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FCE practice test plus 2

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There is an example at the beginning O.Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.. There is an example at the beginning O.Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.. For Quest

Trang 1

teaching not just testing

Trang 2

The First Certificate in English is an intermediate level

examination which is held three times a year in March, June

and December There are five papers in the exam and each

paper receivesan equal weighting of 20 per cent of the

For Papers 1, 3 and 4 you have to write your answers on

a separate answer sheet.


Reading Part 1: matching headings or summary sentences to Part 1: reading for the main ideas in a

35 reading Part 2: answering multiple-choice questions Part 2: reading for detailed

comprehension Part 3: choosing which sentence or paragraph fits understanding of the text.

Part 4: deciding which of 4-6 short texts contains structure.

given information or ideas Part 4: reading for specific information.

Writing Part 1: using given information to write a letter of Part 1 : selecting from and comparing

compulsory task Part 2: producing one piece of writing of 120-180 transactional letter.

Part 2: one task words, from a choice of five Either an informalletter, Part 2: writing for a specific reader, using

from a choice of a story, a report, an article or a composition. appropriate layout and register.


Use of English Part 1: multiple-choice doze Choosing which word Part 1: vocabulary.

four texts, from a choice of four fits in each of 15 gaps in the text Part 2: grammar and vocabulary.

65 questions Part 2: open cloze Writing the missingword in each of Part 3: grammatical accuracy and

Part 3: key-word transformations Usingthe key word Part 4: grammatical accuracy.

to complete a new sentencewhich meansthe same as Part 5: vocabulary.

the one given.

Part 4: proof-reading Findingthe extra words that do

not belong in a text.

Part 5: wordbuilding doze Changing the form of the

word given 50 that it fits into the gaps in a text.

Listening Part 1: eight short texts each wit h one multiple- Part 1: understanding gist meaning.

30 questions Part 2: long text with ten gap-fili questions Part 3: understanding gist meaning.

Part 3: five short texts to match to one of six prompts Part 4: understanding attitude and Part 4: long text with seven questions Either opinion as well as both specific multiple-choice, true/false or three-way matching information and gist meaning.

Speaking Part 1: the examiner asks each student questions Part 1: giving personal information.

four parts Part 2: comparing and contrasting two pictures Each Part 2: giving information and

student has to speak for 1 minute expressIng oplnlons.

Part 3: interactive task Students discusssomething Part 3: exchanging ideas and opinions

Part 4: discussion The examiner asks questions Part 4: expressing and justifying opinions

Trang 3

Exam Overview

First Certificate Examination:

Top 20 Questions

Trang 4

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.


Warnings ignoredFuture challengeScientists' involvementWetsuits on a mountainIdeal surfing conditionsOne man's influenceOrigins of surfingScientific breakthroughDangers of surfing


.Readthe text quickly for general understanding

.Don't worry if there are same words which you don't understand; focus on understanding themain point of each paragraph

.Then look at the paragraph headings; don't expect the words from the text to match

.Re-read each paragraph and find the heading which best summarises the main idea in theparagraph

.Check your answers carefuHy

HeadingA:What does 'ignored' mean?

Heading D: 'Mountain'is not mentioned In the tex! but there is a reference to something tha!

takes place on a mountain.Don't be deceived by Mount Everest!

HeadingH: What is a 'breakthrough'?

by the beginning of the twentieth century its popularityhad increased again and it graduaiiy became anestablished water sport

Rawaii has the best surf in the world but the beaches areamong the most dangerous, partly because they areovercrowded During October each year there are hugesweiis in which the waves can be almost twenty metreshigh These waves then move to the southemhemisphere in Apri!

I 211

IIa surfer gets sucked into the centre of one of thesewaves and then flung anto the shore as the wave breaks,the force can be life-threatening And if the weight ofthe water does not make them unconscious, then thewave can drag them under water long enough for them

to drown

To most people, a twenty-metre high wave is Nature'sway of saying: stay away H's the oceanic equivalent of alion's roar: get closer and you will be kiiied But thereare same surfers who actually find these dangers one ofthe most attractive features of the sport

In the second half of the twentieth centuryone man inparticular was responslble for fresh enthusiasm in thesport Re was a Califomian surfer called Jack O'Neillwho was determined to create a suit that would keeppeople warm in the waters of northem Califomia, and atthe same time would allow complete freedom ofmovement

I 51

He experimented with various materials without muchsuccess until, during a piane joumey in 1952, he cameacross a substance called neoprene Using this material

he created a wetsuit made of rubber which kept surferswarm and made surfing a year-round activity in climates

which would otherwise be too cold for partof the year

from deep-sea diving to board sports which take place

on land, like skateboarding In 1988 O'Nej]]'s originalwetsuits were used for the first ever snowboarding worldcup event, ref\ecting O'Neill's belief that snow is onlyfrozen water and snowboarding takes place over frozenwaves

Pacific Island ofTahiti astonished onlookers by walking

away without a scratch This same man now wants to

metres and is known to the surfing world as the MountEverest of surfing

Trang 5

~ :.lW"II!I;lI1i1!iI1iW~ -,$( You are going to read an article about a woman who runs a company cal led Peanuts For

Questions 8-15, choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

Hungry pOp stars

Valerie)ones runsa company ealledPeanutswhosejob it is

to look after pop stars and pop groups when they go on tour.

She is the person who feeds the stars and she's been doing it

for the past ten years.

When the stars are playing at a festiva]

Valerie may have to cook for up to athousand people which includes al! thecrew and the people who work backstage

She erects a marquee - a huge tent - andthe food is served buffet style from aeentral serving area She has to cater fordifferent tastes, se)there are normal!y four

or more choices of menu She also has tolook after people who may be on a specialdiet or some singers who don't eat dairyfood before a concerl

She drives an enormous truck fuli ofkitchen equipment and hires at least threewalk-in refrigerators, a dishwashing unitand portable cabins which act asstorerooms and office

Al! the bands have to queue up to beserved and everyone has to have a mealtickel The stars are usually more relaxedwhen they are eating as no one isbothering them for autographs, althoughValerie says that sometimes the securitymen and the stars' managers are moretrouble than the stars themselves

There are certain things which she alwayshas to keep in stoek like herbal teas andher own particular mixture of honey,leman and ginger which singers like to

keep in flasks on stage witb them whenthey're singing.Years ago bands used todrink quite a lot of alcohol, but these daysthey're much healthier Most bands drinkfresh fruit juice and prefer to eat salads

A lot of people in the bands are quiteyoung and they're not used to veryexpensivc food, so Valerie prepares plainfood unless a band sends her a 'rider' This

is a list of special rcquirements Whenpeople are tired, unwel! or homesiek theylike to have familiar 'comfor!' food sa shekeeps a stoek of people's requirementsjust in case As a resuH of all this, Valerie 43says she has become an expert shopperand in less than an hour in a supermarketshe can spend flOOO

A lot of bands won't eat before acancertbecause they're too nervous, sa Valerieand her staff can end up working very longhours as they have to be around toprovide what people want at twa or three

in the moming One thing Valerie hasnotieed is that the more mad a band is onstage, the more normai they are whenthey are off il She says she is amazed atthe change in behaviaur A really wildsinger ean tum out to be really quiet andpolite off stage




Tip Strip

.Read the text carefully

You do not necessarilyneed to understandevery word Thequestions follow theorder of the texl

.Underllne the keywords In the questlon,e.g Valerie has toprovide Qfl.llg~ffggf! Then try to findthe part of the textwhich contalns theanswerand underllnethe key words there,

e.g ;;he hE.e.1Q ~"tel


.Look at the optlons anddec Ide whlch optlonbest matches the keyInformation;n the tex!

Optlon C 'there Is su ch

a wide varlety ofpreferences' 15the onlyoptlon to contain theIdea of providing a range of different foodfor people's IIkes anddislIkes

Question 9: 'lessnervous' Is another way

of saying 'more relaxed'Question 11: Whichword

in the text describesfood that 15'simpie'?

Question 12: Do youneed torefer to

something earller or later

In the text?

Question 15: Whatamazes Valerle about thebands7

A people are very fussy about what they eat

B people are used to eating in restaurants

C there is such a wide variety of preferences

D there is such a demand lor special menus

9 The singersare lessnervouswhen they are eating because

C their managersluss over them

D the bands enjoy eating together

10 Why does Valerie have to keep a supply ol certain drinks?

B The bands preler herbal tea to collee

C The bandstake Iruit juice on stage

D The bands like to drink alcohol

11 What do most bands like best to eat7

B cheap food

C junk lood

D simple lood

12 What does 'just in case' in line 43 refer to?

B Valerie'slist of 'riders' lrom the dillerent bands

C Valerie'ssupply ol specialfood lor various people

D Valerie'sunderstanding of people leeling sick

13 Why do you think Valerie has become an 'expert shopper'?

A She has a lot ol money to spend each week

B She has learnt to find what individuals want

C She has to buy as much as possible lor f1 000

D She has to shop very quickly in a supermarket

14 Why is a band likely to be hungry after playing?

B They work long hours wit h little lood

C They only have a snack belore a concert

D They like to wait until they eat together

15 What does Valerie think about the singers?

A They are completely crazy on and 011stage

B They behave diflerently on and 011stage

C They are less rude when they are 011stage

D They are normally more noisy on stage

Trang 6

and argument Sevensentenceshave been removed lram the artiele Choose lram thesentencesA-H the one which fits each gap (16-21) There is one extra sentencewhichyou do not need to use There is an example at the beginning (O).

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

to representthe views and opinions ol dillerent member states

people and interacting with other students

Teenagerscan talk for hours on the phone to their friends, but II you try to get them to talk about politics or

to do wit h lack ol confidence or experiencein putting lorward elear arguments in lrant ol strangers

E They tried to destroy the other representative'sargument

In order to demonstrate the value ol good communication skilis, a boarding school in Bath, In the west of

England,decidedto organisean interesting and exciting way of teaching teenagershow to argue and debate

in publie 1161 1The ModelUnitedNationsprogramme,whichIs a role-playexercise,wasfirst

developed in the USwhere it forms part of the curriculum in hundreds of schools

G They hold an annual Model United Nations (called MUN lor short by teachersand students) based on the real United Nations GeneralAssembly

H In some yearsa lew students lram other countries such as Italy and Polandwillalso attend

As many as 600 student representatives,ranging in age from 13 to 18, attend fram schoolsali over England

Tip StripThe important roleswithin the UN, like the president of the general assembly,and the toples, are chosen by

.Look very carefully at what comes before and after each gap

.Readthrough the sentence options and find one that fits in terms of topie and language links..Re-read the paragraph aga;n to check that it makes sense

explanation of what il does Without this explanation the last part of the paragraph would notmake sense

Question17:Findother counlries that linkwith 'England and Northern Ireland'

Question 18: The paragraph begins with a referenee to 'roles' so look for a sentence whichcontinues this topie

Question 21: Despite the fact that students may be nervous, the experience is obviouslyworthwhile Look for a word Ihat connects these eontrasting ideas

It Isthen Upto the studentsto discusstheir views with the other membersof their committee to win support

Forsome of the students it will be the first time they have spoken in frant of an audience and it can be very

nerve-wracking 1211 IAt the sametime students become more aware of political affalrs and as

well as gaining in self-confidencethey learn about international issues

Trang 7

~;B~1!I;;li!!~'- 'q


read through the whole

parts of the text

which are not relevant

to the point you are

looking for

o When you find the

relevant part of the

text, read it @[ef!djJy

o The questions and the

text will not contain the

same words You need

to look for and mateh

meaning e.g Question

22 'has beeome

sueeessful at a young

age' = 'just 21 and

alreadya box olnee

You are going to read a magazine article in which four actors talk about their profession

ance There is an exarnpleat the beginning (O)


Which of the actors



~ [TICJ [EL]




A Jake Armstrong'l have a terrible problem reading through scripts,'admits Jake Armstrong 'l find most of them veryboring, although ance in a while a script will realIyappeal to me and l am immediately attracted to thecharacter the director hasasked me to consider.'Jake Armstrong was always going to end up doingsomething dramatic His father and mother are bothactors, and although neither of them pushed him intothe profession, he feels his career path was inevitable as

he saw 50 much theatre when he was a chiid 'l wouldwait backstage until it was time to go home at the end

of an evening performance I met the most fantastiepeople As a child you don't appreciate farne and lthought alI these extraordinary people were realIynorma1 But there was something fascinating about thewhole husiness, why people dress up as different peopleand pretend to be other personalities Unlike myparents, however, l am more interested in film wark

The thing about filming is that you hang around forhours chatting away to people, then suddenly you've got

to turn it on l had to learn very quickly how to tonedown for the eamera, not to overact, whereas on stage

in the theatre it's the exact opposite.'

was strongly influenced by their upbringing7had little warning before going on stage?

comments on different acting techniques?

accepted wark without hesitation?

was picked without having spoken?

has not been professionallytrained?

used to worry about being unemployed?

is not interested in reading scripts?

had a difficult time before becoming farnous?

refusesqUlte a lot of wark?

tried to change their appearance7had to fight for parental support7thinks the acting processis quite charrning and attractive?

