 Page xii The nature of employee involvement HRM in practice 11.1: Report finds partnership equals profit A general theory of employee involvement Organizational communication Approaches to organizational communications Interpretivist approach Critical approach Developing a communication system HRM in practice 11.2: Broadmoor primed for it's 'domestic works council' Two-way communication Briefing groups Monitoring the communication system Information disclosed by management The extent of organizational communication Joint consultation Models of communication The structure and operation of joint consultative committees The effects of employee involvement on performance Obstacles to employee involvement Trade union attitudes HRM in practice 11.3: The key to staff commitment Management attitudes Summary Chapter case study: Communications at Forrest Computer Services 12 Human resource management and industrial relations 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see also self-managed teams Champy, J 28, 55, 83, 88, 100, 119, 361 Child, J 42, 337 China 373 Clegg, H 8, 345 Clinton, President (US) 143 closed shop 90, 349 collective bargaining 84, 243, 302–3, 322, 354, 372 collectivism 23, 59, 94, 341 commitment, employee 19, 21–2, 58, 59, 60, 63, 85, 100, 133, 190, 194, 275, 305, 335, 357–8 compensation see reward system competencies 53–4, 184–5, 206, 274 computer-controlled autonomy 28, 116 Confederation of British Industry (CBI) 91, 306, 314 conflict 8, 16, 58, 59, 115, 142, 239, 306, 340, 352; see also strikes control 12, 23, 28, 110, 116, 120, 214, 219, 223, 305, 306, 357, 360 cooperation, employee, 6, 85, 115, 362 core workers 58, 82, 83 culture, organisation 30, 93 D Daniel, W 316, 318 decentralization 20, 243, 356 Denmark 87, 347 dependency relations 28, 115 derecognition 338, 349 deskilling 120, 176 Devanna, M 18, 26, 47–8 disability 191 discrimination 191, 266 Donovan Report 8, 334, 337, 368 E Employment Act 1980 89 Employment Act 1982 89, 300 Employment Act 1988 89 Employment Act 1990 89–90 Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 89, 300 empowerment, employee 58, 302, 303, 305; see also autonomy Equal Pay Act 1970 8, 263 equity, pay 264, 265–7 Page 406 European Union 74, 81, 91, 128, 138, 139, 143, 258, 265, 303, 334, 338, 345, 363, 370 European Works Councils 91, 303, 372 F Factory Acts 136 Finland 87, 347, 355 flexibility of labour 22, 58, 82, 114, 176, 177, 195, 242, 275, 360, 362 flexible specialization 81, 83 Fordism 83, 100, 104, 114 Foucault, M 28 France 82, 138, 346, 355 G Germany 77–8, 82, 110, 117, 138, 346, 347, 355 globalization 75, 82, 102, 345, 357 group technology see cellular technology Guest, D 4, 20, 23, 26, 47, 58, 62, 100, 173, 190, 275, 300, 324, 344, 357, 359, 368 H Hammer, M 55, 100, 118, 174 Health and Safety at Work etc Act (HASAWA) 1974 128, 138, 153, 154, 300 Health and Safety Commission 128 Health and Safety Executive 131, 146, 151, 157 human relations school 106, 115 human resource development 274, 371 human resource management comparative 373 definition 11 diffusion 17, 30–2 gender and 29 hard version 5, 13, 17, 26, 50, 56, 166, 175, 337, 363, 369 ideologies 116, 358, 368 international 373 matching model 47–51 models 17–26, 29, 362, 369, 374 resource-based 51–5 soft version 5, 13, 17, 50, 56, 57, 60, 166, 175, 192, 219, 337, 344, 359, 369 strategy 16, 45, 46, 66, 76 technical change 86 trade unions and 59–60, 94, 324, 357, 359 human resource planning 167, 173 Hyman, R 29, 334, 336, 342, 344, 351, 363, 374 I India 150 individualism 23, 30, 31, 59, 94, 372 industrial relations 133, 336 Institute of Personnel Management (IPM) 5, 7, 14, 338, 349 internal equity of pay 245 interviews 203 Italy 82, 347 J Japan 82, 347, 355, 361 Japanese management 26, 27, 39, 58, 61, 84, 113–17 job analysis 248, 250–2 job descriptions 199 job design 15, 84, 102, 142, 145, 151, 171, 301 job enrichment 107–8, 114 job evaluation 253–7, 267 job rotation 107 joint consultation 318 just-in-time (JIT) 87, 114, 115, 243 K kaizen 117 Kelly, J 12, 107, 348 L labour markets 8, 29, 176, 258, 363 labour process 12, 87, 114, 360 leadership 26, 42, 56–8 lean production 58, 84, 87, 110; see also re-engineering learning 15, 26, 52, 58–9, 276, 286, 290 learning organization 27, 57, 274, 289 Legge, K 16, 17, 28, 49, 85, 138, 166, 173, 244, 268, 368 life-time employment 117 Littler, C 55, 104, 105 M Machiavelli, N 56 management 11–13, 19, 150, 327 practices 336 strategies 17, 23, 32, 39, 42, 45, 276, 305, 335, 337, 356 styles 23, 341 manpower planning human 167, 171; see also resource planning manufacturing 15, 62, 63, 75, 77, 80, 82, 84, 87, 110, 346 Marchington, M 300, 319, 324, 341 Marx, K 12, 103 Maslow, A 100, 105, 260 Mayo, E 7, 106 Millward, N 5, 15, 75, 80, 86, 129, 243, 300, 313, 317, 346, 355 Mintzberg, H 12, 39, 194, 218, 276 motivation, employee 260, 305 multi-employer bargaining 354 N NAFTA 75 National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) 184, 231, 278 Netherlands 132, 346, 347, 355 New Zealand 89, 347 Norway 347 ...Page i Human Resource Management Theory and practice Page ii This page intentionally left blank Page iii Human Resource Management Theory and practice second edition John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold. .. Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bratton, John Human resource management : theory and practice / John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold – 2nd ed p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0–8058–3862–7... Nature of Human Resource Management The human resource management phenomenon Strategic human resource management 37 Page This page intentionally left blank Page chapter one The human resource management

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