9N I N~V'31 SAV'M1V' N OS'MV3d , 'Y!J' r ,,-Y ,,-,,"/"/ r.:r f.~ ~ 9'7 , (";'r; r ( " 9NIN~V'3"l SAV'M"lV' N.OS'MV3d " '," " , ~;; , He's making a film here Madley Kool? Really? Here? He's my favourite film star o@ Listen, find and say Listen and say W Listen and chant I get up in the morning, Have breakfast, go to school Home in the afternoon That's cool! tI Have dinner in the evening, Then we go and play I go to bed at night And get up the next day ;> ~ ~ o@ ~ Listen and say • ~ Listen and sing July, August, September, October, November or December What's your favourite? What's your favourite? What's your favourite month? January, February, March, April, May or June What's your favourite? What's your favourite? What's your favourite month? o~ Listen and say o~ Listen and point 54 53 77 100 ;81 75 ~ so 708D ! ~ :.- 66 " , ,,, : Chant (Q.; ( " ;\ Madley Kool, Madley Kool, He likes playing football He likes going to the pool Does he like skiing and watching TV? Yes, he does Just like me! Does he like cooking? Does he like cleaning? No, he doesn't And he doesn't like reading " He/ She likes playing football Does he like playing football? Yes, he does '/No, he doesn't What Jenny and Sam like? Listen, think and choose o~ Ask and answer cleaning? - o G) Listen and sing What you, you like doing? What you, you like doing? Do you like riding your bike? Yes I I like riding my bike Do you like playing the guitar? Yes I Look! Look! I/m a pop star l l Chorus Do you like playing computer games? N0 I don/t I like riding my scooter Do you like skateboarding too? Yes I like skateboarding! How about you? l l Chorus What you like doing ? Do you like playing the guitar? Yes, I do./No, I don't Look at Activity Ask and answer What you like doing? \." ' \ CQ " ) > Read and match TAis is my dog, Tim/(tY, He likes skateboarding Look! He's cooU ~ ~ Hi} I'm Anna IJ m I like S";n9in9 and playin9 the 9vitar with my friendS' q.~ I'm CAarLie I don't like watcAing TV and I don'-/: like cooking I Like skiing It's fun! Listen and answer @ Listen and say She likes skiing, skateboarding and skipping He likes swimming with swans ~ Play the game skiing? oltllU Talk about the pictures Use the words in the boxes ~ ~ ~, \, '\ -I J url • drinking smiling crying eating hungry thirsty angry funny , shouting laughing happy sad Because she's angry Do the quiz Does Madley Kool like skiing? ~ Where does Will live? 10 What hippos eat? Can elephants jump? 11 What's the weather like in 12 England in the autumn? What is a hurricane? 13 What does Sam on 14 Saturdays? 15 What time does Fifi have h~ ~,; ~" 1J~6 ballet lesson? t ht~I r - a' What does Jenny want to be? What does Naomi Johnson eat for breakfast? Where whales live? What's the weather like in a rainforest? Who is Favolina Jolly? What makes Ricky feel sad? What is Ruby scared of? Can you find coral reefs in the mountains? Listen and check your answers 'JIJljif",T"rI'f:r-:inCe"'1:l'iT:lJ.1'J.1iT:A'I,nt.r Listen and read Then answer the questions Hi! I'm Grace This is me and my family on Christmas Day We open ~ our presents in the morning, then my mum cooks a special lunch We eat turkey, potatoes, carrots and sprouts Then we have Christmas pudding Yum! We pull Christmas crackers They go 'bang' and inside there are little presents, jokes and paper hats What colour is my hat in the photo? , In the afternoon I play with my presents If it's snowy, I play snowball games with my brother or make a snowman in the garden ,.~ snowman ~ When does G race open her Christmas presents? When Grace and her family eat a special meal? What they eat? o What is Grace wearing in the photo? Has Grace got any brothers or sisters? Listen and sing My dad is hanging Christmas lights On Christmas Day, On Christmas Day My dad is hanging Christmas lights On Christmas Day in the morning My mum is cooking Christmas lunch My sister's playing snowball games nd we are singing a Christmas song !r~ ~ ~ r~ -::\ Listen and read Then answer the questions Today is Sunday and it 's Mother's Day This is breakfast in bed fo r my mum It's a treat because she makes breakfast for me and my dad every day My mum likes toast and tea for breakfast Today she 's got a rose and some presents , too My present for Mum is a box of chocolates! Which day is Mother's Day? Where is Mum having breakfast? What is Mum having for breakfast? What's in the box? Listen and sing ~ When I'm happy, when I'm sad, You're always there When I'm good, when I'm bad, You really care When I'm hungry, when I'm scared, You know what to So today's the day to say A big THANK YOU! Happy Mother's Day! Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world All other images © Pearson Education Ltd Our Discovery Island ™ Illustration Acknowledgements www.ourdiscoveryisland.com (Key: b-bottom; t-top) © Pearson Education Limited 2011 Lee Cosgrove 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 68, 69t, 70, 71; Anja Boretzki (Good Illustration) 9,17,25, 33t, 41, 49, 57, 65; Bill Greenhead (Illustration) 20-21, 52 -53; Marek Jagucki 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7, 8b, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19b,22,23, 26,27b,30,31,32b,34,38,39,42,43 b, 46,47,48b, 50,54,55, 58, 61b, 62, 63, 64b, 66, 67b; Mark Ruffle (The Organisation) 33b, 36, 37c, cut-out mini cards; Humberto Blanco (Sylvie Poggio) 59 The Our Discovery Island series is an independent educational course published by Pearson Education Limited and is not affiliated with, or authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Discovery Communications LLC or Discovery Education, Inc The rights of Anne Feunteun and Debbie Peters to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Additional material by Tessa Lochowski Stories on pages 2-3,10,18,26,34,42,50,58 and 66 by Steve Elsworth and Jim Rose The rights of Steve Elsworth and Jim Rose to be identified as authors of this work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved; 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If you need technical support, please visit http://pearsonsupport helpserve.com J ••• 111111 - ... December What's your favourite? What's your favourite? What's your favourite month? January, February, March, April, May or June What's your favourite? What's your favourite? What's your favourite month?... the zoo with your family? Are there National Parks in your country? Where are they? What's your favourite animal? Does it live in your country? -~ Write about wild animals in your country ••... Some animals sleep I go to the park and I eat a lot of fruit My favourites are strawberries and peaches What's your favourite season? - (;) ' 1~;7 0'0" d Liste~~nd say o r,t '0 o 0 ~ ~ ( ')~1