B Laura Dyson'I think I'm very lueky to have been noticed sa early in

my career When l was at drama schoolI used to feeIquite desperate meeting up with friends who hadalready graduated and who were ont of work I wouldlisten to them talking about the temporary jobs they

had, working in restaurants, supermarkets -whatever

they could find, and going to one audition after theather And they were only auditioning for really smaliparts in theatre or film and getting absolutely nowhere.'Laura Dyson is just 21 and already a box office name

She was spotted whilst on stage in London and offered

a film role by one of Hollywood's leading directors 'l!

was unbelievable I'd had hardly any experience and theplay l was in was a walk-on role only l didn't have to

C Emmy Mason'My parents have always been interested in the arts and

l remember being taken to the einema and the theatre

at a very eady age When I said l wanted to go todrama school they were horrified In faet, my fatherrefused to agree but he eventualJy gave in beeause lthreatened to go off around the world on my own at 17doing any old job just to pay my way.'

Emmy Mason was determined to succeed and although

it has not been an easy ride to stardom she has finallyachieved the kind of recognition that most actors canonly dream about 'My big break came quite byaccident I was an understudy at the National Theatrefor months on end l! was such hard wark, learning thelines and vet knowing that you were lInlikely ever to saythem in front of an audience Don't get me wrong,thollgh I was glad to be earning some money and atleast l got to see the famous names eaeh nigh! Anyway,one day the leading lady went down with fiu and in theafternoon l was told l would be on stage that cvening.There wasn't time to be frightened I had sat through allthe rehearsals so I knew the moves by heart And thatwas it The crities loved my performance and I've neverbeen out of work sinee.'

D Luke Demain'l guess I ended up acting by accident l wanted to go touniversity but couldn't deeide what to study Sa Ithought I'd take a year out, do different things and givemyself a breathing spaee before applying But duringthat year I got involved with alocal theatre group andsuddenly realised I was happier than I'd ever been.'Luke Demain has never looked back Unusual in thisday and age, he didn't go to drama school and has had

no formai tra ining lnstead he found himself an agentwho was willing to put him forward for auditions 'Tobegin with l was mostly doing advertisements for TVand film, which was fine but not serious acting Thenone day my agent got a calI from a film studio and thenext day l was on the film set There hadn't even beentime to sen d me the script Looking back l don't think leven asked what the film was about, it didn't matter.But I'm quite choosy now and turn down more scriptsthan l accept!'

Trang 8

PAPER 2 Writing (1 haur 30 minutes)

'R;~~WRJ'1I:f~~{itil$~~Write an answer to one of the Questions 2-5 in this part Write your answer in 120-180

words in an appropriate style

2You have been studying the environment in your English lessans and your teacher hasasked you to write on the following topie for homework:

Taking care of aur p/anet: the things we can ali do to he/p.

You want to do an activity course abroad during your summer holiday You have seenthe advertisement below in a magazine and made same notes about things you want

to know Read the notes you have made Then, write to the company covering ali the


3Same English friends are coming to stay with you for a week They want to knowabout same of the special tourist attractions in your area, and have asked for samesuggestions for things you think thejr children would especially enjoy

\e,,~t-I-IC{' cCL\Yses?

Write your letter Do not write any addresses

An international magazine is publishing articles from readers about a person whohas had an important influence on their life

We also arrange accommodation withlocal families ar, if you prefer, in smalifurnished apartments

Write your article

Tell us what you want and how youwould like to travel

EitherAnswer one of the following twa questions based on your reading of one of the setboa ks.

(a) Write a composition describing one of the events in the bookwhich you have read, saying why you have chosen it and what youfind memorabie about it



(b) Your teacher has asked you to write a report for your class onwhether you think the book which you have read would be suitablefor a radio ar television play Write a report giving the reasons for yourchoice

Write a letter of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style Do not write anyaddresses

oRead the questions carefully Choose a question youhave ideas and vocabulary for

oUnderlinethe keypoints in the question and indude

them in your answer

o Before you start writing, think of the main point youwill indude in each paragraph

o Make a few rough notes if it will help you to organiseyour ideas dearly

o Make sure you aiways write in paragraphs

o Leave yourself enough time to read through what youhave written in order to check your spelling andgrammar

o You don't have to use your imagination Read the instructions carefully and underline keywords and phrases: e.g ,Q\I~l1ZjllUb-e-'p.QjD.!~'llli_notes and iLddil}gjl.rlY~l<cvanL9uestioD"

of vour own~

oRead the input materia! What information does the advertisement ask for?

o Base your answer on the input material, but try to use your own words as far as possible

oThinkabout who you are writingto Whichstyle is best: more formai ar less formal?

Should you end the letter with Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully ar Best wishes?

o Plan your answer Paragraph 1: express your interest in the activity course and give informationabout your own requirements Paragraph 2: request the extra information (based on your handwritten notes) Paragraph 3: add a question ofyour own relevant to the input materia!.

o When you have finished, read the input information again Have you induded everything?

oCheckthe word limit,but don't waste time counting every word

o Make sure you have twa ar three concrete suggestionsthat you can make specific reference to

o Use a formai ar neutral style

liIflI T E S T 1, PAPER 2


Question 3:

.Start and end the letter appropriately and deal with both

tourist attractions and suggestions forthings chi/drencan do.Question4:

o Use a neutral style: you do not know the reader

.Introduce the person in your first paragraph

o Explain why they are influential in your life and give sameexamples to support what you say

Question s(a):

o Choose one event which you know we II, sa that you can refer

to the plot and the characters ete Explain why you havechosen It

.Use a formai ar neutral style

Question s(b):

.Oecide on radio ar television.

.Organise your ideas You can use subheadings if you wish for

a report

.Choose twa ar three examples of scenesJevents ete from the

book and explainhowthese would make good radio artelevision

Trang 9

.A, B, C and D are all

plausible al firsl sighl,

bul only one fils Ihe


.The word muSi fil in Ihe

conlexl of Ihe text as a


.Check the words before

and after Ihe gap

Some words can only

be used with certain

prepositions, some

words will be part of

fixed expressions

.Read through the text

and check Ihat your

answers make sense

word can stand alone

wllhoul another phrase

to complete Ihe sense?


Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes)

For Questions 1-15, readthe text belowand decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits

each space There is an example at the beginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

Imagine driving along a bridge that is sa long that you can't even (O) the other end

The 0resund Bridge, one of the (1) " bridges in the world, (2) " sa far ahead into the(3) " that you can't even tell where the blue of the water (4) " the blue of the sky

The 0resund Bridge is an amazing example of modern engineering design that (5) the

July 2000 It crosses the Flinte Channel, the chilly waterway (7) the twa countries

At one stage the bridge turns (8) a tunnel under the sea This tunnel is also a (9)

breaker in its own right as it is the longest road and rail tunnel in the world The engineersbuilt an artificial island near the Danish coast that (10) to support part of the bridge(11) , as well as being the point at which the road disappears (12) , before comingout in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark

The bridge, which was built (13) by the two countries, is expected to bring hugeadvantages It will (14) " time compared to traditional ferry connections, as well as being

of (15) to the economy of both countries

space Use only one word in each space There is an example at the beginning (O).Write your answers on the separate answer sheet


She is the person who selects the songs for the album, the photographs for publicitypurposes, who shoots the video and chooses the clothes the singer (19)

artwork for the album, the singer's manager, journalists and marketing managers

music industry


.Read the text for general understanding

.The word must make sense in Ihe lexl as a whoie

.Decide which word each gap needs, e.g preposition, relalive pranoun, conjunclion, verb,adjeclive ele

.Look oul for fixed expressions dependenl preposilions after certain verbs and linking words

and phrases

.Read Ihraugh the lexl and check il makes sense

Questlon 20: Whal Iype of word go es here? Which two words are possible in Ihe conlexl? Whichone makes more sense if we are lalking generally?

Question 24' Whal Iype ofword goes here? Whal other word can replace a noun?

Question 30: Look al Ihe preposilion after Ihe gap What verb can you put with this preposition

lo mea n 'discovered'?

Trang 10

P,}A'>fRi:T:f yg3 'If,;'(f!~~?'f;


.Look at the key word

What type of word is it?

What usually follows it,

e.g an infinitive, a

gerund, a pronoun?

.Write your answer on

the question paper and

read both sentences


.Make sure you haven't

added any extra

information or missed

out any of the original


.Write only the missing

words on Ihe answer


.Check your spelling

.Contracted words count

as Iwo words, e.g

auxiiiary verb do you

have to have in order 10

make a question here?

Question 40: Active to

passive: make sure you

keep to the same verb



ForQuestions 31-40, complete the second sentence 50 that it has a similar meaning to the

first sentence, using the word given Do not change the word given You must usebetween two and five words, including the word given Here is an example (O)

The bag is not big enough for ali my luggage,smali

The bag """"""""",.""""","""""""" for al! my luggage,The gap can be fil!ed by the words 'is too smali' 50 you write:

Example: O

Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet

31 I had no idea about Rona's engagement



32 I haven't seen a good filmfor months.


33 Mark did as I suggested and bought a new computer


34 Noteacher will tolerate bad behaviour in class


35 The heavy snow mea nt that no trains were running,


The trains "".""""" "",,"" """"""""""." the heavysnow,

36 Can I borrow your camera for my holiday, please?


Can"" """""""".".""""."" ", yourcamerafor myholiday, please?

37 jim was horrified to find his new car had been stolen


To " "".""" " his new car had been stolen

38 When are you hop ing to go to university?

.Look al the whoiesentence, not just atthe numbered iines

.Underiine the wordsyou think are wrongand read the sentence(not the line) without it

Does it sound right?

.Incorrect words canonly occur onee in aline

Une 48: Is il apreposltion or aparticiple which isn'tneeded here?

Une 50: Where do the'famous personalilies'appear?

Une 55: Look at the tenseused throughoul thisfairly lon g senlence,Where is the mistake?

For Questions 41-55, read the text belowand look carefully at each line, 50me of the

If a line is correct, put a tick (v) by the number on the separate answer sheet If a linehas a word which should not be there, write the word on the separate answer sheet.There are examples at the beginning (O and 00)

45 """".


48 ",

49 "'"

50 51

52 "."""

53 """'"

54 """'"

55 """".

Red NO5e Day

EveryMarch in Britain there is a special day called RedNose

Day during which the cha rit y, Comic Relief, expectsto raise up

millions of pounds One third of al! money collected together

goes to UK projects to hel p disadvantaged groups of people

such as iike the disabled or refu gees, The rest of the money

goes to Africa, where because twenty of the world's poorest

countries are situated, In these countries the money is used

to provide clean drinking water, health care for, education and

safe housing 50 how are the British pubiic persuaded to give

money to Comic Relief? The BBC plays a large part by being

broadcasting on hours and hours of programmes Many famouspersonalities appear here on the various programmes and ask

people to give over some money Hundreds of schools are alsoinvolved and students and teachers pay to dress up for the day

5upermarkets, shops and garages sell red plastic noses and

millions of people wear these about for fun; some people evenbuy extra large noses which they had fix to the front of their cars

Trang 11

-~ For Questions 56-65 ,read the text below Use the word givenincapitalsat the end of

each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line There is an example at thebeginning (O)

The stories which are often very (59) , are told by pointingout and walking along large tra eks of land; it can be said, therefore, thatthe (60) of Aborigines are lived out as if in agiant naturalstorybook It is also (61) that Aboriginalland has a strangeway of creating its own (62)

When they talk about a place of (63) Aborigines say that

the land has a 9i that either likes you or makes you feel disturbed and

(64) In fact, if you sit under a tree there is a(65) that it is watching you, listening to you and that Itmay even talk to you


oRead the text for general understanding

o Decide what type of word you need for each gap (e.g noun, adjective etc.)

o Look at the who le sentence, not just at the iine containing the gap

o You should make no more than two changes to the word

o You may need to add a prefix or suffix to som e words

o Some words may be positive or negative Check the meaning of the tex!

oRead through the text and check that your words make sense

o Check your spelling very carefully

Question s8: 15a noun, a verb or an adjective needed here?

Question 64: Read this sentence very carefully.ls this word going to express a positive ornegative idea?

Question 6S:ls this word going to be singular or piurai?






PAP ER 4 Listening (approximately40 minutes)

answer, A, B or C

Tip Strip

oRead the questionbefore the options andunderline the keywords

oEachquestion is based

on a different listeningtext and carries aseparate marko

oFocuson each new text

as you hear it; don'tlook ba ck at the oneyou have just dane arlook ahead to whatcomes nex!

o Decide on one of the

options after the firstlistening

o Use the second

listening to check thatyou are correc!

o Ifyou are not sure,

make a sensible guess

o Do not listen for singlewords, but for thegeneral meaning

o Don't wony about

words that you don'tknow

o Be prepared for short

dialogues as well asmonologu es

Question 2: You'lI hearthe speaker mentionplants, flowers andbutterflies, as well as 'alikinds of tiny creaturescrawiing around'

Question 3: What wasthe secretary's message?

Question S: What can'tthe man find?

What is the problem to do with7

What is the topie of his new book?

What has happened?

What is belng offered?

What is he asking for?

What is she looking forward to 7

What is the reasonfor her calI'

Where does he want it delivered?

Trang 12

'P 'AtR\T;:i(12 ~E1!%t~j'f.~


.The questions follow

the order of the tex!

.Before you listen, read

the questions Think

about the kind of

informationwhich is


.The words you need to

write are on the tape,

but not in the same

order as the question

sentences Itis not a


.Write1-3words in each

space Ifthe answer is

a number,you can

write it in figures ar


.Oon't repeat the words

and ideas which are

already in the question

Question 9: What kind of

information would you

expect to complete this


Questlon 10: Are you

listening for a verb or a

noun for this gap?

Question 14: What kind

of things would the

Centre not want people

to do inside?


You will hear part of a radio interview with a man who is the director of an EnvironmentalCentre For Questions 9-18, complete the sentences

School children visit the Centre to carry out a

apart fram ones in the summer

The course on garden wildlife and different plants is called

The cost of a course depends on whether people have a

v 'P.'.AYR;TJ;lk3 ~~ You will hear five different people talking about the importance of modern inventions For

Questions 19-23, choose fram the list A-F the reason each speaker gives for theimportance of the invention to them personally Use the letters only ance There is oneextra letter which you do not need to use

.Read the instructions carefuily.What will the people be talking about?

.Before youlisten, read the options A to F

.During the first listening, note down each speaker's main idea Mark the option closest to thisidea

.During the second iistening, check your answers You may need to change same of them

B: Listen out for the speaker who talks about the ways of guaranteeing contact with other people.E: Twa people mention relaxing, but only one of them speaks about it in the context of theinvention which is most important for them personally

F:What is another way of saying that something is always with you?

Trang 13

~~'Wj;li\!J-'-! You will hear a radio interview with a researehseientist Foreaeh ol the Questions

False in the boxes provided

25 It's easy for some people to take the wron g medicine.

26 People don't mind about making mistakes

Most people are impressed with the new system for reading labeis


28 People ean hear personal information with the new system.

30 Most people are afraid of the new teehnology.

Tip Strip

.The questions follow the order of the texL

.Before you listen, underline the key word s in the statements Verbs and adjectives are oftenimportanL

.The ideas in the statements will be mentioned on tape; listen carefully to check that thestatement reflects what is said

Question24: Does Andrew say that the smart pili is a new drug or is it something else?

Question26: Andrew says that people 'worry about getting things wrong' How is this commentreflected in the statement'

Question3°: Andrew says that people 'become confiden\' Does this mean they are afraid ofsomething?

PAPER 5 Tip Strip


.Theexaminer(interlocutor) will ask youquestions in turn Don'tpreparea littie speechabout yourself Listencarefully to the examiner'squestionswhich will beabout you, your famlly,your interestsand otherthings to do with the lifeyou lead.Answerthequestions as fully and asnaturally as you can


.A minute is quite a longtime to talk If you do notcleariy understandwhatyou havebeen asked to

do, ask the examinertorepeat the task for you

(within reasonyou won'tloseany marksfor dOingthis).Don't speaktoo fasL

try to describe it using other words to explain what you mean.

contrast them from the very beginning.

.Don't interrupt yourpartner'sturn Listencarefully andthenrespondbriefly to thequestion which theexaminerwill put to you

at the endof yourpartner's turn


.Ask your partner forhis/her opinions, don'tiust say what you think

.Youhaveto talk for 3 min,

50 don't decide ar agree too 500 n - talk about all the pictures first.

with your partner.

Part4 The examiner may ask you

ask general questions for you bot h to answer For example, the examiner may say 'And what about you?

What do you think? Do you agree?'

You don't have to agree with your partner, but try

partner finish, then say what you think.

Try to give reasons for your

answers as fuli as possible.

Speaking (14 minutes)

~);,'~:;~?!l~~~h;:1~~1{j1.\(3 minutes)The examiner (interloeutor) will ask eaeh ol you to speak brielly in tum and to givepersonal information about yourselves You can expeet a variety ol questions, sueh as:Where do you come lrom?

Have you always lived there/here?

Can you tell us what it's like? Would you like to live anywhere else7

You will eaeh be asked to talk for a minute without interruption You will eaeh be giventwo dillerent photographs in tum to talk about After your partner has finished speakingyou will be asked a brief question conneeted with your partner's photographs

Eating out (compare, eontrast and speculate)

Tum to pietures 1 and 2 on page 151 whieh show people eating out in diflerent places

Candidate A, compare and contrast these photographs and say why you think the peoplehave ehosen to eat in these partieular plaees You have a minute to do this

Candidate B, whieh ol these would you like to eat in?

Television (eompare, contrast and speeulate)

Tum to pietures 1 and 2 on page 152 whieh show people making a television programme

Candidate B, compare and contrast these photographs and say how you think the peopleare feeling in these photographs You have a minute to do this

Candidate A, do you enjoy watehing television?

You will be asked to diseuss something together without interruption by the examiner Youwill have a page of pietures to help you

People and travel (diseuss and evaluate)

Tum to the pietures on page 153 whieh show different lorms of transport How popular

do you think these diflerent lorms ol transport are with different people?

The examiner will encourage you to develop the topie of your diseussion in Part 3 byasking questions sueh as:

Is it important to have a eheap publie transport system? Why (not)?

Do you think people should pay more to use their own ears7 Why (not)?

What do you think is the safest lorm ol transport? Why?

lf you go on a lon g journey, what form of transport do you choose7 Why?

Trang 14



Reading (1 hour 15 minutes)

You are going to read a newspaper article about living and working in Antarctica Choosethe most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part 1-7 of the article There is oneextra heading which you do not need to use There is an example at the beginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

Tip Strip

.Part1asks you to match summary sentences ar headings to parts of an article

.Readthe text for general understanding and don't worry if there are same words which youdon't recognise; foeus on understanding the main point of each paragraph

.Then look at the paragraph headings; don't expect the words from the text to match

.Check your answers carefully

Heading A: Why might people at Davis Station want to avoid others occasionally?

Heading B: This talks about being 'forced to remain' Which paragraph talks about people having

no choice but to stay where they are7Heading E: Could this heading be redundant as the whole article is about living in freezingconditions?

Heading H: This mentions 'a varied community' Which paragraph illustrates the variety ofpeople?

of the world's coldest, remotest continent: Antarctica

The people who spend the winter at Davis Station inAntarctica regard the departure of the last ship not withfear but with something like a feeling of relief Gone arethe bnsy days of summ er, the helicopters, the crowd ofpeople Naw life starts again

There are more than 40 research projects being carriedout in Antarctica but many of the scientists have left bythe time winter arrives The station is home to physicists,biologists, weather observers, mechanics,

communications technicians, electricians, carpenters,plumbers, a doctor and a chef There is al50 a stationleader whose job it is to keep everyone happy andproductive and to look after all the paperwork Whenmost of the team arrive each year iDDecember, the sunnever sets By the beginning of the following Tuneit willnever rise, sa people have to get used to many dark

to advise on diet and exercise and a gym is available tohelp people keep fit

Inevitably, smali social groups develop within thisisolated community There is usually a group of smokers,

a group of video watchers, a group of people who sit andchat As people try to maintain contact with home sa thecost of phone bills increases, but in any case there isnothing else to spend money on

It is quite common for the sea to freeze during April and

and move with the tide ance the sea ice has beenchecked to see if it is strong enough to walk on, one canski over and fish through the holes Eventually itbecomes strong enough for vehicJes to drive on it andthe researchers can open up a new road system to enablethem to drive around the coast in minutes, to huts whichcould only be reached after hours of walking in summer

Trips to the huts are the only means of physicallyescaping from life on the station Same trips are forscience, others for recreation and a way of having samepersonal and private space Same trips can be made onfoot ar skis, but in winter they are usually in vehicJes

I7 I

in spring seals and seabirds and penguins arrive Onlyhum ans stay in Antarctica for the fuli year, and althoughtheir lives are comfortable they are still isolated andimprisoned They have good food, comfortable

for many months at a time no chance of leaving

Trang 15

m;B:'WJ;.~~ You are going to read an article about one young Englishperson'sexperienceof a 'gap

year',a yearspentoverseas, in China,betweenleavingschoolandgoing to university.Forquestions 8-14, choosethe correct answer A, B, e ar D

I am led into a large, whitewashed room

2 to face a jury of 99 They are arranged inrows, and we look at each other through

a do ud of ye11owchalk dust They havenever met a foreigner before and eye menervously as I step forward I am inChina for a year to wark with 20-year-oldstudents learning English It felt oddbeing younger than my students, but Inever felt too inexperienced to cope

It had not been an easy choice to take theopportunity of doing a gap year I wasafraid of not being able to settle down to

a life of studying when I returned and oflosing touch with my friends But ance

16 the decision was made, I looked forsomewhere cha11engingto live and wark,with the possibility of travelling aroundthe country at the end of my warkplacement

I worked at a huge, concrete institute in acity with a million inhabitants and I grew

to love it The size of the dass whichcould sometimes indude up to 99students, of very mixcd ability andenthusiasm, left me feeling exhausted,but rewarded

One of the best things about the work

29 was that I met hundreds of people, andfclt appreciated and welcomed by them-

people who had had practically nocontact with the West In China,

everyone wants to be your friend

My best Chinese mate was Mr Chow, a35-year-old electronics teacher with asan, wifc, and a cheerfuJ face like a fulimoon I helped him with his English and

he coached me at table tennis, and taught

me how to ride a motorbike Best of a11,

he was a great storyteller, and some of

my best nights were spent eating withhim and his family In China I learnt thatfnn takes on different forms 43

In the more remote areas of China wherelife and landscape have changed little inhundreds of years, you can really feel like

a cross between a celebrity and a creaturefrom outer space I've becn on trainjourneys when kids have asked me to signtheir c1othes,been on television a fewlimes-and just what do yon say whenChinese men are stroking your legs,amazed by the fact that they are sa hairy?

Sa, what have I come away with? I had

no choice but to adapt, budget, bargainand become more independent There's

no faster way to grow up than having tostand in front of those 99 students, allolder than yourself and tell sameone offfor turning up late again to a lesson

Most of all I loved the experience ofliving in a different country and thechallenge of trying to understand it

Tip Strip

Question 9: Always readwhat has come before aswell as what comes afterwit h this kind ofquestion

Question 10: Don't bemislead by word-spotting; at thebeginning of thetext the writer mentionsthe fact that the studentseyed him 'nervously'

9 What does the word 'decision' in line 16 refer to?

D contacting friends

10 Which phrase best sums up the writer's feelings about his job?

D successfuland excited

11 How do the 'hundreds of people' react to the writer? (line 29)

D They were puzzled by him

12 What does the writer suggest by saying 'fun takes on different forms' in line 43?

13 The children wanted the writer to sign their clothes becausehe was

D funny

14 What does the writer conclude about his gap year?

D It helped him become more mature

Trang 16

- You are going to read a magazine article about a man who used to wark at London Zoo.

Eight paragraphs have been removed fram the article Choose fram the paragraphs A-Ithe one which flts each gap 15-21 There is one extra paragraph which you do not need

to use There is an example at the beginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

When Oliver Graham-.Jonesfirst anived at London Zoo in 1951, he came across

a num ber of difficulties The zoo had changed little since it was built in 1823 and the keepers who

looked after the animals were used to organising things their own way.

However, a new law changed all that in 1948 and only

qualified vets were allowed to treat animals The

keepers, used to being in charge, disliked having a clever

young boss with new ideas


He made such a fuss in the first year that many of the

keepers refused to speak to him He quarrelled with

almost everybody and after a year the zoo management

decided that his job would remain on a temporary



On one occasion when Mr Graham-Jones orderecl that

the heating in the animal houses shou!d be switched off,

the keepers went on strike


Despite all the arguing, the young vet was responsible

for some major new improvements anclmost

important!y for setting up the zoo's animai hospital

Things have certainIy changecl When Mr Graham-Jonesfirst joined the zoo he actually lived in the zoo grounds

Later on he moved to live off site ancl eventually in 1966

he left the zoo altogether ancl became a college lecturer


Tip Strip

Anothertask inPart3asks you toreplaceparagraphs into anarticle

oRead through the textcarefully 50 that youhave a generalunderstanding

the whoie paragraph,before and aher eachgap

oRead through theparagraph options andflnd one that fits interms of topic andlanguage links

.Re-readthe text andthe paragraphs again tocheck that they makesense

Paragraph C: Look at thetone of this paragraph asanother clue for fitting itinto the text

Paragraph O: Anotherclue: look the way inwhich OG]'s words echowhat has just beenmentioned in theprevious paragraph

Paragraph E: The phrase'at last' summarises theend of OG]'s battle to getthings changecl

A'The lion and monkey houses were shut up at 4pm when the keepers wenthorne, leaving alI the heating turned on This resulted in the overnighttemperatures being too high and, not surprisingly, a number of animalsbecame iII.'

.8 According to Mr Jones, the moment you start to put cages around animalsyou've got a man-made artificiaI environment which doesn't suit animals

c 'Nobody really wanted me,' said Mr Graham-Jones 'The zoo keepers hadtheir own ideas about nutrition, about what the animals shouid eat and theseidea, had been handed down over the years horn keeper to keeper It tooktwa years for me to settle in.'

D 'I didn't care if the job was temporary for 10 years; the zoo neecled me and Iwas determinecl to improve the conditions for the anima!s.'

/E He felt that he was at last in charge of a proper cIinic where he could give theanimals the quality of care he felt they deserved The faciiities incIudecl a fullyequipped operating theatre in a clean ancl healthy environment


I 'They clon't need Londem Zoo - they can go to the country and visit safariparks, which are much better for anima!s I'm not anti-zoo, all I'm saying isthat places like this have served their purpose Modern zoo keeping is ratherdifferent.'

G They only ever calIed in a vet - someone who speclalised in treating siekanimals - when it was absolutely neeessary

H The plan was a disaster He ran out of money, deeided that hc didn't want tocontinue working as a vet and that he would re-train as a doctor

To enable him to look afterthezoo's 800 animals he had a fiat situated

between the seals ancl the hippos! Although very convenient, the fiat wasdecicledly noisy, especially in the early morning

Trang 17

- You are going to read a magazine article in which four different women talk about the

Importance of their own personalspace For questions 22-35, choose from the peopleA-D The people may be chosen more than once When more than one answer isrequlred, these may be given in any order There 15an example at the beginning (O),

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

Which of the women

spends her day in conversation with others7

would like to take exercise during the day?

worries she might upset other people?

escapes outside to find peace and quiet?

likes to prepare mentally for what is to come 7

gets annoyed if she has no time to herself?

thinks other people may feel equally stressed?

relies entirely on her home envlronment for space?

feels pressurised by too many demands at work?

relies on personalspace early in the day?

creates space for herself even If she is not at home?

has no time to relax dunng her working day?

Tip Strip

Question 26: What word expresses the same Idea as 'peace and quiet'?

Question 32: Look for how a list of thlngs conveys how the person feels

lalways need to get away from other people at some

point during the day It's not that I don 't get on withothers, I've loads of frlends But I wark in a reallybusy office in the centre of town and from themoment Ileave home each mornlng it's non-stop

Crowds on the buses, busy streets, office bustle,phones, e-mail, do this, do that By the time theend of the day comes, l'm desperate for same peace

and quiet Even if I'm going out later in the evening, Ialways make sure 1 have at least an hour to myselfwithout anyone belng able to disturb me I arrive

home, make myself a drink and Ile on the sofa.lclose

my eyes and relax by concentrating on each part of

my body in turn, beglnning with my necko Even If I'maway from home, I try to find the time just to bealone in order to unwind and recharge my batteries

If I don't make this space for myself, 1feel really tenseand irritable

I share a student fiat wit h three others, 50 there'snever a quiet moment When 1come back fromcollege in the evenings it's quite likelythat there'll

be other people there as well and we'll ali havesupper together It's great fun but towards the end ofthe evenlng l feel really tlred and 50 Ilike to disappear

by myself for a while It's hopeless to try and find anyprivacy in the fiat, 50 l go out for a walk Whateverthe weather, I walk through the park which is quiteclose Late at night It's usually empty There are justshadows and the rustle of anlmals and birds It's verypeaceful and it gives me the opportunlty to reflect onthe day and to thlnk about what I have to do thenext day When l get ba ck to the fiat I like to gostraight to bed Usually I fali asleep pretty quicklyeven If the others are still up and chatting or listening

to musie If I don 't get this time to myself, 1'11be like abear with a sore head the next morning and not nice

to knowi

fe ":JBeatr'ii»:j:'\:T:0:;iiii.i;

I'm a night owi and l absolutely hate getting up inthe mornlngs If people try and talk to me beforemidday, I really snap at them Being an actress meansthat I wark late 50 It's important that I create spacefor myself at the beginning of each day And because

l use my voice 50 much, in fact totally depend on it, llike to rest my voice and just 115tento music when Iwake up I don't even want to hear other people'svoices some people find thls very hard to understandand get quite cross when I tell them not to contact

me before noon I tell them it's nothing personal butthey still sound offended I'm sure It must be thesame for singers and, who knows, maybe teachersand lecturers get fed up with hearing the sound oltheir own voice and simply lon g to be by themselvessomewhere, in complete silence

\D :':Nc:)talie'V,,(:;;"i:.4"?(iC

I work in a cali centre, which means l'm constantlyon

the phone Apart from lunch and two short breaksduring the day l'm speaking to people ali daylong

And of course you never get to see who you'respeaking tol Bythe end of my shift I'm exhausted,not because I'mrushlng around or l'm on my fe et aliday but simply because I've spent the day talking andlistening The breaks are sa short that there's no time

to do anything other than get a drink and something

to eat I'd love to be able to go for a walk but there'snowhere to escape to within easy walking distance.The building where I work is in the middle of anindustrial estate, you can't even see a single tree 50

my fiat is fuli of.house plants and when I get homeit's wonderful to be able to relax, surrounded by alithe greenery I lie on the floor, stretch out, look up atthe plants and try to imagine I'm In a tropicalrainforest miles away!

Trang 18

Writing (1 hour 30 minutes)

You and your friends are organising a class trip You have seen the advertisementbelow, but you need more information Using the notes you have made, write to

Out of Class, giving necessary details and asking for further information

Out of Class

Let us organise your trip anywhere

in the wor/d!

range of sporting activities

. comfortable accommodation

Be\- e><:"'\Mples

o-P I-wo co"",tvies

wv.",\- ,Ao \-v.ey \Me"'" "Y I"'Y~e?

-rell \-v.e\M "'"o"'\- OlAycI",ss

-PIAjR'T ;":32':f;;:;"?~.,r Write an answer to one of the questions 2-5 in this part Write your answer in 120-180

words in an appropriate style

2 An international magazine is asking young people to send in articles which will be

published in a special edition The title of the article is:

The person in the world I would most /ike to meet and why.

Write your article

3 You have decided to enter a short story competition The rules of the competition arethat your story must begin with the following words:

Joni closed the door very quietly and waited.

Write your story

This is part of a letter you receive from an English-speaking pen friend

I didn't know you were going camping with your friends What was it like?

Do tell me ali about it when you next write

Write your letter telling your pen friend about your camping experience Do not writeany addresses



With reference to the book you have read, write a compositionexplaining why you especially like this character

whether you agree or disagree with this statement and giving yourreasons why




.Remember you are writing for young people

Pick somebody you know something about(pop star? actor?) 50 you can say whyyou would 50 much like to meet him/her


.Plan your story before you start writing Has

it got a beginning,a middleand anend?

.Think about verb sequences, e.g Past simple/Past perfect

.Try to make your story as interesting aspossible

.Remember that stories don't have greetings

.Use an informal style, but start and end theletter in an appropriate letter format

Question 5(a),.Choose acharacter whom you feel you knowwell from the story 50 that you can inciudeplenty of reasons as to why he/she is yourfavourite

.Use a neutral to forma' style

Question 5(b):.Say whether you agree or dlsagree with thestatement

.Include examples from the book to justifyyour opinion, and to make it ciear why youenjoyed/didn't enjoy reading It

Use a neutral to formai style


Trang 19


])'A';:;R ::,;1"/'~,;'~~:iJ'::fffi

lip Strip

does not believe people

go tor the coffee

Question7:Which word

can be used wit hout

needing an objec!?

Question11:Which verb

is invariably used with



Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes)

ForQuestions 1-15, read the text belowand decide which answer A, B, C or D best fitseach space There is an example at the beginning (O)




and watched the world (1) , which, inthiscase, was the (2) for the servicesof the

bank clerks I'm joking of course, but this could soon be common in banks jn big cities

The (3) for 'real coffee' in Britain, like that for mobile phones, seems never-ending

However, the (4) '" is that the attraction for many British people (5) not so much inthe coffee as in the 'coffee culture' that surrounds it This is to do with big, soft sofas andthe idea that if you sit on one, you too can (6) the actors in the American TV comedy


during the day, to (9) newsand gossip, discuss (10) of the day and (11)

business The cafes acted as offices and shops in which merchants and agents, clerks andbankers could carry out their (12)

(14) It won't be longbeforecoffee is sold everywhere.Youcan alreadybuy it in

hospitals, motorway service stations, supermarkets and at tourist (15) throughoutthe country

space Use only one word in each space.Thereis an example at the beginning (O)

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet

the action is, (20) """""""""'" they pa ck thejr bags and head straight for the airport

In (21) to the usual sporting events, the Olympic Games are held

(23) """"""'" affect the host city for severalyears before.Newfacilities

explore the surrounding region.andthis(28) a lastingeffecton tourism



Question21: The word both before and after the gap and the second part of the sentence

should help you decide what kind of word is missing

Question 26:What type ot word goes here? What word can stand in tor a noun?

Question 29:What kind of word are you likely to need when referring to a date in the past?

Trang 20


of word do you need to

put after 'wish'?

Question35: What

preposition do you need

phrasal verb meaning


Question 4°: Carefu l

-you will need to replace

'expensive' wit h another



first sentence, using the wordgiven Do not change the word given You must use

between two and five words, including the word given Here is an example (O)

Example: O The bag is not big enough for ali my luggage.


The gap can be filled by the word s 'is too smali' so you write:

Writeonly the missing words on the separate answer sheet

31 'Don't speak so loudly, John,' sa id Petra


32 l'm sorry l can't meet you this evening


33 lt may rain later so take an umbrella


34 David carried on working despite feeling very sleepy

evenDavid carried on working

35 Marie scolded her son for breaking thevase


very sleepy.

36 I am not interested in computers


37 We were all surprised to see Kitty at the party


38 The Beatles are thought by many people to be among the world's best pop groups

thatMany people

were The Beatles

the world's best pop groups

39 Is it ali right for me to borrow your car?


40 The rent for this fiat is more expensive than I had expected

Une 49: Which wordcould be used in thissentence but is in thewrong position here?





ForQuestions 41-55, read the text belowand look carefully at each line Some of the

lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there

If a line is correct, put a tick (0/) by the number on the separate answer sheet lf a linehas a word which should not be there, write the word on the separate answer sheet.There are examples at the beginning (O and 00)


Have you ever wished you could travel ba ck into the past

to change intosomemoment in your life? Have you everwanted to visit some important event in the history7 Timetravel is a wonderful idea but it is fuli of difficulties One

famous scientist, is Stephen Hawking, has sa id that if timetravel was possible we would be visited by time tourists But

as we are since obviously not visited by su ch people, then time

travel is impossible Other scientists, and however, disagree

with him and argue that our planet, Earth, is so far tiny a part

of the universe that time travellers have not vet visited this time

and place Would it be possible so to travel into the future?

Scientists say that there this is almost certainly impossible,although there is a faint ray of hope lt is believed that in the

future the universe will stop or expanding and start to grow smaller.This may allow travel into the future although there is one rli1ajor

problem: it will take on another few billion years before the

universe reaches to this stage

Trang 21

- For questions 56-65, readthe text below.Usethe word givenin eapitalsat the end of

eaeh line to form a word that fits the spaee in the same line There tSan example at thebeginning (O)

Digby's (59) for the Foundation came when she wastravelling in Hungary 'People there believe that a child's(60) benefits from musie edueation, and it has

a (61) effeet on other skilis, like(62) and linguistie skilis Musie edueation pravides atraining whleh extends children's (63) and listeningpowers.' Digby believes that if ehildren get (64) framsinging, they are more likely to learn an instrument (65) when they are older


Question 56: 15anadverb, a verb ar an adjective needed here?

Question 58: 15the word required more frequently used in its singular arpiurai form?

Question 63: Takecare with the spelling of this word




it with us when we're outwalking'?

Question 6: Where didthese early plays takeplace?

Question8:Listenout for

when the woman says'what's really attractive';

this will help you foeus

on the answer

Listening (approximately40 minutes)

answer, A, B or C

What has he reeentlyaehieved?

What does she want to make?

Whatis he recommending?

Who is speaking?

What has she done?

What is the best title for the book?

7 You overhear two people diseussing a museum they have reeently visited

What kind of museum was it?


a costume museum

a natura I history museum

a transport museum

8 You hear a woman discussing a new fashion

Trang 22

p, A 'RT::'e:2 ;;:;;i':4~~?


verb to complete this


Questlon ~3: Can you

predict what kind of word

might fili this gap?

Questlon 14: William

mentions that 'winter

nights were very cold',

What might people leave

on overnight?



Speakers 2, 3, 4 and 5

mention food, but none

ot them talks about a

varied menu, 'Blue

potatoes', however, are

mentioned as being

original Which option

contains this idea?

A: What other words do

we use when we want

to talk about 'scenery'?

D: Listen for someone

who mentjons their

need to be away from

the rest ot the world


You will hearpart ot a radio programme in which a man talks about his chi Idhood inAustralia For Questions 9-18, complete the sentences

You will hear five different people talking about what they like about their favouriterestaurant For Questions 19-23 choose from the list A-F what each speaker says Usethe letters onlyonce Thereis one extra letter which you do not needto use

A Ilove the scenery

B I enjoy the varied menu

C I like the fact that it's so ordinary

D Ilike being cut off from reality

E I enjoy observing everyone

F I like it because it's different

.Before you listen, readthrough the questionsand underline keywords

.Listen to find theanswer to a questjon,then choose the option(A, B or C) which is thecIosest

Most questions will beabout people's feelings,ideas, attitudes andopinions

Questlon 24: Karin saysthat 'there was no reasonwhy I shouldn't stay'

Which option reflects thisfeeling?

Question 26: Think aboutother words arexpressions for theseadjectives; you will nothear the identical words

in the options

Question 28: Once again,think of other similarwords that Karin mightuse to express herFeelings

You will hear an interview with a woman who has left her own country to live abroad

29 When Karin first took a customer's orders,

A shesmiled and spoke very softly

B she couldn't understand what the person said

C she managed without any problems

Trang 23

your partner ar the

examiner to repeat

somethingif you

haven't understood

the examiner asks your

partner, and listen to

what your partner says

The examiner may say

'And what about you?'

ar 'Do you agree?'

.Don't give short

answers Say what you

think and why


-Speaking (14 minutes)

D:.lr~VJ;~"' (3minutes)The examiner (interlocutor) will ask each of you to speak briefly in tum and to givepersona I information about yourselves You can expect a variety of questions, such as:

What subjects are you studying? / What job do you do?

What are you hoping to do when you leave school/college?

What are your plans for the future?

~:.If";IJ;.1\IlIB' Ja (4 minutes)

You will each be asked to talk for a minute without interruption You will each be giventwo different photographs in tum to talk aboul After your partner has finished speakingyou will be asked a brief question connected with your partner's photographs

ITravelling (compare, contrast and speculate)Tum to pictures 1 and 2 on page 154 which show people traveling

Candidate B, compare and contrast these photographs and say what you think the people

in the photograph are feeling about travelling You have a minute to do this

Candidate A, do you like travelling with or without a lot of luggage?

IPlaying a musical instrument (compare, contrast and speculate)Tum to pictures 1 and 2 on page 155 which show people playing musical instruments

Candidate A, compare and contrast these photographs and say what you think the people

in the photographs are feeling You have a minute to do this

Candidate B, do you play a musical instrument?

!Communications (discuss and evaluate)Tum to the pictures on page 156 which show the different ways we can keep in touchwith what is happening in the world What are the best ways of finding out what is goingon?

m:li\'~1@I;lIiII!~ , 1 (4 minutes)

The examiner will encourage you to develop the topie of your discussion in Part 3 byasking questions such as:

is it important to know what is happening in the world7 Why (not)7

Do you think computers will eventually replace books and newspapers?

How interested are you in keeping up with the news in your own country?

Do you think there is too much news on the radio and television? Why (not)?


PAPER 1 Reading (1 hour 15 minutes)

- You are going to read an article about a photographer who specialises in taking

photographs of birds called storks Choose from the list A-H the heading which bestsummarises each part (1-6) of the article There is one extra heading which you do notneed to use There is an example at the beginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

A Storks will nest anywhere

!I' An impressive sight

C Storks unlikely tofind new nesting areas

D An important factor affectingstork numbers

E The reason for thephotographer's vis!t

G The photographer's first task

H Storks able to guarantee the!rexistence

F Storks don't mind where theyfeed

As I walked along the narrow slreets of a small Spanisbvillage, I felI exciled al Ihe prospecl of being allowed upanto Ihe roof of a beauliful church My purpose in beingthere was to lake pholographs of the while storks whichhad been seen nesling in Ihe bell lower high above thevillage slreets In fact, storks had been my licket intomany similar adventures over the years

I1 !Slorks are large, beautiful birds with long necks andlaking piclures of them is not easy In towns and villagesstorks build their nests, which are like platforms madeout of twigs, high up on rooftops ar treetops Sa myinitial job was to collect a huge key, let myself into thechurch, and climb up the bell tower sa that I could atleast see the white stork nesl on the roof of the lower

I eventua]]y reached the top and lifted the door above

my head After Ihe hot, dry slreets below there was awonderful cool breeze and staring al me from their neslabout forly metres away were three half-grown storks IIwas a marvellous scene, especially in view of the factIhat towards the end of the twentieth century there wasgreat concern about Ihe future of the white stork

I i i l I

Human development has also affecled the stork's ability

to survive, bul in Ihis case the bird has proved lO be veryadaptable In natural environmenls, the stork nests intrees and on rocks However, as buildings began tospread anIa the storks' naturaI nesting sites, Ihe birdsadjusled to this lass by carrying their twigs even higher.Radio towers, road signs, slatues, monuments, chimneysand even pylans carrying e1ectricity have become loadedwith piles of twigs

Another example of Ihe stork's amazing abilily to adjusI

lO changes in Ihe environment is its diel If a stork can'tfind sufficienl food in its naturai habilat, then it seems itwill quite happily fecd off what it can find in rubbishtips This reliable source offood is probably one of Ihereasons why a sizeable percentage of Ihe storkpopulations in Spain no longer migrate by flying off toAfrica for the winler

I6 I

However, there is a new threal lo storks on the horizon.European Union rules and regulations may affect Ihesource of food found on rubbish tips, as governments arenaw being asked to dean up rubbish tips by coveringthem over This will obviously cut off a valuahle foodsupply for the storks Nevertheless, like any animaI orbird which has sa successfully adapted to humandeve1opment, the slork will no doubt find a way toensure it will survive long into Ihe future

Trang 24

"H~~'flt;;1~~~21V:Ii'~f~;\You are going to read an extract from an article about an unusual form of storytelling For

Questions 7-14, choose the correct answer A, B, e or D

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet,

Tip Strip

Unusual sto ryte II i ng

Question7: Make sureyou read far enough intothe text before youanswer this question!

Question10: Rememberthat this kind of questionmay require you to readbot h backwards as well

as forwards in the text

Question 11: The keyinformation is notexplicitly stated Whatcan you tell from theboys' attitudes?

'!t's the seventh minute into a match andwe're up against one of the top clubs inBritain We're expected to lose I get theball and I'm running as fast as I can forthe goa! The goalkeeper ruus towards

me Do I try to get round him or shall Ishoot?'

'Go round him,' calls out one voice

'Shoot!' shout a few of the kids gathered

nil up against the favourites.'

!t's gripping storytelling and not a singlechild has moved !t also happens that

every word is true, with the exceptionof

21 the bit about his mum! The speaker is aformer football player, Barry Morgan,

who now works as a communityrelations officer in a large city insouthern England

Part of Barry's job involves visitingclubs, schools and libraries along with aprofessional storyteller, Rick Taylor, in

order to try and reach the kidswhomainly sit at the back of classrooms and

don't wantto take part in lessans.They

want to both excite the children'simaginations and encourage them toread, and so far they are delighted with

the successof the project

The original ideafor the project was

Rick Taylor's Over the years he hadcollected a huge number of folk talesand stories and had earned his ]ivingtravelling around the world tell ing them

After a one-off event with BarryMorgan, which was a tremendous

success, Taylor decided thatthey should

'!t was particu]arly good for the kidstohavestrong male role modeIs involved

Many boys grow up wanting to beprofessional footballers and they'lllisten

to whatwehave to say far more readijy

than they would listen to their teachers

!t's not just the boyswho get a lot out ofit; even though a lot of the stories arefootball based, the girls never get bored,'says Taylor

But there areother groupsfor whomthe

On one occasion, for example, BarryMorgan took some young professionalfootballers with him to one of thestorytelling sessions The playersexplained to the kids how relaxing with

a book before a big game could improvetheir performance 'Footballers have afairly short career,' says Morgan, 'and

the leisure industry, running a business

or public speaking For all these careersyou need good communication skills andtelling stories to a bunch of school kids isgreat practice for the future When Ifirst started playing football I had almost

no self-confidence but nowadays I'mquite happy standing up in front of 500children.'


Where is the speaker at the beginning of the article?

A running on a football pitch

B playing football wit h some children

e reliving an earlier football match

D sitting in a football stadium

8 What does 'the bit about his mum' (line 21) add to what the speaker says?

A It's intended to praise his mother

B It's intended to make his listeners laugh

e It's important to involve your mother

D l1's unusual for a woman to referee a match


What do we learn about the children involved in the storytelling project?

A They love reading stories in the classroom

B They enjoy being part of a club

e They are not interested in being at school

D They dislike having to go to libraries

10 What does Taylor mean by 'do more' (Iine 44)?

A He wanted the opportunity to earn more money

B He needed more stories from other parts of the world

e He felt the stories they told could be more successful

D He thought they could organise much more storytelling

11 What is the attraction of this form of story tell ing for many boys?

A They admire the people telling the stories

B They enjoy listening to some good teachers

e They hope to become storytellers themselves

D They like the fact that girls are not included

12 What did the young footballers recommend about reading?

A It can make you play better

B It helps you to feel relaxed

e It makes you more confident

D It makes you a better storyteller

13 What does the writer suggest about footballers in general?

A They are not particularly well educated

B They adapt well to other professions

e They have trouble communicating wit h people

D They have to be prepared to look for other jobs

14 How has Morgan benefited from storytelling?

A He could take up another career

B He has become more sure of himself

e He became a good businessman

D He enjoyed meeting new people

Trang 25

;'P,;JA'§1l~~~~t;'3~J~~!.1;:'i~You are going to read a newspaper article about a writer's experience of winter in Siberia.

Eight sentences have been removed from the article Choose from the sentences A-I theone that fits each gap (15-21) There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use

There is an example at the beginning (O).

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

A few years ago I decided I needed some peaee and quiet to write a book On the grounds that

nothing from the real world could possibly disturb me out there, I arranged to swap my London fiat

make your eyes water and freeze the teardrops on your face

I wasn't going to Siberiato get a tan But writing a book in a cosyfiat when it was cold outside was one

Anyway, off I drove to find my apartment in a block which I knew would be warm and well-heated by a

communal central heating system I must confess that when I got there I was not prepared for the fact that I

had to break the ice off the door before I could open itl171 II discovered later that these

radiators continued to push out heat for seven or eight months of the year

Enormous sheets of iee hung from the trees, walls and balconies and the pavements looked like marble,

millions of years old

Siberian children, I was pleased to see, got their kicks from sliding on iee and attacking each other wit h

snowballs ~- I

A fortnight after my arrival, we were informed on the news that temperatures were going to drop even

further 120 I I' Are you ready for it?' Now when Iwent to market I found women with their faces

wrapped to the eyeballs, standing behind piles of fish, frozen solid lee eream was sold in unpackaged, naked

lumps and for a few days we went around with hats and collars covered in frost

In these bitterest days, heard no word in the tram stations or the bus stops, just the sound of crunching snow

and silenee We all knew that there was no shortage of energy and if our flats were warm and we could

make ourselves eups of tea there was nothing to worry aboutl21j lin the local theatre, I heard

that a group of dancers had to praetise their movements while wearing huge boots Buses drove around in

pairs in case one of them broke down, and sehools had to close

Walking ho me through the town centre one night wit h the temperature at -38'C, I came across people who

had built fjres from eardboard boxes, still trying to sell their goods and hoping people would stop to look at

what was on sale That same evening I wandered out to admire the glittering snow under brilliant stars

I eventually finished my book as the temperatures reached zero, the pavement snow turned grey and another

Siberian winter appeared to be almost over

r !

p.' Some people did worry, however

,B/ Out in the streets I found a certain pleasure in the extreme cold

C In fact it was so far from anywhere else that most people didn't even knowwhether it eounted as being in Europe or Asia

D Moreover, on arriving and leaving the aeroplane, the immediate effect of themoisture freezing on my eyelashes was extremely unpleasant

E The ice on my windows has fina/ly melted

,// But onee inside the fiat I found there were radiators heating every roomtwenty-four hours a day

hours sliding down the chute with their feet in the air

.1'Have you heard?' people kept asking me, in excitement

Tip Strip

SentencePc Thissuggests that it willcontradiet something which has just been stated in the tex!

Sentence B: Could this sentence Occur at the beginning ol a paragraph?

Sentence G: There is a parallei structure in the text which is another kind ol due

Trang 26

Questions 22-35, choose fram the people A-E The people may be chosen more thanonce When more than one answer is requlred, these may be given in any order There is

an example at the beginnlng (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

Which of the people uses a computer


~ [:ECJ




to hel p keep appointments with colleagues?

to find out about business competitors?

for plannlng raugh copies of their work?

to create better pictures?

while on a journey'

to catch up on new things in their specialist areas?

because other people rely on you to have one?

to reduce feelings of loneliness?

even though It does not fee! very individual?

because it cuts down on costs?

even though It is not the latest model?

to advertise what they do?

because they've depended on one for so long?

Tip StripQuestion 25: Who mightneed to indude pictures inwhatthey do?

Question 29:Look for a similar way of saying that you can't work without a computer

Question 32:What other expression do you know for 'cuts down on costs'?

I'm a surgeon and I work in a large teaching hospital

Although I have a PC at ho me, I also have alittlepocket PC, a POA - personal digltal assistant I carry myPOA araund with me all day as it's smali enough to fitinto my coat pac ket I use it like a diary and it has analarm which I can set to remind me about meetingswith other doctors in the team I wouldn't be nearly asorganised without It; having ali the necessaryinformation in one place and not on scraps of paper isinvaluable There are lots of things avallable over theinternet which are great for doctors There's always alot of reading to be done, and it's often cheaper todownload journals online than buy the printed copy

lt also use the internet to find out about the latestdiscoveries in drugs and developments in medicalresearch

I'm my own boss and I run my business fram home

I bought a computer when I set up the company acouple of years ago, and I know that I couldn't operatewithout one In any case everyone expects you to have

a computer these days The first thing I do in themornlng is check my e-mail I get about 40 e-mails aday; using e-mail is often much more convenient forcommunicating with my customers It means you canchoose when to reply, unlike the telephone, which

interrupts whatever you happen to be doing when itrings My computer helps me manage my time better,but it is not as personal as a phone calI I also use theinternet for finding out what other companies likemine are offering Once upon a time I would haveasked for a company's brachure or information pack,but nowadays most companies advertise on their ownwebsites

D ,',Suzy">,,,>,

I am 12 years old and in my flrst year at secondaryschool My parents have recently bought a newcomputer, so they let me have their old one, which isstill very good lt has made a big difference to theway I do things, particularly my school work It is aquick and easy way to do my homework Instead ofhaving to draw plctures I can get them from the artwark package on the computer and just add them towhatever it is I need to illustrate It also saves mess -

no rubbing out and no cuttlng things up Mycomputer also has an internet connectlon which glves

me access to ali sorts of information I can also usethe encyclopaedia and dictionary that are on thecomputer Lastly, my computer has lots of gameswhich I can play after I have dane my homework

E '".',fergUS<C ',L."\ ",

I love computers I owned one of the early laptopsand today I have bot h a PC and a laptop My life as afreelance musician would be a real struggle without

my computers I have to run myself like a smalibusiness, and I simply wouldn't be able to do thatwithout a computer You have to keep in touch withmusic agents, concert pramoters and conductors, andthere are lots of letters to write I use my computer tosend out information about myself each week bye-mail I can even send a picture of myself that waytoo It saves a lot of money on stationery, stamps and

so on I also keep ali my accounts up-to-date on It anduse the internet to research new musie The otherthing I love about having a computer is that being aprafessional musician can be a solitary business,because you spend a lot of time on your own athome My e-mail Is like havlng a friend in the fiat

Trang 27

PAPER 2 Writing (1 haur 30 minutes)

You and a friend would like to work for a year on a volunteer programme Yourfriend has written to you and sent you the advertisement below Readthe letterand the advertisement, together with his/hernotes Write a letter to the WorldSupport Programmeasking for the information which your friend suggestsandadding any relevant questions of your own

This programme sounds just what we want I've added samecomments but I shall be away next week, sa perhaps you couldwrite for more information and ask about anything else you think

,.,.'~ k ith loca\communities ! Where?



on twa ar three ways inwhich you spend yourfreetime.Yourwritingshould communicate afeeling of enthusiasm forwhat you do sa that thereader is interested inwhat you say

Question 3:.Planyour story beforeyou start writing Has itgot a beginning, a middleand an end?

.Think about verbsequences,e.g PastsimpielPast perfect

.Tryto make your story asinteresting as possible

.Rememberthat storiesdon't havegreetings orheadings


.Organiseyour ideas into

a clear report: either rely

on paragraphing ar usesubheadings (or both)

.Briefly introduce theprogramme, indude itstitie and say what it isabout

.Mention a few thingsabout the programmethat support yourrecommendation fromthe foreign leamer'spoint of view

Question s(a):

.Say why you haveenjoyed reading thebook- What wasespecially enjoyable?Thestoryline, the characters,the language level, thefact that you couldidentify wit h the themeetc?

.Usean informal style

Question.Describean event whichs(b):

you think will give afiavour of what the book

is about without givingaway the plot Explainwhy what you havechosen is a suitable'advertisement' for thebook Organiseyourwriting into clearparagraphs

.Usea formai style

2 Your local newspaper is going to include a weekly article in English on 'The Best Ways

to Spend Free Time' You have been asked to write the first article on what you do inyour free time

Write your article

3 You are going to enter a short story competition The competition rules say that thestory must begin wit h these words:

I promised to keep the secret, whatever happened.

Write your story

4 Your teacher wants to recommend a television programme for students who are

learning your language Write a report on a television programme which you knowwell, saying why you think it would be helpful and interesting for foreign learners

Write your report

5 Answer one of the following two questions based on your reading of one of the setbooks

Either (a) A friend has asked you to recommend a book in English which she

would enjoy reading Write to your friend recommending the bookyou have read, saying what you find especially enjoyable about it

Write yourletter Do not include any addresses

Or (b) You have been asked to choose an event from the book you have

read in order to advertise the book in a class library exhibition.Write a report on which event you think would be the most suitableand why

Trang 28




many theories; whieh

word is right in this gap?

Question5: Ali these

words ean preeede 'on'

but only one makes

sense in this sentenee

Question9: Look at the

word 'it' to help you

deeide on the eorreet




Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes)

eaeh space There is an example at the beginning (O)



Question 25: Thesepeople were involved in aslUdy What is themissing noun?

Question 30: Read thisfinal paragraph earelully

- it explains how smellean be used to makepeople buy things

space Useonly one word in each space.There is an example at the beginning (O).Write your answers on the separate answer sheet



Nevertheless,a senseof smell can even influence your relationships(22)

also influence what people think of you

obviouslybeusefulin (30) allsorts of things from clothing tocars.

Trang 29

Question 34: What rule

governs the use ol 'i!'s

worth '7

Question 39: 'ought' is a

modal verb - can it be

made into a past tense?

The gap can be filled by the words 'is too smali' so you write:

Example: O

Writeonly the missing words on the separate answer sheet.

31 The company director was respected by ali his employees


32 Judith was the only member of the family who had never married


33 Most people find Finnish is not an easy language to learn


34 There is no point in asking Denise to the party as she's so busy


35 As I had plenty of time belo re my Ilight, I was able to do some shopping

37 My brother never listens to what I say


38 This milk is sour, so throw it away


39 You were supposed to do your homework belore today's lesson


40 A friend is decorating my bedroom next week

Ilnes are correct, and some have a word which should not be there

II a Ilne Is correct, put a tick (v) by the number on the separate answer sheet II a linehas a word which should not be there, wrlte the word on the separate answer sheet.There are examples at the beginnlng (O and 00)

O 00 41 42







I am writing in response to an article whlch you printed

In your magazlne last week and which was crlticlsed youngpeople like me The artlcle said that teenagers are rude andnoisy and not interested in other people I think that comment

is very unlalr and whlle then It may apply to some young people,

It is certainly not true ol me and my frlends For one exarnple,

every Saturday morning we must work in our local community

by vlsiting elderly people In their own homes Sometlmes do they

want help wlth thelr shopplng, other tlmes they ask to us

to do some work In thelr garden We give up two to three hours

ol our tlme and we don't get paid I also know by other Iriends at

school who help out In the local hospital once a week slmply at

talking to patients who may not have any vlsltors, and even generally

just making themselves Ilke uselul In all sorts of ways II we are nolsy

It's usually because we're enjoylng ourselves, and if we ever appear

rude, I can assure you It's probably because we're havlng chattingand laughing together, because you're only young that once!


Trang 30

,P;t1A~jJl'j;r(~i~;~,~!i!&~j~ For Questions 56- 65, readthe text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of

each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line, There is an example at thebeginning (O)

Write your answers on the separate answer sheet


Recent research has led many (O) ,s,c.i.el1t.i,s,t,s,to believe that the

(56), """" H to recognisewhether or not someone is tellingthe

science than a magical (58), "'" , sense,

The human body and brain subconsciously pick up signals 50 smali that

ofvoice,Uponthe (63) "H"" that the person has been Iying,

the brain has a 'told you 50' sensation, Scientists argue that peopleshould trust their own (64) ' ; their instinctive reactions






Question 58: Youmay recognise what is neededhereif you knowthe fixedexpression!

Question 59: Is a noun, a verb or an adverb needed here?

Question 65: Read this last sentence carefully; is the missing word going to be positive ornegative in this eontext?

Question 7: What doesthe man say to describehis feelings as he satthrough the lecture?

Listening (approximately40 minutes)

answer, A, B or C

You overhear a man arranging an interview

Who is he talking to?

B a customer

2 You hear a glrl talking about a sports injury,

How did she injure herself?

A She feli over

B She hit a rosI

C She hurt her arm,

12 1

What is she told to do7

A take her phone back to the shop

B charge the battery for longer

What do they decide to do?

B meet at the weekend

5 You hear a recorded message about hospital visiting times,What advice is being given?

A Visitors can get a meal if they wanl

B Visitors should avoid coming by car

What does she dislike most about her career?

A the loneliness

B the hours of practice

C the travelling

L 161

How did he feel during the lecture?

B cross

Who is she complaining about?

B her sister

Trang 31

l:»'o1lll;en~ -


Question 9: Remember

you can answerthis

question using a number

ar you can write the

number in words

Question 13: Are you

listening for a noun ar a

verb to fili this gap? How

do you know which one is


Questfon 17: Listen

carefully for the word

which is used to describe

all kinds of things - don't

Any company can use the Club's facilitles to hold a

throughout the year

Speaker 1: She ciearlydoesn't approve of fitnessfreaks, 50 what does shelike?

Speaker 2: What is thespeaker referring to whenshe talks about 'eariyexplorers' and 'battles'?

Speaker 3: 'There'ssomething organlsed ifyou want it And I join

In everything ' Whereare these thingsorganised? At the portswhere they stop arsomewhere else?

- Tip Strip

Question 24: Zoe reallybelieved her dream wouldcome true 15herexpectation true ar false?

Question 27: What doZoe's words 'Oh no' leadyou to expect? Somethingpositive ar negative?

Questfon 30: What otherwords does Zoe use whenshe talks about 'life'?

You will hear five different people talking about what they enjoy about golng on a eruiseship holiday For Questlons 19-23, choose from the list A-F what each speaker says Usethe letters only once There is one extra letter which you do not need to use

B It awakens my sense of history

C I appreciate the varled scenery

D It gives me the excuse not to do anything physical

E I like the entertainment on board.

F It gives me a chance to explore.

You will hear a radio talk given by a TV actress called Zoe Fisher For each of the Questlons24-30, decide which of the statements are True and which are False.Write T forTrue

or F for False in the boxes provided

24 Zoe did not expect to be a teacher after leaving school at slxteen.

25 Zoe did not continue her studies at college.

26 Zoe believes she Is a bom teacher

27 Zoe misunderstood the taxi drlver's remark

28 Zoe settled down the moment she arrived in Britain

29 Zoe wants her book to attract readers of different natlonalities

30 Zoe thinks life turns out as we intend it to

Trang 32

PAPER 5 Speaking (14 minutes)

fi;~'fu1lt;;r;it1~i~!~~1~j$v1!( (3 minutes)

Answer these questions:

Can you tell me something about your family7What's the most interesting thing you have ever dane with your family?

Can you briefly describe your family to me?

Who are the most important people in your life after your family?

Tum to pictures 1 and 2 on page 157 which show people sitting by themselves

Candidate A, compare and contrast these photographs and say why you think the peopleenjoy being alone You have a minute to do this

Candidate B, do you like doing things by yourself?

IBeing creative (compare, contrast and speculate)

Tum to pictures 1 and 2 on page 158 which show people doing things with their hands

Candidate B, compare and contrast these photographs and say why you think peopleenjoy doing things like this You have a minute to do this

Candidate A, do you like making things or drawing?

~J;~~i1'!lj1l":.1~r,~.i~l~n~(3 minutes)

Tum to the pictures on page 159 which show different clubs What do these differentclubs offer, and which of theseclubswould you be interested in Joining and why?

~~i1;\.)!~~ifiji'2!t~j~1ii~i~~ (4 minutes)

Answer these questions:

Why do same people dislike belonging to clubs ar societies?

Do you ar your friends belon g to any clubs? Which ones7 Why did you decide to join7Are there anydisadvantages in belonging to a club?

Do you think clubs are more useful when people get older?



Reading (1 hour 15 minutes)

You are going to read a magazine article about a woman who works for the film industry.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-I for each part 1-7 of the article.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use There is an example at thebeginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

A Initial career move

B The purposeof anaudition

D Determination isessential

E Looking good on thescreen

G/ Chance of stardom in/ future

H Tuming down

. promising actors

I The pressuresin holdingauditions


FionaBartlettis a talentscoutfor a filmcompany.

It is herjob to find therightfacesfor theright film.

Shehasspentthelastmonthselectingthe final(ast for a newsoapoperafor teenagers.

I studied TheatTe ATts at univeTsity and had intended to end

up working as a stage manager in a theatre However, duringone summer holiday I did some voluntary work with achildren's theatre group aud I met a uumber of casting agents

-people whose job it is to look for children to take part inany new production They do this by holding auditions -which are rather like interviews-where they can assess achild's acting ability

It was fascinating sitting in on tbe auditions Children whom Ithought were brilliant, who could sing and dance and had suchconfidence were not always the ones who got the parts Thecasting agents would explain that one of the things they werelooking for was how photogenic the child would appear infront of the camera, sa each audition is videoed and watched

on a monitor at the same time as the child is performing live

I2 IThree people usually sat in on each audition and the directormade the final decision The schedule was always very tight

and auditions were held in a different place each day fOTa

period of up to twa weeks at a time Sa they were constantly

on the move and migh! audition up to a hundred younghopefuls in one day I spent twa days accompanying children

to these auditions, and it was that experience that attracted

a easting agent and I applied fOTand got the job.

I was prepared for the hard work and the tTavel but one thingthat I was eompletely unprepared for was the emotional stTain ofthe job You anive at the hall where the auditions are being held

to be greeted by hundTeds of young people all desperate to bechosen And sometimes, however good they aTe, they aTe simplynot right for the part, sa you end up disappointing the vastmajority of these kids

1 51Obviously they've all worked and rehearsed enormously hard toget as faT as the first audition Most of them are accompanied bytheiT teachers ar a parent, they may have tTavelled miles to reachthe place 00 time and spent money on fares aod new dothes and

sa on And they've got probably no more than five minutes toshow us what they ean do Same of them are sa nervous they justfreeze, others are over-confident and burst into tears when youhave to tell them they are not what you're lookiog for

In an ideal world you'd like to be able to offer everyone a job.But lt is a very competitive worJd and if you ean't survive theseknocks early 00 when you're still a teenager, the chances aTeyou've picked the wrong profession But if you believe in yourselfand you ean cope with these setbacks, it is worth auditioning overand over again Sometimes people wait years before they getthrough an auditioo and theTe are no guarantees that you'lIsucceed in this business

I 71

But on the positive side there's enormous job satisfaetion to begaioed from chaosing the right actors for a new produetion Iknow that all the hours I've spent this last month will have beeoworth it when the first episode of this new soap is broadcast, andperhaps same of these new young faces will go on to beeome bignames in the years ahead

Trang 33

~ You are going to read a magazine article about a businessman ForQuestions 8-14,

choose the correct answerA, B, C or D

In 1989 a young, intrepid Australian wastraveUing around Europe and foundhimself at his British hotel after cIosingtime - at 10 in the morning Whilst most

of us might take this as an opportunity tofind a eosy bed and breakfast ar at least adry bench in a railway station, MattLassIter spotted a business opportunity

Knowing that he was not alone and thatthousands of backpaeking youngsters werewandering the world with heavy bags andfat waUets, Lassiter came up with a plan

to start his own hostels that made youngvisitors feel at horne whenever theyarrived '1 realised there was not sa much

a gap in the backpaekers' market, butrather a canyon!'

A couple of years later, Lassiter formedhis own com pan y whieh he caUedRoamers His intention was to foeus oncreating hostels which would provideaccommodation for the dynamie youthtourism market 'The average baekpaeker,around 18- 21, is Iikely to be highlyeducated, often taking time off betweenschool and university and usuaUy hasquite a lot of money to spend and theseare the people Roamers sets out toattract,' says Lassiter

Today, Roamers operates in more than 20countries, has 70 hostels and provides 1.5million bed nights eaeh year Lassiter says

A typieal hostel has siwwers and toilets

on eaeh floor, a 'ehiUout' room withtelevision, food, bar and drinks facilities, alaundry room and internet aceess withfree e-mail usage Lassiter was very awarethat his young, bright cuslOmers would aU

be familiar with the internet and that itwould play an important part inmarketing his company

Part of Lassiter's suceess is knowing thatbaekpaekers want to feelJike explorers

'We have to be very careful how wemarket our prodJlets - it must be theirdeeision and not seen as a packagehoJiday - we make them think they areindependent.' The Roamers technique is

to offer pre-booked twa ar four-day tours,

a couple of nights recovering from jet-Iag,

a wekorne pack, clean sheets - nosleeping bags - and a free caUhome TheformuJa is certainly working, which justgoes to show that Lassiter's instincts areexactJy right for this growing holidaymarket


Question8: Lookcarelully

at how the inlormation,whilenot stated as such,

is clearly implied

Question11:Lookback to

the previous sentence

Pay carefui attention tothe word 'like'

Question 13: Look at thelourth paragraph ol thetext What does 'Lassiterwas very aware' suggest?

8 How didMatt Lassiterreact to the British hostel ciosing in the morning?

A He looked for alternative accommodation

B He decided to continue his journey

C lt put him oft travelling in Europe

D It gave him an idea for the future

A to be lessspoilt financially by their parents

B to be more aware of looking after their money

C to accept that accommodation can vary

D to find more welcoming accommodation

10 Roamershostels are designed for young people who

A are studying part-time

B have freedom and leisure

C are living on a smali budget

D have an interest in marketing

11 What does 'that' in line 35 refer to?

A the hostels' caring attitudes

B hostels run by relatives

C the hostels' generousfacilities

D hostels availableworldwide

12 Why are parents in favour of Roamers?

A They can pay extra for secure arrangements

B They approve of the entertainment on ofter

C They don't worry about their children's safety

D They like the fact that their children have fun

13 Lassiter's use of the internet

A saves him time and money

B shows good business sense

C attracts business partners

D helps him market computers

A he has researched his market

B he operates a very fair formula

C travellers can depend on his advice

D exp!orers benefit from his hostels

Trang 34

- You are going to read an article about a woman pilot Eight sentenceshave been removed

fram the article Choose fram the sentences A-I the one which fits each gap (15-21)

There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use There is an example at thebeginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

in central England in May, five months later

journey without incident for Polly, who only learned to fly at the age of forty-nine

One of the trip's most frightening moments came, vvorryingly, on the same raute where Amelia Earhart, the

In fact, she allowed herself to be photographed as she stood beside a Banyan tree, which Amelia Earhart had

planted in 1935, before setting olf for the 16-hour section of her flight fram Hawaii to California

get very bumpy Checking the outside air temperature Polly discovered it was zera degrees To her horror she

found streams of ice-cold rain running back along the wings and starting to freeze.1191

Though Polly immediately dropped her height to prevent the weight of ice pulling her piane into the ocean,

there was more drama when the cabin suddenly went quiet 120 I I As a result the main tank had

run dry an hour early, but fortunately the emergency tank went into action and she was able to land safely

The lonely hours spent flying we re a great contrast to the warm welcome she received wherever she landed

121 1 I The publicity she attracted also raised money for a cha rit y which provides flying scholarships

for disabled people


A Polly's 46,000km record-breaking journey began in January

e/ This is the most dangeraus kind of ice as it is difficult to see it forming

her anxiety

E Up there in the sky you are completely free.

F The delay was the result of uncooperative weather

Ji There was tremendous media interest and on one occasion she gave up to seveninterviews in a single day

H The moon and the stars appeared and she even had time to do some sewing

/' In2001 she flew to the ends of the Earth and into the record books by becomingthe first woman to fly the smallest aircraft araund the world via Australia and thePacific

Tip Strip

Sentence B: 'This'is likeiy to refer to something just mentioned

Sentence D:Where is fuei sto red on a smali piane?

Sentence F:What words in the text are iinked to the idea of 'delay'?

Trang 35


Question 24: Look for a

similar way of expressing

theidea of inciuding


Question 28: Where

might you expect to buy

things other than in a


Question 33: What is the

word for someone who

doesn't eat meat'


You are going to read about four countries that offer wark experience opportunities foryoung people For Questions 22-35, choose from the countries (A-D) The countries may

be chosen more than ance When more than one answer is required, these may be given

in any order There is an example at the beginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet

Which of the countries

makes special mention of its city-based projects? ~


@CJ [EL]


~ [EC]



~ rIiCJ





offers different types of schools?

has a European feel to it?

will accept you directly into the community?

can rely on parental support for its education programme?

would you choose if you want to wark withpre-school-age children?

offers a variety of sporting activities?

is recommended for its shopping?

is benefiting from its own people's experience abroad?

might require you to learn a locallanguage7

gives you a choice of accommodation?

would appeal to someone who doesn't eat meat?

suggests that it offers unique opportunities?

offers a stimulating classroom atmosphere?

Magical India is a land of many contrasts !t is impossible

to generalise about this subcontinent and everyone has adifferent expeTience and different opinions To live inIndia is to be part of a way of life totally unlike anythingelse

People who volunteer to work in India spend up to sixmonths at a time in the south of India !t's an area with aspecial feel to it-the villages and farms feed localpeople well, while the tempIes, sometimes bujlt on greatrocks overlooking the plain, satisfy people's spiritualneeds

South Indian community life is veTY close; if you worktheTe you will be treated as an addition to any school OT

family that you join The food is famous for its vaTiety ofspices, vegetables and fruit and many people aTevegetaTians

You will find yourse'f helping with both prim ary andsecondary schoolchildTen Same schools also havechildren as young as nurseTY age, and you may well havethe chance to work with them as well

TTavellingin India offers great opportunities The Tainyseasons in June and July and October keep the climatecooleT,and do not interfeTe with daily life

Ghana is a colourful country of thick tropleal forests, wildsavannah or bush and great beaches !t is home to one ofAfrica's fTiendliest and most welcoming people The

Ashanti built theiT kingdom on Ghana's gold- their

country used to be called the Gold Coasl ModernGhanaian culture is open and varied

In re cent yeaTsGhana has attTacted new mancy, andmany Ghanaians have returned home from wOTkingorstudying abroad bTinging new investments and ideas withthem

In Ghana people attach great importance to social andcommunity events and many people are deeply Teligious

The officiallanguage is English but the main spokenlanguages aTeEwe, Twi and Ga

Children and theiTpaTents see education as a way tobetteT jobs and good lives and children work hard atschool ]f you are wOTkingwith young children in aprimary school, you will find that teaching 'ively songsand rhymes is very popular

Travelling around is cheap Local minibuses, buses andtrains opeTate throughout most of the country andwheTever you go you will be given a warm welcome

!(;' NEPALjy;;"; ,, ",;",'

]f you choose to wark in Nepal, you will find a

well-established programme fOTvolunteers, particularly in

the capital Kathmandu

You will be offered opportunities in schools both in andaronnd the city, ranging from well-equipped

independent and state schools to much smaller ones set

up to hclp children who, without an education, wouldhave no future

Volunteers spend up to six months at a time workingwith children from the ages of five to seventeen Youhave a choice of working in busy Kathmandu, one of thevillages in Kathmandu Valley or in the peaceful town ofPokara at the base of the great Annapuma mountainrange by the shores of the beautiful Phewa Lake.Accommodation is either with host families ar localhostels

The surrounding countryside is excellent for walking andclimbing, boating on the lake, and white-water rafting inthe mountain rivers


Togo in West Africa is situated between Ghana andBenin The capitaj city, Lome, is on the coast close tothe Ghanaian border

Togo's officiallanguage is French and although Togohas been independent since 1960 the French influence isstiU evident, from the architecture to the food

Lome is said to have the best market in West Africa andthe Togolese are warm and hospitable people.Accommodation is cheap; you can choose to stay with ahost family ar you may prefer to find your own room orapartmenl

The south of the country is flat with lagoons along thelength of the coast, but as you trave! north the landbecomes hilly and rich with coffee pJantations

We can offer you work opportunities in secondaryschools where the classes Tange in age from 11-20

Trang 36

PAPER 2 Writing (1 hour 30 minutes)

PJ~ct"1l;Ll~~~L;11;t,:i,$;ti,'t:'l,~t You must answer this question,

You are in charge ol the arrangements lor your Iriend's birthday party, Your Iriendhas given you a list ol requests to which you have added your own notes Write aletter to the restaurant manager asking lor inlormation and giving relevant details

Can you check on these things when you write, please?


must havemusie - bring our own - e"l",ip e~F

maximum numberof people - will "!epe~"! ,,~ size

costs "!.i~'"

Write a letter ol between 120 and 180 word s in an apprapriate style Do not write any

something about thelevel ol your spokenEnglish

ol what a typieal day inyour life is like for aperson in your country

Question 4:

oOrganise your ideasinto a ciear report:

either rely onparagraphing or usesubheadings (or both)

oSay where you took thevisitors and what youshowed them Mentionthe visitors' reactions tosome of the things theysawo

Question s(a):

oChoose two characterswho you know weU

oSay why you would

want to meet both ofthem, but avoidrepeating thesamereasons for eachcharacter

oUse a lormai style

Question S(b):

oBriefly describe thebook (e.g plot, setting,characters etc.) Explainwhy you think it isworth reading(e.g what did you finduninteresting /

enjoyable f exciting I

amusing about it?)

Did you think it wasweli written?

o Use a lormai style


words in an appropriate style

2 You are interested in applying lor the holiday job described in the advertisementbelow

A large department store needs English-speaking assistants towork in the store during the summer The store is very popularwith tourists

y ou should have a good level of spoken English If you areinterested, please write explaining why you think you are asuitab1e person for the job

Write your letter ol application Do not include any addresses

3 An English-Ianguage magazine is publishing articles Irom young writers araund theworld The title lor each article is:

My Typical Kind of Day

You decide to send in an article based on the country where you live

Write your article

4 You recently spent a day showing loreign visitors araund your town. Your teacher has

asked you to write a report ol the day lor the Learning English page ol your school


Write your report

5 Answer one ol the lollowing two questlons based on your reading ol one ol the setbooks

who would you choose, and why?

Write your composition

Or (b) A magazine called Bookworm wants readers to send in articles on

books in English which they think are worth reading Write an articlelor the magazine saying why you think the book you have read isworth reading

Trang 37

stood on piles of earth

until a more professional

arrangement; which word

has the best meaning?


Use of English (1 hour 15 minutes)

each space There is an example at the beginning (O)

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet



Football became the game we know today during the (O) of Queen Victoria in thenineteenth century 50 many different (1) of the game were being played in Britaln atthat time, that in 1863 the Football Association was (2) in order to draw up and agreethe (3) of the game

Throughout the country new football (4) were bullt and the development of therailways (5) that football teams and their (6) could travel to the matches In 1888the Football League was (7) up with twelve clubs, and football became a nationalsport, (8) to rugby by many people as the more popular game of the (9)

Sometimes people played the game In just a field In one town, Burnley, in the north ofEngland, the field had a rlver (10) along the side of it in which players (11) bathsafter matches People stood on banks (12) from earth and it was not until the early1900s that (13) stands were built The players would have had two wooden (14) for the goals with tapes across the top instead of a cross bar, and nets were not (15) unti11891

For Questions 16-30, read the text belowand thlnk of the word which best fits eachspace Use only one word in each space There is an example at the beginning (O).Write your answers on the separate answer sheet



Acouple of generations ago, a bilingual child - in other words a child who spoke more thanone language - was regarded(O) w.ij:;h suspicion People thought that such

feel confused and even (18) up with asplit personality

Today, however, researchshows the advantages of a bilingual upbringing, including anawareness (19) otherculturesand an increasedability(20)

language learning

Tests (21) out in Canada presentedsmali childrenwith twoapartment blocksmade(22) of bulldingbricks;thelarger apartment contained fewer brieks

(24) """"" bilingualchildrencorrectly sawthatthe(25) onehad

information(26) dealing with problems,in muchthe (27)

as they 'edlt out' one language when usingthe (28)

Trang 38


Question 32: What

hap pens to the form of

theverbafter 'let'?

Question 36: What is the

third conditional paltem?

The gap can be filled by the words 'is too smali' so you write:

Example: O

Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet

31 The shop assistant told me to keep my receipt for my new shoes


assistant said

your receipt for your new shoes: the shop

32 Alex speaks fluent French although he has never been to France


33 You do not need to reserve a seat on regional trains /necessary

34 'Shall we go to the cafe?' said Flora


35 Richard's parents did not allow him to drive their car


36 1didn't have Rob's phone number because I had lost my mobile


37 Someone will meet you at the station


38 Philip started to laugh when he heard the joke


39 Lucydoesn't like people to phone her late at night


40 Iprefer staying in bed to getting up early at the weekend

wrong word double thesuperlative?

Une 49: 'power' and'strength' are abstractnouns; how does thathelp you decide whichword is wrong?

Line 54: What fixedexpression is used in thisline?

Questions 41-55, read the text belowand look carefully at each line Some of the

lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there

If a line is correct, put a tick (v) by the number on the separate answer sheet If a linehas a word which should not be there, write the word on the separate answer sheet.There are two examples at the beginning (O and 00)



people lot of the basic values that remain unchanged over thecenturies In Estonia, in this northern Europe, people say that

if you have planted at least one tree during your life, your life

has not been for wasted Trees have always played a veryimportant part in Estonian culture and the most oldest tree

in the country is an oak tree which is grown eight metres thick

Many centuries ago, Estonians believed in that some trees wereholy and these trees we re worshipped by people who sacrificed

their crops and cattle In many other countries throughout theworld oaktrees are symbols of power and the strength

The wood is used much in the building and furniture industriesand even the fruit of the tree, the acorn, is well useful Acornsare fed to pigs and in the past when conditions were hardsome people turned dried acorns into kind flour to make bread

In a fact, the story goes that the poorest people in one countrywere saved trom starvation and death by eating acorn bread

Trang 39

- TipStrip

need a singular ar plurai

word here?

Question 61: This wo rd

needs a short suffix

Question 63: Watch your




For Questions 56-65, readthe text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of

each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line There is an example at thebeg in nin g (O)

Question1: If a person is'after something' in thiseontext, what does itmean? Look at theprompt question to helpyou

Question4: Look at thelist of jobs What kind ofvocabulary do youassociate with thesejobs?

Question 7: How do weoften express a desire forsomething we miss? Youwill hear the woman usethis structure


Listening (approximately 40 minutes) You'llhear people talking in eight different situations For Questions 1-8, choose the bestanswer, A, a or C

Youoverhear a woman talking in a library

What does she want?

A a railway timetable

B a book about trains

C a video film on trains

2 Youhear two people making arrangements for a party.

What are they celebrating?

of goods and take them straight home In (60) , heoffered car roof-racks, which made it even easier for people to takethelr purchases with them

Kamprad dislikes the (62) that his stores create the samekinds of homes all over the worl.d His (63) is that thereare millions of different ways that people can use his

(64) , and each nationality puts items together indifferent (65) to suit their own living styles





You hear a man talking about making an appointment to see his doctor.

What was the problem?

A The doctor couldn't see him for a week

a His usual doctor was away on holiday

C He was told to go to the local hospital

4 You hear a part of a radio play in which a woman is describing her job.

What does she do?

A She's a writer

a She's a dancer

C She's a lawyer

5Youhear a school tutor talking to a student about his report

What is her advice?

A He should study medicine

B He should take a year off

C He should visit a university

6 Youhear a man talking about open ing a new restaurant.

What is he hoping will happen?

A He will be able to expand later on

a He will find a new business partner

C He will attract customers from abroad

7 Youhear part of a radio programme in which an old woman is talking

about her past life What does she miss most?

A her ability to travel

a her large house

8 You hear part of a weather forecast on the radio.

What does the forecast wam about?

A the danger of storms

B low cloud and fog

C the risk of floods

Trang 40


Question 10: Listen

carelully - this kind ol

answer is more difficult

to predict, but think

about the kind ol word

(e.g verb ar noun) that

will fili the gap

Question14:Lookat the

word after the gap-that

should help you predict

what you're going to



this answer may be

somethlng you've never

heard ol, the words you

need to complete the

sentence are basic

words Just write down

what you hear



Same ol these speakers

mention things that they

did not like at schoo!

A:.What would you expect

to hear lram sameone

who describes where

their school is situated?

C: Speakers l, 2, 4 and 5

all mention their teachers

Does anyone say that the

teachers were excellent?

E:Thinkabout what an

'exchange holiday'

involves and this will help

you locus on the right

The students' eoncert will take place in the next I 0

mad e ol iron as an orchestral instrument

You wili hear live different people talking about what they enjoyed best about theirschooldays For Questions 19-23, choose lrom the list A-F what each speaker says Usethe letters only ance There is one extra letter which you do not need to use

A Iliked where the school was situated

B enjoyed all the academic subjects.

e I thought the teachers were excellent.

D Imade Iriends lor lile

E Iliked the exchange holidays.

I loved the long breaks

Question26:Don't be

tempted to assume thatwhat you hear e.g 'Ididn't leel nearly as tired'

is the right answerbecause It is similar toone ol the optlons!


how Hayley expressesher leelings about herexperience

You will hear part ol a radio intervlew with a woman called Hayley Jones who spent a year

in Antarctica For Questions 24-30, choose the best answer A, B ar C

24 Why did Hayley go to Antarctica?

A to joln the other scientists there

B to do researeh Into waste material

25 What did Hayley lind depressing?

A not being able to listen to the radio

B the environment being one colaur

e being without her lamily lor 50 long

27 What did Hayley lind different about Rothera?

A She could go skiing at any time ol day

B She could walk alone wlthout worrying

28 In order to keep warm, Hayley says she wore

A lots ol thick clothes

B her skiing clothes

29 Hayley thinks that in the luture Antarctica

A is unlikely to see many more tourists

B may be less expensive lor tourists

30 How does Hayley leel about her year in Antarctiea?

A She lound It a very worthwhile time

B She thlnks she learnt a great dea!

e She dldn't like living 50 lar away

Ngày đăng: 01/08/2017, 03:57

